path: root/neat.html.markdown
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authorBoris Verkhovskiy <>2024-04-04 04:26:14 -0700
committerGitHub <>2024-04-04 04:26:14 -0700
commit4d59048f0df8441e5ad2c2c440e8d54b0e9c11b6 (patch)
treefa2dbdd40da35b3c27f928f1112ea43193a7482e /neat.html.markdown
parentb38d4437120e700646a45dff68b7c4ff3f7109c0 (diff)
parent327001f58739489b41f6b1f7bbc8be900847b381 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into patch-2
Diffstat (limited to 'neat.html.markdown')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 297 deletions
diff --git a/neat.html.markdown b/neat.html.markdown
deleted file mode 100644
index f02461ee..00000000
--- a/neat.html.markdown
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-language: neat
- - ["Feep", ""]
-filename: LearnNeat.nt
-Neat is basically a smaller version of D1 with some experimental syntax and a focus on terseness without losing the basic C-like syntax.
-[Read more here.](
-// single line comments start with //
- multiline comments look like this
- or this
- /+ these can be nested too, same as D +/
-// Module name. This has to match the filename/directory.
-module LearnNeat;
-// Make names from another module visible in this one.
-import std.file;
-// You can import multiple things at once.
-import std.math, std.util;
-// You can even group up imports!
-import std.(process, socket);
-// Global functions!
-void foo() { }
-// Main function, same as in C.
-// string[] == "array of strings".
-// "string" is just an alias for char[],
-void main(string[] args) {
- // Call functions with "function expression".
- writeln "Hello World";
- // You can do it like in C too... if you really want.
- writeln ("Hello World");
- // Declare a variable with "type identifier"
- string arg = ("Hello World");
- writeln arg;
- // (expression, expression) forms a tuple.
- // There are no one-value tuples though.
- // So you can always use () in the mathematical sense.
- // (string) arg; <- is an error
- /*
- byte: 8 bit signed integer
- char: 8 bit UTF-8 byte component.
- short: 16 bit signed integer
- int: 32 bit signed integer
- long: 64 bit signed integer
- float: 32 bit floating point
- double: 64 bit floating point
- real: biggest native size floating point (80 bit on x86).
- bool: true or false
- */
- int a = 5;
- bool b = true;
- // as in C, && and || are short-circuit evaluating.
- b = b && false;
- assert(b == false);
- // "" are "format strings". So $variable will be substituted at runtime
- // with a formatted version of the variable.
- writeln "$a";
- // This will just print $a.
- writeln `$a`;
- // you can format expressions with $()
- writeln "$(2+2)";
- // Note: there is no special syntax for characters.
- char c = "a";
- // Cast values by using type: expression.
- // There are three kinds of casts:
- // casts that just specify conversions that would be happening automatically
- // (implicit casts)
- float f = float:5;
- float f2 = 5; // would also work
- // casts that require throwing away information or complicated computation -
- // those must always be done explicitly
- // (conversion casts)
- int i = int:f;
- // int i = f; // would not work!
- // and, as a last attempt, casts that just reinterpret the raw data.
- // Those only work if the types have the same size.
- string s = "Hello World";
- // Arrays are (length, pointer) pairs.
- // This is a tuple type. Tuple types are (type, type, type).
- // The type of a tuple expression is a tuple type. (duh)
- (int, char*) array = (int, char*): s;
- // You can index arrays and tuples using the expression[index] syntax.
- writeln "pointer is $(array[1]) and length is $(array[0])";
- // You can slice them using the expression[from .. to] syntax.
- // Slicing an array makes another array.
- writeln "$(s[0..5]) World";
- // Alias name = expression gives the expression a name.
- // As opposed to a variable, aliases do not have an address
- // and can not be assigned to. (Unless the expression is assignable)
- alias range = 0 .. 5;
- writeln "$(s[range]) World";
- // You can iterate over ranges.
- for int i <- range {
- write "$(s[i])";
- }
- writeln " World";
- // Note that if "range" had been a variable, it would be 'empty' now!
- // Range variables can only be iterated once.
- // The syntax for iteration is "expression <- iterable".
- // Lots of things are iterable.
- for char c <- "Hello" { write "$c"; }
- writeln " World";
- // For loops are "for test statement";
- alias test = char d <- "Hello";
- for test write "$d";
- writeln " World\t\x05"; // note: escapes work
- // Pointers: function the same as in C, btw. The usual.
- // Do note: the pointer star sticks with the TYPE, not the VARIABLE!
- string* p;
- assert(p == null); // default initializer
- p = &s;
- writeln "$(*p)";
- // Math operators are (almost) standard.
- int x = 2 + 3 * 4 << 5;
- // Note: XOR is "xor". ^ is reserved for exponentiation (once I implement that).
- int y = 3 xor 5;
- int z = 5;
- assert(z++ == 5);
- assert(++z == 7);
- writeln "x $x y $y z $z";
- // As in D, ~ concatenates.
- string hewo = "Hello " ~ "World";
- // == tests for equality, "is" tests for identity.
- assert (hewo == s);
- assert !(hewo is s);
- // same as
- assert (hewo !is s);
- // Allocate arrays using "new array length"
- int[] integers = new int[] 10;
- assert(integers.length == 10);
- assert(integers[0] == 0); // zero is default initializer
- integers = integers ~ 5; // This allocates a new array!
- assert(integers.length == 11);
- // This is an appender array.
- // Instead of (length, pointer), it tracks (capacity, length, pointer).
- // When you append to it, it will use the free capacity if it can.
- // If it runs out of space, it reallocates - but it will free the old array automatically.
- // This makes it convenient for building arrays.
- int[auto~] appender;
- appender ~= 2;
- appender ~= 3;
-; // same as {; appender = null;}
- // Scope variables are automatically freed at the end of the current scope.
- scope int[auto~] someOtherAppender;
- // This is the same as:
- int[auto~] someOtherAppender2;
- onExit {; }
- // You can do a C for loop too
- // - but why would you want to?
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { }
- // Otherwise, for and while are the same.
- while int i <- 0..4 {
- assert(i == 0);
- break; // continue works too
- } then assert(false); // if we hadn't break'd, this would run at the end
- // This is the height of loopdom - the produce-test-consume loop.
- do {
- int i = 5;
- } while (i == 5) {
- assert(i == 5);
- break; // otherwise we'd go back up to do {
- }
- // This is a nested function.
- // Nested functions can access the surrounding function.
- string returnS() { return s; }
- writeln returnS();
- // Take the address of a function using &
- // The type of a global function is ReturnType function(ParameterTypeTuple).
- void function() foop = &foo;
- // Similarly, the type of a nested function is ReturnType delegate(ParameterTypeTuple).
- string delegate() returnSp = &returnS;
- writeln returnSp();
- // Class member functions and struct member functions also fit into delegate variables.
- // In general, delegates are functions that carry an additional context pointer.
- // ("fat pointers" in C)
- // Allocate a "snapshot" with "new delegate".
- // Snapshots are not closures! I used to call them closures too,
- // but then my Haskell-using friends yelled at me so I had to stop.
- // The difference is that snapshots "capture" their surrounding context
- // when "new" is used.
- // This allows things like this
- int delegate(int) add(int a) {
- int add_a(int b) { return a + b; }
- // This does not work - the context of add_a becomes invalid
- // when add returns.
- // return &add_a;
- // Instead:
- return new &add_a;
- }
- int delegate(int) dg = add 2;
- assert (dg(3) == 5);
- // or
- assert (((add 2) 3) == 5);
- // or
- assert (add 2 3 == 5);
- // add can also be written as
- int delegate(int) add2(int a) {
- // this is an implicit, nameless nested function.
- return new λ(int b) { return a + b; }
- }
- // or even
- auto add3(int a) { return new λ(int b) -> a + b; }
- // hahahaaa
- auto add4 = λ(int a) -> new λ(int b) -> a + b;
- assert(add4 2 3 == 5);
- // If your keyboard doesn't have a λ (you poor sod)
- // you can use \ too.
- auto add5 = \(int a) -> new \(int b) -> a + b;
- // Note!
- auto nestfun = λ() { } // There is NO semicolon needed here!
- // "}" can always substitute for "};".
- // This provides syntactic consistency with built-in statements.
- // This is a class.
- // Note: almost all elements of Neat can be used on the module level
- // or just as well inside a function.
- class C {
- int a;
- void writeA() { writeln "$a"; }
- // It's a nested class - it exists in the context of main().
- // so if you leave main(), any instances of C become invalid.
- void writeS() { writeln "$s"; }
- }
- C cc = new C;
- // cc is a *reference* to C. Classes are always references.
- cc.a = 5; // Always used for property access.
- auto ccp = &cc;
- (*ccp).a = 6;
- // or just
- ccp.a = 7;
- cc.writeA();
- cc.writeS(); // to prove I'm not making things up
- // Interfaces work same as in D, basically. Or Java.
- interface E { void doE(); }
- // Inheritance works same as in D, basically. Or Java.
- class D : C, E {
- override void writeA() { writeln "hahahahaha no"; }
- override void doE() { writeln "eeeee"; }
- // all classes inherit from Object. (toString is defined in Object)
- override string toString() { return "I am a D"; }
- }
- C cd = new D;
- // all methods are always virtual.
- cd.writeA();
- E e = E:cd; // dynamic class cast!
- e.doE();
- writeln "$e"; // all interfaces convert to Object implicitly.
- // Templates!
- // Templates are parameterized namespaces, taking a type as a parameter.
- template Templ(T) {
- alias hi = 5, hii = 8;
- // Templates always have to include something with the same name as the template
- // - this will become the template's _value_.
- // Static ifs are evaluated statically, at compile-time.
- // Because of this, the test has to be a constant expression,
- // or something that can be optimized to a constant.
- static if (types-equal (T, int)) {
- alias Templ = hi;
- } else {
- alias Templ = hii;
- }
- }
- assert(Templ!int == 5);
- assert(Templ!float == 8);
-## Topics Not Covered
- * Extended iterator types and expressions
- * Standard library
- * Conditions (error handling)
- * Macros