path: root/neat.html.markdown
diff options
authorC. Bess <>2015-11-09 17:55:53 -0600
committerC. Bess <>2015-11-09 17:55:53 -0600
commitdf0992d72c2a28f140e6ff9681c505f36e19249a (patch)
tree508aa3abe4c25b957dca442560d9c95c9b1fc97a /neat.html.markdown
parentafc5ea14654e0e9cd11c7ef1b672639d12418bad (diff)
parentc460e1fafa0e9b4edc6a5cb35b970bb5cc030a81 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'adambard/master'
Conflicts: swift.html.markdown
Diffstat (limited to 'neat.html.markdown')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/neat.html.markdown b/neat.html.markdown
index e99d1e0e..f02461ee 100644
--- a/neat.html.markdown
+++ b/neat.html.markdown
@@ -47,18 +47,18 @@ void main(string[] args) {
// There are no one-value tuples though.
// So you can always use () in the mathematical sense.
// (string) arg; <- is an error
byte: 8 bit signed integer
char: 8 bit UTF-8 byte component.
short: 16 bit signed integer
int: 32 bit signed integer
long: 64 bit signed integer
float: 32 bit floating point
double: 64 bit floating point
real: biggest native size floating point (80 bit on x86).
bool: true or false
int a = 5;
@@ -139,14 +139,14 @@ void main(string[] args) {
assert !(hewo is s);
// same as
assert (hewo !is s);
// Allocate arrays using "new array length"
int[] integers = new int[] 10;
assert(integers.length == 10);
assert(integers[0] == 0); // zero is default initializer
integers = integers ~ 5; // This allocates a new array!
assert(integers.length == 11);
// This is an appender array.
// Instead of (length, pointer), it tracks (capacity, length, pointer).
// When you append to it, it will use the free capacity if it can.
@@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ void main(string[] args) {
appender ~= 2;
appender ~= 3;; // same as {; appender = null;}
// Scope variables are automatically freed at the end of the current scope.
scope int[auto~] someOtherAppender;
// This is the same as:
int[auto~] someOtherAppender2;
onExit {; }
// You can do a C for loop too
// - but why would you want to?
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { }
@@ -178,23 +178,23 @@ void main(string[] args) {
assert(i == 5);
break; // otherwise we'd go back up to do {
// This is a nested function.
// Nested functions can access the surrounding function.
string returnS() { return s; }
writeln returnS();
// Take the address of a function using &
// The type of a global function is ReturnType function(ParameterTypeTuple).
void function() foop = &foo;
// Similarly, the type of a nested function is ReturnType delegate(ParameterTypeTuple).
string delegate() returnSp = &returnS;
writeln returnSp();
// Class member functions and struct member functions also fit into delegate variables.
// In general, delegates are functions that carry an additional context pointer.
// ("fat pointers" in C)
// Allocate a "snapshot" with "new delegate".
// Snapshots are not closures! I used to call them closures too,
// but then my Haskell-using friends yelled at me so I had to stop.
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ void main(string[] args) {
auto nestfun = λ() { } // There is NO semicolon needed here!
// "}" can always substitute for "};".
// This provides syntactic consistency with built-in statements.
// This is a class.
// Note: almost all elements of Neat can be used on the module level
// or just as well inside a function.
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ void main(string[] args) {
E e = E:cd; // dynamic class cast!
writeln "$e"; // all interfaces convert to Object implicitly.
// Templates!
// Templates are parameterized namespaces, taking a type as a parameter.
template Templ(T) {