diff options
authorsirkubax <>2017-09-27 23:57:45 +0200
committersirkubax <>2017-09-27 23:57:45 +0200
commit3c7153633842717cb9de7a96f5cd3da5982ffe50 (patch)
parent05892ff7ddd69e5f01e9da6d9d602dd318d0485e (diff)
test markdown
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 594 deletions
diff --git a/ansible.html.markdown b/ansible.html.markdown
index cadf6301..0023a718 100644
--- a/ansible.html.markdown
+++ b/ansible.html.markdown
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
-# JM inventory dynamic aws ec2
-# vault
-# roles
category: tool
tool: ansible
@@ -247,10 +243,14 @@ You can use the jinja in the CLI too
ansible -m shell -a 'echo {{ my_variable }}` -e 'my_variable=something, playbook_parameter=twentytwo" localhost
-### Jinja2 and templates
-jinja filters
+### Jinja2 filters
+Junja is powerfull. It has built-in many usefull functions.
+# get first item of the list
+{{ some_list | first() }}
+# if variable is undefined - use default value
+{{ some_variable | default('default_value') }}
#### ansible-vault
To maintain **ifrastructure as a code** you need to store secrets.
@@ -295,655 +295,180 @@ $ etc/inv/ --refresh
$ ansible -m ping all -i etc/inv/
+#### ansible profiling - callback
+It is ok that your playbook executes some time. Sometimes you may like to speed things up :)
-### ansible profiling - callback
-### facts-cache and ansible-cmdb
-### debugging ansible
-### Infrastructure as a code - what about Ansible
-### ansible - dynamic in AWS
-### create instance in AWS
-### create env in AWS
-### Naming
-## Bonus
-### writing own module
-### Python API
-### Web-UI: Ansible Tower, Jenkins, Rundeck
-#become-user, become
-### Tips and tricks
---check --diff
-## Introduction
-Ansible is (one of the many) orchestration tools. It allows you to controll your environment (infrastructure and a code) and automate the manual tasks.
-'You can think as simple as writing in bash with python API :)
-Of course the rabit hole is way deeper.'
-Ansible have great integration with multiple operating systems (even Windows) and some hardware (switches, Firewalls, etc). It has multiple tools that integrate with the could providers. Almost every worth-notice cloud provider is present in the ecosystem (AWS, Azure, Google, DigitalOcean, OVH, etc...)
-## Main cons and pros
-### Cons
-It is an agent-less tool - every agent consumes up to 16MB ram - in some environments, it may be noticable amount.
-It is agent-less - you have to verify your environment consistency 'on-demand' - there is no built-in mechanism taht would warn you about some change automatically (this can be achieved with reasonable effort - but it must be known)
-Official GUI Tool (web inferface) - Ansible Tower - is more than GUI, but it is expensive. There is no 'small enterprice' payment plan. Easy workaround with Rundeck or Jenkins is possible with reasonable workload.
-### Pros
-It is an agent-less tools :) In most scenarios, it use ssh as a transport layer.
-In some way you can use it as 'bash on steroids'.
-It is very-very-very easy to start. If you are familiar with ssh concept - you already know ansible :) (almost). My personal record is: 'I did show how to install and use ansible (for simple raspberry pi cluster management) and it tool me 30 seconds to deliver a working tool !!!)'
-I do provide a training services - I'm able to teach a production-ready person - in 8 hours (1 training day)! It covers all needed to work aspects! No other tool can match this ease of use!
-It executes when you do it - other tools (salt, puppet, chef - might execute in different scenario than you would expect)
-Documentation is at the world-class standard!
-The comunity (github, stackOverflow) would help you very fast.
-Writing own modules and extension is fairly easy.
-### Neutral
-Migration Ansible<->Salt is failrly easy - so if you would need an event-driven agent environment - it would be a good choice to start quick with Ansible, and convert to salt when needed.
-## Basics on ansible
-Ansible uses ssh or paramiko as a transport layer. In a way you can imagine that you are using a ssh with API to perform your action.
-In the 'low-level' way you can use it to execute remote command in more controlled way (still using ssh).
-On the other hand - in advanced scope - you can use python anible code as a library to your own python scrips! This is awesome! (if you know what you are doing). It is a bit like fabric then.
-But ansible is way more! It provides an execution plans, an API, library, callbacks, not forget to mention - COMUNITY! and great support by developers!
-Github template placeholder - to be removed
-### Centralized Versioning VS Distributed Versioning
-* Centralized version control focuses on synchronizing, tracking, and backing
-up files.
-* Distributed version control focuses on sharing changes. Every change has a
-unique id.
-* Distributed systems have no defined structure. You could easily have a SVN
-style, centralized system, with git.
-[Additional Information](
-### Why Use Git?
-* Can work offline.
-* Collaborating with others is easy!
-* Branching is easy!
-* Branching is fast!
-* Merging is easy!
-* Git is fast.
-* Git is flexible.
-## Git Architecture
-### Repository
-A set of files, directories, historical records, commits, and heads. Imagine it
-as a source code data structure, with the attribute that each source code
-"element" gives you access to its revision history, among other things.
-A git repository is comprised of the .git directory & working tree.
-### .git Directory (component of repository)
-The .git directory contains all the configurations, logs, branches, HEAD, and
-[Detailed List.](
-### Working Tree (component of repository)
-This is basically the directories and files in your repository. It is often
-referred to as your working directory.
-### Index (component of .git dir)
-The Index is the staging area in git. It's basically a layer that separates
-your working tree from the Git repository. This gives developers more power
-over what gets sent to the Git repository.
-### Commit
-A git commit is a snapshot of a set of changes, or manipulations to your
-Working Tree. For example, if you added 5 files, and removed 2 others, these
-changes will be contained in a commit (or snapshot). This commit can then be
-pushed to other repositories, or not!
-### Branch
-A branch is essentially a pointer to the last commit you made. As you go on
-committing, this pointer will automatically update to point the latest commit.
-### Tag
-A tag is a mark on specific point in history. Typically people use this
-functionality to mark release points (v1.0, and so on)
-### HEAD and head (component of .git dir)
-HEAD is a pointer that points to the current branch. A repository only has 1
-*active* HEAD.
-head is a pointer that points to any commit. A repository can have any number
-of heads.
-### Stages of Git
-* Modified - Changes have been made to a file but file has not been committed
-to Git Database yet
-* Staged - Marks a modified file to go into your next commit snapshot
-* Committed - Files have been committed to the Git Database
-### Conceptual Resources
-* [Git For Computer Scientists](
-* [Git For Designers](
-## Commands
-### init
-Create an empty Git repository. The Git repository's settings, stored
-information, and more is stored in a directory (a folder) named ".git".
-$ git init
-### config
-To configure settings. Whether it be for the repository, the system itself,
-or global configurations ( global config file is `~/.gitconfig` ).
+Since ansible 2.x there is bouilt-in callback for task execution profiling
-# Print & Set Some Basic Config Variables (Global)
-$ git config --global ""
-$ git config --global "My Name"
-[Learn More About git config.](
-### help
-To give you quick access to an extremely detailed guide of each command. Or to
-just give you a quick reminder of some semantics.
-# Quickly check available commands
-$ git help
-# Check all available commands
-$ git help -a
-# Command specific help - user manual
-# git help <command_here>
-$ git help add
-$ git help commit
-$ git help init
-# or git <command_here> --help
-$ git add --help
-$ git commit --help
-$ git init --help
+vi ansible.cfg
+#set this to:
+callback_whitelist = profile_tasks
-### ignore files
+#### facts-cache and ansible-cmdb
+You can pool some infrmations of you environment from another hosts.
+If the informations does not change - you may consider using a facts_cache to speed things up.
-To intentionally untrack file(s) & folder(s) from git. Typically meant for
-private & temp files which would otherwise be shared in the repository.
-$ echo "temp/" >> .gitignore
-$ echo "private_key" >> .gitignore
+vi ansible.cfg
-### status
-To show differences between the index file (basically your working copy/repo)
-and the current HEAD commit.
-# Will display the branch, untracked files, changes and other differences
-$ git status
-# To learn other "tid bits" about git status
-$ git help status
+# if set to a persistent type (not 'memory', for example 'redis') fact values
+# from previous runs in Ansible will be stored. This may be useful when
+# wanting to use, for example, IP information from one group of servers
+# without having to talk to them in the same playbook run to get their
+# current IP information.
+fact_caching = jsonfile
+fact_caching_connection = ~/facts_cache
+fact_caching_timeout = 86400
-### add
+I like to use `jsonfile` as my backend. It allows to use another project
+`ansible-cmdb` [github] that generates a HTML page of your inventory resources. A nice 'free' addition!
-To add files to the staging area/index. If you do not `git add` new files to
-the staging area/index, they will not be included in commits!
+#### debugging ansible
+When your job fails - it is good to be effective with debugging.
-# add a file in your current working directory
-$ git add
-# add a file in a nested dir
-$ git add /path/to/file/HelloWorld.c
-# Regular Expression support!
-$ git add ./*.java
+1. Increase verbosiy by using multiple -v **[ -vvvvv]**
+2. If variable is undefined
+3. If variable (dictionary or a list) is undefined
+4. Jinja template debug
-This only adds a file to the staging area/index, it doesn't commit it to the
-working directory/repo.
-### branch
-Manage your branches. You can view, edit, create, delete branches using this
+#### Infrastructure as a code - what about Ansible
+You already know, that ansible-vault allow you to store your poufne data along with your code (in repository). You can go further - and define your ansible installation and configuration as-a-code.
+See `` to learn how to install the ansible itself inside a `virtualenv` that is not attached to your operating system (can be changed by non-privilages user), and as additiinal benefit - upgrading version of ansible is as easy as installing new version in new virtualenv. You can have multiple versions of Ansible present in the same time. This is very helpfull!
-# list existing branches & remotes
-$ git branch -a
-# create a new branch
-$ git branch myNewBranch
-# delete a branch
-$ git branch -d myBranch
+ # recreate ansible 2.x venv
+$ rm -rf venv2
+$ source
+ # execute playbook
+(venv2)$ ansible-playbook playbooks/ansible1.9_playbook.yml # would fail - deprecated syntax
-# rename a branch
-# git branch -m <oldname> <newname>
-$ git branch -m myBranchName myNewBranchName
+ # now lets install ansible 1.9.x next to ansible 2.x
+(venv2)$ deactivate
+$ source
+ # execute playbook
+(venv1.9)$ ansible-playbook playbooks/ansible1.9_playbook.yml # works!
-# edit a branch's description
-$ git branch myBranchName --edit-description
-### tag
-Manage your tags
-# List tags
-$ git tag
-# Create a annotated tag
-# The -m specifies a tagging message,which is stored with the tag.
-# If you don’t specify a message for an annotated tag,
-# Git launches your editor so you can type it in.
-$ git tag -a v2.0 -m 'my version 2.0'
-# Show info about tag
-# That shows the tagger information, the date the commit was tagged,
-# and the annotation message before showing the commit information.
-$ git show v2.0
-# Push a single tag to remote
-$ git push origin v2.0
-# Push a lot of tags to remote
-$ git push origin --tags
-### checkout
-Updates all files in the working tree to match the version in the index, or
-specified tree.
-# Checkout a repo - defaults to master branch
-$ git checkout
-# Checkout a specified branch
-$ git checkout branchName
-# Create a new branch & switch to it
-# equivalent to "git branch <name>; git checkout <name>"
-$ git checkout -b newBranch
-### clone
-Clones, or copies, an existing repository into a new directory. It also adds
-remote-tracking branches for each branch in the cloned repo, which allows you
-to push to a remote branch.
-# Clone learnxinyminutes-docs
-$ git clone
-# shallow clone - faster cloning that pulls only latest snapshot
-$ git clone --depth 1
-# clone only a specific branch
-$ git clone -b master-cn --single-branch
-### commit
-Stores the current contents of the index in a new "commit." This commit
-contains the changes made and a message created by the user.
-# commit with a message
-$ git commit -m "Added multiplyNumbers() function to HelloWorld.c"
-# automatically stage modified or deleted files, except new files, and then commit
-$ git commit -a -m "Modified foo.php and removed bar.php"
-# change last commit (this deletes previous commit with a fresh commit)
-$ git commit --amend -m "Correct message"
-### diff
-Shows differences between a file in the working directory, index and commits.
-# Show difference between your working dir and the index
-$ git diff
-# Show differences between the index and the most recent commit.
-$ git diff --cached
-# Show differences between your working dir and the most recent commit
-$ git diff HEAD
-### grep
-Allows you to quickly search a repository.
-Optional Configurations:
-# Thanks to Travis Jeffery for these
-# Set line numbers to be shown in grep search results
-$ git config --global grep.lineNumber true
-# Make search results more readable, including grouping
-$ git config --global alias.g "grep --break --heading --line-number"
-# Search for "variableName" in all java files
-$ git grep 'variableName' -- '*.java'
-# Search for a line that contains "arrayListName" and, "add" or "remove"
-$ git grep -e 'arrayListName' --and \( -e add -e remove \)
-Google is your friend; for more examples
-[Git Grep Ninja](
-### log
-Display commits to the repository.
-# Show all commits
-$ git log
-# Show only commit message & ref
-$ git log --oneline
-# Show merge commits only
-$ git log --merges
-# Show all commits represented by an ASCII graph
-$ git log --graph
-### merge
-"Merge" in changes from external commits into the current branch.
-# Merge the specified branch into the current.
-$ git merge branchName
-# Always generate a merge commit when merging
-$ git merge --no-ff branchName
-### mv
-Rename or move a file
-# Renaming a file
-$ git mv HelloWorld.c HelloNewWorld.c
-# Moving a file
-$ git mv HelloWorld.c ./new/path/HelloWorld.c
-# Force rename or move
-# "existingFile" already exists in the directory, will be overwritten
-$ git mv -f myFile existingFile
-### pull
-Pulls from a repository and merges it with another branch.
-# Update your local repo, by merging in new changes
-# from the remote "origin" and "master" branch.
-# git pull <remote> <branch>
-$ git pull origin master
-# By default, git pull will update your current branch
-# by merging in new changes from its remote-tracking branch
-$ git pull
-# Merge in changes from remote branch and rebase
-# branch commits onto your local repo, like: "git fetch <remote> <branch>, git
-# rebase <remote>/<branch>"
-$ git pull origin master --rebase
-### push
-Push and merge changes from a branch to a remote & branch.
-# Push and merge changes from a local repo to a
-# remote named "origin" and "master" branch.
-# git push <remote> <branch>
-$ git push origin master
-# By default, git push will push and merge changes from
-# the current branch to its remote-tracking branch
-$ git push
-# To link up current local branch with a remote branch, add -u flag:
-$ git push -u origin master
-# Now, anytime you want to push from that same local branch, use shortcut:
-$ git push
+ # please note that you have both venv1.9 and venv2 present - you need to (de)activate one - that is all
+### Naming
-### stash
+### Bonus
-Stashing takes the dirty state of your working directory and saves it on a
-stack of unfinished changes that you can reapply at any time.
+### writing own module
-Let's say you've been doing some work in your git repo, but you want to pull
-from the remote. Since you have dirty (uncommited) changes to some files, you
-are not able to run `git pull`. Instead, you can run `git stash` to save your
-changes onto a stack!
+### Python API
-$ git stash
-Saved working directory and index state \
- "WIP on master: 049d078 added the index file"
- HEAD is now at 049d078 added the index file
- (To restore them type "git stash apply")
+### Web-UI: Ansible Tower, Jenkins, Rundeck
-Now you can pull!
+#### Ansible Tower
+Ansible provides a Web User Interface called `Ansible Tower`.
+It is a convienient way to run Ansible Playbooks, have proper user management, log retention, and cron (periodic jobs).
-git pull
-`...changes apply...`
+Personaly I'm not a fan of it - it's to expensive for my cases, and the trial is 10 inventory-hosts only.
-Now check that everything is OK
+For my usecases I hide the 'pure ansible' commands behind other projects.
-$ git status
-# On branch master
-nothing to commit, working directory clean
+#### Rundeck
+This is nice, secure interface, that allows you to execute a jobs of your choice (CLI, script, execution plan).
+It can perform roling-deployment (without Ansible), can integrate with clouds, etc.
-You can see what "hunks" you've stashed so far using `git stash list`.
-Since the "hunks" are stored in a Last-In-First-Out stack, our most recent
-change will be at top.
+#### Jenkins
+For my 'business cases' I use Jenkins - it has a 'cron', jobs can be binded into 'pipelines'.
-$ git stash list
-stash@{0}: WIP on master: 049d078 added the index file
-stash@{1}: WIP on master: c264051 Revert "added file_size"
-stash@{2}: WIP on master: 21d80a5 added number to log
-Now let's apply our dirty changes back by popping them off the stack.
-$ git stash pop
-# On branch master
-# Changes not staged for commit:
-# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
-# modified: index.html
-# modified: lib/simplegit.rb
+### become-user, become
+### ansible - dynamic in AWS
+### create instance in AWS
+### create env in AWS
-`git stash apply` does the same thing
+### Tips and tricks
-Now you're ready to get back to work on your stuff!
+##### --check -C
+Always make sure that your playbook can executes in 'dry run' mode (--check), and it's execution is not declaring 'Changed' objects.
-[Additional Reading.](
+##### --diff -D
+Diff is usefull to see nice detail of the files changed
-### rebase (caution)
+It compare 'in memory' the files like `diff -BbruN fileA fileB`
-Take all changes that were committed on one branch, and replay them onto
-another branch.
-*Do not rebase commits that you have pushed to a public repo*.
+##### Execute hosts with 'regex'
-# Rebase experimentBranch onto master
-# git rebase <basebranch> <topicbranch>
-$ git rebase master experimentBranch
+ansible -m ping web*
-[Additional Reading.](
-### reset (caution)
-Reset the current HEAD to the specified state. This allows you to undo merges,
-pulls, commits, adds, and more. It's a great command but also dangerous if you
-don't know what you are doing.
+Host groups can be joined, negated, etc
-# Reset the staging area, to match the latest commit (leaves dir unchanged)
-$ git reset
-# Reset the staging area, to match the latest commit, and overwrite working dir
-$ git reset --hard
-# Moves the current branch tip to the specified commit (leaves dir unchanged)
-# all changes still exist in the directory.
-$ git reset 31f2bb1
-# Moves the current branch tip backward to the specified commit
-# and makes the working dir match (deletes uncommited changes and all commits
-# after the specified commit).
-$ git reset --hard 31f2bb1
+ansible -m ping web*:!backend:monitoring:&allow_change
-### reflog (caution)
+##### Tagging
+You should tag some (not all) objects - a task in a playbook, all tasks included form a role, etc.
+It allwos you to execute the choosen parts of the playbook.
-Reflog will list most of the git commands you have done for a given time period,
-default 90 days.
+##### no_logs: True
+You may see, that some roles print a lot of output in verbose mode. There is also a debug module.
+This is the place where credentials may leak. Use `no_log` to hide the output.
-This give you the a change to reverse any git commands that have gone wrong
-for instance if a rebase is has broken your application.
+##### Debug module
+allows to print a value to the screen
-You can do this:
+##### Register the output of a task
+You can register the output (stdout), rc (return code), stderr of a task with the `register` command.
-1. `git reflog` to list all of the git commands for the rebase
-38b323f HEAD@{0}: rebase -i (finish): returning to refs/heads/feature/add_git_reflog
-38b323f HEAD@{1}: rebase -i (pick): Clarify inc/dec operators
-4fff859 HEAD@{2}: rebase -i (pick): Update java.html.markdown
-34ed963 HEAD@{3}: rebase -i (pick): [yaml/en] Add more resources (#1666)
-ed8ddf2 HEAD@{4}: rebase -i (pick): pythonstatcomp spanish translation (#1748)
-2e6c386 HEAD@{5}: rebase -i (start): checkout 02fb96d
-2. Select where to reset to, in our case its `2e6c386`, or `HEAD@{5}`
-3. 'git reset --hard HEAD@{5}' this will reset your repo to that head
-4. You can start the rebase again or leave it alone.
+##### Conditionals: when:
-[Additional Reading.](
+##### Loop: with, with_items, with_dict, with_together
-### revert
-Revert can be used to undo a commit. It should not be confused with reset which
-restores the state of a project to a previous point. Revert will add a new
-commit which is the inverse of the specified commit, thus reverting it.
+## Introduction
+Ansible is (one of the many) orchestration tools. It allows you to controll your environment (infrastructure and a code) and automate the manual tasks.
+'You can think as simple as writing in bash with python API :)
+Of course the rabit hole is way deeper.'
-# Revert a specified commit
-$ git revert <commit>
+Ansible have great integration with multiple operating systems (even Windows) and some hardware (switches, Firewalls, etc). It has multiple tools that integrate with the could providers. Almost every worth-notice cloud provider is present in the ecosystem (AWS, Azure, Google, DigitalOcean, OVH, etc...)
-### rm
-The opposite of git add, git rm removes files from the current working tree.
-# remove HelloWorld.c
-$ git rm HelloWorld.c
+## Main cons and pros
-# Remove a file from a nested dir
-$ git rm /pather/to/the/file/HelloWorld.c
+### Cons
-## Further Information
+It is an agent-less tool - every agent consumes up to 16MB ram - in some environments, it may be noticable amount.
+It is agent-less - you have to verify your environment consistency 'on-demand' - there is no built-in mechanism taht would warn you about some change automatically (this can be achieved with reasonable effort - but it must be known)
+Official GUI Tool (web inferface) - Ansible Tower - is more than GUI, but it is expensive. There is no 'small enterprice' payment plan. Easy workaround with Rundeck or Jenkins is possible with reasonable workload.
-* [tryGit - A fun interactive way to learn Git.](
+### Pros
-* [Learn Git Branching - the most visual and interactive way to learn Git on the web](
+It is an agent-less tools :) In most scenarios, it use ssh as a transport layer.
+In some way you can use it as 'bash on steroids'.
+It is very-very-very easy to start. If you are familiar with ssh concept - you already know ansible :) (almost). My personal record is: 'I did show how to install and use ansible (for simple raspberry pi cluster management) and it tool me 30 seconds to deliver a working tool !!!)'
+I do provide a training services - I'm able to teach a production-ready person - in 8 hours (1 training day)! It covers all needed to work aspects! No other tool can match this ease of use!
+It executes when you do it - other tools (salt, puppet, chef - might execute in different scenario than you would expect)
+Documentation is at the world-class standard!
+The comunity (github, stackOverflow) would help you very fast.
+Writing own modules and extension is fairly easy.
-* [Udemy Git Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide](
-* [Git Immersion - A Guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of git](
+### Neutral
+Migration Ansible<->Salt is failrly easy - so if you would need an event-driven agent environment - it would be a good choice to start quick with Ansible, and convert to salt when needed.
-* [git-scm - Video Tutorials](
+## Basics on ansible
-* [git-scm - Documentation](
+Ansible uses ssh or paramiko as a transport layer. In a way you can imagine that you are using a ssh with API to perform your action.
+In the 'low-level' way you can use it to execute remote command in more controlled way (still using ssh).
+On the other hand - in advanced scope - you can use python anible code as a library to your own python scrips! This is awesome! (if you know what you are doing). It is a bit like fabric then.
-* [Atlassian Git - Tutorials & Workflows](
+But ansible is way more! It provides an execution plans, an API, library, callbacks, not forget to mention - COMUNITY! and great support by developers!
-* [SalesForce Cheat Sheet](
-* [GitGuys](
-* [Git - the simple guide](
-* [Pro Git](
+# JM inventory dynamic aws ec2
+# vault
+# roles
-* [An introduction to Git and GitHub for Beginners (Tutorial)](