From 404f3d7edfe648dc3fd51c1afc1b3984557f1902 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ibrahim Mkusa Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2017 22:29:59 -0400 Subject: Added tcpcommunication.rkt --- tcpcommunication.rkt | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 57 insertions(+) create mode 100644 tcpcommunication.rkt diff --git a/tcpcommunication.rkt b/tcpcommunication.rkt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27a5151 --- /dev/null +++ b/tcpcommunication.rkt @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +#lang racket +(require math/base) ;; for random number generation + +(define listener (tcp-listen 4326 5 #t)) +(define a (thread (lambda () + (define-values (s-in s-out) (tcp-accept listener)) + ; Discard the request header (up to blank line): + ;(regexp-match #rx"(\r\n|^)\r\n" s-in) + (sleep 10) + (define (echo) + (define input (read-line s-in)) + (displayln input s-out) + (flush-output s-out) + (if (eof-object? input) + (displayln "Done talking\n") + (echo))) + (echo) + (close-input-port s-in) + (close-output-port s-out) + (tcp-close listener) + 'ok))) + +(define t (thread (lambda () + (define-values (c-in c-out) (tcp-connect "localhost" 4326)) + (define input-prompt "input: ") + (define output-prompt "output: ") + + ;; prompt for username and bind to a variable username + (display "What's your name?\n") + (define username (read-line)) + (define usernamei (string-append username ": ")) ;; make username appear nicer in a prompt + (define fair (make-semaphore 1)) + + ;; intelligent read, quits when user types in "quit" + (define (read-loop-i) + ;(semaphore-wait fair) + ; (display usernamei) + (define input (read-line)) + ;; do something over here with input maybe send it out + + ;; Tests input if its a quit then kills all threads + ;; An if would be better here tbh + (cond ((string=? input "quit") (exit))) + (display (string-append output-prompt input "\n") c-out) + (flush-output c-out) + (displayln (read-line c-in)) ;; server echoes back sent input + ;(semaphore-post fair) + (read-loop-i) + ) + (read-loop-i) + 'ok))) + +;(kill-thread a) +;(kill-thread t) +(thread-wait t) +(display "DONE!!\n") + -- cgit v1.2.3