path: root/kotlin.html.markdown
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authorDmitrii Kuznetsov <>2021-02-22 18:42:33 +0300
committerDmitrii Kuznetsov <>2021-02-22 18:42:33 +0300
commite09fefaa3e78c645c720c86391e3f96d257be8a9 (patch)
tree0ff8b235e3e707125e2b11d5268ad085832355cb /kotlin.html.markdown
parentf4c740839d78f797e9cbcfa1eb0483ac0ea45501 (diff)
parentbc8bd2646f068cfb402850f7c0f9b1dbfe81e5a0 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'kotlin.html.markdown')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/kotlin.html.markdown b/kotlin.html.markdown
index d1f1aae6..12008074 100644
--- a/kotlin.html.markdown
+++ b/kotlin.html.markdown
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ package com.learnxinyminutes.kotlin
The entry point to a Kotlin program is a function named "main".
-The function is passed an array containing any command line arguments.
+The function is passed an array containing any command-line arguments.
+Since Kotlin 1.3 the "main" function can also be defined without
+any parameters.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ fun main(args: Array<String>) {
so we don't have to explicitly specify it every time.
We can explicitly declare the type of a variable like so:
- val foo : Int = 7
+ val foo: Int = 7
Strings can be represented in a similar way as in Java.
@@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ fun helloWorld(val name : String) {
A template expression starts with a dollar sign ($).
val fooTemplateString = "$fooString has ${fooString.length} characters"
- println(fooTemplateString)
+ println(fooTemplateString) // => My String Is Here! has 18 characters
For a variable to hold null it must be explicitly specified as nullable.
@@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ fun helloWorld(val name : String) {
When a function consists of a single expression then the curly brackets can
- be omitted. The body is specified after a = symbol.
+ be omitted. The body is specified after the = symbol.
fun odd(x: Int): Boolean = x % 2 == 1
println(odd(6)) // => false
@@ -175,12 +177,12 @@ fun helloWorld(val name : String) {
// Objects can be destructured into multiple variables.
val (a, b, c) = fooCopy
println("$a $b $c") // => 1 100 4
// destructuring in "for" loop
for ((a, b, c) in listOf(fooData)) {
- println("$a $b $c") // => 1 100 4
+ println("$a $b $c") // => 1 2 4
val mapData = mapOf("a" to 1, "b" to 2)
// Map.Entry is destructurable as well
for ((key, value) in mapData) {
@@ -189,13 +191,13 @@ fun helloWorld(val name : String) {
// The "with" function is similar to the JavaScript "with" statement.
data class MutableDataClassExample (var x: Int, var y: Int, var z: Int)
- val fooMutableDate = MutableDataClassExample(7, 4, 9)
- with (fooMutableDate) {
+ val fooMutableData = MutableDataClassExample(7, 4, 9)
+ with (fooMutableData) {
x -= 2
y += 2
- println(fooMutableDate) // => MutableDataClassExample(x=5, y=6, z=8)
+ println(fooMutableData) // => MutableDataClassExample(x=5, y=6, z=8)
We can create a list using the "listOf" function.
@@ -304,7 +306,7 @@ fun helloWorld(val name : String) {
- We can check if an object is a particular type by using the "is" operator.
+ We can check if an object is of a particular type by using the "is" operator.
If an object passes a type check then it can be used as that type without
explicitly casting it.
@@ -344,15 +346,25 @@ fun helloWorld(val name : String) {
return this.filter {it != c}
println("Hello, world!".remove('l')) // => Heo, word!
- println(EnumExample.A) // => A
- println(ObjectExample.hello()) // => hello
// Enum classes are similar to Java enum types.
enum class EnumExample {
- A, B, C
+ A, B, C // Enum constants are separated with commas.
+fun printEnum() = println(EnumExample.A) // => A
+// Since each enum is an instance of the enum class, they can be initialized as:
+enum class EnumExample(val value: Int) {
+ A(value = 1),
+ B(value = 2),
+ C(value = 3)
+fun printProperty() = println(EnumExample.A.value) // => 1
+// Every enum has properties to obtain its name and ordinal(position) in the enum class declaration:
+fun printName() = println( // => A
+fun printPosition() = println(EnumExample.A.ordinal) // => 0
The "object" keyword can be used to create singleton objects.
@@ -363,17 +375,80 @@ object ObjectExample {
fun hello(): String {
return "hello"
+ override fun toString(): String {
+ return "Hello, it's me, ${ObjectExample::class.simpleName}"
+ }
-fun useObject() {
- ObjectExample.hello()
- val someRef: Any = ObjectExample // we use objects name just as is
+fun useSingletonObject() {
+ println(ObjectExample.hello()) // => hello
+ // In Kotlin, "Any" is the root of the class hierarchy, just like "Object" is in Java
+ val someRef: Any = ObjectExample
+ println(someRef) // => Hello, it's me, ObjectExample
+/* The not-null assertion operator (!!) converts any value to a non-null type and
+throws an exception if the value is null.
+var b: String? = "abc"
+val l = b!!.length
+data class Counter(var value: Int) {
+ // overload Counter += Int
+ operator fun plusAssign(increment: Int) {
+ this.value += increment
+ }
+ // overload Counter++ and ++Counter
+ operator fun inc() = Counter(value + 1)
+ // overload Counter + Counter
+ operator fun plus(other: Counter) = Counter(this.value + other.value)
+ // overload Counter * Counter
+ operator fun times(other: Counter) = Counter(this.value * other.value)
+ // overload Counter * Int
+ operator fun times(value: Int) = Counter(this.value * value)
+ // overload Counter in Counter
+ operator fun contains(other: Counter) = other.value == this.value
+ // overload Counter[Int] = Int
+ operator fun set(index: Int, value: Int) {
+ this.value = index + value
+ }
+ // overload Counter instance invocation
+ operator fun invoke() = println("The value of the counter is $value")
+/* You can also overload operators through extension methods */
+// overload -Counter
+operator fun Counter.unaryMinus() = Counter(-this.value)
+fun operatorOverloadingDemo() {
+ var counter1 = Counter(0)
+ var counter2 = Counter(5)
+ counter1 += 7
+ println(counter1) // => Counter(value=7)
+ println(counter1 + counter2) // => Counter(value=12)
+ println(counter1 * counter2) // => Counter(value=35)
+ println(counter2 * 2) // => Counter(value=10)
+ println(counter1 in Counter(5)) // => false
+ println(counter1 in Counter(7)) // => true
+ counter1[26] = 10
+ println(counter1) // => Counter(value=36)
+ counter1() // => The value of the counter is 36
+ println(-counter2) // => Counter(value=-5)
### Further Reading
* [Kotlin tutorials](
-* [Try Kotlin in your browser](
+* [Try Kotlin in your browser](
* [A list of Kotlin resources](