--- category: language language: perl6 filename: learnperl6.p6 contributors: - ["vendethiel", "http://github.com/vendethiel"] - ["Samantha McVey", "https://cry.nu"] --- Perl 6 is a highly capable, feature-rich programming language made for at least the next hundred years. The primary Perl 6 compiler is called [Rakudo](http://rakudo.org), which runs on the JVM and [the MoarVM](http://moarvm.com). Meta-note: double pound signs (`##`) are used to indicate paragraphs, while single pound signs (`#`) indicate notes. `#=>` represents the output of a command. ```perl6 # Single line comments start with a pound sign. #`( Multiline comments use #` and a quoting construct. (), [], {}, 「」, etc, will work. ) # Use the same syntax for multiline comments to embed comments. for #`(each element in) @array { put #`(or print element) $_ #`(with newline); } ``` ## Variables ```perl6 ## In Perl 6, you declare a lexical variable using the `my` keyword: my $variable; ## Perl 6 has 3 basic types of variables: scalars, arrays, and hashes. ``` ### Scalars ```perl6 # Scalars represent a single value. They start with the `$` sigil: my $str = 'String'; # Double quotes allow for interpolation (which we'll see later): my $str2 = "String"; ## Variable names can contain but not end with simple quotes and dashes, ## and can contain (and end with) underscores: my $person's-belongings = 'towel'; # this works! my $bool = True; # `True` and `False` are Perl 6's boolean values. my $inverse = !$bool; # Invert a bool with the prefix `!` operator. my $forced-bool = so $str; # And you can use the prefix `so` operator $forced-bool = ?$str; # to turn its operand into a Bool. Or use `?`. ``` ### Arrays and Lists ```perl6 ## Arrays represent multiple values. An array variable starts with the `@` ## sigil. Unlike lists, from which arrays inherit, arrays are mutable. my @array = 'a', 'b', 'c'; # equivalent to: my @letters = <a b c>; # array of words, delimited by space. # Similar to perl5's qw, or Ruby's %w. @array = 1, 2, 3; say @array[2]; # Array indices start at 0. Here the third element # is being accessed. say "Interpolate an array using []: @array[]"; #=> Interpolate an array using []: 1 2 3 @array[0] = -1; # Assigning a new value to an array index @array[0, 1] = 5, 6; # Assigning multiple values my @keys = 0, 2; @array[@keys] = @letters; # Assignment using an array containing index values say @array; #=> a 6 b ``` ### Hashes, or key-value Pairs. ```perl6 ## Hashes are pairs of keys and values. You can construct a `Pair` object ## using the syntax `Key => Value`. Hash tables are very fast for lookup, ## and are stored unordered. Keep in mind that keys get "flattened" in hash ## context, and any duplicated keys are deduplicated. my %hash = 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2; %hash = a => 1, # keys get auto-quoted when => (fat comma) is used. b => 2, # Trailing commas are okay. ; ## Even though hashes are internally stored differently than arrays, ## Perl 6 allows you to easily create a hash from an even numbered array: %hash = <key1 value1 key2 value2>; # Or: %hash = "key1", "value1", "key2", "value2"; %hash = key1 => 'value1', key2 => 'value2'; # same result as above ## You can also use the "colon pair" syntax. This syntax is especially ## handy for named parameters that you'll see later. %hash = :w(1), # equivalent to `w => 1` :truey, # equivalent to `:truey(True)` or `truey => True` :!falsey, # equivalent to `:falsey(False)` or `falsey => False` ; ## The :truey and :!falsey constructs are known as the ## `True` and `False` shortcuts respectively. say %hash{'key1'}; # You can use {} to get the value from a key. say %hash<key2>; # If it's a string without spaces, you can actually use # <> (quote-words operator). `{key1}` doesn't work, # as Perl6 doesn't have barewords. ``` ## Subs ```perl6 ## Subroutines, or functions as most other languages call them, are ## created with the `sub` keyword. sub say-hello { say "Hello, world" } ## You can provide (typed) arguments. If specified, the type will be checked ## at compile-time if possible, otherwise at runtime. sub say-hello-to( Str $name ) { say "Hello, $name !"; } ## A sub returns the last value of the block. Similarly, the semicolon in ## the last can be omitted. sub return-value { 5 } say return-value; # prints 5 sub return-empty { } say return-empty; # prints Nil ## Some control flow structures produce a value, like `if`: sub return-if { if True { "Truthy" } } say return-if; # prints Truthy ## Some don't, like `for`: sub return-for { for 1, 2, 3 { 'Hi' } } say return-for; # prints Nil ## Positional arguments are required by default. To make them optional, use ## the `?` after the parameters' names. sub with-optional( $arg? ) { # This sub returns `(Any)` (Perl's null-like value) if # no argument is passed. Otherwise, it returns its argument. $arg; } with-optional; # returns Any with-optional(); # returns Any with-optional(1); # returns 1 ## You can also give them a default value when they're not passed. ## Required parameters must come before optional ones. sub greeting( $name, $type = "Hello" ) { say "$type, $name!"; } greeting("Althea"); #=> Hello, Althea! greeting("Arthur", "Good morning"); #=> Good morning, Arthur! ## You can also, by using a syntax akin to the one of hashes ## (yay unified syntax !), pass *named* arguments to a `sub`. They're ## optional, and will default to "Any". sub with-named( $normal-arg, :$named ) { say $normal-arg + $named; } with-named(1, named => 6); #=> 7 ## There's one gotcha to be aware of, here: If you quote your key, Perl 6 ## won't be able to see it at compile time, and you'll have a single `Pair` ## object as a positional parameter, which means ## `with-named(1, 'named' => 6);` fails. with-named(2, :named(5)); #=> 7 ## To make a named argument mandatory, you can append `!` to the parameter, ## which is the inverse of `?`: sub with-mandatory-named( :$str! ) { say "$str!"; } with-mandatory-named(str => "My String"); #=> My String! with-mandatory-named; # runtime error:"Required named parameter not passed" with-mandatory-named(3);# runtime error:"Too many positional parameters passed" ## If a sub takes a named boolean argument... sub takes-a-bool( $name, :$bool ) { say "$name takes $bool"; } ## ... you can use the same "short boolean" hash syntax: takes-a-bool('config', :bool); #=> config takes True takes-a-bool('config', :!bool); #=> config takes False ## You can also provide your named arguments with default values: sub named-def( :$def = 5 ) { say $def; } named-def; #=> 5 named-def(def => 15); #=> 15 ## Since you can omit parenthesis to call a function with no arguments, ## you need `&` in the name to store `say-hello` in a variable. This means ## `&say-hello` is a code object and not a subroutine call. my &s = &say-hello; my &other-s = sub { say "Anonymous function!" } ## A sub can have a "slurpy" parameter, or "doesn't-matter-how-many". For ## this, you must use `*@` (slurpy) which will "take everything else". You can ## have as many parameters *before* a slurpy one, but not *after*. sub as-many($head, *@rest) { say @rest.join(' / ') ~ " !"; } say as-many('Happy', 'Happy', 'Birthday');#=> Happy / Birthday ! # Note that the splat (the *) did not # consume the parameter before it. ## You can call a function with an array using the "argument list flattening" ## operator `|` (it's not actually the only role of this operator, ## but it's one of them). sub concat3($a, $b, $c) { say "$a, $b, $c"; } concat3(|@array); #=> a, b, c # `@array` got "flattened" as a part of the argument list ``` ## Containers ```perl6 ## In Perl 6, values are actually stored in "containers". The assignment ## operator asks the container on the left to store the value on its right. ## When passed around, containers are marked as immutable which means that, ## in a function, you'll get an error if you try to mutate one of your ## arguments. If you really need to, you can ask for a mutable container by ## using the `is rw` trait: sub mutate( $n is rw ) { $n++; } my $m = 42; mutate $m; #=> 43 say $m; #=> 43 ## This works because we are passing the container $m to the `mutate` sub. ## If we try to just pass a number instead of passing a variable it won't work ## because there is no container being passed and integers are immutable by ## themselves: mutate 42; # Parameter '$n' expected a writable container, but got Int value ## Similar error would be obtained, if a bound variable is passed to ## to the subroutine: my $v := 50; # binding 50 to the variable $v mutate $v; # Parameter '$n' expected a writable container, but got Int value ## If what you want is a copy instead, use the `is copy` trait which will ## cause the argument to be copied and allow you to modify the argument ## inside the routine. ## A sub itself returns a container, which means it can be marked as rw: my $x = 42; sub x-store() is rw { $x } x-store() = 52; # in this case, the parentheses are mandatory # (else Perl 6 thinks `x-store` is an identifier) say $x; #=> 52 ``` ## Control Flow Structures ### Conditionals ```perl6 ## - `if` ## Before talking about `if`, we need to know which values are "Truthy" ## (represent True), and which are "Falsey" (represent False). Only these ## values are Falsey: 0, (), {}, "", Nil, A type (like `Str` or `Int`) and ## of course False itself. Any other value is Truthy. if True { say "It's true!"; } unless False { say "It's not false!"; } ## As you can see, you don't need parentheses around conditions. However, you ## do need the curly braces around the "body" block. For example, ## `if (true) say;` doesn't work. ## You can also use their statement modifier (postfix) versions: say "Quite truthy" if True; #=> Quite truthy say "Quite falsey" unless False; #=> Quite falsey ## - Ternary operator, "x ?? y !! z" ## This returns $value-if-true if the condition is true and $value-if-false ## if it is false. ## my $result = condition ?? $value-if-true !! $value-if-false; my $age = 30; say $age > 18 ?? "You are an adult" !! "You are under 18"; #=> You are an adult ``` ### given/when, or Perl 6's switch construct ```perl6 ## `given...when` looks like other languages' `switch`, but is much more ## powerful thanks to smart matching and Perl 6's "topic variable", $_. ## ## The topic variable $_ contains the default argument of a block, a loop's ## current iteration (unless explicitly named), etc. ## ## `given` simply puts its argument into `$_` (like a block would do), ## and `when` compares it using the "smart matching" (`~~`) operator. ## ## Since other Perl 6 constructs use this variable (as said before, like `for`, ## blocks, etc), this means the powerful `when` is not only applicable along ## with a `given`, but instead anywhere a `$_` exists. given "foo bar" { say $_; #=> foo bar when /foo/ { # Don't worry about smart matching yet. Just know say "Yay !"; # `when` uses it. This is equivalent to `if $_ ~~ /foo/`. } when $_.chars > 50 { # smart matching anything with True is True, # i.e. (`$a ~~ True`) # so you can also put "normal" conditionals. # This `when` is equivalent to this `if`: # `if $_ ~~ ($_.chars > 50) {...}` # which means: `if $_.chars > 50 {...}` say "Quite a long string !"; } default { # same as `when *` (using the Whatever Star) say "Something else" } } ``` ### Looping constructs ```perl6 ## - `loop` is an infinite loop if you don't pass it arguments, but can also ## be a C-style `for` loop: loop { say "This is an infinite loop !"; last; # last breaks out of the loop, like # the `break` keyword in other languages } loop (my $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { next if $i == 3; # `next` skips to the next iteration, like `continue` # in other languages. Note that you can also use postfix # conditionals, loops, etc. say "This is a C-style for loop!"; } ## - `for` - Iterating through an array my @array = 1, 2, 6, 7, 3; ## Accessing the array's elements with the topic variable $_. for @array { say "I've got $_ !"; } ## Accessing the array's elements with a "pointy block", `->`. ## Here each element is read-only. for @array -> $variable { say "I've got $variable !"; } ## Accessing the array's elements with a "doubly pointy block", `<->`. ## Here each element is read-write so mutating `$variable` mutates ## that element in the array. for @array <-> $variable { say "I've got $variable !"; } ## As we saw with given, a for loop's default "current iteration" variable ## is `$_`. That means you can use `when` in a `for`loop just like you were ## able to in a `given`. for @array { say "I've got $_"; .say; # This is also allowed. A dot call with no "topic" (receiver) # is sent to `$_` by default $_.say; # This is equivalent to the above statement. } for @array { # You can... next if $_ == 3; # Skip to the next iteration (`continue` in C-like lang.) redo if $_ == 4; # Re-do iteration, keeping the same topic variable (`$_`) last if $_ == 5; # Or break out of loop (like `break` in C-like lang.) } ## The "pointy block" syntax isn't specific to the `for` loop. It's just a way ## to express a block in Perl 6. sub long-computation { "Finding factors of large primes" } if long-computation() -> $result { say "The result is $result."; } ``` ## Operators ```perl6 ## Since Perl languages are very much operator-based languages, Perl 6 ## operators are actually just funny-looking subroutines, in syntactic ## categories, like infix:<+> (addition) or prefix:<!> (bool not). ## The categories are: ## - "prefix": before (like `!` in `!True`). ## - "postfix": after (like `++` in `$a++`). ## - "infix": in between (like `*` in `4 * 3`). ## - "circumfix": around (like `[`-`]` in `[1, 2]`). ## - "post-circumfix": around, after another term (like `{`-`}` in ## `%hash{'key'}`) ## The associativity and precedence list are explained below. ## Alright, you're set to go! ## Equality Checking ##------------------ ## - `==` is numeric comparison 3 == 4; #=> False 3 != 4; #=> True ## - `eq` is string comparison 'a' eq 'b'; #=> False 'a' ne 'b'; #=> True, not equal 'a' !eq 'b'; #=> True, same as above ## - `eqv` is canonical equivalence (or "deep equality") (1, 2) eqv (1, 3); #=> False (1, 2) eqv (1, 2); #=> True Int === Int #=> True ## - `~~` is the smart match operator ## Aliases the left hand side to $_ and then evaluates the right hand side. ## Here are some common comparison semantics: ## String or numeric equality 'Foo' ~~ 'Foo'; # True if strings are equal. 12.5 ~~ 12.50; # True if numbers are equal. ## Regex - For matching a regular expression against the left side. ## Returns a `Match` object, which evaluates as True if regexp matches. my $obj = 'abc' ~~ /a/; say $obj; #=> 「a」 say $obj.WHAT; #=> (Match) ## Hashes 'key' ~~ %hash; # True if key exists in hash. ## Type - Checks if left side "is of type" (can check superclasses and ## roles). say 1 ~~ Int; #=> True ## Smart-matching against a boolean always returns that boolean ## (and will warn). say 1 ~~ True; #=> True say False ~~ True; #=> True ## General syntax is `$arg ~~ &bool-returning-function;`. For a complete list ## of combinations, use this table: ## http://perlcabal.org/syn/S03.html#Smart_matching ## Of course, you also use `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=` for numeric comparison. ## Their string equivalent are also available: `lt`, `le`, `gt`, `ge`. 3 > 4; # False 3 >= 4; # False 3 < 4; # True 3 <= 4; # True 'a' gt 'b'; # False 'a' ge 'b'; # False 'a' lt 'b'; # True 'a' le 'b'; # True ## Range constructor ##------------------ 3 .. 7; # 3 to 7, both included 3 ..^ 7; # 3 to 7, exclude right endpoint. 3 ^.. 7; # 3 to 7, exclude left endpoint. Same as `4..7`. 3 ^..^ 7; # 3 to 7, exclude both endpoints. Same as `4..6`. ## This also works as a shortcut for `0..^N`: ^10; # means 0..^10 ## This also allows us to demonstrate that Perl 6 has lazy/infinite arrays, ## using the Whatever Star: my @array = 1..*; # 1 to Infinite! Equivalent to `1..Inf`. say @array[^10]; # You can pass ranges as subscripts and it'll return # an array of results. This will print # "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" (and not run out of memory!) ## Note: when reading an infinite list, Perl 6 will "reify" the elements ## it needs, then keep them in memory. They won't be calculated more than once. ## It also will never calculate more elements that are needed. ## An array subscript can also be a closure. It'll be called with the length ## as the argument: say join(' ', @array[15..*]); #=> 15 16 17 18 19 ## which is equivalent to: say join(' ', @array[-> $n { 15..$n }]); ## Note: if you try to do either of those with an infinite array, ## you'll trigger an infinite loop (your program won't finish). ## You can use that in most places you'd expect, even when assigning to ## an array: my @numbers = ^20; ## Here the numbers increase by 6, like an arithmetic sequence; more on the ## sequence (`...`) operator later. my @seq = 3, 9 ... * > 95; # 3 9 15 21 27 [...] 81 87 93 99; @numbers[5..*] = 3, 9 ... *; # even though the sequence is infinite, # only the 15 needed values will be calculated. say @numbers; #=> 0 1 2 3 4 3 9 15 21 [...] 81 87 # (only 20 values) ## and (&&), or (||) ##------------------ 3 && 4; # 4, which is Truthy. Calls `.Bool` on both 3 and 4 and gets `True` # so it returns 4 since both are `True`. 3 && 0; # 0 0 && 4; # 0 0 || False; # False. Calls `.Bool` on `0` and `False` which are both `False` # so it retusns `False` since both are `False`. ## Short-circuit (and tight) versions of the above ## Return the first argument that evaluates to False, or the last argument. my ( $a, $b, $c ) = 1, 0, 2; $a && $b && $c; # Returns 0, the first False value ## || Returns the first argument that evaluates to True $b || $a; # 1 ## And because you're going to want them, you also have compound assignment ## operators: $a *= 2; # multiply and assignment. Equivalent to $a = $a * 2; $b %%= 5; # divisible by and assignment. Equivalent to $b = $b %% 2; $c div= 3; # return divisor and assignment. Equivalent to $c = $c div 3; $d mod= 4; # return remainder and assignment. Equivalent to $d = $d mod 4; @array .= sort; # calls the `sort` method and assigns the result back ``` ## More on subs! ```perl6 ## As we said before, Perl 6 has *really* powerful subs. We're going ## to see a few more key concepts that make them better than in any ## other language :-). ``` ### Unpacking! ```perl6 ## Unpacking is the ability to "extract" arrays and keys ## (AKA "destructuring"). It'll work in `my`s and in parameter lists. my ($f, $g) = 1, 2; say $f; #=> 1 my ($, $, $h) = 1, 2, 3; # keep the non-interesting values anonymous (`$`) say $h; #=> 3 my ($head, *@tail) = 1, 2, 3; # Yes, it's the same as with "slurpy subs" my (*@small) = 1; sub unpack_array( @array [$fst, $snd] ) { say "My first is $fst, my second is $snd! All in all, I'm @array[]."; # (^ remember the `[]` to interpolate the array) } unpack_array(@tail); #=> My first is 2, my second is 3! All in all, I'm 2 3. ## If you're not using the array itself, you can also keep it anonymous, ## much like a scalar: sub first-of-array( @ [$fst] ) { $fst } first-of-array(@small); #=> 1 first-of-array(@tail); # Error: "Too many positional parameters passed" # (which means the array is too big). ## You can also use a slurp... sub slurp-in-array(@ [$fst, *@rest]) { # You could keep `*@rest` anonymous say $fst + @rest.elems; # `.elems` returns a list's length. # Here, `@rest` is `(3,)`, since `$fst` # holds the `2`. } slurp-in-array(@tail); #=> 3 ## You could even extract on a slurpy (but it's pretty useless ;-).) sub fst(*@ [$fst]) { # or simply: `sub fst($fst) { ... }` say $fst; } fst(1); #=> 1 fst(1, 2); # errors with "Too many positional parameters passed" ## You can also destructure hashes (and classes, which you'll learn about ## later). The syntax is basically the same as ## `%hash-name (:key($variable-to-store-value-in))`. ## The hash can stay anonymous if you only need the values you extracted. sub key-of( % (:value($val), :qua($qua)) ) { say "Got val $val, $qua times."; } ## Then call it with a hash. You need to keep the curly braces for it to be a ## hash or use `%()` instead to indicate a hash is being passed. key-of({value => 'foo', qua => 1}); #=> Got val foo, 1 times. key-of(%(value => 'foo', qua => 1)); #=> Got val foo, 1 times. #key-of(%hash); # the same (for an equivalent `%hash`) ## The last expression of a sub is returned automatically (though you may ## indicate explicitly by using the `return` keyword, of course): sub next-index( $n ) { $n + 1; } my $new-n = next-index(3); # $new-n is now 4 ## This is true for everything, except for the looping constructs (due to ## performance reasons): there's no reason to build a list if we're just going to ## discard all the results. If you still want to build one, you can use the ## `do` statement prefix or the `gather` prefix, which we'll see later: sub list-of( $n ) { do for ^$n { # note the range-to prefix operator `^` (`0..^N`) $_ # current loop iteration known as the "topic" variable } } my @list3 = list-of(3); #=> (0, 1, 2) ``` ### lambdas (or anonymous subroutines) ```perl6 ## You can create a lambda with `-> {}` ("pointy block") , ## `{}` ("block") or `sub {}`. my &lambda1 = -> $argument { "The argument passed to this lambda is $argument" } my &lambda2 = { "The argument passed to this lambda is $_" } my &lambda3 = sub ($argument) { "The argument passed to this lambda is $argument" } ## `-> {}` and `{}` are pretty much the same thing, except that the former can ## take arguments, and that the latter can be mistaken as a hash by the parser. ## We can, for example, add 3 to each value of an array using the ## `map` function with a lambda: my @arrayplus3 = map({ $_ + 3 }, @array); # $_ is the implicit argument ## A sub (`sub {}`) has different semantics than a block (`{}` or `-> {}`): ## A block doesn't have a "function context" (though it can have arguments), ## which means that if you return from it, you're going to return from the ## parent function. Compare: sub is-in( @array, $elem ) { # this will `return` out of the `is-in` sub once the condition evaluated ## to True, the loop won't be run anymore. map({ return True if $_ == $elem }, @array); } ## with: sub truthy-array( @array ) { # this will produce an array of `True` and `False`: # (you can also say `anon sub` for "anonymous subroutine") map(sub ($i) { if $i { return True } else { return False } }, @array); # ^ the `return` only returns from the anonymous `sub` } ## The `anon` declarator can be used to create an anonymous sub from a ## regular subroutine. The regular sub knows its name but its symbol is ## prevented from getting installed in the lexical scope, the method table ## and everywhere else. my $anon-sum = anon sub summation(*@a) { [+] *@a } say $anon-sum.name; #=> summation say $anon-sum(2, 3, 5); #=> 10 #say summation; #=> Error: Undeclared routine: ... ## You can also use the "whatever star" to create an anonymous subroutine. ## (it'll stop at the furthest operator in the current expression) my @arrayplus3 = map(*+3, @array); # `*+3` is the same as `{ $_ + 3 }` my @arrayplus3 = map(*+*+3, @array); # Same as `-> $a, $b { $a + $b + 3 }` # also `sub ($a, $b) { $a + $b + 3 }` say (*/2)(4); #=> 2 # Immediately execute the function Whatever created. say ((*+3)/5)(5); #=> 1.6 # It works even in parens! ## But if you need to have more than one argument (`$_`) in a block (without ## wanting to resort to `-> {}`), you can also use the implicit argument ## syntax, `$^`: map({ $^a + $^b + 3 }, @array); # which is equivalent to the following which uses a `sub`: map(sub ($a, $b) { $a + $b + 3 }, @array); ## The parameters `$^a`, `$^b`, etc. are known as placeholder parameters or ## self-declared positional parameters. They're sorted lexicographically so ## `{ $^b / $^a }` is equivalent `-> $a, $b { $b / $a }`. ``` ### About types... ```perl6 ## Perl 6 is gradually typed. This means you can specify the type of your ## variables/arguments/return types, or you can omit the type annotations in ## in which case they'll default to `Any`. Obviously you get access to a few ## base types, like `Int` and `Str`. The constructs for declaring types are ## "subset", "class", "role", etc. which you'll see later. ## For now, let us examine "subset" which is a "sub-type" with additional ## checks. For example, "a very big integer is an Int that's greater than 500". ## You can specify the type you're subtyping (by default, `Any`), and add ## additional checks with the `where` clause: subset VeryBigInteger of Int where * > 500; ## Or the set of the whole numbers: subset WholeNumber of Int where * >= 0; ``` ### Multiple Dispatch ```perl6 ## Perl 6 can decide which variant of a `sub` to call based on the type of the ## arguments, or on arbitrary preconditions, like with a type or `where`: ## with types: multi sub sayit( Int $n ) { # note the `multi` keyword here say "Number: $n"; } multi sayit( Str $s ) { # a multi is a `sub` by default say "String: $s"; } sayit("foo"); #=> "String: foo" sayit(25); #=> "Number: 25" sayit(True); # fails at *compile time* with "calling 'sayit' will never # work with arguments of types ..." ## with arbitrary preconditions (remember subsets?): multi is-big(Int $n where * > 50) { "Yes!" } # using a closure multi is-big(Int $n where {$_ > 50}) { "Yes!" } # similar to above multi is-big(Int $ where 10..50) { "Quite." } # Using smart-matching # (could use a regexp, etc) multi is-big(Int $) { "No" } subset Even of Int where * %% 2; multi odd-or-even(Even) { "Even" } # The main case using the type. # We don't name the argument. multi odd-or-even($) { "Odd" } # "everthing else" hence the $ variable ## You can even dispatch based on the presence of positional and ## named arguments: multi with-or-without-you($with) { say "I wish I could but I can't"; } multi with-or-without-you(:$with) { say "I can live! Actually, I can't."; } multi with-or-without-you { say "Definitely can't live."; } ## This is very, very useful for many purposes, like `MAIN` subs (covered ## later), and even the language itself uses it in several places. ## ## - `is`, for example, is actually a `multi sub` named `trait_mod:<is>`, ## and it works off that. ## - `is rw`, is simply a dispatch to a function with this signature: ## sub trait_mod:<is>(Routine $r, :$rw!) {} ## ## (commented out because running this would be a terrible idea!) ``` ## Scoping ```perl6 ## In Perl 6, unlike many scripting languages, (such as Python, Ruby, PHP), ## you must declare your variables before using them. The `my` declarator ## you have learned uses "lexical scoping". There are a few other declarators, ## (`our`, `state`, ..., ) which we'll see later. This is called ## "lexical scoping", where in inner blocks, you can access variables from ## outer blocks. my $file_scoped = 'Foo'; sub outer { my $outer_scoped = 'Bar'; sub inner { say "$file_scoped $outer_scoped"; } &inner; # return the function } outer()(); #=> 'Foo Bar' ## As you can see, `$file_scoped` and `$outer_scoped` were captured. ## But if we were to try and use `$outer_scoped` outside the `outer` sub, ## the variable would be undefined (and you'd get a compile time error). ``` ## Twigils ```perl6 ## There are many special `twigils` (composed sigils) in Perl 6. Twigils ## define the variables' scope. ## The * and ? twigils work on standard variables: ## * Dynamic variable ## ? Compile-time variable ## The ! and the . twigils are used with Perl 6's objects: ## ! Attribute (instance attribute) ## . Method (not really a variable) ## `*` twigil: Dynamic Scope ## These variables use the `*` twigil to mark dynamically-scoped variables. ## Dynamically-scoped variables are looked up through the caller, not through ## the outer scope. my $*dyn_scoped_1 = 1; my $*dyn_scoped_2 = 10; sub say_dyn { say "$*dyn_scoped_1 $*dyn_scoped_2"; } sub call_say_dyn { my $*dyn_scoped_1 = 25; # Defines $*dyn_scoped_1 only for this sub. $*dyn_scoped_2 = 100; # Will change the value of the file scoped variable. say_dyn(); #=> 25 100, $*dyn_scoped 1 and 2 will be looked # for in the call. # It uses the value of $*dyn_scoped_1 from inside # this sub's lexical scope even though the blocks # aren't nested (they're call-nested). } say_dyn(); #=> 1 10 call_say_dyn(); #=> 25 100 # Uses $*dyn_scoped_1 as defined in call_say_dyn even though # we are calling it from outside. say_dyn(); #=> 1 100 We changed the value of $*dyn_scoped_2 in # call_say_dyn so now its value has changed. ``` ## Object Model ```perl6 ## To call a method on an object, add a dot followed by the method name: ## `$object.method` ## Classes are declared with the `class` keyword. Attributes are declared ## with the `has` keyword, and methods declared with the `method` keyword. ## Every attribute that is private uses the ! twigil. For example: `$!attr`. ## Immutable public attributes use the `.` twigil which creates a read-only ## method named after the attribute. In fact, declaring an attribute with `.` ## is equivalent to declaring the same attribute with `!` and then creating ## a read-only method with the attribute's name. However, this is done for us ## by Perl 6 automatically. The easiest way to remember the `$.` twigil is ## by comparing it to how methods are called. ## Perl 6's object model ("SixModel") is very flexible, and allows you to ## dynamically add methods, change semantics, etc... Unfortunately, these will ## not all be covered here, and you should refer to: ## https://docs.perl6.org/language/objects.html. class Human { has Str $.name; # `$.name` is immutable but with an accessor method. has Str $.bcountry; # Use `$!bplace` to modify it inside the class. has Str $.ccountry is rw; # This attribute can be modified from outside. has Int $!age = 0; # A private attribute with default value. method birthday { $!age += 1; # Add a year to human's age } method get-age { return $!age; } # This method is private to the class. Note the `!` before the # method's name. method !do-decoration { return "$!name was born in $!bcountry and now lives in $!ccountry." } # This method is public, just like `birthday` and `get-age`. method get-info { self.do-decoration; # Invoking a method on `self` inside the class. # Use `self!priv-method` for private method. # Use `self.publ-method` for public method. } }; ## Create a new instance of Human class with $.attrib set to 5. ## Note: you can't set private-attribute from here (more later on). my $person1 = Human.new( name => "Jord", bcountry = "Iceland", ccountry => "Iceland" ); say $person1.name; #=> Jord say $person1.bcountry; #=> Togo say $person1.ccountry; #=> Togo # $person1.bcountry = "Mali"; # This fails, because the `has $.bcountry` # is immutable. Jord can't change his birthplace. $person1.ccountry = "France"; # This works because the `$.ccountry` is mutable # (`is rw`). Now Jord's current country is France. # Calling methods on the instance objects. $person1.birthday; #=> 1 $person1.get-info; #=> Jord was born in Togo and now lives in France. $person1.do-decoration; # This fails since the method `do-decoration` is # private. ``` ### Object Inheritance ```perl6 ## Perl 6 also has inheritance (along with multiple inheritance). While ## methods are inherited, submethods are not. Submethods are useful for ## object construction and destruction tasks, such as BUILD, or methods that ## must be overridden by subtypes. We will learn about BUILD later on. class Parent { has $.age; has $.name; # This submethod won't be inherited by the Child class. submethod favorite-color { say "My favorite color is Blue"; } # This method is inherited method talk { say "Hi, my name is $!name" } } # Inheritance uses the `is` keyword class Child is Parent { method talk { say "Goo goo ga ga" } # This shadows Parent's `talk` method. # This child hasn't learned to speak yet! } my Parent $Richard .= new(age => 40, name => 'Richard'); $Richard.favorite-color; #=> "My favorite color is Blue" $Richard.talk; #=> "Hi, my name is Richard" ## $Richard is able to access the submethod and he knows how to say his name. my Child $Madison .= new(age => 1, name => 'Madison'); $Madison.talk; #=> "Goo goo ga ga", due to the overridden method. # $Madison.favorite-color # does not work since it is not inherited. ## When you use `my T $var`, `$var` starts off with `T` itself in it, ## so you can call `new` on it. ## (`.=` is just the dot-call and the assignment operator: ## `$a .= b` is the same as `$a = $a.b`) ## Also note that `BUILD` (the method called inside `new`) ## will set parent's properties too, so you can pass `val => 5`. ``` ### Roles, or Mixins ```perl6 ## Roles are supported too (which are called Mixins in other languages) role PrintableVal { has $!counter = 0; method print { say $.val; } } ## you "apply" a role (or mixin) with `does` keyword: class Item does PrintableVal { has $.val; ## When `does`-ed, a `role` literally "mixes in" the class: ## the methods and attributes are put together, which means a class ## can access the private attributes/methods of its roles (but ## not the inverse!): method access { say $!counter++; } ## However, this: ## method print {} ## is ONLY valid when `print` isn't a `multi` with the same dispatch. ## (this means a parent class can shadow a child class's `multi print() {}`, ## but it's an error if a role does) ## NOTE: You can use a role as a class (with `is ROLE`). In this case, ## methods will be shadowed, since the compiler will consider `ROLE` ## to be a class. } ``` ## Exceptions ```perl6 ## Exceptions are built on top of classes, in the package `X` (like `X::IO`). ## In Perl6 exceptions are automatically 'thrown': open 'foo'; #=> Failed to open file foo: no such file or directory ## It will also print out what line the error was thrown at ## and other error info. ## You can throw an exception using `die`: die 'Error!'; #=> Error! ## Or more explicitly: X::AdHoc.new(payload => 'Error!').throw; #=> Error! ## In Perl 6, `orelse` is similar to the `or` operator, except it only matches ## undefined variables instead of anything evaluating as `False`. ## Undefined values include: `Nil`, `Mu` and `Failure` as well as `Int`, `Str` ## and other types that have not been initialized to any value yet. ## You can check if something is defined or not using the defined method: my $uninitialized; say $uninitiazilzed.defined; #=> False ## When using `orelse` it will disarm the exception and alias $_ to that ## failure. This will prevent it to being automatically handled and printing ## lots of scary error messages to the screen. We can use the `exception` ## method on the `$_` variable to access the exception open 'foo' orelse say "Something happened {.exception}"; ## This also works: open 'foo' orelse say "Something happened $_"; #=> Something happened #=> Failed to open file foo: no such file or directory ## Both of those above work but in case we get an object from the left side ## that is not a failure we will probably get a warning. We see below how we ## can use try` and `CATCH` to be more specific with the exceptions we catch. ``` ### Using `try` and `CATCH` ```perl6 ## By using `try` and `CATCH` you can contain and handle exceptions without ## disrupting the rest of the program. The `try` block will set the last ## exception to the special variable `$!` (known as the error variable). ## Note: This has no relation to $!variables seen inside class definitions. try open 'foo'; say "Well, I tried! $!" if defined $!; #=> Well, I tried! Failed to open file foo: no such file or directory ## Now, what if we want more control over handling the exception? ## Unlike many other languages, in Perl 6, you put the `CATCH` block *within* ## the block to `try`. Similar to how the `$_` variable was set when we ## 'disarmed' the exception with `orelse`, we also use `$_` in the CATCH block. ## Note: The `$!` variable is only set *after* the `try` block has caught an ## exception. By default, a `try` block has a `CATCH` block of its own that ## catches any exception (`CATCH { default {} }`). try { my $a = (0 %% 0); CATCH { say "Something happened: $_" } } #=> Something happened: Attempt to divide by zero using infix:<%%> ## You can redefine it using `when`s (and `default`) to handle the exceptions ## you want to catch explicitly: try { open 'foo'; CATCH { # In the `CATCH` block, the exception is set to the $_ variable. when X::AdHoc { say "Error: $_" } when X::Numeric::DivideByZero { say "Error: $_"; } ## Any other exceptions will be re-raised, since we don't have a `default`. ## Basically, if a `when` matches (or there's a `default`), the ## exception is marked as "handled" so as to prevent its re-throw ## from the `CATCH` block. You still can re-throw the exception (see below) ## by hand. } } #=>Error: Failed to open file /dir/foo: no such file or directory ## There are also some subtleties to exceptions. Some Perl 6 subs return a ## `Failure`, which is a wrapper around an `Exception` object which is ## "unthrown". They're not thrown until you try to use the variables containing ## them unless you call `.Bool`/`.defined` on them - then they're handled. ## (the `.handled` method is `rw`, so you can mark it as `False` back yourself) ## You can throw a `Failure` using `fail`. Note that if the pragma `use fatal` ## is on, `fail` will throw an exception (like `die`). fail "foo"; # We're not trying to access the value, so no problem. try { fail "foo"; CATCH { default { say "It threw because we tried to get the fail's value!" } } } ## There is also another kind of exception: Control exceptions. ## Those are "good" exceptions, which happen when you change your program's ## flow, using operators like `return`, `next` or `last`. ## You can "catch" those with `CONTROL` (not 100% working in Rakudo yet). ``` ## Packages ```perl6 ## Packages are a way to reuse code. Packages are like "namespaces", and any ## element of the six model (`module`, `role`, `class`, `grammar`, `subset` and ## `enum`) are actually packages. (Packages are the lowest common denominator) ## Packages are important - especially as Perl is well-known for CPAN, ## the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network. ## You can use a module (bring its declarations into scope) with ## the `use` keyword: use JSON::Tiny; # if you installed Rakudo* or Panda, you'll have this module say from-json('[1]').perl; #=> [1] ## You should not declare packages using the `package` keyword (unlike Perl 5). ## Instead, use `class Package::Name::Here;` to declare a class, or if you only ## want to export variables/subs, you can use `module` instead. module Hello::World { # bracketed form # If `Hello` doesn't exist yet, it'll just be a "stub", # that can be redeclared as something else later. # ... declarations here ... } unit module Parse::Text; # file-scoped form which extends until # the end of the file grammar Parse::Text::Grammar { # A grammar is a package, which you could `use`. # You will learn more about grammars in the regex section } ## As said before, any part of the six model is also a package. ## Since `JSON::Tiny` uses its own `JSON::Tiny::Actions` class, you can use it: my $actions = JSON::Tiny::Actions.new; ## We'll see how to export variables and subs in the next part. ``` ## Declarators ```perl6 ## In Perl 6, you get different behaviors based on how you declare a variable. ## You've already seen `my` and `has`, we'll now explore the others. ## `our` - these declarations happen at `INIT` time -- (see "Phasers" below). ## It's like `my`, but it also creates a package variable. All packagish ## things such as `class`, `role`, etc. are `our` by default. module Var::Increment { our $our-var = 1; # Note: `our`-declared variables cannot be typed. my $my-var = 22; our sub Inc { our sub available { # If you try to make inner `sub`s `our`... # ... Better know what you're doing (Don't !). say "Don't do that. Seriously. You'll get burned."; } my sub unavailable { # `sub`s are `my`-declared by default say "Can't access me from outside, I'm 'my'!"; } say ++$our-var; # Increment the package variable and output its value } } say $Var::Increment::our-var; #=> 1, this works! say $Var::Increment::my-var; #=> (Any), this will not work! Var::Increment::Inc; #=> 2 Var::Increment::Inc; #=> 3 , notice how the value of $our-var was # retained. Var::Increment::unavailable; #=> Could not find symbol '&unavailable' ## `constant` - these declarations happen at `BEGIN` time. You can use ## the `constant` keyword to declare a compile-time variable/symbol: constant Pi = 3.14; constant $var = 1; ## And if you're wondering, yes, it can also contain infinite lists. constant why-not = 5, 15 ... *; say why-not[^5]; #=> 5 15 25 35 45 ## `state` - these declarations happen at run time, but only once. State ## variables are only initialized one time. In other languages such as C ## they exist as `static` variables. sub fixed-rand { state $val = rand; say $val; } fixed-rand for ^10; # will print the same number 10 times ## Note, however, that they exist separately in different enclosing contexts. ## If you declare a function with a `state` within a loop, it'll re-create the ## variable for each iteration of the loop. See: for ^5 -> $a { sub foo { state $val = rand; # This will be a different value for # every value of `$a` } for ^5 -> $b { say foo; # This will print the same value 5 times, # but only 5. Next iteration will re-run `rand`. } } ``` ## Phasers ```perl6 ## Phasers in Perl 6 are blocks that happen at determined points of time in ## your program. They are called phasers because they mark a change in the ## phase of a program. For example, when the program is compiled, a for loop ## runs, you leave a block, or an exception gets thrown (The `CATCH` block is ## actually a phaser!). Some of them can be used for their return values, ## some of them can't (those that can have a "[*]" in the beginning of their ## explanation text). Let's have a look! ## Compile-time phasers BEGIN { say "[*] Runs at compile time, as soon as possible, only once" } CHECK { say "[*] Runs at compile time, as late as possible, only once" } ## Run-time phasers INIT { say "[*] Runs at run time, as soon as possible, only once" } END { say "Runs at run time, as late as possible, only once" } ## Block phasers ENTER { say "[*] Runs everytime you enter a block, repeats on loop blocks" } LEAVE { say "Runs everytime you leave a block, even when an exception happened. Repeats on loop blocks." } PRE { say "Asserts a precondition at every block entry, before ENTER (especially useful for loops)"; say "If this block doesn't return a truthy value, an exception of type X::Phaser::PrePost is thrown."; } ## Example: for 0..2 { PRE { $_ > 1 } # This is going to blow up with "Precondition failed" } POST { say "Asserts a postcondition at every block exit, after LEAVE (especially useful for loops)"; say "If this block doesn't return a truthy value, an exception of type X::Phaser::PrePost is thrown, like PRE."; } for 0..2 { POST { $_ < 2 } # This is going to blow up with "Postcondition failed" } ## Block/exceptions phasers sub { KEEP { say "Runs when you exit a block successfully (without throwing an exception)" } UNDO { say "Runs when you exit a block unsuccessfully (by throwing an exception)" } } ## Loop phasers for ^5 { FIRST { say "[*] The first time the loop is run, before ENTER" } NEXT { say "At loop continuation time, before LEAVE" } LAST { say "At loop termination time, after LEAVE" } } ## Role/class phasers COMPOSE { "When a role is composed into a class. /!\ NOT YET IMPLEMENTED" } ## They allow for cute tricks or clever code...: say "This code took " ~ (time - CHECK time) ~ "s to compile"; ## ... or clever organization: sub do-db-stuff { $db.start-transaction; # start a new transaction KEEP $db.commit; # commit the transaction if all went well UNDO $db.rollback; # or rollback if all hell broke loose } ``` ## Statement prefixes ```perl6 ## Those act a bit like phasers: they affect the behavior of the following ## code. Though, they run in-line with the executable code, so they're in ## lowercase. (`try` and `start` are theoretically in that list, but explained ## elsewhere) Note: all of these (except start) don't need explicit curly ## braces `{` and `}`. ## `do` - (which you already saw) runs a block or a statement as a term. ## Normally you cannot use a statement as a value (or "term"). `do` helps us ## do it. # my $value = if True { 1 } # this fails since `if` is a statement my $a = do if True { 5 } # with `do`, `if` is now a term returning a value ## `once` - makes sure a piece of code only runs once. for ^5 { once say 1 }; #=> 1, only prints ... once ## Similar to `state`, they're cloned per-scope. for ^5 { sub { once say 1 }() }; #=> 1 1 1 1 1, prints once per lexical scope. ## `gather` - co-routine thread. The `gather` constructs allows us to `take` ## several values from an array/list, much like `do`. say gather for ^5 { take $_ * 3 - 1; take $_ * 3 + 1; } #=> -1 1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 13 say join ',', gather if False { take 1; take 2; take 3; } # Doesn't print anything. ## `eager` - evaluates a statement eagerly (forces eager context) ## Don't try this at home: # eager 1..*; # this will probably hang for a while (and might crash ...). ## But consider: constant thrice = gather for ^3 { say take $_ }; # Doesn't print anything ## versus: constant thrice = eager gather for ^3 { say take $_ }; #=> 0 1 2 ``` ## Iterables ```perl6 ## Iterables are objects that can be iterated over which are ## are similar to the `for` construct. ## `flat` - flattens iterables. say (1, 10, (20, 10) ); #=> (1 10 (20 10)), notice how neste lists are # preserved say (1, 10, (20, 10) ).flat; #=> (1 10 20 10), now the iterable is flat ## - `lazy` - defers actual evaluation until value is fetched by forcing ## lazy context. my @lazy-array = (1..100).lazy; say @lazy-array.is-lazy; #=> True, check for laziness with the `is-lazy` method. say @lazy-array; #=> [...] List has not been iterated on! my @lazy-array { .print }; # This works and will only do as much work as # is needed. # ( **TODO** explain that gather/take and map are all lazy) ## `sink` - an `eager` that discards the results by forcing sink context. constant nilthingie = sink for ^3 { .say } #=> 0 1 2 say nilthingie.perl; #=> Nil ## `quietly` - suppresses warnings in blocks. quietly { warn 'This is a warning!' }; #=> No output ## `contend` - attempts side effects under STM ## Not yet implemented! ``` ## More operators thingies! ```perl6 ## Everybody loves operators! Let's get more of them. ## The precedence list can be found here: ## https://docs.perl6.org/language/operators#Operator_Precedence ## But first, we need a little explanation about associativity: ## Binary operators: $a ! $b ! $c; # with a left-associative `!`, this is `($a ! $b) ! $c` $a ! $b ! $c; # with a right-associative `!`, this is `$a ! ($b ! $c)` $a ! $b ! $c; # with a non-associative `!`, this is illegal $a ! $b ! $c; # with a chain-associative `!`, this is `($a ! $b) and ($b ! $c)` $a ! $b ! $c; # with a list-associative `!`, this is `infix:<>` ## Unary operators: !$a! # with left-associative `!`, this is `(!$a)!` !$a! # with right-associative `!`, this is `!($a!)` !$a! # with non-associative `!`, this is illegal ``` ### Create your own operators! ```perl6 ## Okay, you've been reading all of that, so you might want to try something ## more exciting?! I'll tell you a little secret (or not-so-secret): ## In Perl 6, all operators are actually just funny-looking subroutines. ## You can declare an operator just like you declare a sub: # prefix refers to the operator categories (prefix, infix, postfix, etc). sub prefix:<win>( $winner ) { say "$winner Won!"; } win "The King"; #=> The King Won! # (prefix means 'before') ## you can still call the sub with its "full name": say prefix:<!>(True); #=> False prefix:<win>("The Queen"); #=> The Queen Won! sub postfix:<!>( Int $n ) { [*] 2..$n; # using the reduce meta-operator... See below ;-)! } say 5!; #=> 120 # Postfix operators ('after') have to come *directly* after the term. # No whitespace. You can use parentheses to disambiguate, i.e. `(5!)!` sub infix:<times>( Int $n, Block $r ) { # infix ('between') for ^$n { $r(); # You need the explicit parentheses to call the function in `$r`, # else you'd be referring at the variable itself, like with `&r`. } } 3 times -> { say "hello" }; #=> hello #=> hello #=> hello ## It's recommended to put spaces around your ## infix operator calls. ## For circumfix and post-circumfix ones sub circumfix:<[ ]>( Int $n ) { $n ** $n } say [5]; #=> 3125 # circumfix means 'around'. Again, no whitespace. sub postcircumfix:<{ }>( Str $s, Int $idx ) { ## post-circumfix is 'after a term, around something' $s.substr($idx, 1); } say "abc"{1}; #=> b # after the term `"abc"`, and around the index (1) ## This really means a lot -- because everything in Perl 6 uses this. ## For example, to delete a key from a hash, you use the `:delete` adverb ## (a simple named argument underneath): %h{$key}:delete; ## equivalent to: postcircumfix:<{ }>( %h, $key, :delete ); # (you can call operators like this) ## It's *all* using the same building blocks! Syntactic categories ## (prefix infix ...), named arguments (adverbs), ..., etc. used to build ## the language - are available to you. Obviously, you're advised against ## making an operator out of *everything* -- with great power comes great ## responsibility. ``` ### Meta operators! ```perl6 ## Oh boy, get ready!. Get ready, because we're delving deep into the rabbit's ## hole, and you probably won't want to go back to other languages after ## reading this. (I'm guessing you don't want to go back at this point but ## let's continue, for the journey is long and enjoyable!). ## Meta-operators, as their name suggests, are *composed* operators. ## Basically, they're operators that act on another operators. ## The reduce meta-operator is a prefix meta-operator that takes a binary ## function and one or many lists. If it doesn't get passed any argument, ## it either returns a "default value" for this operator (a meaningless value) ## or `Any` if there's none (examples below). Otherwise, it pops an element ## from the list(s) one at a time, and applies the binary function to the last ## result (or the list's first element) and the popped element. ## To sum a list, you could use the reduce meta-operator with `+`, i.e.: say [+] 1, 2, 3; #=> 6, equivalent to (1+2)+3. ## To multiply a list say [*] 1..5; #=> 120, equivalent to ((((1*2)*3)*4)*5). ## You can reduce with any operator, not just with mathematical ones. ## For example, you could reduce with `//` to get first defined element ## of a list: say [//] Nil, Any, False, 1, 5; #=> False # (Falsey, but still defined) ## Or with relational operators, i.e., `>` to check elements of a list ## are ordered accordingly: say say [>] 234, 156, 6, 3, -20; #=> True ## Default value examples: say [*] (); #=> 1 say [+] (); #=> 0 # meaningless values, since N*1=N and N+0=N. say [//]; #=> (Any) # There's no "default value" for `//`. ## You can also call it with a function you made up, using double brackets: sub add($a, $b) { $a + $b } say [[&add]] 1, 2, 3; #=> 6 ## The zip meta-operator is an infix meta-operator that also can be used as a ## "normal" operator. It takes an optional binary function (by default, it ## just creates a pair), and will pop one value off of each array and call ## its binary function on these until it runs out of elements. It returns an ## array with all of these new elements. say (1, 2) Z (3, 4); #=> ((1, 3), (2, 4)), since by default the function # makes an array. say 1..3 Z+ 4..6; #=> (5, 7, 9), using the custom infix:<+> function ## Since `Z` is list-associative (see the list above), ## you can use it on more than one list (True, False) Z|| (False, False) Z|| (False, False); # (True, False) ## And, as it turns out, you can also use the reduce meta-operator with it: [Z||] (True, False), (False, False), (False, False); # (True, False) ## And to end the operator list: ## The sequence operator is one of Perl 6's most powerful features: ## it's composed of first, on the left, the list you want Perl 6 to deduce from ## (and might include a closure), and on the right, a value or the predicate ## that says when to stop (or a Whatever Star for a lazy infinite list). my @list = 1, 2, 3...10; # basic arithmetic sequence # my @list = 1, 3, 6...10; # this dies because Perl 6 can't figure out the end my @list = 1, 2, 3...^10; # as with ranges, you can exclude the last element # (the iteration ends when the predicate matches). my @list = 1, 3, 9...* > 30; # you can use a predicate (with the Whatever Star). my @list = 1, 3, 9 ... { $_ > 30 }; # (equivalent to the above # using a block here). my @fib = 1, 1, *+* ... *; # lazy infinite list of fibonacci sequence, # computed using a closure! my @fib = 1, 1, -> $a, $b { $a + $b } ... *; # (equivalent to the above) my @fib = 1, 1, { $^a + $^b } ... *; # (also equivalent to the above) ## $a and $b will always take the previous values, meaning here ## they'll start with $a = 1 and $b = 1 (values we set by hand), ## then $a = 1 and $b = 2 (result from previous $a+$b), and so on. say @fib[^10]; #=> 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 # (using a range as the index) ## Note: as for ranges, once reified, elements aren't re-calculated. ## That's why `@primes[^100]` will take a long time the first time you print ## it, then will be instateneous. ``` ## Regular Expressions ```perl6 ## I'm sure a lot of you have been waiting for this one. Well, now that you know ## a good deal of Perl 6 already, we can get started. First off, you'll have to ## forget about "PCRE regexps" (perl-compatible regexps). ## ## IMPORTANT: Don't skip them because you know PCRE. They're different. Some ## things are the same (like `?`, `+`, and `*`), but sometimes the semantics ## change (`|`). Make sure you read carefully, because you might trip over a ## new behavior. ## ## Perl 6 has many features related to RegExps. After all, Rakudo parses itself. ## We're first going to look at the syntax itself, then talk about grammars ## (PEG-like), differences between `token`, `regex` and `rule` declarators, ## and some more. Side note: you still have access to PCRE regexps using the ## `:P5` modifier which we won't be discussing this in this tutorial, though. ## ## In essence, Perl 6 natively implements PEG ("Parsing Expression Grammars"). ## The pecking order for ambiguous parses is determined by a multi-level ## tie-breaking test: ## - Longest token matching: `foo\s+` beats `foo` (by 2 or more positions) ## - Longest literal prefix: `food\w*` beats `foo\w*` (by 1) ## - Declaration from most-derived to less derived grammars ## (grammars are actually classes) ## - Earliest declaration wins say so 'a' ~~ /a/; #=> True say so 'a' ~~ / a /; #=> True, more readable with some spaces! ## In all our examples, we're going to use the smart-matching operator against ## a regexp. We're converting the result using `so` to a Boolean value because, ## in fact, it's returning a `Match` object. They know how to respond to list ## indexing, hash indexing, and return the matched string. The results of the ## match are available in the `$/` variable (implicitly lexically-scoped). You ## can also use the capture variables which start at 0: `$0`, `$1', `$2`... ## ## You can also note that `~~` does not perform start/end checking, meaning ## the regexp can be matched with just one character of the string. We'll ## explain later how you can do it. ## In Perl 6, you can have any alphanumeric as a literal, everything else has ## to be escaped by using a backslash or quotes. say so 'a|b' ~~ / a '|' b /; #=> `True`, it wouldn't mean the same thing if # `|` wasn't escaped. say so 'a|b' ~~ / a \| b /; #=> `True`, another way to escape it. ## The whitespace in a regexp is actually not significant, unless you use the ## `:s` (`:sigspace`, significant space) adverb. say so 'a b c' ~~ / a b c /; #=> `False`, space is not significant here! say so 'a b c' ~~ /:s a b c /; #=> `True`, we added the modifier `:s` here. ## If we use only one space between strings in a regex, Perl 6 will warn us: say so 'a b c' ~~ / a b c /; #=> `False`, with warning about space say so 'a b c' ~~ / a b c /; #=> `False` ## Please use quotes or :s (:sigspace) modifier (or, to suppress this warning, ## omit the space, or otherwise change the spacing). To fix this and make the ## spaces less ambiguous, either use at least two spaces between strings ## or use the `:s` adverb. ## As we saw before, we can embed the `:s` inside the slash delimiters, but we ## can also put it outside of them if we specify `m` for 'match': say so 'a b c' ~~ m:s/a b c/; #=> `True` ## By using `m` to specify 'match', we can also use delimiters other than ## slashes: say so 'abc' ~~ m{a b c}; #=> `True` say so 'abc' ~~ m[a b c]; #=> `True` # m/.../ is equivalent to /.../ ## Use the :i adverb to specify case insensitivity: say so 'ABC' ~~ m:i{a b c}; #=> `True` ## However, whitespace is important as for how modifiers are applied ( ## (which you'll see just below) ... ## Quantifying - `?`, `+`, `*` and `**`. ## `?` - zero or one match so 'ac' ~~ / a b c /; #=> `False` so 'ac' ~~ / a b? c /; #=> `True`, the "b" matched 0 times. so 'abc' ~~ / a b? c /; #=> `True`, the "b" matched 1 time. ## ...As you read before, whitespace is important because it determines which ## part of the regexp is the target of the modifier: so 'def' ~~ / a b c? /; #=> `False`, only the `c` is optional so 'def' ~~ / a b? c /; #=> `False`, whitespace is not significant so 'def' ~~ / 'abc'? /; #=> `True`, the whole "abc" group is optional ## Here (and below) the quantifier applies only to the `b` ## `+` - one or more matches so 'ac' ~~ / a b+ c /; #=> `False`, `+` wants at least one matching so 'abc' ~~ / a b+ c /; #=> `True`, one is enough so 'abbbbc' ~~ / a b+ c /; #=> `True`, matched 4 "b"s ## `*` - zero or more matches so 'ac' ~~ / a b* c /; #=> `True`, they're all optional. so 'abc' ~~ / a b* c /; #=> `True` so 'abbbbc' ~~ / a b* c /; #=> `True` so 'aec' ~~ / a b* c /; #=> `False`. "b"(s) are optional, not replaceable. ## `**` - (Unbound) Quantifier ## If you squint hard enough, you might understand why exponentation is used ## for quantity. so 'abc' ~~ / a b**1 c /; #=> `True`, (exactly one time) so 'abc' ~~ / a b**1..3 c /; #=> `True`, (one to three times) so 'abbbc' ~~ / a b**1..3 c /; #=> `True` so 'abbbbbbc' ~~ / a b**1..3 c /; #=> `False, (too much) so 'abbbbbbc' ~~ / a b**3..* c /; #=> `True`, (infinite ranges are okay) ## `<[]>` - Character classes ## Character classes are the equivalent of PCRE's `[]` classes, but they use a ## more perl6-ish syntax: say 'fooa' ~~ / f <[ o a ]>+ /; #=> 'fooa' ## You can use ranges: say 'aeiou' ~~ / a <[ e..w ]> /; #=> 'ae' ## Just like in normal regexes, if you want to use a special character, escape ## it (the last one is escaping a space which would be equivalent to using ## ' '): say 'he-he !' ~~ / 'he-' <[ a..z \! \ ]> + /; #=> 'he-he !' ## You'll get a warning if you put duplicate names (which has the nice effect ## of catching the raw quoting): 'he he' ~~ / <[ h e ' ' ]> /; # Warns "Repeated character (') unexpectedly found in character class" ## You can also negate character classes... (`<-[]>` equivalent to `[^]` in PCRE) so 'foo' ~~ / <-[ f o ]> + /; #=> False ## ... and compose them: so 'foo' ~~ / <[ a..z ] - [ f o ]> + /; #=> `False`, (any letter except f and o) so 'foo' ~~ / <-[ a..z ] + [ f o ]> + /; #=> `True`, (no letter except f and o) so 'foo!' ~~ / <-[ a..z ] + [ f o ]> + /; #=> `True`, (the + doesn't replace the # left part) ``` ### Grouping and capturing ```perl6 ## Group: you can group parts of your regexp with `[]`. Unlike PCRE's `(?:)`, ## these groups are *not* captured. so 'abc' ~~ / a [ b ] c /; # `True`. The grouping does pretty much nothing so 'foo012012bar' ~~ / foo [ '01' <[0..9]> ] + bar /; ## The previous line returns `True`. The regex matches "012" 1 or more time ## (achieved by the the `+` applied to the group). ## But this does not go far enough, because we can't actually get back what ## we matched. ## Capture: The results of a regexp can be *captured* by using parentheses. so 'fooABCABCbar' ~~ / foo ( 'A' <[A..Z]> 'C' ) + bar /; # `True`. (using `so` # here, `$/` below) ## So, starting with the grouping explanations. ## As we said before, our `Match` object is stored inside the `$/` variable: say $/; # Will either print some weird stuff or `Nil` if nothing matched. ## As we also said before, it has array indexing: say $/[0]; #=> 「ABC」 「ABC」 # These corner brackets are `Match` objects. # Here, we have an array of these. say $0; # The same as above. ## Our capture is `$0` because it's the first and only one capture in the ## regexp. You might be wondering why it's an array, and the answer is simple: ## Some captures (indexed using `$0`, `$/[0]` or a named one) will be an array ## if and only if they can have more than one element. Thus any capture with ## `*`, `+` and `**` (whatever the operands), but not with `?`. ## Let's use examples to see that: ## Note: We quoted A B C to demonstrate that the whitespace between them isn't ## significant. If we want the whitespace to *be* significant there, we ## can use the :sigspace modifier. say so 'fooABCbar' ~~ / foo ( "A" "B" "C" )? bar /; #=> `True` say $/[0]; #=> 「ABC」 say $0.WHAT; #=> (Match) # There can't be more than one, so it's only a single match object. say so 'foobar' ~~ / foo ( "A" "B" "C" )? bar /; #=> True say $0.WHAT; #=> (Any) # This capture did not match, so it's empty so 'foobar' ~~ / foo ( "A" "B" "C" ) ** 0..1 bar /; #=> `True` say $0.WHAT; #=> (Array) # A specific quantifier will always capture an Array, # be a range or a specific value (even 1). ## The captures are indexed per nesting. This means a group in a group will be ## nested under its parent group: `$/[0][0]`, for this code: 'hello-~-world' ~~ / ( 'hello' ( <[ \- \~ ]> + ) ) 'world' /; say $/[0].Str; #=> hello~ say $/[0][0].Str; #=> ~ ## This stems from a very simple fact: `$/` does not contain strings, integers ## or arrays, it only contains Match objects. These contain the `.list`, `.hash` ## and `.Str` methods but you can also just use `match<key>` for hash access ## and `match[idx]` for array access. say $/[0].list.perl; #=> (Match.new(...),).list # We can see it's a list of Match objects. These contain # a bunch of info: where the match started/ended, # the "ast" (see actions later), etc. # You'll see named capture below with grammars. ## Alternation - the `or` of regexps ## WARNING: They are DIFFERENT from PCRE regexps. say so 'abc' ~~ / a [ b | y ] c /; #=> `True`. Either "b" or "y". say so 'ayc' ~~ / a [ b | y ] c /; #=> `True`. Obviously enough... ## The difference between this `|` and the one you're used to is ## LTM ("Longest Token Matching"). This means that the engine will always ## try to match as much as possible in the string. say 'foo' ~~ / fo | foo /; #=> `foo`, instead of `fo`, because it's longer. ## To decide which part is the "longest", it first splits the regex in ## two parts: ## The "declarative prefix" (the part that can be statically analyzed) ## and the procedural parts: ## - The declarative prefixes include alternations (`|`), conjunctions (`&`), ## sub-rule calls (not yet introduced), literals, characters classes and ## quantifiers. ## - The procedural part include everything else: back-references, ## code assertions, and other things that can't traditionnaly be represented ## by normal regexps. ## ## Then, all the alternatives are tried at once, and the longest wins. ## Examples: ## DECLARATIVE | PROCEDURAL / 'foo' \d+ [ <subrule1> || <subrule2> ] /; ## DECLARATIVE (nested groups are not a problem) / \s* [ \w & b ] [ c | d ] /; ## However, closures and recursion (of named regexps) are procedural. ## There are also more complicated rules, like specificity (literals win over ## character classes). ## Note: the first-matching `or` still exists, but is now spelled `||` say 'foo' ~~ / fo || foo /; #=> `fo` now. ``` ## Extra: the MAIN subroutine ```perl6 ## The `MAIN` subroutine is called when you run a Perl 6 file directly. It's ## very powerful, because Perl 6 actually parses the arguments and pass them ## as such to the sub. It also handles named argument (`--foo`) and will even ## go as far as to autogenerate a `--help` flag. sub MAIN($name) { say "Hello, $name!"; } ## This produces: ## $ perl6 cli.pl ## Usage: ## t.pl <name> ## And since it's a regular Perl 6 sub, you can have multi-dispatch: ## (using a "Bool" for the named argument so that we can do `--replace` ## instead of `--replace=1`. The presence of `--replace` indicates truthness ## while its absence falseness). subset File of Str where *.IO.d; # convert to IO object to check the file exists multi MAIN('add', $key, $value, Bool :$replace) { ... } multi MAIN('remove', $key) { ... } multi MAIN('import', File, Str :$as) { ... } # omitting parameter name ## This produces: ## $ perl6 cli.pl ## Usage: ## cli.p6 [--replace] add <key> <value> ## cli.p6 remove <key> ## cli.p6 [--as=<Str>] import <File> ## As you can see, this is *very* powerful. It even went as far as to show inline ## the constants (the type is only displayed if the argument is `$`/is named). ``` ## APPENDIX A: ### List of things ```perl6 ## It's assumed by now you know the Perl6 basics. This section is just here to ## list some common operations, but which are not in the "main part" of the ## tutorial to avoid bloating it up. ## Operators ## Sort comparison - they return one value of the `Order` enum: `Less`, `Same` ## and `More` (which numerify to -1, 0 or +1 respectively). 1 <=> 4; # sort comparison for numerics 'a' leg 'b'; # sort comparison for string $obj eqv $obj2; # sort comparison using eqv semantics ## Generic ordering 3 before 4; # True 'b' after 'a'; # True ## Short-circuit default operator - similar to `or` and `||`, but instead ## returns the first *defined* value: say Any // Nil // 0 // 5; #=> 0 ## Short-circuit exclusive or (XOR) - returns `True` if one (and only one) of ## its arguments is true say True ^^ False; #=> True ## Flip flops - these operators (`ff` and `fff`, equivalent to P5's `..` ## and `...`) are operators that take two predicates to test: They are `False` ## until their left side returns `True`, then are `True` until their right ## side returns `True`. Similar to ranges, you can exclude the iteration when ## it become `True`/`False` by using `^` on either side. Let's start with an ## example : for <well met young hero we shall meet later> { # by default, `ff`/`fff` smart-match (`~~`) against `$_`: if 'met' ^ff 'meet' { # Won't enter the if for "met" .say # (explained in details below). } if rand == 0 ff rand == 1 { # compare variables other than `$_` say "This ... probably will never run ..."; } } ## This will print "young hero we shall meet" (excluding "met"): the flip-flop ## will start returning `True` when it first encounters "met" (but will still ## return `False` for "met" itself, due to the leading `^` on `ff`), until it ## sees "meet", which is when it'll start returning `False`. ## The difference between `ff` (awk-style) and `fff` (sed-style) is that `ff` ## will test its right side right when its left side changes to `True`, and can ## get back to `False` right away (*except* it'll be `True` for the iteration ## that matched) while `fff` will wait for the next iteration to try its right ## side, once its left side changed: .say if 'B' ff 'B' for <A B C B A>; #=> B B # because the right-hand-side was tested # directly (and returned `True`). # "B"s are printed since it matched that # time (it just went back to `False` # right away). .say if 'B' fff 'B' for <A B C B A>; #=> B C B # The right-hand-side wasn't tested until # `$_` became "C" # (and thus did not match instantly). ## A flip-flop can change state as many times as needed: for <test start print it stop not printing start print again stop not anymore> { .say if $_ eq 'start' ^ff^ $_ eq 'stop'; # exclude both "start" and "stop", #=> "print it print again" } ## You might also use a Whatever Star, which is equivalent to `True` for the ## left side or `False` for the right: for (1, 3, 60, 3, 40, 60) { # Note: the parenthesis are superfluous here # (sometimes called "superstitious parentheses") .say if $_ > 50 ff *; # Once the flip-flop reaches a number greater # than 50, it'll never go back to `False` #=> 60 3 40 60 } ## You can also use this property to create an `if` that'll not go through the ## first time: for <a b c> { .say if * ^ff *; # the flip-flop is `True` and never goes back to `False`, # but the `^` makes it *not run* on the first iteration #=> b c } ## The `===` operator is the value identity operator and uses `.WHICH` on the ## objects to compare them while `=:=` is the container identity operator ## and uses `VAR()` on the objects to compare them. ``` If you want to go further, you can: - Read the [Perl 6 Docs](https://docs.perl6.org/). This is a great resource on Perl6. If you are looking for something, use the search bar. This will give you a dropdown menu of all the pages referencing your search term (Much better than using Google to find Perl 6 documents!). - Read the [Perl 6 Advent Calendar](http://perl6advent.wordpress.com/). This is a great source of Perl 6 snippets and explanations. If the docs don't describe something well enough, you may find more detailed information here. This information may be a bit older but there are many great examples and explanations. Posts stopped at the end of 2015 when the language was declared stable and Perl 6.c was released. - Come along on `#perl6` at `irc.freenode.net`. The folks here are always helpful. - Check the [source of Perl 6's functions and classes](https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/tree/nom/src/core). Rakudo is mainly written in Perl 6 (with a lot of NQP, "Not Quite Perl", a Perl 6 subset easier to implement and optimize). - Read [the language design documents](http://design.perl6.org). They explain P6 from an implementor point-of-view, but it's still very interesting.