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28 files changed, 5736 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/Visual Basic b/Visual Basic
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73430633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Visual Basic
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+language: Visual Basic Console Application
+ - ["Brian Martin", ""]
+filename: learnvisualbasic.vb
+Module Module1
+ Sub Main()
+ 'A Quick Overview of Visual Basic Console Applications before we dive in to the deep end.
+ 'Apostrophe starts comments.
+ 'To Navigate this tutorial within the Visual Basic Complier, I've put together a navigation system.
+ 'This navigation system is explained however as we go deeper into this tutorial, you'll understand what it all means.
+ Console.Title = ("Learn X in Y Minutes")
+ Console.WriteLine("NAVIGATION") 'Display
+ Console.WriteLine("")
+ Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green
+ Console.WriteLine("1. Hello World Output")
+ Console.WriteLine("2. Hello World Input")
+ Console.WriteLine("3. Calculating Whole Numbers")
+ Console.WriteLine("4. Calculating Decimal Numbers")
+ Console.WriteLine("5. Working Calculator")
+ Console.WriteLine("6. Using Do While Loops")
+ Console.WriteLine("7. Using For While Loops")
+ Console.WriteLine("8. Conditional Statements")
+ Console.WriteLine("9. Select A Drink")
+ Console.WriteLine("50. About")
+ Console.WriteLine("Please Choose A Number From The Above List")
+ Dim selection As String = Console.ReadLine
+ Select Case selection
+ Case "1" 'HelloWorld Output
+ Console.Clear() 'Clears the application and opens the private sub
+ HelloWorldOutput() 'Name Private Sub, Opens Private Sub
+ Case "2" 'Hello Input
+ Console.Clear()
+ HelloWorldInput()
+ Case "3" 'Calculating Whole Numbers
+ Console.Clear()
+ CalculatingWholeNumbers()
+ Case "4" 'Calculting Decimal Numbers
+ Console.Clear()
+ CalculatingDecimalNumbers()
+ Case "5" 'Working Calcculator
+ Console.Clear()
+ WorkingCalculator()
+ Case "6" 'Using Do While Loops
+ Console.Clear()
+ UsingDoWhileLoops()
+ Case "7" 'Using For While Loops
+ Console.Clear()
+ UsingForLoops()
+ Case "8" 'Conditional Statements
+ Console.Clear()
+ ConditionalStatement()
+ Case "9" 'If/Else Statement
+ Console.Clear()
+ IfElseStatement() 'Select a drink
+ Case "50" 'About msg box
+ Console.Clear()
+ Console.Title = ("Learn X in Y Minutes :: About")
+ MsgBox("Learn X in Y Minutes is a creation of Adam Bard (@adambard) This particular program tutorial is by Brian Martin (@BrianMartinn")
+ Console.Clear()
+ Main()
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ End Select
+ End Sub
+ 'One - I'm using numbers to help with the above navigation when I come back later to build it.
+ Private Sub HelloWorldOutput() 'We use private subs to seperate different sections of the program.
+ Console.Title = "Hello World Ouput | Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
+ 'Use Console.Write("") or Console.WriteLine("") to print outputs.
+ 'Followed by Console.Read() alternatively Console.Readline()
+ 'Console.ReadLine() prints the output to the console.
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello World")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ End Sub
+ 'Two
+ Private Sub HelloWorldInput() 'We use private subs to seperate different sections of the program.
+ Console.Title = "Hello World YourName | Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
+ 'Variables
+ 'Data entered by a user needs to be stored.
+ 'Variables also start with a Dim and end with an As VariableType.
+ Dim username As String 'In this tutorial, we want to know what your name, and make the program respond to what is said.
+ 'We use string as string is a text based variable.
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello, What is your name? ") 'Ask the user their name.
+ username = Console.ReadLine() 'Stores the users name.
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello " + username) 'Output is Hello 'Their name'
+ Console.ReadLine() 'Outsputs the above.
+ 'The above will ask you a question followed by printing your answer.
+ 'Other variables include Integer and we use Integer for whole numbers.
+ End Sub
+ 'Three
+ Private Sub CalculatingWholeNumbers() 'We use private subs to seperate different sections of the program.
+ Console.Title = "Calculating Whole Numbers | Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
+ Console.Write("First number: ") 'Enter a whole number, 1, 2, 50, 104 ect
+ Dim a As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
+ Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
+ Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
+ Dim c As Integer = a + b
+ Console.WriteLine(c)
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ 'The above is a simple calculator
+ End Sub
+ 'Four
+ Private Sub CalculatingDecimalNumbers()
+ Console.Title = "Calculating with Double | Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
+ 'Of course we would like to be able to add up decimals.
+ 'Therefore we could change the above from Integer to Double.
+ Console.Write("First number: ") 'Enter a whole number, 1.2, 2.4, 50.1, 104.9 ect
+ Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
+ Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
+ Dim b As Double = Console.ReadLine
+ Dim c As Double = a + b
+ Console.WriteLine(c)
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ 'Therefore the above program can add up 1.1 - 2.2
+ End Sub
+ 'Five
+ Private Sub WorkingCalculator()
+ Console.Title = "The Working Calculator| Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
+ 'However if you'd like the calculator to subtract, divide, multiple and add up.
+ 'Copy and paste the above again.
+ Console.Write("First number: ") 'Enter a whole number, 1.2, 2.4, 50.1, 104.9 ect
+ Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
+ Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
+ Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine
+ Dim c As Integer = a + b
+ Dim d As Integer = a * b
+ Dim e As Integer = a - b
+ Dim f As Integer = a / b
+ 'By adding the below lines we are able to calculate the subtract, multply as well as divide the a and b values
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " + " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + c.ToString.PadLeft(3)) 'We want to pad the answers to the left by 3 spaces.
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " * " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + d.ToString.PadLeft(3)) 'We want to pad the answers to the left by 3 spaces.
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " - " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3)) 'We want to pad the answers to the left by 3 spaces.
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " / " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3)) 'We want to pad the answers to the left by 3 spaces.
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ End Sub
+ 'Six
+ Private Sub UsingDoWhileLoops()
+ 'Just as the previous private sub
+ 'This Time We Ask If The User Wishes To Continue (Yes or No?)
+ 'We're using Do While Loop as we're unsure if the user wants to use the program more than once.
+ Console.Title = "UsingDoWhileLoops | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ Dim answer As String 'We use the variable "String" as the answer is text
+ Do 'We start the program with
+ Console.Write("First number: ")
+ Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
+ Console.Write("Second number: ")
+ Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine
+ Dim c As Integer = a + b
+ Dim d As Integer = a * b
+ Dim e As Integer = a - b
+ Dim f As Integer = a / b
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " + " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + c.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " * " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + d.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " - " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " / " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ 'Ask the question, does the user wish to continue? Unfortunately it is case sensitive.
+ Console.Write("Would you like to continue? (yes / no)")
+ answer = Console.ReadLine 'The program grabs the variable and prints and starts again.
+ Loop While answer = "yes" 'The command for the variable to work would be in this case "yes"
+ End Sub
+ 'Seven
+ Private Sub UsingForLoops()
+ 'Sometimes the program only needs to run once.
+ 'In this program we'll be counting down from 10.
+ Console.Title = "Using For Loops | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ For i As Integer = 10 To 0 Step -1 'Declare Vairable and what number it should count down in Step -1, Step -2, Step -3 ect.
+ Console.WriteLine(i.ToString) 'Print the value of the counter variable
+ Next i 'Calculate new value
+ Console.WriteLine("Start") 'Lets start the program baby!!
+ Console.ReadLine() 'POW!! - Perhaps I got a little excited then :)
+ End Sub
+ 'Eight
+ Private Sub ConditionalStatement()
+ Console.Title = "Conditional Statements | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ Dim userName As String = Console.ReadLine
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello, What is your name? ") 'Ask the user their name.
+ userName = Console.ReadLine() 'Stores the users name.
+ If userName = "Adam" Then 'Hey, if Adam uses this program, kudos where kudos is due, right?
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello Adam")
+ Console.WriteLine("Thanks for creating the useful tutorial site!")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ Else
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello " + userName) 'prints the username of the user
+ Console.WriteLine("Hope all is well have you checked out") 'Prints a message to the user
+ Console.ReadLine() 'Ends and prints the above statement.
+ End If
+ End Sub
+ 'Nine
+ Private Sub IfElseStatement()
+ Console.Title = "If / Else Statement | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ 'Sometimes its important to consider more than two alternatives. Sometimes there are a good few others.
+ 'When this is the case, more than one if statement would be required.
+ 'An if statement is great for vending machines. Where the user enters a code.
+ 'A1, A2, A3, ect to select an item.
+ 'All choices can be combined into a single if statement.
+ Dim selection As String = Console.ReadLine 'Value for selection
+ Console.WriteLine("A1. for 7Up")
+ Console.WriteLine("A2. for Fanta")
+ Console.WriteLine("A3. for Dr. Pepper")
+ Console.WriteLine("A4. for Diet Coke")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ If selection = "A1" Then
+ Console.WriteLine("7up")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ ElseIf selection = "A2" Then
+ Console.WriteLine("fanta")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ ElseIf selection = "A3" Then
+ Console.WriteLine("dr. pepper")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ ElseIf selection = "A4" Then
+ Console.WriteLine("diet coke")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ Else
+ Console.WriteLine("Please select a product")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ End If
+ End Sub
+End Module
+## References
+I learnt Visual Basic in the console application. It allowed me to understand the principles of computer programming to go on to learn other programming languages easily.
+I created a more indepth <a href="" Title="Visual Basic Tutorial">Visual Basic tutorial</a> for those who would like to learn more.
+The entire syntax is valid. Copy the and paste in to the Visual Basic complier and run (F5) the program.
diff --git a/c.html.markdown b/c.html.markdown
index 69bf099e..b5286f70 100644
--- a/c.html.markdown
+++ b/c.html.markdown
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
+name: c
+category: language
language: c
-author: Adam Bard
filename: learnc.c
+ - ["Adam Bard", ""]
Ah, C. Still the language of modern high-performance computing.
@@ -363,6 +365,36 @@ int area(rect r){
return r.width * r.height;
+// Function pointers
+At runtime, functions are located at known memory addresses. Function pointers are
+much likely any other pointer (they just store a memory address), but can be used
+to invoke functions directly, and to pass handlers (or callback functions) around.
+However, definition syntax may be initially confusing.
+Example: use str_reverse from a pointer
+void str_reverse_through_pointer(char * str_in) {
+ // Define a function pointer variable, named f.
+ void (*f)(char *); // Signature should exactly match the target function.
+ f = &str_reverse; // Assign the address for the actual function (determined at runtime)
+ (*f)(str_in); // Just calling the function through the pointer
+ // f(str_in); // That's an alternative but equally valid syntax for calling it.
+As long as function signatures match, you can assign any function to the same pointer.
+Function pointers are usually typedef'd for simplicity and readability, as follows:
+typedef void (*my_fnp_type)(char *);
+// The used when declaring the actual pointer variable:
+// ...
+// my_fnp_type f;
## Further Reading
diff --git a/clojure.html.markdown b/clojure.html.markdown
index 39a27bcf..6baae0ce 100644
--- a/clojure.html.markdown
+++ b/clojure.html.markdown
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
language: clojure
-author: Adam Bard
filename: learnclojure.clj
+ - ["Adam Bard", ""]
Clojure is a Lisp family language developed for the Java Virtual Machine. It has
diff --git a/coffeescript.html.markdown b/coffeescript.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..429f10b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/coffeescript.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+language: coffeescript
+ - ["Tenor Biel", ""]
+``` coffeescript
+# CoffeeScript is a hipster language.
+# It goes with the trends of many modern languages.
+# So comments are like Ruby and Python, they use hashes.
+Block comments are like these, and they translate directly to '/ *'s and '* /'s
+for the resulting JavaScript code.
+You should understand most of JavaScript semantices
+before continuing.
+# Assignment:
+number = 42 #=> var number = 42;
+opposite = true #=> var opposite = true;
+# Conditions:
+number = -42 if opposite #=> if(opposite) { number = -42; }
+# Functions:
+square = (x) -> x * x #=> var square = function(x) { return x * x; }
+# Ranges:
+list = [1..5] #=> var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+# Objects:
+math =
+ root: Math.sqrt
+ square: square
+ cube: (x) -> x * square x
+#=> var math = {
+# "root": Math.sqrt,
+# "square": square,
+# "cube": function(x) { return x * square(x); }
+# Splats:
+race = (winner, runners...) ->
+ print winner, runners
+# Existence:
+alert "I knew it!" if elvis?
+#=> if(typeof elvis !== "undefined" && elvis !== null) { alert("I knew it!"); }
+# Array comprehensions:
+cubes = (math.cube num for num in list) #=> ...
diff --git a/dart.html.markdown b/dart.html.markdown
index 27365746..34d1c6a8 100644
--- a/dart.html.markdown
+++ b/dart.html.markdown
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
language: dart
-author: Joao Pedrosa
filename: learndart.dart
+ - ["Joao Pedrosa", ""]
Dart is a newcomer into the realm of programming languages.
diff --git a/elisp.html.markdown b/elisp.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3910759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elisp.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+language: elisp
+ - ["Bastien Guerry", ""]
+filename: learn-emacs-lisp.el
+;; This gives an introduction to Emacs Lisp in 15 minutes (v0.2d)
+;; Author: Bastien / @bzg2 /
+;; First make sure you read this text by Peter Norvig:
+;; Then install GNU Emacs 24.3:
+;; Debian: apt-get install emacs (or see your distro instructions)
+;; OSX:
+;; Windows:
+;; More general information can be found at:
+;; Important warning:
+;; Going through this tutorial won't damage your computer unless
+;; you get so angry that you throw it on the floor. In that case,
+;; I hereby decline any responsability. Have fun!
+;; Fire up Emacs.
+;; Hit the `q' key to dismiss the welcome message.
+;; Now look at the gray line at the bottom of the window:
+;; "*scratch*" is the name of the editing space you are now in.
+;; This editing space is called a "buffer".
+;; The scratch buffer is the default buffer when opening Emacs.
+;; You are never editing files: you are editing buffers that you
+;; can save to a file.
+;; "Lisp interaction" refers to a set of commands available here.
+;; Emacs has a built-in set of commands available in every buffer,
+;; and several subsets of commands available when you activate a
+;; specific mode. Here we use the `lisp-interaction-mode', which
+;; comes with commands to evaluate and navigate within Elisp code.
+;; Semi-colons start comments anywhere on a line.
+;; Elisp programs are made of symbolic expressions ("sexps"):
+(+ 2 2)
+;; This symbolic expression reads as "Add 2 to 2".
+;; Sexps are enclosed into parentheses, possibly nested:
+(+ 2 (+ 1 1))
+;; A symbolic expression contains atoms or other symbolic
+;; expressions. In the above examples, 1 and 2 are atoms,
+;; (+ 2 (+ 1 1)) and (+ 1 1) are symbolic expressions.
+;; From `lisp-interaction-mode' you can evaluate sexps.
+;; Put the cursor right after the closing parenthesis then
+;; hold down the control and hit the j keys ("C-j" for short).
+(+ 3 (+ 1 2))
+;; ^ cursor here
+;; `C-j' => 6
+;; `C-j' inserts the result of the evaluation in the buffer.
+;; `C-xC-e' displays the same result in Emacs bottom line,
+;; called the "minibuffer". We will generally use `C-xC-e',
+;; as we don't want to clutter the buffer with useless text.
+;; `setq' stores a value into a variable:
+(setq my-name "Bastien")
+;; `C-xC-e' => "Bastien" (displayed in the mini-buffer)
+;; `insert' will insert "Hello!" where the cursor is:
+(insert "Hello!")
+;; `C-xC-e' => "Hello!"
+;; We used `insert' with only one argument "Hello!", but
+;; we can pass more arguments -- here we use two:
+(insert "Hello" " world!")
+;; `C-xC-e' => "Hello world!"
+;; You can use variables instead of strings:
+(insert "Hello, I am " my-name)
+;; `C-xC-e' => "Hello, I am Bastien"
+;; You can combine sexps into functions:
+(defun hello () (insert "Hello, I am " my-name))
+;; `C-xC-e' => hello
+;; You can evaluate functions:
+;; `C-xC-e' => Hello, I am Bastien
+;; The empty parentheses in the function's definition means that
+;; it does not accept arguments. But always using `my-name' is
+;; boring, let's tell the function to accept one argument (here
+;; the argument is called "name"):
+(defun hello (name) (insert "Hello " name))
+;; `C-xC-e' => hello
+;; Now let's call the function with the string "you" as the value
+;; for its unique argument:
+(hello "you")
+;; `C-xC-e' => "Hello you"
+;; Yeah!
+;; Take a breath.
+;; Now switch to a new buffer named "*test*" in another window:
+(switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+;; `C-xC-e'
+;; => [screen has two windows and cursor is in the *test* buffer]
+;; Mouse over the top window and left-click to go back. Or you can
+;; use `C-xo' (i.e. hold down control-x and hit o) to go to the other
+;; window interactively.
+;; You can combine several sexps with `progn':
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (hello "you"))
+;; `C-xC-e'
+;; => [The screen has two windows and cursor is in the *test* buffer]
+;; Now if you don't mind, I'll stop asking you to hit `C-xC-e': do it
+;; for every sexp that follows.
+;; Always go back to the *scratch* buffer with the mouse or `C-xo'.
+;; It's often useful to erase the buffer:
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (hello "there"))
+;; Or to go back to the other window:
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (hello "you")
+ (other-window 1))
+;; You can bind a value to a local variable with `let':
+(let ((local-name "you"))
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (hello local-name)
+ (other-window 1))
+;; No need to use `progn' in that case, since `let' also combines
+;; several sexps.
+;; Let's format a string:
+(format "Hello %s!\n" "visitor")
+;; %s is a place-holder for a string, replaced by "visitor".
+;; \n is the newline character.
+;; Let's refine our function by using format:
+(defun hello (name)
+ (insert (format "Hello %s!\n" name)))
+(hello "you")
+;; Let's create another function which uses `let':
+(defun greeting (name)
+ (let ((your-name "Bastien"))
+ (insert (format "Hello %s!\n\nI am %s."
+ name ; the argument of the function
+ your-name ; the let-bound variable "Bastien"
+ ))))
+;; And evaluate it:
+(greeting "you")
+;; Some function are interactive:
+(read-from-minibuffer "Enter your name: ")
+;; Evaluating this function returns what you entered at the prompt.
+;; Let's make our `greeting' function prompt for your name:
+(defun greeting (from-name)
+ (let ((your-name (read-from-minibuffer "Enter your name: ")))
+ (insert (format "Hello!\n\nI am %s and you are %s."
+ from-name ; the argument of the function
+ your-name ; the let-bound var, entered at prompt
+ ))))
+(greeting "Bastien")
+;; Let's complete it by displaying the results in the other window:
+(defun greeting (from-name)
+ (let ((your-name (read-from-minibuffer "Enter your name: ")))
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert (format "Hello %s!\n\nI am %s." your-name from-name))
+ (other-window 1)))
+;; Now test it:
+(greeting "Bastien")
+;; Take a breath.
+;; Let's store a list of names:
+(setq list-of-names '("Sarah" "Chloe" "Mathilde"))
+;; Get the first element of this list with `car':
+(car list-of-names)
+;; Get a list of all but the first element with `cdr':
+(cdr list-of-names)
+;; Add an element to the beginning of a list with `push':
+(push "Stephanie" list-of-names)
+;; NOTE: `car' and `cdr' don't modify the list, but `push' does.
+;; This is an important difference: some functions don't have any
+;; side-effects (like `car') while others have (like `push').
+;; Let's call `hello' for each element in `list-of-names':
+(mapcar 'hello list-of-names)
+;; Refine `greeting' to say hello to everyone in `list-of-names':
+(defun greeting ()
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (mapcar 'hello list-of-names)
+ (other-window 1))
+;; Remember the `hello' function we defined above? It takes one
+;; argument, a name. `mapcar' calls `hello', successively using each
+;; element of `list-of-names' as the argument for `hello'.
+;; Now let's arrange a bit what we have in the displayed buffer:
+(defun replace-hello-by-bonjour ()
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (search-forward "Hello")
+ (replace-match "Bonjour"))
+ (other-window 1))
+;; (goto-char (point-min)) goes to the beginning of the buffer.
+;; (search-forward "Hello") searches for the string "Hello".
+;; (while x y) evaluates the y sexp(s) while x returns something.
+;; If x returns `nil' (nothing), we exit the while loop.
+;; You should see all occurrences of "Hello" in the *test* buffer
+;; replaced by "Bonjour".
+;; You should also get an error: "Search failed: Hello".
+;; To avoid this error, you need to tell `search-forward' whether it
+;; should stop searching at some point in the buffer, and whether it
+;; should silently fail when nothing is found:
+;; (search-forward "Hello" nil t) does the trick:
+;; The `nil' argument says: the search is not bound to a position.
+;; The `t' argument says: silently fail when nothing is found.
+;; We use this sexp in the function below, which doesn't throw an error:
+(defun hello-to-bonjour ()
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ ;; Say hello to names in `list-of-names'
+ (mapcar 'hello list-of-names)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ ;; Replace "Hello" by "Bonjour"
+ (while (search-forward "Hello" nil t)
+ (replace-match "Bonjour"))
+ (other-window 1))
+;; Let's colorize the names:
+(defun boldify-names ()
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "Bonjour \\(.+\\)!" nil t)
+ (add-text-properties (match-beginning 1)
+ (match-end 1)
+ (list 'face 'bold)))
+ (other-window 1))
+;; This functions introduces `re-search-forward': instead of
+;; searching for the string "Bonjour", you search for a pattern,
+;; using a "regular expression" (abbreviated in the prefix "re-").
+;; The regular expression is "Bonjour \\(.+\\)!" and it reads:
+;; the string "Bonjour ", and
+;; a group of | this is the \\( ... \\) construct
+;; any character | this is the .
+;; possibly repeated | this is the +
+;; and the "!" string.
+;; Ready? Test it!
+;; `add-text-properties' adds... text properties, like a face.
+;; OK, we are done. Happy hacking!
+;; If you want to know more about a variable or a function:
+;; C-h v a-variable RET
+;; C-h f a-function RET
+;; To read the Emacs Lisp manual with Emacs:
+;; C-h i m elisp RET
+;; To read an online introduction to Emacs Lisp:
+;; Thanks to these people for their feedback and suggestions:
+;; - Wes Hardaker
+;; - notbob
+;; - Kevin Montuori
+;; - Arne Babenhauserheide
+;; - Alan Schmitt
+;; - LinXitoW
+;; - Aaron Meurer
diff --git a/elixir.html.markdown b/elixir.html.markdown
index 2e9aa5a1..8ea499ff 100644
--- a/elixir.html.markdown
+++ b/elixir.html.markdown
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
language: elixir
-author: Joao Marques
+ - ["Joao Marques", ""]
filename: learnelixir.ex
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ and many more features.
# Atoms, that are literals, a constant with name. They start with `:`.
:hello # atom
-# Tuples that are stored contigously in memory.
+# Tuples that are stored contiguously in memory.
{1,2,3} # tuple
# We can access a tuple element with the `elem` function:
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ elem({1, 2, 3}, 0) #=> 1
head #=> 1
tail #=> [2,3]
-# In elixir, just like in erlang, the `=` denotes pattern matching and
+# In elixir, just like in Erlang, the `=` denotes pattern matching and
# not an assignment.
# This means that the left-hand side (pattern) is matched against a
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ case {:one, :two} do
"This will match any value"
-# It's common practive to assign a value to `_` if we don't need it.
+# It's common practice to assign a value to `_` if we don't need it.
# For example, if only the head of a list matters to us:
[head | _] = [1,2,3]
head #=> 1
diff --git a/erlang.html.markdown b/erlang.html.markdown
index 42d0b809..065219ba 100644
--- a/erlang.html.markdown
+++ b/erlang.html.markdown
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
language: erlang
-author: Giovanni Cappellotto
+ - ["Giovanni Cappellotto", ""]
filename: learnerlang.erl
-% Percent sign start a one-line comment.
+% Percent sign starts a one-line comment.
%% Two percent characters shall be used to comment functions.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ filename: learnerlang.erl
% patterns.
% Periods (`.`) (followed by whitespace) separate entire functions and
% expressions in the shell.
-% Semicolons (`;`) separate clauses. We find clauses in several contexts: in kn
+% Semicolons (`;`) separate clauses. We find clauses in several contexts:
% function definitions and in `case`, `if`, `try..catch` and `receive`
% expressions.
@@ -26,8 +26,10 @@ filename: learnerlang.erl
Num = 42. % All variable names must start with an uppercase letter.
% Erlang has single assignment variables, if you try to assign a different value
% to the variable `Num`, you’ll get an error.
+Num = 43. % ** exception error: no match of right hand side value 43
% In most languages, `=` denotes an assignment statement. In Erlang, however,
% `=` denotes a pattern matching operation. `Lhs = Rhs` really means this:
@@ -42,6 +44,11 @@ Pi = 3.14159.
% start with lowercase letters, followed by a sequence of alphanumeric
% characters or the underscore (`_`) or at (`@`) sign.
Hello = hello.
+OtherNode = example@node.
+% Atoms with non alphanumeric values can be written by enclosing the atoms
+% with apostrophes.
+AtomWithSpace = 'some atom with space'.
% Tuples are similar to structs in C.
Point = {point, 10, 45}.
@@ -60,15 +67,15 @@ Person = {person, {name, {first, joe}, {last, armstrong}}, {footsize, 42}}.
% We create a list by enclosing the list elements in square brackets and
% separating them with commas.
% The individual elements of a list can be of any type.
-% The first element of a list the head of the list. If you imagine removing the
+% The first element of a list is the head of the list. If you imagine removing the
% head from the list, what’s left is called the tail of the list.
ThingsToBuy = [{apples, 10}, {pears, 6}, {milk, 3}].
-% If `T` is a list, then `[H|T]` is also a list, with head H and tail T.
+% If `T` is a list, then `[H|T]` is also a list, with head `H` and tail `T`.
% The vertical bar (`|`) separates the head of a list from its tail.
% `[]` is the empty list.
% We can extract elements from a list with a pattern matching operation. If we
-% have the nonempty list `L`, then the expression `[X|Y] = L`, where `X` and `Y`
+% have a nonempty list `L`, then the expression `[X|Y] = L`, where `X` and `Y`
% are unbound variables, will extract the head of the list into `X` and the tail
% of the list into `Y`.
[FirstThing|OtherThingsToBuy] = ThingsToBuy.
@@ -78,6 +85,7 @@ ThingsToBuy = [{apples, 10}, {pears, 6}, {milk, 3}].
% There are no strings in Erlang. Strings are really just lists of integers.
% Strings are enclosed in double quotation marks (`"`).
Name = "Hello".
+[72, 101, 108, 108, 111] = "Hello".
@@ -89,9 +97,9 @@ Name = "Hello".
% Modules must be compiled before the code can be run. A compiled module has the
% extension `.beam`.
+-export([area/1]). % the list of functions exported from the module.
-% The function area consists of two clauses. The clauses are separated by a
+% The function `area` consists of two clauses. The clauses are separated by a
% semicolon, and the final clause is terminated by dot-whitespace.
% Each clause has a head and a body; the head consists of a function name
% followed by a pattern (in parentheses), and the body consists of a sequence of
@@ -109,17 +117,17 @@ c(geometry). % {ok,geometry}
geometry:area({rectangle, 10, 5}). % 50
geometry:area({circle, 1.4}). % 6.15752
-% In Erlang, two functions with the same name and different arity in the same
-% module represent entirely different functions.
+% In Erlang, two functions with the same name and different arity (number of arguments)
+% in the same module represent entirely different functions.
+-export([sum/1]). % export function `sum` of arity 1 accepting one argument: list of integers.
sum(L) -> sum(L, 0).
sum([], N) -> N;
sum([H|T], N) -> sum(T, H+N).
-% Funs are "anonymous" functions. They are called this because they have no
-% name.
-Double = fun(X) -> 2*X end.
+% Funs are "anonymous" functions. They are called this way because they have no
+% name. However they can be assigned to variables.
+Double = fun(X) -> 2*X end. % `Double` points to an anonymous function with handle: #Fun<erl_eval.6.17052888>
Double(2). % 4
% Functions accept funs as their arguments and can return funs.
@@ -133,6 +141,8 @@ Triple(5). % 15
% from the list `L`."
L = [1,2,3,4,5].
[2*X || X <- L]. % [2,4,6,8,10]
+% A list comprehension can have generators and filters which select subset of the generated values.
+EvenNumbers = [N || N <- [1, 2, 3, 4], N rem 2 == 0]. % [2, 4]
% Guards are constructs that we can use to increase the power of pattern
% matching. Using guards, we can perform simple tests and comparisons on the
@@ -181,7 +191,7 @@ X2 = X1#todo{status = done}.
% #todo{status = done,who = joe,text = "Fix errata in book"}
% `case` expressions.
-% `filter` returns a list of all those elements `X` in `L` for which `P(X)` is
+% `filter` returns a list of all elements `X` in a list `L` for which `P(X)` is
% true.
filter(P, [H|T]) ->
case P(H) of
@@ -189,6 +199,7 @@ filter(P, [H|T]) ->
false -> filter(P, T)
filter(P, []) -> [].
+filter(fun(X) -> X rem 2 == 0 end, [1, 2, 3, 4]). % [2, 4]
% `if` expressions.
max(X, Y) ->
@@ -198,7 +209,7 @@ max(X, Y) ->
true -> nil;
-% Warning: at least one of the guards in the if expression must evaluate to true;
+% Warning: at least one of the guards in the `if` expression must evaluate to true;
% otherwise, an exception will be raised.
@@ -234,6 +245,7 @@ catcher(N) -> catch generate_exception(N).
## References
-* "Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World" by Joe Armstrong
+* ["Learn You Some Erlang for great good!"](
+* ["Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World" by Joe Armstrong](
+* [Erlang/OTP Reference Documentation](
* [Erlang - Programming Rules and Conventions](
-* [Erlang/OTP Documentation](
diff --git a/fsharp.html.markdown b/fsharp.html.markdown
index b1860372..49951c78 100644
--- a/fsharp.html.markdown
+++ b/fsharp.html.markdown
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
language: F#
-author: Scott Wlaschin
+ - ["Scott Wlaschin", ""]
filename: learnfsharp.fs
diff --git a/git.html.markdown b/git.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00f38d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+category: tool
+tool: git
+ - ["Jake Prather", ""]
+filename: LearnGit.txt
+Git is a distributed version control and source code management system.
+It does this through a series of snapshots of your project, and it works
+with those snapshots to provide you with functionality to version and
+manage your source code.
+## Versioning Concepts
+### What is version control?
+Version control is a system that records changes to a file, or set of files, over time.
+### Centralized Versioning VS Distributed Versioning
+* Centralized version control focuses on synchronizing, tracking, and backing up files.
+* Distributed version control focuses on sharing changes. Every change has a unique id.
+* Distributed systems have no defined structure. You could easily have a SVN style, centralized system, with git.
+[Additional Information](
+### Why Use Git?
+* Can work offline.
+* Collaborating with others is easy!
+* Branching is easy!
+* Merging is easy!
+* Git is fast.
+* Git is flexible.
+## Git Architecture
+### Repository
+A set of files, directories, historical records, commits, and heads. Imagine it as a source code datastructure,
+with the attribute that each source code "element" gives you access to its revision history, among other things.
+A git repository is comprised of the .git directory & working tree.
+### .git Directory (component of repository)
+The .git directory contains all the configurations, logs, branches, HEAD, and more.
+[Detailed List.](
+### Working Tree (component of repository)
+This is basically the directories and files in your repository. It is often referred to
+as your working directory.
+### Index (component of .git dir)
+The Index is the staging area in git. It's basically a layer that separates your working tree
+from the Git repository. This gives developers more power over what gets sent to the Git
+### Commit
+A git commit is a snapshot of a set of changes, or manipulations to your Working Tree.
+For example, if you added 5 files, and removed 2 others, these changes will be contained
+in a commit (or snapshot). This commit can then be pushed to other repositories, or not!
+### Branch
+A branch is essentially a pointer that points to the last commit you made. As you commit,
+this pointer will automatically update and point to the latest commit.
+### HEAD and head (component of .git dir)
+HEAD is a pointer that points to the current branch. A repository only has 1 *active* HEAD.
+head is a pointer that points to any commit. A repository can have any number of heads.
+### Conceptual Resources
+* [Git For Computer Scientists](
+* [Git For Designers](
+## Commands
+### init
+Create an empty Git repository. The Git repository's settings, stored information,
+and more is stored in a directory (a folder) named ".git".
+$ git init
+### config
+To configure settings. Whether it be for the repository, the system itself, or global
+# Print & Set Some Basic Config Variables (Global)
+$ git config --global
+$ git config --global
+$ git config --global ""
+$ git config --global "My Name"
+[Learn More About git config.](
+### help
+To give you quick access to an extremely detailed guide of each command. Or to
+just give you a quick reminder of some semantics.
+# Quickly check available commands
+$ git help
+# Check all available commands
+$ git help -a
+# Command specific help - user manual
+# git help <command_here>
+$ git help add
+$ git help commit
+$ git help init
+### status
+To show differences between the index file (basically your working copy/repo) and the current
+HEAD commit.
+# Will display the branch, untracked files, changes and other differences
+$ git status
+# To learn other "tid bits" about git status
+$ git help status
+### add
+To add files to the current working tree/directory/repo. If you do not `git add` new files to the
+working tree/directory, they will not be included in commits!
+# add a file in your current working directory
+$ git add
+# add a file in a nested dir
+$ git add /path/to/file/HelloWorld.c
+# Regular Expression support!
+$ git add ./*.java
+### branch
+Manage your branches. You can view, edit, create, delete branches using this command.
+# list existing branches & remotes
+$ git branch -a
+# create a new branch
+$ git branch myNewBranch
+# delete a branch
+$ git branch -d myBranch
+# rename a branch
+# git branch -m <oldname> <newname>
+$ git branch -m myBranchName myNewBranchName
+# edit a branch's description
+$ git branch myBranchName --edit-description
+### checkout
+Updates all files in the working tree to match the version in the index, or specified tree.
+# Checkout a repo - defaults to master branch
+$ git checkout
+# Checkout a specified branch
+$ git checkout branchName
+# Create a new branch & switch to it, like: "git branch <name>; git checkout <name>"
+$ git checkout -b newBranch
+### clone
+Clones, or copies, an existing repository into a new directory. It also adds
+remote-tracking branches for each branch in the cloned repo, which allows you to push
+to a remote branch.
+# Clone learnxinyminutes-docs
+$ git clone
+### commit
+Stores the current contents of the index in a new "commit." This commit contains
+the changes made and a message created by the user.
+# commit with a message
+$ git commit -m "Added multiplyNumbers() function to HelloWorld.c"
+### diff
+Shows differences between a file in the working directory, index and commits.
+# Show difference between your working dir and the index
+$ git diff
+# Show differences between the index and the most recent commit.
+$ git diff --cached
+# Show differences between your working dir and the most recent commit
+$ git diff HEAD
+### grep
+Allows you to quickly search a repository.
+Optional Configurations:
+# Thanks to Travis Jeffery for these
+# Set line numbers to be shown in grep search results
+$ git config --global grep.lineNumber true
+# Make search results more readable, including grouping
+$ git config --global alias.g "grep --break --heading --line-number"
+# Search for "variableName" in all java files
+$ git grep 'variableName' -- '*.java'
+# Search for a line that contains "arrayListName" and, "add" or "remove"
+$ git grep -e 'arrayListName' --and \( -e add -e remove \)
+Google is your friend; for more examples
+[Git Grep Ninja](
+### log
+Display commits to the repository.
+# Show all commits
+$ git log
+# Show X number of commits
+$ git log -n 10
+# Show merge commits only
+$ git log --merges
+### merge
+"Merge" in changes from external commits into the current branch.
+# Merge the specified branch into the current.
+$ git merge branchName
+# Always generate a merge commit when merging
+$ git merge --no-ff branchName
+### mv
+Rename or move a file
+# Renaming a file
+$ git mv HelloWorld.c HelloNewWorld.c
+# Moving a file
+$ git mv HelloWorld.c ./new/path/HelloWorld.c
+# Force rename or move
+# "existingFile" already exists in the directory, will be overwritten
+$ git mv -f myFile existingFile
+### pull
+Pulls from a repository and merges it with another branch.
+# Update your local repo, by merging in new changes
+# from the remote "origin" and "master" branch.
+# git pull <remote> <branch>
+$ git pull origin master
+### push
+Push and merge changes from a branch to a remote & branch.
+# Push and merge changes from a local repo to a
+# remote named "origin" and "master" branch.
+# git push <remote> <branch>
+# git push => implicitly defaults to => git push origin master
+$ git push origin master
+### rebase (caution)
+Take all changes that were committed on one branch, and replay them onto another branch.
+*Do not rebase commits that you have pushed to a public repo*.
+# Rebase experimentBranch onto master
+# git rebase <basebranch> <topicbranch>
+$ git rebase master experimentBranch
+[Additional Reading.](
+### reset (caution)
+Reset the current HEAD to the specified state. This allows you to undo merges,
+pulls, commits, adds, and more. It's a great command but also dangerous if you don't
+know what you are doing.
+# Reset the staging area, to match the latest commit (leaves dir unchanged)
+$ git reset
+# Reset the staging area, to match the latest commit, and overwrite working dir
+$ git reset --hard
+# Moves the current branch tip to the specified commit (leaves dir unchanged)
+# all changes still exist in the directory.
+$ git reset 31f2bb1
+# Moves the current branch tip backward to the specified commit
+# and makes the working dir match (deletes uncommited changes and all commits
+# after the specified commit).
+$ git reset --hard 31f2bb1
+### rm
+The opposite of git add, git rm removes files from the current working tree.
+# remove HelloWorld.c
+$ git rm HelloWorld.c
+# Remove a file from a nested dir
+$ git rm /pather/to/the/file/HelloWorld.c
+## Further Information
+* [tryGit - A fun interactive way to learn Git.](
+* [git-scm - Video Tutorials](
+* [git-scm - Documentation](
+* [Atlassian Git - Tutorials & Workflows](
+* [SalesForce Cheat Sheet](
+* [GitGuys](
diff --git a/haskell.html.markdown b/haskell.html.markdown
index 840569fb..be7d8669 100644
--- a/haskell.html.markdown
+++ b/haskell.html.markdown
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
language: haskell
-author: Adit Bhargava
+ - ["Adit Bhargava", ""]
Haskell was designed as a practical, purely functional programming language. It's famous for
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ makes coding a real joy for me.
-- Single line comments start with two dashes.
{- Multiline comments can be enclosed
-in a block like this.
+en a block like this.
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ foldl (\x y -> 2*x + y) 4 [1,2,3] -- 43
foldr (\x y -> 2*x + y) 4 [1,2,3] -- 16
-- This is now the same as
-(2 * 3 + (2 * 2 + (2 * 1 + 4)
+(2 * 3 + (2 * 2 + (2 * 1 + 4)))
-- 7. Data Types
@@ -281,19 +281,20 @@ data Color = Red | Blue | Green
-- Now you can use it in a function:
-say :: Color -> IO String
-say Red = putStrLn "You are Red!"
-say Blue = putStrLn "You are Blue!"
-say Green = putStrLn "You are Green!"
+say :: Color -> String
+say Red = "You are Red!"
+say Blue = "You are Blue!"
+say Green = "You are Green!"
-- Your data types can have parameters too:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
-- These are all of type Maybe
-Just "hello"
-Just 1
+Just "hello" -- of type `Maybe String`
+Just 1 -- of type `Maybe Int`
+Nothing -- of type `Maybe a` for any `a`
-- 8. Haskell IO
@@ -302,32 +303,78 @@ Just 1
-- While IO can't be explained fully without explaining monads,
-- it is not hard to explain enough to get going.
--- An `IO a` value is an IO action: you can chain them with do blocks
+-- When a Haskell program is executed, the function `main` is
+-- called. It must return a value of type `IO ()`. For example:
+main :: IO ()
+main = putStrLn $ "Hello, sky! " ++ (say Blue)
+-- putStrLn has type String -> IO ()
+-- It is easiest to do IO if you can implement your program as
+-- a function from String to String. The function
+-- interact :: (String -> String) -> IO ()
+-- inputs some text, runs a function on it, and prints out the
+-- output.
+countLines :: String -> String
+countLines = show . length . lines
+main' = interact countLines
+-- You can think of a value of type `IO ()` as representing a
+-- sequence of actions for the computer to do, much like a
+-- computer program written in an imperative language. We can use
+-- the `do` notation to chain actions together. For example:
+sayHello :: IO ()
+sayHello = do
+ putStrLn "What is your name?"
+ name <- getLine -- this gets a line and gives it the name "input"
+ putStrLn $ "Hello, " ++ name
+-- Exercise: write your own version of `interact` that only reads
+-- one line of input.
+-- The code in `sayHello` will never be executed, however. The only
+-- action that ever gets executed is the value of `main`.
+-- To run `sayHello` comment out the above definition of `main`
+-- and replace it with:
+-- main = sayHello
+-- Let's understand better how the function `getLine` we just
+-- used works. Its type is:
+-- getLine :: IO String
+-- You can think of a value of type `IO a` as representing a
+-- computer program that will generate a value of type `a`
+-- when executed (in addition to anything else it does). We can
+-- store and reuse this value using `<-`. We can also
+-- make our own action of type `IO String`:
action :: IO String
action = do
putStrLn "This is a line. Duh"
- input <- getLine -- this gets a line and gives it the name "input"
+ input1 <- getLine
input2 <- getLine
- return (input1 ++ "\n" ++ input2) -- This is the result of the whole action
+ -- The type of the `do` statement is that of its last line.
+ -- `return` is not a keyword, but merely a function
+ return (input1 ++ "\n" ++ input2) -- return :: String -> IO String
--- This didn't actually do anything. When a haskell program is executed
--- an IO action called "main" is read and interpreted.
+-- We can use this just like we used `getLine`:
-main = do
- putStrLn "Our first program. How exciting!"
- result <- action -- our defined action is just like the default ones
+main'' = do
+ putStrLn "I will echo two lines!"
+ result <- action
putStrLn result
putStrLn "This was all, folks!"
--- Haskell does IO through a monad because this allows it to be a purely
--- functional language. Our `action` function had a type signature of `IO String`.
--- In general any function that interacts with the outside world (i.e. does IO)
--- gets marked as `IO` in its type signature. This lets us reason about what
--- functions are "pure" (don't interact with the outside world or modify state)
--- and what functions aren't.
+-- The type `IO` is an example of a "monad". The way Haskell uses a monad to
+-- do IO allows it to be a purely functional language. Any function that
+-- interacts with the outside world (i.e. does IO) gets marked as `IO` in its
+-- type signature. This lets us reason about what functions are "pure" (don't
+-- interact with the outside world or modify state) and what functions aren't.
--- This is a powerful feature, because it's easy to run pure functions concurrently
--- so concurrency in Haskell is very easy.
+-- This is a powerful feature, because it's easy to run pure functions
+-- concurrently; so, concurrency in Haskell is very easy.
@@ -344,6 +391,14 @@ let foo = 5
>:t foo
foo :: Integer
+-- You can also run any action of type `IO ()`
+> sayHello
+What is your name?
+Hello, Friend!
There's a lot more to Haskell, including typeclasses and monads. These are the big ideas that make Haskell such fun to code in. I'll leave you with one final Haskell example: an implementation of quicksort in Haskell:
@@ -357,5 +412,6 @@ qsort (p:xs) = qsort lesser ++ [p] ++ qsort greater
Haskell is easy to install. Get it [here](
-You can find a much gentler introduction from the excellent [Learn you a Haskell](
+You can find a much gentler introduction from the excellent
+[Learn you a Haskell]( or
+[Real World Haskell](
diff --git a/java.html.markdown b/java.html.markdown
index 8ba48d73..b4531635 100644
--- a/java.html.markdown
+++ b/java.html.markdown
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
language: java
-author: Jake Prather
+ - ["Jake Prather", ""]
@@ -18,6 +15,10 @@ Java is a general-purpose, concurrent, class-based, object-oriented computer pro
Multi-line comments look like this.
+JavaDoc comments look like this. Used to describe the Class or various
+attributes of a Class.
// Import ArrayList class inside of the java.util package
import java.util.ArrayList;
@@ -62,11 +63,15 @@ public class LearnJava {
// Long - 64-bit signed two's complement integer
// (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 <= long <= 9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
long fooLong = 100000L;
+ // L is used to denote that this variable value is of type Long;
+ // anything without is treated as integer by default.
- // (Java has no unsigned types)
+ // Note: Java has no unsigned types
// Float - Single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 Floating Point
float fooFloat = 234.5f;
+ // f is used to denote that this variable value is of type float;
+ // otherwise it is treated as double.
// Double - Double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 Floating Point
double fooDouble = 123.4;
@@ -86,8 +91,11 @@ public class LearnJava {
// \n is an escaped character that starts a new line
String barString = "Printing on a new line?\nNo Problem!";
+ // \t is an escaped character that adds a tab character
+ String bazString = "Do you want to add a tab?\tNo Problem!";
+ System.out.println(bazString);
// Arrays
//The array size must be decided upon declaration
@@ -131,12 +139,12 @@ public class LearnJava {
System.out.println("11%3 = "+(11 % 3)); // => 2
// Comparison operators
- System.out.println("3 == 2? " + (3 == 2)); // => 0 (false)
- System.out.println("3 != 2? " + (3 != 2)); // => 1 (true)
- System.out.println("3 > 2? " + (3 > 2)); // => 1
- System.out.println("3 < 2? " + (3 < 2)); // => 0
- System.out.println("2 <= 2? " + (2 <= 2)); // => 1
- System.out.println("2 >= 2? " + (2 >= 2)); // => 1
+ System.out.println("3 == 2? " + (3 == 2)); // => false
+ System.out.println("3 != 2? " + (3 != 2)); // => true
+ System.out.println("3 > 2? " + (3 > 2)); // => true
+ System.out.println("3 < 2? " + (3 < 2)); // => false
+ System.out.println("2 <= 2? " + (2 <= 2)); // => true
+ System.out.println("2 >= 2? " + (2 >= 2)); // => true
// Bitwise operators!
@@ -150,7 +158,7 @@ public class LearnJava {
// Incrementations
- int i=0;
+ int i = 0;
System.out.println(i++); //i = 1. Post-Incrementation
System.out.println(++i); //i = 2. Pre-Incrementation
@@ -163,12 +171,13 @@ public class LearnJava {
System.out.println("\n->Control Structures");
// If statements are c-like
- if (false){
- System.out.println("I never run");
- }else if (false) {
- System.out.println("I am also never run");
+ int j = 10;
+ if (j == 10){
+ System.out.println("I get printed");
+ } else if (j > 10) {
+ System.out.println("I don't");
} else {
- System.out.println("I print");
+ System.out.println("I also don't");
// While loop
@@ -203,16 +212,24 @@ public class LearnJava {
System.out.println("fooFor Value: " + fooFor);
// Switch Case
+ // A switch works with the byte, short, char, and int data types.
+ // It also works with enumerated types (discussed in Enum Types),
+ // the String class, and a few special classes that wrap
+ // primitive types: Character, Byte, Short, and Integer.
int month = 3;
String monthString;
switch (month){
- case 1: monthString = "January";
+ case 1:
+ monthString = "January";
- case 2: monthString = "February";
+ case 2:
+ monthString = "February";
- case 3: monthString = "March";
+ case 3:
+ monthString = "March";
- default: monthString = "Some other month";
+ default:
+ monthString = "Some other month";
System.out.println("Switch Case Result: " + monthString);
@@ -254,10 +271,10 @@ public class LearnJava {
Bicycle trek = new Bicycle();
// Call object methods
- trek.speedUp(3);
+ trek.speedUp(3); // You should always use setter and getter methods
- // toString is a convention
+ // toString is a convention to display the value of this Object.
System.out.println("trek info: " + trek.toString());
} // End main method
@@ -269,15 +286,17 @@ public class LearnJava {
// Class Declaration Syntax:
// <public/private/protected> class <class name>{
-// //data fields, constructors, functions all inside
+// //data fields, constructors, functions all inside.
+// //functions are called as methods in Java.
// }
class Bicycle {
// Bicycle's Fields/Variables
public int cadence; // Public: Can be accessed from anywhere
- private int speed; // Private: Only accessable from within the class
+ private int speed; // Private: Only accessible from within the class
protected int gear; // Protected: Accessible from the class and subclasses
+ String name; // default: Only accessible from within this package
// Constructors are a way of creating classes
// This is a default constructor
@@ -285,13 +304,15 @@ class Bicycle {
gear = 1;
cadence = 50;
speed = 5;
+ name = "Bontrager";
// This is a specified constructor (it contains arguments)
- public Bicycle(int startCadence, int startSpeed, int startGear) {
- gear = startGear;
- cadence = startCadence;
- speed = startSpeed;
+ public Bicycle(int startCadence, int startSpeed, int startGear, String name) {
+ this.gear = startGear;
+ this.cadence = startCadence;
+ this.speed = startSpeed;
+ = name;
// Function Syntax:
@@ -322,10 +343,21 @@ class Bicycle {
speed -= decrement;
+ public void setName(String newName) {
+ name = newName;
+ }
+ public String getName() {
+ return name;
+ }
+ //Method to display the attribute values of this Object.
+ @Override
public String toString() {
- return "gear: "+Integer.toString(gear)+
- " cadence: "+Integer.toString(cadence)+
- " speed: "+Integer.toString(speed);
+ return "gear: " + gear +
+ " cadence: " + cadence +
+ " speed: " + speed +
+ " name: " + name;
} // end class Bicycle
@@ -336,10 +368,12 @@ class PennyFarthing extends Bicycle {
public PennyFarthing(int startCadence, int startSpeed){
// Call the parent constructor with super
- super(startCadence, startSpeed, 0);
+ super(startCadence, startSpeed, 0, "PennyFarthing");
// You should mark a method you're overriding with an @annotation
+ // To learn more about what annotations are and their purpose
+ // check this out:
public void setGear(int gear) {
gear = 0;
@@ -351,13 +385,18 @@ class PennyFarthing extends Bicycle {
## Further Reading
+The links provided here below are just to get an understanding of the topic, feel free to Google and find specific examples.
Other Topics To Research:
-* [Inheritance](
+* [Java Tutorial Trail from Sun / Oracle](
-* [Polymorphism](
+* [Java Access level modifiers](
-* [Abstraction](
+* [Object-Oriented Programming Concepts](
+ * [Inheritance](
+ * [Polymorphism](
+ * [Abstraction](
* [Exceptions](
@@ -366,5 +405,3 @@ Other Topics To Research:
* [Generics](
* [Java Code Conventions](
-* The links provided are just to get an understanding of the topic, feel free to google and find specific examples
diff --git a/javascript.html.markdown b/javascript.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cc7617d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+language: javascript
+author: Adam Brenecki
+Javascript was created by Netscape's Brendan Eich in 1995. It was originally
+intended as a simpler scripting language for websites, complimenting the use of
+Java for more complex web applications, but its tight integration with Web pages
+and built-in support in browsers has caused it to become far more common than
+Java in web frontends.
+JavaScript isn't just limited to web browsers, though: Node.js, a project that
+provides a standalone runtime for Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, is
+becoming more and more popular.
+Feedback would be highly appreciated! You can reach me at
+[@adambrenecki](, or
+// Comments are like C. Single-line comments start with two slashes,
+/* and multiline comments start with slash-star
+ and end with star-slash */
+// Statements can be terminated by ;
+// ... but they don't have to be, as semicolons are automatically inserted
+// wherever there's a newline, except in certain cases.
+// We'll leave semicolons off here; whether you do or not will depend on your
+// personal preference or your project's style guide.
+// 1. Numbers, Strings and Operators
+// Javascript has one number type (which is a 64-bit IEEE 754 double).
+3 // = 3
+1.5 // = 1.5
+// All the basic arithmetic works as you'd expect.
+1 + 1 // = 2
+8 - 1 // = 7
+10 * 2 // = 20
+35 / 5 // = 7
+// Including uneven division.
+5 / 2 // = 2.5
+// Bitwise operations also work; when you perform a bitwise operation your float
+// is converted to a signed int *up to* 32 bits.
+1 << 2 // = 4
+// Precedence is enforced with parentheses.
+(1 + 3) * 2 // = 8
+// There are three special not-a-real-number values:
+Infinity // result of e.g. 1/0
+-Infinity // result of e.g. -1/0
+NaN // result of e.g. 0/0
+// There's also a boolean type.
+// Strings are created with ' or ".
+"Hello, world"
+// Negation uses the ! symbol
+!true // = false
+!false // = true
+// Equality is ==
+1 == 1 // = true
+2 == 1 // = false
+// Inequality is !=
+1 != 1 // = false
+2 != 1 // = true
+// More comparisons
+1 < 10 // = true
+1 > 10 // = false
+2 <= 2 // = true
+2 >= 2 // = true
+// Strings are concatenated with +
+"Hello " + "world!" // = "Hello world!"
+// and are compared with < and >
+"a" < "b" // = true
+// Type coercion is performed for comparisons...
+"5" == 5 // = true
+// ...unless you use ===
+"5" === 5 // = false
+// You can access characters in a string with charAt
+"This is a string".charAt(0)
+// There's also null and undefined
+null // used to indicate a deliberate non-value
+undefined // used to indicate a value that hasn't been set yet
+// null, undefined, NaN, 0 and "" are falsy, and everything else is truthy.
+// Note that 0 is falsy and "0" is truthy, even though 0 == "0".
+// 2. Variables, Arrays and Objects
+// Variables are declared with the var keyword. Javascript is dynamically typed,
+// so you don't need to specify type. Assignment uses a single = character.
+var someVar = 5
+// if you leave the var keyword off, you won't get an error...
+someOtherVar = 10
+// ...but your variable will be created in the global scope, not in the scope
+// you defined it in.
+// Variables declared without being assigned to are set to undefined.
+var someThirdVar // = undefined
+// There's shorthand for performing math operations on variables:
+someVar += 5 // equivalent to someVar = someVar + 5; someVar is 10 now
+someVar *= 10 // now someVar is 100
+// and an even-shorter-hand for adding or subtracting 1
+someVar++ // now someVar is 101
+someVar-- // back to 100
+// Arrays are ordered lists of values, of any type.
+var myArray = ["Hello", 45, true]
+// Their members can be accessed using the square-brackets subscript syntax.
+// Array indices start at zero.
+myArray[1] // = 45
+// JavaScript's objects are equivalent to 'dictionaries' or 'maps' in other
+// languages: an unordered collection of key-value pairs.
+{key1: "Hello", key2: "World"}
+// Keys are strings, but quotes aren't required if they're a valid
+// JavaScript identifier. Values can be any type.
+var myObj = {myKey: "myValue", "my other key": 4}
+// Object attributes can also be accessed using the subscript syntax,
+myObj["my other key"] // = 4
+// ... or using the dot syntax, provided the key is a valid identifier.
+myObj.myKey // = "myValue"
+// Objects are mutable; values can be changed and new keys added.
+myObj.myThirdKey = true
+// If you try to access a value that's not yet set, you'll get undefined.
+myObj.myFourthKey // = undefined
+// 3. Logic and Control Structures
+// The if structure works as you'd expect.
+var count = 1
+if (count == 3){
+ // evaluated if count is 3
+} else if (count == 4) {
+ // evaluated if count is 4
+} else {
+ // evaluated if it's not either 3 or 4
+// As does while.
+while (true) {
+ // An infinite loop!
+// Do-while loops are like while loops, except they always run at least once.
+var input
+do {
+ input = getInput()
+} while (!isValid(input))
+// the for loop is the same as C and Java:
+// initialisation; continue condition; iteration.
+for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++){
+ // will run 5 times
+// && is logical and, || is logical or
+if (house.size == "big" && house.colour == "blue"){
+ house.contains = "bear"
+if (colour == "red" || colour == "blue"){
+ // colour is either red or blue
+// && and || "short circuit", which is useful for setting default values.
+var name = otherName || "default"
+// 4. Functions, Scope and Closures
+// JavaScript functions are declared with the function keyword.
+function myFunction(thing){
+ return thing.toUpperCase()
+myFunction("foo") // = "FOO"
+// Functions can also be defined "anonymously" - without a name:
+ return thing.toLowerCase()
+// (we can't call our function, since we don't have a name to refer to it with)
+// JavaScript functions are first class objects, so they can be reassigned to
+// different variable names and passed to other functions as arguments - for
+// example, when supplying an event handler:
+function myFunction(){
+ // this code will be called in 5 seconds' time
+setTimeout(myFunction, 5000)
+// You can even write the function statement directly in the call to the other
+// function.
+setTimeout(function myFunction(){
+ // this code will be called in 5 seconds' time
+}, 5000)
+// JavaScript has function scope; functions get their own scope but other blocks
+// do not.
+if (true){
+ var i = 5
+i // = 5 - not undefined as you'd expect in a block-scoped language
+// This has led to a common pattern of "immediately-executing anonymous
+// functions", which prevent temporary variables from leaking into the global
+// scope.
+ var temporary = 5
+ // We can access the global scope by assiging to the 'global object', which
+ // in a web browser is always 'window'. The global object may have a
+ // different name in non-browser environments such as Node.js.
+ window.permanent = 10
+ // Or, as previously mentioned, we can just leave the var keyword off.
+ permanent2 = 15
+temporary // raises ReferenceError
+permanent // = 10
+permanent2 // = 15
+// One of JavaScript's most powerful features is closures. If a function is
+// defined inside another function, the inner function has access to all the
+// outer function's variables.
+function sayHelloInFiveSeconds(name){
+ var prompt = "Hello, " + name + "!"
+ function inner(){
+ alert(prompt)
+ }
+ setTimeout(inner, 5000)
+ // setTimeout is asynchronous, so this function will finish without waiting
+ // 5 seconds. However, once the 5 seconds is up, inner will still have
+ // access to the value of prompt.
+sayHelloInFiveSeconds("Adam") // will open a popup with "Hello, Adam!" in 5s
+// 5. More about Objects; Constructors and Prototypes
+// Objects can contain functions.
+var myObj = {
+ myFunc: function(){
+ return "Hello world!"
+ }
+myObj.myFunc() // = "Hello world!"
+// When functions attached to an object are called, they can access the object
+// they're attached to using the this keyword.
+myObj = {
+ myString: "Hello world!",
+ myFunc: function(){
+ return this.myString
+ }
+myObj.myFunc() // = "Hello world!"
+// What this is set to has to do with how the function is called, not where
+// it's defined. So, our function doesn't work if it isn't called in the
+// context of the object.
+var myFunc = myObj.myFunc
+myFunc() // = undefined
+// Inversely, a function can be assigned to the object and gain access to it
+// through this, even if it wasn't attached when it was defined.
+var myOtherFunc = function(){
+ return this.myString.toUpperCase()
+myObj.myOtherFunc = myOtherFunc
+myObj.myOtherFunc() // = "HELLO WORLD!"
+// When you call a function with the new keyword, a new object is created, and
+// made available to the function via this. Functions designed to be called
+// like this are called constructors.
+var MyConstructor = function(){
+ this.myNumber = 5
+myNewObj = new MyConstructor() // = {myNumber: 5}
+myNewObj.myNumber // = 5
+// Every JavaScript object has a 'prototype'. When you go to access a property
+// on an object that doesn't exist on the actual object, the interpreter will
+// look at its prototype.
+// Some JS implementations let you access an object's prototype on the magic
+// property __proto__. While this is useful for explaining prototypes it's not
+// part of the standard; we'll get to standard ways of using prototypes later.
+var myObj = {
+ myString: "Hello world!",
+var myPrototype = {
+ meaningOfLife: 42,
+ myFunc: function(){
+ return this.myString.toLowerCase()
+ }
+myObj.__proto__ = myPrototype
+myObj.meaningOfLife // = 42
+// This works for functions, too.
+myObj.myFunc() // = "hello world!"
+// Of course, if your property isn't on your prototype, the prototype's
+// prototype is searched, and so on.
+myPrototype.__proto__ = {
+ myBoolean: true
+myObj.myBoolean // = true
+// There's no copying involved here; each object stores a reference to its
+// prototype. This means we can alter the prototype and our changes will be
+// reflected everywhere.
+myPrototype.meaningOfLife = 43
+myObj.meaningOfLife // = 43
+// We mentioned that __proto__ was non-standard, and there's no standard way to
+// change the prototype of an existing object. However, there's two ways to
+// create a new object with a given prototype.
+// The first is Object.create, which is a recent addition to JS, and therefore
+// not available in all implementations yet.
+var myObj = Object.create(myPrototype)
+myObj.meaningOfLife // = 43
+// The second way, which works anywhere, has to do with constructors.
+// Constructors have a property called prototype. This is *not* the prototype of
+// the constructor function itself; instead, it's the prototype that new objects
+// are given when they're created with that constructor and the new keyword.
+myConstructor.prototype = {
+ getMyNumber: function(){
+ return this.myNumber
+ }
+var myNewObj2 = new myConstructor()
+myNewObj2.getMyNumber() // = 5
+// Built-in types like strings and numbers also have constructors that create
+// equivalent wrapper objects.
+var myNumber = 12
+var myNumberObj = new Number(12)
+myNumber == myNumberObj // = true
+// Except, they aren't exactly equivalent.
+typeof(myNumber) // = 'number'
+typeof(myNumberObj) // = 'object'
+myNumber === myNumberObj // = false
+if (0){
+ // This code won't execute, because 0 is falsy.
+if (Number(0)){
+ // This code *will* execute, because Number(0) is truthy.
+// However, the wrapper objects and the regular builtins share a prototype, so
+// you can actually add functionality to a string, for instance.
+String.prototype.firstCharacter = function(){
+ return this.charAt(0)
+"abc".firstCharacter() // = "a"
+// This fact is often used in "polyfilling", which is implementing newer
+// features of JavaScript in an older subset of JavaScript, so that they can be
+// used in older environments such as outdated browsers.
+// For instance, we mentioned that Object.create isn't yet available in all
+// implementations, but we can still use it with this polyfill:
+if (Object.create === undefined){ // don't overwrite it if it exists
+ Object.create = function(proto){
+ // make a temporary constructor with the right prototype
+ var Constructor = function(){}
+ Constructor.prototype = proto
+ // then use it to create a new, appropriately-prototyped object
+ return new Constructor()
+ }
+## Further Reading
+The [Mozilla Developer
+Network]( provides
+excellent documentation for JavaScript as it's used in browsers. Plus, it's a
+wiki, so as you learn more you can help others out by sharing your own
+MDN's [A re-introduction to
+covers much of the concepts covered here in more detail. This guide has quite
+deliberately only covered the JavaScript language itself; if you want to learn
+more about how to use JavaScript in web pages, start by learning about the
+[Document Object
+[Javascript Garden]( is an in-depth
+guide of all the counter-intuitive parts of the language.
+In addition to direct contributors to this article, some content is adapted
+from Louie Dinh's Python tutorial on this site, and the [JS
+on the Mozilla Developer Network.
diff --git a/julia.html.markdown b/julia.html.markdown
index 6c719b5c..1023e303 100644
--- a/julia.html.markdown
+++ b/julia.html.markdown
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
language: julia
-author: Leah Hanson
+ - ["Leah Hanson", ""]
filename: learnjulia.jl
diff --git a/livescript.html.markdown b/livescript.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e11439b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/livescript.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+language: LiveScript
+ - ["Christina Whyte", ""]
+LiveScript is a functional compile-to-JavaScript language which shares
+most of the underlying semantics with its host language. Nice additions
+comes with currying, function composition, pattern matching and lots of
+other goodies heavily borrowed from languages like Haskell, F# and
+LiveScript is a fork of [Coco][], which is itself a fork of
+[CoffeeScript][]. The language is stable, and a new version is in active
+development to bring a plethora of new niceties!
+Feedback is always welcome, so feel free to reach me over at
+[@kurisuwhyte]( :)
+# Just like its CoffeeScript cousin, LiveScript uses hash symbols for
+# single-line comments.
+ Multi-line comments are written C-style. Use them if you want comments
+ to be preserved in the JavaScript output.
+ */
+# As far as syntax goes, LiveScript uses indentation to delimit blocks,
+# rather than curly braces, and whitespace to apply functions, rather
+# than parenthesis.
+## 1. Basic values
+# Lack of value is defined by the keyword `void` instead of `undefined`
+void # same as `undefined` but safer (can't be overridden)
+# No valid value is represented by Null.
+# The most basic actual value is the logical type:
+# And it has a plethora of aliases that mean the same thing:
+on; off
+yes; no
+# Then you get numbers. These are double-precision floats like in JS.
+0.4 # Note that the leading `0` is required
+# For readability, you may use underscores and letter suffixes in a
+# number, and these will be ignored by the compiler.
+# Strings are immutable sequences of characters, like in JS:
+"Christina" # apostrophes are okay too!
+ strings
+ are
+ okay
+ too."""
+# Sometimes you want to encode a keyword, the backslash notation makes
+# this easy:
+\keyword # => 'keyword'
+# Arrays are ordered collections of values.
+fruits =
+ * \apple
+ * \orange
+ * \pear
+# They can be expressed more concisely with square brackets:
+fruits = [ \apple, \orange, \pear ]
+# You also get a convenient way to create a list of strings, using
+# white space to delimit the items.
+fruits = <[ apple orange pear ]>
+# You can retrieve an item by their 0-based index:
+fruits[0] # => "apple"
+# Objects are a collection of unordered key/value pairs, and a few other
+# things (more on that later).
+person =
+ name: "Christina"
+ likes:
+ * "kittens"
+ * "and other cute stuff"
+# Again, you can express them concisely with curly brackets:
+person = {name: "Christina", likes: ["kittens", "and other cute stuff"]}
+# You can retrieve an item by their key: # => "Christina"
+person["name"] # => "Christina"
+# Regular expressions use the same syntax as JavaScript:
+trailing-space = /\s$/ # dashed-words become dashedWords
+# Except you can do multi-line expressions too!
+# (comments and whitespace just gets ignored)
+funRE = //
+ function\s+(.+) # name
+ \s* \((.*)\) \s* # arguments
+ { (.*) } # body
+ //
+## 2. Basic operations
+# Arithmetic operators are the same as JavaScript's:
+1 + 2 # => 3
+2 - 1 # => 1
+2 * 3 # => 6
+4 / 2 # => 2
+3 % 2 # => 1
+# Comparisons are mostly the same too, except that `==` and `===` are
+# inverted.
+2 == 2 # => true
+2 == "2" # => false
+2 === "2" # => true
+# Other relational operators include <, <=, > and >=
+# Logical values can be combined through the logical operators `or`,
+# `and` and `not`
+true and false # => false
+false or true # => true
+not false # => true
+# Collections also get some nice additional operators
+[1, 2] ++ [3, 4] # => [1, 2, 3, 4]
+'a' in <[ a b c ]> # => true
+'name' of { name: 'Chris' } # => true
+## 3. Functions
+# Since LiveScript is functional, you'd expect functions to get a nice
+# treatment. In LiveScript it's even more apparent that functions are
+# first class:
+add = (left, right) -> left + right
+add 1, 2 # => 3
+# Functions which take no arguments are called with a bang!
+two = -> 2
+# LiveScript uses function scope, just like JavaScript, and has proper
+# closures too. Unlike JavaScript, the `=` works as a declaration
+# operator, and will always declare the variable on the left hand side.
+# The `:=` operator is available to *reuse* a name from the parent
+# scope.
+# You can destructure arguments of a function to quickly get to
+# interesting values inside a complex data structure:
+tail = ([head,]) -> rest
+tail [1, 2, 3] # => [2, 3]
+# You can also transform the arguments using binary or unary
+# operators. Default arguments are also possible.
+foo = (a = 1, b = 2) -> a + b
+foo! # => 3
+# You could use it to clone a particular argument to avoid side-effects,
+# for example:
+copy = (^^target, source) ->
+ for k,v of source => target[k] = v
+ target
+a = { a: 1 }
+copy a, { b: 2 } # => { a: 1, b: 2 }
+a # => { a: 1 }
+# A function may be curried by using a long arrow rather than a short
+# one:
+add = (left, right) --> left + right
+add1 = add 1
+add1 2 # => 3
+# Functions get an implicit `it` argument, even if you don't declare
+# any.
+identity = -> it
+identity 1 # => 1
+# Operators are not functions in LiveScript, but you can easily turn
+# them into one! Enter the operator sectioning:
+divide-by-2 = (/ 2)
+[2, 4, 8, 16].map(divide-by-2) .reduce (+)
+# Not only of function application lives LiveScript, as in any good
+# functional language you get facilities for composing them:
+double-minus-one = (- 1) . (* 2)
+# Other than the usual `f . g` mathematical formulae, you get the `>>`
+# and `<<` operators, that describe how the flow of values through the
+# functions.
+double-minus-one = (* 2) >> (- 1)
+double-minus-one = (- 1) << (* 2)
+# And talking about flow of value, LiveScript gets the `|>` and `<|`
+# operators that apply a value to a function:
+map = (f, xs) --> f
+[1 2 3] |> map (* 2) # => [2 4 6]
+# You can also choose where you want the value to be placed, just mark
+# the place with an underscore (_):
+reduce = (f, xs, initial) --> xs.reduce f, initial
+[1 2 3] |> reduce (+), _, 0 # => 6
+# The underscore is also used in regular partial application, which you
+# can use for any function:
+div = (left, right) -> left / right
+div-by-2 = div _, 2
+div-by-2 4 # => 2
+# Last, but not least, LiveScript has back-calls, which might help
+# with some callback-based code (though you should try more functional
+# approaches, like Promises):
+readFile = (name, f) -> f name
+a <- readFile 'foo'
+b <- readFile 'bar'
+console.log a + b
+# Same as:
+readFile 'foo', (a) -> readFile 'bar', (b) -> console.log a + b
+## 4. Patterns, guards and control-flow
+# You can branch computations with the `if...else` expression:
+x = if n > 0 then \positive else \negative
+# Instead of `then`, you can use `=>`
+x = if n > 0 => \positive
+ else \negative
+# Complex conditions are better-off expressed with the `switch`
+# expression, though:
+y = {}
+x = switch
+ | (typeof y) is \number => \number
+ | (typeof y) is \string => \string
+ | 'length' of y => \array
+ | otherwise => \object # `otherwise` and `_` always matches.
+# Function bodies, declarations and assignments get a free `switch`, so
+# you don't need to type it again:
+take = (n, [x, ...xs]) -->
+ | n == 0 => []
+ | _ => [x] ++ take (n - 1), xs
+## 5. Comprehensions
+# While the functional helpers for dealing with lists and objects are
+# right there in the JavaScript's standard library (and complemented on
+# the prelude-ls, which is a "standard library" for LiveScript),
+# comprehensions will usually allow you to do this stuff faster and with
+# a nice syntax:
+oneToTwenty = [1 to 20]
+evens = [x for x in oneToTwenty when x % 2 == 0]
+# `when` and `unless` can be used as filters in the comprehension.
+# Object comprehension works in the same way, except that it gives you
+# back an object rather than an Array:
+copy = { [k, v] for k, v of source }
+## 4. OOP
+# While LiveScript is a functional language in most aspects, it also has
+# some niceties for imperative and object oriented programming. One of
+# them is class syntax and some class sugar inherited from CoffeeScript:
+class Animal
+ (@name, kind) ->
+ @kind = kind
+ action: (what) -> "*#{@name} (a #{@kind}) #{what}*"
+class Cat extends Animal
+ (@name) -> super @name, 'cat'
+ purr: -> @action 'purrs'
+kitten = new Cat 'Mei'
+kitten.purr! # => "*Mei (a cat) purrs*"
+# Besides the classical single-inheritance pattern, you can also provide
+# as many mixins as you would like for a class. Mixins are just plain
+# objects:
+Huggable =
+ hug: -> @action 'is hugged'
+class SnugglyCat extends Cat implements Huggable
+kitten = new SnugglyCat 'Purr'
+kitten.hug! # => "*Mei (a cat) is hugged*"
+## Further reading
+There's just so much more to LiveScript, but this should be enough to
+get you started writing little functional things in it. The
+[official website]( has a lot of information on the
+language, and a nice online compiler for you to try stuff out!
+You may also want to grab yourself some
+[](, and check out the `#livescript`
+channel on the Freenode network.
diff --git a/lua.html.markdown b/lua.html.markdown
index 4df57a92..7325a1cf 100644
--- a/lua.html.markdown
+++ b/lua.html.markdown
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
language: lua
-author: Tyler Neylon
+ - ["Tyler Neylon", ""]
filename: learnlua.lua
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ until num == 0
function fib(n)
- if n < 2 then return 1 end
+ if n < 2 then return n end
return fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1)
diff --git a/php.html.markdown b/php.html.markdown
index 73445839..5f5a4b54 100644
--- a/php.html.markdown
+++ b/php.html.markdown
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
language: php
-author: Malcolm Fell
+ - ["Malcolm Fell", ""]
+ - ["Trismegiste", ""]
filename: learnphp.php
@@ -47,9 +48,9 @@ $boolean = true; // or TRUE or True
$boolean = false; // or FALSE or False
// Integers
-$int1 = 19; // => 19
-$int2 = -19; // => -19
-$int3 = 019; // => 15 (a leading 0 denotes an octal number)
+$int1 = 12; // => 12
+$int2 = -12; // => -12
+$int3 = 012; // => 10 (a leading 0 denotes an octal number)
$int4 = 0x0F; // => 15 (a leading 0x denotes a hex literal)
// Floats (aka doubles)
@@ -395,9 +396,6 @@ echo $function_name(1, 2); // => 3
* Includes
// PHP within included files must also begin with a PHP open tag.
@@ -541,6 +539,12 @@ interface InterfaceTwo
public function doSomethingElse();
+// interfaces can be extended
+interface InterfaceThree extends InterfaceTwo
+ public function doAnotherContract();
abstract class MyAbstractClass implements InterfaceOne
public $x = 'doSomething';
@@ -605,9 +609,6 @@ $cls->myTraitMethod(); // Prints "I have MyTrait"
// This section is separate, because a namespace declaration
// must be the first statement in a file. Let's pretend that is not the case
// By default, classes exist in the global namespace, and can
diff --git a/python.html.markdown b/python.html.markdown
index e0851950..e7ee6fbd 100644
--- a/python.html.markdown
+++ b/python.html.markdown
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
language: python
-author: Louie Dinh
+ - ["Louie Dinh", ""]
Python was created by Guido Van Rossum in the early 90's. It is now one of the most popular
-languages in existence. I fell in love with Python for it's syntactic clarity. It's basically
+languages in existence. I fell in love with Python for its syntactic clarity. Its basically
executable pseudocode.
Feedback would be highly appreciated! You can reach me at [@louiedinh]( or louiedinh [at] [google's email service]
diff --git a/r.html.markdown b/r.html.markdown
index 535b9065..0240e8fb 100644
--- a/r.html.markdown
+++ b/r.html.markdown
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
language: R
-author: e99n09
+ - ["e99n09", ""]
filename: learnr.r
diff --git a/racket.html.markdown b/racket.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..adacd91d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/racket.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+language: racket
+filename: learnracket.rkt
+ - ["th3rac25", ""]
+ - ["Eli Barzilay", ""]
+ - ["Gustavo Schmidt", ""]
+Racket is a general purpose, multi-paradigm programming language in the Lisp/Scheme family.
+Feedback is appreciated! You can reach me at [@th3rac25]( or th3rac25 [at] [google's email service]
+#lang racket ; defines the language we are using
+;;; Comments
+;; Single line comments start with a semicolon
+#| Block comments
+ can span multiple lines and...
+ #|
+ they can be nested!
+ |#
+;; S-expression comments discard the following expression,
+;; useful to comment expressions when debugging
+#; (this expression is discarded)
+;; 1. Primitive Datatypes and Operators
+;;; Numbers
+9999999999999999999999 ; integers
+#b111 ; binary => 7
+#o111 ; octal => 73
+#x111 ; hexadecimal => 273
+3.14 ; reals
+1/2 ; rationals
+1+2i ; complex numbers
+;; Function application is written (f x y z ...)
+;; where f is a function and x, y, z, ... are operands
+;; If you want to create a literal list of data, use ' to stop it from
+;; being evaluated
+'(+ 1 2) ; => (+ 1 2)
+;; Now, some arithmetic operations
+(+ 1 1) ; => 2
+(- 8 1) ; => 7
+(* 10 2) ; => 20
+(expt 2 3) ; => 8
+(quotient 5 2) ; => 2
+(remainder 5 2) ; => 1
+(/ 35 5) ; => 7
+(/ 1 3) ; => 1/3
+(exact->inexact 1/3) ; => 0.3333333333333333
+(+ 1+2i 2-3i) ; => 3-1i
+;;; Booleans
+#t ; for true
+#f ; for false -- any value other than #f is true
+(not #t) ; => #f
+(and 0 #f (error "doesn't get here")) ; => #f
+(or #f 0 (error "doesn't get here")) ; => 0
+;;; Characters
+#\A ; => #\A
+#\λ ; => #\λ
+#\u03BB ; => #\λ
+;;; Strings are fixed-length array of characters.
+"Hello, world!"
+"Benjamin \"Bugsy\" Siegel" ; backslash is an escaping character
+"Foo\tbar\41\x21\u0021\a\r\n" ; includes C escapes, Unicode
+"λx:(μα.α→α).xx" ; can include Unicode characters
+;; Strings can be added too!
+(string-append "Hello " "world!") ; => "Hello world!"
+;; A string can be treated like a list of characters
+(string-ref "Apple" 0) ; => #\A
+;; format can be used to format strings:
+(format "~a can be ~a" "strings" "formatted")
+;; Printing is pretty easy
+(printf "I'm Racket. Nice to meet you!\n")
+;; 2. Variables
+;; You can create a variable using define
+;; a variable name can use any character except: ()[]{}",'`;#|\
+(define some-var 5)
+some-var ; => 5
+;; You can also use unicode characters
+(define ⊆ subset?)
+(⊆ (set 3 2) (set 1 2 3)) ; => #t
+;; Accessing a previously unassigned variable is an exception
+; x ; => x: undefined ...
+;; Local binding: `me' is bound to "Bob" only within the (let ...)
+(let ([me "Bob"])
+ "Alice"
+ me) ; => "Bob"
+;; 3. Structs and Collections
+;; Structs
+(struct dog (name breed age))
+(define my-pet
+ (dog "lassie" "collie" 5))
+my-pet ; => #<dog>
+(dog? my-pet) ; => #t
+(dog-name my-pet) ; => "lassie"
+;;; Pairs (immutable)
+;; `cons' constructs pairs, `car' and `cdr' extract the first
+;; and second elements
+(cons 1 2) ; => '(1 . 2)
+(car (cons 1 2)) ; => 1
+(cdr (cons 1 2)) ; => 2
+;;; Lists
+;; Lists are linked-list data structures, made of `cons' pairs and end
+;; with a `null' (or '()) to mark the end of the list
+(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 null))) ; => '(1 2 3)
+;; `list' is a convenience variadic constructor for lists
+(list 1 2 3) ; => '(1 2 3)
+;; and a quote can also be used for a literal list value
+'(1 2 3) ; => '(1 2 3)
+;; Can still use `cons' to add an item to the beginning of a list
+(cons 4 '(1 2 3)) ; => '(4 1 2 3)
+;; Use `append' to add lists together
+(append '(1 2) '(3 4)) ; => '(1 2 3 4)
+;; Lists are a very basic type, so there is a *lot* of functionality for
+;; them, a few examples:
+(map add1 '(1 2 3)) ; => '(2 3 4)
+(map + '(1 2 3) '(10 20 30)) ; => '(11 22 33)
+(filter even? '(1 2 3 4)) ; => '(2 4)
+(count even? '(1 2 3 4)) ; => 2
+(take '(1 2 3 4) 2) ; => '(1 2)
+(drop '(1 2 3 4) 2) ; => '(3 4)
+;;; Vectors
+;; Vectors are fixed-length arrays
+#(1 2 3) ; => '#(1 2 3)
+;; Use `vector-append' to add vectors together
+(vector-append #(1 2 3) #(4 5 6)) ; => #(1 2 3 4 5 6)
+;;; Sets
+;; Create a set from a list
+(list->set '(1 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 1)) ; => (set 1 2 3)
+;; Add a member with `set-add'
+;; (Functional: returns the extended set rather than mutate the input)
+(set-add (set 1 2 3) 4) ; => (set 1 2 3 4)
+;; Remove one with `set-remove'
+(set-remove (set 1 2 3) 1) ; => (set 2 3)
+;; Test for existence with `set-member?'
+(set-member? (set 1 2 3) 1) ; => #t
+(set-member? (set 1 2 3) 4) ; => #f
+;;; Hashes
+;; Create an immutable hash table (mutable example below)
+(define m (hash 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3))
+;; Retrieve a value
+(hash-ref m 'a) ; => 1
+;; Retrieving a non-present value is an exception
+; (hash-ref m 'd) => no value found
+;; You can provide a default value for missing keys
+(hash-ref m 'd 0) ; => 0
+;; Use `hash-set' to extend an immutable hash table
+;; (Returns the extended hash instdead of mutating it)
+(define m2 (hash-set m 'd 4))
+m2 ; => '#hash((b . 2) (a . 1) (d . 4) (c . 3))
+;; Remember, these hashes are immutable!
+m ; => '#hash((b . 2) (a . 1) (c . 3)) <-- no `d'
+;; Use `hash-remove' to remove keys (functional too)
+(hash-remove m 'a) ; => '#hash((b . 2) (c . 3))
+;; 3. Functions
+;; Use `lambda' to create functions.
+;; A function always returns the value of its last expression
+(lambda () "Hello World") ; => #<procedure>
+;; Can also use a unicode `λ'
+(λ () "Hello World") ; => same function
+;; Use parens to call all functions, including a lambda expression
+((lambda () "Hello World")) ; => "Hello World"
+((λ () "Hello World")) ; => "Hello World"
+;; Assign a function to a var
+(define hello-world (lambda () "Hello World"))
+(hello-world) ; => "Hello World"
+;; You can shorten this using the function definition syntatcic sugae:
+(define (hello-world2) "Hello World")
+;; The () in the above is the list of arguments for the function
+(define hello
+ (lambda (name)
+ (string-append "Hello " name)))
+(hello "Steve") ; => "Hello Steve"
+;; ... or equivalently, using a sugared definition:
+(define (hello2 name)
+ (string-append "Hello " name))
+;; You can have multi-variadic functions too, using `case-lambda'
+(define hello3
+ (case-lambda
+ [() "Hello World"]
+ [(name) (string-append "Hello " name)]))
+(hello3 "Jake") ; => "Hello Jake"
+(hello3) ; => "Hello World"
+;; ... or specify optional arguments with a default value expression
+(define (hello4 [name "World"])
+ (string-append "Hello " name))
+;; Functions can pack extra arguments up in a list
+(define (count-args . args)
+ (format "You passed ~a args: ~a" (length args) args))
+(count-args 1 2 3) ; => "You passed 3 args: (1 2 3)"
+;; ... or with the unsugared `lambda' form:
+(define count-args2
+ (lambda args
+ (format "You passed ~a args: ~a" (length args) args)))
+;; You can mix regular and packed arguments
+(define (hello-count name . args)
+ (format "Hello ~a, you passed ~a extra args" name (length args)))
+(hello-count "Finn" 1 2 3)
+; => "Hello Finn, you passed 3 extra args"
+;; ... unsugared:
+(define hello-count2
+ (lambda (name . args)
+ (format "Hello ~a, you passed ~a extra args" name (length args))))
+;; And with keywords
+(define (hello-k #:name [name "World"] #:greeting [g "Hello"] . args)
+ (format "~a ~a, ~a extra args" g name (length args)))
+(hello-k) ; => "Hello World, 0 extra args"
+(hello-k 1 2 3) ; => "Hello World, 3 extra args"
+(hello-k #:greeting "Hi") ; => "Hi World, 0 extra args"
+(hello-k #:name "Finn" #:greeting "Hey") ; => "Hey Finn, 0 extra args"
+(hello-k 1 2 3 #:greeting "Hi" #:name "Finn" 4 5 6)
+ ; => "Hi Finn, 6 extra args"
+;; 4. Equality
+;; for numbers use `='
+(= 3 3.0) ; => #t
+(= 2 1) ; => #f
+;; for object identity use `eq?'
+(eq? 3 3) ; => #t
+(eq? 3 3.0) ; => #f
+(eq? (list 3) (list 3)) ; => #f
+;; for collections use `equal?'
+(equal? (list 'a 'b) (list 'a 'b)) ; => #t
+(equal? (list 'a 'b) (list 'b 'a)) ; => #f
+;; 5. Control Flow
+;;; Conditionals
+(if #t ; test expression
+ "this is true" ; then expression
+ "this is false") ; else expression
+; => "this is true"
+;; In conditionals, all non-#f values are treated as true
+(member 'Groucho '(Harpo Groucho Zeppo)) ; => '(Groucho Zeppo)
+(if (member 'Groucho '(Harpo Groucho Zeppo))
+ 'yep
+ 'nope)
+; => 'yep
+;; `cond' chains a series of tests to select a result
+(cond [(> 2 2) (error "wrong!")]
+ [(< 2 2) (error "wrong again!")]
+ [else 'ok]) ; => 'ok
+;;; Pattern Matching
+(define (fizzbuzz? n)
+ (match (list (remainder n 3) (remainder n 5))
+ [(list 0 0) 'fizzbuzz]
+ [(list 0 _) 'fizz]
+ [(list _ 0) 'buzz]
+ [_ #f]))
+(fizzbuzz? 15) ; => 'fizzbuzz
+(fizzbuzz? 37) ; => #f
+;;; Loops
+;; Looping can be done through (tail-) recursion
+(define (loop i)
+ (when (< i 10)
+ (printf "i=~a\n" i)
+ (loop (add1 i))))
+(loop 5) ; => i=5, i=6, ...
+;; Similarly, with a named let
+(let loop ((i 0))
+ (when (< i 10)
+ (printf "i=~a\n" i)
+ (loop (add1 i)))) ; => i=0, i=1, ...
+;; See below how to add a new `loop' form, but Racket already has a very
+;; flexible `for' form for loops:
+(for ([i 10])
+ (printf "i=~a\n" i)) ; => i=0, i=1, ...
+(for ([i (in-range 5 10)])
+ (printf "i=~a\n" i)) ; => i=5, i=6, ...
+;;; Iteration Over Other Sequences
+;; `for' allows iteration over many other kinds of sequences:
+;; lists, vectors, strings, sets, hash tables, etc...
+(for ([i (in-list '(l i s t))])
+ (displayln i))
+(for ([i (in-vector #(v e c t o r))])
+ (displayln i))
+(for ([i (in-string "string")])
+ (displayln i))
+(for ([i (in-set (set 'x 'y 'z))])
+ (displayln i))
+(for ([(k v) (in-hash (hash 'a 1 'b 2 'c 3 ))])
+ (printf "key:~a value:~a\n" k v))
+;;; More Complex Iterations
+;; Parallel scan of multiple sequences (stops on shortest)
+(for ([i 10] [j '(x y z)]) (printf "~a:~a\n" i j))
+; => 0:x 1:y 2:z
+;; Nested loops
+(for* ([i 2] [j '(x y z)]) (printf "~a:~a\n" i j))
+; => 0:x, 0:y, 0:z, 1:x, 1:y, 1:z
+;; Conditions
+(for ([i 1000]
+ #:when (> i 5)
+ #:unless (odd? i)
+ #:break (> i 10))
+ (printf "i=~a\n" i))
+; => i=6, i=8, i=10
+;;; Comprehensions
+;; Very similar to `for' loops -- just collect the results
+(for/list ([i '(1 2 3)])
+ (add1 i)) ; => '(2 3 4)
+(for/list ([i '(1 2 3)] #:when (even? i))
+ i) ; => '(2)
+(for/list ([i 10] [j '(x y z)])
+ (list i j)) ; => '((0 x) (1 y) (2 z))
+(for/list ([i 1000] #:when (> i 5) #:unless (odd? i) #:break (> i 10))
+ i) ; => '(6 8 10)
+(for/hash ([i '(1 2 3)])
+ (values i (number->string i)))
+; => '#hash((1 . "1") (2 . "2") (3 . "3"))
+;; There are many kinds of other built-in ways to collect loop values:
+(for/sum ([i 10]) (* i i)) ; => 285
+(for/product ([i (in-range 1 11)]) (* i i)) ; => 13168189440000
+(for/and ([i 10] [j (in-range 10 20)]) (< i j)) ; => #t
+(for/or ([i 10] [j (in-range 0 20 2)]) (= i j)) ; => #t
+;; And to use any arbitrary combination, use `for/fold'
+(for/fold ([sum 0]) ([i '(1 2 3 4)]) (+ sum i)) ; => 10
+;; (This can often replace common imperative loops)
+;;; Exceptions
+;; To catch exceptions, use the `with-handlers' form
+(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (exn) 999)])
+ (+ 1 "2")) ; => 999
+(with-handlers ([exn:break? (lambda (exn) "no time")])
+ (sleep 3)
+ "phew") ; => "phew", but if you break it => "no time"
+;; Use `raise' to throw exceptions or any other value
+(with-handlers ([number? ; catch numeric values raised
+ identity]) ; return them as plain values
+ (+ 1 (raise 2))) ; => 2
+;; 6. Mutation
+;; Use `set!' to assign a new value to an existing variable
+(define n 5)
+(set! n (add1 n))
+n ; => 6
+;; Use boxes for explicitly mutable values (similar to pointers or
+;; references in other languages)
+(define n* (box 5))
+(set-box! n* (add1 (unbox n*)))
+(unbox n*) ; => 6
+;; Many Racket datatypes are immutable (pairs, lists, etc), some come in
+;; both mutable and immutable flavors (strings, vectors, hash tables,
+;; etc...)
+;; Use `vector' or `make-vector' to create mutable vectors
+(define vec (vector 2 2 3 4))
+(define wall (make-vector 100 'bottle-of-beer))
+;; Use vector-set! to update a slot
+(vector-set! vec 0 1)
+(vector-set! wall 99 'down)
+vec ; => #(1 2 3 4)
+;; Create an empty mutable hash table and manipulate it
+(define m3 (make-hash))
+(hash-set! m3 'a 1)
+(hash-set! m3 'b 2)
+(hash-set! m3 'c 3)
+(hash-ref m3 'a) ; => 1
+(hash-ref m3 'd 0) ; => 0
+(hash-remove! m3 'a)
+;; 7. Modules
+;; Modules let you organize code into multiple files and reusable
+;; libraries; here we use sub-modules, nested in the whole module that
+;; this text makes (starting from the "#lang" line)
+(module cake racket/base ; define a `cake' module based on racket/base
+ (provide print-cake) ; function exported by the module
+ (define (print-cake n)
+ (show " ~a " n #\.)
+ (show " .-~a-. " n #\|)
+ (show " | ~a | " n #\space)
+ (show "---~a---" n #\-))
+ (define (show fmt n ch) ; internal function
+ (printf fmt (make-string n ch))
+ (newline)))
+;; Use `require' to get all `provide'd names from a module
+(require 'cake) ; the ' is for a local submodule
+(print-cake 3)
+; (show "~a" 1 #\A) ; => error, `show' was not exported
+;; 8. Classes and Objects
+;; Create a class fish% (-% is idomatic for class bindings)
+(define fish%
+ (class object%
+ (init size) ; initialization argument
+ (super-new) ; superclass initialization
+ ;; Field
+ (define current-size size)
+ ;; Public methods
+ (define/public (get-size)
+ current-size)
+ (define/public (grow amt)
+ (set! current-size (+ amt current-size)))
+ (define/public (eat other-fish)
+ (grow (send other-fish get-size)))))
+;; Create an instance of fish%
+(define charlie
+ (new fish% [size 10]))
+;; Use `send' to call an object's methods
+(send charlie get-size) ; => 10
+(send charlie grow 6)
+(send charlie get-size) ; => 16
+;; `fish%' is a plain "first class" value, which can get us mixins
+(define (add-color c%)
+ (class c%
+ (init color)
+ (super-new)
+ (define my-color color)
+ (define/public (get-color) my-color)))
+(define colored-fish% (add-color fish%))
+(define charlie2 (new colored-fish% [size 10] [color 'red]))
+(send charlie2 get-color)
+;; or, with no names:
+(send (new (add-color fish%) [size 10] [color 'red]) get-color)
+;; 9. Macros
+;; Macros let you extend the syntax of the language
+;; Let's add a while loop
+(define-syntax-rule (while condition body ...)
+ (let loop ()
+ (when condition
+ body ...
+ (loop))))
+(let ([i 0])
+ (while (< i 10)
+ (displayln i)
+ (set! i (add1 i))))
+;; Macros are hygienic, you cannot clobber existing variables!
+(define-syntax-rule (swap! x y) ; -! is idomatic for mutation
+ (let ([tmp x])
+ (set! x y)
+ (set! y tmp)))
+(define tmp 2)
+(define other 3)
+(swap! tmp other)
+(printf "tmp = ~a; other = ~a\n" tmp other)
+;; The variable `tmp` is renamed to `tmp_1`
+;; in order to avoid name conflict
+;; (let ([tmp_1 tmp])
+;; (set! tmp other)
+;; (set! other tmp_1))
+;; But they are still code transformations, for example:
+(define-syntax-rule (bad-while condition body ...)
+ (when condition
+ body ...
+ (bad-while condition body ...)))
+;; this macro is broken: it generates infinite code, if you try to use
+;; it, the compiler will get in an infinite loop
+;; 10. Contracts
+;; Contracts impose constraints on values exported from modules
+(module bank-account racket
+ (provide (contract-out
+ [deposit (-> positive? any)] ; amounts are always positive
+ [balance (-> positive?)]))
+ (define amount 0)
+ (define (deposit a) (set! amount (+ amount a)))
+ (define (balance) amount)
+ )
+(require 'bank-account)
+(deposit 5)
+(balance) ; => 5
+;; Clients that attempt to deposit a non-positive amount are blamed
+;; (deposit -5) ; => deposit: contract violation
+;; expected: positive?
+;; given: -5
+;; more details....
+## Further Reading
+Still up for more? Try [Getting Started with Racket](
diff --git a/ruby.html.markdown b/ruby.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3bcbbd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+language: ruby
+filename: learnruby.rb
+ - ["David Underwood", ""]
+ - ["Joel Walden", ""]
+ - ["Luke Holder", ""]
+# This is a comment
+This is a multiline comment
+No-one uses them
+You shouldn't either
+# First and foremost: Everything is an object.
+# Numbers are objects
+3.class #=> Fixnum
+3.to_s #=> "3"
+# Some basic arithmetic
+1 + 1 #=> 2
+8 - 1 #=> 7
+10 * 2 #=> 20
+35 / 5 #=> 7
+# Arithmetic is just syntactic sugar
+# for calling a method on an object
+1.+(3) #=> 4
+10.* 5 #=> 50
+# Special values are objects
+nil # Nothing to see here
+true # truth
+false # falsehood
+nil.class #=> NilClass
+true.class #=> TrueClass
+false.class #=> FalseClass
+# Equality
+1 == 1 #=> true
+2 == 1 #=> false
+# Inequality
+1 != 1 #=> false
+2 != 1 #=> true
+!true #=> false
+!false #=> true
+# apart from false itself, nil is the only other 'falsey' value
+!nil #=> true
+!false #=> true
+!0 #=> false
+# More comparisons
+1 < 10 #=> true
+1 > 10 #=> false
+2 <= 2 #=> true
+2 >= 2 #=> true
+# Strings are objects
+'I am a string'.class #=> String
+"I am a string too".class #=> String
+placeholder = "use string interpolation"
+"I can #{placeholder} when using double quoted strings"
+#=> "I can use string interpolation when using double quoted strings"
+# print to the output
+puts "I'm printing!"
+# Variables
+x = 25 #=> 25
+x #=> 25
+# Note that assignment returns the value assigned
+# This means you can do multiple assignment:
+x = y = 10 #=> 10
+x #=> 10
+y #=> 10
+# By convention, use snake_case for variable names
+snake_case = true
+# Use descriptive variable names
+path_to_project_root = '/good/name/'
+path = '/bad/name/'
+# Symbols (are objects)
+# Symbols are immutable, reusable constants represented internally by an
+# integer value. They're often used instead of strings to efficiently convey
+# specific, meaningful values
+:pending.class #=> Symbol
+status = :pending
+status == :pending #=> true
+status == 'pending' #=> false
+status == :approved #=> false
+# Arrays
+# This is an array
+[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+# Arrays can contain different types of items
+array = [1, "hello", false] #=> => [1, "hello", false]
+# Arrays can be indexed
+# From the front
+array[0] #=> 1
+array[12] #=> nil
+# Like arithmetic, [var] access
+# is just syntactic sugar
+# for calling a method [] on an object
+array.[] 0 #=> 1
+array.[] 12 #=> nil
+# From the end
+array[-1] #=> 5
+# With a start and end index
+array[2, 4] #=> [3, 4, 5]
+# Or with a range
+array[1..3] #=> [2, 3, 4]
+# Add to an array like this
+array << 6 #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+# Hashes are Ruby's primary dictionary with keys/value pairs.
+# Hashes are denoted with curly braces:
+hash = {'color' => 'green', 'number' => 5}
+hash.keys #=> ['color', 'number']
+# Hashes can be quickly looked up by key:
+hash['color'] #=> 'green'
+hash['number'] #=> 5
+# Asking a hash for a key that doesn't exist returns nil:
+hash['nothing here'] #=> nil
+# Iterate over hashes with the #each method:
+hash.each do |k, v|
+ puts "#{k} is #{v}"
+# Since Ruby 1.9, there's a special syntax when using symbols as keys:
+new_hash = { defcon: 3, action: true}
+new_hash.keys #=> [:defcon, :action]
+# Tip: Both Arrays and Hashes are Enumerable
+# They share a lot of useful methods such as each, map, count, and more
+# Control structures
+if true
+ "if statement"
+elsif false
+ "else if, optional"
+ "else, also optional"
+for counter in 1..5
+ puts "iteration #{counter}"
+#=> iteration 1
+#=> iteration 2
+#=> iteration 3
+#=> iteration 4
+#=> iteration 5
+# No-one uses for loops
+# Use `each` instead, like this:
+(1..5).each do |counter|
+ puts "iteration #{counter}"
+#=> iteration 1
+#=> iteration 2
+#=> iteration 3
+#=> iteration 4
+#=> iteration 5
+counter = 1
+while counter <= 5 do
+ puts "iteration #{counter}"
+ counter += 1
+#=> iteration 1
+#=> iteration 2
+#=> iteration 3
+#=> iteration 4
+#=> iteration 5
+grade = 'B'
+case grade
+when 'A'
+ puts "Way to go kiddo"
+when 'B'
+ puts "Better luck next time"
+when 'C'
+ puts "You can do better"
+when 'D'
+ puts "Scraping through"
+when 'F'
+ puts "You failed!"
+ puts "Alternative grading system, eh?"
+# Functions
+def double(x)
+ x * 2
+# Functions (and all blocks) implcitly return the value of the last statement
+double(2) #=> 4
+# Parentheses are optional where the result is unambiguous
+double 3 #=> 6
+double double 3 #=> 12
+def sum(x,y)
+ x + y
+# Method arguments are separated by a comma
+sum 3, 4 #=> 7
+sum sum(3,4), 5 #=> 12
+# yield
+# All methods have an implicit, optional block parameter
+# it can be called with the 'yield' keyword
+def surround
+ puts "{"
+ yield
+ puts "}"
+surround { puts 'hello world' }
+# {
+# hello world
+# }
+# Define a class with the class keyword
+class Human
+ # A class variable. It is shared by all instances of this class.
+ @@species = "H. sapiens"
+ # Basic initializer
+ def initialize(name, age=0)
+ # Assign the argument to the "name" instance variable for the instance
+ @name = name
+ # If no age given, we will fall back to the default in the arguments list.
+ @age = age
+ end
+ # Basic setter method
+ def name=(name)
+ @name = name
+ end
+ # Basic getter method
+ def name
+ @name
+ end
+ # A class method uses self to distinguish from instance methods.
+ # It can only be called on the class, not an instance.
+ def self.say(msg)
+ puts "#{msg}"
+ end
+ def species
+ @@species
+ end
+# Instantiate a class
+jim ="Jim Halpert")
+dwight ="Dwight K. Schrute")
+# Let's call a couple of methods
+jim.species #=> "H. sapiens" #=> "Jim Halpert" = "Jim Halpert II" #=> "Jim Halpert II" #=> "Jim Halpert II"
+dwight.species #=> "H. sapiens" #=> "Dwight K. Schrute"
+# Call the class method
+Human.say("Hi") #=> "Hi"
diff --git a/visualbasic.html.markdown b/visualbasic.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fbfa500d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/visualbasic.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+language: Visual Basic
+ - ["Brian Martin", ""]
+filename: learnvisualbasic.vb
+Module Module1
+ Sub Main()
+ ' A Quick Overview of Visual Basic Console Applications before we dive
+ ' in to the deep end.
+ ' Apostrophe starts comments.
+ ' To Navigate this tutorial within the Visual Basic Complier, I've put
+ ' together a navigation system.
+ ' This navigation system is explained however as we go deeper into this
+ ' tutorial, you'll understand what it all means.
+ Console.Title = ("Learn X in Y Minutes")
+ Console.WriteLine("NAVIGATION") 'Display
+ Console.WriteLine("")
+ Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green
+ Console.WriteLine("1. Hello World Output")
+ Console.WriteLine("2. Hello World Input")
+ Console.WriteLine("3. Calculating Whole Numbers")
+ Console.WriteLine("4. Calculating Decimal Numbers")
+ Console.WriteLine("5. Working Calculator")
+ Console.WriteLine("6. Using Do While Loops")
+ Console.WriteLine("7. Using For While Loops")
+ Console.WriteLine("8. Conditional Statements")
+ Console.WriteLine("9. Select A Drink")
+ Console.WriteLine("50. About")
+ Console.WriteLine("Please Choose A Number From The Above List")
+ Dim selection As String = Console.ReadLine
+ Select Case selection
+ Case "1" 'HelloWorld Output
+ Console.Clear() 'Clears the application and opens the private sub
+ HelloWorldOutput() 'Name Private Sub, Opens Private Sub
+ Case "2" 'Hello Input
+ Console.Clear()
+ HelloWorldInput()
+ Case "3" 'Calculating Whole Numbers
+ Console.Clear()
+ CalculatingWholeNumbers()
+ Case "4" 'Calculting Decimal Numbers
+ Console.Clear()
+ CalculatingDecimalNumbers()
+ Case "5" 'Working Calcculator
+ Console.Clear()
+ WorkingCalculator()
+ Case "6" 'Using Do While Loops
+ Console.Clear()
+ UsingDoWhileLoops()
+ Case "7" 'Using For While Loops
+ Console.Clear()
+ UsingForLoops()
+ Case "8" 'Conditional Statements
+ Console.Clear()
+ ConditionalStatement()
+ Case "9" 'If/Else Statement
+ Console.Clear()
+ IfElseStatement() 'Select a drink
+ Case "50" 'About msg box
+ Console.Clear()
+ Console.Title = ("Learn X in Y Minutes :: About")
+ MsgBox("This tutorial is by Brian Martin (@BrianMartinn")
+ Console.Clear()
+ Main()
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ End Select
+ End Sub
+ 'One - I'm using numbers to help with the above navigation when I come back
+ 'later to build it.
+ 'We use private subs to seperate different sections of the program.
+ Private Sub HelloWorldOutput()
+ 'Title of Console Application
+ Console.Title = "Hello World Ouput | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ 'Use Console.Write("") or Console.WriteLine("") to print outputs.
+ 'Followed by Console.Read() alternatively Console.Readline()
+ 'Console.ReadLine() prints the output to the console.
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello World")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ End Sub
+ 'Two
+ Private Sub HelloWorldInput()
+ Console.Title = "Hello World YourName | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ ' Variables
+ ' Data entered by a user needs to be stored.
+ ' Variables also start with a Dim and end with an As VariableType.
+ ' In this tutorial, we want to know what your name, and make the program
+ ' respond to what is said.
+ Dim username As String
+ 'We use string as string is a text based variable.
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello, What is your name? ") 'Ask the user their name.
+ username = Console.ReadLine() 'Stores the users name.
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello " + username) 'Output is Hello 'Their name'
+ Console.ReadLine() 'Outsputs the above.
+ 'The above will ask you a question followed by printing your answer.
+ 'Other variables include Integer and we use Integer for whole numbers.
+ End Sub
+ 'Three
+ Private Sub CalculatingWholeNumbers()
+ Console.Title = "Calculating Whole Numbers | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ Console.Write("First number: ") 'Enter a whole number, 1, 2, 50, 104 ect
+ Dim a As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
+ Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
+ Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
+ Dim c As Integer = a + b
+ Console.WriteLine(c)
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ 'The above is a simple calculator
+ End Sub
+ 'Four
+ Private Sub CalculatingDecimalNumbers()
+ Console.Title = "Calculating with Double | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ 'Of course we would like to be able to add up decimals.
+ 'Therefore we could change the above from Integer to Double.
+ 'Enter a whole number, 1.2, 2.4, 50.1, 104.9 ect
+ Console.Write("First number: ")
+ Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
+ Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
+ Dim b As Double = Console.ReadLine
+ Dim c As Double = a + b
+ Console.WriteLine(c)
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ 'Therefore the above program can add up 1.1 - 2.2
+ End Sub
+ 'Five
+ Private Sub WorkingCalculator()
+ Console.Title = "The Working Calculator| Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ 'However if you'd like the calculator to subtract, divide, multiple and
+ 'add up.
+ 'Copy and paste the above again.
+ Console.Write("First number: ")
+ Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
+ Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
+ Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine
+ Dim c As Integer = a + b
+ Dim d As Integer = a * b
+ Dim e As Integer = a - b
+ Dim f As Integer = a / b
+ 'By adding the below lines we are able to calculate the subtract,
+ 'multply as well as divide the a and b values
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " + " + b.ToString())
+ 'We want to pad the answers to the left by 3 spaces.
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + c.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " * " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + d.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " - " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " / " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ End Sub
+ 'Six
+ Private Sub UsingDoWhileLoops()
+ 'Just as the previous private sub
+ 'This Time We Ask If The User Wishes To Continue (Yes or No?)
+ 'We're using Do While Loop as we're unsure if the user wants to use the
+ 'program more than once.
+ Console.Title = "UsingDoWhileLoops | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ Dim answer As String 'We use the variable "String" as the answer is text
+ Do 'We start the program with
+ Console.Write("First number: ")
+ Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
+ Console.Write("Second number: ")
+ Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine
+ Dim c As Integer = a + b
+ Dim d As Integer = a * b
+ Dim e As Integer = a - b
+ Dim f As Integer = a / b
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " + " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + c.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " * " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + d.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " - " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.Write(a.ToString() + " / " + b.ToString())
+ Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3))
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ 'Ask the question, does the user wish to continue? Unfortunately it
+ 'is case sensitive.
+ Console.Write("Would you like to continue? (yes / no)")
+ 'The program grabs the variable and prints and starts again.
+ answer = Console.ReadLine
+ 'The command for the variable to work would be in this case "yes"
+ Loop While answer = "yes"
+ End Sub
+ 'Seven
+ Private Sub UsingForLoops()
+ 'Sometimes the program only needs to run once.
+ 'In this program we'll be counting down from 10.
+ Console.Title = "Using For Loops | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ 'Declare Variable and what number it should count down in Step -1,
+ 'Step -2, Step -3 ect.
+ For i As Integer = 10 To 0 Step -1
+ Console.WriteLine(i.ToString) 'Print the value of the counter
+ Next i 'Calculate new value
+ Console.WriteLine("Start") 'Lets start the program baby!!
+ Console.ReadLine() 'POW!! - Perhaps I got a little excited then :)
+ End Sub
+ 'Eight
+ Private Sub ConditionalStatement()
+ Console.Title = "Conditional Statements | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ Dim userName As String = Console.ReadLine
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello, What is your name? ") 'Ask the user their name.
+ userName = Console.ReadLine() 'Stores the users name.
+ If userName = "Adam" Then
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello Adam")
+ Console.WriteLine("Thanks for creating this useful site")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ Else
+ Console.WriteLine("Hello " + userName)
+ Console.WriteLine("Have you checked out")
+ Console.ReadLine() 'Ends and prints the above statement.
+ End If
+ End Sub
+ 'Nine
+ Private Sub IfElseStatement()
+ Console.Title = "If / Else Statement | Learn X in Y Minutes"
+ 'Sometimes its important to consider more than two alternatives.
+ 'Sometimes there are a good few others.
+ 'When this is the case, more than one if statement would be required.
+ 'An if statement is great for vending machines. Where the user enters a code.
+ 'A1, A2, A3, ect to select an item.
+ 'All choices can be combined into a single if statement.
+ Dim selection As String = Console.ReadLine 'Value for selection
+ Console.WriteLine("A1. for 7Up")
+ Console.WriteLine("A2. for Fanta")
+ Console.WriteLine("A3. for Dr. Pepper")
+ Console.WriteLine("A4. for Diet Coke")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ If selection = "A1" Then
+ Console.WriteLine("7up")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ ElseIf selection = "A2" Then
+ Console.WriteLine("fanta")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ ElseIf selection = "A3" Then
+ Console.WriteLine("dr. pepper")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ ElseIf selection = "A4" Then
+ Console.WriteLine("diet coke")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ Else
+ Console.WriteLine("Please select a product")
+ Console.ReadLine()
+ End If
+ End Sub
+End Module
+## References
+I learnt Visual Basic in the console application. It allowed me to understand the principles of computer programming to go on to learn other programming languages easily.
+I created a more indepth <a href="" Title="Visual Basic Tutorial">Visual Basic tutorial</a> for those who would like to learn more.
+The entire syntax is valid. Copy the and paste in to the Visual Basic compiler and run (F5) the program.
diff --git a/whip.html.markdown b/whip.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8852ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/whip.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+language: whip
+ - ["Tenor Biel", ""]
+author: Tenor Biel
+filename: whip.lisp
+Whip is a LISP-dialect made for scripting and simplified concepts.
+It has also borrowed a lot of functions and syntax from Haskell(a non-related language).
+These docs were written by the creator of the language himself. So is this line.
+; Comments are like LISP. Semi-colons...
+; Majority of first-level statements are inside "forms"
+; which are just things inside parens separated by whitespace
+; 1. Numbers, Strings, and Operators
+; Whip has one number type (which is a 64-bit IEEE 754 double, from JavaScript).
+3 ; => 3
+1.5 ; => 1.5
+; Functions are called if they are the first element in a form
+(called_function args)
+; Majority of operations are done with functions
+; All the basic arihmetic is pretty straight forward
+(+ 1 1) ; => 2
+(- 2 1) ; => 1
+(* 1 2) ; => 2
+(/ 2 1) ; => 2
+; even modulo
+(% 9 4) ; => 1
+; JavaScript-style uneven division.
+(/ 5 2) ; => 2.5
+; Nesting forms works as you expect.
+(* 2 (+ 1 3)) ; => 8
+; There's a boolean type.
+; String are created with ".
+"Hello, world"
+; Single chars are created with '.
+; Negation uses the 'not' function.
+(not true) ; => false
+(not false) ; => true
+; But the majority of non-haskell functions have shortcuts
+; not's shortcut is a '!'.
+(! (! true)) ; => true
+; Equality is `equal` or `=`.
+(= 1 1) ; => true
+(equal 2 1) ; => false
+; For example, inequality would be combinding the not and equal functions.
+(! (= 2 1)) ; => true
+; More comparisons
+(< 1 10) ; => true
+(> 1 10) ; => false
+; and their word counterpart.
+(lesser 1 10) ; => true
+(greater 1 10) ; => false
+; Strings can be concatenated with +.
+(+ "Hello " "world!") ; => "Hello world!"
+; You can use JavaScript's comparative abilities.
+(< 'a' 'b') ; => true
+; ...and type coercion
+(= '5' 5)
+; The `at` or @ function will access characters in strings, starting at 0.
+(at 0 'a') ; => 'a'
+(@ 3 "foobar") ; => 'b'
+; There is also the `null` and `undefined` variables.
+null ; used to indicate a deliberate non-value
+undefined ; user to indicate a value that hasn't been set
+; 2. Vairbles, Lists, and Dicts
+; Variables are declared with the `def` or `let` functions.
+; Variab;es that haven't been set will be `undefined`.
+(def some_var 5)
+; `def` will keep the variable in the global context.
+; `let` will only have the variable inside it's context, and has a wierder syntax.
+(let ((a_var 5)) (+ a_var 5)) ; => 10
+(+ a_var 5) ; = undefined + 5 => undefined
+; Lists are arrays of values of any type.
+; They basically are just forms without functions at the beginning.
+(1 2 3) ; => [1, 2, 3] (JavaScript syntax)
+; Dictionaries are Whip's equivalent to JavaScript 'objects' or Python 'dicts'
+; or Ruby 'hashes': an unordered collection of key-value pairs.
+{"key1":"value1" "key2":2 3:3}
+; Keys are just values, either identifier, number, or string.
+(def my_dict {my_key:"my_value" "my other key":4})
+; But in Whip, dictionaries get parsed like: value, colon, value;
+; with whitespace between each. So that means
+{"key": "value"
+"another key"
+: 1234
+; is evaluated to the same as
+{"key":"value" "another key":1234}
+; Dictionary definitions can be accessed used the `at` function
+; (like strings and lists.)
+(@ "my other key" my_dict) ; => 4
+; 3. Logic and Control sequences
+; The `if` function is pretty simple, though different than most imperitave langs.
+(if true "returned if first arg is true" "returned if first arg is false")
+; => "returned if first arg is true"
+; And for the sake of ternary operator legacy
+; `?` is if's unused shortcut.
+(? false true false) ; => false
+; `both` is a logical 'and' statement, and `either` is a logical 'or'.
+(both true true) ; => true
+(both true false) ; => false
+(either true false) ; => true
+(either false false) ; => false
+; And their shortcuts are
+; & => both
+; ^ => either
+(& true true) ; => true
+(^ false true) ; => true
+; Lambdas
+; Lambdas in Whip are declared with the `lambda` or `->` function.
+; And functions are really just lambdas with names.
+(def my_function (-> (x y) (+ (x y) 10)))
+; | | | |
+; | | | returned value(with scope containing argument vars)
+; | | arguments
+; | lambda declaration function
+; |
+; name of the to-be-decalred lambda
+(my_function 10 10) ; = (+ (+ 10 10) 10) => 30
+; Obiously, all lambdas by definition are anonymous and
+; technically always used anonymouesly. Redundancy.
+((lambda (x) x) 10) ; => 10
+; Comprehensions
+; `range` or `..` generates a list of numbers for
+; each number between it's two args.
+(range 1 5) ; => (1 2 3 4 5)
+(.. 0 2) ; => (0 1 2)
+; `map` applies it's first arg(which should be a lambda/function)
+; to each item in the following arg(which should be a list)
+(map (-> (x) (+ x 1)) (1 2 3)) ; => (2 3 4)
+; Reduce
+(reduce + (.. 1 5))
+; equivalent to
+((+ (+ (+ 1 2) 3) 4) 5)
+; Note: map and reduce don't have shortcuts
+; `slice` or `\` is just like JavaScript's .slice()
+; But do note, it takes the list as the first argument, not the last.
+(slice (.. 1 5) 2) ; => (3 4 5)
+(\ (.. 0 100) -5) ; => (96 97 98 99 100)
+; `append` or `<<` is self expanatory
+(append 4 (1 2 3)) ; => (1 2 3 4)
+(<< "bar" ("foo")) ; => ("foo" "bar")
+; Length is self explanatory.
+(length (1 2 3)) ; => 3
+(_ "foobar") ; => 6
+; Haskell fluff
+; First item in list
+(head (1 2 3)) ; => 1
+; List from second to last elements in list
+(tail (1 2 3)) ; => (2 3)
+; Last item in list
+(last (1 2 3)) ; => 3
+; Reverse of `tail`
+(init (1 2 3)) ; => (1 2)
+; List from first to specified elements in list
+(take 1 (1 2 3 4)) ; (1 2)
+; Reverse of `take`
+(drop 1 (1 2 3 4)) ; (3 4)
+; Lowest value in list
+(min (1 2 3 4)) ; 1
+; Highest value in list
+(max (1 2 3 4)) ; 4
+; If value is in list or object
+(elem 1 (1 2 3)) ; true
+(elem "foo" {"foo":"bar"}) ; true
+(elem "bar" {"foo":"bar"}) ; false
+; Reverse list order
+(reverse (1 2 3 4)) ; => (4 3 2 1)
+; If value is even or odd
+(even 1) ; => false
+(odd 1) ; => true
+; Split string into list of strings by whitespace
+(words "foobar nachos cheese") ; => ("foobar" "nachos" "cheese")
+; Join list of strings together.
+(unwords ("foo" "bar")) ; => "foobar"
+(pred 21) ; => 20
+(succ 20) ; => 21
+For more info, check out the [repo](
diff --git a/zh-cn/c-cn.html.markdown b/zh-cn/c-cn.html.markdown
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f8a8e0bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh-cn/c-cn.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+language: c
+filename: learnc.c
+ - ["Adam Bard", ""]
+ - ["Chenbo Li", ""]
+lang: zh-cn
+// 用“//”来实现单行注释
+// 用#include来导入头文件
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+// 函数的标签(signature)应该放在.h文件中,并且引入到程序顶部
+// 也可以直接放到你的.c文件的最上面
+void function_1();
+void function_2();
+// c程序的入口是一个返回值为int型的函数,名字叫做main
+int main() {
+// 用printf来实现标准输出,这种输出也可以用格式来控制
+// %d 代表一个整数, \n 代表一个新行
+printf("%d\n", 0); // => 输出 0
+// 所有的语句都要以分号结束
+// 类型
+// 在使用变量之前我们必须先声明它们。
+// 变量在声明时需要指明其类型,而类型能够告诉系统这个变量所占用的空间
+// int型(整型)变量一般占用4个字节
+int x_int = 0;
+// short型(短整型)变量一般占用2个字节
+short x_short = 0;
+// char型(字符型)变量会占用1个字节
+char x_char = 0;
+char y_char = 'y'; // 字符变量的字面值需要用单引号包住
+// long型(长整型)一般需要4个字节到8个字节; 而long long型则至少需要8个字节(64位)
+long x_long = 0;
+long long x_long_long = 0;
+// float一般是用32位表示的浮点数字
+float x_float = 0.0;
+// double一般是用64位表示的浮点数字
+double x_double = 0.0;
+// 整数类型也可以有无符号的类型表示。这样这些变量就无法表示负数
+// 但是无符号整数所能表示的范围就可以比原来的整数大一些
+unsigned char ux_char;
+unsigned short ux_short;
+unsigned int ux_int;
+unsigned long long ux_long_long;
+// char类型一定会占用1个字节,但是其他的类型却会因具体机器的不同而各异
+// sizeof(T) 可以返回T类型在运行的机器上占用多少个字节
+// 这样你的代码就可以在各处正确运行了
+// 比如
+printf("%lu\n", sizeof(int)); // => 4 (字长为4的机器上)
+// 数组必须要在开始被初始化为特定的长度
+char my_char_array[20]; // 这个数组占据 1 * 20 = 20 个字节
+int my_int_array[20]; // 这个数组占据 4 * 20 = 80 个字节
+ // (这里我们假设字长为4)
+// 可以用下面的方法把数组初始化为0:
+char my_array[20] = {0};
+// 对数组任意存取就像其他语言的方式 -- 其实是其他的语言像C
+my_array[0]; // => 0
+// 数组是可变的,其实就是内存的映射!
+my_array[1] = 2;
+printf("%d\n", my_array[1]); // => 2
+// 字符串就是以 NUL (0x00) 这个字符结尾的字符数组,
+// 这个字符可以用'\0'来表示.
+// (在字符串字面值中我们不必输入这个字符,编译器会自动添加的)
+char a_string[20] = "This is a string";
+printf("%s\n", a_string); // %s 可以对字符串进行格式化
+也许你会注意到 a_string 实际上只有16个字节长.
+而第18, 19 和 20 个字符的值是不确定的。
+printf("%d\n", a_string[16]); // => 0
+// 操作符
+int i1 = 1, i2 = 2; // 多个变量声明的简写
+float f1 = 1.0, f2 = 2.0;
+// 算数运算
+i1 + i2; // => 3
+i2 - i1; // => 1
+i2 * i1; // => 2
+i1 / i2; // => 0 (0.5 会被化整为 0)
+f1 / f2; // => 0.5, 也许会有很小的误差
+// 取余运算
+11 % 3; // => 2
+// 比较操作符我们也很熟悉, 但是有一点,C中没有布尔类型
+// 而是用整形替代
+// 0 就是 false, 其他的就是 true. (比较操作符的返回值则仅有0和1)
+3 == 2; // => 0 (false)
+3 != 2; // => 1 (true)
+3 > 2; // => 1
+3 < 2; // => 0
+2 <= 2; // => 1
+2 >= 2; // => 1
+// 逻辑运算符需要作用于整数
+!3; // => 0 (非)
+!0; // => 1
+1 && 1; // => 1 (且)
+0 && 1; // => 0
+0 || 1; // => 1 (或)
+0 || 0; // => 0
+// 位运算
+~0x0F; // => 0xF0 (取反)
+0x0F & 0xF0; // => 0x00 (和)
+0x0F | 0xF0; // => 0xFF (或)
+0x04 ^ 0x0F; // => 0x0B (异或)
+0x01 << 1; // => 0x02 (左移1位)
+0x02 >> 1; // => 0x01 (右移1位)
+// 控制结构
+if (0) {
+ printf("I am never run\n");
+} else if (0) {
+ printf("I am also never run\n");
+} else {
+ printf("I print\n");
+// While循环
+int ii = 0;
+while (ii < 10) {
+ printf("%d, ", ii++); // ii++ 在取值过后自增
+} // => 输出 "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "
+int kk = 0;
+do {
+ printf("%d, ", kk);
+} while (++kk < 10); // ++kk 先自增,在被取值
+// => 输出 "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "
+// For 循环
+int jj;
+for (jj=0; jj < 10; jj++) {
+ printf("%d, ", jj);
+} // => 输出 "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "
+// 类型转换
+// 在C中每个变量都有类型,你可以将变量的类型进行转换
+int x_hex = 0x01; // 可以用16进制赋值
+// 在类型转换时,数字本身的值会被保留下来
+printf("%d\n", x_hex); // => 输出 1
+printf("%d\n", (short) x_hex); // => 输出 1
+printf("%d\n", (char) x_hex); // => 输出 1
+// 类型转换时可能会造成溢出,而且不会抛出警告
+printf("%d\n", (char) 257); // => 1 (char的最大值为255)
+// 整数型和浮点型可以互相转换
+printf("%f\n", (float)100); // %f 表示单精度浮点
+printf("%lf\n", (double)100); // %lf 表示双精度浮点
+printf("%d\n", (char)100.0);
+// 指针
+// 指针变量是用来储存内存地址的变量
+// 指针变量的定义也会告诉你指向的地址的变量的类型
+// 你也可以得到某个变量的地址,并对它们进行操作
+int x = 0;
+printf("%p\n", &x); // 用 & 来获取变量的地址
+// (%p 表示一个指针)
+// => 输出某个内存地址
+// 指针类型在定义是需要以*结束
+int* px; // px是一个指向int型的指针
+px = &x; // 把x的地址保存到px中
+printf("%p\n", px); // => 输出内存中的某个地址
+// 要得到某个指针指向的内容的值,可以在指针前加一个*来取得(去引用)
+printf("%d\n", *px); // => 输出 0, 即x的值
+// 你也可以改变指针所指向的值
+// 此时你需要在*运算符后添加一个括号,因为++比*的优先级更高
+(*px)++; // 把px所指向的值增加2
+printf("%d\n", *px); // => 输出 1
+printf("%d\n", x); // => 输出 1
+int x_array[20]; // 数组是分配一系列连续空间的常用方式
+int xx;
+for (xx=0; xx<20; xx++) {
+ x_array[xx] = 20 - xx;
+} // 初始化 x_array 为 20, 19, 18,... 2, 1
+// 生命一个变量为指向整型的指针类型,并初始化为指向x_array
+int* x_ptr = x_array;
+// x_ptr现在指向了数组的第一个元素(即整数20).
+// 事实上数组本身就是指向它的第一个元素的指针
+printf("%d\n", *(x_ptr)); // => 输出 20
+printf("%d\n", x_array[0]); // => 输出 20
+// 指针的增减多少是依据它本身的类型而定的
+printf("%d\n", *(x_ptr + 1)); // => 输出 19
+printf("%d\n", x_array[1]); // => 输出 19
+// 你也可以通过标准库函数malloc来实现动态分配
+// 这个函数接受一个代表容量的参数
+// 系统会从堆区分配指定容量字节大小的空间
+int* my_ptr = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * 20);
+for (xx=0; xx<20; xx++) {
+ *(my_ptr + xx) = 20 - xx; // my_ptr[xx] = 20-xx 也可以
+} // 初始化内存为 20, 19, 18, 17... 2, 1 (as ints)
+// 如果对一些未分配的内存取值则会得到未知的结果
+printf("%d\n", *(my_ptr + 21)); // => 谁知道会输出什么
+// 当你通过malloc得到一块区域后,你需要释放它
+// 否则没人能够再次使用这块内存,直到程序结束为止
+// 字符串通常是字符数组,但是经常用字符指针表示
+// 指针:
+char* my_str = "This is my very own string";
+printf("%c\n", *my_str); // => 'T'
+} // main函数结束
+// 函数
+// 函数声明语法:
+// <返回值类型> <函数名称>(<参数>)
+int add_two_ints(int x1, int x2){
+ return x1 + x2; // 用return来返回一个值
+函数是按值传递的, 但是你可以通过传递参数来传递引用,这样函数就可以更改值
+// 类型为void的函数没有返回值
+void str_reverse(char* str_in){
+ char tmp;
+ int ii=0, len = strlen(str_in); // Strlen 是C标准库函数
+ for(ii=0; ii<len/2; ii++){
+ tmp = str_in[ii];
+ str_in[ii] = str_in[len - ii - 1]; // 从倒数第ii个开始
+ str_in[len - ii - 1] = tmp;
+ }
+char c[] = "This is a test.";
+printf("%s\n", c); // => ".tset a si sihT"
+// 用户自定义类型和结构
+// Typedefs可以创建类型别名
+typedef int my_type;
+my_type my_type_var = 0;
+// 结构是一系列数据的集合
+struct rectangle {
+ int width;
+ int height;
+void function_1(){
+ struct rectangle my_rec;
+ // 通过 . 来访问结构中的数据
+ my_rec.width = 10;
+ my_rec.height = 20;
+ // 你也可以声明指向结构体的指针
+ struct rectangle* my_rec_ptr = &my_rec;
+ // 通过取值来改变结构体的成员...
+ (*my_rec_ptr).width = 30;
+ // ... 或者用 -> 操作符作为简写
+ my_rec_ptr->height = 10; // Same as (*my_rec_ptr).height = 10;
+// 你也可以用typedef来给一个结构体起一个别名
+typedef struct rectangle rect;
+int area(rect r){
+ return r.width * r.height;
+// 函数指针
+函数指针就像其他指针一样, 但却可以被用来直接调用函数,
+void str_reverse_through_pointer(char * str_in) {
+ // 定义一个函数指针 f.
+ void (*f)(char *); // 签名一定要与目标函数相同
+ f = &str_reverse; // 将函数的地址在运行时赋给指针
+ (*f)(str_in); // 通过指针调用函数
+ // f(str_in); // 等价于这种调用方式
+typedef void (*my_fnp_type)(char *);
+// 实际声明函数指针会这么用:
+// ...
+// my_fnp_type f;
+## 更多阅读
+最好找一本 [K&R, aka "The C Programming Language", “C程序设计语言”](
+其他一些比较好的资源 [Learn C the hard way](
diff --git a/zh-cn/elisp-cn.html.markdown b/zh-cn/elisp-cn.html.markdown
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c3a2f927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh-cn/elisp-cn.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+language: elisp
+ - ["Bastien Guerry", ""]
+ - ["Chenbo Li", ""]
+filename: learn-emacs-lisp.el
+lang: zh-cn
+;; 15分钟学会Emacs Lisp (v0.2a)
+;; 译者:lichenbo,
+;; 请先阅读Peter Norvig的一篇好文:
+;; (译者注:中文版请见
+;; 之后安装GNU Emacs 24.3:
+;; Debian: apt-get install emacs (视具体发行版而定)
+;; MacOSX:
+;; Windows:
+;; 更多信息可以在这里找到:
+;; 很重要的警告:
+;; 按照这个教程来学习并不会对你的电脑有任何损坏
+;; 除非你自己在学习的过程中愤怒地把它砸了
+;; 如果出现了这种情况,我不会承担任何责任
+;; 打开emacs
+;; 按'q'消除欢迎界面
+;; 现在请注意窗口底部的那一个灰色长条
+;; "*scratch*" 是你现在编辑界面的名字。
+;; 这个编辑界面叫做一个"buffer"。
+;; 每当你打开Emacs时,都会默认打开这个scratch buffer
+;; 此时你并没有在编辑任何文件,而是在编辑一个buffer
+;; 之后你可以将这个buffer保存到一个文件中。
+;; 之后的"Lisp interaction" 则是表明我们可以用的某组命令
+;; Emacs在每个buffer中都有一组内置的命令
+;; 而当你激活某种特定的模式时,就可以使用相应的命令
+;; 这里我们使用`lisp-interaction-mode',
+;; 这样我们就可以使用内置的Emacs Lisp(以下简称Elisp)命令了。
+;; 分号是注释开始的标志
+;; Elisp 是由符号表达式构成的 (即"s-表达式"或"s式"):
+(+ 2 2)
+;; 这个s式的意思是 "对2进行加2操作".
+;; s式周围有括号,而且也可以嵌套:
+(+ 2 (+ 1 1))
+;; 一个s式可以包含原子符号或者其他s式
+;; 在上面的例子中,1和2是原子符号
+;; (+ 2 (+ 1 1)) 和 (+ 1 1) 是s式.
+;; 在 `lisp-interaction-mode' 中你可以计算s式.
+;; 把光标移到闭括号后,之后按下ctrl+j(以后简写为'C-j')
+(+ 3 (+ 1 2))
+;; ^ 光标放到这里
+;; 按下`C-j' 就会输出 6
+;; `C-j' 会在buffer中插入当前运算的结果
+;; 而`C-xC-e' 则会在emacs最底部显示结果,也就是被称作"minibuffer"的区域
+;; 为了避免把我们的buffer填满无用的结果,我们以后会一直用`C-xC-e'
+;; `setq' 可以将一个值赋给一个变量
+(setq my-name "Bastien")
+;; `C-xC-e' 输出 "Bastien" (在 mini-buffer 中显示)
+;; `insert' 会在光标处插入字符串:
+(insert "Hello!")
+;; `C-xC-e' 输出 "Hello!"
+;; 在这里我们只传给了insert一个参数"Hello!", 但是
+;; 我们也可以传给它更多的参数,比如2个:
+(insert "Hello" " world!")
+;; `C-xC-e' 输出 "Hello world!"
+;; 你也可以用变量名来代替字符串
+(insert "Hello, I am " my-name)
+;; `C-xC-e' 输出 "Hello, I am Bastien"
+;; 你可以把s式嵌入函数中
+(defun hello () (insert "Hello, I am " my-name))
+;; `C-xC-e' 输出 hello
+;; 现在执行这个函数
+;; `C-xC-e' 输出 Hello, I am Bastien
+;; 函数中空括号的意思是我们不需要接受任何参数
+;; 但是我们不能一直总是用my-name这个变量
+;; 所以我们现在使我们的函数接受一个叫做"name"的参数
+(defun hello (name) (insert "Hello " name))
+;; `C-xC-e' 输出 hello
+;; 现在我们调用这个函数,并且将"you"作为参数传递
+(hello "you")
+;; `C-xC-e' 输出 "Hello you"
+;; 成功!
+;; 现在我们可以休息一下
+;; 下面我们在新的窗口中新建一个名为 "*test*" 的buffer:
+(switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+;; `C-xC-e' 这时屏幕上会显示两个窗口,而光标此时位于*test* buffer内
+;; 用鼠标单击上面的buffer就会使光标移回。
+;; 或者你可以使用 `C-xo' 是的光标跳到另一个窗口中
+;; 你可以用 `progn'命令将s式结合起来:
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (hello "you"))
+;; `C-xC-e' 此时屏幕分为两个窗口,并且在*test* buffer中显示"Hello you"
+;; 现在为了简洁,我们需要在每个s式后面都使用`C-xC-e'来执行,后面就不再说明了
+;; 记得可以用过鼠标或者`C-xo'回到*scratch*这个buffer。
+;; 清除当前buffer也是常用操作之一:
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (hello "there"))
+;; 也可以回到其他的窗口中
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (hello "you")
+ (other-window 1))
+;; 你可以用 `let' 将一个值和一个局部变量绑定:
+(let ((local-name "you"))
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (hello local-name)
+ (other-window 1))
+;; 这里我们就不需要使用 `progn' 了, 因为 `let' 也可以将很多s式组合起来。
+;; 格式化字符串的方法:
+(format "Hello %s!\n" "visitor")
+;; %s 是字符串占位符,这里被"visitor"替代.
+;; \n 是换行符。
+;; 现在我们用格式化的方法再重写一下我们的函数:
+(defun hello (name)
+ (insert (format "Hello %s!\n" name)))
+(hello "you")
+;; 我们再用`let'新建另一个函数:
+(defun greeting (name)
+ (let ((your-name "Bastien"))
+ (insert (format "Hello %s!\n\nI am %s."
+ name ; the argument of the function
+ your-name ; the let-bound variable "Bastien"
+ ))))
+;; 之后执行:
+(greeting "you")
+;; 有些函数可以和用户交互:
+(read-from-minibuffer "Enter your name: ")
+;; 这个函数会返回在执行时用户输入的信息
+;; 现在我们让`greeting'函数显示你的名字:
+(defun greeting (from-name)
+ (let ((your-name (read-from-minibuffer "Enter your name: ")))
+ (insert (format "Hello!\n\nI am %s and you are %s."
+ from-name ; the argument of the function
+ your-name ; the let-bound var, entered at prompt
+ ))))
+(greeting "Bastien")
+;; 我们让结果在另一个窗口中显示:
+(defun greeting (from-name)
+ (let ((your-name (read-from-minibuffer "Enter your name: ")))
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert (format "Hello %s!\n\nI am %s." your-name from-name))
+ (other-window 1)))
+;; 测试一下:
+(greeting "Bastien")
+;; 第二节结束,休息一下吧。
+;; 我们将一些名字存到列表中;
+(setq list-of-names '("Sarah" "Chloe" "Mathilde"))
+;; 用 `car'来取得第一个名字:
+(car list-of-names)
+;; 用 `cdr'取得剩下的名字:
+(cdr list-of-names)
+;; 用 `push'把名字添加到列表的开头:
+(push "Stephanie" list-of-names)
+;; 注意: `car' 和 `cdr' 并不修改列表本身, 但是 `push' 却会对列表本身进行操作.
+;; 这个区别是很重要的: 有些函数没有任何副作用(比如`car')
+;; 但还有一些却是有的 (比如 `push').
+;; 我们来对`list-of-names'列表中的每一个元素都使用hello函数:
+(mapcar 'hello list-of-names)
+;; 将 `greeting' 改进,使的我们能够对`list-of-names'中的所有名字执行:
+(defun greeting ()
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (mapcar 'hello list-of-names)
+ (other-window 1))
+;; 记得我们之前定义的 `hello' 函数吗? 这个函数接受一个参数,名字。
+;; `mapcar' 调用 `hello', 并将`list-of-names'作为参数先后传给`hello'
+;; 现在我们对显示的buffer中的内容进行一些更改:
+(defun replace-hello-by-bonjour ()
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (search-forward "Hello")
+ (replace-match "Bonjour"))
+ (other-window 1))
+;; (goto-char (point-min)) 将光标移到buffer的开始
+;; (search-forward "Hello") 查找字符串"Hello"
+;; (while x y) 当x返回某个值时执行y这个s式
+;; 当x返回`nil' (空), 退出循环
+;; 你会看到所有在*test* buffer中出现的"Hello"字样都被换成了"Bonjour"
+;; 你也会得到以下错误提示: "Search failed: Hello".
+;; 如果要避免这个错误, 你需要告诉 `search-forward' 这个命令是否在
+;; buffer的某个地方停止查找, 并且在什么都没找到时是否应该不给出错误提示
+;; (search-forward "Hello" nil t) 可以达到这个要求:
+;; `nil' 参数的意思是 : 查找并不限于某个范围内
+;; `t' 参数的意思是: 当什么都没找到时,不给出错误提示
+;; 在下面的函数中,我们用到了s式,并且不给出任何错误提示:
+(defun hello-to-bonjour ()
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (erase-buffer)
+ ;; 为`list-of-names'中的每个名字调用hello
+ (mapcar 'hello list-of-names)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ ;; 将"Hello" 替换为"Bonjour"
+ (while (search-forward "Hello" nil t)
+ (replace-match "Bonjour"))
+ (other-window 1))
+;; 给这些名字上个色:
+(defun boldify-names ()
+ (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*test*")
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "Bonjour \\(.+\\)!" nil t)
+ (add-text-properties (match-beginning 1)
+ (match-end 1)
+ (list 'face 'bold)))
+ (other-window 1))
+;; 这个函数使用了 `re-search-forward':
+;; 和查找一个字符串不同,你用这个命令可以查找一个模式,即正则表达式
+;; 正则表达式 "Bonjour \\(.+\\)!" 的意思是:
+;; 字符串 "Bonjour ", 之后跟着
+;; 一组 | \\( ... \\) 结构
+;; 任意字符 | . 的含义
+;; 有可能重复的 | + 的含义
+;; 之后跟着 "!" 这个字符串
+;; 准备好了?试试看。
+;; `add-text-properties' 可以添加文字属性, 比如文字样式
+;; 好的,我们成功了!
+;; 如果你想对一个变量或者函数有更多的了解:
+;; C-h v 变量 回车
+;; C-h f 函数 回车
+;; 阅读Emacs Lisp官方文档:
+;; C-h i m elisp 回车
+;; 在线阅读Emacs Lisp文档:
+;; 感谢以下同学的建议和反馈:
+;; - Wes Hardaker
+;; - notbob
+;; - Kevin Montuori
+;; - Arne Babenhauserheide
+;; - Alan Schmitt
diff --git a/zh-cn/java-cn.html.markdown b/zh-cn/java-cn.html.markdown
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b9ccf61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh-cn/java-cn.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+name: java
+category: language
+language: java
+lang: zh-cn
+ - ["Jake Prather", ""]
+ - ["Chenbo Li", ""]
+Java是一个通用的程序语言, 包含并发, 基于类的面向对象等特性
+// 单行注释
+// 导入 java.util中的 ArrayList 类
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+// 导入 包中的所有类
+// 每个 .java 文件都包含一个public类,这个类的名字必须和这个文件名一致。
+public class LearnJava {
+ // 每个程序都需要有一个main函数作为入口
+ public static void main (String[] args) {
+ // 使用 System.out.println 来输出到标准输出
+ System.out.println("Hello World!");
+ System.out.println(
+ "Integer: " + 10 +
+ " Double: " + 3.14 +
+ " Boolean: " + true);
+ // 如果要在输出后不自动换行,可以使用System.out.print方法。
+ System.out.print("Hello ");
+ System.out.print("World");
+ ///////////////////////////////////////
+ // 类型与变量
+ ///////////////////////////////////////
+ // 用 <type> <name> 来声明变量
+ // 字节类型 - 8位补码表示
+ // (-128 <= 字节 <= 127)
+ byte fooByte = 100;
+ // 短整型 - 16位补码表示
+ // (-32,768 <= 短整型 <= 32,767)
+ short fooShort = 10000;
+ // 整型 - 32位补码表示
+ // (-2,147,483,648 <= 整型 <= 2,147,483,647)
+ int fooInt = 1;
+ // 长整型 - 64位补码表示
+ // (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 <= 长整型 <= 9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
+ long fooLong = 100000L;
+ // L可以用来表示一个数字是长整型的。
+ // 其他的数字都默认为整型。
+ // 注意:Java中没有无符号类型
+ // 浮点型 - 即 IEEE 754 规定的32位单精度浮点类型
+ float fooFloat = 234.5f;
+ // f用来表示一个数字是浮点型的。
+ // 否则会被默认当做是双精度浮点型。
+ // 双精度浮点型 - 即 IEEE 754 规定的64位双精度浮点类型
+ double fooDouble = 123.4;
+ // 布尔类型 - true 与 false
+ boolean fooBoolean = true;
+ boolean barBoolean = false;
+ // 字符类型 - 16位 Unicode编码字符
+ char fooChar = 'A';
+ // 用 final 可以使一个常量不可更改
+ final int HOURS_I_WORK_PER_WEEK = 9001;
+ // 字符串
+ String fooString = "My String Is Here!";
+ // \n 代表一个新的换行
+ String barString = "Printing on a new line?\nNo Problem!";
+ // \t 代表一个新的制表符
+ String bazString = "Do you want to add a tab?\tNo Problem!";
+ System.out.println(fooString);
+ System.out.println(barString);
+ System.out.println(bazString);
+ // 数组
+ // 数组在声明时大小必须已经确定
+ // 数组的声明格式:
+ //<数据类型> [] <变量名> = new <数据类型>[<数组大小>];
+ int [] intArray = new int[10];
+ String [] stringArray = new String[1];
+ boolean [] booleanArray = new boolean[100];
+ // 声明并初始化数组也可以这样:
+ int [] y = {9000, 1000, 1337};
+ // 随机访问数组中的元素
+ System.out.println("intArray @ 0: " + intArray[0]);
+ // 数组下标从0开始并且可以被更改
+ intArray[1] = 1;
+ System.out.println("intArray @ 1: " + intArray[1]); // => 1
+ // 其他数据类型
+ // ArrayLists - 类似于数组,但是功能更多,并且大小也可以改变
+ // LinkedLists
+ // Maps
+ // HashMaps
+ ///////////////////////////////////////
+ // 操作符
+ ///////////////////////////////////////
+ System.out.println("\n->Operators");
+ int i1 = 1, i2 = 2; // 多重声明可以简化
+ // 算数运算
+ System.out.println("1+2 = " + (i1 + i2)); // => 3
+ System.out.println("2-1 = " + (i2 - i1)); // => 1
+ System.out.println("2*1 = " + (i2 * i1)); // => 2
+ System.out.println("1/2 = " + (i1 / i2)); // => 0 (0.5 truncated down)
+ // 取余
+ System.out.println("11%3 = "+(11 % 3)); // => 2
+ // 比较操作符
+ System.out.println("3 == 2? " + (3 == 2)); // => false
+ System.out.println("3 != 2? " + (3 != 2)); // => true
+ System.out.println("3 > 2? " + (3 > 2)); // => true
+ System.out.println("3 < 2? " + (3 < 2)); // => false
+ System.out.println("2 <= 2? " + (2 <= 2)); // => true
+ System.out.println("2 >= 2? " + (2 >= 2)); // => true
+ // 位运算操作符
+ /*
+ ~ 补
+ << 带符号左移
+ >> 带符号右移
+ >>> 无符号右移
+ & 和
+ ^ 异或
+ | 相容或
+ */
+ // 自增
+ int i = 0;
+ System.out.println("\n->Inc/Dec-rementation");
+ System.out.println(i++); //i = 1 后自增
+ System.out.println(++i); //i = 2 前自增
+ System.out.println(i--); //i = 1 后自减
+ System.out.println(--i); //i = 0 前自减
+ ///////////////////////////////////////
+ // 控制结构
+ ///////////////////////////////////////
+ System.out.println("\n->Control Structures");
+ // If语句和C的类似
+ int j = 10;
+ if (j == 10){
+ System.out.println("I get printed");
+ } else if (j > 10) {
+ System.out.println("I don't");
+ } else {
+ System.out.println("I also don't");
+ }
+ // While循环
+ int fooWhile = 0;
+ while(fooWhile < 100)
+ {
+ //System.out.println(fooWhile);
+ //增加计数器
+ //遍历99次, fooWhile 0->99
+ fooWhile++;
+ }
+ System.out.println("fooWhile Value: " + fooWhile);
+ // Do While循环
+ int fooDoWhile = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ //System.out.println(fooDoWhile);
+ //增加计数器
+ //遍历99次, fooDoWhile 0->99
+ fooDoWhile++;
+ }while(fooDoWhile < 100);
+ System.out.println("fooDoWhile Value: " + fooDoWhile);
+ // For 循环
+ int fooFor;
+ //for 循环结构 => for(<起始语句>; <循环进行的条件>; <步长>)
+ for(fooFor=0; fooFor<10; fooFor++){
+ //System.out.println(fooFor);
+ //遍历 10 次, fooFor 0->9
+ }
+ System.out.println("fooFor Value: " + fooFor);
+ // Switch Case 语句
+ // switch可以用来处理 byte, short, char, 和 int 数据类型
+ // 也可以用来处理枚举类型,字符串类,和原始数据类型的包装类:
+ // Character, Byte, Short, 和 Integer
+ int month = 3;
+ String monthString;
+ switch (month){
+ case 1:
+ monthString = "January";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ monthString = "February";
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ monthString = "March";
+ break;
+ default:
+ monthString = "Some other month";
+ break;
+ }
+ System.out.println("Switch Case Result: " + monthString);
+ ///////////////////////////////////////
+ // 类型转换
+ ///////////////////////////////////////
+ // 数据转换
+ // 将字符串转换为整型
+ Integer.parseInt("123");//返回整数123
+ // 将整型转换为字符串
+ Integer.toString(123);//返回字符串"123"
+ // 其他的数据也可以进行互相转换:
+ // Double
+ // Long
+ // String
+ // 类型转换
+ // 你也可以对java对象进行类型转换, 但其中会牵扯到很多概念
+ // 在这里可以查看更详细的信息:
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////
+ // 类与函数
+ ///////////////////////////////////////
+ System.out.println("\n->Classes & Functions");
+ // (Bicycle类定义如下)
+ // 用new来实例化一个类
+ Bicycle trek = new Bicycle();
+ // 调用对象的方法
+ trek.speedUp(3); // 需用getter和setter方法
+ trek.setCadence(100);
+ // toString 可以把对象转换为字符串
+ System.out.println("trek info: " + trek.toString());
+ } // main 方法结束
+} // LearnJava 类结束
+// 你也可以把其他的非public类放入到.java文件中
+// 类定义的语法:
+// <public/private/protected> class <类名>{
+// //成员变量, 构造函数, 函数
+// //Java中函数被称作方法
+// }
+class Bicycle {
+ // Bicycle 类的成员变量和方法
+ public int cadence; // Public: 任意位置均可访问
+ private int speed; // Private: 只在同类中可以访问
+ protected int gear; // Protected: 可以在同类与子类中可以访问
+ String name; // default: 可以在包内中可以访问
+ // 构造函数是初始化一个对象的方式
+ // 以下是一个默认构造函数
+ public Bi450635425cycle() {
+ gear = 1;
+ cadence = 50;
+ speed = 5;
+ name = "Bontrager";
+ }
+ // 一下是一个含有参数的构造函数
+ public Bicycle(int startCadence, int startSpeed, int startGear, String name) {
+ this.gear = startGear;
+ this.cadence = startCadence;
+ this.speed = startSpeed;
+ = name;
+ }
+ // 函数语法:
+ // <public/private/protected> <返回值类型> <函数名称>(<参数列表>)
+ // Java类中经常会用getter和setter来对成员变量进行操作
+ // 方法声明的语法:
+ // <作用域> <返回值类型> <方法名>(<参数列表>)
+ public int getCadence() {
+ retur450635425n cadence;
+ }
+ // void返450635425回值函数没有返回值
+ public void setCadence(int newValue) {
+ cadence = newValue;
+ }
+ public void setGear(int newValue) {
+ gear = newValue;
+ }
+ public void speedUp(int increment) {
+ speed += increment;
+ }
+ public void slowDown(int decrement) {
+ speed -= decrement;
+ }
+ public void setName(String newName) {
+ name = newName;
+ }
+ public String getName() {
+ return name;
+ }
+ //返回对象属性的方法
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return "gear: " + gear +
+ " cadence: " + cadence +
+ " speed: " + speed +
+ " name: " + name;
+ }
+} // Bicycle 类结束
+// PennyFarthing 是 Bicycle 的子类
+class PennyFarthing extends Bicycle {
+ // (Penny Farthings 是前轮很大的 Bicycle, 并且没有齿轮)
+ public PennyFarthing(int startCadence, int startSpeed){
+ // 通过super调用父类的构造函数
+ super(startCadence, startSpeed, 0, "PennyFarthing");
+ }
+ // 你可以用@注释来表示需要重载的方法
+ // 了解更多的注释使用方法,可以访问下面的地址:
+ //
+ @Override
+ public void setGear(int gear) {
+ gear = 0;
+ }
+## 更多阅读
+* [Java 官方教程](
+* [Java 访问修饰符](
+* [面向对象程序设计概念](
+ * [继承](
+ * [多态](
+ * [抽象](
+* [异常](
+* [接口](
+* [泛型](
+* [Java代码规范](
diff --git a/zh-cn/javascript.html.markdown b/zh-cn/javascript.html.markdown
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3b5cfa94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh-cn/javascript.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+language: javascript
+category: language
+name: javascript
+ - ["Adam Brenecki", ""]
+ - ["Chenbo Li", ""]
+lang: zh-cn
+Javascript于1995年由网景公司的Brendan Eich发明。
+JavaScript 不仅仅只可以用于浏览器, 也可用于 Node.js 等后台环境。
+[@adambrenecki](, 或者
+// 注释方式和C很像,这是单行注释
+/* 这是多行
+ 注释 */
+// 语句可以以分号结束
+// ... 但是分号也可以省略,每当遇到一个新行时,分号会自动插入
+// 我们在这里会去掉分号,但是否添加最后的分号取决于你个人的习惯
+// 及你所在团队的编程风格
+// 1. 数字、字符串与操作符
+// Javascript 只有一种数字类型 (即 64位 IEEE 754 双精度浮点).
+3 // = 3
+1.5 // = 1.5
+// 所有基本的算数运算
+1 + 1 // = 2
+8 - 1 // = 7
+10 * 2 // = 20
+35 / 5 // = 7
+// 包括无法整除的除法
+5 / 2 // = 2.5
+// 位运算也和其他语言一样。当你对浮点数进行位运算时,
+// 浮点数会转换为至多 32 位的无符号整数
+1 << 2 // = 4
+// 括号可以决定优先级
+(1 + 3) * 2 // = 8
+// 有三种非数字的数字类型
+Infinity // 1/0 的结果
+-Infinity // -1/0 的结果
+NaN // 0/0 的结果
+// 也有布尔值
+// 可以通过单引号或双引号来构造字符串
+"Hello, world"
+// 用!来取非
+!true // = false
+!false // = true
+// 相等 ==
+1 == 1 // = true
+2 == 1 // = false
+// 不等 !=
+1 != 1 // = false
+2 != 1 // = true
+// 更多的比较操作符
+1 < 10 // = true
+1 > 10 // = false
+2 <= 2 // = true
+2 >= 2 // = true
+// 字符串用+连接
+"Hello " + "world!" // = "Hello world!"
+// 字符串也可以用 < 、> 来比较
+"a" < "b" // = true
+// 比较时会进行类型转换...
+"5" == 5 // = true
+// ...除非你是用 ===
+"5" === 5 // = false
+// 你可以用charAt来得到字符串中的字符
+"This is a string".charAt(0)
+// 还有两个特殊的值:null和undefined
+null // 用来表示刻意设置成的空值
+undefined // 用来表示还没有设置的值
+// null, undefined, NaN, 0 和 "" 都是假的(false),其他的都视作逻辑真
+// 注意 0 是逻辑假而 "0"是逻辑真, 尽管 0 == "0".
+// 2. 变量、数组和对象
+// 变量需要用 var 这个关键字声明. Javascript是动态类型语言
+// 所以你在声明时无需指定类型。 赋值需要用 =
+var someVar = 5
+// 如果你在声明时没有加var关键字,你也不会得到错误
+someOtherVar = 10
+// ...但是此时这个变量就会拥有全局的作用域,而非当前作用域
+// 没有被赋值的变量都会返回undefined这个值
+var someThirdVar // = undefined
+// 对变量进行数学运算有一些简写法
+someVar += 5 // 等价于 someVar = someVar + 5; someVar 现在是 10
+someVar *= 10 // 现在 someVar 是 100
+// 自增和自减也有简写
+someVar++ // someVar 是 101
+someVar-- // 回到 100
+// 数组是任意类型组成的有序列表
+var myArray = ["Hello", 45, true]
+// 数组的元素可以用方括号下标来访问
+// 数组的索引从0开始
+myArray[1] // = 45
+// javascript中的对象相当于其他语言中的字典或映射:是键-值的集合
+{key1: "Hello", key2: "World"}
+// 键是字符串,但是引号也并非是必须的,如果键本身是合法的js标识符
+// 而值则可以是任意类型的值
+var myObj = {myKey: "myValue", "my other key": 4}
+// 对象的访问可以通过下标
+myObj["my other key"] // = 4
+// ... 或者也可以用 . ,如果属性是合法的标识符
+myObj.myKey // = "myValue"
+// 对象是可变的,键和值也可以被更改或增加
+myObj.myThirdKey = true
+// 如果你想要访问一个还没有被定义的属性,那么会返回undefined
+myObj.myFourthKey // = undefined
+// 3. 逻辑与控制结构
+// if语句和其他语言中一样
+var count = 1
+if (count == 3){
+ // count 是 3 时执行
+} else if (count == 4) {
+ // count 是 4 时执行
+} else {
+ // 其他情况下执行
+// while循环
+while (true) {
+ // 无限循环
+// Do-while 和 While 循环很像 ,但前者会至少执行一次
+var input
+do {
+ input = getInput()
+} while (!isValid(input))
+// for循环和C、Java中的一样
+// 初始化; 继续执行的条件; 遍历后执行.
+for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++){
+ // 遍历5次
+// && 是逻辑与, || 是逻辑或
+if (house.size == "big" && house.colour == "blue"){
+ house.contains = "bear"
+if (colour == "red" || colour == "blue"){
+ // colour是red或者blue时执行
+// && 和 || 是“短路”语句,在初始化值时会变得有用
+var name = otherName || "default"
+// 4. 函数、作用域、闭包
+// JavaScript 函数由function关键字定义
+function myFunction(thing){
+ return thing.toUpperCase()
+myFunction("foo") // = "FOO"
+// 函数也可以是匿名的:
+ return thing.toLowerCase()
+// (我们无法调用此函数,因为我们不知道这个函数的名字)
+// javascript中的函数也是对象,所以函数也能够赋给一个变量,并且被传递
+// 比如一个事件处理函数:
+function myFunction(){
+ // this code will be called in 5 seconds' time
+setTimeout(myFunction, 5000)
+// 你甚至可以直接把一个函数写到另一个函数的参数中
+setTimeout(function myFunction(){
+ // 5秒之后会执行这里的代码
+}, 5000)
+// JavaScript 仅有函数作用于,而其他的语句则没有作用域
+if (true){
+ var i = 5
+i // = 5 - 并非我们在其他语言中所得到的undefined
+// 这就导致了人们经常用一种叫做“即使执行匿名函数”的模式
+// 这样可以避免一些临时变量扩散到外边去
+ var temporary = 5
+ // 我们可以访问一个全局对象来访问全局作用域
+ // 在浏览器中是 'window' 这个对象。
+ // 在Node.js中这个对象的名字可能会不同。
+ window.permanent = 10
+ // 或者,我们也可以把var去掉就行了
+ permanent2 = 15
+temporary // 抛出引用异常
+permanent // = 10
+permanent2 // = 15
+// javascript最强大的功能之一就是闭包
+// 如果一个函数在另一个函数中定义,那么这个函数就拥有外部函数的所有访问权
+function sayHelloInFiveSeconds(name){
+ var prompt = "Hello, " + name + "!"
+ function inner(){
+ alert(prompt)
+ }
+ setTimeout(inner, 5000)
+ // setTimeout 是异步的,所以这个函数会马上终止不会等待。
+ // 然而,在5秒结束后,inner函数仍然会弹出prompt信息。
+sayHelloInFiveSeconds("Adam") // 会在5秒后弹出 "Hello, Adam!"
+// 5. 对象、构造函数与原型
+// 对象包含方法
+var myObj = {
+ myFunc: function(){
+ return "Hello world!"
+ }
+myObj.myFunc() // = "Hello world!"
+// 当对象中的函数被调用时,这个函数就可以通过this关键字访问这个对象
+myObj = {
+ myString: "Hello world!",
+ myFunc: function(){
+ return this.myString
+ }
+myObj.myFunc() // = "Hello world!"
+// 但这个函数访问的其实是其运行时环境,而非定义时环境
+// 所以如果函数所在的环境不在当前对象的环境中运行时,就运行不成功了
+var myFunc = myObj.myFunc
+myFunc() // = undefined
+// 相应的,一个函数也可以被指定为一个对象的方法,并且用过this可以访问
+// 这个对象的成员,即使在定义时并没有绑定任何值
+var myOtherFunc = function(){
+ return this.myString.toUpperCase()
+myObj.myOtherFunc = myOtherFunc
+myObj.myOtherFunc() // = "HELLO WORLD!"
+// 当你通过new关键字调用一个函数时,就会生成一个对象
+// 而对象的成员需要通过this来定义。
+// 这样的函数就叫做构造函数
+var MyConstructor = function(){
+ this.myNumber = 5
+myNewObj = new MyConstructor() // = {myNumber: 5}
+myNewObj.myNumber // = 5
+// 每一个js对象都有一个原型,当你要访问一个没有定义过的成员时,
+// 解释器就回去找这个对象的原型
+// 有一些JS实现会让你通过一个对象的__proto__方法访问这个原型。
+// 这虽然对理解这个对象很有用,但是这并不是标准的一部分
+// 我们之后会通过标准方式来访问原型。
+var myObj = {
+ myString: "Hello world!",
+var myPrototype = {
+ meaningOfLife: 42,
+ myFunc: function(){
+ return this.myString.toLowerCase()
+ }
+myObj.__proto__ = myPrototype
+myObj.meaningOfLife // = 42
+// This works for functions, too.
+myObj.myFunc() // = "hello world!"
+// 当然,如果你要访问的成员在原型当中也没有定义的话,解释器就会去找原型的原型。
+myPrototype.__proto__ = {
+ myBoolean: true
+myObj.myBoolean // = true
+// 这其中并没有对象的拷贝。每个对象的原型实际上是持有原型对象的引用
+// 这说明当我们改变对象的原型时,会影响到其他以这个原型为原型的对象
+myPrototype.meaningOfLife = 43
+myObj.meaningOfLife // = 43
+// 我们知道 __proto__ 并非标准规定,实际上也没有办法更改已经指定好的原型。
+// 但是,我们有两种方式可以为新的对象指定原型。
+// 第一种方式是 Object.create,这个方法是在最近才被添加到Js中的
+// 也因此并不是所有的JS实现都有这个放啊
+var myObj = Object.create(myPrototype)
+myObj.meaningOfLife // = 43
+// 第二种方式可以在任意版本中使用,不过需要通过构造函数。
+// 构造函数有一个属性prototype。但是这 *不是* 构造函数本身的函数
+// 而是通过构造函数和new关键字生成新对象时自动生成的。
+myConstructor.prototype = {
+ getMyNumber: function(){
+ return this.myNumber
+ }
+var myNewObj2 = new myConstructor()
+myNewObj2.getMyNumber() // = 5
+// 字符串和数字等内置类型也有通过构造函数来创建的包装类型
+var myNumber = 12
+var myNumberObj = new Number(12)
+myNumber == myNumberObj // = true
+// 但是它们并非严格等价
+typeof(myNumber) // = 'number'
+typeof(myNumberObj) // = 'object'
+myNumber === myNumberObj // = false
+if (0){
+ // 这段代码不会执行,因为0代表假
+if (Number(0)){
+ // 这段代码会执行,因为Number(0)代表真
+// 但是,包装类型和内置类型共享一个原型
+// 这样你就可以给内置类型也增加一些功能
+String.prototype.firstCharacter = function(){
+ return this.charAt(0)
+"abc".firstCharacter() // = "a"
+// 这个技巧可以用来用老版本的javascript子集来是实现新版本js的功能
+// 这样就可以在老的浏览器中使用新功能了。
+// 比如,我们知道Object.create并没有在所有的版本中都实现
+// 但是我们仍然可以通过这个技巧来使用
+if (Object.create === undefined){ // 如果存在则不覆盖
+ Object.create = function(proto){
+ // 用正确的原型来创建一个临时构造函数
+ var Constructor = function(){}
+ Constructor.prototype = proto
+ // 之后用它来创建一个新的对象
+ return new Constructor()
+ }
+## 更多阅读
+[Mozilla 开发者
+网络]( 提供了很好的
+wiki, so as you learn more you can help others out by sharing your own
+MDN的 [A re-introduction to
+[Document Object
+[Javascript Garden]( 是一个深入
+Louie Dinh 的 Python 教程,以及 Mozilla开发者网络上的[JS
diff --git a/zh-cn/php-cn.html.markdown b/zh-cn/php-cn.html.markdown
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3b242ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh-cn/php-cn.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+language: php
+ - ["Malcolm Fell", ""]
+ - ["Trismegiste", ""]
+ - ["Chenbo Li", ""]
+filename: learnphp.php
+lang: zh-cn
+这份教程所使用的版本是 PHP 5+.
+<?php // PHP必须被包围于 <?php ? > 之中
+// 如果你的文件中只有php代码,那么最好省略结束括号标记
+// 这是单行注释的标志
+# 井号也可以,但是//更常见
+ 这是多行注释
+// 使用 "echo" 或者 "print" 来输出信息到标准输出
+print('Hello '); // 输出 "Hello " 并且没有换行符
+// () 对于echo和print是可选的
+echo "World\n"; // 输出 "World" 并且换行
+// (每个语句必须以分号结尾)
+// 在 <?php 标签之外的语句都被自动输出到标准输出
+?>Hello World Again!
+ * 类型与变量
+ */
+// 变量以$开始
+// 变量可以以字母或者下划线开头,后面可以跟着数字、字母和下划线
+// 布尔值是大小写无关的
+$boolean = true; // 或 TRUE 或 True
+$boolean = false; // 或 FALSE 或 False
+// 整型
+$int1 = 12; // => 12
+$int2 = -12; // => -12
+$int3 = 012; // => 10 (0开头代表八进制数)
+$int4 = 0x0F; // => 15 (0x开头代表十六进制数)
+// 浮点型 (即双精度浮点型)
+$float = 1.234;
+$float = 1.2e3;
+$float = 7E-10;
+// 算数运算
+$sum = 1 + 1; // 2
+$difference = 2 - 1; // 1
+$product = 2 * 2; // 4
+$quotient = 2 / 1; // 2
+// 算数运算的简写
+$number = 0;
+$number += 1; // $number 自增1
+echo $number++; // 输出1 (运算后自增)
+echo ++$number; // 输出3 (自增后运算)
+$number /= $float; // 先除后赋值给 $number
+// 字符串需要被包含在单引号之中
+$sgl_quotes = '$String'; // => '$String'
+// 如果需要在字符串中引用变量,就需要使用双引号
+$dbl_quotes = "This is a $sgl_quotes."; // => 'This is a $String.'
+// 特殊字符只有在双引号中有用
+$escaped = "This contains a \t tab character.";
+$unescaped = 'This just contains a slash and a t: \t';
+// 可以把变量包含在一对大括号中
+$money = "I have $${number} in the bank.";
+// 自 PHP 5.3 开始, nowdocs 可以被用作多行非计算型字符串
+$nowdoc = <<<'END'
+Multi line
+// 而Heredocs则可以用作多行计算型字符串
+$heredoc = <<<END
+Multi line
+// 字符串需要用 . 来连接
+echo 'This string ' . 'is concatenated';
+ * 数组
+ */
+// PHP 中的数组都是关联型数组,也就是某些语言中的哈希表或字典
+// 在所有PHP版本中均适用:
+$associative = array('One' => 1, 'Two' => 2, 'Three' => 3);
+// PHP 5.4 中引入了新的语法
+$associative = ['One' => 1, 'Two' => 2, 'Three' => 3];
+echo $associative['One']; // 输出 1
+// 声明为列表实际上是给每个值都分配了一个整数键(key)
+$array = ['One', 'Two', 'Three'];
+echo $array[0]; // => "One"
+ * 输出
+ */
+echo('Hello World!');
+// 输出到标准输出
+// 此时标准输出就是浏览器中的网页
+print('Hello World!'); // 和echo相同
+// echo和print实际上也属于这个语言本身,所以我们省略括号
+echo 'Hello World!';
+print 'Hello World!';
+$paragraph = 'paragraph';
+echo 100; // 直接输出标量
+echo $paragraph; // 或者输出变量
+// 如果你配置了短标签,或者使用5.4.0及以上的版本
+// 你就可以使用简写的echo语法
+<p><?= $paragraph ?></p>
+$x = 1;
+$y = 2;
+$x = $y; // $x 现在和 $y 的值相同
+$z = &$y;
+// $z 现在持有 $y 的引用. 现在更改 $z 的值也会更改 $y 的值,反之亦然
+// 但是改变 $y 的值不会改变 $x 的值
+echo $x; // => 2
+echo $z; // => 2
+$y = 0;
+echo $x; // => 2
+echo $z; // => 0
+ * 逻辑
+ */
+$a = 0;
+$b = '0';
+$c = '1';
+$d = '1';
+// 如果assert的参数为假,就会抛出警告
+// 下面的比较都为真,不管它们的类型是否匹配
+assert($a == $b); // 相等
+assert($c != $a); // 不等
+assert($c <> $a); // 另一种不等的表示
+assert($a < $c);
+assert($c > $b);
+assert($a <= $b);
+assert($c >= $d);
+// 下面的比较只有在类型相同、值相同的情况下才为真
+assert($c === $d);
+assert($a !== $d);
+assert(1 == '1');
+assert(1 !== '1');
+// 变量可以根据其使用来进行类型转换
+$integer = 1;
+echo $integer + $integer; // => 2
+$string = '1';
+echo $string + $string; // => 2 (字符串在此时被转化为整数)
+$string = 'one';
+echo $string + $string; // => 0
+// 输出0,因为'one'这个字符串无法被转换为整数
+// 类型转换可以将一个类型视作另一种类型
+$boolean = (boolean) 1; // => true
+$zero = 0;
+$boolean = (boolean) $zero; // => false
+// 还有一些专用的函数来进行类型转换
+$integer = 5;
+$string = strval($integer);
+$var = null; // 空值
+ * 控制结构
+ */
+if (true) {
+ print 'I get printed';
+if (false) {
+ print 'I don\'t';
+} else {
+ print 'I get printed';
+if (false) {
+ print 'Does not get printed';
+} elseif(true) {
+ print 'Does';
+// 三目运算符
+print (false ? 'Does not get printed' : 'Does');
+$x = 0;
+if ($x === '0') {
+ print 'Does not print';
+} elseif($x == '1') {
+ print 'Does not print';
+} else {
+ print 'Does print';
+// 下面的语法常用语模板中:
+<?php if ($x): ?>
+This is displayed if the test is truthy.
+<?php else: ?>
+This is displayed otherwise.
+<?php endif; ?>
+// 用switch来实现相同的逻辑
+switch ($x) {
+ case '0':
+ print 'Switch does type coercion';
+ break; // 在case中必须使用一个break语句,
+ // 否则在执行完这个语句后会直接执行后面的语句
+ case 'two':
+ case 'three':
+ // 如果$variable是 'two' 或 'three',执行这里的语句
+ break;
+ default:
+ // 其他情况
+// While, do...while 和 for 循环
+$i = 0;
+while ($i < 5) {
+ echo $i++;
+}; // 输出 "01234"
+echo "\n";
+$i = 0;
+do {
+ echo $i++;
+} while ($i < 5); // 输出 "01234"
+echo "\n";
+for ($x = 0; $x < 10; $x++) {
+ echo $x;
+} // 输出 "0123456789"
+echo "\n";
+$wheels = ['bicycle' => 2, 'car' => 4];
+// Foreach 循环可以遍历数组
+foreach ($wheels as $wheel_count) {
+ echo $wheel_count;
+} // 输出 "24"
+echo "\n";
+// 也可以同时遍历键和值
+foreach ($wheels as $vehicle => $wheel_count) {
+ echo "A $vehicle has $wheel_count wheels";
+echo "\n";
+$i = 0;
+while ($i < 5) {
+ if ($i === 3) {
+ break; // 退出循环
+ }
+ echo $i++;
+} // 输出 "012"
+for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
+ if ($i === 3) {
+ continue; // 跳过此次遍历
+ }
+ echo $i;
+} // 输出 "0124"
+ * 函数
+ */
+// 通过"function"定义函数:
+function my_function () {
+ return 'Hello';
+echo my_function(); // => "Hello"
+// 函数名需要以字母或者下划线开头,
+// 后面可以跟着任意的字幕、下划线、数字.
+function add ($x, $y = 1) { // $y 是可选参数,默认值为 1
+ $result = $x + $y;
+ return $result;
+echo add(4); // => 5
+echo add(4, 2); // => 6
+// $result 在函数外部不可访问
+// print $result; // 抛出警告
+// 从 PHP 5.3 起我们可以定义匿名函数
+$inc = function ($x) {
+ return $x + 1;
+echo $inc(2); // => 3
+function foo ($x, $y, $z) {
+ echo "$x - $y - $z";
+// 函数也可以返回一个函数
+function bar ($x, $y) {
+ // 用 'use' 将外部的参数引入到里面
+ return function ($z) use ($x, $y) {
+ foo($x, $y, $z);
+ };
+$bar = bar('A', 'B');
+$bar('C'); // 输出 "A - B - C"
+// 你也可以通过字符串调用函数
+$function_name = 'add';
+echo $function_name(1, 2); // => 3
+// 在通过程序来决定调用哪个函数时很有用
+// 或者,使用 call_user_func(callable $callback [, $parameter [, ... ]]);
+ * 导入
+ */
+// 被导入的php文件也必须以php开标签开始
+include 'my-file.php';
+// 现在my-file.php就在当前作用域中可见了
+// 如果这个文件无法被导入(比如文件不存在),会抛出警告
+include_once 'my-file.php';
+// my-file.php中的代码在其他地方被导入了,那么就不会被再次导入
+// 这会避免类的多重定义错误
+require 'my-file.php';
+require_once 'my-file.php';
+// 和include功能相同,只不过如果不能被导入时,会抛出错误
+// my-include.php的内容:
+return 'Anything you like.';
+// 文件结束
+// Include和Require函数也有返回值
+$value = include 'my-include.php';
+// 被引入的文件是根据文件路径或者include_path配置来查找到的
+// 如果文件最终没有被找到,那么就会查找当前文件夹。之后才会报错
+/* */
+ * 类
+ */
+// 类是由class关键字定义的
+class MyClass
+ const MY_CONST = 'value'; // 常量
+ static $staticVar = 'static';
+ // 属性必须声明其作用域
+ public $property = 'public';
+ public $instanceProp;
+ protected $prot = 'protected'; // 当前类和子类可访问
+ private $priv = 'private'; // 仅当前类可访问
+ // 通过 __construct 来定义构造函数
+ public function __construct($instanceProp) {
+ // 通过 $this 访问当前对象
+ $this->instanceProp = $instanceProp;
+ }
+ // 方法就是类中定义的函数
+ public function myMethod()
+ {
+ print 'MyClass';
+ }
+ final function youCannotOverrideMe()
+ {
+ }
+ public static function myStaticMethod()
+ {
+ print 'I am static';
+ }
+echo MyClass::MY_CONST; // 输出 'value';
+echo MyClass::$staticVar; // 输出 'static';
+MyClass::myStaticMethod(); // 输出 'I am static';
+// 通过new来新建实例
+$my_class = new MyClass('An instance property');
+// 如果不传递参数,那么括号可以省略
+// 用 -> 来访问成员
+echo $my_class->property; // => "public"
+echo $my_class->instanceProp; // => "An instance property"
+$my_class->myMethod(); // => "MyClass"
+// 使用extends来生成子类
+class MyOtherClass extends MyClass
+ function printProtectedProperty()
+ {
+ echo $this->prot;
+ }
+ // 方法覆盖
+ function myMethod()
+ {
+ parent::myMethod();
+ print ' > MyOtherClass';
+ }
+$my_other_class = new MyOtherClass('Instance prop');
+$my_other_class->printProtectedProperty(); // => 输出 "protected"
+$my_other_class->myMethod(); // 输出 "MyClass > MyOtherClass"
+final class YouCannotExtendMe
+// 你可以使用“魔法方法”来生成getter和setter方法
+class MyMapClass
+ private $property;
+ public function __get($key)
+ {
+ return $this->$key;
+ }
+ public function __set($key, $value)
+ {
+ $this->$key = $value;
+ }
+$x = new MyMapClass();
+echo $x->property; // 会使用 __get() 方法
+$x->property = 'Something'; // 会使用 __set() 方法
+// 类可以是被定义成抽象类 (使用 abstract 关键字) 或者
+// 去实现接口 (使用 implements 关键字).
+// 接口需要通过interface关键字来定义
+interface InterfaceOne
+ public function doSomething();
+interface InterfaceTwo
+ public function doSomethingElse();
+// 接口可以被扩展
+interface InterfaceThree extends InterfaceTwo
+ public function doAnotherContract();
+abstract class MyAbstractClass implements InterfaceOne
+ public $x = 'doSomething';
+class MyConcreteClass extends MyAbstractClass implements InterfaceTwo
+ public function doSomething()
+ {
+ echo $x;
+ }
+ public function doSomethingElse()
+ {
+ echo 'doSomethingElse';
+ }
+// 一个类可以实现多个接口
+class SomeOtherClass implements InterfaceOne, InterfaceTwo
+ public function doSomething()
+ {
+ echo 'doSomething';
+ }
+ public function doSomethingElse()
+ {
+ echo 'doSomethingElse';
+ }
+ * 特征
+ */
+// 特征 从 PHP 5.4.0 开始包括,需要用 "trait" 这个关键字声明
+trait MyTrait
+ public function myTraitMethod()
+ {
+ print 'I have MyTrait';
+ }
+class MyTraitfulClass
+ use MyTrait;
+$cls = new MyTraitfulClass();
+$cls->myTraitMethod(); // 输出 "I have MyTrait"
+ * 命名空间
+ */
+// 这部分是独立于这个文件的
+// 因为命名空间必须在一个文件的开始处。
+// 类会被默认的放在全局命名空间中,可以被一个\来显式调用
+$cls = new \MyClass();
+// 为一个文件设置一个命名空间
+namespace My\Namespace;
+class MyClass
+// (或者从其他文件中)
+$cls = new My\Namespace\MyClass;
+namespace My\Other\Namespace;
+use My\Namespace\MyClass;
+$cls = new MyClass();
+// 你也可以为命名空间起一个别名
+namespace My\Other\Namespace;
+use My\Namespace as SomeOtherNamespace;
+$cls = new SomeOtherNamespace\MyClass();
+## 更多阅读
+访问 [PHP 官方文档](
+如果你对最佳实践感兴趣(实时更新) [PHP The Right Way](
+如果你很熟悉善于包管理的语言 [Composer](
+如要了解通用标准,请访问PHP Framework Interoperability Group's [PSR standards](