--- language: F# author: Scott Wlaschin author_url: http://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/ --- F# is a general purpose functional/OO programming language. It's free and open source, and runs on Linux, Mac, Windows and more. It has a powerful type system that traps many errors at compile time, but it uses type inference so that it read more like a dynamic language. The syntax of F# is similar to Python: * Curly braces are not used to delimit blocks of code. Instead, indentation is used. * Whitespace is used to separate parameters rather than commas. If you want to try out the code below, you can go to [tryfsharp.org](http://www.tryfsharp.org/Create) and paste it into an interactive REPL. ```fsharp // single line comments use a double slash (* multi line comments use (* . . . *) pair -end of multi line comment- *) // ================================================ // Basic Syntax // ================================================ // ------ "Variables" (but not really) ------ // The "let" keyword defines an (immutable) value let myInt = 5 let myFloat = 3.14 let myString = "hello" //note that no types needed // ------ Lists ------ let twoToFive = [2;3;4;5] // Square brackets create a list with // semicolon delimiters. let oneToFive = 1 :: twoToFive // :: creates list with new 1st element // The result is [1;2;3;4;5] let zeroToFive = [0;1] @ twoToFive // @ concats two lists // IMPORTANT: commas are never used as delimiters, only semicolons! // ------ Functions ------ // The "let" keyword also defines a named function. let square x = x * x // Note that no parens are used. square 3 // Now run the function. Again, no parens. let add x y = x + y // don't use add (x,y)! It means something // completely different. add 2 3 // Now run the function. // to define a multiline function, just use indents. No semicolons needed. let evens list = let isEven x = x%2 = 0 // Define "isEven" as a sub function List.filter isEven list // List.filter is a library function // with two parameters: a boolean function // and a list to work on evens oneToFive // Now run the function // You can use parens to clarify precedence. In this example, // do "map" first, with two args, then do "sum" on the result. // Without the parens, "List.map" would be passed as an arg to List.sum let sumOfSquaresTo100 = List.sum ( List.map square [1..100] ) // You can pipe the output of one operation to the next using "|>" // Piping data around is very common in F#, similar to UNIX pipes. // Here is the same sumOfSquares function written using pipes let sumOfSquaresTo100piped = [1..100] |> List.map square |> List.sum // "square" was defined earlier // you can define lambdas (anonymous functions) using the "fun" keyword let sumOfSquaresTo100withFun = [1..100] |> List.map (fun x -> x*x) |> List.sum // In F# there is no "return" keyword. A function always // returns the value of the last expression used. // ------ Pattern Matching ------ // Match..with.. is a supercharged case/switch statement. let simplePatternMatch = let x = "a" match x with | "a" -> printfn "x is a" | "b" -> printfn "x is b" | _ -> printfn "x is something else" // underscore matches anything // F# doesn't allow nulls by default -- you must use an Option type // and then pattern match. // Some(..) and None are roughly analogous to Nullable wrappers let validValue = Some(99) let invalidValue = None // In this example, match..with matches the "Some" and the "None", // and also unpacks the value in the "Some" at the same time. let optionPatternMatch input = match input with | Some i -> printfn "input is an int=%d" i | None -> printfn "input is missing" optionPatternMatch validValue optionPatternMatch invalidValue // ------ Printing ------ // The printf/printfn functions are similar to the // Console.Write/WriteLine functions in C#. printfn "Printing an int %i, a float %f, a bool %b" 1 2.0 true printfn "A string %s, and something generic %A" "hello" [1;2;3;4] // There are also sprintf/sprintfn functions for formatting data // into a string, similar to String.Format in C#. // ================================================ // More on functions // ================================================ // F# is a true functional language -- functions are first // class entities and can be combined easy to make powerful // constructs // Modules are used to group functions together // Indentation is needed for each nested module. module Addition = // define a simple adding function let add x y = x + y // basic usage of a function let a = add 1 2 printfn "1+2 = %i" a // partial application let add42 = add 42 let b = add42 1 printfn "42+1 = %i" b // composition let add1 = add 1 let add2 = add 2 let add3 = add1 >> add2 let c = add3 7 printfn "3+7 = %i" c // higher order functions [1..10] |> List.map add3 |> printfn "new list is %A" // lists of functions, and more let add6 = [add1; add2; add3] |> List.reduce (>>) let d = add6 7 printfn "1+2+3+7 = %i" d // ================================================ // Data Types // ================================================ module DataTypeExamples = // All data is immutable by default // Tuples are quick 'n easy anonymous types let twoTuple = 1,2 let threeTuple = "a",2,true // Record types have named fields type Person = {First:string; Last:string} let person1 = {First="john"; Last="Doe"} // Union types (aka variants) have a set of choices // Only case can be valid at a time. type Temp = | DegreesC of float | DegreesF of float let temp1 = DegreesF 98.6 let temp2 = DegreesC 37.0 // Union types are great for modelling state without using flags type EmailAddress = | ValidEmailAddress of string | InvalidEmailAddress of string let trySendEmail email = match email with // use pattern matching | ValidEmailAddress address -> () // send | InvalidEmailAddress address -> () // dont send // Types can be combined recursively in complex ways // without having to create subclasses type Employee = | Worker of Person | Manager of Employee list let jdoe = {First="John";Last="Doe"} let worker = Worker jdoe // The combination of union types and record types together // provide a great foundation for domain driven design. // You can create hundreds of little types that accurately // reflect the domain. type CartItem = { ProductCode: string; Qty: int } type Payment = Payment of float type ActiveCartData = { UnpaidItems: CartItem list } type PaidCartData = { PaidItems: CartItem list; Payment: Payment} type ShoppingCart = | EmptyCart // no data | ActiveCart of ActiveCartData | PaidCart of PaidCartData // All complex types have pretty printing built in for free printfn "twoTuple=%A,\nPerson=%A,\nTemp=%A,\nEmployee=%A" twoTuple person1 temp1 worker // ================================================ // Active patterns // ================================================ module ActivePatternExamples = // F# has a special type of pattern matching called "active patterns" // where the pattern can be parsed or detected dynamically. // for example, define an "active" pattern to match character types... let (|Digit|Letter|Whitespace|Other|) ch = if System.Char.IsDigit(ch) then Digit else if System.Char.IsLetter(ch) then Letter else if System.Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch) then Whitespace else Other // ... and then use it to make parsing logic much clearer let printChar ch = match ch with | Digit -> printfn "%c is a Digit" ch | Letter -> printfn "%c is a Letter" ch | Whitespace -> printfn "%c is a Whitespace" ch | _ -> printfn "%c is something else" ch // print a list ['a';'b';'1';' ';'-';'c'] |> List.iter printChar // ================================================ // Conciseness // ================================================ module AlgorithmExamples = // F# has a high signal/noise ratio, so code reads // almost like the actual algorithm // ------ Example: define sumOfSquares function ------ let sumOfSquares n = [1..n] // 1) take all the numbers from 1 to n |> List.map square // 2) square each one |> List.sum // 3) sum the results // test sumOfSquares 100 |> printfn "Sum of squares = %A" // ------ Example: define a sort function ------ let rec sort list = match list with // If the list is empty | [] -> [] // return an empty list // If the list is not empty | firstElem::otherElements -> // take the first element let smallerElements = // extract the smaller elements otherElements // from the remaining ones |> List.filter (fun e -> e < firstElem) |> sort // and sort them let largerElements = // extract the larger ones otherElements // from the remaining ones |> List.filter (fun e -> e >= firstElem) |> sort // and sort them // Combine the 3 parts into a new list and return it List.concat [smallerElements; [firstElem]; largerElements] // test sort [1;5;23;18;9;1;3] |> printfn "Sorted = %A" // ================================================ // Asynchronous Code // ================================================ module AsyncExample = // F# has some built-in features to help with async code // without encountering the "pyramid of doom" // // The following example downloads a set of web pages in parallel. open System.Net open System open System.IO open Microsoft.FSharp.Control.CommonExtensions // Fetch the contents of a URL asynchronously let fetchUrlAsync url = async { let req = WebRequest.Create(Uri(url)) use! resp = req.AsyncGetResponse() use stream = resp.GetResponseStream() use reader = new IO.StreamReader(stream) let html = reader.ReadToEnd() printfn "finished downloading %s" url } // a list of sites to fetch let sites = ["http://www.bing.com"; "http://www.google.com"; "http://www.microsoft.com"; "http://www.amazon.com"; "http://www.yahoo.com"] // do it sites |> List.map fetchUrlAsync // make a list of async tasks |> Async.Parallel // set up the tasks to run in parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously // start them off // ================================================ // .NET compatability // ================================================ module NetCompatibilityExamples = // F# can do almost everything C# can do, and it integrates // seamlessly with .NET or Mono libraries. // ------- work with existing library functions ------- let (i1success,i1) = System.Int32.TryParse("123"); if i1success then printfn "parsed as %i" i1 else printfn "parse failed" // ------- Implement interfaces on the fly! ------- // create a new object that implements IDisposable let makeResource name = { new System.IDisposable with member this.Dispose() = printfn "%s disposed" name } let useAndDisposeResources = use r1 = makeResource "first resource" printfn "using first resource" for i in [1..3] do let resourceName = sprintf "\tinner resource %d" i use temp = makeResource resourceName printfn "\tdo something with %s" resourceName use r2 = makeResource "second resource" printfn "using second resource" printfn "done." // ------- Object oriented code ------- // F# is also a fully fledged OO language. // It supports classes, inheritance, virtual methods, etc. // interface type IEnumerator<'a> = abstract member Current : 'a abstract MoveNext : unit -> bool // abstract base class with virtual methods [] type Shape() = //readonly properties abstract member Width : int with get abstract member Height : int with get //non-virtual method member this.BoundingArea = this.Height * this.Width //virtual method with base implementation abstract member Print : unit -> unit default this.Print () = printfn "I'm a shape" // concrete class that inherits from base class and overrides type Rectangle(x:int, y:int) = inherit Shape() override this.Width = x override this.Height = y override this.Print () = printfn "I'm a Rectangle" //test let r = Rectangle(2,3) printfn "The width is %i" r.Width printfn "The area is %i" r.BoundingArea r.Print() // ------- extension methods ------- //Just as in C#, F# can extend existing classes with extension methods. type System.String with member this.StartsWithA = this.StartsWith "A" //test let s = "Alice" printfn "'%s' starts with an 'A' = %A" s s.StartsWithA // ------- events ------- type MyButton() = let clickEvent = new Event<_>() [] member this.OnClick = clickEvent.Publish member this.TestEvent(arg) = clickEvent.Trigger(this, arg) // test let myButton = new MyButton() myButton.OnClick.Add(fun (sender, arg) -> printfn "Click event with arg=%O" arg) myButton.TestEvent("Hello World!") ``` ## More Information For more demonstrations of F#, go to the [Try F#](http://www.tryfsharp.org/Learn) site, or my [why use F#](http://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/why-use-fsharp/) series. Read more about F# at [fsharp.org](http://fsharp.org/).