diff options
18 files changed, 1485 insertions, 282 deletions
diff --git a/bash.html.markdown b/bash.html.markdown
index 061d35b0..57fb5c55 100644
--- a/bash.html.markdown
+++ b/bash.html.markdown
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ echo Hello, $NAME!
# use 'man test' for more info about conditionals
if [ $NAME -ne $USER ]
- echo "Your name is your username"
echo "Your name isn't your username"
+ echo "Your name is your username"
# There is also conditional execution
diff --git a/c.html.markdown b/c.html.markdown
index 8e170300..79b7aec7 100644
--- a/c.html.markdown
+++ b/c.html.markdown
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ typedef void (*my_fnp_type)(char *);
'\''; // single quote
'\"'; // double quote
'\xhh'; // hexadecimal number. Example: '\xb' = vertical tab character
-'\ooo'; // octal number. Example: '\013' = vertical tab character
+'\0oo'; // octal number. Example: '\013' = vertical tab character
//print formatting:
"%d"; // integer
diff --git a/compojure.html.markdown b/compojure.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56f43cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compojure.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+category: tool
+tool: compojure
+ - ["Adam Bard", ""]
+filename: learncompojure.clj
+## Getting Started with Compojure
+Compojure is a DSL for *quickly* creating *performant* web applications
+in Clojure with minimal effort:
+(ns myapp.core
+ (:require [compojure.core :refer :all]
+ [org.httpkit.server :refer [run-server]])) ; httpkit is a server
+(defroutes myapp
+ (GET "/" [] "Hello World"))
+(defn -main []
+ (run-server myapp {:port 5000}))
+Create a project with [Leiningen](
+lein new myapp
+Add your dependencies:
+[compojure "1.1.8"]
+[http-kit "2.1.16"]
+And run:
+lein run -m myapp.core
+View at: <http://localhost:5000/>
+Compojure apps will run on any ring-compatible server, but we recommend
+[http-kit]( for its performance and
+[massive concurrency](
+### Routes
+In compojure, each route is an HTTP method paired with a URL-matching pattern,
+an argument list, and a body.
+(defroutes myapp
+ (GET "/" [] "Show something")
+ (POST "/" [] "Create something")
+ (PUT "/" [] "Replace something")
+ (PATCH "/" [] "Modify Something")
+ (DELETE "/" [] "Annihilate something")
+ (OPTIONS "/" [] "Appease something")
+ (HEAD "/" [] "Preview something"))
+Compojure route definitions are just functions which
+[accept request maps and return response maps](
+(myapp {:uri "/" :request-method :post})
+; => {:status 200
+; :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html; charset=utf-8}
+; :body "Create Something"}
+The body may be a function, which must accept the request as a parameter:
+(defroutes myapp
+ (GET "/" [] (fn [req] "Do something with req")))
+Route patterns may include named parameters,
+(defroutes myapp
+ (GET "/hello/:name" [name] (str "Hello " name)))
+You can match entire paths with *
+(defroutes myapp
+ (GET "/file/*.*" [*] (str *)))
+Handlers may utilize query parameters:
+(defroutes myapp
+ (GET "/posts" []
+ (fn [req]
+ (let [title (get (:params req) "title")
+ author (get (:params req) "title")]
+ " Do something with title and author"))))
+Or, for POST and PUT requests, form parameters
+(defroutes myapp
+ (POST "/posts" []
+ (fn [req]
+ (let [title (get (:params req) "title")
+ author (get (:params req) "title")]
+ "Do something with title and author"))))
+### Return values
+The return value of a route block determines at least the response body
+passed on to the HTTP client, or at least the next middleware in the
+ring stack. Most commonly, this is a string, as in the above examples.
+But, you may also return a [response body](
+(defroutes myapp
+ (GET "/" []
+ {:status 200 :body "Hello World"})
+ (GET "/is-403" []
+ {:status 403 :body ""})
+ (GET "/is-json" []
+ {:status 200 :headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"} :body "{}"}))
+### Static Files
+To serve up static files, use `compojure.route.resources`.
+Resources will be served from your project's `resources/` folder.
+(require '[compojure.route :as route])
+(defroutes myapp
+ (GET "/")
+ (route/resources "/")) ; Serve static resources at the root path
+(myapp {:uri "/js/script.js" :request-method :get})
+; => Contents of resources/public/js/script.js
+### Views / Templates
+To use templating with Compojure, you'll need a template library. Here are a few:
+#### [Stencil](
+[Stencil]( is a [Mustache]( template library:
+(require '[stencil.core :refer [render-string]])
+(defroutes myapp
+ (GET "/hello/:name" [name]
+ (render-string "Hello {{name}}" {:name name})))
+You can easily read in templates from your resources directory. Here's a helper function
+(require '
+(defn read-template [filename]
+ (slurp ( filename)))
+(defroutes myapp
+ (GET "/hello/:name" [name]
+ (render-string (read-template "templates/hello.html") {:name name})))
+#### [Selmer](
+[Selmer]( is a Django and Jinja2-inspired templating language:
+(require '[selmer.parser :refer [render-file]])
+(defroutes myapp
+ (GET "/hello/:name" [name]
+ (render-file "templates/hello.html" {:name name})))
+#### [Hiccup](
+[Hiccup]( is a library for representing HTML as Clojure code
+(require '[hiccup.core :as hiccup])
+(defroutes myapp
+ (GET "/hello/:name" [name]
+ (hiccup/html
+ [:html
+ [:body
+ [:h1 {:class "title"}
+ (str "Hello " name)]]])))
+#### [Markdown](
+[Markdown-clj]( is a Markdown implementation.
+(require '[markdown.core :refer [md-to-html-string]])
+(defroutes myapp
+ (GET "/hello/:name" [name]
+ (md-to-html-string "## Hello, world")))
+Further reading:
+[Clojure for the Brave and True](
diff --git a/de-de/coffeescript-de.html.markdown b/de-de/coffeescript-de.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98a452ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/de-de/coffeescript-de.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+language: coffeescript
+ - ["Tenor Biel", ""]
+ - ["Xavier Yao", ""]
+ - ["Frederik Ring", ""]
+ - ["Philipp Fischbeck", ""]
+lang: de-de
+CoffeeScript ist eine kleine Sprache, die eins zu eins nach JavaScript übersetzt wird - es findet keine Interpretation zur Laufzeit statt.
+Als Nachfolger von JavaScript konzipiert, gibt CoffeeScript sein Bestes, lesbaren, gut formatierten und sauber laufenden JavaScript-Code zu erzeugen, der in jeder JavaScript-Laufzeit einwandfrei funktioniert.
+Auf [der CoffeeScript Website]( gibt es ein ausführliches Tutorial.
+``` coffeescript
+# CoffeeScript ist eine dieser Sprachen für "Hipster"
+# und folgt daher vielen Trends und Einflüssen aus modernen Sprachen.
+# Kommentare werden daher wie in Ruby und Python mit Hashes gekennzeichnet
+Kommentarblöcke sehen aus wie diese und werden direkt nach '/ *'s und '* /'s
+im erzeugten JavaScript umgewandelt.
+Vorweg: bevor du mit CoffeeScript anfängst, solltest du bereits einen guten
+Überblick über die Sprache JavaScript haben.
+# Zuweisung:
+number = 42 #=> var number = 42;
+opposite = true #=> var opposite = true;
+# Bedingungen:
+number = -42 if opposite #=> if(opposite) { number = -42; }
+# Funktionen:
+square = (x) -> x * x #=> var square = function(x) { return x * x; }
+fill = (container, liquid = "Kaffee") ->
+ "#{container} wird mit #{liquid} gefüllt..."
+#=>var fill;
+#fill = function(container, liquid) {
+# if (liquid == null) {
+# liquid = "Kaffee";
+# }
+# return container + " wird mit " + liquid + " gefüllt...";
+# "Ranges":
+list = [1..5] #=> var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+# Objekte:
+math =
+ root: Math.sqrt
+ square: square
+ cube: (x) -> x * square x
+#=> var math = {
+# "root": Math.sqrt,
+# "square": square,
+# "cube": function(x) { return x * square(x); }
+# "Splats":
+race = (winner, runners...) ->
+ print winner, runners
+#=>race = function() {
+# var runners, winner;
+# winner = arguments[0], runners = 2 <= arguments.length ?, 1) : [];
+# return print(winner, runners);
+# Existenz-Operator:
+alert "Hab ich's nicht gesagt?" if elvis?
+#=> if(typeof elvis !== "undefined" && elvis !== null) { alert("Hab ich's nicht gesagt?"); }
+# Listen-Abstraktion:
+cubes = (math.cube num for num in list)
+#=>cubes = (function() {
+# var _i, _len, _results;
+# _results = [];
+# for (_i = 0, _len = list.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+# num = list[_i];
+# _results.push(math.cube(num));
+# }
+# return _results;
+# })();
+foods = ['Brokkoli', 'Spinat', 'Schokolade']
+eat food for food in foods when food isnt 'Schokolade'
+#=>foods = ['Brokkoli', 'Spinat', 'Schokolade'];
+#for (_k = 0, _len2 = foods.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
+# food = foods[_k];
+# if (food !== 'Schokolade') {
+# eat(food);
+# }
+## Weiterführende Links
+- [Smooth CoffeeScript](
+- [CoffeeScript Ristretto](
diff --git a/es-es/perl-es.html.markdown b/es-es/perl-es.html.markdown
index 4f0c26c1..644182ff 100644
--- a/es-es/perl-es.html.markdown
+++ b/es-es/perl-es.html.markdown
@@ -7,23 +7,24 @@ contributors:
- ["Korjavin Ivan", ""]
- ["Francisco Gomez", ""]
+ - ["Joaquín Ferrero", ""]
lang: es-es
-Perl 5 es un lenguaje de programación altamente capaz, rico en características con mas de 25 años de desarrollo.
+Perl 5 es un lenguaje de programación altamente capaz, rico en características, con más de 25 años de desarrollo.
-Perl 5 corre en mas de 100 plataformas desde portales hasta mainframes y es adecuado para realizar prototipos rápidos hasta desarrollar proyectos a gran escala.
+Perl 5 corre en más de 100 plataformas, desde portátiles hasta ordenadores centrales, y es adecuado para realizar desde prototipos rápidos hasta desarrollar proyectos a gran escala.
-# Comentarios de una sola linea con un carácter hash.
+# Comentarios de una sola línea con un carácter hash
#### Tipos de variables en Perl
-# Las variables comienzan con el símbolo $.
-# Un nombre de variable valido empieza con una letra o un guión bajo,
-# seguido por cualquier numero de letras, números o guiones bajos.
+# Las variables comienzan con el símbolo $
+# Un nombre de variable válido empieza con una letra o un guión bajo,
+# seguido por cualquier número de letras, números o guiones bajos
-### Perl tiene tres tipos principales de variables: escalares, arreglos y hashes.
+### Perl tiene tres tipos principales de variables: escalares, arreglos y hashes
## Escalares
# Un escalar representa un solo valor:
@@ -31,99 +32,98 @@ my $animal = "camello";
my $respuesta = 42;
# Los valores escalares pueden ser cadenas de caracteres, números enteros o
-# de punto flotante, Perl automáticamente los convertirá como sea requerido.
+# de punto flotante; Perl automáticamente los convertirá como sea requerido
## Arreglos
# Un arreglo representa una lista de valores:
-my @animales = {"camello","llama","buho"};
-my @numeros = {23,42,69};
-my @mixto = {"camello",42,1.23};
+my @animales = ("camello","llama","buho"};
+my @numeros = (23, 42, 69);
+my @mixto = ("camello", 42, 1.23);
## Hashes
-# Un hash representa un conjunto de pares llave/valor:
-my %color_fruta = {"manzana","rojo","banana","amarillo"};
-# Puedes usar un espacio en blanco y el operador "=>" para asignarlos mas
-# fácilmente.
+# Un hash representa un conjunto de pares llave/valor:
+my %color_fruta = ("manzana","rojo","banana","amarillo");
+# Puede usar un espacio en blanco y el operador "=>" para asignarlos más fácilmente
my %color_fruta = (
manzana => "rojo",
banana => "amarillo",
- );
-# Los escalares, arreglos y hashes están mas documentados en perldata. (perldoc perldata).
-# Los tipos de datos mas complejos pueden ser construidos utilizando
-# referencias, las cuales te permiten construir listas y hashes dentro
-# de listas y hashes.
+# Los escalares, arreglos y hashes están más documentados en perldata (perldoc perldata)
-#### Estructuras condicionales y de ciclos
+# Los tipos de datos más complejos se pueden construir utilizando
+# referencias, las cuales le permiten construir listas y hashes dentro
+# de listas y hashes
-# Perl tiene la mayoría de las estructuras condicionales y de ciclos mas comunes.
+#### Estructuras condicionales y de ciclos
+# Perl tiene la mayoría de las estructuras condicionales y de ciclos más comunes
if ( $var ) {
- ...
+ ...;
} elsif ( $var eq 'bar' ) {
- ...
+ ...;
} else {
- ...
+ ...;
unless ( condicion ) {
- ...
- }
-# Esto es proporcionado como una version mas fácil de leer que "if (!condición)"
+ ...;
-# La post condición al modo Perl
+# Esto se ofrece como una versión más fácil de leer que "if (!condición)"
+# La postcondición al modo Perl:
print "Yow!" if $zippy;
print "No tenemos bananas" unless $bananas;
# while
- while ( condicion ) {
- ...
- }
+while ( condicion ) {
+ ...;
# for y foreach
for ($i = 0; $i <= $max; $i++) {
- ...
- }
+ ...;
+for $i (0 .. $max) {
+ ...;
foreach (@array) {
- print "Este elemento es $_\n";
- }
+ print "Este elemento es $_\n";
#### Expresiones regulares
-# El soporte de expresiones regulares en Perl es muy amplio y profundo, y es
-# sujeto a una extensa documentación en perlrequick, perlretut, entre otros.
+# El soporte de expresiones regulares en Perl es muy amplio y profundo, y
+# está sujeto a una extensa documentación en perlrequick, perlretut, entre otros.
# Sin embargo, resumiendo:
-# Pareo simple
+# Coincidencia simple
if (/foo/) { ... } # verdadero si $_ contiene "foo"
if ($a =~ /foo/) { ... } # verdadero si $a contiene "foo"
# Substitución simple
-$a =~ s/foo/bar/; # remplaza foo con bar en $a
-$a =~ s/foo/bar/g; # remplaza TODAS LAS INSTANCIAS de foo con bar en $a
+$a =~ s/foo/bar/; # remplaza "foo" con "bar" en $a
+$a =~ s/foo/bar/g; # remplaza TODAS LAS INSTANCIAS de "foo" con "bar" en $a
-#### Archivos e I/O
+#### Archivos y E/S
-# Puedes abrir un archivo para obtener datos o escribirlos utilizando la
-# función "open()".
+# Puede abrir un archivo para obtener datos o escribirlos utilizando la
+# función "open()"
open(my $entrada, "<" "entrada.txt") or die "No es posible abrir entrada.txt: $!";
open(my $salida, ">", "salida.txt") or die "No es posible abrir salida.txt: $!";
open(my $log, ">>", "mi.log") or die "No es posible abrir mi.log: $!";
-# Es posible leer desde un gestor de archivo abierto utilizando el operador "<>"
-# operador. En contexto escalar leer una sola linea desde el gestor de
-# archivo, y en contexto de lista leer el archivo completo en donde, asigna
-# cada linea a un elemento de la lista.
+# Es posible leer desde un gestor de archivo abierto utilizando el operador "<>".
+# En contexto escalar, leer una sola línea desde el gestor de archivo, y
+# en contexto de lista, leer el archivo completo en donde asigna
+# cada línea a un elemento de la lista
my $linea = <$entrada>;
my @lineas = <$entrada>;
@@ -131,30 +131,26 @@ my @lineas = <$entrada>;
#### Escribiendo subrutinas
# Escribir subrutinas es fácil:
sub logger {
my $mensajelog = shift;
open my $archivolog, ">>", "mi.log" or die "No es posible abrir mi.log: $!";
print $archivolog $mensajelog;
-# Ahora podemos utilizar la subrutina al igual que cualquier otra función
-# incorporada:
+# Ahora podemos utilizar la subrutina al igual que cualquier otra función incorporada:
logger("Tenemos una subrutina logger!");
#### Utilizando módulos Perl
-Los módulos en Perl proveen una gama de funciones que te pueden ayudar a evitar reinventar la rueda, estas pueden ser descargadas desde CPAN( ). Algunos de los módulos mas populares ya están incluidos con la misma distribución de Perl.
+Los módulos en Perl proveen de una gama de funciones que le pueden ayudar a evitar reinventar la rueda. Éstas se pueden descargar desde CPAN ( ). Algunos de los módulos más populares ya están incluidos con la misma distribución de Perl.
-perlfaq contiene preguntas y respuestas relacionadas con muchas tareas comunes, y algunas veces provee sugerencias sobre buenos módulos CPAN para usar.
+perlfaq contiene preguntas y respuestas relacionadas con muchas tareas comunes, y algunas veces provee sugerencias sobre buenos módulos de CPAN que puede usar.
#### Material de Lectura
- [perl-tutorial](
- - [Aprende en](
+ - [Learn Perl](
- [perldoc](
- - y perl incorporado: `perldoc perlintro`
+ - y en su propio perl: `perldoc perlintro`
diff --git a/go.html.markdown b/go.html.markdown
index f7bd8ee3..b4c6afff 100644
--- a/go.html.markdown
+++ b/go.html.markdown
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ contributors:
- ["Alexej Friesen", ""]
-Go was created out of the need to get work done. It's not the latest trend
+Go was created out of the need to get work done. It's not the latest trend
in computer science, but it is the newest fastest way to solve real-world
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Go comes with a great standard library and an enthusiastic community.
// Single line comment
/* Multi-
- line comment */
+ line comment */
// A package clause starts every source file.
// Main is a special name declaring an executable rather than a library.
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ import (
"strconv" // String conversions.
-// A function definition. Main is special. It is the entry point for the
-// executable program. Love it or hate it, Go uses brace brackets.
+// A function definition. Main is special. It is the entry point for the
+// executable program. Love it or hate it, Go uses brace brackets.
func main() {
// Println outputs a line to stdout.
// Qualify it with the package name, fmt.
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ func learnTypes() {
s2 := `A "raw" string literal
can include line breaks.` // Same string type.
- // Non-ASCII literal. Go source is UTF-8.
+ // Non-ASCII literal. Go source is UTF-8.
g := 'Σ' // rune type, an alias for int32, holds a unicode code point.
f := 3.14195 // float64, an IEEE-754 64-bit floating point number.
@@ -92,17 +92,32 @@ can include line breaks.` // Same string type.
// Arrays have size fixed at compile time.
var a4 [4]int // An array of 4 ints, initialized to all 0.
- a3 := [...]int{3, 1, 5} // An array of 3 ints, initialized as shown.
+ a3 := [...]int{3, 1, 5} // An array initialized with a fixed size of three
+ // elements, with values 3, 1, and 5.
- // Slices have dynamic size. Arrays and slices each have advantages
+ // Slices have dynamic size. Arrays and slices each have advantages
// but use cases for slices are much more common.
- s3 := []int{4, 5, 9} // Compare to a3. No ellipsis here.
+ s3 := []int{4, 5, 9} // Compare to a3. No ellipsis here.
s4 := make([]int, 4) // Allocates slice of 4 ints, initialized to all 0.
var d2 [][]float64 // Declaration only, nothing allocated here.
bs := []byte("a slice") // Type conversion syntax.
+ // Because they are dynamic, slices can be appended to on-demand.
+ // To append elements to a slice, built-in append() function is used.
+ // First argument is a slice to which we are appending. Commonly,
+ // the array variable is updated in place, as in example below.
+ s := []int{1, 2, 3} // Result is a slice of length 3.
+ s = append(s, 4, 5, 6) // Added 3 elements. Slice now has length of 6.
+ fmt.Println(s) // Updated slice is now [1 2 3 4 5 6]
+ // To append another slice, instead of list of atomic elements we can
+ // pass a reference to a slice or a slice literal like this, with a
+ // trailing elipsis, meaning take a slice and unpack its elements,
+ // appending them to slice s.
+ s = append(s, []int{7, 8, 9}...) // Second argument is a slice literal.
+ fmt.Println(s) // Updated slice is now [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
p, q := learnMemory() // Declares p, q to be type pointer to int.
- fmt.Println(*p, *q) // * follows a pointer. This prints two ints.
+ fmt.Println(*p, *q) // * follows a pointer. This prints two ints.
// Maps are a dynamically growable associative array type, like the
// hash or dictionary types of some other languages.
@@ -128,7 +143,7 @@ func learnNamedReturns(x, y int) (z int) {
return // z is implicit here, because we named it earlier.
-// Go is fully garbage collected. It has pointers but no pointer arithmetic.
+// Go is fully garbage collected. It has pointers but no pointer arithmetic.
// You can make a mistake with a nil pointer, but not by incrementing a pointer.
func learnMemory() (p, q *int) {
// Named return values p and q have type pointer to int.
@@ -206,7 +221,7 @@ func learnFlowControl() {
func(a, b int) int {
return (a + b) * 2
}(10, 2)) // Called with args 10 and 2
- // => Add + double two numbers: 24
+ // => Add + double two numbers: 24
// When you need it, you'll love it.
goto love
@@ -253,7 +268,7 @@ type pair struct {
x, y int
-// Define a method on type pair. Pair now implements Stringer.
+// Define a method on type pair. Pair now implements Stringer.
func (p pair) String() string { // p is called the "receiver"
// Sprintf is another public function in package fmt.
// Dot syntax references fields of p.
@@ -261,13 +276,13 @@ func (p pair) String() string { // p is called the "receiver"
func learnInterfaces() {
- // Brace syntax is a "struct literal." It evaluates to an initialized
- // struct. The := syntax declares and initializes p to this struct.
+ // Brace syntax is a "struct literal". It evaluates to an initialized
+ // struct. The := syntax declares and initializes p to this struct.
p := pair{3, 4}
fmt.Println(p.String()) // Call String method of p, of type pair.
var i Stringer // Declare i of interface type Stringer.
i = p // Valid because pair implements Stringer
- // Call String method of i, of type Stringer. Output same as above.
+ // Call String method of i, of type Stringer. Output same as above.
// Functions in the fmt package call the String method to ask an object
@@ -305,7 +320,7 @@ func learnErrorHandling() {
// prints 'strconv.ParseInt: parsing "non-int": invalid syntax'
- // We'll revisit interfaces a little later. Meanwhile,
+ // We'll revisit interfaces a little later. Meanwhile,
@@ -316,12 +331,12 @@ func inc(i int, c chan int) {
// We'll use inc to increment some numbers concurrently.
func learnConcurrency() {
- // Same make function used earlier to make a slice. Make allocates and
+ // Same make function used earlier to make a slice. Make allocates and
// initializes slices, maps, and channels.
c := make(chan int)
- // Start three concurrent goroutines. Numbers will be incremented
+ // Start three concurrent goroutines. Numbers will be incremented
// concurrently, perhaps in parallel if the machine is capable and
- // properly configured. All three send to the same channel.
+ // properly configured. All three send to the same channel.
go inc(0, c) // go is a statement that starts a new goroutine.
go inc(10, c)
go inc(-805, c)
@@ -334,7 +349,7 @@ func learnConcurrency() {
go func() { c <- 84 }() // Start a new goroutine just to send a value.
go func() { cs <- "wordy" }() // Again, for cs this time.
// Select has syntax like a switch statement but each case involves
- // a channel operation. It selects a case at random out of the cases
+ // a channel operation. It selects a case at random out of the cases
// that are ready to communicate.
select {
case i := <-c: // The value received can be assigned to a variable,
@@ -344,7 +359,7 @@ func learnConcurrency() {
case <-ccs: // Empty channel, not ready for communication.
fmt.Println("didn't happen.")
- // At this point a value was taken from either c or cs. One of the two
+ // At this point a value was taken from either c or cs. One of the two
// goroutines started above has completed, the other will remain blocked.
learnWebProgramming() // Go does it. You want to do it too.
@@ -383,15 +398,15 @@ func requestServer() {
The root of all things Go is the [official Go web site](
There you can follow the tutorial, play interactively, and read lots.
-The language definition itself is highly recommended. It's easy to read
+The language definition itself is highly recommended. It's easy to read
and amazingly short (as language definitions go these days.)
You can play around with the code on [Go playground]( Try to change it and run it from your browser! Note that you can use []( as a [REPL]( to test things and code in your browser, without even installing Go.
On the reading list for students of Go is the [source code to the standard
-library]( Comprehensively documented, it
+library]( Comprehensively documented, it
demonstrates the best of readable and understandable Go, Go style, and Go
-idioms. Or you can click on a function name in [the
+idioms. Or you can click on a function name in [the
documentation]( and the source code comes up!
Another great resource to learn Go is [Go by example](
diff --git a/java.html.markdown b/java.html.markdown
index 3484aee5..dffc3828 100644
--- a/java.html.markdown
+++ b/java.html.markdown
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ public class LearnJava {
// Arrays
//The array size must be decided upon instantiation
- //The following formats work for declaring an arrow
+ //The following formats work for declaring an array
//<datatype> [] <var name> = new <datatype>[<array size>];
//<datatype> <var name>[] = new <datatype>[<array size>];
int [] intArray = new int[10];
diff --git a/learntmux.html.markdown b/learntmux.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eaf3fd25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/learntmux.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+category: tool
+tool: tmux
+ - ["kaernyk", ""]
+filename: LearnTmux.txt
+ tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals to be
+created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen. tmux may be detached
+from a screen and continue running in the background, then later reattached.
+ Once you feel comfortable manipulating tmux to suit your needs, I strongly
+suggest you read the man pages.
+# Session Management
+ tmux new Create new session
+ -s "Session" Create named session
+ -n "Window" Create named Window
+ -c "/dir" Start in target directory
+ C^b $ Rename current session
+ C^b d Detach current session
+ C^b D Select session to detach
+ tmux attach Attach last/available session
+ -t "#" Attach target session
+ -d Detach the session from other instances
+ tmux ls List open sessions
+ C^b s Select new session for attached client interactively
+ kill-session Kill current session
+ -t "#" Kill target session
+ -a Kill all sessions
+ -a -t "#" Kill all sessions but the target
+# Window Management
+ C^b c Create another window
+ C^b " Split Horizontally
+ C^b % Split Vertically
+ C^b M-(1-5) 1) Tile vertically
+ 2) Tile horizontally
+ 3) Tile Vertically /w large horizontal
+ 4) Tile horizontally /w large vertical
+ 5) Tile all windows evenly
+ C^b q Briefly display pane indexes
+ C^# Choose current window by #
+ C^b w Choose current window interactively
+ C^b n Change to next window
+ C^b p Change to previous window
+ C^b Up, Right Change to pane in selected direction
+ Down, left
+ C^b { Swap current/previous window
+ C^b } Swap current/next window
+ C^b C-Up, Right Resize in steps of one cell
+ Down, left
+ C^b M-Up, Right resize in steps of five cells
+ Down, left
+ exit or C^b x Kill the current window
diff --git a/matlab.html.markdown b/matlab.html.markdown
index d9a82890..9dae8ef2 100644
--- a/matlab.html.markdown
+++ b/matlab.html.markdown
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ load myFile.mat y % no parentheses, and spaces instead of commas
% Logicals can be applied to matrices:
A > 5
% for each element, if condition is true, that element is 1 in returned matrix
-A[ A > 5 ]
+A( A > 5 )
% returns a vector containing the elements in A for which condition is true
% Strings
diff --git a/perl6.html.markdown b/perl6.html.markdown
index fca863af..fe5b197c 100644
--- a/perl6.html.markdown
+++ b/perl6.html.markdown
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ double paragraphs, and single notes.
# In Perl 6, you declare a lexical variable using `my`
my $variable;
-# Perl 6 has 4 variable types :
+# Perl 6 has 4 kinds of variables:
## * Scalars. They represent a single value. They start with a `$`
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ my @array = <a b c>; # array of words, delimited by space.
say @array[2]; # Array indices start at 0 -- This is the third element
-say "Interpolate an array using [] : @array[]"; #=> Interpolate an array using [] : a b c
+say "Interpolate an array using [] : @array[]";
+#=> Interpolate an array using [] : a b c
## * Hashes. Key-Value Pairs.
# Hashes are actually arrays of Pairs (`Key => Value`),
@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ my &s = &say-hello;
my &other-s = sub { say "Anonymous function !" }
# A sub can have a "slurpy" parameter, or "doesn't-matter-how-many"
-sub as-many($head, *@rest) { # The `*@` slurpy will basically "take everything else".
+sub as-many($head, *@rest) { # `*@` (slurpy) will basically "take everything else".
# Note: you can have parameters *before* (like here)
# a slurpy one, but not *after*.
say @rest.join(' / ') ~ " !";
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ named-def(def => 15); #=> 15
# its right. When passed around, containers are marked as immutable.
# Which means that, in a function, you'll get an error if you try to
# mutate one of your arguments.
-# If you really need to, you can ask for a mutable container using `is rw` :
+# If you really need to, you can ask for a mutable container using `is rw`:
sub mutate($n is rw) {
say "\$n is now $n !";
@@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ sub mutate($n is rw) {
# If what you want is a copy instead, use `is copy`.
-# A sub itself returns a container, which means it can be marked as rw :
+# A sub itself returns a container, which means it can be marked as rw:
my $x = 42;
sub mod() is rw { $x }
mod() = 52; # in this case, the parentheses are mandatory
@@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ say $x; #=> 52
### Control Flow Structures
# You don't need to put parenthesis around the condition,
-# but that also means you always have to use brackets (`{ }`) for their body :
+# but that also means you always have to use brackets (`{ }`) for their body:
## Conditionals
@@ -246,7 +247,7 @@ my $a = $condition ?? $value-if-true !! $value-if-false;
# blocks, etc), this means the powerful `when` is not only applicable along with
# a `given`, but instead anywhere a `$_` exists.
given "foo bar" {
- when /foo/ { # You'll read about the smart-matching operator below -- just know `when` uses it.
+ when /foo/ { # Don't worry about smart matching -- just know `when` uses it.
# This is equivalent to `if $_ ~~ /foo/`.
say "Yay !";
@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@ given "foo bar" {
## Looping constructs
# - `loop` is an infinite loop if you don't pass it arguments,
-# but can also be a c-style `for` :
+# but can also be a c-style `for`:
loop {
say "This is an infinite loop !";
last; # last breaks out of the loop, like the `break` keyword in other languages
@@ -270,8 +271,8 @@ loop {
loop (my $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
next if $i == 3; # `next` skips to the next iteration, like `continue`
- # in other languages. Note that you can also use postfix conditionals,
- # loops, etc.
+ # in other languages. Note that you can also use postfix
+ # conditionals, loops, etc.
say "This is a C-style for loop !";
@@ -292,12 +293,12 @@ for @array {
for @array {
# You can...
- next if $_ == 3; # Skip to the next iteration (like `continue` in C-like languages).
+ next if $_ == 3; # Skip to the next iteration (`continue` in C-like languages).
redo if $_ == 4; # Re-do the iteration, keeping the same topic variable (`$_`).
last if $_ == 5; # Or break out of a loop (like `break` in C-like languages).
-# Note - the "lambda" `->` syntax isn't reserved to `for` :
+# Note - the "lambda" `->` syntax isn't reserved to `for`:
if long-computation() -> $result {
say "The result is $result";
@@ -308,12 +309,12 @@ if long-computation() -> $result {
## Perl 6 operators are actually just funny-looking subroutines, in syntactic
## categories, like infix:<+> (addition) or prefix:<!> (bool not).
-## The categories are :
-# - "prefix" : before (like `!` in `!True`).
-# - "postfix" : after (like `++` in `$a++`).
-# - "infix" : in between (like `*` in `4 * 3`).
-# - "circumfix" : around (like `[`-`]` in `[1, 2]`).
-# - "post-circumfix" : around, after another term (like `{`-`}` in `%hash{'key'}`)
+## The categories are:
+# - "prefix": before (like `!` in `!True`).
+# - "postfix": after (like `++` in `$a++`).
+# - "infix": in between (like `*` in `4 * 3`).
+# - "circumfix": around (like `[`-`]` in `[1, 2]`).
+# - "post-circumfix": around, after another term (like `{`-`}` in `%hash{'key'}`)
## The associativity and precedence list are explained below.
@@ -334,7 +335,8 @@ if long-computation() -> $result {
(1, 2) eqv (1, 3);
# - `~~` is smart matching
-# For a complete list of combinations, use this table :
+# For a complete list of combinations, use this table:
'a' ~~ /a/; # true if matches regexp
'key' ~~ %hash; # true if key exists in hash
$arg ~~ &bool-returning-function; # `True` if the function, passed `$arg`
@@ -415,7 +417,7 @@ first-of-array(@tail); # Throws an error "Too many positional parameters passed"
# (which means the array is too big).
# You can also use a slurp ...
-sub slurp-in-array(@ [$fst, *@rest]) { # you could decide to keep `*@rest` anonymous
+sub slurp-in-array(@ [$fst, *@rest]) { # You could keep `*@rest` anonymous
say $fst + @rest.elems; # `.elems` returns a list's length.
# Here, `@rest` is `(3,)`, since `$fst` holds the `2`.
@@ -485,7 +487,8 @@ sub truthy-array(@array) {
# You can also use the "whatever star" to create an anonymous function
# (it'll stop at the furthest operator in the current expression)
my @arrayplus3 = map(*+3, @array); # `*+3` is the same as `{ $_ + 3 }`
-my @arrayplus3 = map(*+*+3, @array); # also works. Same as `-> $a, $b { $a + $b + 3 }`
+my @arrayplus3 = map(*+*+3, @array); # Same as `-> $a, $b { $a + $b + 3 }`
+ # also `sub ($a, $b) { $a + $b + 3 }`
say (*/2)(4); #=> 2
# Immediatly execute the function Whatever created.
say ((*+3)/5)(5); #=> 1.6
@@ -494,7 +497,8 @@ say ((*+3)/5)(5); #=> 1.6
# But if you need to have more than one argument (`$_`)
# in a block (without wanting to resort to `-> {}`),
# you can also use the implicit argument syntax, `$^` :
-map({ $^a + $^b + 3 }, @array); # same as the above
+map({ $^a + $^b + 3 }, @array); # equivalent to following:
+map(sub ($a, $b) { $a + $b + 3 }, @array); # (here with `sub`)
# Note : those are sorted lexicographically.
# `{ $^b / $^a }` is like `-> $a, $b { $b / $a }`
@@ -576,7 +580,7 @@ sub foo {
bar(); # call `bar` in-place
sub bar {
- say $*foo; # Perl 6 will look into the call stack instead, and find `foo`'s `$*a`,
+ say $*foo; # `$*a` will be looked in the call stack, and find `foo`'s,
# even though the blocks aren't nested (they're call-nested).
#=> 1
@@ -589,8 +593,9 @@ sub bar {
# but you have `$.` to get a public (immutable) accessor along with it.
# (using `$.` is like using `$!` plus a `method` with the same name)
-# (Perl 6's object model ("SixModel") is very flexible, and allows you to dynamically add methods,
-# change semantics, etc -- This will not be covered here, and you should refer to the Synopsis)
+# (Perl 6's object model ("SixModel") is very flexible,
+# and allows you to dynamically add methods, change semantics, etc ...
+# (this will not be covered here, and you should refer to the Synopsis).
class A {
has $.field; # `$.field` is immutable.
@@ -685,7 +690,7 @@ class Item does PrintableVal {
### Exceptions
-# Exceptions are built on top of classes, usually in the package `X` (like `X::IO`).
+# Exceptions are built on top of classes, in the package `X` (like `X::IO`).
# Unlike many other languages, in Perl 6, you put the `CATCH` block *within* the
# block to `try`. By default, a `try` has a `CATCH` block that catches
# any exception (`CATCH { default {} }`).
@@ -709,7 +714,7 @@ die => 'Error !');
# Packages are a way to reuse code. Packages are like "namespaces", and any
# element of the six model (`module`, `role`, `class`, `grammar`, `subset`
# and `enum`) are actually packages. (Packages are the lowest common denomitor)
-# Packages play a big part in a language, especially as Perl is well-known for CPAN,
+# Packages are important - especially as Perl is well-known for CPAN,
# the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network.
# You usually don't use packages directly: you use `class Package::Name::Here;`,
# or if you only want to export variables/subs, you can use `module`:
@@ -719,7 +724,7 @@ module Hello::World { # Bracketed form
# ... declarations here ...
module Parse::Text; # file-scoped form
-grammar Parse::Text::Grammar { # A grammar is a fine package, which you could `use`
+grammar Parse::Text::Grammar { # A grammar is a package, which you could `use`
# NOTE for Perl 5 users: even though the `package` keyword exists,
@@ -841,7 +846,7 @@ say "This code took " ~ (time - CHECK time) ~ "s to run";
# ... or clever organization:
sub do-db-stuff {
- ENTER $db.start-transaction; # create a new transaction everytime we enter the sub
+ ENTER $db.start-transaction; # New transaction everytime we enter the sub
KEEP $db.commit; # commit the transaction if all went well
UNDO $db.rollback; # or rollback if all hell broke loose
@@ -951,7 +956,7 @@ say 5!; #=> 120
sub infix:<times>(Int $n, Block $r) { # infix in the middle
for ^$n {
$r(); # You need the explicit parentheses to call the function in `$r`,
- # else you'd be referring at the variable itself, kind of like with `&r`.
+ # else you'd be referring at the variable itself, like with `&r`.
3 times -> { say "hello" }; #=> hello
@@ -1004,8 +1009,9 @@ postcircumfix:<{ }>(%h, $key, :delete); # (you can call operators like that)
# of the element of the list to be passed to the operator),
# or `Any` if there's none (examples below).
-# Otherwise, it pops an element from the list(s) one at a time, and applies the binary function
-# to the last result (or the list's first element) and the popped element.
+# Otherwise, it pops an element from the list(s) one at a time, and applies
+# the binary function to the last result (or the list's first element)
+# and the popped element.
# To sum a list, you could use the reduce meta-operator with `+`, i.e.:
say [+] 1, 2, 3; #=> 6
@@ -1068,6 +1074,11 @@ my @list = 1, 3, 9 ... { $_ > 30 }; # (equivalent to the above)
my @fib = 1, 1, *+* ... *; # lazy infinite list of prime numbers,
# computed using a closure!
my @fib = 1, 1, -> $a, $b { $a + $b } ... *; # (equivalent to the above)
+my @fib = 1, 1, { $^a + $^b } ... *; #(... also equivalent to the above)
+# $a and $b will always take the previous values, meaning here
+# they'll start with $a = 1 and $b = 1 (values we set by hand).
+# then $a = 1 and $b = 2 (result from previous $a+$b), and so on.
say @fib[^10]; #=> 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
# (using a range as the index)
# Note : as for ranges, once reified, elements aren't re-calculated.
@@ -1127,15 +1138,15 @@ for <well met young hero we shall meet later> {
.say if 'B' ff 'B' for <A B C B A>; #=> B B
# because the right-hand-side was tested
# directly (and returned `True`).
- # "B"s are still printed since it matched that time
+ # "B"s are printed since it matched that time
# (it just went back to `False` right away).
.say if 'B' fff 'B' for <A B C B A>; #=> B C B
- # because the right-hand-side wasn't tested until
+ # The right-hand-side wasn't tested until
# `$_` became "C"
# (and thus did not match instantly).
# A flip-flop can change state as many times as needed:
-for <test start print this stop you stopped printing start printing again stop not anymore> {
+for <test start print it stop not printing start print again stop not anymore> {
.say if $_ eq 'start' ^ff^ $_ eq 'stop'; # exclude both "start" and "stop",
#=> "print this printing again"
@@ -1190,8 +1201,8 @@ say so 'a' ~~ / a /; # More readable with some spaces!
# a regexp. We're converting the result using `so`, but in fact, it's
# returning a `Match` object. They know how to respond to list indexing,
# hash indexing, and return the matched string.
-# The results of the match are also available as `$/` (implicitly lexically-scoped).
-# You can also use the capture variables (`$0`, `$1`, ... - starting at 0, not 1 !).
+# The results of the match are available as `$/` (implicitly lexically-scoped).
+# You can also use the capture variables (`$0`, `$1`, ... starting at 0, not 1 !).
# You can also note that `~~` does not perform start/end checking
# (meaning the regexp can be matched with just one char of the string),
@@ -1233,7 +1244,7 @@ so 'abbbbc' ~~ / a b+ c /; # `True`, matched 4 "b"s
so 'ac' ~~ / a b* c /; # `True`, they're all optional.
so 'abc' ~~ / a b* c /; # `True`
so 'abbbbc' ~~ / a b* c /; # `True`
-so 'aec' ~~ / a b* c /; # `False`. "b"(s) are optional, but can't be something else.
+so 'aec' ~~ / a b* c /; # `False`. "b"(s) are optional, not replaceable.
# - `**` - "Quantify It Yourself".
# If you squint hard enough, you might understand
@@ -1255,7 +1266,7 @@ so 'fooABCABCbar' ~~ / foo [ A B C ] + bar /;
# But this does not go far enough, because we can't actually get back what
# we matched.
# Capture: We can actually *capture* the results of the regexp, using parentheses.
-so 'fooABCABCbar' ~~ / foo ( A B C ) + bar /; # `True`. (we keep `so` here and use `$/` below)
+so 'fooABCABCbar' ~~ / foo ( A B C ) + bar /; # `True`. (using `so` here, `$/` below)
# So, starting with the grouping explanations.
# As we said before, our `Match` object is available as `$/`:
@@ -1308,7 +1319,7 @@ sub MAIN($name) { say "Hello, you !" }
# And since it's a regular Perl 6 sub, you can haz multi-dispatch:
# (using a "Bool" for the named argument so that we get `--replace`
# instead of `--replace=1`)
-subset File of Str where *.IO.d; # convert to IO object, then check the file exists
+subset File of Str where *.IO.d; # convert to IO object to check the file exists
multi MAIN('add', $key, $value, Bool :$replace) { ... }
multi MAIN('remove', $key) { ... }
@@ -1325,7 +1336,9 @@ multi MAIN('import', File, Str :$as) { ... } # omitting parameter name
If you want to go further, you can:
- Read the [Perl 6 Advent Calendar]( This is probably the greatest source of Perl 6 information, snippets and such.
- Come along on `#perl6` at ``. The folks here are always helpful.
- Check the [source of Perl 6's functions and classes]( Rakudo is mainly written in Perl 6 (with a lot of NQP, "Not Quite Perl", a Perl 6 subset easier to implement and optimize).
- Read the [Synopses]( They explain it from an implementor point-of-view, but it's still very interesting.
diff --git a/purescript.html.markdown b/purescript.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6bff7545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/purescript.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+language: purescript
+ - ["Fredrik Dyrkell", ""]
+PureScript is a small strongly, statically typed language compiling to Javascript.
+* Learn more at [](
+* Documentation: [](
+* Book: Purescript by Example, [](
+-- 1. Primitive datatypes that corresponds to their Javascript
+-- equivalents at runtime.
+-- Numbers
+1 + 7*5 :: Number -- 36
+-- Types are inferred, so the following works fine
+9 / 2.5 + 4.4 -- 8
+-- Hexadecimal literals
+0xff + 1 -- 256
+-- Unary negation
+6 * -3 -- -18
+6 * negate 3 -- -18
+-- Modulus
+3 % 2 -- 1
+4 % 2 -- 0
+-- Inspect the type of an expression in psci
+:t 9 / 2.5 + 4.4 -- Prim.Number
+-- Booleans
+true :: Boolean -- true
+false :: Boolean -- false
+-- Negation
+not true --false
+23 == 23 -- true
+1 /= 4 -- true
+1 >= 4 -- false
+-- Comparisions < <= > >=
+-- are defined in terms of compare
+compare 1 2 -- LT
+compare 2 2 -- EQ
+compare 3 2 -- GT
+-- Conjunction and Disjunction
+true && (9 >= 19 || 1 < 2) -- true
+-- Strings
+"Hellow" :: String -- "Hellow"
+-- Multiline string
+\orld" -- "Helloworld"
+-- Concatenate
+"such " ++ "amaze" -- "such amaze"
+-- 2. Arrays are Javascript arrays, but must be homogeneous
+[1,1,2,3,5,8] :: [Number] -- [1,1,2,3,5,8]
+[true, true, false] :: [Boolean] -- [true,true,false]
+-- [1,2, true, "false"] won't work
+-- `Cannot unify Prim.Number with Prim.Boolean`
+-- Cons (prepend)
+1 : [2,4,3] -- [1,2,4,3]
+-- Requires purescript-arrays (Data.Array)
+-- and purescript-maybe (Data.Maybe)
+-- Safe access return Maybe a
+head [1,2,3] -- Just (1)
+tail [3,2,1] -- Just ([2,1])
+init [1,2,3] -- Just ([1,2])
+last [3,2,1] -- Just (1)
+-- Random access - indexing
+[3,4,5,6,7] !! 2 -- Just (5)
+-- Range
+1..5 -- [1,2,3,4,5]
+length [2,2,2] -- 3
+drop 3 [5,4,3,2,1] -- [2,1]
+take 3 [5,4,3,2,1] -- [5,4,3]
+append [1,2,3] [4,5,6] -- [1,2,3,4,5,6]
+-- 3. Records are Javascript objects, with zero or more fields, which
+-- can have different types
+let book = {title: "Foucault's pendulum", author: "Umberto Eco"}
+-- Access properties
+book.title -- "Foucault's pendulum"
+getTitle b = b.title
+-- Works on all records with a title (but doesn't require any other field)
+getTitle book -- "Foucault's pendulum"
+getTitle {title: "Weekend in Monaco", artist: "The Rippingtons"} -- "Weekend in Monaco"
+-- Update a record
+changeTitle b t = b {title = t}
+changeTitle book "Ill nome della rosa" -- {title: "Ill nome della
+ -- rosa", author: "Umberto Eco"}
+-- 4. Functions
+sumOfSquares x y = x*x+y*y
+sumOfSquares 3 4 -- 25
+-- In psci you have to write `let` in front of the function to get a
+-- top level binding
+mod x y = x % y
+mod 3 2 -- 1
+-- Infix application of function
+3 `mod` 2 -- 1
+-- function application have higher precedence than all other
+-- operators
+sumOfSquares 3 4 * sumOfSquares 4 5 -- 1025
+-- Conditional
+abs' n = if n>=0 then n else -n
+abs' (-3) -- 3
+-- Guarded equations
+abs n | n >= 0 = n
+ | otherwise = -n
+-- Pattern matching
+-- Note the type signature, input is an array of numbers The pattern
+-- matching destructures and binds the array into parts
+first :: [Number] -> Number
+first (x:_) = x
+first [3,4,5] -- 3
+second :: [Number] -> Number
+second (_:y:_) = y
+second [3,4,5] -- 4
+sumTwo :: [Number] -> [Number]
+sumTwo (x:y:rest) = (x+y) : rest
+sumTwo [2,3,4,5,6] -- [5,4,5,6]
+-- sumTwo doesn't handle when the array is empty or just have one
+-- element in which case you get an error
+sumTwo [1] -- Failed pattern match
+-- Complementing patterns to match
+-- Good ol' Fibonacci
+fib 1 = 1
+fib 2 = 2
+fib x = fib (x-1) + fib (x-2)
+fib 10 -- 89
+-- Use underscore to match any, where you don't care about the binding name
+isZero 0 = true
+isZero _ = false
+-- Pattern matching on records
+ecoTitle {author = "Umberto Eco", title = t} = Just t
+ecoTitle _ = Nothing
+ecoTitle book -- Just ("Foucault's pendulum")
+ecoTitle {title: "The Quantum Thief", author: "Hannu Rajaniemi"} -- Nothing
+-- ecoTitle requires both field to type check:
+ecoTitle {title: "The Quantum Thief"} -- Object does not have property author
+-- Lambda expressions
+(\x -> x*x) 3 -- 9
+(\x y -> x*x + y*y) 4 5 -- 41
+sqr = \x -> x*x
+-- Currying
+add x y = x + y -- is equivalent with
+add = \x -> (\y -> x+y)
+add3 = add 3
+:t add3 -- Prim.Number -> Prim.Number
+-- Forward and backward function composition
+-- drop 3 followed by taking 5
+(drop 3 >>> take 5) (1..20) -- [4,5,6,7,8]
+-- take 5 followed by dropping 3
+(drop 3 <<< take 5) (1..20) -- [4,5]
+-- Operations using higher order functions
+even x = x % 2 == 0
+filter even (1..10) -- [2,4,6,8,10]
+map (\x -> x+11) (1..5) -- [12,13,14,15,16]
+-- Requires purescript-foldable-traversabe (Data.Foldable)
+foldr (+) 0 (1..10) -- 55
+sum (1..10) -- 55
+product (1..10) -- 3628800
+-- Testing with predicate
+any even [1,2,3] -- true
+all even [1,2,3] -- false
diff --git a/python3.html.markdown b/python3.html.markdown
index b494dc1e..f6babaff 100644
--- a/python3.html.markdown
+++ b/python3.html.markdown
@@ -93,7 +93,9 @@ not False # => True
"{} can be {}".format("strings", "interpolated")
# You can repeat the formatting arguments to save some typing.
-"{0} be nimble, {0} be quick, {0} jump over the {1}".format("Jack", "candle stick") #=> "Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the candle stick"
+"{0} be nimble, {0} be quick, {0} jump over the {1}".format("Jack", "candle stick")
+#=> "Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the candle stick"
# You can use keywords if you don't want to count.
"{name} wants to eat {food}".format(name="Bob", food="lasagna") #=> "Bob wants to eat lasagna"
diff --git a/ru-ru/go-ru.html.markdown b/ru-ru/go-ru.html.markdown
index 5b9d8ebf..44a22b45 100644
--- a/ru-ru/go-ru.html.markdown
+++ b/ru-ru/go-ru.html.markdown
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ lang: ru-ru
Go - это язык общего назначения, целью которого является удобство, простота,
-конкуррентность. Это не тренд в компьютерных науках, а новейший и быстрый
+конкурентность. Это не тренд в компьютерных науках, а новейший и быстрый
способ решать насущные проблемы.
Концепции Go схожи с другими императивными статически типизированными языками.
-Быстро компилируется и быстро исполняется, имеет легкие в понимании конструкции
+Быстро компилируется и быстро исполняется, имеет лёгкие в понимании конструкции
для создания масштабируемых и многопоточных программ.
Может похвастаться отличной стандартной библиотекой и большим комьюнити, полным
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func main() {
func beyondHello() {
var x int // Переменные должны быть объявлены до их использования.
x = 3 // Присвоение значения переменной.
- // Краткое определение := позволяет объявить перменную с автоматической
+ // Краткое определение := позволяет объявить переменную с автоматической
// подстановкой типа из значения.
y := 4
sum, prod := learnMultiple(x, y) // Функция возвращает два значения.
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func learnMultiple(x, y int) (sum, prod int) {
return x + y, x * y // Возврат двух значений.
-// Некотрые встроенные типы и литералы.
+// Некоторые встроенные типы и литералы.
func learnTypes() {
// Краткое определение переменной говорит само за себя.
s := "Learn Go!" // Тип string.
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ func learnTypes() {
// Слайсы (slices) имеют динамическую длину. И массивы, и слайсы имеют свои
// преимущества, но слайсы используются гораздо чаще.
- s3 := []int{4, 5, 9} // Сравните с a3. Тут нет троеточия.
+ s3 := []int{4, 5, 9} // Сравните с a3, тут нет троеточия.
s4 := make([]int, 4) // Выделение памяти для слайса из 4-х int (нули).
var d2 [][]float64 // Только объявление, память не выделяется.
bs := []byte("a slice") // Синтаксис приведения типов.
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ func learnTypes() {
delete(m, "three") // Встроенная функция, удаляет элемент из map-а.
// Неиспользуемые переменные в Go являются ошибкой.
- // Нижнее подчеркивание позволяет игнорировать такие переменные.
+ // Нижнее подчёркивание позволяет игнорировать такие переменные.
_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = s2, g, f, u, pi, n, a3, s4, bs
// Вывод считается использованием переменной.
fmt.Println(s, c, a4, s3, d2, m)
@@ -121,16 +121,16 @@ func learnTypes() {
learnFlowControl() // Идем дальше.
-// У Go есть полноценный сборщик мусора. В нем есть указатели но нет арифметики
+// У Go есть полноценный сборщик мусора. В нем есть указатели, но нет арифметики
// указателей. Вы можете допустить ошибку с указателем на nil, но не с
// инкрементацией указателя.
func learnMemory() (p, q *int) {
// Именованные возвращаемые значения p и q являются указателями на int.
p = new(int) // Встроенная функция new выделяет память.
- // Выделенный int проинициализирован нулем, p больше не содержит nil.
+ // Выделенный int проинициализирован нулём, p больше не содержит nil.
s := make([]int, 20) // Выделение единого блока памяти под 20 int-ов.
s[3] = 7 // Присвоить значение одному из них.
- r := -2 // Определить еще одну локальную переменную.
+ r := -2 // Определить ещё одну локальную переменную.
return &s[3], &r // Амперсанд(&) обозначает получение адреса переменной.
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ func expensiveComputation() float64 {
func learnFlowControl() {
- // If-ы всегда требуют наличине фигурных скобок, но не круглых.
+ // If-ы всегда требуют наличие фигурных скобок, но не круглых.
if true {
fmt.Println("told ya")
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ func learnFlowControl() {
// Функции являются замыканиями.
xBig := func() bool {
- return x > 10000 // Ссылается на x, объявленый выше switch.
+ return x > 10000 // Ссылается на x, объявленный выше switch.
fmt.Println("xBig:", xBig()) // true (т.к. мы присвоили x = e^10).
x = 1.3e3 // Тут х == 1300
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ func learnFlowControl() {
learnDefer() // Быстрый обзор важного ключевого слова.
- learnInterfaces() // О! Интерфейсы, идем далее.
+ learnInterfaces() // О! Интерфейсы, идём далее.
func learnDefer() (ok bool) {
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ type pair struct {
// Объявление метода для типа pair. Теперь pair реализует интерфейс Stringer.
func (p pair) String() string { // p в данном случае называют receiver-ом.
- // Sprintf – еще одна функция из пакета fmt.
+ // Sprintf – ещё одна функция из пакета fmt.
// Обращение к полям p через точку.
return fmt.Sprintf("(%d, %d)", p.x, p.y)
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ func learnInterfaces() {
fmt.Println(p) // Вывод такой же, что и выше. Println вызывает метод String.
fmt.Println(i) // Вывод такой же, что и выше.
- learnVariadicParams("Учиться", "учиться", "и еще раз учиться!")
+ learnVariadicParams("Учиться", "учиться", "и ещё раз учиться!")
// Функции могут иметь варьируемое количество параметров.
@@ -263,22 +263,22 @@ func learnErrorHandling() {
// выведет "strconv.ParseInt: parsing "non-int": invalid syntax"
- // Мы еще обратимся к интерфейсам чуть позже, а пока...
+ // Мы ещё обратимся к интерфейсам чуть позже, а пока...
-// c – это тип данных channel (канал), объект для конкуррентного взаимодействия.
+// c – это тип данных channel (канал), объект для конкурентного взаимодействия.
func inc(i int, c chan int) {
c <- i + 1 // когда channel слева, <- являтся оператором "отправки".
-// Будем использовать функцию inc для конкуррентной инкрементации чисел.
+// Будем использовать функцию inc для конкурентной инкрементации чисел.
func learnConcurrency() {
// Тот же make, что и в случае со slice. Он предназначен для выделения
// памяти и инициализации типов slice, map и channel.
c := make(chan int)
- // Старт трех конкуррентных goroutine. Числа будут инкрементированы
- // конкуррентно и, может быть параллельно, если машина правильно
+ // Старт трех конкурентных goroutine. Числа будут инкрементированы
+ // конкурентно и, может быть параллельно, если машина правильно
// сконфигурирована и позволяет это делать. Все они будут отправлены в один
// и тот же канал.
go inc(0, c) // go начинает новую горутину.
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ func learnConcurrency() {
cs := make(chan string) // другой канал, содержит строки.
cc := make(chan chan string) // канал каналов со строками.
go func() { c <- 84 }() // пуск новой горутины для отправки значения
- go func() { cs <- "wordy" }() // еще раз, теперь для cs
+ go func() { cs <- "wordy" }() // ещё раз, теперь для cs
// Select тоже что и switch, но работает с каналами. Он случайно выбирает
// готовый для взаимодействия канал.
select {
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ func (p pair) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
Основа всех основ в Go это [официальный веб сайт](
Там можно пройти туториал, поиграться с интерактивной средой Go и почитать
-объемную документацию.
+объёмную документацию.
Для живого ознакомления рекомендуется почитать исходные коды [стандартной
библиотеки Go]( Отлично задокументированная, она
diff --git a/ruby.html.markdown b/ruby.html.markdown
index 962853a2..3c67de2e 100644
--- a/ruby.html.markdown
+++ b/ruby.html.markdown
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ contributors:
- ["Nick LaMuro", ""]
- ["Marcos Brizeno", ""]
- ["Ariel Krakowski", ""]
+ - ["Dzianis Dashkevich", ""]
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ You shouldn't either
8 - 1 #=> 7
10 * 2 #=> 20
35 / 5 #=> 7
-2 ** 5 #=> 32
+2**5 #=> 32
# Arithmetic is just syntactic sugar
# for calling a method on an object
@@ -78,14 +79,17 @@ false.class #=> FalseClass
'I am a string'.class #=> String
"I am a string too".class #=> String
-placeholder = "use string interpolation"
+placeholder = 'use string interpolation'
"I can #{placeholder} when using double quoted strings"
#=> "I can use string interpolation when using double quoted strings"
+# Prefer single quoted strings to double quoted ones where possible
+# Double quoted strings perform additional inner calculations
# Combine strings, but not with numbers
-"hello " + "world" #=> "hello world"
-"hello " + 3 #=> TypeError: can't convert Fixnum into String
-"hello " + 3.to_s #=> "hello 3"
+'hello ' + 'world' #=> "hello world"
+'hello ' + 3 #=> TypeError: can't convert Fixnum into String
+'hello ' + 3.to_s #=> "hello 3"
# print to the output
puts "I'm printing!"
@@ -130,7 +134,7 @@ array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# Arrays can contain different types of items
-[1, "hello", false] #=> [1, "hello", false]
+[1, 'hello', false] #=> [1, "hello", false]
# Arrays can be indexed
# From the front
@@ -157,7 +161,7 @@ array << 6 #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
# Hashes are Ruby's primary dictionary with keys/value pairs.
# Hashes are denoted with curly braces:
-hash = {'color' => 'green', 'number' => 5}
+hash = { 'color' => 'green', 'number' => 5 }
hash.keys #=> ['color', 'number']
@@ -170,7 +174,7 @@ hash['nothing here'] #=> nil
# Since Ruby 1.9, there's a special syntax when using symbols as keys:
-new_hash = { defcon: 3, action: true}
+new_hash = { defcon: 3, action: true }
new_hash.keys #=> [:defcon, :action]
@@ -180,11 +184,11 @@ new_hash.keys #=> [:defcon, :action]
# Control structures
if true
- "if statement"
+ 'if statement'
elsif false
- "else if, optional"
+ 'else if, optional'
- "else, also optional"
+ 'else, also optional'
for counter in 1..5
@@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ end
#=> iteration 5
# You can also surround blocks in curly brackets:
-(1..5).each {|counter| puts "iteration #{counter}"}
+(1..5).each { |counter| puts "iteration #{counter}" }
# The contents of data structures can also be iterated using each.
array.each do |element|
@@ -241,32 +245,30 @@ grade = 'B'
case grade
when 'A'
- puts "Way to go kiddo"
+ puts 'Way to go kiddo'
when 'B'
- puts "Better luck next time"
+ puts 'Better luck next time'
when 'C'
- puts "You can do better"
+ puts 'You can do better'
when 'D'
- puts "Scraping through"
+ puts 'Scraping through'
when 'F'
- puts "You failed!"
+ puts 'You failed!'
- puts "Alternative grading system, eh?"
+ puts 'Alternative grading system, eh?'
#=> "Better luck next time"
# cases can also use ranges
grade = 82
case grade
- when 90..100
- puts "Hooray!"
- when 80...90
- puts "OK job"
- else
- puts "You failed!"
+when 90..100
+ puts 'Hooray!'
+when 80...90
+ puts 'OK job'
+ puts 'You failed!'
#=> "OK job"
@@ -284,23 +286,23 @@ double 3 #=> 6
double double 3 #=> 12
-def sum(x,y)
+def sum(x, y)
x + y
# Method arguments are separated by a comma
sum 3, 4 #=> 7
-sum sum(3,4), 5 #=> 12
+sum sum(3, 4), 5 #=> 12
# yield
# All methods have an implicit, optional block parameter
# it can be called with the 'yield' keyword
def surround
- puts "{"
+ puts '{'
- puts "}"
+ puts '}'
surround { puts 'hello world' }
@@ -311,25 +313,25 @@ surround { puts 'hello world' }
# You can pass a block to a function
-# "&" marks a reference to a passed block
+# "&" marks a reference to a passed block
def guests(&block)
- "some_argument"
+ 'some_argument'
# You can pass a list of arguments, which will be converted into an array
-# That's what splat operator ("*") is for
+# That's what splat operator ("*") is for
def guests(*array)
- array.each { |guest| puts "#{guest}" }
+ array.each { |guest| puts guest }
# Define a class with the class keyword
class Human
# A class variable. It is shared by all instances of this class.
- @@species = "H. sapiens"
+ @@species = 'H. sapiens'
# Basic initializer
- def initialize(name, age=0)
+ def initialize(name, age = 0)
# Assign the argument to the "name" instance variable for the instance
@name = name
# If no age given, we will fall back to the default in the arguments list.
@@ -356,20 +358,19 @@ class Human
# A class method uses self to distinguish from instance methods.
# It can only be called on the class, not an instance.
def self.say(msg)
- puts "#{msg}"
+ puts msg
def species
# Instantiate a class
-jim ="Jim Halpert")
+jim ='Jim Halpert')
-dwight ="Dwight K. Schrute")
+dwight ='Dwight K. Schrute')
# Let's call a couple of methods
jim.species #=> "H. sapiens"
@@ -380,7 +381,7 @@ dwight.species #=> "H. sapiens" #=> "Dwight K. Schrute"
# Call the class method
-Human.say("Hi") #=> "Hi"
+Human.say('Hi') #=> "Hi"
# Variable's scopes are defined by the way we name them.
# Variables that start with $ have global scope
@@ -399,7 +400,7 @@ defined? @@var #=> "class variable"
Var = "I'm a constant"
defined? Var #=> "constant"
-# Class also is object in ruby. So class can have instance variables.
+# Class is also an object in ruby. So class can have instance variables.
# Class variable is shared among the class and all of its descendants.
# base class
@@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ class Human
-# derived class
+# derived class
class Worker < Human
@@ -451,8 +452,8 @@ module ModuleExample
-# Including modules binds the methods to the object instance
-# Extending modules binds the methods to the class instance
+# Including modules binds their methods to the class instances
+# Extending modules binds their methods to the class itself
class Person
include ModuleExample
@@ -467,7 +468,7 @@ # => 'foo' # => 'foo' # => NoMethodError: undefined method `foo'
-# Callbacks when including and extending a module are executed
+# Callbacks are executed when including and extending a module
module ConcernExample
def self.included(base)
@@ -500,9 +501,8 @@ # => 'qux'
## Additional resources
-- [Learn Ruby by Example with Challenges]( - A variant of this reference with in-browser challenges.
+- [Learn Ruby by Example with Challenges]( - A variant of this reference with in-browser challenges.
- [Official Documentation](
- [Ruby from other languages](
-- [Programming Ruby]( - An older [free addition]( is available online.
+- [Programming Ruby]( - An older [free addition]( is available online.
+- [Ruby Style Guide]( - A community-driven Ruby coding style guide.
diff --git a/scala.html.markdown b/scala.html.markdown
index 6b398b4b..379c092c 100644
--- a/scala.html.markdown
+++ b/scala.html.markdown
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ i // Show the value of i. Note that while is a loop in the classical sense -
// A do while loop
do {
- println("x is still less then 10");
+ println("x is still less than 10");
x += 1
} while (x < 10)
diff --git a/swift.html.markdown b/swift.html.markdown
index a47b085a..e7f2f9a2 100644
--- a/swift.html.markdown
+++ b/swift.html.markdown
@@ -2,30 +2,51 @@
language: swift
- ["Grant Timmerman", ""]
+ - ["Christopher Bess", ""]
filename: learnswift.swift
Swift is a programming language for iOS and OS X development created by Apple. Designed to coexist with Objective-C and to be more resilient against erroneous code, Swift was introduced in 2014 at Apple's developer conference WWDC. It is built with the LLVM compiler included in Xcode 6 beta.
+The official [Swift Programming Language]( book from Apple is now available via iBooks.
See also Apple's [getting started guide](, which has a complete tutorial on Swift.
-// Basics
+// MARK: Basics
+// Xcode supports landmarks to annotate your code and lists them in the jump bar
+// MARK: Section mark
+// TODO: Do something soon
+// FIXME Fix this code
println("Hello, world")
var myVariable = 42
+let øπΩ = "value" // unicode variable names
let myConstant = 3.1415926
+let convenience = "keyword" // contextual variable name
+let weak = "keyword"; let override = "another keyword" // statements can be separated by a semi-colon
+let `class` = "keyword" // backticks allow keywords to be used as variable names
let explicitDouble: Double = 70
-let label = "some text " + String(myVariable) // Casting
-let piText = "Pi = \(myConstant)" // String interpolation
-var optionalString: String? = "optional" // Can be nil
+let intValue = 0007 // 7
+let largeIntValue = 77_000 // 77000
+let label = "some text " + String(myVariable) // Casting
+let piText = "Pi = \(myConstant), Pi 2 = \(myConstant * 2)" // String interpolation
+var optionalString: String? = "optional" // Can be nil
optionalString = nil
+Comment here
+ /*
+ Nested comments are also supported
+ */
-// Arrays and Dictionaries
+// MARK: Collections
// Array
@@ -35,97 +56,108 @@ let emptyArray = [String]()
// Dictionary
var occupations = [
- "Malcolm": "Captain",
- "kaylee": "Mechanic"
+ "Malcolm": "Captain",
+ "kaylee": "Mechanic"
occupations["Jayne"] = "Public Relations"
-let emptyDictionary = Dictionary<String, Float>()
+let emptyDictionary = [String: Float]()
-// Control Flow
+// MARK: Control Flow
// for loop (array)
let myArray = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
for value in myArray {
- if value == 1 {
- println("One!")
- } else {
- println("Not one!")
- }
+ if value == 1 {
+ println("One!")
+ } else {
+ println("Not one!")
+ }
// for loop (dictionary)
+var dict = ["one": 1, "two": 2]
for (key, value) in dict {
- println("\(key): \(value)")
+ println("\(key): \(value)")
// for loop (range)
for i in -1...1 { // [-1, 0, 1]
- println(i)
+ println(i)
// use ..< to exclude the last number
// while loop
var i = 1
while i < 1000 {
- i *= 2
+ i *= 2
// do-while loop
do {
- println("hello")
+ println("hello")
} while 1 == 2
// Switch
let vegetable = "red pepper"
switch vegetable {
case "celery":
- let vegetableComment = "Add some raisins and make ants on a log."
+ let vegetableComment = "Add some raisins and make ants on a log."
case "cucumber", "watercress":
- let vegetableComment = "That would make a good tea sandwich."
+ let vegetableComment = "That would make a good tea sandwich."
case let x where x.hasSuffix("pepper"):
- let vegetableComment = "Is it a spicy \(x)?"
+ let vegetableComment = "Is it a spicy \(x)?"
default: // required (in order to cover all possible input)
- let vegetableComment = "Everything tastes good in soup."
+ let vegetableComment = "Everything tastes good in soup."
-// Functions
+// MARK: Functions
// Functions are a first-class type, meaning they can be nested
// in functions and can be passed around
-// Function
+// Function with Swift header docs (format as reStructedText)
+ A greet operation
+ - A bullet in docs
+ - Another bullet in the docs
+ :param: name A name
+ :param: day A day
+ :returns: A string containing the name and day value.
func greet(name: String, day: String) -> String {
- return "Hello \(name), today is \(day)."
+ return "Hello \(name), today is \(day)."
greet("Bob", "Tuesday")
// Function that returns multiple items in a tuple
func getGasPrices() -> (Double, Double, Double) {
- return (3.59, 3.69, 3.79)
+ return (3.59, 3.69, 3.79)
-// Args
+// Variadic Args
func setup(numbers: Int...) {}
// Passing and returning functions
func makeIncrementer() -> (Int -> Int) {
- func addOne(number: Int) -> Int {
- return 1 + number
- }
- return addOne
+ func addOne(number: Int) -> Int {
+ return 1 + number
+ }
+ return addOne
var increment = makeIncrementer()
-// Closures
+// MARK: Closures
var numbers = [1, 2, 6]
@@ -135,93 +167,243 @@ var numbers = [1, 2, 6]
// `->` separates the arguments and return type
// `in` separates the closure header from the closure body{
- (number: Int) -> Int in
- let result = 3 * number
- return result
- })
+ (number: Int) -> Int in
+ let result = 3 * number
+ return result
// When the type is known, like above, we can do this
numbers ={ number in 3 * number })
-//Or even this
+// Or even this
//numbers ={ $0 * 3 })
print(numbers) // [3, 6, 18]
+// Trailing closure
+numbers = sorted(numbers) { $0 > $1 }
+print(numbers) // [18, 6, 3]
+// Super shorthand, since the < operator infers the types
+numbers = sorted(numbers, < )
+print(numbers) // [3, 6, 18]
-// Classes
+// MARK: Structures
+// Structures and classes have very similar capabilites
+struct NamesTable {
+ let names: [String]
+ // Custom subscript
+ subscript(index: Int) -> String {
+ return names[index]
+ }
+// Structures have an auto-generated (implicit) designated initializer
+let namesTable = NamesTable(names: ["Me", "Them"])
+//let name = namesTable[2]
+//println("Name is \(name)") // Name is Them
+// MARK: Classes
+// Classes, structures and its members have three levels of access control
+// They are: internal (default), public, private
+public class Shape {
+ public func getArea() -> Int {
+ return 0;
+ }
// All methods and properties of a class are public.
// If you just need to store data in a
// structured object, you should use a `struct`
-// A simple class `Square` extends `Shape`
-class Rect: Shape {
- var sideLength: Int = 1
+internal class Rect: Shape {
+ var sideLength: Int = 1
+ // Custom getter and setter property
+ private var perimeter: Int {
+ get {
+ return 4 * sideLength
+ }
+ set {
+ // `newValue` is an implicit variable available to setters
+ sideLength = newValue / 4
+ }
+ }
- // Custom getter and setter property
- var perimeter: Int {
- get {
- return 4 * sideLength
+ // Lazily load a property
+ // subShape remains nil (uninitialized) until getter called
+ lazy var subShape = Rect(sideLength: 4)
+ // If you don't need a custom getter and setter,
+ // but still want to run code before and after getting or setting
+ // a property, you can use `willSet` and `didSet`
+ var identifier: String = "defaultID" {
+ // the `willSet` arg will be the variable name for the new value
+ willSet(someIdentifier) {
+ print(someIdentifier)
+ }
- set {
- sideLength = newValue / 4
+ init(sideLength: Int) {
+ super.init()
+ self.sideLength = sideLength
- }
- init(sideLength: Int) {
- super.init()
- self.sideLength = sideLength
- }
- func shrink() {
- if sideLength > 0 {
- --sideLength
+ func shrink() {
+ if sideLength > 0 {
+ --sideLength
+ }
+ }
+ override func getArea() -> Int {
+ return sideLength * sideLength
- }
- override func getArea() -> Int {
- return sideLength * sideLength
- }
+// A simple class `Square` extends `Rect`
+class Square: Rect {
+ convenience init() {
+ self.init(sideLength: 5)
+ }
-var mySquare = new Square(sideLength: 5)
+var mySquare = Square()
print(mySquare.getArea()) // 25
print(mySquare.sideLength) // 4
-// If you don't need a custom getter and setter,
-// but still want to run code before and after getting or setting
-// a property, you can use `willSet` and `didSet`
+// compare instances, not the same as == which compares objects (equal to)
+if mySquare === mySquare {
+ println("Yep, it's mySquare")
-// Enums
+// MARK: Enums
// Enums can optionally be of a specific type or on their own.
// They can contain methods like classes.
enum Suit {
- case Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
- func getIcon() -> String {
- switch self {
- case .Spades: return "♤"
- case .Hearts: return "♡"
- case .Diamonds: return "♢"
- case .Clubs: return "♧"
+ case Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs
+ func getIcon() -> String {
+ switch self {
+ case .Spades: return "♤"
+ case .Hearts: return "♡"
+ case .Diamonds: return "♢"
+ case .Clubs: return "♧"
+ }
- }
-// Other
+// MARK: Protocols
+// `protocol`s can require that conforming types have specific
+// instance properties, instance methods, type methods,
+// operators, and subscripts.
+protocol ShapeGenerator {
+ var enabled: Bool { get set }
+ func buildShape() -> Shape
+// Protocols declared with @objc allow optional functions,
+// which allow you to check for conformance
+@objc protocol TransformShape {
+ optional func reshaped()
+ optional func canReshape() -> Bool
+class MyShape: Rect {
+ var delegate: TransformShape?
+ func grow() {
+ sideLength += 2
+ if let allow = self.delegate?.canReshape?() {
+ // test for delegate then for method
+ self.delegate?.reshaped?()
+ }
+ }
+// MARK: Other
-// `protocol`: Similar to Java interfaces.
-// `extension`s: Add extra functionality to an already created type
+// `extension`s: Add extra functionality to an already existing type
+// Square now "conforms" to the `Printable` protocol
+extension Square: Printable {
+ var description: String {
+ return "Area: \(self.getArea()) - ID: \(self.identifier)"
+ }
+println("Square: \(mySquare)")
+// You can also extend built-in types
+extension Int {
+ var customProperty: String {
+ return "This is \(self)"
+ }
+ func multiplyBy(num: Int) -> Int {
+ return num * self
+ }
+println(7.customProperty) // "This is 7"
+println(14.multiplyBy(2)) // 42
// Generics: Similar to Java. Use the `where` keyword to specify the
// requirements of the generics.
+func findIndex<T: Equatable>(array: [T], valueToFind: T) -> Int? {
+ for (index, value) in enumerate(array) {
+ if value == valueToFind {
+ return index
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+let foundAtIndex = findIndex([1, 2, 3, 4], 3)
+println(foundAtIndex == 2) // true
+// Operators:
+// Custom operators can start with the characters:
+// / = - + * % < > ! & | ^ . ~
+// or
+// Unicode math, symbol, arrow, dingbat, and line/box drawing characters.
+prefix operator !!! {}
+// A prefix operator that triples the side length when used
+prefix func !!! (inout shape: Square) -> Square {
+ shape.sideLength *= 3
+ return shape
+// current value
+println(mySquare.sideLength) // 4
+// change side length using custom !!! operator, increases size by 3
+println(mySquare.sideLength) // 12
diff --git a/typescript.html.markdown b/typescript.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8173aac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typescript.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+language: TypeScript
+ - ["Philippe Vlérick", ""]
+filename: learntypescript.ts
+TypeScript is a language that aims at easing development of large scale applications written in JavaScript.
+TypeScript adds common concepts such as classes, modules, interfaces, generics and (optional) static typing to JavaScript.
+It is a superset of JavaScript: all JavaScript code is valid TypeScript code so it can be added seamlessly to any project. The TypeScript compiler emits JavaScript.
+This article will focus only on TypeScript extra syntax, as oposed to [JavaScript] (../javascript/).
+To test TypeScript's compiler, head to the [Playground] ( where you will be able to type code, have auto completion and directly see the emitted JavaScript.
+//There are 3 basic types in TypeScript
+var isDone: boolean = false;
+var lines: number = 42;
+var name: string = "Anders";
+//..When it's impossible to know, there is the "Any" type
+var notSure: any = 4;
+notSure = "maybe a string instead";
+notSure = false; // okay, definitely a boolean
+//For collections, there are typed arrays and generic arrays
+var list: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
+//Alternatively, using the generic array type
+var list: Array<number> = [1, 2, 3];
+//For enumerations:
+enum Color {Red, Green, Blue};
+var c: Color = Color.Green;
+//Lastly, "void" is used in the special case of a function not returning anything
+function bigHorribleAlert(): void {
+ alert("I'm a little annoying box!");
+//Functions are first class citizens, support the lambda "fat arrow" syntax and use type inference
+//All examples are equivalent, the same signature will be infered by the compiler, and same JavaScript will be emitted
+var f1 = function(i: number) : number { return i * i; }
+var f2 = function(i: number) { return i * i; } //Return type infered
+var f3 = (i : number) : number => { return i * i; }
+var f4 = (i: number) => { return i * i; } //Return type infered
+var f5 = (i: number) => i * i; //Return type infered, one-liner means no return keyword needed
+//Interfaces are structural, anything that has the properties is compliant with the interface
+interface Person {
+ name: string;
+ //Optional properties, marked with a "?"
+ age?: number;
+ //And of course functions
+ move(): void;
+//..Object that implements the "Person" interface
+var p : Person = { name: "Bobby", move : () => {} }; //Can be treated as a Person since it has the name and age properties
+//..Objects that have the optional property:
+var validPerson : Person = { name: "Bobby", age: 42, move: () => {} };
+var invalidPerson : Person = { name: "Bobby", age: true }; //Is not a person because age is not a number
+//..Interfaces can also describe a function type
+interface SearchFunc {
+ (source: string, subString: string): boolean;
+//..Only the parameters' types are important, names are not important.
+var mySearch: SearchFunc;
+mySearch = function(src: string, sub: string) {
+ return != -1;
+//Classes - members are public by default
+class Point {
+ //Properties
+ x: number;
+ //Constructor - the public/private keywords in this context will generate the boiler plate code
+ // for the property and the initialization in the constructor.
+ // In this example, "y" will be defined just like "x" is, but with less code
+ //Default values are also supported
+ constructor(x: number, public y: number = 0) {
+ this.x = x;
+ }
+ //Functions
+ dist() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); }
+ //Static members
+ static origin = new Point(0, 0);
+var p1 = new Point(10 ,20);
+var p2 = new Point(25); //y will be 0
+class Point3D extends Point {
+ constructor(x: number, y: number, public z: number = 0) {
+ super(x, y); //Explicit call to the super class constructor is mandatory
+ }
+ //Overwrite
+ dist() {
+ var d = super.dist();
+ return Math.sqrt(d * d + this.z * this.z);
+ }
+//Modules, "." can be used as separator for sub modules
+module Geometry {
+ export class Square {
+ constructor(public sideLength: number = 0) {
+ }
+ area() {
+ return Math.pow(this.sideLength, 2);
+ }
+ }
+var s1 = new Geometry.Square(5);
+//..Local alias for referencing a module
+import G = Geometry;
+var s2 = new G.Square(10);
+class Tuple<T1, T2> {
+ constructor(public item1: T1, public item2: T2) {
+ }
+interface Pair<T> {
+ item1: T;
+ item2: T;
+//..And functions
+var pairToTuple = function<T>(p: Pair<T>) {
+ return new Tuple(p.item1, p.item2);
+var tuple = pairToTuple({ item1:"hello", item2:"world"});
+//Including references to a definition file:
+/// <reference path="jquery.d.ts" />
+## Further Reading
+ * [TypeScript Official website] (
+ * [TypeScript language specifications (pdf)] (
+ * [Anders Hejlsberg - Introducing TypeScript on Channel 9] (
+ * [Source Code on GitHub] (
+ * [Definitely Typed - repository for type definitions] (
diff --git a/zh-cn/markdown-cn.html.markdown b/zh-cn/markdown-cn.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..975ebcb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh-cn/markdown-cn.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+language: Markdown
+ - ["Dan Turkel", ""]
+ - ["Fangzhou Chen"]
+lang: zh-cn
+Markdown 由 John Gruber 于 2004年创立. 它旨在成为一门容易读写的语法结构,并可以便利地转换成 HTML(以及其他很多)格式。
+<!-- Markdown 是 HTML 的父集,所以任何 HTML 文件都是有效的 Markdown。
+这意味着我们可以在 Markdown 里使用任何 HTML 元素,比如注释元素,
+且不会被 Markdown 解析器所影响。不过如果你在 Markdown 文件内创建了 HTML 元素,
+你将无法在 HTML 元素的内容中使用 Markdown 语法。-->
+<!-- 在不同的解析器中,Markdown 的实现方法有所不同。
+此教程会指出当某功能是否通用及是否只对某一解析器有效。 -->
+<!-- 标头 -->
+<!-- 通过在文本前加上不同数量的hash(#), 你可以创建相对应的 <h1>
+到 <h6> HTML元素。-->
+# 这是一个 <h1>
+## 这是一个 <h2>
+### 这是一个 <h3>
+#### 这是一个 <h4>
+##### 这是一个 <h5>
+###### 这是一个 <h6>
+<!-- 对于 <h1> 和 <h2> 元素,Markdown 额外提供了两种添加方式。 -->
+这是一个 h1
+这是一个 h2
+<!-- 简易文本样式 -->
+<!-- 文本的斜体,粗体,和删除线在 Markdown 中可以轻易地被实现。-->
+<!-- 在 Github 采用的 Markdown 中 -->
+<!-- 单个段落由一句或多句邻近的句子组成,这些句子由一个或多个空格分隔。-->
+这是第一段落. 这句话在同一个段落里,好玩么?
+<!-- 如果你插入一个 HTML中的<br />标签,你可以在段末加入两个以上的空格,
+上文有一个 <br /> !
+<!-- 段落引用可由 > 字符轻松实现。-->
+> 这是一个段落引用. 你可以
+> 手动断开你的句子,然后在每句句子前面添加 “>” 字符。或者让你的句子变得很长,以至于他们自动得断开。
+> 只要你的文字以“>” 字符开头,两种方式无异。
+> 你也对文本进行
+>> 多层引用
+> 这多机智啊!
+<!-- 序列 -->
+<!-- 无序序列可由星号,加号或者减号来建立 -->
+* 项目
+* 项目
+* 另一个项目
++ 项目
++ 项目
++ 另一个项目
+- 项目
+- 项目
+- 最后一个项目
+<!-- 有序序列可由数字加点来实现 -->
+1. 项目一
+2. 项目二
+3. 项目三
+<!-- 即使你的标签数字有误,Markdown 依旧会呈现出正确的序号,
+1. 项目一
+1. 项目二
+1. 项目三
+<!-- (此段与前例一模一样) -->
+<!-- 你也可以使用子序列 -->
+1. 项目一
+2. 项目二
+3. 项目三
+ * 子项目
+ * 子项目
+4. 项目四
+<!-- 代码段落 -->
+<!-- 代码段落(HTML中 <code>标签)可以由缩进四格(spaces)
+ This is code
+ So is this
+<!-- 在你的代码中,你仍然使用tab可以进行缩进操作 -->
+ my_array.each do |item|
+ puts item
+ end
+<!-- 内联代码可由反引号 ` 实现 -->
+John 甚至不知道 `go_to()` 方程是干嘛的!
+<!-- 在Github的 Markdown中,对于代码你可以使用特殊的语法 -->
+\`\`\`ruby <!-- 插入时记得移除反斜线, 仅留```ruby ! -->
+def foobar
+ puts "Hello world!"
+\`\`\` <!-- 这里也是,移除反斜线,仅留 ``` -->
+<!-- 以上代码不需要缩进,而且 Github 会根据```后表明的语言来进行语法高亮 -->
+<!-- 水平线 (<hr />) -->
+<!-- 水平线可由三个或以上的星号或者减号创建,可带可不带空格。 -->
+- - -
+<!-- 链接 -->
+<!-- Markdown 最棒的地方就是简易的链接制作。链接文字放在中括号[]内,
+<!-- 你也可以为链接加入一个标题:在括弧内使用引号 -->
+[点我点我!]( "连接到")
+<!-- 相对路径也可以有 -->
+[去 music](/music/).
+<!-- Markdown同样支持引用样式的链接 -->
+[看一看这个链接][foobar] 如果你愿意的话.
+[link1]: "Cool!"
+[foobar]: "Alright!"
+<!-- 链接的标题可以处于单引号中,括弧中或是被忽略。引用名可以在文档的任意何处,
+<!-- “隐含式命名” 的功能可以让链接文字作为引用名 -->
+[This][] is a link.
+<!-- 但这并不常用 -->
+<!-- 图像 -->
+<!-- 图像与链接相似,只需在前添加一个感叹号 -->
+![这是我图像的悬停文本(alt text)]( "可选命名")
+<!-- 引用样式也同样起作用 -->
+[myimage]: relative/urls/cool/image.jpg "在此输入标题"
+<!-- 杂项 -->
+<!-- 自动链接 -->
+<> 与
+[]( 等同
+<!-- 电子邮件的自动链接 -->
+<!-- 转义字符 -->
+我希望 *将这段文字置于星号之间* 但是我不希望它被
+斜体化, 所以我就: \*这段置文字于星号之间\*。
+<!-- 表格 -->
+<!-- 表格只被 Github 的 Markdown 支持,并且有一点笨重,但如果你真的要用的话: -->
+| 第一列 | 第二列 | 第三列 |
+| :---------- | :------: | ----------: |
+| 左对齐 | 居个中 | 右对齐 |
+| 某某某 | 某某某 | 某某某 |
+<!-- 或者, 同样的 -->
+第一列 | 第二列 | 第三列
+:-- | :-: | --:
+这太丑了 | 药不能 | 停
+<!-- 结束! -->
+更多信息, 请于[此处](参见 John Gruber 关于语法的官方帖子,及于[此处]( 参见 Adam Pritchard 的摘要笔记。