path: root/server.rkt
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authorIbrahim Mkusa <ibrahimmkusa@gmail.com>2017-04-09 22:37:50 -0400
committerIbrahim Mkusa <ibrahimmkusa@gmail.com>2017-04-09 22:37:50 -0400
commitcb381871d518077649be6272af823dabec2fcd28 (patch)
tree98547efe9389421f9f58219a8278e166d2b069c6 /server.rkt
parent404f3d7edfe648dc3fd51c1afc1b3984557f1902 (diff)
reorganized repo a bit better
Diffstat (limited to 'server.rkt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 140 deletions
diff --git a/server.rkt b/server.rkt
deleted file mode 100644
index d1f5a98..0000000
--- a/server.rkt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-#lang racket
-(require math/base) ;; for random number generation
-;; globals
-;; must control access via semaphore as listener thread or broadcast thread
-;; might need to access it
-(define connections '()) ;; maintains a list of open ports
-;; ((in1, out1), (in2, out2), (in3, out3), (in4, out4) ...)
-(define connections-s (make-semaphore 1)) ;; control access to connections
-;; every 5 seconds run to broadcast top message in list
-;; and remove it from list
-(define messages-s (make-semaphore 1)) ;; control access to messages
-(define messages '("hello, world!")) ;; stores a list of messages(strings) from currents
-(define threads-s (make-semaphore 1)) ;; control access to threads
-;; lets keep thread descriptor values
-(define threads '()) ;; stores a list of client serving threads as thread descriptor values
-;; This is a relay server making two clients communicate
-;; Both `server' and `accept-and-handle' change
-;; to use a custodian.
-;; To start server
-;; (define stop (serve 8080))
-;; (stop) to close the server
-(define (serve port-no)
- (define main-cust (make-custodian))
- (parameterize ([current-custodian main-cust])
- (define listener (tcp-listen port-no 5 #t))
- (define (loop)
- (accept-and-handle listener)
- (loop))
- (thread loop)
- ;; Create a thread whose job is to simply call broadcast iteratively
- (thread (lambda ()
- (let loopb []
- (sleep 30) ;; wait 30 secs before beginning to broadcast
- (broadcast)
- (sleep 10) ;; sleep for 10 seconds between broadcasts
- (loopb)))))
- (lambda ()
- (displayln "\nGoodbye, shutting down all services\n")
- (custodian-shutdown-all main-cust)))
-(define (accept-and-handle listener)
- (define cust (make-custodian))
- (parameterize ([current-custodian cust])
- (define-values (in out) (tcp-accept listener))
- ; discard request header
- ; Discard the request header (up to blank line):
- (regexp-match #rx"(\r\n|^)\r\n" in)
- (semaphore-wait connections-s)
- ;; keep track of open ports
- (set! connections (append connections (list (list in out))))
- (semaphore-post connections-s)
- ; start a thread to deal with specific client and add descriptor value to the list of threads
- (set! threads (append threads (list (thread (lambda ()
- (handle in out) ;; this handles connection with that specific client
- (close-input-port in)
- (close-output-port out))))
- )
- )
- ;; Watcher thread:
- ;; kills current thread for waiting too long for connection from
- ;; clients
- (thread (lambda ()
- (sleep 360)
- (custodian-shutdown-all cust)))))
-; (define (handle connections)
-; ())
-;; each thread needs 2 new threads
-(define (handle in out)
- ; define function to deal with incoming messages from client
- (define (something-to-say in)
- (define evt-t0 (sync/timeout 30 (read-line-evt in 'linefeed)))
- (cond [(eof-object? evt-t0)
- (displayln (string-append "Connection closed " (current-thread) "exiting"))
- (exit)
- ]
- [(string? evt-t0)
- (semaphore-wait messages-s)
- ; append the message to list of messages
- (display (string-append evt-t0 "\n"))
- (set! messages (append messages (list evt-t0)))
- (semaphore-post messages-s)]
- [else
- (displayln (string-append "Nothing received from " (current-thread)))]))
- ; define function to deal with out
- (define (something-to-send out)
- (define evt-t1 (sync/timeout 120 (thread-receive-evt)))
- ;; send message to client
- (fprintf out "~a~n" (thread-receive))
- (flush-output out)
- )
- ; thread them each
- ;; i could bind to values, and call wait on them
- ;; thread that deals with incoming messages for that particular thread
- (thread (lambda ()
- (let loop []
- (something-to-say in)
- (sleep 1)
- (loop))))
- (thread (lambda ()
- (let loop []
- (something-to-send out)
- (sleep 1)
- (loop))))
- ; (server-loop in out)
- ; (sleep 5) ;; wait 5 seconds to guarantee client has already send message
- 'ok
- )
-;; define a broadcast function
-(define broadcast
- (lambda ()
- (semaphore-wait messages-s)
- (semaphore-wait threads-s)
- (if (not (null? messages))
- (begin (map (lambda (thread-descriptor)
- (thread-send thread-descriptor (first messages)))
- threads)
- (set! messages (rest messages))
- )
- (display "No message to display\n") ; for later create file port for errors and save error messages to that file
- )
- (semaphore-post threads-s)
- (semaphore-post messages-s)))
-(define stop (serve 4321)) ;; start server then close with stop \ No newline at end of file