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+language: "clojure macros"
+filename: learnclojuremacros.clj
+ - ["Adam Bard", ""]
+As with all Lisps, Clojure's inherent [homoiconicity](
+gives you access to the full extent of the language to write code-generation routines
+called "macros". Macros provide a powerful way to tailor the language to your needs.
+Be careful though. It's considered bad form to write a macro when a function will do.
+Use a macro only when you need control over when or if the arguments to a form will
+be evaluated.
+You'll want to be familiar with Clojure. Make sure you understand everything in
+[Clojure in Y Minutes](/docs/clojure/).
+;; Define a macro using defmacro. Your macro should output a list that can
+;; be evaluated as clojure code.
+;; This macro is the same as if you wrote (reverse "Hello World")
+(defmacro my-first-macro []
+ (list reverse "Hello World"))
+;; Inspect the result of a macro using macroexpand or macroexpand-1.
+;; Note that the call must be quoted.
+(macroexpand '(my-first-macro))
+;; -> (#<core$reverse clojure.core$reverse@xxxxxxxx> "Hello World")
+;; You can eval the result of macroexpand directly:
+(eval (macroexpand '(my-first-macro)))
+; -> (\d \l \o \r \W \space \o \l \l \e \H)
+;; But you should use this more succinct, function-like syntax:
+(my-first-macro) ; -> (\d \l \o \r \W \space \o \l \l \e \H)
+;; You can make things easier on yourself by using the more succinct quote syntax
+;; to create lists in your macros:
+(defmacro my-first-quoted-macro []
+ '(reverse "Hello World"))
+(macroexpand '(my-first-quoted-macro))
+;; -> (reverse "Hello World")
+;; Notice that reverse is no longer function object, but a symbol.
+;; Macros can take arguments.
+(defmacro inc2 [arg]
+ (list + 2 arg))
+(inc2 2) ; -> 4
+;; But, if you try to do this with a quoted list, you'll get an error, because
+;; the argument will be quoted too. To get around this, clojure provides a
+;; way of quoting macros: `. Inside `, you can use ~ to get at the outer scope
+(defmacro inc2-quoted [arg]
+ `(+ 2 ~arg))
+(inc2-quoted 2)
+;; You can use the usual destructuring args. Expand list variables using ~@
+(defmacro unless [arg & body]
+ `(if (not ~arg)
+ (do ~@body))) ; Remember the do!
+(macroexpand '(unless true (reverse "Hello World")))
+;; ->
+;; (if (clojure.core/not true) (do (reverse "Hello World")))
+;; (unless) evaluates and returns its body if the first argument is false.
+;; Otherwise, it returns nil
+(unless true "Hello") ; -> nil
+(unless false "Hello") ; -> "Hello"
+;; Used without care, macros can do great evil by clobbering your vars
+(defmacro define-x []
+ '(do
+ (def x 2)
+ (list x)))
+(def x 4)
+(define-x) ; -> (2)
+(list x) ; -> (2)
+;; To avoid this, use gensym to get a unique identifier
+(gensym 'x) ; -> x1281 (or some such thing)
+(defmacro define-x-safely []
+ (let [sym (gensym 'x)]
+ `(do
+ (def ~sym 2)
+ (list ~sym))))
+(def x 4)
+(define-x-safely) ; -> (2)
+(list x) ; -> (4)
+;; You can use # within ` to produce a gensym for each symbol automatically
+(defmacro define-x-hygenically []
+ `(do
+ (def x# 2)
+ (list x#)))
+(def x 4)
+(define-x-hygenically) ; -> (2)
+(list x) ; -> (4)
+;; It's typical to use helper functions with macros. Let's create a few to
+;; help us support a (dumb) inline arithmatic syntax
+(declare inline-2-helper)
+(defn clean-arg [arg]
+ (if (seq? arg)
+ (inline-2-helper arg)
+ arg))
+(defn apply-arg
+ "Given args [x (+ y)], return (+ x y)"
+ [val [op arg]]
+ (list op val (clean-arg arg)))
+(defn inline-2-helper
+ [[arg1 & ops-and-args]]
+ (let [ops (partition 2 ops-and-args)]
+ (reduce apply-arg (clean-arg arg1) ops)))
+;; We can test it immediately, without creating a macro
+(inline-2-helper '(a + (b - 2) - (c * 5))) ; -> (- (+ a (- b 2)) (* c 5))
+; However, we'll need to make it a macro if we want it to be run at compile time
+(defmacro inline-2 [form]
+ (inline-2-helper form)))
+(macroexpand '(inline-2 (1 + (3 / 2) - (1 / 2) + 1)))
+; -> (+ (- (+ 1 (/ 3 2)) (/ 1 2)) 1)
+(inline-2 (1 + (3 / 2) - (1 / 2) + 1))
+; -> 3 (actually, 3N, since the number got cast to a rational fraction with /)
+### Further Reading
+Writing Macros from [Clojure for the Brave and True](
+Official docs
+When to use macros?