--- language: restructured text (RST) contributors: - ["DamienVGN", "https://github.com/martin-damien"] - ["Andre Polykanine", "https://github.com/Oire"] filename: restructuredtext.rst --- RST, Restructured Text, is a file format created by the Python community to write documentation. It is part of [Docutils](https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html). RST is a markdown language like HTML but is much more lightweight and easier to read. ## Installation To use Restructured Text, you will have to install [Python](http://www.python.org) and the `docutils` package. `docutils` can be installed using the commandline: ```bash $ easy_install docutils ``` If your system has `pip`, you can use it too: ```bash $ pip install docutils ``` ## File syntax A simple example of the file syntax: ``` .. Lines starting with two dots are special commands. But if no command can be found, the line is considered as a comment ========================================================= Main titles are written using equals signs over and under ========================================================= Note that each character, including spaces, needs an equals sign above and below. Titles also use equals signs but are only underneath ==================================================== Subtitles with dashes --------------------- You can put text in *italic* or in **bold**, you can "mark" text as code with double backquote ``print()``. Special characters can be escaped using a backslash, e.g. \\ or \*. Lists are similar to Markdown, but a little more involved. Remember to line up list symbols (like - or \*) with the left edge of the previous text block, and remember to use blank lines to separate new lists from parent lists: - First item - Second item - Sub item - Third item or * First item * Second item * Sub item * Third item Tables are really easy to write: =========== ======== Country Capital =========== ======== France Paris Japan Tokyo =========== ======== More complex tables can be done easily (merged columns and/or rows) but I suggest you to read the complete doc for this :) There are multiple ways to make links: - By adding an underscore after a word : Github_ and by adding the target URL after the text (this way has the advantage of not inserting unnecessary URLs in the visible text). - By typing a full comprehensible URL : https://github.com/ (will be automatically converted to a link) - By making a more Markdown-like link: `Github <https://github.com/>`_ . .. _Github: https://github.com/ ``` ## How to Use It RST comes with docutils where you have `rst2html`, for example: ```bash $ rst2html myfile.rst output.html ``` *Note : On some systems the command could be rst2html.py* But there are more complex applications that use the RST format: - [Pelican](http://blog.getpelican.com/), a static site generator - [Sphinx](http://sphinx-doc.org/), a documentation generator - and many others ## Readings - [Official quick reference](http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html)