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authorThéo Gauchoux <>2017-04-12 18:30:09 +0200
committerven <>2017-04-12 18:30:09 +0200
commitefbcd3dcbbc34d552436a2cd8f4c647052c5a119 (patch)
parentc74df79bdc8b652bb35c30d1e34f7c23d6944a77 (diff)
[cypher/en] Write tiny tutorial on Cypher (#2703)
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cypher.html.markdown b/cypher.html.markdown
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index 00000000..6efc0cec
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+language: cypher
+filename: LearnCypher.cql
+ - ["Théo Gauchoux", ""]
+Cypher is the Neo4j’s query language to manipulate graphs easily. It reuses syntax from SQL and mixes it with kind of ascii-art to represent graphs.
+This tutorial assumes that you already know graph concepts like nodes and relationships.
+[Read more here.](
+`// There is just single-line comments in Cypher`
+**Represents a record in a graph.**
+**`()`** It's an empty *node*, to indicate that there is a *node*, but it's not relevant for the query.
+**`(n)`** It's a *node* refered by the variable **n**, reusable in the query. It begins with lowercase and uses camelCase.
+**`(p:Person)`** You can add a *label* to your node, here **Person**. It's like a type / a class / a category. It begins with uppercase and uses camelCase.
+**`(p:Person:Manager)`** A node can have many *labels*.
+**`(p:Person {name : 'Théo Gauchoux', age : 22})`** A node can have some *properties*, here **name** and **age**. It begins with lowercase and uses camelCase.
+The types allowed in properties :
+* Numeric
+* Boolean
+* String
+* List of previous primitive types
+**Warning : there isn't datetime property in Cypher ! You can use String with a specific pattern or a Numeric from a specific date.**
+**``** You can access to a property with the dot style.
+Relationships (or Edges)
+**Connects two nodes**
+**`[:KNOWS]`** It's a *relationship* with the *label* **KNOWS**. It's a *label* as the node's label. It begins with uppercase and use UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
+**`[k:KNOWS]`** The same *relationship*, refered by the variable **k**, reusable in the query, but it's not necessary.
+**`[k:KNOWS {since:2017}]`** The same *relationship*, with *properties* (like *node*), here **since**.
+**`[k:KNOWS*..4]`** It's a structural information to use in a *path* (seen later). Here, **\*..4** says "Match the pattern, with the relationship **k** which be repeated between 1 and 4 times.
+**The way to mix nodes and relationships.**
+**`(a:Person)-[:KNOWS]-[b:Person]`** A path describing that **a** and **b** know each other.
+**`(a:Person)-[:MANAGES]->[b:Person]`** A path can be directed. This path describes that **a** is the manager of **b**.
+**`(a:Person)-[:KNOWS]-[b:Person]-[:KNOWS]-[c:Person]`** You can chain multiple relationships. This path describes the friend of a friend.
+**`(a:Person)-[:MANAGES]->[b:Person]-[:MANAGES]->[c:Person]`** A chain can also be directed. This path describes that **a** is the boss of **b** and the big boss of **c**.
+Patterns often used (from Neo4j doc) :
+// Friend-of-a-friend
+// Shortest path
+path = shortestPath( (user)-[:KNOWS*..5]-(other) )
+// Collaborative filtering
+// Tree navigation
+Create queries
+Create a new node
+CREATE (a:Person {name:"Théo Gauchoux"})
+*`RETURN` allows to have a result after the query. It can be multiple, as `RETURN a, b`.*
+Create a new relationship (with 2 new nodes)
+CREATE (a:Person)-[k:KNOWS]-(b:Person)
+RETURN a,k,b
+Match queries
+Match all nodes
+MATCH (n)
+Match nodes by label
+MATCH (a:Person)
+Match nodes by label and property
+MATCH (a:Person {name:"Théo Gauchoux"})
+Match nodes according to relationships (undirected)
+MATCH (a)-[:KNOWS]-(b)
+Match nodes according to relationships (directed)
+MATCH (a)-[:MANAGES]->(b)
+Match nodes with a `WHERE` clause
+MATCH (p:Person {name:"Théo Gauchoux"})-[s:LIVES_IN]->(city:City)
+WHERE s.since = 2015
+RETURN p,state
+You can use `MATCH WHERE` clause with `CREATE` clause
+MATCH (a), (b)
+WHERE = "Jacquie" AND = "Michel"
+CREATE (a)-[:KNOWS]-(b)
+Update queries
+Update a specific property of a node
+MATCH (p:Person)
+WHERE = "Théo Gauchoux"
+SET p.age = 23
+Replace all properties of a node
+MATCH (p:Person)
+WHERE = "Théo Gauchoux"
+SET p = {name: "Michel", age: 23}
+Add new property to a node
+MATCH (p:Person)
+WHERE = "Théo Gauchoux"
+SET p + = {studies: "IT Engineering"}
+Add a label to a node
+MATCH (p:Person)
+WHERE = "Théo Gauchoux"
+SET p:Internship
+Delete queries
+Delete a specific node (linked relationships must be deleted before)
+MATCH (p:Person)-[relationship]-()
+WHERE = "Théo Gauchoux"
+DELETE relationship, p
+Remove a property in a specific node
+MATCH (p:Person)
+WHERE = "Théo Gauchoux"
+REMOVE p.age
+*Pay attention to the `REMOVE`keyword, it's not `DELETE` !*
+Remove a label from a specific node
+MATCH (p:Person)
+WHERE = "Théo Gauchoux"
+DELETE p:Person
+Delete entire database
+MATCH (n)
+OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-()
+DELETE n, r
+*Seriously, it's the `rm -rf /` of Cypher !*
+Other useful clauses
+**`PROFILE`** Before a query, show the execution plan of it.
+**`COUNT(e)`** Count entities (nodes or relationships) matching **e**.
+**`LIMIT x`** Limit the result to the x first results.
+Special hints
+* You can execute a Cypher script stored in a **.cql** file directly in Neo4j (it's an import). However, you can't have multiple statements in this file (separed by **;**).
+* Use the Neo4j shell to write Cypher, it's really awesome.
+* The Cypher will be the standard query language for all graph databases (known as **OpenCypher**).