#!/usr/bin/env bash # Author : Ibrahim Mkusa # Description: installs and sets up core environment for my dev work on servers set -e # subshells inherit environment from parent function usage() { echo "./install #installs and setups this environment" echo "./install undo #removes all configs" echo "./install wipe #removes all configs and removes all installed packages" } # detect which family of distro i'm on if [[ -f /etc/os-release ]]; then . /etc/os-release case "$ID_LIKE" in debian) echo "Running on debian-family.." package_manager=apt vim="vim-nox" ;; fedora) echo "Running on debian-family.." package_manager=fedora vim="vim-enhanced" esac else echo "You are running an unrecognized family of os. Quitting..." exit 1 fi # could have used a case, but i prefer the if statement if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then echo "Installing packages" sudo "$package_manager" install -y "$vim" git stow curl ranger tmux # use gnu stow to symlink config files to home directory stow bash git ranger shellenv tmux vim elif [[ undo = "$1" ]]; then echo "undoing" stow -D bash git ranger shellenv tmux vim elif [[ wipe = "$1" ]]; then stow -D bash git ranger shellenv tmux vim sudo "$package_manager" remove "$vim" git stow curl ranger tmux echo "wiping" elif [[ "$1" = "help" ]]; then usage fi