diff options
16 files changed, 772 insertions, 305 deletions
diff --git a/bash.html.markdown b/bash.html.markdown
index 59aeaaf4..7ca4285b 100644
--- a/bash.html.markdown
+++ b/bash.html.markdown
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ translators:
Bash is a name of the unix shell, which was also distributed as the shell
-for the GNU operating system and as default shell on Linux and Mac OS X.
+for the GNU operating system and as the default shell on most Linux distros.
Nearly all examples below can be a part of a shell script
or executed directly in the shell.
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ cat file.txt
# We can also read the file using `cat`:
Contents=$(cat file.txt)
# "\n" prints a new line character
-# "-e" to interpret the newline escape characters as escape characters
+# "-e" to interpret the newline escape characters as escape characters
echo -e "START OF FILE\n$Contents\nEND OF FILE"
# => [contents of file.txt]
diff --git a/cobol.html.markdown b/cobol.html.markdown
index 4452bd95..7d94d8c9 100644
--- a/cobol.html.markdown
+++ b/cobol.html.markdown
@@ -8,178 +8,187 @@ COBOL is a business-oriented language revised multiple times since its original
- *COBOL. Coding like it's 1985.
+ *COBOL. Coding like it's 1985.
*Compiles with GnuCOBOL in OpenCobolIDE 4.7.6.
*COBOL has significant differences between legacy (COBOL-85)
*and modern (COBOL-2002 and COBOL-2014) versions.
*Legacy versions require columns 1-6 to be blank (they are used
*to store the index number of the punched card..)
- *A * in column 7 means a comment.
+ *A '*' in column 7 means a comment.
*In legacy COBOL, a comment can only be a full line.
*Modern COBOL doesn't require fixed columns and uses *> for
*a comment, which can appear in the middle of a line.
*Legacy COBOL also imposes a limit on maximum line length.
*Keywords have to be in capitals in legacy COBOL,
*but are case insensitive in modern.
- *First, we must give our program ID.
+ *Although modern COBOL allows you to use mixed-case characters
+ *it is still common to use all caps when writing COBOL code.
+ *This is what most professional COBOL developers do.
+ *COBOL statements end with a period.
+ *COBOL code is broken up into 4 divisions.
+ *Those divisions, in order, are:
+ *First, we must give our program an ID.
*Identification division can include other values too,
- *but they are comments only. Program-id is mandatory.
- identification division.
- program-id. learn.
+ *but they are comments only. Program-id is the only one that is mandatory.
+ DATE-WRITTEN. 05/02/2020.
*Let's declare some variables.
- data division.
- working-storage section.
- *Variables are specified by a "picture" - how they should be
- *displayed, and variable type is inferred from this.
- *The "01" value is the level number which is used for building
- *data structures.
- 01 myname picture xxxxxxxxxx. *> A 10 character string.
- 01 age picture 999. *> A number up to 3 digits.
- 01 valx picture 999. *> Another number up to 3 digits.
- 01 inyear picture s9(7). *> S makes number signed.
+ *We do this in the WORKING-STORAGE section within the DATA DIVISION.
+ *Each data item (aka variable) with start with a level number,
+ *then the name of the item, followed by a picture clause
+ *describing the type of data that the variable will contain.
+ *Almost every COBOL programmer will abbreviate PICTURE as PIC.
+ *A is for alphabetic, X is for alphanumeric, and 9 is for numeric.
+ *example:
+ 01 MYNAME PIC xxxxxxxxxx. *> A 10 character string.
+ *But counting all those x's can lead to errors,
+ *so the above code can, and should
+ *be re-written as:
+ 01 MYNAME PIC X(10).
+ *Here are some more examples:
+ 01 AGE PIC 9(3). *> A number up to 3 digits.
+ 01 LAST_NAME PIC X(10). *> A string up to 10 characters.
+ *In COBOL, multiple spaces are the same as a single space, so it is common
+ *to use multiple spaces to line up your code so that it is easier for other
+ *coders to read.
+ 01 inyear picture s9(7). *> S makes number signed.
*> Brackets indicate 7 repeats of 9,
*> ie a 6 digit number (not an array).
- *Now let's write some code.
- procedure division.
- main-procedure.
- *> COBOL is the language that uses DISPLAY instead of PRINT.
- *> Note: no full stops after commands. Only after the LAST
- *> command.
- display "Hello. What's your name?"
- *> Let's input a string.
- *> If input too long, later characters are trimmed.
- accept myname
- display "Hello " myname *> We can display several things.
- display "How old are you?"
- *> Let's input a number.
- *> If input too long, EARLIER characters are trimmed.
- accept age
- display age *> Left-padded to three chracaters with zeroes,
- *> because of the defined PICTURE for age.
- *> We have two ways of doing a FOR loop.
- *> Old style way: doesn't give an index.
- perform age times
- display "*" with no advancing *> Ie, no newline at end
- end-perform
- display "." *> Output buffer isn't flushed until newline.
- *> New style way: with an index.
- perform varying valx from 1 by 1 until valx > age
- display valx "-" with no advancing
- end-perform
- display "."
- *> If tests are still good old if tests.
- if myname = "Bob" then
- display "I don't like Bob."
- else
- display "I don't know you."
- end-if
- *> There are two ways of doing subprograms and calling
- *> them.
- *> The simplest way: a paragraph.
- perform subparagraph
- *> The complex way, with parameters and stuff.
- call "eratosthenes" using age returning valx
- display "There were " valx " primes."
- stop run.
- subparagraph. *> Marks the top of an internal subprogram.
- *> Shares variable score with its caller.
- *> Read year from system timer.
- *> Remember the whole "year 2000 crisis"? The yyyyddd
- *> option was added in response to that.
- accept inyear from day yyyyddd.
- *> We can do math step-by-step like this...
- divide 1000 into inyear.
- subtract age from inyear.
- display "You were born in " inyear "."
- *> Or we can just use expressions.
- compute inyear = 1970 - inyear.
- if inyear >= 0 then
- display "When you were " inyear ", " with no advancing
- else
- display inyear " years before you were born, " with no
- advancing
- end-if
- display "COBOL was the most popular language in the world."
- . *> You can put the final . on a new line if it's clearer.
- *If we want to use a subprogram, we use literally a subprogram.
- *This is the entire program layout, repeated for the
- *eratosthenes subroutine.
- identification division.
- program-id. eratosthenes.
- data division.
- working-storage section.
- *Declare an array.
- *We can declare a variable to use as an index for it at the
- *same time.
- 01 sieve pic 9 occurs 999 times indexed by sa, sb.
- *> Standard cobol doesn't have a boolean type.
- 01 pstart pic 999.
- 01 counter pic 999.
- *Our parameters have to be declared in the linkage section.
- *Their pictures must match the values they're called with.
- linkage section.
- 01 maxvalue picture 999.
- *"using" declares our actual parameter variables.
- *"returning" declares the variable value returned at end.
- procedure division using maxvalue returning counter.
- main-procedure.
- display "Here are all the primes up to " maxvalue "."
- perform varying sa from 1 by 1 until sa > maxvalue
- move 1 to sieve (sa)
- end-perform
- perform varying sa from 2 by 1 until sa > maxvalue
- if sieve(sa) = 1 then
- compute pstart = sa + sa
- perform varying sb from pstart by sa until sb >
- maxvalue
- move 0 to sieve(sb)
- end-perform
- end-if
- end-perform
- initialise counter *> To zero by default for a number.
- perform varying sa from 2 by 1 until sa > maxvalue
- if sieve(sa) = 1 THEN
- display sa
- add 1 to counter
- end-if
- end-perform.
- end program eratosthenes.
- end program learn.
+ *Now let's write some code. Here is a simple, Hello World program.
+ *The above code will output:
+ ********COBOL can perform math***************
+ *********PERFORM********************
+ *The PERFORM keyword allows you to jump to another specified section of the code,
+ *and then to return to the next executable
+ *statement once the specified section of code is completed.
+ *You must write the full word, PERFORM, you cannot abbreviate it.
+ PERFORM THIRD-PARA THRU FOURTH-PARA. *>skip second-para and perfrom 3rd & 4th
+ *> then after performing third and fourth,
+ *> return here and continue the program until STOP RUN.
+ *When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result:
+ **********Combining variables together using STRING ***********
+ *Now it is time to learn about two related COBOL verbs: string and unstring.
+ *The string verb is used to concatenate, or put together, two or more stings.
+ *Unstring is used, not surprisingly, to separate a
+ *string into two or more smaller strings.
+ *It is important that you remember to use ‘delimited by’ when you
+ *are using string or unstring in your program.
+ 01 FULL-NAME PIC X(20).
+ " "
+ *The above code will output:
+ *Let’s examine it to see why.
+ *First, we declared all of our variables, including the one that we are creating
+ *by the string command, in the DATA DIVISION.
+ *The action takes place down in the PROCEDURE DIVISION.
+ *We start with the STRING keyword and end with END-STRING. In between we
+ *list what we want to combine together into the larger, master variable.
+ *Here, we are combining FIRST-NAME, a space, and LAST-NAME.
+ *The DELIMITED BY phrase that follows FIRST-NAME and
+ *LAST-NAME tells the program how much of each variable we want to capture.
+ *DELIMITED BY SPACE tells the program to start at the beginning,
+ *and capture the variable until it runs into a space.
+ *DELIMITED BY SIZE tells the program to capture the full size of the variable.
+ *Since we have DELIMITED BY SPACE after FIRST-NAME, the GIBBERISH part is ignored.
+ *To make this clearer, change line 10 in the above code to:
+ *and then re-run the program. This time the output is:
diff --git a/elixir.html.markdown b/elixir.html.markdown
index 0226ecaf..8b80c582 100644
--- a/elixir.html.markdown
+++ b/elixir.html.markdown
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ self() #=> #PID<0.27.0>
# Create an agent with `Agent.start_link`, passing in a function
# The initial state of the agent will be whatever that function returns
-{ok, my_agent} = Agent.start_link(fn -> ["red", "green"] end)
+{:ok, my_agent} = Agent.start_link(fn -> ["red", "green"] end)
# `Agent.get` takes an agent name and a `fn` that gets passed the current state
# Whatever that `fn` returns is what you'll get back
diff --git a/fr-fr/elisp-fr.html.markdown b/fr-fr/elisp-fr.html.markdown
index 2e0a9408..f9bf589c 100644
--- a/fr-fr/elisp-fr.html.markdown
+++ b/fr-fr/elisp-fr.html.markdown
@@ -328,9 +328,9 @@ lang: fr-fr
(other-window 1))
;; Cette fonction introduit `re-search-forward' : au lieu de chercher
-;; la chaîne "Bonjour", nous cherchons un "pattern" en utilisant une
-;; "expression régulière" (le préfixe "re-" signifie "regular
-;; expression").
+;; la chaîne "Bonjour", nous cherchons un motif ("pattern" en anglais)
+;; en utilisant une "expression régulière" (le préfixe "re-" signifie
+;; "regular expression").
;; L'expression régulière est "Bonjour \\(.+\\)!" et se lit :
;; la chaîne "Bonjour ", et
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ lang: fr-fr
-;; `add-text-properties' ajoute des propriétés textuelles telle que
+;; `add-text-properties' ajoute des propriétés textuelles telles que
;; des "faces" (une "face" définit la fonte, la couleur, la taille et
;; d'autres propriétés du texte.)
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ lang: fr-fr
;; Pour lire en ligne une introduction à Emacs Lisp :
-;; Merci à ces personnes pour leurs retours et suggetions :
+;; Merci à ces personnes pour leurs retours et suggestions :
;; - Wes Hardaker
;; - notbob
;; - Kevin Montuori
diff --git a/fsharp.html.markdown b/fsharp.html.markdown
index 064a9fdd..c140d6b1 100644
--- a/fsharp.html.markdown
+++ b/fsharp.html.markdown
@@ -633,6 +633,6 @@ module NetCompatibilityExamples =
## More Information
-For more demonstrations of F#, go to the [Try F#]( site, or my [why use F#]( series.
+For more demonstrations of F#, go to my [why use F#]( series.
-Read more about F# at [](
+Read more about F# at []( and [dotnet's F# page](
diff --git a/lbstanza.html.markdown b/lbstanza.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19dc7db7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lbstanza.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+language: LB Stanza
+filename: learn-stanza.stanza
+ - ["Mike Hilgendorf", ""]
+LB Stanza (or Stanza for short) is a new optionally-typed general purpose programming language from the University of California, Berkeley. Stanza was designed to help programmers tackle the complexity of architecting large programs and significantly increase the productivity of application programmers across the entire software development life cycle.
+; this is a comment
+This is a block comment
+ ;<B>
+ block comments can be nested with optional tags.
+ ;<B>
+defpackage learn-stanza-in-y:
+ import core
+ import collections
+; The basics, things you'd find in most programming languages
+; Variables can be mutable (var) or immutable (val)
+val immutable = "this string can't be changed"
+var mutable = "this one can be"
+mutable = "like this"
+; The basic data types (annotations are optional)
+val an-int: Int = 12345
+val a-long: Long = 12345L
+val a-float: Float = 1.2345f
+val a-double: Double = 3.14159
+val a-string: String = "this is a string"
+val a-multiline-string = \<tag>
+ this is a "raw" string literal
+; Print a formatted string with println and "..." % [...]
+println("this is a formatted string %_ %_" % [mutable, immutable])
+; Stanza is optionally typed, and has a ? (any) type.
+var anything:? = 0
+anything = 3.14159
+anything = "a string"
+; Stanza has basic collections like Tuples, Arrays, Vectors and HashTables
+val tuple: Tuple<?> = [mutable, immutable]
+val array = Array<?>(3)
+array[0] = "string"
+array[1] = 1
+array[2] = 1.23455
+; array[3] = "out-of-bounds" ; arrays are bounds-checked
+val vector = Vector<?>()
+vector[0] = "string"
+vector[1] = 1
+vector[2] = 3.14159
+val hash-table = HashTable<String, ?>()
+hash-table["0"] = 0
+hash-table["1"] = 1
+hash-table["2"] = 1
+; Functions
+; Functions are declared with the `defn` keyword
+defn my-function (arg:?) : ; note the space between identifier and arg list
+ println("called my-function with %_" % [arg])
+my-function("arg") ; note the lack of a space to call the function
+; Functions can be declared inside another function and capture variables from
+; the surrounding environment.
+defn outer (arg):
+ defn inner ():
+ println("outer had arg: %_" % [arg])
+ inner()
+; functions are "first-class" in stanza, meaning you can assign variables
+; to functions and pass functions as arguments to other functions.
+val a-function = outer
+defn do-n-times (arg, func, n:Int):
+ for i in 0 to n do :
+ func(arg)
+do-n-times("argument", a-function, 3)
+; sometimes you want to define a function inline, or use an anonymous function.
+; for this you can use the syntax:
+; fn (args):
+; ...
+do-n-times("hello", fn (arg): println(arg), 2)
+; there is a shorthand for writing anonymous functions
+do-n-times("hello", { println(_) }, 2)
+; the short hand works for multiple arguments as well.
+val multi-lambda = { println(_ + 2 * _) }
+multi-lambda(1, 2)
+; User defined types
+; Structs are declared with the `defstruct` keyword
+defstruct MyStruct:
+ field
+; constructors are derived automatically
+val my-struct = MyStruct("field:value")
+; fields are accessed using function-call syntax
+; Stanza supports subtyping with a "multimethod" system based on method
+; overloading.
+deftype MyType
+defmulti a-method (m:MyType)
+defstruct Foo <: MyType
+defstruct Bar <: MyType
+defmethod a-method (a-foo: Foo):
+ println("called a-method on a Foo")
+defmethod a-method (a-foo: Bar):
+ println("called a-method on a Bar")
+; The Type System
+; True and Falseare types with a single value.
+val a-true: True = true
+val a-false: False = false
+; You can declare a union type, or a value that is one of a set of types
+val a-boolean: True|False = true
+val another-boolean: True|False = false
+; You can pattern match on types
+ (t:True): println("is true")
+ (f:False): println("is false")
+; You can match against a single possible type
+ println("is still true")
+ println("is not true")
+; You can compose program logic around the type of a variable
+if anything is Float :
+ println("anything is a float")
+else if anything is-not String :
+ println("anything is not an int")
+else :
+ println("I don't know what anything is")
+; Control Flow
+; stanza has the standard basic control flow
+val condition = [false, false]
+if condition[0] :
+ ; do something
+ false
+else if condition[1] :
+ ; do another thing
+ false
+else :
+ ; whatever else
+ false
+; there is also a switch statement, which can be used to pattern match
+; on values (as opposed to types)
+ "this": false
+ "that": false
+ "the-other-thing": false
+ else: false
+; for and while loops are supported
+while condition[0]:
+ println("do stuff")
+for i in 0 to 10 do:
+ vector[i] = i
+; stanza also supports named labels which can functin as break or return
+; statements
+defn another-fn ():
+ label<False> return:
+ label<False> break:
+ while true:
+ if condition[0] is False:
+ break(false)
+ return(false)
+; For a comprehensive guide on Stanza's advanced control flow, check out
+; this page: from Stanza-by-Example
+; Sequences
+; for "loops" are sugar for a more powerful syntax.
+val xs = [1, 2, 3]
+val ys = ['a', 'b', 'c']
+val zs = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
+for (x in xs, y in ys, z in zs) do :
+ println("x:%_, y:%_, z:%_" % [x, y, z])
+;xs, ys, and zs are all "Seqable" meaing they are Seq types (sequences).
+; the `do` identifier is a special function that just applies the body of
+; the for loop to each element of the sequence.
+; A common sequence task is concatenating sequences. This is accomplished
+; using the `seq-cat` function. This is analogous to "flattening" iterateors
+val concat = to-tuple $
+ for sequence in [xs, ys, zs] seq-cat:
+ sequence
+; we can also use a variation to interleave the elements of multiple sequences
+val interleaved = to-tuple $
+ for (x in xs, y in ys, z in zs) seq-cat :
+ [x, y, z]
+println("[%,] [%,]" % [concat, interleaved])
+; Another common task is mapping a sequence to another, for example multiplying
+; all the elements of a list of numbers by a constant. To do this we use `seq`.
+var numbers = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]
+numbers = to-tuple $
+ for n in numbers seq :
+ 2.0 * n
+println("%," % [numbers])
+if find({_ == 2.0}, numbers) is-not False :
+ println("found it!")
+; or maybe we just want to know if there's something in a sequence
+var is-there =
+ for n in numbers any? :
+ n == 2.0
+; since this is "syntactic sugar" we can write it explicitly using an
+; anonymous function
+is-there = any?({_ == 2.0}, numbers)
+; a detailed reference of the sequence library and various adaptors can
+; be found here:
+; Documentation
+; Top level statements can be prefixed with the "doc" field which takes
+; a string value and is used to autogenerate documentation for the package.
+doc: \<doc>
+ # Document Strings
+ ```stanza
+ val you-can = "include code snippets, too"
+ ```
+ To render documentation as markdown (compatible with mdbook)
+ ```bash
+ stanza doc source.stanza -o docs
+ ```
+defn docfn () : false
+``` \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pt-br/sass-pt.html.markdown b/pt-br/sass-pt.html.markdown
index 3d91f1ca..28df3c59 100644
--- a/pt-br/sass-pt.html.markdown
+++ b/pt-br/sass-pt.html.markdown
@@ -56,19 +56,19 @@ body {
-/ * Este é muito mais fácil de manter do que ter de mudar a cor
-cada vez que aparece em toda a sua folha de estilo. * /
+/* Este é muito mais fácil de manter do que ter de mudar a cor
+cada vez que aparece em toda a sua folha de estilo. */
+/* Mixins
-/* Se você achar que você está escrevendo o mesmo código para mais de um
-elemento, você pode querer armazenar esse código em um mixin.
+/* Se você achar que está escrevendo o mesmo código para mais de um
+elemento, você pode armazenar esse código em um mixin.
Use a diretiva '@mixin', além de um nome para o seu mixin. */
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ div {
background-color: $primary-color;
-/* Apoś compilar ficaria assim: */
+/* Após compilar ficaria assim: */
div {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ div {
+/* Funções
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ div {
/* Funções pode ser chamado usando seu nome e passando o
    argumentos necessários */
body {
width: round(10.25px);
@@ -156,14 +157,14 @@ body {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
-/* Você também pode definir suas próprias funções. As funções são muito semelhantes aos
-   mixins. Ao tentar escolher entre uma função ou um mixin, lembre-
-   que mixins são os melhores para gerar CSS enquanto as funções são melhores para
-   lógica que pode ser usado em todo o seu código Sass. Os exemplos
-   seção Operadores Math 'são candidatos ideais para se tornar um reutilizável
-   função. */
+/* Você também pode definir suas próprias funções. As funções são muito semelhantes
+ aos mixins. Ao tentar escolher entre uma função ou um mixin, lembre
+ que mixins são os melhores para gerar CSS enquanto as funções são melhores para
+ lógica que pode ser usado em todo o seu código Sass. Os exemplos na
+ seção "Operações Math" são candidatos ideais para se tornar um função
+ reutilizável. */
-/* Esta função terá um tamanho de destino eo tamanho do pai e calcular
+/* Esta função terá um tamanho de destino e o tamanho do pai (parent), calcular
   e voltar a percentagem */
@function calculate-percentage($target-size, $parent-size) {
@@ -220,21 +221,21 @@ $main-content: calculate-percentage(600px, 960px);
border-color: #22df56;
-/* Ampliando uma declaração CSS é preferível a criação de um mixin
-   por causa da maneira agrupa as classes que todos compartilham
+/* Ao ampliar uma declaração CSS é preferível a criação de um mixin,
+   por causa da maneira em que agrupa as classes com todos que compartilham
   o mesmo estilo base. Se isso for feito com um mixin, a largura,
   altura, e a borda seria duplicado para cada instrução que
   o chamado mixin. Enquanto isso não irá afetar o seu fluxo de trabalho, será
-   adicionar inchaço desnecessário para os arquivos criados pelo compilador Sass. */
+   adicionado inchaço desnecessário para os arquivos criados pelo compilador Sass. */
+/* Assentamento
-/ * Sass permite seletores ninhos dentro seletores * /
+/* Sass permite seletores ninhos dentro seletores */
ul {
list-style-type: none;
@@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ ul {
-/* '&' será substituído pelo selector pai. */
+/* '&' será substituído pelo selector pai (parent). */
/* Você também pode aninhar pseudo-classes. */
/* Tenha em mente que o excesso de nidificação vai fazer seu código menos sustentável.
Essas práticas também recomendam não vai mais de 3 níveis de profundidade quando nidificação.
@@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ ul li a {
-/*Parciais e Importações
+/* Parciais e Importações
@@ -313,7 +314,7 @@ ol {
/* Sass oferece @import que pode ser usado para importar parciais em um arquivo.
   Isso difere da declaração CSS @import tradicional, que faz
   outra solicitação HTTP para buscar o arquivo importado. Sass converte os
-   importadas arquivo e combina com o código compilado. */
+   arquivo importados e combina com o código compilado. */
@import 'reset';
@@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ body {
font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Sans-serif;
-/* Compiles to: */
+/* Compila para: */
html, body, ul, ol {
margin: 0;
@@ -336,14 +337,14 @@ body {
-/*Placeholder Selectors
+/* Placeholder Selectors
-/* Os espaços reservados são úteis na criação de uma declaração CSS para ampliar. Se você
-   queria criar uma instrução CSS que foi usado exclusivamente com @extend,
-   Você pode fazer isso usando um espaço reservado. Espaços reservados começar com um '%' em vez
-   de '.' ou '#'. Espaços reservados não aparece no CSS compilado. * /
+/* Os Placeholders são úteis na criação de uma declaração CSS para ampliar. Se você
+   deseja criar uma instrução CSS que foi usado exclusivamente com @extend,
+   você pode fazer isso usando um Placeholder. Placeholder começar com um '%' em vez
+   de '.' ou '#'. Placeholder não aparece no CSS compilado. */
%content-window {
font-size: 14px;
@@ -372,14 +373,14 @@ body {
-/*Operações Math
-============================== * /
+/* Operações Math
+============================== */
/* Sass fornece os seguintes operadores: +, -, *, /, e %. estes podem
-   ser úteis para calcular os valores diretamente no seu Sass arquivos em vez
-   de usar valores que você já calculados pela mão. Abaixo está um exemplo
-   de uma criação de um projeto simples de duas colunas. * /
+   ser úteis para calcular os valores diretamente no seu arquivos Sass em vez
+ de usar valores que você já calculados manualmente. O exemplo abaixo é
+ de um projeto simples de duas colunas. */
$content-area: 960px;
$main-content: 600px;
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index 44ed7ed9..27b2b22a 100644
--- a/python.html.markdown
+++ b/python.html.markdown
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ some_unknown_var # Raises a NameError
# if can be used as an expression
# Equivalent of C's '?:' ternary operator
-"yahoo!" if 3 > 2 else 2 # => "yahoo!"
+"yay!" if 0 > 1 else "nay!" # => "nay!"
# Lists store sequences
li = []
diff --git a/qsharp.html.markdown b/qsharp.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b256043c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qsharp.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+language: Q#
+ - ["Vincent van Wingerden", ""]
+ - ["Mariia Mykhailova", ""]
+ - ["Andrew Ryan Davis", ""]
+filename: LearnQSharp.qs
+Q# is a high-level domain-specific language which enables developers to write quantum algorithms. Q# programs can be executed on a quantum simulator running on a classical computer and (in future) on quantum computers.
+// Single-line comments start with //
+// 1. Quantum data types and operators
+// The most important part of quantum programs is qubits.
+// In Q# type Qubit represents the qubits which can be used.
+// This will allocate an array of two new qubits as the variable qs.
+using (qs = Qubit[2]) {
+ // The qubits have internal state that you cannot access to read or modify directly.
+ // You can inspect the current state of your quantum program
+ // if you're running it on a classical simulator.
+ // Note that this will not work on actual quantum hardware!
+ DumpMachine();
+ // If you want to change the state of a qubit
+ // you have to do this by applying quantum gates to the qubit.
+ H(q[0]); // This changes the state of the first qubit
+ // from |0⟩ (the initial state of allocated qubits)
+ // to (|0⟩ + |1⟩) / sqrt(2).
+ // q[1] = |1⟩; - this does NOT work, you have to manipulate a qubit by using gates.
+ // You can apply multi-qubit gates to several qubits.
+ CNOT(qs[0], qs[1]);
+ // You can also apply a controlled version of a gate:
+ // a gate that is applied if all control qubits are in |1⟩ state.
+ // The first argument is an array of control qubits,
+ // the second argument is the target qubit.
+ Controlled Y([qs[0]], qs[1]);
+ // If you want to apply an anti-controlled gate
+ // (a gate that is applied if all control qubits are in |0⟩ state),
+ // you can use a library function.
+ ApplyControlledOnInt(0, X, [qs[0]], qs[1]);
+ // To read the information from the quantum system, you use measurements.
+ // Measurements return a value of Result data type: Zero or One.
+ // You can print measurement results as a classical value.
+ Message($"Measured {M(qs[0])}, {M(qs[1])}");
+// 2. Classical data types and operators
+// Numbers in Q# can be stored in Int, BigInt or Double.
+let i = 1; // This defines an Int variable i equal to 1
+let bi = 1L; // This defines a BigInt variable bi equal to 1
+let d = 1.0; // This defines a Double variable d equal to 1
+// Arithmetic is done as expected, as long as the types are the same
+let n = 2 * 10; // = 20
+// Q# does not have implicit type cast,
+// so to perform arithmetic on values of different types,
+// you need to cast type explicitly
+let nd = IntAsDouble(2) * 1.0; // = 20.0
+// Boolean type is called Bool
+let trueBool = true;
+let falseBool = false;
+// Logic operators work as expected
+let andBool = true and false;
+let orBool = true or false;
+let notBool = not false;
+// Strings
+let str = "Hello World!";
+// Equality is ==
+let x = 10 == 15; // is false
+// Range is a sequence of integers and can be defined like: start..step..stop
+let xi = 1..2..7; // Gives the sequence 1,3,5,7
+// Assigning new value to a variable:
+// by default all Q# variables are immutable;
+// if the variable was defined using let, you cannot reassign its value.
+// When you want to make a variable mutable, you have to declare it as such,
+// and use the set word to update value
+mutable xii = true;
+set xii = false;
+// You can create an array for any data type like this
+let xiii = new Double[10];
+// Getting an element from an array
+let xiv = xiii[8];
+// Assigning a new value to an array element
+mutable xv = new Double[10];
+set xv w/= 5 <- 1;
+// 3. Control flow
+// If structures work a little different than most languages
+if (a == 1) {
+ // ...
+} elif (a == 2) {
+ // ...
+} else {
+ // ...
+// Foreach loops can be used to iterate over an array
+for (qubit in qubits) {
+ X(qubit);
+// Regular for loops can be used to iterate over a range of numbers
+for (index in 0 .. Length(qubits) - 1) {
+ X(qubits[index]);
+// While loops are restricted for use in classical context only
+mutable index = 0;
+while (index < 10) {
+ set index += 1;
+// Quantum equivalent of a while loop is a repeat-until-success loop.
+// Because of the probabilistic nature of quantum computing sometimes
+// you want to repeat a certain sequence of operations
+// until a specific condition is achieved; you can use this loop to express this.
+repeat {
+ // Your operation here
+until (success criteria) // This could be a measurement to check if the state is reached
+fixup {
+ // Resetting to the initial conditions, if required
+// 4. Putting it all together
+// Q# code is written in operations and functions
+operation ApplyXGate(source : Qubit) : Unit {
+ X(source);
+// If the operation implements a unitary transformation, you can define
+// adjoint and controlled variants of it.
+// The easiest way to do that is to add "is Adj + Ctl" after Unit.
+// This will tell the compiler to generate the variants automatically.
+operation ApplyXGateCA (source : Qubit) : Unit is Adj + Ctl {
+ X(source);
+// Now you can call Adjoint ApplyXGateCA and Controlled ApplyXGateCA.
+// To run Q# code, you can put @EntryPoint() before the operation you want to run first
+operation XGateDemo() : Unit {
+ using (q = Qubit()) {
+ ApplyXGate(q);
+ }
+// Here is a simple example: a quantum random number generator.
+// We will generate a classical array of random bits using quantum code.
+operation QRNGDemo() : Unit {
+ mutable bits = new Int[5]; // Array we'll use to store bits
+ using (q = Qubit()) { // Allocate a qubit
+ for (i in 0 .. 4) { // Generate each bit independently
+ H(q); // Hadamard gate sets equal superposition
+ let result = M(q); // Measure qubit gets 0|1 with 50/50 prob
+ let bit = result == Zero ? 0 | 1; // Convert measurement result to integer
+ set bits w/= i <- bit; // Write generated bit to an array
+ }
+ }
+ Message($"{bits}"); // Print the result
+## Further Reading
+The [Quantum Katas][1] offer great self-paced tutorials and programming exercises to learn quantum computing and Q#.
+[Q# Documentation][2] is official Q# documentation, including language reference and user guides.
diff --git a/red.html.markdown b/red.html.markdown
index 74538bd7..34c4bcd9 100644
--- a/red.html.markdown
+++ b/red.html.markdown
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ The Red/System language specification can be found [here](
To learn more about Rebol and Red join the [chat on Gitter]( And if that is not working for you drop a mail to us on the [Red mailing list](mailto: (remove NO_SPAM).
-Browse or ask questions on [Stack Overflow](
+Browse or ask questions on [Stack Overflow](
Maybe you want to try Red right away? That is possible on the [try Rebol and Red site](
diff --git a/ru-ru/pascal-ru.html.markdown b/ru-ru/pascal-ru.html.markdown
index 8a41918f..5ea856bc 100644
--- a/ru-ru/pascal-ru.html.markdown
+++ b/ru-ru/pascal-ru.html.markdown
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ contributors:
- ["Keith Miyake", ""]
- ["Anton 'Dart' Nikolaev", ""]
+lang: ru-ru
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index b2c00baf..9133549d 100644
--- a/ru-ru/python-ru.html.markdown
+++ b/ru-ru/python-ru.html.markdown
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ else: # Необязательное выражение. Должно след
# Объект, который возвратила функция range(), итерируемый.
filled_dict = {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}
our_iterable = filled_dict.keys()
-print(our_iterable) #=> range(1,10). Это объект, реализующий интерфейс iterable
+print(our_iterable) #=> dict_keys(['one', 'two', 'three']). Это объект, реализующий интерфейс iterable
# Мы можем проходить по нему циклом.
for i in our_iterable:
diff --git a/set-theory.html.markdown b/set-theory.html.markdown
index c6bc39c5..6fb657ed 100644
--- a/set-theory.html.markdown
+++ b/set-theory.html.markdown
@@ -3,107 +3,94 @@ category: Algorithms & Data Structures
name: Set theory
-The set theory is a study for sets, their operations, and their properties. It is the basis of the whole mathematical system.
+Set theory is a branch of mathematics that studies sets, their operations, and their properties.
-* A set is a collection of definite distinct items.
+* A set is a collection of disjoint items.
-## Basic operators
-These operators don't require a lot of text to describe.
+## Basic symbols
-* `∨` means or.
-* `∧` means and.
-* `,` separates the filters that determine the items in the set.
+### Operators
+* the union operator, `∪`, pronounced "cup", means "or";
+* the intersection operator, `∩`, pronounced "cap", means "and";
+* the exclusion operator, `\`, means "without";
+* the compliment operator, `'`, means "the inverse of";
+* the cross operator, `×`, means "the Cartesian product of".
-## A brief history of the set theory
-### Naive set theory
-* Cantor invented the naive set theory.
-* It has lots of paradoxes and initiated the third mathematical crisis.
+### Qualifiers
+* the colon qualifier, `:`, means "such that";
+* the membership qualifier, `∈`, means "belongs to";
+* the subset qualifier, `⊆`, means "is a subset of";
+* the proper subset qualifier, `⊂`, means "is a subset of but is not equal to".
-### Axiomatic set theory
-* It uses axioms to define the set theory.
-* It prevents paradoxes from happening.
+### Canonical sets
+* `∅`, the empty set, i.e. the set containing no items;
+* `ℕ`, the set of all natural numbers;
+* `ℤ`, the set of all integers;
+* `ℚ`, the set of all rational numbers;
+* `ℝ`, the set of all real numbers.
-## Built-in sets
-* `∅`, the set of no items.
-* `N`, the set of all natural numbers. `{0,1,2,3,…}`
-* `Z`, the set of all integers. `{…,-2,-1,0,1,2,…}`
-* `Q`, the set of all rational numbers.
-* `R`, the set of all real numbers.
+There are a few caveats to mention regarding the canonical sets:
+1. Even though the empty set contains no items, the empty set is a subset of itself (and indeed every other set);
+2. Mathematicians generally do not universally agree on whether zero is a natural number, and textbooks will typically explicitly state whether or not the author considers zero to be a natural number.
-### The empty set
-* The set containing no items is called the empty set. Representation: `∅`
-* The empty set can be described as `∅ = {x|x ≠ x}`
-* The empty set is always unique.
-* The empty set is the subset of all sets.
-A = {x|x∈N,x < 0}
-A = ∅
-∅ = {} (Sometimes)
+### Cardinality
-|∅| = 0
-|{∅}| = 1
+The cardinality, or size, of a set is determined by the number of items in the set. The cardinality operator is given by a double pipe, `|...|`.
+For example, if `S = { 1, 2, 4 }`, then `|S| = 3`.
+### The Empty Set
+* The empty set can be constructed in set builder notation using impossible conditions, e.g. `∅ = { x : x =/= x }`, or `∅ = { x : x ∈ N, x < 0 }`;
+* the empty set is always unique (i.e. there is one and only one empty set);
+* the empty set is a subset of all sets;
+* the cardinality of the empty set is 1, i.e. `|∅| = 1`.
## Representing sets
-### Enumeration
-* List all items of the set, e.g. `A = {a,b,c,d}`
-* List some of the items of the set. Ignored items are represented with `…`. E.g. `B = {2,4,6,8,10,…}`
-### Description
-* Describes the features of all items in the set. Syntax: `{body|condtion}`
+### Literal Sets
+A set can be constructed literally by supplying a complete list of objects contained in the set. For example, `S = { a, b, c, d }`.
+Long lists may be shortened with ellipses as long as the context is clear. For example, `E = { 2, 4, 6, 8, ... }` is clearly the set of all even numbers, containing an infinite number of objects, even though we've only explicitly written four of them.
+### Set Builder
+Set builder notation is a more descriptive way of constructing a set. It relies on a _subject_ and a _predicate_ such that `S = { subject : predicate }`. For example,
-A = {x|x is a vowel}
-B = {x|x ∈ N, x < 10l}
-C = {x|x = 2k, k ∈ N}
-C = {2x|x ∈ N}
+A = { x : x is a vowel } = { a, e, i, o, u, y}
+B = { x : x ∈ N, x < 10 } = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }
+C = { x : x = 2k, k ∈ N } = { 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, ... }
-## Relations between sets
-### Belongs to
-* If the value `a` is one of the items of the set `A`, `a` belongs to `A`. Representation: `a∈A`
-* If the value `a` is not one of the items of the set `A`, `a` does not belong to `A`. Representation: `a∉A`
+Sometimes the predicate may "leak" into the subject, e.g.
-### Equals
-* If all items in a set are exactly the same to another set, they are equal. Representation: `a=b`
-* Items in a set are not order sensitive. `{1,2,3,4}={2,3,1,4}`
-* Items in a set are unique. `{1,2,2,3,4,3,4,2}={1,2,3,4}`
-* Two sets are equal if and only if all of their items are exactly equal to each other. Representation: `A=B`. Otherwise, they are not equal. Representation: `A≠B`.
-* `A=B` if `A ⊆ B` and `B ⊆ A`
+D = { 2x : x ∈ N } = { 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, ... }
-### Belongs to
-* If the set A contains an item `x`, `x` belongs to A (`x∈A`).
-* Otherwise, `x` does not belong to A (`x∉A`).
+## Relations
-### Subsets
-* If all items in a set `B` are items of set `A`, we say that `B` is a subset of `A` (`B⊆A`).
-* If B is not a subset of A, the representation is `B⊈A`.
+### Membership
-### Proper subsets
-* If `B ⊆ A` and `B ≠ A`, B is a proper subset of A (`B ⊂ A`). Otherwise, B is not a proper subset of A (`B ⊄ A`).
+* If the value `a` is contained in the set `A`, then we say `a` belongs to `A` and represent this symbolically as `a ∈ A`.
+* If the value `a` is not contained in the set `A`, then we say `a` does not belong to `A` and represent this symbolically as `a ∉ A`.
-## Set operations
-### Base number
-* The number of items in a set is called the base number of that set. Representation: `|A|`
-* If the base number of the set is finite, this set is a finite set.
-* If the base number of the set is infinite, this set is an infinite set.
+### Equality
-A = {A,B,C}
-|A| = 3
-B = {a,{b,c}}
-|B| = 2
-|∅| = 0 (it has no items)
+* If two sets contain the same items then we say the sets are equal, e.g. `A = B`.
+* Order does not matter when determining set equality, e.g. `{ 1, 2, 3, 4 } = { 2, 3, 1, 4 }`.
+* Sets are disjoint, meaning elements cannot be repeated, e.g. `{ 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 2 } = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }`.
+* Two sets `A` and `B` are equal if and only if `A ⊂ B` and `B ⊂ A`.
-### Powerset
-* Let `A` be any set. The set that contains all possible subsets of `A` is called a powerset (written as `P(A)`).
+## Special Sets
-P(A) = {x|x ⊆ A}
+### The Power Set
+* Let `A` be any set. The set that contains all possible subsets of `A` is called a "power set" and is written as `P(A)`. If the set `A` contains `n` elements, then `P(A)` contains `2^N` elements.
-|A| = N, |P(A)| = 2^N
+P(A) = { x : x ⊆ A }
## Set operations among two sets
@@ -111,28 +98,28 @@ P(A) = {x|x ⊆ A}
Given two sets `A` and `B`, the union of the two sets are the items that appear in either `A` or `B`, written as `A ∪ B`.
-A ∪ B = {x|x∈A∨x∈B}
+A ∪ B = { x : x ∈ A ∪ x ∈ B }
### Intersection
Given two sets `A` and `B`, the intersection of the two sets are the items that appear in both `A` and `B`, written as `A ∩ B`.
-A ∩ B = {x|x∈A,x∈B}
+A ∩ B = { x : x ∈ A, x ∈ B }
### Difference
Given two sets `A` and `B`, the set difference of `A` with `B` is every item in `A` that does not belong to `B`.
-A \ B = {x|x∈A,x∉B}
+A \ B = { x : x ∈ A, x ∉ B }
### Symmetrical difference
Given two sets `A` and `B`, the symmetrical difference is all items among `A` and `B` that doesn't appear in their intersections.
-A △ B = {x|(x∈A∧x∉B)∨(x∈B∧x∉A)}
+A △ B = { x : ((x ∈ A) ∩ (x ∉ B)) ∪ ((x ∈ B) ∩ (x ∉ A)) }
A △ B = (A \ B) ∪ (B \ A)
@@ -141,22 +128,5 @@ A △ B = (A \ B) ∪ (B \ A)
Given two sets `A` and `B`, the cartesian product between `A` and `B` consists of a set containing all combinations of items of `A` and `B`.
-A × B = { {x, y} | x ∈ A, y ∈ B }
-## "Generalized" operations
-### General union
-Better known as "flattening" of a set of sets.
-∪A = {x|X∈A,x∈X}
-### General intersection
-∩ A = A1 ∩ A2 ∩ … ∩ An
+A × B = { (x, y) | x ∈ A, y ∈ B }
diff --git a/typescript.html.markdown b/typescript.html.markdown
index 7e857cc0..f7a41ce1 100644
--- a/typescript.html.markdown
+++ b/typescript.html.markdown
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class Point {
// Functions
- dist() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); }
+ dist(): number { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); }
// Static members
static origin = new Point(0, 0);
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class Point3D extends Point {
// Overwrite
- dist() {
+ dist(): number {
let d = super.dist();
return Math.sqrt(d * d + this.z * this.z);
diff --git a/zh-cn/make-cn.html.markdown b/zh-cn/make-cn.html.markdown
index 76dde941..641714ef 100644
--- a/zh-cn/make-cn.html.markdown
+++ b/zh-cn/make-cn.html.markdown
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Makefile 用于定义如何创建目标文件, 比如如何从源码到可执行
# 这行表示注释
-# 文件名一定要交 Makefile, 大小写区分, 使用 `make <target>` 生成 target
+# 文件名一定要叫 Makefile, 大小写区分, 使用 `make <target>` 生成 target
# 如果想要取别的名字, 可以用 `make -f "filename" <target>`.
# 重要的事情 - 只认识 TAB, 空格是不认的, 但是在 GNU Make 3.82 之后, 可以通过
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ ex0.txt ex1.txt: maker
touch ex0.txt ex1.txt
-# 如果定义的 phony target 与文件名重名, 可以用 .PHONY 显示的指明哪些 targets 是 phony
+# 如果定义的 phony target 与文件名重名, 可以用 .PHONY 显式地指明哪些 targets 是 phony
.PHONY: all maker process
# This is a special target. There are several others.
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ process: ex1.txt file0.txt
# 模式匹配
-# 可以让 make 知道如何转换某些文件到别格式
+# 可以让 make 知道如何转换某些文件到其他格式
# 比如 从 svg 到 png
%.png: %.svg
inkscape --export-png $^
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ echo:
@echo $(name)
@echo ${name2}
@echo $name # 这个会被蠢蠢的解析成 $(n)ame.
- @echo \"$(name3)\" # 为声明的变量或扩展成空字符串.
+ @echo \"$(name3)\" # 未声明的变量会被处理成空字符串.
@echo $(name4)
@echo $(name5)
# 你可以通过4种方式设置变量.
diff --git a/zh-cn/pythonlegacy-cn.html.markdown b/zh-cn/pythonlegacy-cn.html.markdown
index 756081d6..f8aa2332 100644
--- a/zh-cn/pythonlegacy-cn.html.markdown
+++ b/zh-cn/pythonlegacy-cn.html.markdown
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ li[:3] # => [1, 2, 4]
del li[2] # li 现在是 [1, 2, 3]
# 合并列表
-li + other_li # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] - 并不会不改变这两个列表
+li + other_li # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] - 并不会改变这两个列表
# 通过拼接来合并列表
li.extend(other_li) # li 是 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]