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-rw-r--r--Visual Basic248
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diff --git a/Visual Basic b/Visual Basic
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73430633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Visual Basic
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+language: Visual Basic Console Application
+ - ["Brian Martin", ""]
+filename: learnvisualbasic.vb
+Module Module1
+ Sub Main()
+ 'A Quick Overview of Visual Basic Console Applications before we dive in to the deep end.
+ 'Apostrophe starts comments.
+ 'To Navigate this tutorial within the Visual Basic Complier, I've put together a navigation system.
+ 'This navigation system is explained however as we go deeper into this tutorial, you'll understand what it all means.
+ Console.Title = ("Learn X in Y Minutes")
+ Console.WriteLine("NAVIGATION") 'Display
+ Console.WriteLine("")
+ Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green
+ Console.WriteLine("1. Hello World Output")
+ Console.WriteLine("2. Hello World Input")
+ Console.WriteLine("3. Calculating Whole Numbers")
+ Console.WriteLine("4. Calculating Decimal Numbers")
+ Console.WriteLine("5. Working Calculator")
+ Console.WriteLine("6. Using Do While Loops")
+ Console.WriteLine("7. Using For While Loops")
+ Console.WriteLine("8. Conditional Statements")
+ Console.WriteLine("9. Select A Drink")
+ Console.WriteLine("50. About")
+ Console.WriteLine("Please Choose A Number From The Above List")
+ Dim selection As String = Console.ReadLine
+ Select Case selection
+ Case "1" 'HelloWorld Output
+ Console.Clear() 'Clears the application and opens the private sub
+ HelloWorldOutput() 'Name Private Sub, Opens Private Sub
+ Case "2" 'Hello Input
+ Console.Clear()
+ HelloWorldInput()
+ Case "3" 'Calculating Whole Numbers
+ Console.Clear()
+ CalculatingWholeNumbers()
+ Case "4" 'Calculting Decimal Numbers
+ Console.Clear()
+ CalculatingDecimalNumbers()
+ Case "5" 'Working Calcculator
+ Console.Clear()
+ WorkingCalculator()
+ Case "6" 'Using Do While Loops
+ Console.Clear()
+ UsingDoWhileLoops()
+ Case "7" 'Using For While Loops
+ Console.Clear()
+ UsingForLoops()
+ Case "8" 'Conditional Statements
+ Console.Clear()
+ ConditionalStatement()
+ Case "9" 'If/Else Statement
+ Console.Clear()
+ IfElseStatement() 'Select a drink
+ Case "50" 'About msg box
+ Console.Clear()
+ Console.Title = ("Learn X in Y Minutes :: About")
+ MsgBox("Learn X in Y Minutes is a creation of Adam Bard (@adambard) This particular program tutorial is by Brian Martin (@BrianMartinn")
+ Console.Clear()
+ Main()
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ End Select
+ End Sub
+ 'One - I'm using numbers to help with the above navigation when I come back later to build it.
+ Private Sub HelloWorldOutput() 'We use private subs to seperate different sections of the program.
+ Console.Title = "Hello World Ouput | Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
+ 'Use Console.Write("") or Console.WriteLine("") to print outputs.
+ 'Followed by Console.Read() alternatively Console.Readline()
+ 'Console.ReadLine() prints the output to the console.
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello World")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ End Sub
+ 'Two
+ Private Sub HelloWorldInput() 'We use private subs to seperate different sections of the program.
+ Console.Title = "Hello World YourName | Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
+ 'Variables
+ 'Data entered by a user needs to be stored.
+ 'Variables also start with a Dim and end with an As VariableType.
+ Dim username As String 'In this tutorial, we want to know what your name, and make the program respond to what is said.
+ 'We use string as string is a text based variable.
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello, What is your name? ") 'Ask the user their name.
+ username = Console.ReadLine() 'Stores the users name.
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello " + username) 'Output is Hello 'Their name'
+ Console.ReadLine() 'Outsputs the above.
+ 'The above will ask you a question followed by printing your answer.
+ 'Other variables include Integer and we use Integer for whole numbers.
+ End Sub
+ 'Three
+ Private Sub CalculatingWholeNumbers() 'We use private subs to seperate different sections of the program.
+ Console.Title = "Calculating Whole Numbers | Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
+ Console.Write("First number: ") 'Enter a whole number, 1, 2, 50, 104 ect
+ Dim a As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
+ Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
+ Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
+ Dim c As Integer = a + b
+ Console.WriteLine(c)
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ 'The above is a simple calculator
+ End Sub
+ 'Four
+ Private Sub CalculatingDecimalNumbers()
+ Console.Title = "Calculating with Double | Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
+ 'Of course we would like to be able to add up decimals.
+ 'Therefore we could change the above from Integer to Double.
+ Console.Write("First number: ") 'Enter a whole number, 1.2, 2.4, 50.1, 104.9 ect
+ Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
+ Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
+ Dim b As Double = Console.ReadLine
+ Dim c As Double = a + b
+ Console.WriteLine(c)
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ 'Therefore the above program can add up 1.1 - 2.2
+ End Sub
+ 'Five
+ Private Sub WorkingCalculator()
+ Console.Title = "The Working Calculator| Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
+ 'However if you'd like the calculator to subtract, divide, multiple and add up.
+ 'Copy and paste the above again.
+ Console.Write("First number: ") 'Enter a whole number, 1.2, 2.4, 50.1, 104.9 ect
+ Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
+ Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
+ Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine
+ Dim c As Integer = a + b
+ Dim d As Integer = a * b
+ Dim e As Integer = a - b
+ Dim f As Integer = a / b
+ 'By adding the below lines we are able to calculate the subtract, multply as well as divide the a and b values
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " + " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + c.ToString.PadLeft(3)) 'We want to pad the answers to the left by 3 spaces.
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " * " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + d.ToString.PadLeft(3)) 'We want to pad the answers to the left by 3 spaces.
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " - " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3)) 'We want to pad the answers to the left by 3 spaces.
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " / " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3)) 'We want to pad the answers to the left by 3 spaces.
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ End Sub
+ 'Six
+ Private Sub UsingDoWhileLoops()
+ 'Just as the previous private sub
+ 'This Time We Ask If The User Wishes To Continue (Yes or No?)
+ 'We're using Do While Loop as we're unsure if the user wants to use the program more than once.
+ Console.Title = "UsingDoWhileLoops | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ Dim answer As String 'We use the variable "String" as the answer is text
+ Do 'We start the program with
+ Console.Write("First number: ")
+ Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
+ Console.Write("Second number: ")
+ Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine
+ Dim c As Integer = a + b
+ Dim d As Integer = a * b
+ Dim e As Integer = a - b
+ Dim f As Integer = a / b
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " + " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + c.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " * " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + d.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " - " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " / " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ 'Ask the question, does the user wish to continue? Unfortunately it is case sensitive.
+ Console.Write("Would you like to continue? (yes / no)")
+ answer = Console.ReadLine 'The program grabs the variable and prints and starts again.
+ Loop While answer = "yes" 'The command for the variable to work would be in this case "yes"
+ End Sub
+ 'Seven
+ Private Sub UsingForLoops()
+ 'Sometimes the program only needs to run once.
+ 'In this program we'll be counting down from 10.
+ Console.Title = "Using For Loops | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ For i As Integer = 10 To 0 Step -1 'Declare Vairable and what number it should count down in Step -1, Step -2, Step -3 ect.
+ Console.WriteLine(i.ToString) 'Print the value of the counter variable
+ Next i 'Calculate new value
+ Console.WriteLine("Start") 'Lets start the program baby!!
+ Console.ReadLine() 'POW!! - Perhaps I got a little excited then :)
+ End Sub
+ 'Eight
+ Private Sub ConditionalStatement()
+ Console.Title = "Conditional Statements | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ Dim userName As String = Console.ReadLine
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello, What is your name? ") 'Ask the user their name.
+ userName = Console.ReadLine() 'Stores the users name.
+ If userName = "Adam" Then 'Hey, if Adam uses this program, kudos where kudos is due, right?
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello Adam")
+ Console.WriteLine("Thanks for creating the useful tutorial site!")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ Else
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello " + userName) 'prints the username of the user
+ Console.WriteLine("Hope all is well have you checked out") 'Prints a message to the user
+ Console.ReadLine() 'Ends and prints the above statement.
+ End If
+ End Sub
+ 'Nine
+ Private Sub IfElseStatement()
+ Console.Title = "If / Else Statement | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ 'Sometimes its important to consider more than two alternatives. Sometimes there are a good few others.
+ 'When this is the case, more than one if statement would be required.
+ 'An if statement is great for vending machines. Where the user enters a code.
+ 'A1, A2, A3, ect to select an item.
+ 'All choices can be combined into a single if statement.
+ Dim selection As String = Console.ReadLine 'Value for selection
+ Console.WriteLine("A1. for 7Up")
+ Console.WriteLine("A2. for Fanta")
+ Console.WriteLine("A3. for Dr. Pepper")
+ Console.WriteLine("A4. for Diet Coke")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ If selection = "A1" Then
+ Console.WriteLine("7up")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ ElseIf selection = "A2" Then
+ Console.WriteLine("fanta")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ ElseIf selection = "A3" Then
+ Console.WriteLine("dr. pepper")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ ElseIf selection = "A4" Then
+ Console.WriteLine("diet coke")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ Else
+ Console.WriteLine("Please select a product")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ End If
+ End Sub
+End Module
+## References
+I learnt Visual Basic in the console application. It allowed me to understand the principles of computer programming to go on to learn other programming languages easily.
+I created a more indepth <a href="" Title="Visual Basic Tutorial">Visual Basic tutorial</a> for those who would like to learn more.
+The entire syntax is valid. Copy the and paste in to the Visual Basic complier and run (F5) the program.
diff --git a/coffeescript.html.markdown b/coffeescript.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..429f10b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/coffeescript.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+language: coffeescript
+ - ["Tenor Biel", ""]
+``` coffeescript
+# CoffeeScript is a hipster language.
+# It goes with the trends of many modern languages.
+# So comments are like Ruby and Python, they use hashes.
+Block comments are like these, and they translate directly to '/ *'s and '* /'s
+for the resulting JavaScript code.
+You should understand most of JavaScript semantices
+before continuing.
+# Assignment:
+number = 42 #=> var number = 42;
+opposite = true #=> var opposite = true;
+# Conditions:
+number = -42 if opposite #=> if(opposite) { number = -42; }
+# Functions:
+square = (x) -> x * x #=> var square = function(x) { return x * x; }
+# Ranges:
+list = [1..5] #=> var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+# Objects:
+math =
+ root: Math.sqrt
+ square: square
+ cube: (x) -> x * square x
+#=> var math = {
+# "root": Math.sqrt,
+# "square": square,
+# "cube": function(x) { return x * square(x); }
+# Splats:
+race = (winner, runners...) ->
+ print winner, runners
+# Existence:
+alert "I knew it!" if elvis?
+#=> if(typeof elvis !== "undefined" && elvis !== null) { alert("I knew it!"); }
+# Array comprehensions:
+cubes = (math.cube num for num in list) #=> ...
diff --git a/ruby.html.markdown b/ruby.html.markdown
index 38d060a3..a3bcbbd5 100644
--- a/ruby.html.markdown
+++ b/ruby.html.markdown
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ filename: learnruby.rb
- ["David Underwood", ""]
- ["Joel Walden", ""]
+ - ["Luke Holder", ""]
@@ -30,6 +31,11 @@ You shouldn't either
10 * 2 #=> 20
35 / 5 #=> 7
+# Arithmetic is just syntactic sugar
+# for calling a method on an object
+1.+(3) #=> 4
+10.* 5 #=> 50
# Special values are objects
nil # Nothing to see here
true # truth
@@ -121,6 +127,12 @@ array = [1, "hello", false] #=> => [1, "hello", false]
array[0] #=> 1
array[12] #=> nil
+# Like arithmetic, [var] access
+# is just syntactic sugar
+# for calling a method [] on an object
+array.[] 0 #=> 1
+array.[] 12 #=> nil
# From the end
array[-1] #=> 5
@@ -312,4 +324,5 @@ #=> "Dwight K. Schrute"
# Call the class method
Human.say("Hi") #=> "Hi"
diff --git a/whip.html.markdown b/whip.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3fe9b2f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/whip.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+language: whip
+ - ["Tenor Biel", ""]
+author: Tenor Biel
+filename: whip.lisp
+Whip is a LISP-dialect made for scripting and simplified concepts.
+It has also borrowed a lot of functions and syntax from Haskell(a non-related language).
+These docs were written by the creator of the language himself. So is this line.
+``` lisp
+; Comments are like LISP. Semi-solons...
+; Majority of first-level statements are inside "forms"
+; which are just things inside parens separated by whitespace
+; 1. Numbers, Strings, and Operators
+; Whip has one number type (which is a 64-bit IEEE 754 double, from JavaScript).
+3 ; => 3
+1.5 ; => 1.5
+; Functions are called if they are the first element in a form
+(called_function args)
+; Majority of operations are done with functions
+; All the basic arihmetic is pretty straight forward
+(+ 1 1) ; => 2
+(- 2 1) ; => 1
+(* 1 2) ; => 2
+(/ 2 1) ; => 2
+; even modulo
+(% 9 4) ; => 1
+; JavaScript-style uneven division.
+(/ 5 2) ; => 2.5
+; Nesting forms works as you expect.
+(* 2 (+ 1 3)) ; => 8
+; There's a boolean type.
+; String are created with ".
+"Hello, world"
+; Single chars are created with '.
+; Negation uses the 'not' function.
+(not true) ; => false
+(not false) ; => true
+; But the majority of non-haskell functions have shortcuts
+; not's shortcut is a '!'.
+(! (! true)) ; => true
+; Equality is `equal` or `=`.
+(= 1 1) ; => true
+(equal 2 1) ; => false
+; For example, inequality would be combinding the not and equal functions.
+(! (= 2 1)) ; => true
+; More comparisons
+(< 1 10) ; => true
+(> 1 10) ; => false
+; and their word counterpart.
+(lesser 1 10) ; => true
+(greater 1 10) ; => false
+; Strings can be concatenated with +.
+(+ "Hello " "world!") ; => "Hello world!"
+; You can use JavaScript's comparative abilities.
+(< 'a' 'b') ; => true
+; ...and type coercion
+(= '5' 5)
+; The `at` or @ function will access characters in strings, starting at 0.
+(at 0 'a') ; => 'a'
+(@ 3 "foobar") ; => 'b'
+; There is also the `null` and `undefined` variables.
+null ; used to indicate a deliberate non-value
+undefined ; user to indicate a value that hasn't been set
+; 2. Vairbles, Lists, and Dicts
+; Variables are declared with the `def` or `let` functions.
+; Variab;es that haven't been set will be `undefined`.
+(def some_var 5)
+; `def` will keep the variable in the global context.
+; `let` will only have the variable inside it's context, and has a wierder syntax.
+(let ((a_var 5)) (+ a_var 5)) ; => 10
+(+ a_var 5) ; = undefined + 5 => undefined
+; Lists are arrays of values of any type.
+; They basically are just forms without functions at the beginning.
+(1 2 3) ; => [1, 2, 3] (JavaScript syntax)
+; Dictionaries are Whip's equivalent to JavaScript 'objects' or Python 'dictionaries'
+; or Ruby 'hashes': an unordered collection of key-value pairs.
+{"key1":"value1" "key2":2 3:3}
+; Keys are just values, either identifier, number, or string.
+(def my_dict {my_key:"my_value" "my other key":4})
+; But in Whip, dictionaries get parsed like: value, colon, value; with whitespace between each.
+; So that means
+{"key": "value"
+"another key"
+: 1234
+; is evaluated to the same as
+{"key":"value" "another key":1234}
+; Dictionary definitions can be accessed used the `at` function, like strings and lists.
+(@ "my other key" my_dict) ; => 4
+; 3. Logic and Control sequences
+; The `if` function is pretty simple, though different than most imperitave langs.
+(if true "returned if first arg is true" "returned if first arg is false")
+; => "returned if first arg is true"
+; And for the sake of ternary operator legacy
+; `?` is if's unused shortcut.
+(? false true false) ; => false
+; `both` is a logical 'and' statement, and `either` is a logical 'or'.
+(both true true) ; => true
+(both true false) ; => false
+(either true false) ; => true
+(either false false) ; => false
+; And their shortcuts are
+; & => both
+; ^ => either
+(& true true) ; => true
+(^ false true) ; => true
+; Lambdas
+; Lambdas in Whip are declared with the `lambda` or `->` function.
+; And functions are really just lambdas with names.
+(def my_function (-> (x y) (+ (x y) 10)))
+; | | | |
+; | | | returned value(with scope containing argument vars)
+; | | arguments
+; | lambda declaration function
+; |
+; name of the to-be-decalred lambda
+(my_function 10 10) ; = (+ (+ 10 10) 10) => 30
+; Obiously, all lambdas by definition are anonymous and
+; technically always used anonymouesly. Redundancy.
+((lambda (x) x) 10) ; => 10
+; Comprehensions
+; `range` or `..` generates a list of numbers for
+; each number between it's two args.
+(range 1 5) ; => (1 2 3 4 5)
+(.. 0 2) ; => (0 1 2)
+; `map` applies it's first arg(which should be a lambda/function)
+; to each item in the following arg(which should be a list)
+(map (-> (x) (+ x 1)) (1 2 3)) ; => (2 3 4)
+; Reduce
+(reduce + (.. 1 5))
+; equivalent to
+((+ (+ (+ 1 2) 3) 4) 5)
+; Note: map and reduce don't have shortcuts
+; `slice` or `\` is just like JavaScript's .slice()
+; But do note, it takes the list as the first argument, not the last.
+(slice (.. 1 5) 2) ; => (3 4 5)
+(\ (.. 0 100) -5) ; => (96 97 98 99 100)
+; `append` or `<<` is self expanatory
+(append 4 (1 2 3)) ; => (1 2 3 4)
+(<< "bar" ("foo")) ; => ("foo" "bar")
+; Length is self explanatory.
+(length (1 2 3)) ; => 3
+(_ "foobar") ; => 6
+; Haskell fluff
+; First item in list
+(head (1 2 3)) ; => 1
+; List from second to last elements in list
+(tail (1 2 3)) ; => (2 3)
+; Last item in list
+(last (1 2 3)) ; => 3
+; Reverse of `tail`
+(init (1 2 3)) ; => (1 2)
+; List from first to specified elements in list
+(take 1 (1 2 3 4)) ; (1 2)
+; Reverse of `take`
+(drop 1 (1 2 3 4)) ; (3 4)
+; Lowest value in list
+(min (1 2 3 4)) ; 1
+; Highest value in list
+(max (1 2 3 4)) ; 4
+; If value is in list or object
+(elem 1 (1 2 3)) ; true
+(elem "foo" {"foo":"bar"}) ; true
+(elem "bar" {"foo":"bar"}) ; false
+; Reverse list order
+(reverse (1 2 3 4)) ; => (4 3 2 1)
+; If value is even or odd
+(even 1) ; => false
+(odd 1) ; => true
+; Split string into list of strings by whitespace
+(words "foobar nachos cheese") ; => ("foobar" "nachos" "cheese")
+; Join list of strings together.
+(unwords ("foo" "bar")) ; => "foobar"
+(pred 21) ; => 20
+(succ 20) ; => 21
+For more info, check out the [repo](