path: root/haxe.html.markdown
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authorAdam Bard <>2013-08-20 08:49:19 -0700
committerAdam Bard <>2013-08-20 08:49:19 -0700
commite3ed6c8fdac405a5523a2cb29997f558b8b7a9de (patch)
tree2ca9a614d2c732dfc2767125af74ae7591591616 /haxe.html.markdown
parentf33dea8b83bf64ecde36337a5e02cae77f5210de (diff)
parent78133a784f65c32f5904f57b6d665167b026cd4f (diff)
Merge pull request #260 from jdonaldson/master
first draft of learn haxe 3 in 15 minutes
Diffstat (limited to 'haxe.html.markdown')
1 files changed, 472 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/haxe.html.markdown b/haxe.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90b2e250
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+++ b/haxe.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+language: haxe
+filename: LearnHaxe3.hx
+ - ["Justin Donaldson", ""]
+Haxe is a web-oriented language that provides platform support for C++, C#,
+Swf/ActionScript, Javascript, Java, and Neko byte code (also written by the
+Haxe author). Note that this guide is for Haxe version 3. Some of the guide
+may be applicable to older versions, but it is recommended to use other
+ Welcome to Learn Haxe 3 in 15 minutes.
+ This is an executable tutorial. You can compile and run it using the haxe
+ compiler, while in the same directory as LearnHaxe.hx:
+ haxe -main LearnHaxe3 -x out
+ */
+// Let's start with comments... this is a single line comment
+ And this is multiline. Multiline comments are also used to generate
+ javadoc-style documentation for haxedoc. They will be used if they precede
+ a class, class function, or class variable.
+ */
+ A package declaration isn't necessary, but it's useful if you want to
+ organize your code into modules later on. Also worth mentioning, all
+ expressions in Haxe must end in a semicolon:
+ */
+package; // empty package, no namespace.
+// if you import code from other files, it must be declared before the rest of
+// the code.
+import haxe.ds.ArraySort;
+// you can import many classes/modules at once with "*"
+import haxe.ds.*;
+// you can also import classes in a special way, enabling them to extend the
+// functionality of other classes. More on this later.
+using StringTools;
+// Haxe files typically define classes, although they can also define other
+// types of code... more on that later.
+class LearnHaxe3{
+ /*
+ If you want certain code to run automatically, you need to put it in
+ a static main function, and specify the class in the compiler arguments.
+ In this case, we've specified the "LearnHaxe3" class in the compiler
+ arguments above.
+ */
+ static function main(){
+ /*
+ Trace is the default method of printing haxe expressions to the
+ screen. Different targets will have different methods of
+ accomplishing this. E.g., java, c++, c#, etc. will print to std
+ out. Javascript will print to console.log, and flash will print to
+ an embedded TextField. All traces come with a default newline.
+ Finally, It's possible to prevent traces from showing by using the
+ "--no-traces" argument on the compiler.
+ */
+ trace("Hello World, with trace()!");
+ /*
+ Trace can handle any type of value or object. It will try to print
+ a representation of the expression as best it can. You can also
+ concatenate strings with the "+" operator:
+ */
+ trace(
+ " Integer: " + 10 +
+ " Float: " + 3.14 +
+ " Boolean: " + true
+ );
+ /*
+ Remember what I said about expressions needing semicolons? You
+ can put more than one expression on a line if you want.
+ */
+ trace('two expressions..'); trace('one line');
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Types & Variables
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ trace("***Types & Variables***");
+ /*
+ You can save values and references to data structures using the
+ "var" keyword:
+ */
+ var an_integer:Int = 1;
+ trace(an_integer + " is the value for an_integer");
+ /*
+ Haxe is statically typed, so "an_integer" is declared to have an
+ "Int" type, and the rest of the expression assigns the value "1" to
+ it. It's not necessary to declare the type in many cases. Here,
+ the haxe compiler is inferring that the type of another_integer
+ should be "Int".
+ */
+ var another_integer = 2;
+ trace(another_integer + " is the value for another_integer");
+ // The $type() method prints the type that the compiler assigns:
+ $type(another_integer);
+ // You can also represent integers with hexadecimal:
+ var hex_integer = 0xffffff;
+ /*
+ Haxe uses platform precision for Int and Float sizes. It also
+ uses the platform behavior for overflow.
+ (Other numeric types and behavior are possible using special
+ libraries)
+ */
+ /*
+ In addition to simple values like Integers, Floats, and Booleans,
+ Haxe provides standard library implementations for common data
+ structures like strings, arrays, lists, and maps:
+ */
+ var a_string = "some" + 'string'; // strings can have double or single quotes
+ trace(a_string + " is the value for a_string");
+ var x = 1;
+ var an_interpolated_string = 'the value of x is $x';
+ /*
+ Strings are immutable, instance methods will return a copy of
+ parts or all of the string.
+ (See also the StringBuf class).
+ */
+ var a_sub_string = a_string.substr(0,4);
+ trace(a_sub_string + " is the value for a_sub_string");
+ /*
+ Arrays are zero-indexed, dynamic, and mutable. Missing values are
+ defined as null.
+ */
+ var a = new Array<String>(); // an array that contains Strings
+ a[0] = 'foo';
+ trace(a.length + " is the value for a.length");
+ a[9] = 'bar';
+ trace(a.length + " is the value for a.length (after modification)");
+ trace(a[3] + " is the value for a[3]"); //null
+ /*
+ Arrays are *generic*, so you can indicate which values they contain
+ with a type parameter:
+ */
+ var a2 = new Array<Int>(); // an array of Ints
+ var a3 = new Array<Array<String>>(); // an Array of Arrays (of Strings).
+ /*
+ Maps are simple key/value data structures. The key and the value
+ can be of any type.
+ */
+ var m = new Map<String, Int>(); // The keys are strings, the values are Ints.
+ m.set('foo', 4);
+ // You can also use array notation;
+ m['bar'] = 5;
+ trace(m.exists('bar') + " is the value for m.exists('bar')");
+ trace(m.get('bar') + " is the value for m.get('bar')");
+ trace(m['bar'] + " is the value for m['bar']");
+ var m2 = ['foo' => 4, 'baz' => 6]; // Alternative map syntax
+ trace(m2 + " is the value for m2");
+ /*
+ Remember, you can use type inference. The Haxe compiler will
+ decide the type of the variable the first time you pass an
+ argument that sets a type parameter.
+ */
+ var m3 = new Map();
+ m3.set(6, 'baz'); // m3 is now a Map<Int,String>
+ trace(m3 + " is the value for m3");
+ /*
+ Haxe has many more common datastructures in the haxe.ds module, such as
+ List, Stack, and BalancedTree
+ */
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Operators
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ trace("***OPERATORS***");
+ // basic arithmetic
+ trace((4 + 3) + " is the value for (4 + 3)");
+ trace((5 - 1) + " is the value for (5 - 1)");
+ trace((2 * 4) + " is the value for (2 * 4)");
+ trace((8 / 4) + " is the value for (8 / 3) (division always produces Floats)");
+ trace((12 % 4) + " is the value for (12 % 4)");
+ //basic comparison
+ trace((3 == 2) + " is the value for 3 == 2");
+ trace((3 != 2) + " is the value for 3 != 2");
+ trace((3 > 2) + " is the value for 3 > 2");
+ trace((3 < 2) + " is the value for 3 < 2");
+ trace((3 >= 2) + " is the value for 3 >= 2");
+ trace((3 <= 2) + " is the value for 3 <= 2");
+ //bitwise operators
+ /*
+ ~ Unary bitwise complement
+ << Signed left shift
+ >> Signed right shift
+ >>> Unsigned right shift
+ & Bitwise AND
+ ^ Bitwise exclusive OR
+ | Bitwise inclusive OR
+ */
+ //increments
+ var i = 0;
+ trace("Increments and decrements");
+ trace(i++); //i = 1. Post-Incrementation
+ trace(++i); //i = 2. Pre-Incrementation
+ trace(i--); //i = 1. Post-Decrementation
+ trace(--i); //i = 0. Pre-Decrementation
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Control Structures
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ trace("***CONTROL STRUCTURES***");
+ // if statements
+ var j = 10;
+ if (j == 10){
+ trace("this is printed");
+ } else if (j > 10){
+ trace("not greater than 10, so not printed");
+ } else {
+ trace("also not printed.");
+ }
+ trace("Looping and Iteration");
+ // while loop
+ var k = 0;
+ while(k < 100){
+ // trace(counter); // will print out numbers 0-99
+ k++;
+ }
+ // do-while loop
+ var l = 0;
+ do{
+ trace("do statement always runs at least once");
+ } while (i > 0);
+ // for loop
+ /*
+ There is no c-style for loop in Haxe, because they are prone
+ to error, and not necessary. Instead, Haxe has a much simpler
+ and safer version that uses Iterators (more on those later).
+ */
+ var m = [1,2,3];
+ for (val in m){
+ trace(val + " is the value for val in the m array");
+ }
+ // Note that you can iterate on an index using a range
+ // (more on ranges later as well)
+ var n = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
+ for (val in 0...n.length){
+ trace(val + " is the value for val (an index for m)");
+ }
+ trace("Array Comprehensions");
+ // Array comprehensions give you the ability to iterate over arrays
+ // while also creating filters and modifications.
+ var filtered_n = [for (val in n) if (val != "foo") val];
+ trace(filtered_n + " is the value for filtered_n");
+ var modified_n = [for (val in n) val += '!'];
+ trace(modified_n + " is the value for modified_n");
+ var filtered_and_modified_n = [for (val in n) if (val != "foo") val += "!"];
+ trace(filtered_and_modified_n + " is the value for filtered_and_modified_n");
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Switch Statements (Value Type)
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*
+ Switch statements in Haxe are very powerful. In addition to working
+ on basic values like strings and ints, they can also work on the
+ generalized algebraic data types in enums (more on enums later).
+ Here's some basic value examples for now:
+ */
+ var my_dog_name = 'fido';
+ var favorite_thing = '';
+ switch(my_dog_name){
+ case "fido" : favorite_thing = 'bone';
+ case "rex" : favorite_thing = 'shoe';
+ case "spot" : favorite_thing = 'tennis ball';
+ case _ : favorite_thing = 'some unknown treat';
+ }
+ // The "_" case above is a "wildcard" value
+ // that will match anything.
+ trace("My dog's name is" + my_dog_name
+ + ", and his favorite thing is a: "
+ + favorite_thing);
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Expression Statements
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*
+ Haxe control statements are very powerful because every statement
+ is also an expression, consider:
+ */
+ // if statements
+ var k = if (true){
+ 10;
+ } else {
+ 20;
+ }
+ trace("K equals ", k); // outputs 10
+ var other_favorite_thing = switch(my_dog_name) {
+ case "fido" : 'teddy';
+ case "rex" : 'stick';
+ case "spot" : 'football';
+ case _ : 'some unknown treat';
+ }
+ trace("My dog's name is" + my_dog_name
+ + ", and his other favorite thing is a: "
+ + other_favorite_thing);
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Converting Value Types
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // You can convert strings to ints fairly easily.
+ // string to integer
+ Std.parseInt("0"); // returns 0
+ Std.parseFloat("0.4"); // returns 0.4;
+ // integer to string
+ Std.string(0); // returns "0";
+ // concatenation with strings will auto-convert to string.
+ 0 + ""; // returns "0";
+ true + ""; // returns "true";
+ // See documentation for parsing in Std for more details.
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Basic Object Oriented Programming
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // create an instance of FooClass. The classes for this are at the
+ // end of the file.
+ var instance = new FooClass(3);
+ // read the public variable normally
+ trace(instance.public_any + " is the value for instance.public_any");
+ // we can read this variable
+ trace(instance.public_read + " is the value for instance.public_read");
+ // but not write it
+ // instance.public_write = 4; // this will throw an error if uncommented:
+ // trace(instance.public_write); // as will this.
+ trace(instance + " is the value for instance"); // calls the toString method
+ trace(instance.toString() + " is the value for instance.toString()"); // same thing
+ // instance has the "FooClass" type, while acceptBaseFoo has the
+ // BaseFooClass type. However, since FooClass extends BaseFooClass,
+ // it is accepted.
+ BaseFooClass.acceptBaseFoo(instance);
+ }
+ This is the "child class" of the main LearnHaxe3 Class
+ */
+class FooClass extends BaseFooClass implements BaseFooInterface{
+ public var public_any:Int; // public variables are accessible anywhere
+ public var public_read (default,null): Int; // use this style to only enable public read
+ public var public_write (null, default): Int; // or public write
+ public var property (get, set): Int; // use this style to enable getters/setters
+ // private variables are not available outside the class.
+ // see @:allow for ways around this.
+ var _private:Int; // variables are private if they are not marked public
+ // a public constructor
+ public function new(arg:Int){
+ super(); // call the constructor of the parent object, since we extended BaseFooClass
+ this.public_any= 0;
+ this._private = arg;
+ }
+ // getter for _private
+ function get_property() : Int {
+ return _private;
+ }
+ // setter for _private
+ function set_property(val:Int) : Int {
+ _private = val;
+ return val;
+ }
+ // special function that is called whenever an instance is cast to a string.
+ public function toString(){
+ return _private + " with toString() method!";
+ }
+ // this class needs to have this function defined, since it implements
+ // the BaseFooInterface interface.
+ public function baseFunction(x: Int) : String{
+ // convert the int to string automatically
+ return x + " was passed into baseFunction!";
+ }
+ A simple class to extend
+class BaseFooClass {
+ var base_variable:Int;
+ public function new(){
+ base_variable = 4;
+ }
+ public static function acceptBaseFoo(b:BaseFooClass){
+ }
+ A simple interface to implement
+interface BaseFooInterface{
+ public function baseFunction(x:Int):String;