diff options
authorHiPhish <>2019-12-22 13:41:46 +0100
committerHiPhish <>2019-12-22 13:41:46 +0100
commitdb3ba136bec38361dce57e0e5ee6e6523a17b89e (patch)
parent1372e8a5a90fbcb4ea107173ca1db03c92acd840 (diff)
Add space between separator and comment
Makes the comments get properly syntax-highlighted
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/vimscript.html.markdown b/vimscript.html.markdown
index da26e37b..8e023713 100644
--- a/vimscript.html.markdown
+++ b/vimscript.html.markdown
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ pwd " Displays the current working directory
" Except for some commands it does not; use the command delemiter before the
" comment (echo assumes that the quotation mark begins a string)
-echo 'Hello world!' |" Displays a message
+echo 'Hello world!' | " Displays a message
" Line breaks can be escaped by pacing a backslash as the first non-whitespace
" character on the *following* line. Only works in script files, not on the
@@ -67,23 +67,23 @@ echo {
" Numbers (|expr-number|)
" #######
-echo 123 |" Decimal
-echo 0b1111011 |" Binary
-echo 0173 |" Octal
-echo 0x7B |" Hexadecimal
-echo 123.0 |" Floating-point
-echo 1.23e2 |" Floating-point (scientific notation)
+echo 123 | " Decimal
+echo 0b1111011 | " Binary
+echo 0173 | " Octal
+echo 0x7B | " Hexadecimal
+echo 123.0 | " Floating-point
+echo 1.23e2 | " Floating-point (scientific notation)
" Note that an *integer* number with a leading `0` is in octal notation. The
" usual arithmetic operations are supported.
-echo 1 + 2 |" Addition
-echo 1 - 2 |" Subtraction
-echo - 1 |" Negation (unary minus)
-echo + 1 |" Unary plus (does nothing really, but still legal)
-echo 1 * 2 |" Multiplication
-echo 1 / 2 |" Division
-echo 1 % 2 |" Modulo (remainder)
+echo 1 + 2 | " Addition
+echo 1 - 2 | " Subtraction
+echo - 1 | " Negation (unary minus)
+echo + 1 | " Unary plus (does nothing really, but still legal)
+echo 1 * 2 | " Multiplication
+echo 1 / 2 | " Division
+echo 1 % 2 | " Modulo (remainder)
" Booleans (|Boolean|)
" ########
@@ -92,19 +92,19 @@ echo 1 % 2 |" Modulo (remainder)
" converted to numbers (see below). There are two pre-defined semantic
" constants.
-echo v:true |" Evaluates to 1 or the string 'v:true'
-echo v:false |" Evaluates to 0 or the string 'v:false'
+echo v:true | " Evaluates to 1 or the string 'v:true'
+echo v:false | " Evaluates to 0 or the string 'v:false'
" Boolean values can result from comparison of two objects.
-echo x == y |" Equality by value
-echo x != y |" Unequality
-echo x > y |" Greater than
-echo x >= y |" Greater than or equal
-echo x < y |" Smaller than
-echo x <= y |" Smaller than or equal
-echo x is y |" Instance identity (lists and dictionaries)
-echo x isnot y |" Instance non-identity (lists and dictionaries)
+echo x == y | " Equality by value
+echo x != y | " Unequality
+echo x > y | " Greater than
+echo x >= y | " Greater than or equal
+echo x < y | " Smaller than
+echo x <= y | " Smaller than or equal
+echo x is y | " Instance identity (lists and dictionaries)
+echo x isnot y | " Instance non-identity (lists and dictionaries)
" Strings are compared based on their alphanumerical ordering
" echo 'a' < 'b'. Case sensitivity depends on the setting of 'ignorecase'
@@ -118,19 +118,19 @@ echo 'a' <? 'B' | " True
echo 'a' <# 'B' | " False
" Regular expression matching
-echo "hi" =~ "hello" |" Regular expression match, uses 'ignorecase'
-echo "hi" =~# "hello" |" Regular expression match, case sensitive
-echo "hi" =~? "hello" |" Regular expression match, case insensitive
-echo "hi" !~ "hello" |" Regular expression unmatch, use 'ignorecase'
-echo "hi" !~# "hello" |" Regular expression unmatch, case sensitive
-echo "hi" !~? "hello" |" Regular expression unmatch, case insensitive
+echo "hi" =~ "hello" | " Regular expression match, uses 'ignorecase'
+echo "hi" =~# "hello" | " Regular expression match, case sensitive
+echo "hi" =~? "hello" | " Regular expression match, case insensitive
+echo "hi" !~ "hello" | " Regular expression unmatch, use 'ignorecase'
+echo "hi" !~# "hello" | " Regular expression unmatch, case sensitive
+echo "hi" !~? "hello" | " Regular expression unmatch, case insensitive
" Boolean operations are possible.
-echo v:true && v:false |" Logical AND
-echo v:true || v:false |" Logical OR
-echo ! v:true |" Logical NOT
-echo v:true ? 'yes' : 'no' |" Ternary operator
+echo v:true && v:false | " Logical AND
+echo v:true || v:false | " Logical OR
+echo ! v:true | " Logical NOT
+echo v:true ? 'yes' : 'no' | " Ternary operator
" Strings (|String|)
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ echo v:true ? 'yes' : 'no' |" Ternary operator
" depends on the option |'encoding'|.
" Literal constructors
-echo "Hello world\n" |" The last two characters stand for newline
-echo 'Hello world\n' |" The last two characters are literal
-echo 'Let''s go!' |" Two single quotes become one quote character
+echo "Hello world\n" | " The last two characters stand for newline
+echo 'Hello world\n' | " The last two characters are literal
+echo 'Let''s go!' | " Two single quotes become one quote character
" Single-quote strings take all characters are literal, except two single
" quotes, which are taken to be a single quote in the string itself. See
@@ -150,21 +150,21 @@ echo 'Let''s go!' |" Two single quotes become one quote character
" String concatenation
" The .. operator is preferred, but only supported in since Vim 8.1.1114
-echo 'Hello ' . 'world' |" String concatenation
-echo 'Hello ' .. 'world' |" String concatenation (new variant)
+echo 'Hello ' . 'world' | " String concatenation
+echo 'Hello ' .. 'world' | " String concatenation (new variant)
" String indexing
-echo 'Hello'[0] |" First byte
-echo 'Hello'[1] |" Second byte
-echo 'Hellö'[4] |" Returns a byte, not the character 'ö'
+echo 'Hello'[0] | " First byte
+echo 'Hello'[1] | " Second byte
+echo 'Hellö'[4] | " Returns a byte, not the character 'ö'
" Substrings (second index is inclusive)
-echo 'Hello'[:] |" Copy of entire string
-echo 'Hello'[1:3] |" Substring, second to fourth byte
-echo 'Hello'[1:-2] |" Substring until second to last byte
-echo 'Hello'[1:] |" Substring with starting index
-echo 'Hello'[:2] |" Substring with ending index
-echo 'Hello'[-2:] |" Substring relative to end of string
+echo 'Hello'[:] | " Copy of entire string
+echo 'Hello'[1:3] | " Substring, second to fourth byte
+echo 'Hello'[1:-2] | " Substring until second to last byte
+echo 'Hello'[1:] | " Substring with starting index
+echo 'Hello'[:2] | " Substring with ending index
+echo 'Hello'[-2:] | " Substring relative to end of string
" A negative index is relative to the end of the string. See
" |string-functions| for all string-related functions.
@@ -176,23 +176,23 @@ echo 'Hello'[-2:] |" Substring relative to end of string
" objects.
" Literal constructor
-echo [] |" Empty list
-echo [1, 2, 'Hello'] |" List with elements
-echo [1, 2, 'Hello', ] |" Trailing comma permitted
-echo [[1, 2], 'Hello'] |" Lists can be nested arbitrarily
+echo [] | " Empty list
+echo [1, 2, 'Hello'] | " List with elements
+echo [1, 2, 'Hello', ] | " Trailing comma permitted
+echo [[1, 2], 'Hello'] | " Lists can be nested arbitrarily
" List concatenation
-echo [1, 2] + [3, 4] |" Creates a new list
+echo [1, 2] + [3, 4] | " Creates a new list
" List indexing, negative is relative to end of list (|list-index|)
-echo [1, 2, 3, 4][2] |" Third element
-echo [1, 2, 3, 4][-1] |" Last element
+echo [1, 2, 3, 4][2] | " Third element
+echo [1, 2, 3, 4][-1] | " Last element
" List slicing (|sublist|)
-echo [1, 2, 3, 4][:] |" Shallow copy of entire list
-echo [1, 2, 3, 4][:2] |" Sublist until third item (inclusive)
-echo [1, 2, 3, 4][2:] |" Sublist from third item (inclusive)
-echo [1, 2, 3, 4][:-2] |" Sublist until second-to-last item (inclusive)
+echo [1, 2, 3, 4][:] | " Shallow copy of entire list
+echo [1, 2, 3, 4][:2] | " Sublist until third item (inclusive)
+echo [1, 2, 3, 4][2:] | " Sublist from third item (inclusive)
+echo [1, 2, 3, 4][:-2] | " Sublist until second-to-last item (inclusive)
" All slicing operations create new lists. To modify a list in-place use list
" functions (|list-functions|) or assign directly to an item (see below about
@@ -206,14 +206,14 @@ echo [1, 2, 3, 4][:-2] |" Sublist until second-to-last item (inclusive)
" are implicitly converted to strings).
" Dictionary literal
-echo {} |" Empty dictionary
-echo {'a': 1, 'b': 2} |" Dictionary literal
-echo {'a': 1, 'b': 2, } |" Trailing comma permitted
-echo {'x': {'a': 1, 'b': 2}} |" Nested dictionary
+echo {} | " Empty dictionary
+echo {'a': 1, 'b': 2} | " Dictionary literal
+echo {'a': 1, 'b': 2, } | " Trailing comma permitted
+echo {'x': {'a': 1, 'b': 2}} | " Nested dictionary
" Indexing a dictionary
-echo {'a': 1, 'b': 2}['a'] |" Literal index
-echo {'a': 1, 'b': 2}.a |" Syntactic sugar for simple keys
+echo {'a': 1, 'b': 2}['a'] | " Literal index
+echo {'a': 1, 'b': 2}.a | " Syntactic sugar for simple keys
" See |dict-functions| for dictionary manipulation functions.
@@ -225,14 +225,14 @@ echo {'a': 1, 'b': 2}.a |" Syntactic sugar for simple keys
" When stored in a variable the name of the variable has the same restrictions
" as a function name (see below).
-echo function('type') |" Reference to function type()
+echo function('type') | " Reference to function type()
" Note that `funcref('type')` will throw an error because the argument must be
" a user-defined function; see further below for defining your own functions.
-echo funcref('type') |" Reference by identity, not name
+echo funcref('type') | " Reference by identity, not name
" A lambda (|lambda|) is an anonymous function; it can only contain one
" expression in its body, which is also its implicit return value.
-echo {x -> x * x} |" Anonymous function
-echo function('substitute', ['hello']) |" Partial function
+echo {x -> x * x} | " Anonymous function
+echo function('substitute', ['hello']) | " Partial function
" Regular expression (|regular-expression|)
@@ -254,12 +254,12 @@ substitute/hello/Hello/
" number becomes its decimal notation as a string. A string becomes its
" numerical value if it can be parsed to a number, otherwise it becomes zero.
-echo "1" + 1 |" Number
-echo "1" .. 1 |" String
-echo "0xA" + 1 |" Number
+echo "1" + 1 | " Number
+echo "1" .. 1 | " String
+echo "0xA" + 1 | " Number
" Strings are treated like numbers when used as booleans
-echo "true" ? 1 : 0 |" This string is parsed to 0, which is false
+echo "true" ? 1 : 0 | " This string is parsed to 0, which is false
" ###########
" Variables
@@ -269,41 +269,41 @@ echo "true" ? 1 : 0 |" This string is parsed to 0, which is false
" chosen by Vim. Use `:let` and `:const` to bind a value and `:unlet` to unbind
" it.
-let b:my_var = 1 |" Local to current buffer
-let w:my_var = 1 |" Local to current window
-let t:my_var = 1 |" Local to current tab page
-let g:my_var = 1 |" Global variable
-let l:my_var = 1 |" Local to current function (see functions below)
-let s:my_var = 1 |" Local to current script file
-let a:my_arg = 1 |" Function argument (see functions below)
+let b:my_var = 1 | " Local to current buffer
+let w:my_var = 1 | " Local to current window
+let t:my_var = 1 | " Local to current tab page
+let g:my_var = 1 | " Global variable
+let l:my_var = 1 | " Local to current function (see functions below)
+let s:my_var = 1 | " Local to current script file
+let a:my_arg = 1 | " Function argument (see functions below)
" The Vim scope is read-only
-echo v:true |" Special built-in Vim variables (|v:var|)
+echo v:true | " Special built-in Vim variables (|v:var|)
" Access special Vim memory like variables
-let @a = 'Hello' |" Register
-let $PATH='' |" Environment variable
-let &textwidth = 79 |" Option
-let &l:textwidth = 79 |" Local option
-let &g:textwidth = 79 |" Global option
+let @a = 'Hello' | " Register
+let $PATH='' | " Environment variable
+let &textwidth = 79 | " Option
+let &l:textwidth = 79 | " Local option
+let &g:textwidth = 79 | " Global option
" Access scopes as dictionaries (can be modified like all dictionaries)
" See the |dict-functions|, especially |get()|, for access and manipulation
-echo b: |" All buffer variables
-echo w: |" All window variables
-echo t: |" All tab page variables
-echo g: |" All global variables
-echo l: |" All local variables
-echo s: |" All script variables
-echo a: |" All function arguments
-echo v: |" All Vim variables
+echo b: | " All buffer variables
+echo w: | " All window variables
+echo t: | " All tab page variables
+echo g: | " All global variables
+echo l: | " All local variables
+echo s: | " All script variables
+echo a: | " All function arguments
+echo v: | " All Vim variables
" Constant variables
-const x = 10 |" See |:const|, |:lockvar|
+const x = 10 | " See |:const|, |:lockvar|
" Function reference variables have the same restrictions as function names
-let IsString = {x -> type(x) == type('')} |" Global: capital letter
-let s:isNumber = {x -> type(x) == type(0)} |" Local: any name allowed
+let IsString = {x -> type(x) == type('')} | " Global: capital letter
+let s:isNumber = {x -> type(x) == type(0)} | " Local: any name allowed
" When omitted the scope `g:` is implied, except in functions, there `l:` is
" implied.
@@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ endtry
" Unscoped function names have to start with a capital letter
function! AddNumbersLoudly(x, y)
" Use a: scope to access arguments
- echo 'Adding' .. a:x .. 'and' .. a:y |" A side effect
- return a:x + a:y |" A return value
+ echo 'Adding' .. a:x .. 'and' .. a:y | " A side effect
+ return a:x + a:y | " A return value
" Scoped function names may start with a lower-case letter
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ endfunction
" Aborting functions, abort once error occurs (|:func-abort|)
function! SourceMyFile() abort
- source my-file.vim |" Try sourcing non-existing file
+ source my-file.vim | " Try sourcing non-existing file
echo 'This will never be printed'
@@ -460,11 +460,11 @@ function! MakeAdder(x)
return funcref('Adder')
let AddFive = MakeAdder(5)
-echo AddFive(3) |" Prints 8
+echo AddFive(3) | " Prints 8
" Dictionary functions, poor man's OOP methods (|Dictionary-function|)
function! Mylen() dict
- return len( |" Implicit variable self
+ return len( | " Implicit variable self
let mydict = {'data': [0, 1, 2, 3], 'len': function("Mylen")}
echo mydict.len()
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ call sign_undefine()
" The call() function calls a function reference and passes parameters as a
" list, and returns the function's result.
-echo call(function('get'), [{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, 'c', 3]) |" Prints 3
+echo call(function('get'), [{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, 'c', 3]) | " Prints 3
" Recall that Vim script is embedded within the ex-commands, that is why we
" cannot just call a function directly, we have to use the `:call` ex-command.
@@ -547,10 +547,10 @@ autocmd BufWritePost $MYVIMRC source $MYVIMRC
" without deleting the old ones, causing auto-commands to pile up over time.
" Use auto-groups and the following ritual to guard against this.
-augroup auto-source |" The name of the group is arbitrary
- autocmd! |" Deletes all auto-commands in the current group
+augroup auto-source | " The name of the group is arbitrary
+ autocmd! | " Deletes all auto-commands in the current group
autocmd BufWritePost $MYVIMRC source $MYVIMRC
-augroup END |" Switch back to default auto-group
+augroup END | " Switch back to default auto-group
" It is also possible to assign a group directly. This is useful if the
" definition of the group is in one script and the definition of the
@@ -570,8 +570,8 @@ autocmd auto-source BufWritePost $MYVIMRC source $MYVIMRC
" Sometimes we need to construct an ex-command where part of the command is not
" known until runtime.
-let line = 3 |" Line number determined at runtime
-execute line .. 'delete' |" Delete a line
+let line = 3 | " Line number determined at runtime
+execute line .. 'delete' | " Delete a line
" Executing normal-mode commands
" ##############################
@@ -579,11 +579,11 @@ execute line .. 'delete' |" Delete a line
" Use `:normal` to play back a sequence of normal mode commands from the
" command-line. Add an exclamation mark to ignore user mappings.
-normal! ggddGp |" Transplant first line to end of buffer
+normal! ggddGp | " Transplant first line to end of buffer
" Window commands can be used with :normal, or with :wincmd if :normal would
" not work
-wincmd L |" Move current window all the way to the right
+wincmd L | " Move current window all the way to the right
" ###########################
@@ -591,38 +591,38 @@ wincmd L |" Move current window all the way to the right
" ###########################
" Feature check
-echo has('nvim') |" Running Neovim
-echo has('python3') |" Support for Python 3 plugins
-echo has('unix') |" Running on a Unix system
-echo has('win32') |" Running on a Windows system
+echo has('nvim') | " Running Neovim
+echo has('python3') | " Support for Python 3 plugins
+echo has('unix') | " Running on a Unix system
+echo has('win32') | " Running on a Windows system
" Test if something exists
-echo exists('&mouse') |" Option (exists only)
-echo exists('+mouse') |" Option (exists and works)
-echo exists('$HOSTNAME') |" Environment variable
-echo exists('*strftime') |" Built-in function
-echo exists('**s:MyFunc') |" User-defined function
-echo exists('bufcount') |" Variable (scope optional)
-echo exists('my_dict["foo"]') |" Variable (dictionary entry)
-echo exists('my_dict["foo"]') |" Variable (dictionary entry)
-echo exists(':Make') |" Command
-echo exists("#CursorHold") |" Auto-command defined for event
-echo exists("#BufReadPre#*.gz") |" Event and pattern
-echo exists("#filetypeindent") |" Auto-command group
-echo exists("##ColorScheme") |" Auto-commnand supported for event
+echo exists('&mouse') | " Option (exists only)
+echo exists('+mouse') | " Option (exists and works)
+echo exists('$HOSTNAME') | " Environment variable
+echo exists('*strftime') | " Built-in function
+echo exists('**s:MyFunc') | " User-defined function
+echo exists('bufcount') | " Variable (scope optional)
+echo exists('my_dict["foo"]') | " Variable (dictionary entry)
+echo exists('my_dict["foo"]') | " Variable (dictionary entry)
+echo exists(':Make') | " Command
+echo exists("#CursorHold") | " Auto-command defined for event
+echo exists("#BufReadPre#*.gz") | " Event and pattern
+echo exists("#filetypeindent") | " Auto-command group
+echo exists("##ColorScheme") | " Auto-commnand supported for event
" Various dynamic values (see |expand()|)
-echo expand('%') |" Current file name
-echo expand('<cword>') |" Current word under cursor
-echo expand('%:p') |" Modifier are possible
+echo expand('%') | " Current file name
+echo expand('<cword>') | " Current word under cursor
+echo expand('%:p') | " Modifier are possible
" Type tests
-echo type(my_var) == type(0) |" Number
-echo type(my_var) == type('') |" String
-echo type(my_var) == type([]) |" List
-echo type(my_var) == type({}) |" Dictionary
-echo type(my_var) == type(function('type')) |" Funcref
+echo type(my_var) == type(0) | " Number
+echo type(my_var) == type('') | " String
+echo type(my_var) == type([]) | " List
+echo type(my_var) == type({}) | " Dictionary
+echo type(my_var) == type(function('type')) | " Funcref
" Format strings
echo printf('%d in hexadecimal is %X', 123, 123)
@@ -647,5 +647,5 @@ let g:loaded_my_plugin = v:true
" Get a default value: if the user defines a variable use it, otherwise use a
" hard-coded default. Uses the fact that a scope is also a dictionary.
+let s:greeting = get(g:, 'my_plugin_greeting', 'Hello')