const express = require('express') const app = express() app.use(express.json()) let notes = [ { id: 1, content: "HTML is easy", important: true }, { id: 2, content: "Browser can execute only JavaScript", important: false }, { id: 3, content: "GET and POST are the most important methods of HTTP protocol", important: true } ] app.get('/', (request, response) => { response.send('

Habari Tanzania

') }) app.get('/api/notes', (request, response) => { response.json(notes) }) app.get('/api/notes/:id', (request, response) => { const id = Number( const note = notes.find(note => { console.log(, typeof, id, typeof id, === id) return === id }) console.log(note) if (note) { response.json(note) } else { response.status(404).end() } }) app.delete('/api/notes/:id', (request, response) => { const id = Number( notes = notes.filter(note => !== id) response.status(204).end() }) const generateId = () => { const maxId = notes.length > 0 ? Math.max( => : 0 return maxId + 1 }'/api/notes', (request, response) => { const body = request.body if (!body.content) { return reponse.status(400).json({ error: 'content missing' }) } const note = { content: body.content, important: body.important || false, id: generateId(), } notes = notes.concat(note) console.log(note) response.json(note) }) const PORT = 3001 app.listen(PORT) console.log(`Server running on port ${PORT}`)