--- name: perl6 category: language language: perl6 filename: learnperl6.pl contributors: - ["Nami-Doc", "http://github.com/Nami-Doc"] --- Perl 6 is a highly capable, feature-rich programming language made for the upcoming hundred years. Perl 6 runs on [the Parrot VM](http://parrot.org/), the JVM and [the MoarVM](http://moarvm.com). Meta-note : the triple pound signs are here to denote headlines, double paragraphs, single notes. `#=>` represents the output of a command. ```perl # Single line comment start with a pound #`( Multiline comments use #` and a quoting construct. (), [], {}, 「」, etc, will work. ) ### Variables # In Perl 6, you declare a lexical variable using `my` # Perl 6 has 4 variable types : ## - Scalars. They represent a single value. They start with a `$` my $str = 'String'; my $str2 = "String"; # double quotes allow for interpolation # variable names can contain but not end with simple quotes and dashes, and can contain (and end with) underscores : # my $weird'variable-name_ = 5; # works ! ## - Arrays. They represent multiple values. They start with `@` my @array = 1, 2, 3; my @array = 'a', 'b', 'c'; # equivalent to : my @array = ; # array of words, delimited by space. similar to perl5's qw, or Ruby's %w say @array[2]; # Array indices start at 0 -- This is the third element ## - Hashes my %hash = 1 => 2, 3 => 4; my %hash = autoquoted => "key", "some other" => "value", # trailing commas are okay ; my %hash = # you can also create a hash from an even-numbered array say %hash{'key1'}; # You can use {} to get the value from a key say %hash; # if it's a string, you can actually use <> ## - Subs (subroutines, or functions in most other languages). Stored in variable, they use `&` sub say-hello { say "Hello, world" } sub say-hello-to(Str $name) { # you can provide the type of an argument # and it'll be checked at compile-time say "Hello, $name !"; } # since you can omit parenthesis to call a function with no arguments, you need to use `&` also to capture `say-hello` my &s = &say-hello; my &other-s = sub { say "anonymous function !" } # `->`, lambda with arguments, and string interpolation my &lambda = -> $argument { "The argument passed to this lambda is $argument" } # We're going to see how powerful Perl 6 subs are just a little down below, after seeing the basics of operators # and control flow structures ### Containers # In Perl 6, values are actually stored in "containers". # the assignment operator asks the container on the left to store the value on its right # When passed around, containers are marked as immutable. Which means that, in a function, # you'll get an error if you try to mutate one of your argument. # If you really need to, you can ask for a mutable container using `is rw` : sub mutate($n is rw) { $n++; say "\$n is now $n !"; } # If what you want is a copy instead, use `is copy`. # A sub itself returns a container, which means it can be marked as rw : my $x = 42; sub mod() is rw { $x } mod() = 52; # in this case, the parentheses are mandatory say $x; #=> 52 ### Control Flow Structures # You don't need to put parenthesis around the condition, but that also means you always have to use brackets (`{ }`) for their body : ## Conditionals # - `if` if True { say "It's true !"; } unless False { say "It's not false !"; } # You can also use their postfix versions, with the keyword after: say "Quite truthy" if True; # if (true) say; # This doesn't work ! # - Ternary conditional, "?? !!" my $a = $condition ?? $value-if-true !! $value-if-false; # `??` and `!!` are like `?` and `:` in other languages' # - `given`-`when` looks like other languages `switch`, but it's much more powerful thanks to smart matching. # given just puts its argument into `$_`, and `when` uses it using the "smart matching" operator. given "foo bar" { when /foo/ { # you'll read about the smart-matching operator below -- just know `when` uses it say "Yay !"; } when $_.chars > 50 { # smart matching anything with True gives True, so you can also put "normal" conditionals say "Quite a long string !"; } default { # same as `when *` (using the Whatever Star) say "Something else" } } ## Looping constructs # - `loop` is an infinite loop if you don't pass it arguments, but can also be a c-style `for` : loop { say "This is an infinite loop !"; last; # last breaks out of the loop, like the `break` keyword in other languages } loop (my $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { next if $i == 3; # `next` skips to the next iteration, like `continue` in other languages. # Notice that you can also use postfix conditionals, loops, etc. say "This is a C-style for loop !"; } # - `for` - Foreaches an array for @array -> $variable { say "I've found $variable !"; } # default variable is $_ for @array { say "I've got $_"; } for @array { next if $_ == 3; # you can skip to the next iteration (like `continue` in C-like languages) redo if $_ == 4; # you can re-do the iteration, keeping the same topic variable (`$_`) last if $_ == 5; # you can also break out of a loop (like `break` in C-like languages) } # Note - the "lambda" `->` syntax isn't reserved to `for` : if long-computation() -> $result { say "The result is $result"; } ### Operators ## Since Perl languages are very much operator-based languages ## Perl 6 operators are actually just funny-looking subroutines, in syntactic categories, ## like infix:<+> (addition) or prefix: (bool not) ## The categories are : # - "prefix" : before (like `!` in `!True`). # - "postfix" : after (like `++` in `$a++`). # - "infix" : in between (like `*` in `4 * 3`). # - "circumfix" : around (like `[`-`]` in `[1, 2]`). # - "post-circumfix" : around, after another term (like `{`-`}` in `%hash{'key'}`) ## The associativity and precedence list are explained below. # Alright, you're set to go ! ## * Equality Checking # - `==` is numeric comparison 3 == 4; # False 3 != 4; # True # - `eq` is string comparison 'a' eq 'b'; 'a' ne 'b'; # not equal 'a' !eq 'b'; # same as above # - `eqv` is canonical equivalence (1, 2) eqv (1, 3); # - `~~` is smart matching # for a complete combinations list, use this table : http://perlcabal.org/syn/S03.html#Smart_matching 'a' ~~ /a/; # true if matches regexp 'key' ~~ %hash; # true if key exists in hash $arg ~~ &bool-returning-function; # true if the function, passed `$arg` as an argument, returns True 1 ~~ Int; # "is of type" 1 ~~ True; # smart-matching against a boolean always returns that boolean (and will warn). # - `===` is value identity and uses `.WHICH` on the objects to compare them # - `=:=` is container identity and uses `VAR()` on the objects to compare them # You also, of course, have `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`. # Their string equivalent are also avaiable : `lt`, `le`, `gt`, `ge`. 3 > 4; ## * Range constructors 3 .. 7; # 3 to 7, both included # `^` on either side them exclusive on that side : 3 ^..^ 7; # 3 to 7, not included (basically `4 .. 6`) # this also works as a shortcut for `0..^N` ^10; # 0..^10 # This also allows us to demonstrate that Perl 6 has lazy arrays, using the Whatever Star : my @array = 1..*; # 1 to Infinite ! say @array[^10]; # you can pass arrays as subscripts and it'll return an array of results # this will print "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" (and not run out of memory !) # Note : when reading an infinite list, Perl 6 will "reify" the elements it needs, then keep them in memory # They won't be calculated more than once. # Warning, though : if you try this example in the REPL and juste put `1..*`, # Perl 6 will be forced to try and evaluate the whole array (to print it), # so you'll end with an infinite loop. ## * And, Or 3 && 4; # True. Calls `.Bool` on `3` 0 || False; # False. Calls `.Bool` on `0` ## Short-circuit (and tight) versions of the above $a && $b && $c; # returns the first argument that evaluates to False, or the last argument $a || $b; ## Sequence operator # The sequence operator is one of Perl 6's most powerful features : # it's composed of first, on the left, the list you want Perl 6 to deduce from (and might include a closure), # and on the right, a value or the predicate for when to stop, or even Whatever for a lazy infinite list my @list = 1, 2, 3 ... 10; # basic deducing #my @list = 1, 3, 6 ... 10; # this throws you into an infinite loop, because Perl 6 can't figure out the end my @list = 1, 2, 3 ...^ 10; # as with ranges, you can exclude the last element (when the predicate matches) my @list = 1, 3, 9 ... * > 30; # you can use a predicate (with the Whatever Star, here) my @list = 1, 3, 9 ... { $_ > 30 }; # (equivalent to the above) my @primes = 1, 1, *+* ... *; # lazy infinite list of prime numbers, computed using a closure ! my @primes = 1, 1, -> $a, $b { $a + $b } ... *; # (equivalent to the above) say @primes[^10]; #=> 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 # Note : as for ranges, once reified, elements aren't re-calculated. # That's why `@primes[^100]` will take a long time the first time you print it, then be instant ## More on Subs ! # Perl 6 likes functions. So, in Perl 6, functions are very powerful: ## Multiple Dispatch # Perl 6 can decide which variant of a `sub` to call based on the type of the arguments, # or on arbitrary preconditions, using `where` : # with types multi sub sayit(Int $n) { # note the `multi` keyword here say "Number: $n"; } multi sayit(Str $s) } # the `sub` is implicit say "String: $s"; } sayit("foo"); # prints "String: foo" sayit(True); # fails at *compile time* with "calling 'sayit' will never work with arguments of types ..." # with arbitrary precondition: multi is-big(Int $n where * > 10) { True } multi is-big(Int $) { False } # you can also name these checks, by creating "subsets": subset Even of Int where * %% 2; # The last expression of a sub is returned automatically (though you may use the `return` keyword, of course): sub next-index($n) { $n + 1; } my $new-n = next-index(3); # $new-n is now 4 # This is true for everything, except for the looping constructs (due to performance reasons): # there's no purpose in building a list if we're just going to discard all the results. # If you still want to build one, you can use the `do` prefix: (or the `gather` prefix, which we'll see later) sub list-of($n) { do for ^$n { # note the use of the range-to prefix operator `^` (`0..^N`) $_ # current loop iteration } } my @list3 = list-of(3); #=> (0, 1, 2) # We can, for example, add 3 to each value of an array using map : my @arrayplus3 = map({ $_ + 3 }, @array); # $_ is the implicit argument (the same as for `given` and `for`) # a sub (`sub {}`) has different semantics than a block (`{}` or `-> {}`) : # a block doesn't have a function context (though it can have arguments), which means that if you # return from it, you're going to return from the parent function, compare: sub is-in(@array, $elem) { # this will `return` out of `is-in` sub # once the condition evaluated to True, the loop won't be run anymore map({ return True if $_ == $elem }, @array); } sub truthy-array(@array) { # this will produce an array of `True` and `False` : # (you can also say `anon sub` for "anonymous subroutine") map(sub { if $_ { return True } else { return False } }, @array); # returns the correct value, even in a `if` } # `-> {}` and `{}` are pretty much the same thing, except that the former can take arguments, # and that the latter can be mistaken as a hash by the compiler # You can also use the "whatever star" to create an anonymous function # (it'll stop at the furthest operator in the current expression) my @arrayplus3 = map(*+3, @array); # `*+3` is the same as `{ $_ + 3 }` my @arrayplus3 = map(*+*+3, @array); # also works. Same as `-> $a, $b { $a + $b + 3 }` say ((*+3)/5)(5); # immediatly execute the function Whatever created -- works even in parens ! # but if you need to have more than one argument (`$_`) in a block (without wanting to resort to `-> {}`), # you can also use the implicit argument syntax, `$^` : map({ $^a + $^b + 3 }, @array); # same as the above # Note : those are sorted lexicographically. `{ $^b / $^a }` is like `-> $a, b { $ b / $a }` ### Scoping # In Perl 6, contrarily to many scripting languages (Python, Ruby, PHP, for example), # you are to declare your variables before using them. You already saw it, with `my`. # (there are other declarator keywords, like `our`, `has` and `state`, but we'll talk about them later) # This is called "lexical scoping", where in inner blocks, you can access variables from outer blocks. my $foo = 'Foo'; sub foo { my $bar = 'Bar'; sub bar { say "$foo $bar"; } &bar; # return the function } foo()(); #=> 'Foo Bar' # As you can see, `$foo` and `$bar` were captured. # But if we were to try and use `$bar` outside of `foo`, the variable would be undefined. # (and you'd get a compile time error) # Perl 6 has another kind of scope : dynamic scope. # They use the twigil (composed sigil) `*` to mark dynamically-scoped variables: my $*a = 1; # Dyamically-scoped variables depend on the current call stack, instead of the current block stack. sub foo { my $*foo = 1; bar(); # call `bar` in-place } sub bar { say $*foo; # Perl 6 will look into the call stack instead, and find `foo`'s `$*a`, # even though the blocks aren't nested (they're call-nested). #=> 1 } ### Object Model ## Perl 6 has a quite comprehensive object model ## You declare a class with the keyword `class`, fields with `has`, methods with `method` ## `$.` declares a public field, `$!` declares a private field ## (a public field also has `$!`, which is its private interface) # (Perl 6's object model ("P6Model") is very flexible, and allows you to dynamically add methods, # change semantics, etc -- This will not be covered here, and you should refer to the Synopsis) class A { has $.field; has Int $!private-field = 10; method get-value { $.field + $!private-field + $n; } method set-value($n) { # $.field = $n; # This fails, because a public field is actually an immutable container # (even from inside the class) # You either need to use `is rw` on the `has` # (which will make it mutable, even from outside the class) # or you need to use the `$!` version : $!field = $n; # This works, because `$!` is always mutable } method !private-method { say "This method is private to the class !"; } }; # Create a new instance of A with $.field set to 5 : # note : you can't set private-field from here (more later on) my $a = A.new(field => 5); $a.get-value; #=> 18 #$a.field = 5; # This fails, because the `has $.field` is lacking the `is rw` ## Perl 6 also has inheritance (along with multiple inheritance ... Considered a misfeature by many) class A { has $.val; submethod not-inherited { say "This method won't be available on B."; say "This is most useful for BUILD, which we'll see later"; } method bar { $.val * 5 } } class B is A { # inheritance uses `is` method foo { say $.val; } method bar { $.val * 10 } # this shadows A's `bar` } my B $b .= new(val => 5); # When you use `my T $var`, `$var` starts off with `T` itself in it, so you can call `new` on it # (`.=` is just the compound operator composed of the dot-call and of the assignment operator) # # Also note that `BUILD` (the method called inside `new`) will set parent properties too, # so you can pass `val => 5` # $b.not-inherited; # This won't work, for reasons explained above $b.foo; # prints 5 $b.bar; #=> 50, since it calls B's `bar` ## Roles are supported too (also called Mixins in other languages) role PrintableVal { has $!counter = 0; method print { say $.val; } } # you "use" a mixin with "does" : class Item does PrintableVal { has $.val; # When `does`-ed, a `role` literally "mixes in" the class : # the methods and fields are put together, which means a class can access # the private fields/methods of its roles (but not the inverse !) : method access { say $!counter++; } # However, this : # method print {} # is an error, since the compiler wouldn't know which `print` to use : # contrarily to inheritance, methods mixed in can't be shadowed - they're put at the same "level" # NOTE : You can use a role as a class (with `is ROLE`). In this case, methods will be shadowed, # since the compiler will consider `ROLE` to be a class } ### Exceptions # Exceptions are built on top of classes, usually in the package `X` (like `X::IO`). # Unlike many other languages, in Perl 6, you put the `CATCH` block *within* the block to `try`. # By default, a `try` has a `CATCH` block that catches any exception (`CATCH { default {} }`). # You can redefine it using `when`s (and `default`) to handle the exceptions you want: try { open 'foo'; CATCH { when X::AdHoc { say "unable to open file !" } # any other exception will be re-raised, since we don't have a `default` } } # You can throw an exception using `die`: die X::AdHoc.new(payload => 'Error !'); # TODO warn # TODO fail # TODO CONTROL ### Packages # Packages play a big part in a language, and Perl is well-known for CPAN, # the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network. # You can declare a mdule using the `module` keyword, and they can be nested: module Hello::World { # bracketed form # declarations here } module Parse::Text; # file-scoped form # You can use a module (bring its declarations into scope) with `use` use JSON::Tiny; # if you installed Rakudo* or Panda, you'll have this module say from-json('[1]').perl; #=> [1] # Any class, role, is also a module my $actions = JSON::Tiny::Actions.new; # We'll see how to export variables and subs in the next part: ### Declarators TODO: my, our, state, constant. ### Phasers # Phasers in Perl 6 are blocks that happen at determined points of time in your program # When the program is compiled, when a for loop runs, when you leave a block, when # an exception gets thrown ... (`CATCH` is actually a phaser !) # Some of them can be used for their return values, some of them can't # (those that can have a "[*]" in the beginning of their explanation text). # Let's have a look ! ## * Compile-time phasers BEGIN { say "[*] Runs at compile time, as soon as possible, only once" } CHECK { say "[*] Runs at compile time, instead as late as possible, only once" } ## * Run-time phasers INIT { say "[*] Runs at run time, as soon as possible, only once" } END { say "Runs at run time, as late as possible, only once" } ## * Block phasers ENTER { say "[*] Runs everytime you enter a block, repeats on loop blocks" } LEAVE { say "Runs everytime you leave a block, even when an exception happened. Repeats on loop blocks." } PRE { say "Asserts a precondition at every block entry, before ENTER (especially useful for loops)" } POST { say "Asserts a postcondition at every block exit, after LEAVE (especially useful for loops)" } ## * Block/exceptions phasers sub { KEEP { say "Runs when you exit a block successfully (without throwing an exception)" } UNDO { say "Runs when you exit a block unsuccessfully (by throwing an exception)" } } ## * Loop phasers for ^5 { FIRST { say "[*] The first time the loop is run, before ENTER" } NEXT { say "At loop continuation time, before LEAVE" } LAST { say "At loop termination time, after LEAVE" } } ## * Role/class phasers COMPOSE { "When a role is composed into a class. /!\ NOT YET IMPLEMENTED /!\" } # They allow for cute trick or clever code ...: say "This code took " ~ (time - CHECK time) ~ "s to run"; # ... or clever organization: sub do-db-stuff { ENTER $db.start-transaction; # create a new transaction everytime we enter the sub KEEP $db.commit; # commit the transaction if all went well UNDO $db.rollback; # or rollback if all hell broke loose } ### More operators thingies ! ## Everybody loves operators ! Let's get more of them ## The precedence list can be found here : http://perlcabal.org/syn/S03.html#Operator_precedence ## But first, we need a little explanation about associativity : # - Binary operators: $a ! $b ! $c; # with a left-associative `!`, this is `($a ! $b) ! $c` $a ! $b ! $c; # with a right-associative `!`, this is `$a ! ($b ! $c)` $a ! $b ! $c; # with a non-associative `!`, this is illegal $a ! $b ! $c; # with a chain-associative `!`, this is `($a ! $b) and ($b ! $c)` $a ! $b ! $c; # with a list-associative `!`, this is `infix:<>` # - Unary operators: !$a! # with left-associative `!`, this is `(!$a)!` !$a! # with right-associative `!`, this is `!($a!)` !$a! # with non-associative `!`, this is illegal ## Last part of the operator list : ## * Sort comparison # They return one value of the `Order` enum : `Less`, `Same` and `More` (which numerify to -1, 0 or +1). 1 <=> 4; # sort comparison for numerics 'a' leg 'b'; # sort comparison for string $obj eqv $obj2; # sort comparison using eqv semantics ## * Generic ordering 3 before 4; # True 'b' after 'a'; # True ## * Short-circuit default operator # Like `or` and `||`, but instead returns the first *defined* value : say Any // Nil // 0 // 5; #=> 5 ## * Short-circuit exclusive or (XOR) # Returns `True` if one (and only one) of its arguments is true say True ^^ False; #=> True ## * Flip Flop # The flip flop operators (`ff` and `fff`, equivalent to Perl 5/Ruby's `..` and `...`). # are operators that take two predicates to test: # They are `False` until their left side returns `True`, then are `True` until their right side returns `True`. # Like for ranges, you can exclude the iteration when it became `True`/`False` by using `^` on either side. # Let's start with an example : for { # by default, `ff`/`fff` smart-match (`~~`) against `$_`: if 'met' ^ff 'meet' { # won't enter the if for "met" (explained in details below). .say } if rand == 0 ff rand == 1 { # compare variables other than `$_` say "This ... probably will never run ..."; } } # This will print "young hero we shall meet" (excluding "met"): # the flip-flop will start returning `True` when it first encounters "met" # (but will still return `False` for "met" itself, due to the leading `^` on `ff`), # until it sees "meet", which is when it'll start returning `False`. # The difference between `ff` (flip-flop) and `fff` (flip-flop) is that # `ff` will test its right side just as its left side changes to `True`, # and can get back to `False` right away (*except* it'll be `True` for the iteration that matched) # while `fff` will wait for the next iteration to try its right side, once its left side changed: .say if 'B' ff 'B' for ; #=> B B # because the right-hand-side was tested directly (and returned `True`). # "B"s are still printed since it matched that time # (it just went back to `False` right away) .say if 'B' fff 'B' for ; #=> B C B # because the right-hand-side wasn't tested until `$_` became "C" # (and thus did not match directly). # A flip-flop can change state as many times as needed: for { .say if $_ eq 'start' ^ff^ $_ eq 'stop'; # exclude both "start" and "stop", #=> "print this printing again" } # you might also use a Whatever Star, which is equivalent to `True` for the left side or `False` for the right : for (1, 3, 60, 3, 40, 60) { .say if $_ > 50 ff *; # Once the flip-flop reached a number greater than 50, it'll never go back to `False` #=> 60 3 40 60 } # You can also use this property to create an `If` that'll not execute the first time : for { .say if * ^ff *; # the flip-flop is `True` and never goes back to `False`, # but the `^` makes it *not run* on the first iteration #=> b c } ```