path: root/Hermes
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Diffstat (limited to 'Hermes')
2 files changed, 45 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/Hermes/TODO b/Hermes/TODO
index 0e41901..416162e 100644
--- a/Hermes/TODO
+++ b/Hermes/TODO
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-5. command(whisper, color, quit, count, users), message parsable?
+5. command(whisper, count, users), message parsable? parse in the client side should do something similar for settings (color, quit)
16. plain tcp -> ssl based
17. fix breaks for improper disconnects from clients
18. Add topics after project completion
diff --git a/Hermes/server.rkt b/Hermes/server.rkt
index 749d06d..3685de0 100644
--- a/Hermes/server.rkt
+++ b/Hermes/server.rkt
@@ -150,6 +150,16 @@
(sleep 1360)
(custodian-shutdown-all cust)))))
+; whisper selector for the username and message
+(define (whisper-info exp)
+ (cadr exp))
+(define (whisper-to exp)
+ (caddr exp))
+(define (whisper-message exp)
+ (cadddr exp))
(define (chat_with_client in out)
; deals with queueing incoming messages for server to broadcast to all clients
(define (something-to-say in)
@@ -166,11 +176,36 @@
(kill-thread (current-thread))]
[(string? evt-t0)
- (semaphore-wait messages-s)
- ; append the message to list of messages NO NEED done during broadcast
- ; (displayln-safe evt-t0 convs-out-s convs-out)
- ((c-messages 'add) evt-t0)
- (semaphore-post messages-s)]
+ ; use regexes to evaluate received input from client
+ (define whisper (regexp-match #px"(.*)/whisper\\s+(\\w+)\\s+(.*)" evt-t0)) ; is client trying to whisper to someone
+ (define list-count (regexp-match #px"(^/list)\\s+(count).*" evt-t0)) ;; is client asking for number of logged in users
+ (define list-users (regexp-match #px"(^/list)\\s+(users).*" evt-t0)) ;; user names
+ (cond [whisper
+ (semaphore-wait connections-s)
+ ; get output port for user
+ (define that-user-ports
+ (first (filter
+ (lambda (ports)
+ (if (string=? (whisper-to whisper) (get-username ports))
+ #t
+ #f))
+ ((c-connections 'cons-list)))))
+ ; try to send that user the whisper
+ (if (port-closed? (get-output-port that-user-ports))
+ (begin
+ (displayln "User is unavailable" out)
+ (flush-output out))
+ (begin
+ (displayln (string-append (whisper-info whisper) (whisper-message whisper))
+ (get-output-port that-user-ports))
+ (flush-output (get-output-port that-user-ports))))
+ (semaphore-post connections-s)]
+ [else
+ (displayln-safe evt-t0)
+ (semaphore-wait messages-s)
+ ; evaluate it .
+ ((c-messages 'add) evt-t0)
+ (semaphore-post messages-s)])]
(displayln-safe "Timeout waiting. Nothing received from client")]))
@@ -189,6 +224,10 @@
(define (get-input-port ports)
(cadr ports))
+; extract username
+(define (get-username ports)
+ (car ports))
; broadcasts received message from clients periodically
; TODO before broadcasting the message make sure the ports is still open
; no EOF if it is remove client from connections