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1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Hermes_Gui1.2.rkt b/Hermes_Gui1.2.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fa1b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hermes_Gui1.2.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#lang racket
+(require racket/gui/base)
+;Author:Douglas Richardson
+;Notes:Our GUI mostly deals with lists of a list of 3 strings and a number
+;although the number is always delt with locally
+;When using user-message you need to give it a list of 3 things
+;The name of the user as a string, what they said as a string,
+;and the color as a string
+;Object stuff
+(define (make-gui)
+ (begin
+ ;;Create the frame
+ (define main-frame (new frame%
+ [label "Example5"]
+ [width 500]
+ [height 700]
+ ))
+ ;;Editing canvas
+ (define (do-stuff-paint paint-canvas paint-dc)
+ (do-more-stuff-paint listy paint-canvas paint-dc))
+ (define (do-more-stuff-paint paint-listy paint-canvas paint-dc)
+ (if (null? paint-listy)
+ '()
+ (begin
+ (re-draw-message (get-username-from-list (car paint-listy))
+ (get-message-from-list (car paint-listy))
+ (get-color-from-list (car paint-listy))
+ (get-height-from-list (car paint-listy)))
+ (do-more-stuff-paint (cdr paint-listy) paint-canvas paint-dc))))
+ (define read-canvas (new canvas%
+ [parent main-frame]
+ [paint-callback do-stuff-paint]
+ [style '(hscroll vscroll)]
+ ))
+ (send read-canvas init-auto-scrollbars #f #f 0 0);Start with no scrollbars
+ ;;text-field stuff
+ (define (text-feild-callback callback-type other-thing)
+ (if (equal? 'text-field-enter (send other-thing get-event-type))
+ (button-do-stuff 'irrelevant 'not-used)
+ '()))
+ (define input (new text-field%
+ [parent main-frame]
+ [label "Username:"]
+ [callback text-feild-callback]
+ ))
+ ;;button stuff
+ (define (button-do-stuff b e);b and e do nothing :/
+ (begin
+ (if (color-change-request? (send input get-value))
+ (set! my-color (get-color-from-input (send input get-value)))
+ (if (< 0 (string-length (send input get-value)))
+ (send-message (send input get-value) my-color)
+ '()))
+ (send input set-value "")
+ ))
+ (define send-button (new button%
+ [parent main-frame]
+ [label "Send"]
+ [callback button-do-stuff]))
+ ;;I forget what these do but don't move them
+ (define dc (send read-canvas get-dc))
+ (send dc set-scale 1 1)
+ (send dc set-text-foreground "black")
+ ;;messaging stuff
+ (define (user-message username input color)
+ (begin
+ (send dc set-text-foreground color)
+ (send dc draw-text (string-append username ":" input) 0 height)
+ (set! listy (appendlist listy (list username input color height)))
+ (set! height (+ height 15))
+ (set! min-v-size (+ min-v-size 15))
+ (if (> (* 20 (string-length input)) min-h-size)
+ (set! min-h-size (* 20 (string-length input)))
+ '())
+ (send read-canvas init-auto-scrollbars min-h-size min-v-size 0 1)
+ ))
+ ;;Add a function that parces input from a string and extracts elements
+ (define (send-message input color)
+ (user-message name input color))
+ ;;Although re-draw is kind of misleading, it is just print the whole
+ ;;list of strings to the screen
+ (define (re-draw-message username input color in-height)
+ (begin
+ (send dc set-text-foreground color)
+ (send dc draw-text (string-append username ":" input) 0 in-height)
+ ))
+ (define (update given-list)
+ (begin (set! listy '())
+ (set! height 0)
+ (update-helper given-list)))
+ (define (update-helper given-list)
+ (if (null? given-list)
+ '()
+ (if (null? (car given-list))
+ '()
+ (begin (user-message
+ (get-username-from-list (car given-list))
+ (get-message-from-list (car given-list))
+ (get-color-from-list (car given-list)))
+ (update-helper (cdr given-list))))))
+ ;;Variables go below functions
+ (define name "Me")
+ (define min-h-size 80)
+ (define min-v-size 30)
+ (define listy (list (list "Server" "Connected" "Red" 0)))
+ (define my-color "black")
+ (define height 15)
+ ;;dispatch goes below that
+ (define (dispatch command)
+ (cond ((eq? command 'show) (send main-frame show #t))
+ ((eq? command 'send) send-message)
+ ((eq? command 'set-name) (lambda (newname) (if (string? newname)
+ (set! name newname)
+ (print "Thats not good"))))
+ ((eq? command 'recieve-message) user-message)
+ ((eq? command 'get-list) listy)
+ ((eq? command 'set-list) update)
+ ;;Something up with that
+ (else (error "Invalid Request" command))
+ ))
+ ;;dispatch goes below that
+ dispatch))
+;This one displays information
+;Initilize scrolling
+;Then we need to find out if we need them or not.
+;Listy is going to be a list of lists of strings
+;each element in listy will contain three strings
+;the username the message they said and the color they used
+;The the height the message should display at
+(define (appendlist listoflist add-to-end)
+ (if (null? listoflist)
+ (cons add-to-end '())
+ (cons (car listoflist) (appendlist (cdr listoflist) add-to-end))))
+(define (get-username-from-list in-list)
+ (car in-list))
+(define (get-message-from-list in-list)
+ (car (cdr in-list)))
+(define (get-color-from-list in-list)
+ (car (cdr (cdr in-list))))
+(define (get-height-from-list in-list)
+ (car (cdr (cdr (cdr in-list)))))
+;this one is a crap version of justpressing the enter key
+(define (color-change-request? given-string)
+ (if (> (string-length given-string) 7)
+ (if (equal? (substring given-string 0 6) "/color")
+ #t
+ #f)
+ #f))
+(define (get-color-from-input given-string)
+ (substring given-string 7))
+;(define thing1 (make-gui))
+;(define thing2 (make-gui))