diff options
authorcaminsha <>2020-04-26 04:04:54 +0200
committercaminsha <>2020-04-26 04:04:54 +0200
commitf94cd548b3f047be4f6af37d56b95a123d8edb3d (patch)
parentf21a011eb4923c59343ec8f8dc1ab3166e9de6ba (diff)
started translation of vim
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/de-de/vim-de.html.markdown b/de-de/vim-de.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5d0519f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/de-de/vim-de.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+category: tool
+tool: vim
+lang = de-de
+ - ["RadhikaG", ""]
+ - ["caminsha", ""]
+filename: LearnVim-de.txt
+(Vi IMproved) ist ein Klon von vi, dem bekannten Editor für Unix. Es ist ein
+Texteditor, welcher mit Fokus auf Geschwindigkeit und Prouktivität entwickelt
+Vim hat viele Keybindings für ein schnelles navigieren und schnelles bearbeiten
+einer Datei.
+## Grundlagen, um in Vim zu navigieren
+ vim <filename> # Öffne <filename> in Vim
+ :help <topic> # Open up built-in help docs about <topic> if any exists
+ :q # Schliesse vim
+ :w # Speichere diese Datei
+ :wq # Speichere diese Datei und schliesse vim
+ ZZ # Speichere diese Datei und schliesse vim
+ :q! # Schliesse vim ohne die Datei zu speichern
+ # ! *zwingt* die Ausführung von :q,
+ # daher wird die Datei nicht gespeichert.
+ ZQ # Beende vim ohne die Datei zu speichern
+ :x # Speichere die Datei und beende vim
+ # Dies ist eine kürzere Version von :wq
+ u # Änderung rückgängig machen
+ CTRL+R # Änderung wiederherstellen
+ h # Den Cursor um ein Zeichen nach links bewegen
+ j # Den Cursor eine Zeile nach unten bewegen
+ k # Den Cursor eine Zeile nach oben bewegen
+ l # Den Cursor um ein Zeichen nach rechts bewegen
+ Ctrl+B # Gehe eine Bildschirmanzeige zurück
+ Ctrl+F # Gehe eine Bildschirmanzeige vorwärts
+ Ctrl+D # Gehe eine halbe Bildschirmanzeige vorwärts
+ Ctrl+U # Gehe eine halbe Bildschirmanzeige zurück
+ # Navigieren innerhalb einer Zeile
+ 0 # Navigiere zum Anfang der Zeile
+ $ # Navigiere zum Ende der Zeile
+ ^ # Navigiere zum ersten Zeichen, welchen kein Leerzeichen ist
+ # Im Text suchen
+ /word # Hebt alle Ergebnisse nach dem Cursor hervor
+ ?word # Hebt alle Ergebnisse vor dem Cursor hervor
+ n # Bewegt den Cursor zum nächsten Ergebnis nach der Suche
+ N # Bewegt den Cursor zum vorherigen Ergebnis der Suche
+ :%s/foo/bar/g # Ersetze "foo" durch "bar" in allen Zeilen
+ :s/foo/bar/g # Ersetze "foo" durch "bar" in der aktuellen Zeile
+ :%s/\n/\r/g # Replace new line characters with new line characters
+ # Jumping to characters
+ f<character> # Jump forward and land on <character>
+ t<character> # Jump forward and land right before <character>
+ # For example,
+ f< # Jump forward and land on <
+ t< # Jump forward and land right before <
+ # Moving by word
+ w # Move forward by one word
+ b # Move back by one word
+ e # Move to end of current word
+ # Other characters for moving around
+ gg # Go to the top of the file
+ G # Go to the bottom of the file
+ :NUM # Go to line number NUM (NUM is any number)
+ H # Move to the top of the screen
+ M # Move to the middle of the screen
+ L # Move to the bottom of the screen
+## Help docs:
+Vim has built in help documentation that can accessed with `:help <topic>`.
+For example `:help navigation` will pull up documentation about how to navigate
+your workspace!
+`:help` can also be used without an option. This will bring up a default help dialog
+that aims to make getting started with vim more approachable!
+## Modes:
+Vim is based on the concept on **modes**.
+- Command Mode - vim starts up in this mode, used to navigate and write commands
+- Insert Mode - used to make changes in your file
+- Visual Mode - used to highlight text and do operations to them
+- Ex Mode - used to drop down to the bottom with the ':' prompt to enter commands
+ i # Puts vim into insert mode, before the cursor position
+ a # Puts vim into insert mode, after the cursor position
+ v # Puts vim into visual mode
+ : # Puts vim into ex mode
+ <esc> # 'Escapes' from whichever mode you're in, into Command mode
+ # Copying and pasting text
+ y # Yank whatever is selected
+ yy # Yank the current line
+ d # Delete whatever is selected
+ dd # Delete the current line
+ p # Paste the copied text after the current cursor position
+ P # Paste the copied text before the current cursor position
+ x # Deleting character under current cursor position
+## The 'Grammar' of vim
+Vim can be thought of as a set of commands in a
+'Verb-Modifier-Noun' format, where:
+- Verb - your action
+- Modifier - how you're doing your action
+- Noun - the object on which your action acts on
+A few important examples of 'Verbs', 'Modifiers', and 'Nouns':
+ # 'Verbs'
+ d # Delete
+ c # Change
+ y # Yank (copy)
+ v # Visually select
+ # 'Modifiers'
+ i # Inside
+ a # Around
+ NUM # Number (NUM is any number)
+ f # Searches for something and lands on it
+ t # Searches for something and stops before it
+ / # Finds a string from cursor onwards
+ ? # Finds a string before cursor
+ # 'Nouns'
+ w # Word
+ s # Sentence
+ p # Paragraph
+ b # Block
+ # Sample 'sentences' or commands
+ d2w # Delete 2 words
+ cis # Change inside sentence
+ yip # Yank inside paragraph (copy the para you're in)
+ ct< # Change to open bracket
+ # Change the text from where you are to the next open bracket
+ d$ # Delete till end of line
+## Some shortcuts and tricks
+ <!--TODO: Add more!-->
+ > # Indent selection by one block
+ < # Dedent selection by one block
+ :earlier 15m # Reverts the document back to how it was 15 minutes ago
+ :later 15m # Reverse above command
+ ddp # Swap position of consecutive lines, dd then p
+ . # Repeat previous action
+ :w !sudo tee % # Save the current file as root
+ :set syntax=c # Set syntax highlighting to 'c'
+ :sort # Sort all lines
+ :sort! # Sort all lines in reverse
+ :sort u # Sort all lines and remove duplicates
+ ~ # Toggle letter case of selected text
+ u # Selected text to lower case
+ U # Selected text to upper case
+ # Fold text
+ zf # Create fold from selected text
+ zo # Open current fold
+ zc # Close current fold
+ zR # Open all folds
+ zM # Close all folds
+## Macros
+Macros are basically recordable actions.
+When you start recording a macro, it records **every** action and command
+you use, until you stop recording. On invoking a macro, it applies the exact
+same sequence of actions and commands again on the text selection.
+ qa # Start recording a macro named 'a'
+ q # Stop recording
+ @a # Play back the macro
+### Configuring ~/.vimrc
+The .vimrc file can be used to configure Vim on startup.
+Here's a sample ~/.vimrc file:
+" Example ~/.vimrc
+" 2015.10
+" Required for vim to be iMproved
+set nocompatible
+" Determines filetype from name to allow intelligent auto-indenting, etc.
+filetype indent plugin on
+" Enable syntax highlighting
+syntax on
+" Better command-line completion
+set wildmenu
+" Use case insensitive search except when using capital letters
+set ignorecase
+set smartcase
+" When opening a new line and no file-specific indenting is enabled,
+" keep same indent as the line you're currently on
+set autoindent
+" Display line numbers on the left
+set number
+" Indentation options, change according to personal preference
+" Number of visual spaces per TAB
+set tabstop=4
+" Number of spaces in TAB when editing
+set softtabstop=4
+" Number of spaces indented when reindent operations (>> and <<) are used
+set shiftwidth=4
+" Convert TABs to spaces
+set expandtab
+" Enable intelligent tabbing and spacing for indentation and alignment
+set smarttab
+### References
+[Vim | Home](
+`$ vimtutor`
+[A vim Tutorial and Primer](
+[What are the dark corners of Vim your mom never told you about? (Stack Overflow thread)](
+[Arch Linux Wiki](