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-language: Statistical computing with Python
- - ["e99n09", ""]
-This is a tutorial on how to do some typical statistical programming tasks using Python. It's intended for people basically familiar with Python and experienced at statistical programming in a language like R, Stata, SAS, SPSS, or MATLAB.
-# 0. Getting set up ====
-""" Get set up with IPython and pip install the following: numpy, scipy, pandas,
- matplotlib, seaborn, requests.
- Make sure to do this tutorial in the IPython notebook so that you get
- the inline plots and easy documentation lookup.
-# 1. Data acquisition ====
-""" One reason people choose Python over R is that they intend to interact a lot
- with the web, either by scraping pages directly or requesting data through
- an API. You can do those things in R, but in the context of a project
- already using Python, there's a benefit to sticking with one language.
-import requests # for HTTP requests (web scraping, APIs)
-import os
-# web scraping
-r = requests.get("")
-r.status_code # if 200, request was successful
-r.text # raw page source
-print(r.text) # prettily formatted
-# save the page source in a file:
-os.getcwd() # check what's the working directory
-f = open("learnxinyminutes.html","wb")
-# downloading a csv
-fp = ""
-fn = "pets.csv"
-r = requests.get(fp + fn)
-f = open(fn,"wb")
-""" for more on the requests module, including APIs, see
-# 2. Reading a CSV file ====
-""" Wes McKinney's pandas package gives you 'DataFrame' objects in Python. If
- you've used R, you will be familiar with the idea of the "data.frame" already.
-import pandas as pd, numpy as np, scipy as sp
-pets = pd.read_csv(fn)
-# name age weight species
-# 0 fluffy 3 14 cat
-# 1 vesuvius 6 23 fish
-# 2 rex 5 34 dog
-""" R users: note that Python, like most normal programming languages, starts
- indexing from 0. R is the unusual one for starting from 1.
-# two different ways to print out a column
-pets.head(2) # prints first 2 rows
-pets.tail(1) # prints last row
-[1] # 'vesuvius'
-pets.species[0] # 'cat'
-pets["weight"][2] # 34
-# in R, you would expect to get 3 rows doing this, but here you get 2:
-# 0 3
-# 1 6
-sum(pets.age)*2 # 28
-max(pets.weight) - min(pets.weight) # 20
-""" If you are doing some serious linear algebra and number-crunching, you may
- just want arrays, not DataFrames. DataFrames are ideal for combining columns
- of different types.
-# 3. Charts ====
-import matplotlib as mpl, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-%matplotlib inline
-# To do data vizualization in Python, use matplotlib
-plt.scatter(pets.age, pets.weight); plt.xlabel("age"); plt.ylabel("weight");
-# seaborn sits atop matplotlib and makes plots prettier
-import seaborn as sns
-plt.scatter(pets.age, pets.weight); plt.xlabel("age"); plt.ylabel("weight");
-# there are also some seaborn-specific plotting functions
-# notice how seaborn automatically labels the x-axis on this barplot
-# R veterans can still use ggplot
-from ggplot import *
-ggplot(aes(x="age",y="weight"), data=pets) + geom_point() + labs(title="pets")
-# source:
-# there's even a d3.js port:
-# 4. Simple data cleaning and exploratory analysis ====
-""" Here's a more complicated example that demonstrates a basic data
- cleaning workflow leading to the creation of some exploratory plots
- and the running of a linear regression.
- The data set was transcribed from Wikipedia by hand. It contains
- all the Holy Roman Emperors and the important milestones in their lives
- (birth, death, coronation, etc.).
- The goal of the analysis will be to explore whether a relationship
- exists between emperor birth year and emperor lifespan.
- data source:
-# load some data on Holy Roman Emperors
-url = ""
-r = requests.get(url)
-fp = "hre.csv"
-f = open(fp,"wb")
-hre = pd.read_csv(fp)
- Ix Dynasty Name Birth Death Election 1
-0 NaN Carolingian Charles I 2 April 742 28 January 814 NaN
-1 NaN Carolingian Louis I 778 20 June 840 NaN
-2 NaN Carolingian Lothair I 795 29 September 855 NaN
-3 NaN Carolingian Louis II 825 12 August 875 NaN
-4 NaN Carolingian Charles II 13 June 823 6 October 877 NaN
- Election 2 Coronation 1 Coronation 2 Ceased to be Emperor
-0 NaN 25 December 800 NaN 28 January 814
-1 NaN 11 September 813 5 October 816 20 June 840
-2 NaN 5 April 823 NaN 29 September 855
-3 NaN Easter 850 18 May 872 12 August 875
-4 NaN 29 December 875 NaN 6 October 877
- Descent from whom 1 Descent how 1 Descent from whom 2 Descent how 2
-0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
-1 Charles I son NaN NaN
-2 Louis I son NaN NaN
-3 Lothair I son NaN NaN
-4 Louis I son NaN NaN
-# clean the Birth and Death columns
-import re # module for regular expressions
-rx = re.compile(r'\d+$') # match trailing digits
-""" This function applies the regular expression to an input column (here Birth,
- Death), flattens the resulting list, converts it to a Series object, and
- finally converts the type of the Series object from string to integer. For
- more information into what different parts of the code do, see:
- -
- -
- -
-def extractYear(v):
- return(pd.Series(reduce(lambda x,y: x+y,map(rx.findall,v),[])).astype(int))
-hre["BirthY"] = extractYear(hre.Birth)
-hre["DeathY"] = extractYear(hre.Death)
-# make a column telling estimated age
-hre["EstAge"] = hre.DeathY.astype(int) - hre.BirthY.astype(int)
-# simple scatterplot, no trend line, color represents dynasty
-sns.lmplot("BirthY", "EstAge", data=hre, hue="Dynasty", fit_reg=False);
-# use scipy to run a linear regression
-from scipy import stats
-# code source:
-# check the slope
-slope # 0.0057672618839073328
-# check the R^2 value:
-rval**2 # 0.020363950027333586
-# check the p-value
-pval # 0.34971812581498452
-# use seaborn to make a scatterplot and plot the linear regression trend line
-sns.lmplot("BirthY", "EstAge", data=hre);
-""" For more information on seaborn, see
- -
- -
- For more information on SciPy, see
- -
- -
- To see a version of the Holy Roman Emperors analysis using R, see
- -
-If you want to learn more, get _Python for Data Analysis_ by Wes McKinney. It's a superb resource and I used it as a reference when writing this tutorial.
-You can also find plenty of interactive IPython tutorials on subjects specific to your interests, like Cam Davidson-Pilon's <a href="" Title="Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers">Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers</a>.
-Some more modules to research:
- - text analysis and natural language processing: nltk,
- - social network analysis: igraph,