path: root/es-es/scala.html.markdown
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+language: Scala
+filename: learnscala-es.scala
+ - ["George Petrov", ""]
+ - ["Dominic Bou-Samra", ""]
+ - ["Geoff Liu", ""]
+ - ["Ha-Duong Nguyen", ""]
+ - ["Pablo Arranz Ropero", ""]
+lang: es-es
+Scala - El lenguaje escalable
+// 0. Básicos
+ Configurar Scala:
+ 1) Descarga Scala -
+ 2) Unzip/untar a tu carpeta elegida y pon la subcarpeta bin en tu variable de entorno `PATH`
+ Prueba REPL
+ Scala tiene una herramienta llamada REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop, en español: Bucle de lectura-evaluación-impresión) que es analogo a interpretes de la linea de comandos en muchos otros lenguajes.
+ Puedes escribir cualquier expresión en Scala y el resultado será evaluado e impreso.
+ REPL es una herramienta muy práctica para testear y verificar código.
+ Puedes usarla mientras lees este tutorial para explorar conceptos por tu cuenta.
+// Inicia Scala REPL ejecutando `scala` en tu terminal. Deberías ver:
+$ scala
+// Por defecto cada expresión que escribes es guardada como un nuevo valor numerado:
+scala> 2 + 2
+res0: Int = 4
+// Los valores por defecto pueden ser reusados. Fíjate en el tipo del valor mostrado en el resultado...
+scala> res0 + 2
+res1: Int = 6
+// Scala es un lenguaje fuertemente tipado. Puedes usar REPL para comprobar el tipo sin evaluar una expresión.
+scala> :type (true, 2.0)
+(Boolean, Double)
+// Las sesiones REPL pueden ser guardadas
+scala> :save /sites/repl-test.scala
+// Se pueden cargar archivos en REPL
+scala> :load /sites/repl-test.scala
+Loading /sites/repl-test.scala...
+res2: Int = 4
+res3: Int = 6
+// Puedes buscar en tu historial reciente
+scala> :h?
+1 2 + 2
+2 res0 + 2
+3 :save /sites/repl-test.scala
+4 :load /sites/repl-test.scala
+5 :h?
+// Ahora que sabes como jugar, aprendamos un poco de Scala...
+// 1. Básicos
+// Los comentarios de una linea comienzan con dos barras inclinadas
+ Los comentarios de varias lineas, como ya has visto arriba, se hacen de esta manera.
+// Así imprimimos forzando una nueva linea en la siguiente impresión
+println("Hola mundo!")
+// Hola mundo!
+// 10
+// Así imprimimos sin forzar una nueva linea en la siguiente impresión
+print("Hola mundo")
+// Hola mundo10
+// Para declarar valores usamos var o val.
+// Valores decalrados con val son inmutables, mientras que los declarados con var son mutables.
+// La inmutabilidad es algo bueno.
+val x = 10 // x es 10
+x = 20 // error: reassignment to val
+var y = 10
+y = 20 // y es 20
+ Scala is a statically typed language, yet note that in the above declarations,
+ we did not specify a type. This is due to a language feature called type
+ inference. In most cases, Scala compiler can guess what the type of a variable
+ is, so you don't have to type it every time. We can explicitly declare the
+ type of a variable like so:
+val z: Int = 10
+val a: Double = 1.0
+// Notice automatic conversion from Int to Double, result is 10.0, not 10
+val b: Double = 10
+// Boolean values
+// Boolean operations
+!true // false
+!false // true
+true == false // false
+10 > 5 // true
+// Math is as per usual
+1 + 1 // 2
+2 - 1 // 1
+5 * 3 // 15
+6 / 2 // 3
+6 / 4 // 1
+6.0 / 4 // 1.5
+6 / 4.0 // 1.5
+// Evaluating an expression in the REPL gives you the type and value of the result
+1 + 7
+/* The above line results in:
+ scala> 1 + 7
+ res29: Int = 8
+ This means the result of evaluating 1 + 7 is an object of type Int with a
+ value of 8
+ Note that "res29" is a sequentially generated variable name to store the
+ results of the expressions you typed, your output may differ.
+"Scala strings are surrounded by double quotes"
+'a' // A Scala Char
+// 'Single quote strings don't exist' <= This causes an error
+// Strings have the usual Java methods defined on them
+"hello world".length
+"hello world".substring(2, 6)
+"hello world".replace("C", "3")
+// They also have some extra Scala methods. See also: scala.collection.immutable.StringOps
+"hello world".take(5)
+"hello world".drop(5)
+// String interpolation: notice the prefix "s"
+val n = 45
+s"We have $n apples" // => "We have 45 apples"
+// Expressions inside interpolated strings are also possible
+val a = Array(11, 9, 6)
+s"My second daughter is ${a(0) - a(2)} years old." // => "My second daughter is 5 years old."
+s"We have double the amount of ${n / 2.0} in apples." // => "We have double the amount of 22.5 in apples."
+s"Power of 2: ${math.pow(2, 2)}" // => "Power of 2: 4"
+// Formatting with interpolated strings with the prefix "f"
+f"Power of 5: ${math.pow(5, 2)}%1.0f" // "Power of 5: 25"
+f"Square root of 122: ${math.sqrt(122)}%1.4f" // "Square root of 122: 11.0454"
+// Raw strings, ignoring special characters.
+raw"New line feed: \n. Carriage return: \r." // => "New line feed: \n. Carriage return: \r."
+// Some characters need to be "escaped", e.g. a double quote inside a string:
+"They stood outside the \"Rose and Crown\"" // => "They stood outside the "Rose and Crown""
+// Triple double-quotes let strings span multiple rows and contain quotes
+val html = """<form id="daform">
+ <p>Press belo', Joe</p>
+ <input type="submit">
+ </form>"""
+// 2. Functions
+// Functions are defined like so:
+// def functionName(args...): ReturnType = { body... }
+// If you come from more traditional languages, notice the omission of the
+// return keyword. In Scala, the last expression in the function block is the
+// return value.
+def sumOfSquares(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
+ val x2 = x * x
+ val y2 = y * y
+ x2 + y2
+// The { } can be omitted if the function body is a single expression:
+def sumOfSquaresShort(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x * x + y * y
+// Syntax for calling functions is familiar:
+sumOfSquares(3, 4) // => 25
+// You can use parameters names to specify them in different order
+def subtract(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x - y
+subtract(10, 3) // => 7
+subtract(y=10, x=3) // => -7
+// In most cases (with recursive functions the most notable exception), function
+// return type can be omitted, and the same type inference we saw with variables
+// will work with function return values:
+def sq(x: Int) = x * x // Compiler can guess return type is Int
+// Functions can have default parameters:
+def addWithDefault(x: Int, y: Int = 5) = x + y
+addWithDefault(1, 2) // => 3
+addWithDefault(1) // => 6
+// Anonymous functions look like this:
+(x: Int) => x * x
+// Unlike defs, even the input type of anonymous functions can be omitted if the
+// context makes it clear. Notice the type "Int => Int" which means a function
+// that takes Int and returns Int.
+val sq: Int => Int = x => x * x
+// Anonymous functions can be called as usual:
+sq(10) // => 100
+// If each argument in your anonymous function is
+// used only once, Scala gives you an even shorter way to define them. These
+// anonymous functions turn out to be extremely common, as will be obvious in
+// the data structure section.
+val addOne: Int => Int = _ + 1
+val weirdSum: (Int, Int) => Int = (_ * 2 + _ * 3)
+addOne(5) // => 6
+weirdSum(2, 4) // => 16
+// The return keyword exists in Scala, but it only returns from the inner-most
+// def that surrounds it.
+// WARNING: Using return in Scala is error-prone and should be avoided.
+// It has no effect on anonymous functions. For example:
+def foo(x: Int): Int = {
+ val anonFunc: Int => Int = { z =>
+ if (z > 5)
+ return z // This line makes z the return value of foo!
+ else
+ z + 2 // This line is the return value of anonFunc
+ }
+ anonFunc(x) // This line is the return value of foo
+// 3. Flow Control
+1 to 5
+val r = 1 to 5
+r foreach println
+// NB: Scala is quite lenient when it comes to dots and brackets - study the
+// rules separately. This helps write DSLs and APIs that read like English
+// Why doesn't `println` need any parameters here?
+// Stay tuned for first-class functions in the Functional Programming section below!
+(5 to 1 by -1) foreach (println)
+// A while loop
+var i = 0
+while (i < 10) { println("i " + i); i += 1 }
+while (i < 10) { println("i " + i); i += 1 } // Yes, again. What happened? Why?
+i // Show the value of i. Note that while is a loop in the classical sense -
+ // it executes sequentially while changing the loop variable. while is very
+ // fast, but using the combinators and comprehensions above is easier
+ // to understand and parallelize
+// A do-while loop
+i = 0
+do {
+ println("i is still less than 10")
+ i += 1
+} while (i < 10)
+// Recursion is the idiomatic way of repeating an action in Scala (as in most
+// other functional languages).
+// Recursive functions need an explicit return type, the compiler can't infer it.
+// Here it's Unit, which is analagous to a `void` return type in Java
+def showNumbersInRange(a: Int, b: Int): Unit = {
+ print(a)
+ if (a < b)
+ showNumbersInRange(a + 1, b)
+showNumbersInRange(1, 14)
+// Conditionals
+val x = 10
+if (x == 1) println("yeah")
+if (x == 10) println("yeah")
+if (x == 11) println("yeah")
+if (x == 11) println("yeah") else println("nay")
+println(if (x == 10) "yeah" else "nope")
+val text = if (x == 10) "yeah" else "nope"
+// 4. Data Structures
+val a = Array(1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13)
+a(0) // Int = 1
+a(3) // Int = 5
+a(21) // Throws an exception
+val m = Map("fork" -> "tenedor", "spoon" -> "cuchara", "knife" -> "cuchillo")
+m("fork") // java.lang.String = tenedor
+m("spoon") // java.lang.String = cuchara
+m("bottle") // Throws an exception
+val safeM = m.withDefaultValue("no lo se")
+safeM("bottle") // java.lang.String = no lo se
+val s = Set(1, 3, 7)
+s(0) // Boolean = false
+s(1) // Boolean = true
+/* Look up the documentation of map here -
+ *
+ * and make sure you can read it
+ */
+// Tuples
+(1, 2)
+(4, 3, 2)
+(1, 2, "three")
+(a, 2, "three")
+// Why have this?
+val divideInts = (x: Int, y: Int) => (x / y, x % y)
+// The function divideInts gives you the result and the remainder
+divideInts(10, 3) // (Int, Int) = (3,1)
+// To access the elements of a tuple, use _._n where n is the 1-based index of
+// the element
+val d = divideInts(10, 3) // (Int, Int) = (3,1)
+d._1 // Int = 3
+d._2 // Int = 1
+// Alternatively you can do multiple-variable assignment to tuple, which is more
+// convenient and readable in many cases
+val (div, mod) = divideInts(10, 3)
+div // Int = 3
+mod // Int = 1
+// 5. Object Oriented Programming
+ Aside: Everything we've done so far in this tutorial has been simple
+ expressions (values, functions, etc). These expressions are fine to type into
+ the command-line interpreter for quick tests, but they cannot exist by
+ themselves in a Scala file. For example, you cannot have just "val x = 5" in
+ a Scala file. Instead, the only top-level constructs allowed in Scala are:
+ - objects
+ - classes
+ - case classes
+ - traits
+ And now we will explain what these are.
+// classes are similar to classes in other languages. Constructor arguments are
+// declared after the class name, and initialization is done in the class body.
+class Dog(br: String) {
+ // Constructor code here
+ var breed: String = br
+ // Define a method called bark, returning a String
+ def bark = "Woof, woof!"
+ // Values and methods are assumed public. "protected" and "private" keywords
+ // are also available.
+ private def sleep(hours: Int) =
+ println(s"I'm sleeping for $hours hours")
+ // Abstract methods are simply methods with no body. If we uncomment the
+ // def line below, class Dog would need to be declared abstract like so:
+ // abstract class Dog(...) { ... }
+ // def chaseAfter(what: String): String
+val mydog = new Dog("greyhound")
+println(mydog.breed) // => "greyhound"
+println(mydog.bark) // => "Woof, woof!"
+// The "object" keyword creates a type AND a singleton instance of it. It is
+// common for Scala classes to have a "companion object", where the per-instance
+// behavior is captured in the classes themselves, but behavior related to all
+// instance of that class go in objects. The difference is similar to class
+// methods vs static methods in other languages. Note that objects and classes
+// can have the same name.
+object Dog {
+ def allKnownBreeds = List("pitbull", "shepherd", "retriever")
+ def createDog(breed: String) = new Dog(breed)
+// Case classes are classes that have extra functionality built in. A common
+// question for Scala beginners is when to use classes and when to use case
+// classes. The line is quite fuzzy, but in general, classes tend to focus on
+// encapsulation, polymorphism, and behavior. The values in these classes tend
+// to be private, and only methods are exposed. The primary purpose of case
+// classes is to hold immutable data. They often have few methods, and the
+// methods rarely have side-effects.
+case class Person(name: String, phoneNumber: String)
+// Create a new instance. Note cases classes don't need "new"
+val george = Person("George", "1234")
+val kate = Person("Kate", "4567")
+// With case classes, you get a few perks for free, like getters:
+george.phoneNumber // => "1234"
+// Per field equality (no need to override .equals)
+Person("George", "1234") == Person("Kate", "1236") // => false
+// Easy way to copy
+// otherGeorge == Person("George", "9876")
+val otherGeorge = george.copy(phoneNumber = "9876")
+// And many others. Case classes also get pattern matching for free, see below.
+// Traits
+// Similar to Java interfaces, traits define an object type and method
+// signatures. Scala allows partial implementation of those methods.
+// Constructor parameters are not allowed. Traits can inherit from other
+// traits or classes without parameters.
+trait Dog {
+ def breed: String
+ def color: String
+ def bark: Boolean = true
+ def bite: Boolean
+class SaintBernard extends Dog {
+ val breed = "Saint Bernard"
+ val color = "brown"
+ def bite = false
+scala> b
+res0: SaintBernard = SaintBernard@3e57cd70
+scala> b.breed
+res1: String = Saint Bernard
+scala> b.bark
+res2: Boolean = true
+scala> b.bite
+res3: Boolean = false
+// A trait can also be used as Mixin. The class "extends" the first trait,
+// but the keyword "with" can add additional traits.
+trait Bark {
+ def bark: String = "Woof"
+trait Dog {
+ def breed: String
+ def color: String
+class SaintBernard extends Dog with Bark {
+ val breed = "Saint Bernard"
+ val color = "brown"
+scala> val b = new SaintBernard
+b: SaintBernard = SaintBernard@7b69c6ba
+scala> b.bark
+res0: String = Woof
+// 6. Pattern Matching
+// Pattern matching is a powerful and commonly used feature in Scala. Here's how
+// you pattern match a case class. NB: Unlike other languages, Scala cases do
+// not need breaks, fall-through does not happen.
+def matchPerson(person: Person): String = person match {
+ // Then you specify the patterns:
+ case Person("George", number) => "We found George! His number is " + number
+ case Person("Kate", number) => "We found Kate! Her number is " + number
+ case Person(name, number) => "We matched someone : " + name + ", phone : " + number
+// Regular expressions are also built in.
+// Create a regex with the `r` method on a string:
+val email = "(.*)@(.*)".r
+// Pattern matching might look familiar to the switch statements in the C family
+// of languages, but this is much more powerful. In Scala, you can match much
+// more:
+def matchEverything(obj: Any): String = obj match {
+ // You can match values:
+ case "Hello world" => "Got the string Hello world"
+ // You can match by type:
+ case x: Double => "Got a Double: " + x
+ // You can specify conditions:
+ case x: Int if x > 10000 => "Got a pretty big number!"
+ // You can match case classes as before:
+ case Person(name, number) => s"Got contact info for $name!"
+ // You can match regular expressions:
+ case email(name, domain) => s"Got email address $name@$domain"
+ // You can match tuples:
+ case (a: Int, b: Double, c: String) => s"Got a tuple: $a, $b, $c"
+ // You can match data structures:
+ case List(1, b, c) => s"Got a list with three elements and starts with 1: 1, $b, $c"
+ // You can nest patterns:
+ case List(List((1, 2, "YAY"))) => "Got a list of list of tuple"
+ // Match any case (default) if all previous haven't matched
+ case _ => "Got unknown object"
+// In fact, you can pattern match any object with an "unapply" method. This
+// feature is so powerful that Scala lets you define whole functions as
+// patterns:
+val patternFunc: Person => String = {
+ case Person("George", number) => s"George's number: $number"
+ case Person(name, number) => s"Random person's number: $number"
+// 7. Functional Programming
+// Scala allows methods and functions to return, or take as parameters, other
+// functions or methods.
+val add10: Int => Int = _ + 10 // A function taking an Int and returning an Int
+List(1, 2, 3) map add10 // List(11, 12, 13) - add10 is applied to each element
+// Anonymous functions can be used instead of named functions:
+List(1, 2, 3) map (x => x + 10)
+// And the underscore symbol, can be used if there is just one argument to the
+// anonymous function. It gets bound as the variable
+List(1, 2, 3) map (_ + 10)
+// If the anonymous block AND the function you are applying both take one
+// argument, you can even omit the underscore
+List("Dom", "Bob", "Natalia") foreach println
+// Combinators
+// Using `s` from above:
+// val s = Set(1, 3, 7)
+val sSquared = s. map(sq)
+sSquared.filter(_ < 10)
+sSquared.reduce (_+_)
+// The filter function takes a predicate (a function from A -> Boolean) and
+// selects all elements which satisfy the predicate
+List(1, 2, 3) filter (_ > 2) // List(3)
+case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
+ Person(name = "Dom", age = 23),
+ Person(name = "Bob", age = 30)
+).filter(_.age > 25) // List(Person("Bob", 30))
+// Certain collections (such as List) in Scala have a `foreach` method,
+// which takes as an argument a type returning Unit - that is, a void method
+val aListOfNumbers = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 100)
+aListOfNumbers foreach (x => println(x))
+aListOfNumbers foreach println
+// For comprehensions
+for { n <- s } yield sq(n)
+val nSquared2 = for { n <- s } yield sq(n)
+for { n <- nSquared2 if n < 10 } yield n
+for { n <- s; nSquared = n * n if nSquared < 10} yield nSquared
+/* NB Those were not for loops. The semantics of a for loop is 'repeat', whereas
+ a for-comprehension defines a relationship between two sets of data. */
+// 8. Implicits
+/* WARNING WARNING: Implicits are a set of powerful features of Scala, and
+ * therefore it is easy to abuse them. Beginners to Scala should resist the
+ * temptation to use them until they understand not only how they work, but also
+ * best practices around them. We only include this section in the tutorial
+ * because they are so commonplace in Scala libraries that it is impossible to
+ * do anything meaningful without using a library that has implicits. This is
+ * meant for you to understand and work with implicits, not declare your own.
+ */
+// Any value (vals, functions, objects, etc) can be declared to be implicit by
+// using the, you guessed it, "implicit" keyword. Note we are using the Dog
+// class from section 5 in these examples.
+implicit val myImplicitInt = 100
+implicit def myImplicitFunction(breed: String) = new Dog("Golden " + breed)
+// By itself, implicit keyword doesn't change the behavior of the value, so
+// above values can be used as usual.
+myImplicitInt + 2 // => 102
+myImplicitFunction("Pitbull").breed // => "Golden Pitbull"
+// The difference is that these values are now eligible to be used when another
+// piece of code "needs" an implicit value. One such situation is implicit
+// function arguments:
+def sendGreetings(toWhom: String)(implicit howMany: Int) =
+ s"Hello $toWhom, $howMany blessings to you and yours!"
+// If we supply a value for "howMany", the function behaves as usual
+sendGreetings("John")(1000) // => "Hello John, 1000 blessings to you and yours!"
+// But if we omit the implicit parameter, an implicit value of the same type is
+// used, in this case, "myImplicitInt":
+sendGreetings("Jane") // => "Hello Jane, 100 blessings to you and yours!"
+// Implicit function parameters enable us to simulate type classes in other
+// functional languages. It is so often used that it gets its own shorthand. The
+// following two lines mean the same thing:
+// def foo[T](implicit c: C[T]) = ...
+// def foo[T : C] = ...
+// Another situation in which the compiler looks for an implicit is if you have
+// obj.method(...)
+// but "obj" doesn't have "method" as a method. In this case, if there is an
+// implicit conversion of type A => B, where A is the type of obj, and B has a
+// method called "method", that conversion is applied. So having
+// myImplicitFunction above in scope, we can say:
+"Retriever".breed // => "Golden Retriever"
+"Sheperd".bark // => "Woof, woof!"
+// Here the String is first converted to Dog using our function above, and then
+// the appropriate method is called. This is an extremely powerful feature, but
+// again, it is not to be used lightly. In fact, when you defined the implicit
+// function above, your compiler should have given you a warning, that you
+// shouldn't do this unless you really know what you're doing.
+// 9. Misc
+// Importing things
+import scala.collection.immutable.List
+// Import all "sub packages"
+import scala.collection.immutable._
+// Import multiple classes in one statement
+import scala.collection.immutable.{List, Map}
+// Rename an import using '=>'
+import scala.collection.immutable.{List => ImmutableList}
+// Import all classes, except some. The following excludes Map and Set:
+import scala.collection.immutable.{Map => _, Set => _, _}
+// Java classes can also be imported. Scala syntax can be used
+import java.swing.{JFrame, JWindow}
+// Your programs entry point is defined in a scala file using an object, with a
+// single method, main:
+object Application {
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ // stuff goes here.
+ }
+// Files can contain multiple classes and objects. Compile with scalac
+// Input and output
+// To read a file line by line
+for(line <- Source.fromFile("myfile.txt").getLines())
+ println(line)
+// To write a file use Java's PrintWriter
+val writer = new PrintWriter("myfile.txt")
+writer.write("Writing line for line" + util.Properties.lineSeparator)
+writer.write("Another line here" + util.Properties.lineSeparator)
+## Further resources
+* [Scala for the impatient](
+* [Twitter Scala school](
+* [The scala documentation](
+* [Try Scala in your browser](
+* Join the [Scala user group](!forum/scala-user)