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authorLouie Dinh <>2013-06-28 16:29:46 -0700
committerLouie Dinh <>2013-06-28 16:29:46 -0700
commita87a1ea3fdf4c2b0367b2d11f412b9d37c4e49bc (patch)
parentcbb2ef1197d2acc480abcf2535cd13bfd2c81deb (diff)
parent3301f770627de64914d902798840cf8f87f4b066 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
4 files changed, 487 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/c.html.markdown b/c.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15bfa05e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+language: c
+author: Adam Bard
+Ah, C. Still the language of modern high-performance computing.
+C is the lowest-level language most programmers will ever use, but
+it more than makes up for it with raw speed. Just be aware of its manual
+memory management and C will take you as far as you need to go.
+// Single-line comments start with //
+Multi-line comments look like this.
+// Import headers with #include
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+// Declare function signatures in advance in a .h file, or at the top of
+// your .c file.
+void function_1();
+void function_2();
+// Your program's entry point is a function called
+// main with an integer return type.
+int main(){
+// print output using printf, for "print formatted"
+// %d is an integer, \n is a newline
+printf("%d\n", 0); // => Prints 0
+// All statements must end with a semicolon
+// Types
+// Variables must always be declared with a type.
+// 32-bit integer
+int x_int = 0;
+// 16-bit integer
+short x_short = 0;
+// 8-bit integer, aka 1 byte
+char x_char = 0;
+char y_char = 'y'; // Char literals are quoted with ''
+long x_long = 0; // Still 32 bytes for historical reasons
+long long x_long_long = 0; // Guaranteed to be at least 64 bytes
+// 32-bit floating-point decimal
+float x_float = 0.0;
+// 64-bit floating-point decimal
+double x_double = 0.0;
+// Integer types may be unsigned
+unsigned char ux_char;
+unsigned short ux_short;
+unsigned int ux_int;
+unsigned long long ux_long_long;
+// Arrays must be initialized with a concrete size.
+char my_char_array[20]; // This array occupies 1 * 20 = 20 bytes
+int my_int_array[20]; // This array occupies 4 * 20 = 80 bytes
+// You can initialize an array to 0 thusly:
+char my_array[20] = {0};
+// Indexing an array is like other languages -- or,
+// rather, other languages are like C
+my_array[0]; // => 0
+// Arrays are mutable; it's just memory!
+my_array[1] = 2;
+printf("%d\n", my_array[1]); // => 2
+// Strings are just lists of chars terminated by a null (0x00) byte.
+char a_string[20] = "This is a string";
+You may have noticed that a_string is only 16 chars long.
+Char #17 is a null byte, 0x00 aka \0.
+Chars #18, 19 and 20 have undefined values.
+printf("%d\n", a_string[16]);
+// Operators
+int i1 = 1, i2 = 2; // Shorthand for multiple declaration
+float f1 = 1.0, f2 = 2.0;
+// Arithmetic is straightforward
+i1 + i2; // => 3
+i2 - i1; // => 1
+i2 * i1; // => 2
+i1 / i2; // => 0 (0.5, but truncated towards 0)
+f1 / f2; // => 0.5, plus or minus epsilon
+// Modulo is there as well
+11 % 3; // => 2
+// Comparison operators are probably familiar, but
+// there is no boolean type in c. We use ints instead.
+// 0 is false, anything else is true
+3 == 2; // => 0 (false)
+3 != 2; // => 1 (true)
+3 > 2; // => 1
+3 < 2; // => 0
+2 <= 2; // => 1
+2 >= 2; // => 1
+// Logic works on ints
+!3; // => 0 (Logical not)
+!0; // => 1
+1 && 1; // => 1 (Logical and)
+0 && 1; // => 0
+0 || 1; // => 1 (Logical or)
+0 || 0; // => 0
+// Bitwise operators!
+~0x0F; // => 0xF0 (bitwise negation)
+0x0F & 0xF0; // => 0x00 (bitwise AND)
+0x0F | 0xF0; // => 0xFF (bitwise OR)
+0x04 ^ 0x0F; // => 0x0B (bitwise XOR)
+0x01 << 1; // => 0x02 (bitwise left shift (by 1))
+0x02 >> 1; // => 0x01 (bitwise right shift (by 1))
+// Control Structures
+ printf("I am never run\n");
+}else if(0){
+ printf("I am also never run\n");
+ printf("I print\n");
+// While loops exist
+int ii = 0;
+while(ii < 10){
+ printf("%d, ", ii++); // ii++ increments ii in-place, after using its value.
+} // => prints "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "
+int kk = 0;
+ printf("%d, ", kk);
+}while(++kk < 10); // ++kk increments kk in-place, before using its value
+// => prints "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "
+// For loops too
+int jj;
+for(jj=0; jj < 10; jj++){
+ printf("%d, ", jj);
+} // => prints "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "
+// Typecasting
+// Everything in C is stored somewhere in memory. You can change
+// the type of a variable to choose how to read its data
+int x_hex = 0x01; // You can assign vars with hex literals
+// Casting between types will attempt to preserve their numeric values
+printf("%d\n", x_hex); // => Prints 1
+printf("%d\n", (short) x_hex); // => Prints 1
+printf("%d\n", (char) x_hex); // => Prints 1
+// Types will overflow without warning
+printf("%d\n", (char) 257); // => 1 (Max char = 255)
+printf("%d\n", (short) 65537); // => 1 (Max short = 65535)
+// Pointers
+// You can retrieve the memory address of your variables,
+// then mess with them.
+int x = 0;
+printf("%p\n", &x); // Use & to retrieve the address of a variable
+// (%p formats a pointer)
+// => Prints some address in memory;
+int x_array[20]; // Arrays are a good way to allocate a contiguous block of memory
+int xx;
+for(xx=0; xx<20; xx++){
+ x_array[xx] = 20 - xx;
+} // Initialize x_array to 20, 19, 18,... 2, 1
+// Pointer types end with *
+int* x_ptr = x_array;
+// This works because arrays are pointers to their first element.
+// Put a * in front to de-reference a pointer and retrieve the value,
+// of the same type as the pointer, that the pointer is pointing at.
+printf("%d\n", *(x_ptr)); // => Prints 20
+printf("%d\n", x_array[0]); // => Prints 20
+// Pointers are incremented and decremented based on their type
+printf("%d\n", *(x_ptr + 1)); // => Prints 19
+printf("%d\n", x_array[1]); // => Prints 19
+// Array indexes are such a thin wrapper around pointer
+// arithmetic that the following works:
+printf("%d\n", 0[x_array]); // => Prints 20;
+printf("%d\n", 2[x_array]); // => Prints 18;
+// The above is equivalent to:
+printf("%d\n", *(0 + x_ptr));
+printf("%d\n", *(2 + x_ptr));
+// You can give a pointer a block of memory to use with malloc
+int* my_ptr = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * 20);
+for(xx=0; xx<20; xx++){
+ *(my_ptr + xx) = 20 - xx;
+} // Initialize memory to 20, 19, 18, 17... 2, 1 (as ints)
+// Dereferencing memory that you haven't allocated gives
+// unpredictable results
+printf("%d\n", *(my_ptr + 21)); // => Prints who-knows-what?
+// When you're done with a malloc'd block, you need to free it
+// Strings can be char arrays, but are usually represented as char
+// pointers:
+char* my_str = "This is my very own string";
+printf("%d\n", *my_str); // 84 (The ascii value of 'T')
+} // end main function
+// Functions
+// Function declaration syntax:
+// <return type> <function name>(<args>)
+int add_two_ints(int x1, int x2){
+ return x1 + x2; // Use return a return a value
+Pointers are passed-by-reference (duh), so functions
+can mutate their values.
+Example: in-place string reversal
+// A void function returns no value
+void str_reverse(char* str_in){
+ char tmp;
+ int ii=0, len = strlen(str_in); // Strlen is part of the c standard library
+ for(ii=0; ii<len/2; ii++){
+ tmp = str_in[ii];
+ str_in[ii] = str_in[len - ii - 1]; // ii-th char from end
+ str_in[len - ii - 1] = tmp;
+ }
+char c[] = "This is a test.";
+printf("%s\n", c); // => ".tset a si sihT"
+// User-defined types and structs
+// Typedefs can be used to create type aliases
+typedef int my_type;
+my_type my_type_var = 0;
+// Structs are just collections of data
+struct rectangle {
+ int width;
+ int height;
+void function_1(){
+ struct rectangle my_rec;
+ // Access struct members with .
+ my_rec.width = 10;
+ my_rec.height = 20;
+ // You can declare pointers to structs
+ struct rectangle* my_rec_ptr = &my_rec;
+ // Use dereferencing to set struct pointer members...
+ (*my_rec_ptr).width = 30;
+ // ... or use the -> shorthand
+ my_rec_ptr->height = 10; // Same as (*my_rec_ptr).height = 10;
+// You can apply a typedef to a struct for convenience
+typedef struct rectangle rect;
+int area(rect r){
+ return r.width * r.height;
+## Further Reading
+Best to find yourself a copy of [K&R, aka "The C Programming Language"](
+Another good resource is [Learn C the hard way](
+Other than that, Google is your friend.
diff --git a/clojure.html.markdown b/clojure.html.markdown
index 5086d2c2..24250a87 100644
--- a/clojure.html.markdown
+++ b/clojure.html.markdown
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ state as it comes up.
This combination allows it to handle concurrent processing very simply,
and often automatically.
+(You need a version of Clojure 1.2 or newer)
; Comments start with semicolons.
diff --git a/php.html.markdown b/php.html.markdown
index cddba644..753f6ab1 100644
--- a/php.html.markdown
+++ b/php.html.markdown
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ $integer = 0123; // octal number (equivalent to 83 decimal)
$integer = 0x1A; // hexadecimal number (equivalent to 26 decimal)
// Floats (aka doubles)
-$float = 1.234;
-$float = 1.2e3;
+$float = 1.234;
+$float = 1.2e3;
$float = 7E-10;
// Arithmetic
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ $sgl_quotes
END; // Nowdoc syntax is available in PHP 5.3.0
// Manipulation
-$concatenated = $sgl_quotes + $dbl_quotes;
+$concatenated = $sgl_quotes . $dbl_quotes;
### Compound
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ print('Hello World!'); // The same as echo
// echo is actually a language construct, so you can drop the parentheses.
echo 'Hello World!';
+print 'Hello World!'; // So is print
echo 100;
echo $variable;
echo function_result();
@@ -135,12 +137,12 @@ echo function_result();
-$a = 1;
-$b = 2;
-$a = $b; // A now contains the same value sa $b
-$a =& $b;
-// A now contains a reference to $b. Changing the value of
-// $a will change the value of $b also, and vice-versa.
+$x = 1;
+$y = 2;
+$x = $y; // A now contains the same value sa $y
+$x = &$y;
+// $x now contains a reference to $y. Changing the value of
+// $x will change the value of $y also, and vice-versa.
### Comparison
@@ -148,15 +150,20 @@ $a =& $b;
+// These comparisons will always be true, even if the types aren't the same.
$a == $b // TRUE if $a is equal to $b after type juggling.
-$a === $b // TRUE if $a is equal to $b, and they are of the same type.
$a != $b // TRUE if $a is not equal to $b after type juggling.
$a <> $b // TRUE if $a is not equal to $b after type juggling.
-$a !== $b // TRUE if $a is not equal to $b, or they are not of the same type.
$a < $b // TRUE if $a is strictly less than $b.
$a > $b // TRUE if $a is strictly greater than $b.
$a <= $b // TRUE if $a is less than or equal to $b.
$a >= $b // TRUE if $a is greater than or equal to $b.
+// The following will only be true if the values match and are the same type.
+$a === $b // TRUE if $a is equal to $b, and they are of the same type.
+$a !== $b // TRUE if $a is not equal to $b, or they are not of the same type.
+1 == '1' // TRUE
+1 === '1' // FALSE
## [Type Juggling](
@@ -176,7 +183,11 @@ echo $string + $string;
$string = 'one';
echo $string + $string;
// Outputs 0 because the + operator cannot cast the string 'one' to a number
+Type casting can be used to treat a variable as another type temporarily by using cast operators in parentheses.
$boolean = (boolean) $integer; // $boolean is true
$zero = 0;
@@ -222,9 +233,9 @@ if (/* test */) {
<?php if (/* test */): ?>
-<!-- Do something that isn't PHP -->
+This is displayed if the test is truthy.
<?php else: ?>
-<!-- Do something default -->
+This is displayed otherwise.
<?php endif; ?>
@@ -278,7 +289,6 @@ while ($i < 5) {
if ($i == 3) {
break; // Exit out of the while loop and continue.
echo $i++;
@@ -288,7 +298,6 @@ while ($i < 5) {
if ($i == 3) {
continue; // Skip this iteration of the loop
echo $i++;
@@ -325,8 +334,8 @@ number of letters, numbers, or underscores. There are three ways to declare func
-function my_function_name ($arg_1, $arg_2) { // $arg_1 and $arg_2 are required
- // Do something with $arg_1 and $arg_2;
+function my_function_name ($arg_1, $arg_2) {
+ // $arg_1 and $arg_2 are required
// Functions may be nested to limit scope
@@ -335,7 +344,25 @@ function outer_function ($arg_1 = null) { // $arg_1 is optional
-// inner_function() does not exist and cannot be called until outer_function() is called
+// inner_function() does not exist and cannot be called until
+// outer_function() is called
+This enables [currying]( in PHP.
+function foo ($x, $y, $z) {
+ echo "$x - $y - $z";
+function bar ($x, $y) {
+ return function ($z) use ($x, $y) {
+ foo($x, $y, $z);
+ };
+$bar = bar('A', 'B');
### [Variable](
@@ -355,7 +382,11 @@ Similar to variable functions, functions may be anonymous.
-my_function(function () {
+function my_function($callback) {
+ $callback('My argument');
+my_function(function ($my_argument) {
// do something
@@ -395,13 +426,11 @@ methods if they belong to a class.
class MyClass {
function myFunction() {
- function function youCannotOverrideMe()
- {
+ final function youCannotOverrideMe() {
- public static function myStaticMethod()
- {
+ public static function myStaticMethod() {
@@ -421,12 +450,12 @@ PHP offers some [magic methods](
class MyClass {
private $property;
public function __get($key)
return $this->$key;
public function __set($key, $value)
$this->$key = $value;
@@ -438,7 +467,8 @@ echo $x->property; // Will use the __get() method
$x->property = 'Something'; // Will use the __set() method
-Classes can be abstract (using the ```abstract``` keyword), extend other classes (using the ```extends``` keyword) and implement interfaces (using the ```implements``` keyword). An interface is declared with the ```interface``` keyword.
+Classes can be abstract (using the ```abstract``` keyword), extend other classes (using the ```extends``` keyword) and
+implement interfaces (using the ```implements``` keyword). An interface is declared with the ```interface``` keyword.
diff --git a/python.html.markdown b/python.html.markdown
index 32b7dc93..42c498b1 100644
--- a/python.html.markdown
+++ b/python.html.markdown
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ to Python 2.x. Look for another tour of Python 3 soon!
# Math is what you would expect
1 + 1 #=> 2
-8 - 1 #=> 9
+8 - 1 #=> 7
10 * 2 #=> 20
35 / 5 #=> 7
@@ -49,11 +49,24 @@ False
not True #=> False
not False #=> True
# Equality is ==
1 == 1 #=> True
2 == 1 #=> False
+# Inequality is !=
+1 != 1 #=> False
+2 != 1 #=> True
+# More comparisons
+1 < 10 #=> True
+1 > 10 #=> False
+2 <= 2 #=> True
+2 >= 2 #=> True
+# Comparisons can be chained !
+1 < 2 < 3 #=> True
+2 < 3 < 2 #=> False
# Strings are created with " or '
"This is a string."
'This is also a string.'
@@ -81,8 +94,15 @@ some_var = 5 # Convention is to use lower_case_with_underscores
some_var #=> 5
# Accessing a previously unassigned variable is an exception
-some_other_var # Will raise a NameError
+ some_other_var
+except NameError:
+ print "Raises a name error"
+# Conditional Expressions can be used when assigning
+some_var = a if a > b else b
+# If a is greater than b, then a is assigned to some_var.
+# Otherwise b is assigned to some_var.
# Lists store sequences
li = []
@@ -102,11 +122,16 @@ li.append(3) # li is now [1, 2, 4, 3] again.
# Access a list like you would any array
li[0] #=> 1
# Look at the last element
-li[-1] #=> 4
+li[-1] #=> 3
# Looking out of bounds is an IndexError
-li[4] # Raises an IndexError
+ li[4] # Raises an IndexError
+except IndexError:
+ print "Raises an IndexError"
-# You can look at ranges with slice syntax. It's an closed/open range for you mathy types.
+# You can look at ranges with slice syntax.
+# (It's a closed/open range for you mathy types.)
li[1:3] #=> [2, 4]
# Omit the beginning
li[:3] #=> [1, 2, 4]
@@ -120,7 +145,7 @@ del li[2] # li is now [1, 2, 3]
li + other_li #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] - Note: li and other_li is left alone
# Concatenate lists with extend
-li.extend(other_li) # Now li is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+li.extend(other_li) # Now li is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
# Check for existence in a list with in
1 in li #=> True
@@ -131,7 +156,10 @@ len(li) #=> 6
# Tuples are like lists but are immutable.
tup = (1, 2, 3)
tup[0] #=> 1
-tup[0] = 3 # Raises a TypeError
+ tup[0] = 3 # Raises a TypeError
+except TypeError:
+ print "Tuples cannot be mutated."
# You can do all those list thingies on tuples too
len(tup) #=> 3
@@ -143,7 +171,7 @@ tup[:2] #=> (1, 2)
a, b, c = (1, 2, 3) # a is now 1, b is now 2 and c is now 3
# Tuples are created by default if you leave out the parentheses
d, e, f = 4, 5, 6
-# Now look how easy it is to swap to values
+# Now look how easy it is to swap two values
e, d = d, e # d is now 5 and e is now 4
@@ -168,6 +196,21 @@ filled_dict.values() #=> [3, 2, 1]
"one" in filled_dict #=> True
1 in filled_dict #=> False
+# Trying to look up a non-existing key will raise a KeyError
+filled_dict["four"] #=> KeyError
+# Use get method to avoid the KeyError
+filled_dict.get("one") #=> 1
+filled_dict.get("four") #=> None
+# The get method supports a default argument when the value is missing
+filled_dict.get("one", 4) #=> 1
+filled_dict.get("four", 4) #=> 4
+# Setdefault method is a safe way to add new key-value pair into dictionary
+filled_dict.setdefault("five", 5) #filled_dict["five"] is set to 5
+filled_dict.setdefault("five", 6) #filled_dict["five"] is still 5
# Sets store ... well sets
empty_set = set()
@@ -216,14 +259,14 @@ prints:
for animal in ["dog", "cat", "mouse"]:
# You can use % to interpolate formatted strings
- print "%s is a mammal" % animal
+ print "%s is a mammal" % animal
While loops go until a condition is no longer met.
- 2
+ 2
x = 0
@@ -232,11 +275,20 @@ while x < 4:
x += 1 # Shorthand for x = x + 1
# Handle exceptions with a try/except block
+# Works on Python 2.6 and up:
- raise IndexError("This is an index error") # Use raise to raise an error
+ # Use raise to raise an error
+ raise IndexError("This is an index error")
except IndexError as e:
pass # Pass is just a no-op. Usually you would do recovery here.
+# Works for Python 2.7 and down:
+ raise IndexError("This is an index error")
+except IndexError, e: # No "as", comma instead
+ pass
## 4. Functions
@@ -252,20 +304,38 @@ add(5, 6) #=> 11 and prints out "x is 5 and y is 6"
# Another way to call functions is with keyword arguments
add(y=6, x=5) # Keyword arguments can arrive in any order.
-# You can define functions that take a variable number of positional arguments
+# You can define functions that take a variable number of
+# positional arguments
def varargs(*args):
return args
varargs(1, 2, 3) #=> (1,2,3)
-# You can define functions that take a variable number of keyword arguments
+# You can define functions that take a variable number of
+# keyword arguments, as well
def keyword_args(**kwargs):
return kwargs
# Let's call it to see what happens
keyword_args(big="foot", loch="ness") #=> {"big": "foot", "loch": "ness"}
+# You can do both at once, if you like
+def all_the_args(*args, **kwargs):
+ print args
+ print kwargs
+all_the_args(1, 2, a=3, b=4) prints:
+ [1, 2]
+ {"a": 3, "b": 4}
+# You can also use * and ** when calling a function
+args = (1, 2, 3, 4)
+kwargs = {"a": 3, "b": 4}
+foo(*args) # equivalent to foo(1, 2, 3, 4)
+foo(**kwargs) # equivalent to foo(a=3, b=4)
+foo(*args, **kwargs) # equivalent to foo(1, 2, 3, 4, a=3, b=4)
# Python has first class functions
def create_adder(x):
@@ -273,7 +343,7 @@ def create_adder(x):
return x + y
return adder
-add_10 = create_adder(10):
+add_10 = create_adder(10)
add_10(3) #=> 13
# There are also anonymous functions
@@ -329,9 +399,11 @@ print j.say("hello") #prints out "Joel: hello"
i.get_species() #=> "H. sapiens"
# Change the shared attribute
-i.species = "H. neanderthalensis"
+Human.species = "H. neanderthalensis"
i.get_species() #=> "H. neanderthalensis"
j.get_species() #=> "H. neanderthalensis"
# Call the static method
Human.grunt() #=> "*grunt*"