path: root/csharp.html.markdown
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'csharp.html.markdown')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/csharp.html.markdown b/csharp.html.markdown
index 7d7f4340..cca99fb0 100644
--- a/csharp.html.markdown
+++ b/csharp.html.markdown
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ contributors:
- ["Wouter Van Schandevijl", ""]
- ["Jo Pearce", ""]
- ["Chris Zimmerman", ""]
+ - ["Shawn McGuire", ""]
filename: LearnCSharp.cs
@@ -24,10 +25,12 @@ Multi-line comments look like this
/// This is an XML documentation comment which can be used to generate external
/// documentation or provide context help within an IDE
/// </summary>
-//public void MethodOrClassOrOtherWithParsableHelp() {}
+/// <param name="firstParam">This is some parameter documentation for firstParam</param>
+/// <returns>Information on the returned value of a function</returns>
+//public void MethodOrClassOrOtherWithParsableHelp(string firstParam) {}
// Specify the namespaces this source code will be using
-// The namespaces below are all part of the standard .NET Framework Class Libary
+// The namespaces below are all part of the standard .NET Framework Class Library
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Dynamic;
@@ -210,10 +213,10 @@ on a new line! ""Wow!"", the masses cried";
// Incrementations
int i = 0;
- Console.WriteLine(i++); //i = 1. Post-Incrementation
- Console.WriteLine(++i); //i = 2. Pre-Incrementation
- Console.WriteLine(i--); //i = 1. Post-Decrementation
- Console.WriteLine(--i); //i = 0. Pre-Decrementation
+ Console.WriteLine(i++); //Prints "0", i = 1. Post-Incrementation
+ Console.WriteLine(++i); //Prints "2", i = 2. Pre-Incrementation
+ Console.WriteLine(i--); //Prints "2", i = 1. Post-Decrementation
+ Console.WriteLine(--i); //Prints "0", i = 0. Pre-Decrementation
// Control Structures
@@ -421,7 +424,7 @@ on a new line! ""Wow!"", the masses cried";
// Item is an int
// Usage of the "yield" keyword indicates that the method it appears in is an Iterator
// (this means you can use it in a foreach loop)
@@ -437,7 +440,7 @@ on a new line! ""Wow!"", the masses cried";
foreach (var counter in YieldCounter())
// you can use more than one "yield return" in a method
public static IEnumerable<int> ManyYieldCounter()
@@ -446,7 +449,7 @@ on a new line! ""Wow!"", the masses cried";
yield return 2;
yield return 3;
// you can also use "yield break" to stop the Iterator
// this method would only return half of the values from 0 to limit.
public static IEnumerable<int> YieldCounterWithBreak(int limit = 10)
@@ -456,7 +459,7 @@ on a new line! ""Wow!"", the masses cried";
if (i > limit/2) yield break;
yield return i;
- }
+ }
public static void OtherInterestingFeatures()
@@ -482,7 +485,7 @@ on a new line! ""Wow!"", the masses cried";
// ?? is syntactic sugar for specifying default value (coalesce)
// in case variable is null
int notNullable = nullable ?? 0; // 0
// ?. is an operator for null-propagation - a shorthand way of checking for null
nullable?.Print(); // Use the Print() extension method if nullable isn't null
@@ -544,28 +547,22 @@ on a new line! ""Wow!"", the masses cried";
- var websites = new string[] {
- "", "",
- ""
- };
- var responses = new Dictionary<string, string>();
- // Will spin up separate threads for each request, and join on them
- // before going to the next step!
- Parallel.ForEach(websites,
- new ParallelOptions() {MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 3}, // max of 3 threads
- website =>
- {
- // Do something that takes a long time on the file
- using (var r = WebRequest.Create(new Uri(website)).GetResponse())
+ var words = new List<string> {"dog", "cat", "horse", "pony"};
+ Parallel.ForEach(words,
+ new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4 },
+ word =>
- responses[website] = r.ContentType;
+ Console.WriteLine(word);
- });
+ );
- // This won't happen till after all requests have been completed
- foreach (var key in responses.Keys)
- Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", key, responses[key]);
+ //Running this will produce different outputs
+ //since each thread finishes at different times.
+ //Some example outputs are:
+ //cat dog horse pony
+ //dog horse pony cat
// DYNAMIC OBJECTS (great for working with other languages)
dynamic student = new ExpandoObject();
@@ -674,6 +671,10 @@ on a new line! ""Wow!"", the masses cried";
int _speed; // Everything is private by default: Only accessible from within this class.
// can also use keyword private
public string Name { get; set; }
+ // Properties also have a special syntax for when you want a readonly property
+ // that simply returns the result of an expression
+ public string LongName => Name + " " + _speed + " speed";
// Enum is a value type that consists of a set of named constants
// It is really just mapping a name to a value (an int, unless specified otherwise).
@@ -692,7 +693,10 @@ on a new line! ""Wow!"", the masses cried";
public BikeBrand Brand; // After declaring an enum type, we can declare the field of this type
// Decorate an enum with the FlagsAttribute to indicate that multiple values can be switched on
- [Flags] // Any class derived from Attribute can be used to decorate types, methods, parameters etc
+ // Any class derived from Attribute can be used to decorate types, methods, parameters etc
+ // Bitwise operators & and | can be used to perform and/or operations
+ [Flags]
public enum BikeAccessories
None = 0,
@@ -820,7 +824,7 @@ on a new line! ""Wow!"", the masses cried";
// Methods can also be static. It can be useful for helper methods
- public static bool DidWeCreateEnoughBycles()
+ public static bool DidWeCreateEnoughBicycles()
// Within a static method, we only can reference static class members
return BicyclesCreated > 9000;
@@ -879,8 +883,8 @@ on a new line! ""Wow!"", the masses cried";
bool Broken { get; } // interfaces can contain properties as well as methods & events
- // Class can inherit only one other class, but can implement any amount of interfaces, however
- // the base class name must be the first in the list and all interfaces follow
+ // Classes can inherit only one other class, but can implement any amount of interfaces,
+ // however the base class name must be the first in the list and all interfaces follow
class MountainBike : Bicycle, IJumpable, IBreakable
int damage = 0;
@@ -913,17 +917,17 @@ on a new line! ""Wow!"", the masses cried";
public DbSet<Bicycle> Bikes { get; set; }
// Classes can be split across multiple .cs files
// A1.cs
- public partial class A
+ public partial class A
public static void A1()
Console.WriteLine("Method A1 in class A");
// A2.cs
public partial class A
@@ -932,9 +936,9 @@ on a new line! ""Wow!"", the masses cried";
Console.WriteLine("Method A2 in class A");
// Program using the partial class "A"
- public class Program
+ public class Program
static void Main()
@@ -942,13 +946,161 @@ on a new line! ""Wow!"", the masses cried";
+ // String interpolation by prefixing the string with $
+ // and wrapping the expression you want to interpolate with { braces }
+ public class Rectangle
+ {
+ public int Length { get; set; }
+ public int Width { get; set; }
+ }
+ class Program
+ {
+ static void Main(string[] args)
+ {
+ Rectangle rect = new Rectangle { Length = 5, Width = 3 };
+ Console.WriteLine($"The length is {rect.Length} and the width is {rect.Width}");
+ }
+ }
+ // New C# 6 features
+ class GlassBall : IJumpable, IBreakable
+ {
+ // Autoproperty initializers
+ public int Damage { get; private set; } = 0;
+ // Autoproperty initializers on getter-only properties
+ public string Name { get; } = "Glass ball";
+ // Getter-only autoproperty that is initialized in constructor
+ public string GenieName { get; }
+ public GlassBall(string genieName = null)
+ {
+ GenieName = genieName;
+ }
+ public void Jump(int meters)
+ {
+ if (meters < 0)
+ // New nameof() expression; compiler will check that the identifier exists
+ // nameof(x) == "x"
+ // Prevents e.g. parameter names changing but not updated in error messages
+ throw new ArgumentException("Cannot jump negative amount!", nameof(meters));
+ Damage += meters;
+ }
+ // Expression-bodied properties ...
+ public bool Broken
+ => Damage > 100;
+ // ... and methods
+ public override string ToString()
+ // Interpolated string
+ => $"{Name}. Damage taken: {Damage}";
+ public string SummonGenie()
+ // Null-conditional operators
+ // x?.y will return null immediately if x is null; y is not evaluated
+ => GenieName?.ToUpper();
+ }
+ static class MagicService
+ {
+ private static bool LogException(Exception ex)
+ {
+ /* log exception somewhere */
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static bool CastSpell(string spell)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ // Pretend we call API here
+ throw new MagicServiceException("Spell failed", 42);
+ // Spell succeeded
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Only catch if Code is 42 i.e. spell failed
+ catch(MagicServiceException ex) when (ex.Code == 42)
+ {
+ // Spell failed
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Other exceptions, or MagicServiceException where Code is not 42
+ catch(Exception ex) when (LogException(ex))
+ {
+ // Execution never reaches this block
+ // The stack is not unwound
+ }
+ return false;
+ // Note that catching a MagicServiceException and rethrowing if Code
+ // is not 42 or 117 is different, as then the final catch-all block
+ // will not catch the rethrown exception
+ }
+ }
+ public class MagicServiceException : Exception
+ {
+ public int Code { get; }
+ public MagicServiceException(string message, int code) : base(message)
+ {
+ Code = code;
+ }
+ }
+ public static class PragmaWarning {
+ // Obsolete attribute
+ [Obsolete("Use NewMethod instead", false)]
+ public static void ObsoleteMethod()
+ {
+ /* obsolete code */
+ }
+ public static void NewMethod()
+ {
+ /* new code */
+ }
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ ObsoleteMethod(); // CS0618: 'ObsoleteMethod is obsolete: Use NewMethod instead'
+#pragma warning disable CS0618
+ ObsoleteMethod(); // no warning
+#pragma warning restore CS0618
+ ObsoleteMethod(); // CS0618: 'ObsoleteMethod is obsolete: Use NewMethod instead'
+ }
+ }
} // End Namespace
+using System;
+// C# 6, static using
+using static System.Math;
+namespace Learning.More.CSharp
+ class StaticUsing
+ {
+ static void Main()
+ {
+ // Without a static using statement..
+ Console.WriteLine("The square root of 4 is {}.", Math.Sqrt(4));
+ // With one
+ Console.WriteLine("The square root of 4 is {}.", Sqrt(4));
+ }
+ }
## Topics Not Covered
* Attributes
- * async/await, pragma directives
+ * async/await
* Web Development
* ASP.NET MVC & WebApi (new)
* ASP.NET Web Forms (old)