#lang racket (require math/base) ;; for random number generation ;; globals ;; must control access via semaphore as listener thread or broadcast thread ;; might need to access it (define connections '()) ;; This is a single server communicating directly to the client ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Server Client communication;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (serve in-port out-port) (let loop [] (define evt (sync/timeout 2 (read-line-evt in-port 'any) (thread-receive-evt))) (cond [(not evt) (displayln "Timed out, exiting") (tcp-abandon-port in-port) (tcp-abandon-port out-port)] [(string? evt) (fprintf out-port "~a~n" evt) ;; echoes back received string (flush-output out-port) ;; flushes the buffer (loop)] ;; iterates again [else (printf "Received a message in mailbox: ~a~n" (thread-receive)) (loop)]))) (define port-num 4322) (define (start-server) (define listener (tcp-listen port-num)) (thread (lambda () (let loop () ;; the server now loops continously listening in for connections (define-values [in-port out-port] (tcp-accept listener)) ;; lets add this open ports to global list of connections (semaphore-wait fair) (append connections (list (list in-port out-port))) (semaphore-post fair) (serve in-port out-port) ; could be do the greeting in here (loop))))) (start-server) (define client-thread (thread (lambda () (define-values [in-port out-port] (tcp-connect "localhost" port-num)) (display "first\nsecond\nthird\n" out-port) (flush-output out-port) ; copy-port will block until EOF is read from in-port (copy-port in-port (current-output-port))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; author: Ibrahim Mkusa ;; about: print and read concurrently ;; notes: output may need to be aligned and formatted nicely ;; look into ;; https://docs.racket-lang.org/gui/text-field_.html#%28meth._%28%28%28lib._mred%2Fmain..rkt%29._text-field~25%29._get-editor%29%29 ;; create custodian for managing all resources ;; so we can shutdown everything at once ;(define guard (make-custodian (current-custodian))) ;(current-custodian guard) ;; reads values continously from stdin and redisplays them (define (read-loop) (display (read-line)) (display "\n") (read-loop) ) (define input-prompt "input: ") (define output-prompt "output: ") ;; prompt for username and bind to a variable username (display "What's your name?\n") (define username (read-line)) (define usernamei (string-append username ": ")) ;; make username appear nicer in a prompt (define fair (make-semaphore 1)) ;; intelligent read, quits when user types in "quit" (define (read-loop-i) ;(semaphore-wait fair) (display usernamei) (define input (read-line)) ;; do something over here with input maybe send it out ;; Tests input if its a quit then kills all threads ;; An if would be better here tbh (cond ((string=? input "quit") (begin (kill-thread a) (kill-thread t)))) (display (string-append output-prompt input "\n")) ;(semaphore-post fair) (read-loop-i) ) ;; print hello world continously ;; "(hello-world)" can be executed as part of background thread ;; that prints in the event there is something in the input port (define (hello-world) (sleep (random-integer 0 15)) ;; sleep between 0 and 15 seconds to simulate coms ;; with server ;(semaphore-wait fair) ;; we will retrieve the line printed below from the server ;; at this time we simulate the input from different users (define what-to-print (random-integer 0 2)) (if (= what-to-print 0) (display "Doug: What's up, up?\n") (display "Fred: Looking good, good!\n")) ;(semaphore-post fair) (hello-world)) (define t (thread (lambda () (read-loop-i)))) (define a (thread (lambda () (hello-world)))) (thread-wait t) ;; returns prompt back to drracket ;; below doesn't execute ; (sleep 10) ; (kill-thread t) ; (define a (thread (display "hello world!\n"))) ; (display "John: hello soso\n") ; (display "Emmanuel: cumbaya!!!!\n")