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1 files changed, 50 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/scala.html.markdown b/scala.html.markdown
index 7f5f0ec3..5e3ece2d 100644
--- a/scala.html.markdown
+++ b/scala.html.markdown
@@ -12,22 +12,62 @@ Scala - the scalable language
+// 0. Basics
- Set yourself up:
+ Setup Scala:
1) Download Scala -
2) Unzip/untar to your favourite location and put the bin subdir in your `PATH` environment variable
- 3) Start a Scala REPL by running `scala`. You should see the prompt:
- scala>
- This is the so called REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop). You may type any Scala
- expression, and the result will be printed. We will explain what Scala files
- look like further into this tutorial, but for now, let's start with some
- basics.
+ Try the REPL
+ Scala has a tool called the REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) that is anologus to
+ commandline interpreters in many other languages. You may type any Scala
+ expression, and the result will be evaluated and printed.
+ The REPL is a very handy tool to test and verify code. Use it as you read
+ this tutorial to quickly explore concepts on your own.
+// Start a Scala REPL by running `scala`. You should see the prompt:
+$ scala
+// By default each expression you type is saved as a new numbered value
+scala> 2 + 2
+res0: Int = 4
+// Default values can be reused. Note the value type displayed in the result..
+scala> res0 + 2
+res1: Int = 6
+// Scala is a strongly typed language. You can use the REPL to check the type
+// without evaluating an expression.
+scala> :type (true, 2.0)
+(Boolean, Double)
+// REPL sessions can be saved
+scala> :save /sites/repl-test.scala
+// Files can be loaded into the REPL
+scala> :load /sites/repl-test.scala
+Loading /sites/repl-test.scala...
+res2: Int = 4
+res3: Int = 6
+// You can search your recent history
+scala> :h?
+1 2 + 2
+2 res0 + 2
+3 :save /sites/repl-test.scala
+4 :load /sites/repl-test.scala
+5 :h?
+// Now that you know how to play, let's learn a little scala...
// 1. Basics