**Partitions via fdisk** Ensure adequate unallocated space is available by adding more physical volumes or resizing in the case of virtual machines via something like below ``` qemu-img resize /path/to/image.qcow2 +size ``` where size can be +1G, +10G, +500M Run fdisk on your device `fdisk /dev/vda` and use the following core options to navigate | flag | Description | | p | lists all partitions currently on the device | | n | starts prompts to create new partition | | e | create extended partition applicable to mbr whose max is 4 primary| | t | redesignates a partition as something else e.g. swap| | L | while in t prompt lists all available labels you can apply to partition| | w | syncs/writes all changes to disk | `vim /etc/fstab` needs to be updated with the new partition information. You can append something like the following to it: ``` /dev/vda3 /storage vfat defaults 0 0 /dev/vda5 none swap defaults 0 0 ``` The first line will mount 3rd partition to `/storage` as a vfat partition. The second line will mount 5th partition as a swap. Mount point is none here. Make sure the mount points are created prior to force mounting like so ``` mkswap /dev/vda5 # writes metadata to /dev/vda5 as swap mount -a # mounts everything in /etc/fstab swapon -a # activates all partitions marked as swap for kernel to use findmnt --verify # verifies /etc/fstab ```