path: root/chapel.html.markdown
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authorIan Bertolacci <>2015-08-02 15:37:01 -0700
committerIan Bertolacci <>2015-08-02 15:37:01 -0700
commitb27d5268227f8812c894a217a08fd8c6221d1797 (patch)
tree6e2431382e42df356cc2c82383c4a0a98de465b2 /chapel.html.markdown
parent1f6f7b784345a7224fef64bc27db206a0946b366 (diff)
Added modules and main()
Worth noting that this will change the diff of the parallel section quite a bit, since they became the body of the main procedure. Thus each line in intented.
Diffstat (limited to 'chapel.html.markdown')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/chapel.html.markdown b/chapel.html.markdown
index cfde0454..d8783728 100644
--- a/chapel.html.markdown
+++ b/chapel.html.markdown
@@ -673,234 +673,288 @@ var copyNewTypeList = new GenericClass( realList, int );
for value in copyNewTypeList do write( value, ", " );
writeln( );
-// Parallelism
-// In other languages, parallelism is typically this is done with
-// complicated libraries and strange class structure hierarchies.
-// Chapel has it baked right into the language.
-// A begin statement will spin the body of that statement off into one new task.
-// A sync statement will ensure that the progress of the main
-// task will not progress until the children have synced back up.
-sync {
- begin { // Start of new task's body
- var a = 0;
- for i in 1..1000 do a += 1;
- writeln( "Done: ", a);
- } // End of new tasks body
- writeln( "spun off a task!");
-writeln( "Back together" );
-proc printFibb( n: int ){
- writeln( "fibonacci(",n,") = ", fibonacci( n ) );
+// Modules are Chapel's way of managing name spaces.
+// The files containing these modules do not need to be named after the modules
+// (as is with Java), but files implicitly name modules.
+// In this case, this file implicitly names the 'learnchapel' module
-// A cobegin statement will spin each statement of the body into one new task
-cobegin {
- printFibb( 20 ); // new task
- printFibb( 10 ); // new task
- printFibb( 5 ); // new task
- {
- // This is a nested statement body and thus is a single statement
- // to the parent statement and is executed by a single task
- writeln( "this gets" );
- writeln( "executed as" );
- writeln( "a whole" );
+module OurModule {
+ // We can use modules inside of other modules.
+ use Time;
+ // We'll use this a procedure in the parallelism section.
+ proc countdown( seconds: int ){
+ for i in 1..seconds by -1 {
+ writeln( i );
+ sleep( 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ // Submodule of Ourmodule
+ // It is possible to create arbitrarily deep module nests.
+ module ChildModule {
+ proc foo(){
+ writeln( "");
+ }
-// Notice here that the prints from each statement may happen in any order.
-// Coforall loop will create a new task for EACH iteration
-var num_tasks = 10; // Number of tasks we want
-coforall taskID in 1..#num_tasks {
- writeln( "Hello from task# ", taskID );
-// Again we see that prints happen in any order.
-// NOTE! coforall should be used only for creating tasks!
-// Using it to iterating over a structure is very a bad idea!
-// forall loops are another parallel loop, but only create a smaller number
-// of tasks, specifically --dataParTasksPerLocale=number of task
-forall i in 1..100 {
- write( i, ", ");
-writeln( );
-// Here we see that there are sections that are in order, followed by
-// a section that would not follow ( e.g. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 4, 5, 6, ).
-// This is because each task is taking on a chunk of the range 1..10
-// (1..3, 4..6, or 7..9) doing that chunk serially, but each task happens
-// in parallel.
-// Your results may depend on your machine and configuration
-// For both the forall and coforall loops, the execution of the
-// parent task will not continue until all the children sync up.
-// forall loops are particularly useful for parallel iteration over arrays.
-// Lets run an experiment to see how much faster a parallel loop is
-use Time; // Import the Time module to use Timer objects
-var timer: Timer;
-var myBigArray: [{1..4000,1..4000}] real; // Large array we will write into
-// Serial Experiment
-timer.start( ); // Start timer
-for (x,y) in myBigArray.domain { // Serial iteration
- myBigArray[x,y] = (x:real) / (y:real);
-timer.stop( ); // Stop timer
-writeln( "Serial: ", timer.elapsed( ) ); // Print elapsed time
-timer.clear( ); // Clear timer for parallel loop
-// Parallel Experiment
-timer.start( ); // start timer
-forall (x,y) in myBigArray.domain { // Parallel iteration
- myBigArray[x,y] = (x:real) / (y:real);
-timer.stop( ); // Stop timer
-writeln( "Parallel: ", timer.elapsed( ) ); // Print elapsed time
-timer.clear( );
-// You may have noticed that (depending on how many cores you have)
-// that the parallel loop went faster than the serial loop
-// A succinct way of writing a forall loop over an array:
-// iterate over values
-[ val in myBigArray ] val = 1 / val;
-// or iterate over indicies
-[ idx in myBigArray.domain ] myBigArray[idx] = -myBigArray[idx];
-proc countdown( seconds: int ){
- for i in 1..seconds by -1 {
- writeln( i );
- sleep( 1 );
+ module SiblingModule {
+ proc foo(){
+ writeln( "" );
+ }
+} // end OurModule
+// Using OurModule also uses all the modules it uses.
+// Since OurModule uses Time, we also use time.
+use OurModule;
+// At this point we have not used ChildModule or SiblingModule so their symbols
+// (i.e. foo ) are not available to us.
+// However, the module names are, and we can explicitly call foo() through them.; // Calls
+// Super explicit naming.; // Calls
+use ChildModule;
+foo(); // Less explicit call on
+// We can declare a main procedure
+// Note: all the code above main still gets executed.
+proc main(){
+ // Parallelism
+ // In other languages, parallelism is typically this is done with
+ // complicated libraries and strange class structure hierarchies.
+ // Chapel has it baked right into the language.
+ // A begin statement will spin the body of that statement off
+ // into one new task.
+ // A sync statement will ensure that the progress of the main
+ // task will not progress until the children have synced back up.
+ sync {
+ begin { // Start of new task's body
+ var a = 0;
+ for i in 1..1000 do a += 1;
+ writeln( "Done: ", a);
+ } // End of new tasks body
+ writeln( "spun off a task!");
+ }
+ writeln( "Back together" );
-// Atomic variables, common to many languages, are ones whose operations
-// occur uninterupted. Multiple threads can both modify atomic variables
-// and can know that their values are safe.
-// Chapel atomic variables can be of type bool, int, uint, and real.
-var uranium: atomic int;
-uranium.write( 238 ); // atomically write a variable
-writeln( ); // atomically read a variable
-// operations are described as functions, you could define your own operators.
-uranium.sub( 3 ); // atomically subtract a variable
-writeln( );
-var replaceWith = 239;
-var was = replaceWith );
-writeln( "uranium was ", was, " but is now ", replaceWith );
-var isEqualTo = 235;
-if uranium.compareExchange( isEqualTo, replaceWith ) {
- writeln( "uranium was equal to ", isEqualTo,
- " so replaced value with ", replaceWith );
-} else {
- writeln( "uranium was not equal to ", isEqualTo,
- " so value stays the same... whatever it was" );
+ proc printFibb( n: int ){
+ writeln( "fibonacci(",n,") = ", fibonacci( n ) );
+ }
-sync {
- begin { // Reader task
- writeln( "Reader: waiting for uranium to be ", isEqualTo );
- uranium.waitFor( isEqualTo );
- writeln( "Reader: uranium was set (by someone) to ", isEqualTo );
+ // A cobegin statement will spin each statement of the body into one new task
+ cobegin {
+ printFibb( 20 ); // new task
+ printFibb( 10 ); // new task
+ printFibb( 5 ); // new task
+ {
+ // This is a nested statement body and thus is a single statement
+ // to the parent statement and is executed by a single task
+ writeln( "this gets" );
+ writeln( "executed as" );
+ writeln( "a whole" );
+ }
+ // Notice here that the prints from each statement may happen in any order.
- begin { // Writer task
- writeln( "Writer: will set uranium to the value ", isEqualTo, " in..." );
- countdown( 3 );
- uranium.write( isEqualTo );
+ // Coforall loop will create a new task for EACH iteration
+ var num_tasks = 10; // Number of tasks we want
+ coforall taskID in 1..#num_tasks {
+ writeln( "Hello from task# ", taskID );
+ }
+ // Again we see that prints happen in any order.
+ // NOTE! coforall should be used only for creating tasks!
+ // Using it to iterating over a structure is very a bad idea!
+ // forall loops are another parallel loop, but only create a smaller number
+ // of tasks, specifically --dataParTasksPerLocale=number of task
+ forall i in 1..100 {
+ write( i, ", ");
+ }
+ writeln( );
+ // Here we see that there are sections that are in order, followed by
+ // a section that would not follow ( e.g. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 4, 5, 6, ).
+ // This is because each task is taking on a chunk of the range 1..10
+ // (1..3, 4..6, or 7..9) doing that chunk serially, but each task happens
+ // in parallel.
+ // Your results may depend on your machine and configuration
+ // For both the forall and coforall loops, the execution of the
+ // parent task will not continue until all the children sync up.
+ // forall loops are particularly useful for parallel iteration over arrays.
+ // Lets run an experiment to see how much faster a parallel loop is
+ use Time; // Import the Time module to use Timer objects
+ var timer: Timer;
+ var myBigArray: [{1..4000,1..4000}] real; // Large array we will write into
+ // Serial Experiment
+ timer.start( ); // Start timer
+ for (x,y) in myBigArray.domain { // Serial iteration
+ myBigArray[x,y] = (x:real) / (y:real);
+ }
+ timer.stop( ); // Stop timer
+ writeln( "Serial: ", timer.elapsed( ) ); // Print elapsed time
+ timer.clear( ); // Clear timer for parallel loop
+ // Parallel Experiment
+ timer.start( ); // start timer
+ forall (x,y) in myBigArray.domain { // Parallel iteration
+ myBigArray[x,y] = (x:real) / (y:real);
+ }
+ timer.stop( ); // Stop timer
+ writeln( "Parallel: ", timer.elapsed( ) ); // Print elapsed time
+ timer.clear( );
+ // You may have noticed that (depending on how many cores you have)
+ // that the parallel loop went faster than the serial loop
+ // A succinct way of writing a forall loop over an array:
+ // iterate over values
+ [ val in myBigArray ] val = 1 / val;
+ // or iterate over indicies
+ [ idx in myBigArray.domain ] myBigArray[idx] = -myBigArray[idx];
+ proc countdown( seconds: int ){
+ for i in 1..seconds by -1 {
+ writeln( i );
+ sleep( 1 );
+ }
-// sync vars have two states: empty and full.
-// If you read an empty variable or write a full variable, you are waited
-// until the variable is full or empty again
-var someSyncVar$: sync int; // varName$ is a convention not a law.
-sync {
- begin { // Reader task
- writeln( "Reader: waiting to read." );
- var read_sync = someSyncVar$;
- writeln( "value is ", read_sync );
+ // Atomic variables, common to many languages, are ones whose operations
+ // occur uninterupted. Multiple threads can both modify atomic variables
+ // and can know that their values are safe.
+ // Chapel atomic variables can be of type bool, int, uint, and real.
+ var uranium: atomic int;
+ uranium.write( 238 ); // atomically write a variable
+ writeln( ); // atomically read a variable
+ // operations are described as functions, you could define your own operators.
+ uranium.sub( 3 ); // atomically subtract a variable
+ writeln( );
+ var replaceWith = 239;
+ var was = replaceWith );
+ writeln( "uranium was ", was, " but is now ", replaceWith );
+ var isEqualTo = 235;
+ if uranium.compareExchange( isEqualTo, replaceWith ) {
+ writeln( "uranium was equal to ", isEqualTo,
+ " so replaced value with ", replaceWith );
+ } else {
+ writeln( "uranium was not equal to ", isEqualTo,
+ " so value stays the same... whatever it was" );
- begin { // Writer task
- writeln( "Writer: will write in..." );
- countdown( 3 );
- someSyncVar$ = 123;
+ sync {
+ begin { // Reader task
+ writeln( "Reader: waiting for uranium to be ", isEqualTo );
+ uranium.waitFor( isEqualTo );
+ writeln( "Reader: uranium was set (by someone) to ", isEqualTo );
+ }
+ begin { // Writer task
+ writeln( "Writer: will set uranium to the value ", isEqualTo, " in..." );
+ countdown( 3 );
+ uranium.write( isEqualTo );
+ }
-// single vars can only be written once. A read on an unwritten single results
-// in a wait, but when the variable has a value it can be read indefinitely
-var someSingleVar$: single int; // varName$ is a convention not a law.
-sync {
- begin { // Reader task
- writeln( "Reader: waiting to read." );
- for i in 1..5 {
- var read_single = someSingleVar$;
- writeln( "Reader: iteration ", i,", and the value is ", read_single );
+ // sync vars have two states: empty and full.
+ // If you read an empty variable or write a full variable, you are waited
+ // until the variable is full or empty again
+ var someSyncVar$: sync int; // varName$ is a convention not a law.
+ sync {
+ begin { // Reader task
+ writeln( "Reader: waiting to read." );
+ var read_sync = someSyncVar$;
+ writeln( "value is ", read_sync );
+ }
+ begin { // Writer task
+ writeln( "Writer: will write in..." );
+ countdown( 3 );
+ someSyncVar$ = 123;
- begin { // Writer task
- writeln( "Writer: will write in..." );
- countdown( 3 );
- someSingleVar$ = 5; // first and only write ever.
+ // single vars can only be written once. A read on an unwritten single results
+ // in a wait, but when the variable has a value it can be read indefinitely
+ var someSingleVar$: single int; // varName$ is a convention not a law.
+ sync {
+ begin { // Reader task
+ writeln( "Reader: waiting to read." );
+ for i in 1..5 {
+ var read_single = someSingleVar$;
+ writeln( "Reader: iteration ", i,", and the value is ", read_single );
+ }
+ }
+ begin { // Writer task
+ writeln( "Writer: will write in..." );
+ countdown( 3 );
+ someSingleVar$ = 5; // first and only write ever.
+ }
-// Heres an example of using atomics and a synch variable to create a
-// count-down mutex (also known as a multiplexer)
-var count: atomic int; // our counter
-var lock$: sync bool; // the mutex lock
-count.write( 2 ); // Only let two tasks in at a time.
-lock$.writeXF( true ); // Set lock$ to full (unlocked)
-// Note: The value doesnt actually matter, just the state
-// (full:unlocked / empty:locked)
-// Also, writeXF() fills (F) the sync var regardless of its state (X)
-coforall task in 1..#5 { // Generate tasks
- // Create a barrier
- do{
- lock$; // Read lock$ (wait)
- }while < 1; // Keep waiting until a spot opens up
+ // Heres an example of using atomics and a synch variable to create a
+ // count-down mutex (also known as a multiplexer)
+ var count: atomic int; // our counter
+ var lock$: sync bool; // the mutex lock
+ count.write( 2 ); // Only let two tasks in at a time.
+ lock$.writeXF( true ); // Set lock$ to full (unlocked)
+ // Note: The value doesnt actually matter, just the state
+ // (full:unlocked / empty:locked)
+ // Also, writeXF() fills (F) the sync var regardless of its state (X)
+ coforall task in 1..#5 { // Generate tasks
+ // Create a barrier
+ do{
+ lock$; // Read lock$ (wait)
+ }while < 1; // Keep waiting until a spot opens up
- count.sub(1); // decrement the counter
- lock$.writeXF( true ); // Set lock$ to full (signal)
+ count.sub(1); // decrement the counter
+ lock$.writeXF( true ); // Set lock$ to full (signal)
- // Actual 'work'
- writeln( "Task #", task, " doing work." );
- sleep( 2 );
+ // Actual 'work'
+ writeln( "Task #", task, " doing work." );
+ sleep( 2 );
- count.add( 1 ); // Increment the counter
- lock$.writeXF( true ); // Set lock$ to full (signal)
+ count.add( 1 ); // Increment the counter
+ lock$.writeXF( true ); // Set lock$ to full (signal)
+ }
-// we can define the operations + * & | ^ && || min max minloc maxloc
-// over an entire array using scans and reductions
-// Reductions apply the operation over the entire array and
-// result in a single value
-var listOfValues: [1..10] int = [15,57,354,36,45,15,456,8,678,2];
-var sumOfValues = + reduce listOfValues;
-var maxValue = max reduce listOfValues; // 'max' give just max value
-// 'maxloc' gives max value and index of the max value
-// Note: We have to zip the array and domain together with the zip iterator
-var (theMaxValue, idxOfMax) = maxloc reduce zip(listOfValues,
- listOfValues.domain);
+ // we can define the operations + * & | ^ && || min max minloc maxloc
+ // over an entire array using scans and reductions
+ // Reductions apply the operation over the entire array and
+ // result in a single value
+ var listOfValues: [1..10] int = [15,57,354,36,45,15,456,8,678,2];
+ var sumOfValues = + reduce listOfValues;
+ var maxValue = max reduce listOfValues; // 'max' give just max value
+ // 'maxloc' gives max value and index of the max value
+ // Note: We have to zip the array and domain together with the zip iterator
+ var (theMaxValue, idxOfMax) = maxloc reduce zip(listOfValues,
+ listOfValues.domain);
-writeln( (sumOfValues, maxValue, idxOfMax, listOfValues[ idxOfMax ] ) );
-// Scans apply the operation incrementally and return an array of the
-// value of the operation at that index as it progressed through the
-// array from array.domain.low to array.domain.high
-var runningSumOfValues = + scan listOfValues;
-var maxScan = max scan listOfValues;
-writeln( runningSumOfValues );
-writeln( maxScan );
+ writeln( (sumOfValues, maxValue, idxOfMax, listOfValues[ idxOfMax ] ) );
+ // Scans apply the operation incrementally and return an array of the
+ // value of the operation at that index as it progressed through the
+ // array from array.domain.low to array.domain.high
+ var runningSumOfValues = + scan listOfValues;
+ var maxScan = max scan listOfValues;
+ writeln( runningSumOfValues );
+ writeln( maxScan );
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