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4 files changed, 245 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/c.html.markdown b/c.html.markdown
index 84856b32..e55ff148 100644
--- a/c.html.markdown
+++ b/c.html.markdown
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ int main() {
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(int)); // => 4 (on most machines with 4-byte words)
- // If the argument of the `sizeof` operator an expression, then its argument
+ // If the argument of the `sizeof` operator is an expression, then its argument
// is not evaluated (except VLAs (see below)).
// The value it yields in this case is a compile-time constant.
int a = 1;
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ int main() {
// or when it's the argument of the `sizeof` or `alignof` operator:
int arr[10];
int *ptr = arr; // equivalent with int *ptr = &arr[0];
- printf("%zu %zu\n", sizeof arr, sizeof ptr); // probably prints "40, 4" or "40, 8"
+ printf("%zu, %zu\n", sizeof arr, sizeof ptr); // probably prints "40, 4" or "40, 8"
// Pointers are incremented and decremented based on their type
diff --git a/hy.html.markdown b/hy.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04bd05c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hy.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+language: hy
+filename: learnhy.hy
+ - ["Abhishek L", ""]
+Hy is a lisp dialect built on top of python. This is achieved by
+converting hy code to python's abstract syntax tree (ast). This allows
+hy to call native python code or python to call native hy code as well
+This tutorial works for hy ≥ 0.9.12
+;; this gives an gentle introduction to hy for a quick trial head to
+; Semicolon comments, like other LISPS
+;; s-expression basics
+; lisp programs are made of symbolic expressions or sexps which
+; resemble
+(some-function args)
+; now the quintessential hello world
+(print "hello world")
+;; simple data types
+; All simple data types are exactly similar to their python counterparts
+; which
+42 ; => 42
+3.14 ; => 3.14
+True ; => True
+4+10j ; => (4+10j) a complex number
+; lets start with some really simple arithmetic
+(+ 4 1) ;=> 5
+; the operator is applied to all arguments, like other lisps
+(+ 4 1 2 3) ;=> 10
+(- 2 1) ;=> 1
+(* 4 2) ;=> 8
+(/ 4 1) ;=> 4
+(% 4 2) ;=> 0 the modulo operator
+; power is represented by ** operator like python
+(** 3 2) ;=> 9
+; nesting forms will do the expected thing
+(+ 2 (* 4 2)) ;=> 10
+; also logical operators and or not and equal to etc. do as expected
+(= 5 4) ;=> False
+(not (= 5 4)) ;=> True
+;; variables
+; variables are set using setv, variable names can use utf-8 except
+; for ()[]{}",'`;#|
+(setv a 42)
+(setv π 3.14159)
+(def *foo* 42)
+;; other container data types
+; strings, lists, tuples & dicts
+; these are exactly same as python's container types
+"hello world" ;=> "hello world"
+; string operations work similar to python
+(+ "hello " "world") ;=> "hello world"
+; lists are created using [], indexing starts at 0
+(setv mylist [1 2 3 4])
+; tuples are immutable data structures
+(setv mytuple (, 1 2))
+; dictionaries are key value pairs
+(setv dict1 {"key1" 42 "key2" 21})
+; :name can be used to define keywords in hy which can be used for keys
+(setv dict2 {:key1 41 :key2 20})
+; use `get' to get the element at an index/key
+(get mylist 1) ;=> 2
+(get dict1 "key1") ;=> 42
+; Alternatively if keywords were used they can directly be called
+(:key1 dict2) ;=> 41
+;; functions and other program constructs
+; functions are defined using defn, the last sexp is returned by default
+(defn greet [name]
+ "A simple greeting" ; an optional docstring
+ (print "hello " name))
+(greet "bilbo") ;=> "hello bilbo"
+; functions can take optional arguments as well as keyword arguments
+(defn foolist [arg1 &optional [arg2 2]]
+ [arg1 arg2])
+(foolists 3) ;=> [3 2]
+(foolists 10 3) ;=> [10 3]
+; anonymous functions are created using `fn' or `lambda' constructs
+; which are similiar to `defn'
+(map (fn [x] (* x x)) [1 2 3 4]) ;=> [1 4 9 16]
+;; Sequence operations
+; hy has some builtin utils for sequence operations etc.
+; retrieve the first element using `first' or `car'
+(setv mylist [1 2 3 4])
+(setv mydict {"a" 1 "b" 2})
+(first mylist) ;=> 1
+; slice lists using slice
+(slice mylist 1 3) ;=> [2 3]
+; get elements from a list or dict using `get'
+(get mylist 1) ;=> 2
+(get mydict "b") ;=> 2
+; list indexing starts from 0 same as python
+; assoc can set elements at keys/indexes
+(assoc mylist 2 10) ; makes mylist [1 2 10 4]
+(assoc mydict "c" 3) ; makes mydict {"a" 1 "b" 2 "c" 3}
+; there are a whole lot of other core functions which makes working with
+; sequences fun
+;; Python interop
+;; import works just like in python
+(import datetime)
+(import [functools [partial reduce]]) ; imports fun1 and fun2 from module1
+(import [matplotlib.pyplot :as plt]) ; doing an import foo as bar
+; all builtin python methods etc. are accessible from hy
+; is called as (.foo a arg)
+(.split (.strip "hello world ")) ;=> ["hello" "world"]
+;; Conditionals
+; (if condition (body-if-true) (body-if-false)
+(if (= passcode "moria")
+ (print "welcome")
+ (print "Speak friend, and Enter!"))
+; nest multiple if else if clauses with cond
+ [(= someval 42)
+ (print "Life, universe and everything else!")]
+ [(> someval 42)
+ (print "val too large")]
+ [(< someval 42)
+ (print "val too small")])
+; group statements with do, these are executed sequentially
+; forms like defn have an implicit do
+ (setv someval 10)
+ (print "someval is set to " someval)) ;=> 10
+; create lexical bindings with `let', all variables defined thusly
+; have local scope
+(let [[nemesis {"superman" "lex luther"
+ "sherlock" "moriarty"
+ "seinfeld" "newman"}]]
+ (for [(, h v) (.items nemesis)]
+ (print (.format "{0}'s nemesis was {1}" h v))))
+;; classes
+; classes are defined in the following way
+(defclass Wizard [object]
+ [[--init-- (fn [self spell]
+ (setv self.spell spell) ; init the spell attr
+ None)]
+ [get-spell (fn [self]
+ self.spell)]])
+;; do checkout
+### Further Reading
+This tutorial is just a very basic introduction to hy/lisp/python.
+Hy docs are here: [](
+Hy's Github repo: [](
+On freenode irc #hy, twitter hashtag #hylang
diff --git a/objective-c.html.markdown b/objective-c.html.markdown
index a70351b5..f2787649 100644
--- a/objective-c.html.markdown
+++ b/objective-c.html.markdown
@@ -297,22 +297,28 @@ int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
// Convenient notation for public access variables to auto generate a setter method.
// By default, setter method name is 'set' followed by @property variable name.
-@property int count; // Setter method name = 'setCount'
-@property (copy) NSString *name; // (copy) => Copy the object during assignment.
-@property (readonly) id data; // (readonly) => Cannot set value outside interface.
+@property int propInt; // Setter method name = 'setPropInt'
+@property (copy) id copyId; // (copy) => Copy the object during assignment.
+// (readonly) => Cannot set value outside @interface.
+@property (readonly) NSString *roString; // Use @synthesize in @implementation to create accessor.
// You can customize the getter and setter names instead of using default 'set' name:
@property (getter=lengthGet, setter=lengthSet:) int length;
// Methods
+/- (return type)methodSignature:(Parameter Type *)parameterName;
-// + for class method
+// + for class methods:
+ (NSString *)classMethod;
++ (MyClass *)myClassFromHeight:(NSNumber *)defaultHeight;
-// - for instance method
+// - for instance methods:
- (NSString *)instanceMethodWithParameter:(NSString *)string;
- (NSNumber *)methodAParameterAsString:(NSString*)string andAParameterAsNumber:(NSNumber *)number;
+// Constructor methods with arguments:
+- (id)initWithDistance:(int)defaultDistance;
+// Objective-C method names are very descriptive. Always name methods according to their arguments.
@end // States the end of the interface.
@@ -328,38 +334,86 @@ NSLog(@"%i", [myClass lengthGet]); // prints => 32
myClass.count = 45;
NSLog(@"%i", myClass.count); // prints => 45
+// Call class methods:
+NSString *classMethodString = [MyClass classMethod];
+MyClass *classFromName = [MyClass myClassFromName:@"Hello"];
+// Call instance methods:
+MyClass *myClass = [[MyClass alloc] init]; // Create MyClass object instance.
+NSString *stringFromInstanceMethod = [myClass instanceMethodWithParameter:@"Hello"];
+// Selectors.
+// Way to dynamically represent methods. Used to call methods of a class, pass methods
+// through functions to tell other classes they should call it, and to save methods
+// as a variable.
+// SEL is the data type. @selector() returns a selector from method name provided.
+// methodAParameterAsString:andAParameterAsNumber: is method name for method in MyClass
+SEL selectorVar = @selector(methodAParameterAsString:andAParameterAsNumber:);
+if ([myClass respondsToSelector:selectorVar]) { // Checks if class contains method.
+ // Must put all method arguments into one object to send to performSelector function.
+ NSArray *arguments = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Hello", @4, nil];
+ [myClass performSelector:selectorVar withObject:arguments]; // Calls the method.
+} else {
+ // NSStringFromSelector() returns a NSString of the method name of a given selector.
+ NSLog(@"MyClass does not have method: %@", NSStringFromSelector(selectedVar));
// Implement the methods in an implementation (MyClass.m) file:
@implementation MyClass {
long distance; // Private access instance variable.
+ NSNumber height;
// To access a public variable from the interface file, use '_' followed by variable name:
_count = 5; // References "int count" from MyClass interface.
// Access variables defined in implementation file:
distance = 18; // References "long distance" from MyClass implementation.
+// To use @property variable in implementation, use @synthesize to create accessor variable:
+@synthesize roString = _roString; // _roString available now in @implementation.
+// Called before calling any class methods or instantiating any objects.
++ (void)initialize
+ if (self == [MyClass class]) {
+ distance = 0;
+ }
-// Call when the object is releasing
+// Counterpart to initialize method. Called when an object's reference count is zero.
- (void)dealloc
+ [height release]; // If not using ARC, make sure to release class variable objects
+ [super dealloc]; // and call parent class dealloc.
-// Constructors are a way of creating classes
+// Constructors are a way of creating instances of a class.
// This is a default constructor which is called when the object is initialized.
- (id)init
- if ((self = [super init]))
+ if ((self = [super init])) // 'super' used to access methods from parent class.
- self.count = 1;
+ self.count = 1; // 'self' used for object to call itself.
return self;
+// Can create constructors that contain arguments:
+- (id)initWithDistance:(int)defaultDistance
+ distance = defaultDistance;
+ return self;
+ (NSString *)classMethod
return [[self alloc] init];
++ (MyClass *)myClassFromHeight:(NSNumber *)defaultHeight
+ height = defaultHeight;
+ return [[self alloc] init];
- (NSString *)instanceMethodWithParameter:(NSString *)string
return @"New string";
@@ -370,6 +424,12 @@ distance = 18; // References "long distance" from MyClass implementation.
return @42;
+// To create a private method, create the method in the @implementation but not in the @interface.
+- (NSNumber *)secretPrivateMethod {
+ return @72;
+[self secretPrivateMethod]; // Calls private method.
// Methods declared into MyProtocol
- (void)myProtocolMethod
diff --git a/zh-cn/javascript-cn.html.markdown b/zh-cn/javascript-cn.html.markdown
index 89fc256e..86ad1d07 100644
--- a/zh-cn/javascript-cn.html.markdown
+++ b/zh-cn/javascript-cn.html.markdown
@@ -401,8 +401,6 @@ if (Object.create === undefined){ // 如果存在则不覆盖
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