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1 files changed, 158 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/chapel.html.markdown b/chapel.html.markdown
index 53e9747c..cfde0454 100644
--- a/chapel.html.markdown
+++ b/chapel.html.markdown
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ stderr.writeln( "This goes to standard error" );
var myVar = 10; // 10 is an int, so myVar is implicitly an int
myVar = -10;
var mySecondVar = myVar;
-// var anError; // this would be a compile time error.
+// var anError; // this would be a compile-time error.
// We can (and should) explicitly type things
-var myThirdVar: real; // define mySecondVar as a real
+var myThirdVar: real;
var myFourthVar: real = -1.234;
myThirdVar = myFourthVar;
@@ -57,24 +57,24 @@ var my64Real: real(64) = 1.516; // 64 bit (8 bytes) sized real
var intFromReal = myReal : int;
var intFromReal2: int = myReal : int;
-// consts are constants, they cannot be changed after set in runtime
+// consts are constants, they cannot be changed after set in runtime.
const almostPi: real = 22.0/7.0;
-// params are constants whose value must be known statically at compile time
-// Like consts, they cannot be changed during runtime
+// params are constants whose value must be known statically at compile-time
+// Their value cannot be changed.
param compileTimeConst: int = 16;
// The config modifier allows values to be set at the command line
-// and is much easier that the usual getOpts debacle
+// and is much easier than the usual getOpts debacle
// config vars and consts can be changed through the command line at run time
config var varCmdLineArg: int = -123;
config const constCmdLineArg: int = 777;
// Set with --VarName=Value or --VarName Value at run time
-// config params can be set at compile time
+// config params can be set/changed at compile-time
config param paramCmdLineArg: bool = false;
+// Set config with --set paramCmdLineArg=value at compile-time
writeln( varCmdLineArg, ", ", constCmdLineArg, ", ", paramCmdLineArg );
-// Set config with --set paramCmdLineArg=value at compile time
// refs operate much like a reference in C++
var actual = 10;
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ genericProc( 1.0+2.0i, 3.0+4.0i );
// We can also enforce a form of polymorphism with the 'where' clause
// This allows the compiler to decide which function to use.
-// Note: that means that all information needs to be known at compile time.
+// Note: that means that all information needs to be known at compile-time.
// The param modifier on the arg is used to enforce this constraint.
proc whereProc( param N : int ): void
where ( N > 0 ) {
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ writeln( false ^ true );
writeln( true ^ false );
writeln( false ^ false );
-// Define a * operator on any two types that returns a tupe of those types
+// Define a * operator on any two types that returns a tuple of those types
proc *( left : ?ltype, right : ?rtype): ( ltype, rtype ){
return (left, right );
@@ -533,6 +533,14 @@ iter oddsThenEvens( N: int ): int {
for i in oddsThenEvens( 10 ) do write( i, ", " );
writeln( );
+// We can zipper together two or more iterators (who have the same number
+// of iterations) using zip() to create a single zipped iterator, where each
+// iteration of the zipped iterator yields a tuple of one value yielded
+// from each iterator.
+ // Ranges have implicit iterators
+for (positive, negative) in zip( 1..5, -5..-1) do
+ writeln( (positive, negative) );
// Classes are similar to those in C++ and Java.
// They currently lack privatization
class MyClass {
@@ -569,7 +577,7 @@ class MyClass {
// Construct using default constructor, using default values
var myObject = new MyClass( 10 );
myObject = new MyClass( memberInt = 10 ); // Equivalent
@@ -732,6 +740,7 @@ writeln( );
use Time; // Import the Time module to use Timer objects
var timer: Timer;
var myBigArray: [{1..4000,1..4000}] real; // Large array we will write into
// Serial Experiment
timer.start( ); // Start timer
for (x,y) in myBigArray.domain { // Serial iteration
@@ -754,9 +763,144 @@ timer.clear( );
// A succinct way of writing a forall loop over an array:
// iterate over values
-[ val in myBigArray ] val = 1 / val;
+[ val in myBigArray ] val = 1 / val;
// or iterate over indicies
[ idx in myBigArray.domain ] myBigArray[idx] = -myBigArray[idx];
+proc countdown( seconds: int ){
+ for i in 1..seconds by -1 {
+ writeln( i );
+ sleep( 1 );
+ }
+// Atomic variables, common to many languages, are ones whose operations
+// occur uninterupted. Multiple threads can both modify atomic variables
+// and can know that their values are safe.
+// Chapel atomic variables can be of type bool, int, uint, and real.
+var uranium: atomic int;
+uranium.write( 238 ); // atomically write a variable
+writeln( ); // atomically read a variable
+// operations are described as functions, you could define your own operators.
+uranium.sub( 3 ); // atomically subtract a variable
+writeln( );
+var replaceWith = 239;
+var was = replaceWith );
+writeln( "uranium was ", was, " but is now ", replaceWith );
+var isEqualTo = 235;
+if uranium.compareExchange( isEqualTo, replaceWith ) {
+ writeln( "uranium was equal to ", isEqualTo,
+ " so replaced value with ", replaceWith );
+} else {
+ writeln( "uranium was not equal to ", isEqualTo,
+ " so value stays the same... whatever it was" );
+sync {
+ begin { // Reader task
+ writeln( "Reader: waiting for uranium to be ", isEqualTo );
+ uranium.waitFor( isEqualTo );
+ writeln( "Reader: uranium was set (by someone) to ", isEqualTo );
+ }
+ begin { // Writer task
+ writeln( "Writer: will set uranium to the value ", isEqualTo, " in..." );
+ countdown( 3 );
+ uranium.write( isEqualTo );
+ }
+// sync vars have two states: empty and full.
+// If you read an empty variable or write a full variable, you are waited
+// until the variable is full or empty again
+var someSyncVar$: sync int; // varName$ is a convention not a law.
+sync {
+ begin { // Reader task
+ writeln( "Reader: waiting to read." );
+ var read_sync = someSyncVar$;
+ writeln( "value is ", read_sync );
+ }
+ begin { // Writer task
+ writeln( "Writer: will write in..." );
+ countdown( 3 );
+ someSyncVar$ = 123;
+ }
+// single vars can only be written once. A read on an unwritten single results
+// in a wait, but when the variable has a value it can be read indefinitely
+var someSingleVar$: single int; // varName$ is a convention not a law.
+sync {
+ begin { // Reader task
+ writeln( "Reader: waiting to read." );
+ for i in 1..5 {
+ var read_single = someSingleVar$;
+ writeln( "Reader: iteration ", i,", and the value is ", read_single );
+ }
+ }
+ begin { // Writer task
+ writeln( "Writer: will write in..." );
+ countdown( 3 );
+ someSingleVar$ = 5; // first and only write ever.
+ }
+// Heres an example of using atomics and a synch variable to create a
+// count-down mutex (also known as a multiplexer)
+var count: atomic int; // our counter
+var lock$: sync bool; // the mutex lock
+count.write( 2 ); // Only let two tasks in at a time.
+lock$.writeXF( true ); // Set lock$ to full (unlocked)
+// Note: The value doesnt actually matter, just the state
+// (full:unlocked / empty:locked)
+// Also, writeXF() fills (F) the sync var regardless of its state (X)
+coforall task in 1..#5 { // Generate tasks
+ // Create a barrier
+ do{
+ lock$; // Read lock$ (wait)
+ }while < 1; // Keep waiting until a spot opens up
+ count.sub(1); // decrement the counter
+ lock$.writeXF( true ); // Set lock$ to full (signal)
+ // Actual 'work'
+ writeln( "Task #", task, " doing work." );
+ sleep( 2 );
+ count.add( 1 ); // Increment the counter
+ lock$.writeXF( true ); // Set lock$ to full (signal)
+// we can define the operations + * & | ^ && || min max minloc maxloc
+// over an entire array using scans and reductions
+// Reductions apply the operation over the entire array and
+// result in a single value
+var listOfValues: [1..10] int = [15,57,354,36,45,15,456,8,678,2];
+var sumOfValues = + reduce listOfValues;
+var maxValue = max reduce listOfValues; // 'max' give just max value
+// 'maxloc' gives max value and index of the max value
+// Note: We have to zip the array and domain together with the zip iterator
+var (theMaxValue, idxOfMax) = maxloc reduce zip(listOfValues,
+ listOfValues.domain);
+writeln( (sumOfValues, maxValue, idxOfMax, listOfValues[ idxOfMax ] ) );
+// Scans apply the operation incrementally and return an array of the
+// value of the operation at that index as it progressed through the
+// array from array.domain.low to array.domain.high
+var runningSumOfValues = + scan listOfValues;
+var maxScan = max scan listOfValues;
+writeln( runningSumOfValues );
+writeln( maxScan );
Who is this tutorial for?
@@ -771,12 +915,10 @@ Occasionally check back here and on the [Chapel site]( to
### What this tutorial is lacking:
* Modules and standard modules
- * Synchronize variables and atomic operations
* Multiple Locales (distributed memory system)
* ```proc main(){ ... }```
* Records
* Whole/sliced array assignment
- * Reductions and scans
* Range and domain slicing
* Parallel iterators
@@ -817,6 +959,7 @@ Builds like other compilers:
```chpl myFile.chpl -o myExe```
-A notable argument:
+Notable arguments:
* ``--fast``: enables a number of optimizations and disables array bounds checks. Should only enable when application is stable.
+ * ```--set <Symbol Name>=<Value>```: set config param <Symbol Name> to <Value> at compile-time