path: root/v.html.markdown
diff options
authorBoris Verkhovskiy <>2024-04-03 02:30:27 -0700
committerGitHub <>2024-04-03 02:30:27 -0700
commit6d87022050ffbd5d818781427329c5362e3df197 (patch)
tree3809b2b1a7790d8b30e6d694c575eb68f02f661c /v.html.markdown
parentc76b8f690a577d9ff89947d79c36a96a7c3b4deb (diff)
parente8dabf3c1955e1a458e8bc936587ad59772a9c33 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into patch-1
Diffstat (limited to 'v.html.markdown')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/v.html.markdown b/v.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f698184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+language: v
+filename: vlang.v
+ - ["Maou Shimazu", ""]
+V is a statically typed compiled programming language
+designed for building maintainable software.
+It's similar to Go and its design has also been influenced by
+Oberon, Rust, Swift, Kotlin, and Python.
+The language promotes writing
+simple and clear code with minimal abstraction.
+Despite being simple, V gives the developer a lot of power.
+Anything you can do in other languages, you can do in V.
+// Single Line Comment.
+ Multi Line Comment
+struct User { // Cannot be defined in main, explained later.
+ age int
+ name string
+ pos int = -1 // custom default value
+// struct method
+fn (u User) can_register() bool {
+ return u.age > 16
+struct Parser {
+ token Token
+// c like enums
+enum Token {
+ plus
+ minus
+ div
+ mult
+// 1. functions
+// language does not use semi colons
+fn add(x int, y int) int {
+ return x + y
+// can return multiple values
+fn foo() (int, int) {
+ return 2, 3
+// function visibility
+pub fn public_function() { // pub can only be used from a named module.
+fn private_function() {
+// Main function
+fn main() {
+ // Anonymous functions can be declared inside other functions:
+ double_fn := fn (n int) int {
+ return n + n
+ }
+ // 2. Variables: they are immutable by default
+ // implicitly typed
+ x := 1
+ // x = 2 // error
+ mut y := 2
+ y = 4
+ name := "John"
+ large_number := i64(9999999999999)
+ println("$x, $y, $name, $large_number") // 1, 4, John, 9999999999999
+ // unpacking values from functions.
+ a, b := foo()
+ println("$a, $b") // 2, 3
+ c, _ := foo() // ignore values using `_`
+ println("$c") // 2
+ // Numbers
+ u := u16(12)
+ v := 13 + u // v is of type `u16`
+ r := f32(45.6)
+ q := r + 3.14 // x is of type `f32`
+ s := 75 // a is of type `int`
+ l := 14.7 // b is of type `f64`
+ e := u + s // c is of type `int`
+ d := l + r // d is of type `f64`
+ // Strings
+ mut bob := 'Bob'
+ assert bob[0] == u8(66) // indexing gives a byte, u8(66) == `B`
+ assert bob[1..3] == 'ob' // slicing gives a string 'ob'
+ bobby := bob + 'by' // + is used to concatenate strings
+ println(bobby) // "Bobby"
+ bob += "by2" // += is used to append to strings
+ println(bob) // "Bobby2"
+ //String values are immutable. You cannot mutate elements:
+ //mut s := 'hello 🌎'
+ //s[0] = `H` // not allowed
+ //For raw strings, prepend r. Escape handling is not done for raw strings:
+ rstring := r'hello\nworld' // the `\n` will be preserved as two characters
+ println(rstring) // "hello\nworld"
+ // string interpolation
+ println('Hello, $bob!') // Hello, Bob!
+ println('Bob length + 10: ${bob.len + 10}!') // Bob length + 10: 13!
+ // 3. Arrays
+ mut numbers := [1, 2, 3]
+ println(numbers) // `[1, 2, 3]`
+ numbers << 4 // append elements with <<
+ println(numbers[3]) // `4`
+ numbers[1] = 5
+ println(numbers) // `[1, 5, 3]`
+ // numbers << "John" // error: `numbers` is an array of numbers
+ numbers = [] // array is now empty
+ arr := []int{len: 5, init: -1}
+ // `arr == [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]`, arr.cap == 5
+ number_slices := [0, 10, 20, 30, 40]
+ println(number_slices[1..4]) // [10, 20, 30]
+ println(number_slices[..4]) // [0, 10, 20, 30]
+ println(number_slices[1..]) // [10, 20, 30, 40]
+ // 4. structs and enums
+ // struct User {
+ // age int
+ // name string
+ // pos int = -1 // custom default value
+ // }
+ mut users := User{21, 'Bob', 0}
+ println(users.age) // 21
+ // enum Token {
+ // plus
+ // minus
+ // div
+ // mult
+ // }
+ // struct Parser {
+ // token Token
+ // }
+ parser := Parser{}
+ if parser.token == .plus || parser.token == .minus
+ || parser.token == .div || parser.token == .mult {
+ // ...
+ }
+ // 5. Maps
+ number_map := {
+ 'one': 1
+ 'two': 2
+ }
+ println(number_map) // {'one': 1, 'two': 2}
+ println(number_map["one"]) // 1
+ mut m := map[string]int{} // a map with `string` keys and `int` values
+ m['one'] = 1
+ m['two'] = 2
+ println(m['one']) // "1"
+ println(m['bad_key']) // "0"
+ m.delete('two')
+ // 6. Conditionals
+ a_number := 10
+ b_number := 20
+ if a_number < b {
+ println('$a_number < $b_number')
+ } else if a_number > b {
+ println('$a_number > $b_number')
+ } else {
+ println('$a_number == $b_number')
+ }
+ num := 777
+ even_odd := if num % 2 == 0 { 'even' } else { 'odd' }
+ println(even_odd)
+ match even_odd {
+ 'even' { println('even') }
+ 'odd' { println('odd') }
+ else { println('unknown') }
+ }
+ // 7. Loops
+ loops := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+ for lp in loops {
+ println(lp)
+ }
+ loop_names := ['Sam', 'Peter']
+ for i, lname in loop_names {
+ println('$i) $lname')
+ // Output: 0) Sam
+ // 1) Peter
+ }
+ // You can also use break and continue followed by a
+ // label name to refer to an outer for loop:
+ outer: for i := 4; true; i++ {
+ println(i)
+ for {
+ if i < 7 {
+ continue outer
+ } else {
+ break outer
+ }
+ }
+ }
+## Further reading
+There are more complex concepts to be learnt in V which are available at the
+official [V documentation](
+You can also find more information about the V language at the [official website](
+or check it out at the [v playground]( \ No newline at end of file