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+language: Solidity
+filename: learnSolidity.sol
+ - ["Nemil Dalal", ""]
+Solidity is a statically typed, contract programming language for [Ethereum]( that has similarities to Javascript and C. Like an object in object-oriented languages, each contract contains state variables, functions, and common data types. Contract-specific features include modifier (guard) clauses, event notifiers, and custom variables.
+Solidity lets you program on Ethereum, a blockchain-based virtual machine that allows the creation and computation of smart contracts, without needing centralized or trusted parties.
+As Solidity and Ethereum are under active development, experimental or beta features are explicitly marked, and subject to change. Pull requests welcome.
+// Let's start with a simple Bank contract, before diving into to the key components of the language
+// Start with a Natspec comment (the three slashes) that can be used
+// for documentation - and as descriptive data for UI elements
+/// @title A simple deposit/withdrawal bank built on Bitcoin
+// All contracts are declared and named (in CamelCase)
+contract AcmeBank {
+ // Declare state variables outside a function,
+ // these are persistent throughout the life of the contract
+ // a dictionary that maps addresses to balances
+ mapping (address -> uint) balances;
+ // the 'public' makes 'owner' externally readable by users or contracts
+ // (but not writeable), the 'constant' means this value to be
+ // changed after initialization
+ address public constant owner;
+ // Constructor, can receive one or many variables here
+ function AcmeBank() {
+ // msg is a default variable that provides both the
+ // contract messager's address and amount
+ owner = msg.address;
+ // the owner has no additional rights, we're setting it for
+ // illustrative purposes
+ }
+ function deposit(uint balance) {
+ balances[msg.sender] += msg.value; // no need for "this." or "self." in front of the state variable
+ return balances[msg.sender];
+ }
+ function withdraw(uint withdrawAmount) returns (uint remainingBalance) {
+ if(balances[msg.sender] >= withdrawAmount) {
+ balances[msg.sender] -= withdrawAmount;
+ balances[msg.sender].send(withdrawAmount);
+ return balances[msg.sender];
+ }
+ }
+ // The 'constant' prevents the function from editing state variables
+ function balance() constant {
+ return balances[msg.sender];
+ }
+ // Fallback function
+ // This function is called if invalid data is sent or ether without data;
+ // Added so that ether sent to this contract is reverted if the contract fails
+ // otherwise, the sender loses their money; you should add this in most contracts
+ function () { throw; }
+// End example
+// Now let's go through the basics of Solidity
+// uint is the data type typically used for currency (there are no doubles
+// or floats) and for dates
+uint x;
+int const a = 8; // int of 256 bits, cannot be changed after instantiation
+uint8 b;
+int64 c;
+// int256 is same as int
+// For both int and uint, you can explicitly set space in steps of 8,
+// e.g., int8, int16
+uint248 e;
+// Type casting
+int x = int(b)
+bool b = true; // or do 'var b = true;' for inferred typing
+// Addresses - holds 20 byte/160 bit Ethereum addresses to another contract
+// ('Contract Account)') or person/external entity ('External Account')
+address public owner; // Add 'public' field to indicate publicly/externally accessible, a getter is automatically created, but NOT a setter
+// All addresses can be sent ether in the following way:
+owner.send(SOME_BALANCE); // returns false on failure
+owner.balance; // the balance of the owner
+// Bytes are provided from 1 to 32
+byte a; // byte is same as bytes1
+bytes32 b;
+// Dynamically sized
+bytes m; // A special array, same as byte[] (but packed tightly)
+// same as bytes, but does not allow length or index access (for now)
+string n = 'hello';
+// Type inference
+// var does inferred typing based on first assignment,
+// can't be used in functions parameters
+var a = true;
+// there are edge cases where inference leads to a value being set (e.g., an uint 8)
+// that is different from what the user wanted (uint16), so use carefully
+// by default, all values are set to 0 on instantiation
+// Delete can be called on most types, and will set the values to 0
+uint x = 5;
+delete(x); // x is now 0
+// Arrays
+bytes32[] names;
+uint newLength = names.push("John"); // adding returns new length of the array
+// Length
+names.length; // get length
+names.length = 1; // lengths can also be set, unlike many other languages
+// Dictionaries (any type to any other type)
+mapping (string -> uint) public balances;
+balances["john"] = 1;
+console.log(balances[jill]); // is 0, all non-set key values return zeroes
+// The 'public' lets you do the following from another contract
+contractName.balances("john"); // returns 1
+// The 'public' keyword here created a getter (but not setter) that behaves like the following:
+function balances(address _account) returns (uint balance) {
+ return balances[_account];
+// To delete
+delete(balances); // deletes all elements
+// Unlike languages like Javascript, you cannot iterate through all elements in
+// a map, without knowing the source keys
+// Structs and enums
+ struct Bank { // note the capital
+ address owner;
+ uint balance;
+ }
+Bank b = Bank({
+ owner: msg.sender,
+ balance: 5
+delete(b); // set all values to 0, except any mappings
+// Enums
+enum State { Created, Locked, Inactive };
+State public state; // Declare variable from enum
+state = State.Created;
+// 3. Variables of note
+// storage - A persistent storage hash (does not need to be declared)
+storage['abc'] = 'def'; // maps 256 bit words to 256 bit words
+// tx - This transaction
+tx.origin // address, sender of the transaction
+tx.gasprice // uint, gas price of the transaction
+// msg - The current message received by the contract
+msg.sender; // address, The address of the sender
+msg.value; // uint, The amount of gas provided to this contract in wei // bytes, complete call data
+// balance of the current contract (both contract and external accounts
+// have balances) - often used at the end of a contracts life to send the
+// remaining balance to a party
+// block
+now // uint, current time, alias for block.timestamp
+block.number // uint, current block number
+block.difficulty // uint, current block difficulty
+block.blockhash(1) // returns bytes32, only provides for most recent 256 block
+// A. Functions
+// Simple function
+function increment(uint x) returns (uint) {
+ x += 1;
+ return x;
+// Functions can return many arguments, and by specifying the returned arguments
+// you don't need to explicity return
+function increment(uint x, uint y) returns (uint x, uint y) {
+ x += 1;
+ y += 1;
+// This function would have been called like this, and assigned to a tuple
+uint (a,b) = increment(1,1);
+// The 'constant' indicates and ensures that a function does not/cannot change the persistent variables
+uint y;
+function increment(uint x) constant returns (uint x) {
+ x += 1;
+ y += 1; // this line would fail
+ // as y is a state variable, and can't be changed in a constant function
+// There are a few 'function visibility specifiers' that can be placed where 'constant'
+// is, which include:
+// internal (can only be called by an internal function, not one external to the contract)
+// public - visibile externally and internally
+// private - only visible in the current contract
+// Functions are hoisted (so you can call a function, even if it is declared later) - and you can assign a function to a variable
+function a() {
+ var z = b;
+ b();
+function b() {
+// B. Events
+// Events are an easy way to notify external listeners that something changed
+// You typically decalre them after your contract parameters
+event Sent(address from, address to, uint amount);
+// You then call it in a function, when you want to trigger it
+sent(from, to, amount);
+// For an external party (a contract or external entity), to watch
+// for an event, you write the following:
+Coin.Sent().watch({}, '', function(error, result) {
+ if (!error) {
+ console.log("Coin transfer: " + result.args.amount +
+ " coins were sent from " + result.args.from +
+ " to " + + ".");
+ console.log("Balances now:\n" +
+ "Sender: " + +
+ "Receiver: " +;
+ }
+// This is a common paradigm for one contract to depend on another (e.g., a
+// contract that depends on the current exchange rate provided by another
+// contract)
+// C. Modifiers
+// Modifiers let you validate inputs to functions
+// The '_' (underscore) must be included, and is an indicator that the
+// function being called should be placed there
+modifier onlyBefore(uint _time) { if (now >= _time) throw; _ }
+// You can then append it right after the function declaration
+function test()
+ onlyBefore()
+// All basic logic blocks work - including if/else, for, while, break, continue, return
+// switch is not provided
+// Syntax is the same as javascript, but there is no type conversion from
+// non-boolean to boolean
+contract infoFeed {
+ function info() returns (uint ret) { return 42; }
+contract Consumer {
+ InfoFeed feed; // create a variable that will point to a contract on the blockchain
+ function setFeed(address addr) {
+ // Link to the contract by creating on the address
+ feed = InfoFeed(addr);
+ }
+ function callFeed() {
+ // T final parentheses call the contract, optionally adding
+ // custom value or gas numbers
+ }
+// A. Obfuscation
+// Remember that all variables are publicly viewable on the blockchain, so
+// anything that needs some privacy needs to be obfuscated (e.g., hashed)
+// B. Throwing
+// Throwing
+throw; // throwing is easily done, and reverts unused money to the sender
+// You can't currently catch
+// A common design pattern is:
+if (!addr.send(123)) {
+ throw;
+// C. Suicide
+// Suicide
+suicide(SOME_ADDRESS); // suicide the current contract, sending funds to the address (often the creator)
+// D. Storage optimization
+// Reading and writing can be expensive, as data needs to be stored in the
+// blockchain forever - this encourages smart ways to use memory (eventually,
+// compilation may better handle this, but for now there are benefits to
+// planning your data structures)
+// *** EXAMPLE: Let's do a more complex example ***
+// [TODO: Decide what a more complex example looks like, needs a few // characteristics:
+// - has a 'constant' state variable
+// - has a state machine (uses modifier)
+// - sends money to an address
+// - gets information from another contract (we'll show code for both contracts)
+// - Shows inheritance
+// - show variables being passed in on instantiation (and guard code to throw if variables not provided)
+// Ideas:
+// - crowdfunding?
+// - Peer to peer insurance
+// ]
+// *** END EXAMPLE ***
+// Some final points
+// Currency units
+// By default, currency is defined using wei, the smallest unit of Ether
+uint minAmount = 1 wei;
+uint a = 1 finney; // 1 ether = 1000 finney
+// There are a number of other units, see:
+// Time units
+1 == 1 second
+1 minutes == 60 seconds
+// You typically multiply a variable times the unit, as these units are not
+// directly stored in a variable
+uint x = 5;
+(x * 1 days); // 5 days
+// Be careful about leap seconds and leap years when using equality statements for time (instead, prefer greater than/less than)
+// Cryptography
+// All strings passed are concatenated before the hash is run
+sha3("ab", "cd");
+// These are natspec comments, when a user is asked to confirm a transaction
+/** */
+// A few common mistakes
+// You cannot restrict a human or computer from reading the content of
+// your transaction or a transaction's state
+// All data to the start of time is stored in the blockchain, so you and
+// anyone can observe all previous data states
+// Use 4 spaces for indentation
+// (Python's PEP8 is used as the baseline style guide, including its general philosophy)
+## Additional resources
+- [Solidity Docs](
+- [Solidity Style Guide]( Ethereum's style guide is heavily derived from Python's [pep8]( style guide.
+- [Browser-based Solidity Editor](
+- [Gitter Chat room](
+Feel free to send a pull request with any edits - or email nemild -/at-/ gmail \ No newline at end of file