path: root/zig.html.markdown
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authorBoris Verkhovskiy <>2024-04-04 04:26:14 -0700
committerGitHub <>2024-04-04 04:26:14 -0700
commit4d59048f0df8441e5ad2c2c440e8d54b0e9c11b6 (patch)
treefa2dbdd40da35b3c27f928f1112ea43193a7482e /zig.html.markdown
parentb38d4437120e700646a45dff68b7c4ff3f7109c0 (diff)
parent327001f58739489b41f6b1f7bbc8be900847b381 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into patch-2
Diffstat (limited to 'zig.html.markdown')
1 files changed, 981 insertions, 0 deletions
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+language: zig
+filename: learnzig.zig
+ - ["Philippe Pittoli", ""]
+[Zig][ziglang] aims to be a replacement for the C programming language.
+**WARNING**: this document expects you to understand a few basic concepts in computer science, such as pointers, stack and heap memory, etc.
+**WARNING**: Zig isn't considered as ready for production. Bugs are expected.
+Prior knowledge of C is recommended.
+## Quick overview: Zig compared to C
+- Syntax is mostly the same, with some improvements (less ambiguity).
+- Zig introduces namespaces.
+- `try` and `catch` mechanism, which is both convenient, efficient and optional.
+- Most of the C undefined behaviors (UBs) are fixed.
+- Compared to C, raw pointers are safer to use and less likely to be needed.
+ * The type system distinguishes between a pointer to a single value, or multiple values, etc.
+ * Slices are preferred, which is a structure with a pointer and a runtime known size, which characterizes most uses of pointers in the first place.
+- Some arbitrary language limitations are removed. For example, enumerations, structures and unions can have functions.
+- Simple access to SIMD operations (basic maths on vectors).
+- Zig provides both low-level features of C and the one provided through compiler extensions.
+ For example: packed structures.
+- An extensive standard library, including data structures and algorithms.
+- Cross-compilation capability is provided by default, without any dependency.
+ Different libc are provided to ease the process.
+ Cross-compilation works from, and to, any operating system and architecture.
+## Zig language
+//! Top-level documentation.
+/// Documentation comment.
+// Simple comment.
+### Hello world.
+// Import standard library, reachable through the "std" constant.
+const std = @import("std");
+// "info" now refers to the "" function.
+const info =;
+// Usual hello world.
+// syntax: [pub] fn <function-name>(<arguments>) <return-type> { <body> }
+pub fn main() void {
+ // Contrary to C functions, Zig functions have a fixed number of arguments.
+ // In C: "printf" takes any number of arguments.
+ // In Zig: takes a format and a list of elements to print.
+ info("hello world", .{}); // .{} is an empty anonymous tuple.
+### Booleans, integers and float.
+// Booleans.
+// Keywords are preferred to operators for boolean operations.
+print("{}\n{}\n{}\n", .{
+ true and false,
+ true or false,
+ !true,
+// Integers.
+const one_plus_one: i32 = 1 + 1;
+print("1 + 1 = {}\n", .{one_plus_one}); // 2
+// Floats.
+const seven_div_three: f32 = 7.0 / 3.0;
+print("7.0 / 3.0 = {}\n", .{seven_div_three}); // 2.33333325e+00
+// Integers have arbitrary value lengths.
+var myvar: u10 = 5; // 10-bit unsigned integer
+// Useful for example to read network packets, or complex binary formats.
+// Number representation is greatly improved compared to C.
+const one_billion = 1_000_000_000; // Decimal.
+const binary_mask = 0b1_1111_1111; // Binary. Ex: network mask.
+const permissions = 0o7_5_5; // Octal. Ex: Unix permissions.
+const big_address = 0xFF80_0000_0000_0000; // Hexa. Ex: IPv6 address.
+// Overflow operators: tell the compiler when it's okay to overflow.
+var i: u8 = 0; // "i" is an unsigned 8-bit integer
+i -= 1; // runtime overflow error (unsigned value always are positive)
+i -%= 1; // okay (wrapping operator), i == 255
+// Saturation operators: values will stick to their lower and upper bounds.
+var i: u8 = 200; // "i" is an unsigned 8-bit integer (values: from 0 to 255)
+i +| 100 == 255 // u8: won't go higher than 255
+i -| 300 == 0 // unsigned, won't go lower than 0
+i *| 2 == 255 // u8: won't go higher than 255
+i <<| 8 == 255 // u8: won't go higher than 255
+### Arrays.
+// An array is a well-defined structure with a length attribute (len).
+// 5-byte array with undefined content (stack garbage).
+var array1: [5]u8 = undefined;
+// 5-byte array with defined content.
+var array2 = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
+// [_] means the compiler knows the length at compile-time.
+// 1000-byte array with defined content (0).
+var array3 = [_]u8{0} ** 1000;
+// Another 1000-byte array with defined content.
+// The content is provided by the "foo" function, called at compile-time and
+// allows complex initializations.
+var array4 = [_]u8{foo()} ** 1000;
+// In any case, array.len gives the length of the array,
+// array1.len and array2.len produce 5, array3.len and array4.len produce 1000.
+// Modifying and accessing arrays content.
+// Array of 10 32-bit undefined integers.
+var some_integers: [10]i32 = undefined;
+some_integers[0] = 30; // first element of the array is now 30
+var x = some_integers[0]; // "x" now equals to 30, its type is inferred.
+var y = some_integers[1]; // Second element of the array isn't defined.
+ // "y" got a stack garbage value (no runtime error).
+// Array of 10 32-bit undefined integers.
+var some_integers: [10]i32 = undefined;
+var z = some_integers[20]; // index > array size, compilation error.
+// At runtime, we loop over the elements of "some_integers" with an index.
+// Index i = 20, then we try:
+try some_integers[i]; // Runtime error 'index out of bounds'.
+ // "try" keyword is necessary when accessing an array with
+ // an index, since there is a potential runtime error.
+ // More on that later.
+### Multidimensional arrays.
+const mat4x4 = [4][4]f32{
+ [_]f32{ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 },
+ [_]f32{ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 },
+ [_]f32{ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 },
+ [_]f32{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 },
+// Access the 2D array then the inner array through indexes.
+try expect(mat4x4[1][1] == 1.0);
+// Here we iterate with for loops.
+for (mat4x4) |row, row_index| {
+ for (row) |cell, column_index| {
+ // ...
+ }
+### Strings.
+// Simple string constant.
+const greetings = "hello";
+// ... which is equivalent to:
+const greetings: *const [5:0]u8 = "hello";
+// In words: "greetings" is a constant value, a pointer on a constant array of 5
+// elements (8-bit unsigned integers), with an extra '0' at the end.
+// The extra "0" is called a "sentinel value".
+print("string: {s}\n", .{greetings});
+// This represents rather faithfully C strings. Although, Zig strings are
+// structures, no need for "strlen" to compute their size.
+// greetings.len == 5
+### Slices.
+// A slice is a pointer and a size, an array without compile-time known size.
+// Slices have runtime out-of-band verifications.
+const array = [_]u8{1,2,3,4,5}; // [_] = array with compile-time known size.
+const slice = array[0..array.len]; // "slice" represents the whole array.
+ // slice[10] gives a runtime error.
+### Pointers.
+// Pointer on a value can be created with "&".
+const x: i32 = 1;
+const pointer: *i32 = &x; // "pointer" is a pointer on the i32 var "x".
+print("1 = {}, {}\n", .{x, pointer});
+// Pointer values are accessed and modified with ".*".
+if (pointer.* == 1) {
+ print("x value == {}\n", .{pointer.*});
+// ".?" is a shortcut for "orelse unreachable".
+const foo = pointer.?; // Get the pointed value, otherwise crash.
+### Optional values (?<type>).
+// An optional is a value than can be of any type or null.
+// Example: "optional_value" can either be "null" or an unsigned 32-bit integer.
+var optional_value: ?u32 = null; // optional_value == null
+optional_value = 42; // optional_value != null
+// "some_function" returns ?u32
+var x = some_function();
+if (x) |value| {
+ // In case "some_function" returned a value.
+ // Do something with 'value'.
+### Errors.
+// Zig provides an unified way to express errors.
+// Errors are defined in error enumerations, example:
+const Error = error {
+ WatchingAnyNetflixTVShow,
+ BeOnTwitter,
+// Normal enumerations are expressed the same way, but with "enum" keyword.
+const SuccessStory = enum {
+ DoingSport,
+ ReadABook,
+// Error union (!).
+// Either the value "mylife" is an an error or a normal value.
+var mylife: Error!SuccessStory = Error.BeOnTwitter;
+// mylife is an error. Sad.
+mylife = SuccessStory.ReadABook;
+// Now mylife is an enum.
+// Zig ships with many pre-defined errors. Example:
+const value: anyerror!u32 = error.Broken;
+// Handling errors.
+// Some error examples.
+const Error = error {
+ UnExpected,
+ Authentication,
+// "some_function" can either return an "Error" or an integer.
+fn some_function() Error!u8 {
+ return Error.UnExpected; // It returns an error.
+// Errors can be "catch" without intermediate variable.
+var value = some_function() catch |err| switch(err) {
+ Error.UnExpected => return err, // Returns the error.
+ Error.Authentication => unreachable, // Not expected. Crashes the program.
+ else => unreachable,
+// An error can be "catch" without giving it a name.
+const unwrapped = some_function() catch 1234; // "unwrapped" = 1234
+// "try" is a very handy shortcut for "catch |err| return err".
+var value = try some_function();
+// If "some_function" fails, the current function stops and returns the error.
+// "value" can only have a valid value, the error already is handled with "try".
+### Control flow.
+// Conditional branching.
+if (condition) {
+ ...
+else {
+ ...
+// Ternary.
+var value = if (condition) x else y;
+// Shortcut for "if (x) x else 0"
+var value = x orelse 0;
+// If "a" is an optional, which may contain a value.
+if (a) |value| {
+ print("value: {}\n", .{value});
+else {
+ print("'a' is null\n", .{});
+// Get a pointer on the value (if it exists).
+if (a) |*value| { value.* += 1; }
+// Loops.
+// Syntax examples:
+// while (condition) statement
+// while (condition) : (end-of-iteration-statement) statement
+// for (iterable) statement
+// for (iterable) |capture| statement
+// for (iterable) statement else statement
+// Note: loops work the same way over arrays or slices.
+// Simple "while" loop.
+while (i < 10) { i += 1; }
+// While loop with a "continue expression"
+// (expression executed as the last expression of the loop).
+while (i < 10) : (i += 1) { ... }
+// Same, with a more complex continue expression (block of code).
+while (i * j < 2000) : ({ i *= 2; j *= 3; }) { ... }
+// To iterate over a portion of a slice, reslice.
+for (items[0..1]) |value| { sum += value; }
+// Loop over every item of an array (or slice).
+for (items) |value| { sum += value; }
+// Iterate and get pointers on values instead of copies.
+for (items) |*value| { value.* += 1; }
+// Iterate with an index.
+for (items) |value, i| { print("val[{}] = {}\n", .{i, value}); }
+// Iterate with pointer and index.
+for (items) |*value, i| { print("val[{}] = {}\n", .{i, value}); value.* += 1; }
+// Break and continue are supported.
+for (items) |value| {
+ if (value == 0) { continue; }
+ if (value >= 10) { break; }
+ // ...
+// For loops can also be used as expressions.
+// Similar to while loops, when you break from a for loop,
+// the else branch is not evaluated.
+var sum: i32 = 0;
+// The "for" loop has to provide a value, which will be the "else" value.
+const result = for (items) |value| {
+ if (value != null) {
+ sum += value.?; // "result" will be the last "sum" value.
+ }
+} else 0; // Last value.
+### Labels.
+// Labels are a way to name an instruction, a location in the code.
+// Labels can be used to "continue" or "break" in a nested loop.
+outer: for ([_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }) |_| {
+ for ([_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }) |_| {
+ count += 1;
+ continue :outer; // "continue" for the first loop.
+ }
+} // count = 8
+outer: for ([_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }) |_| {
+ for ([_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }) |_| {
+ count += 1;
+ break :outer; // "break" for the first loop.
+ }
+} // count = 1
+// Labels can also be used to return a value from a block.
+var y: i32 = 5;
+const x = blk: {
+ y += 1;
+ break :blk y; // Now "x" equals 6.
+// Relevant in cases like "for else" expression (explained in the following).
+// For loops can be used as expressions.
+// When you break from a for loop, the else branch is not evaluated.
+// WARNING: counter-intuitive.
+// The "for" loop will run, then the "else" block will run.
+// The "else" keyword has to be followed by the value to give to "result".
+// See later for another form.
+var sum: u8 = 0;
+const result = for (items) |value| {
+ sum += value;
+} else 8; // result = 8
+// In this case, the "else" keyword is followed by a value, too.
+// However, the syntax is different: it is labeled.
+// Instead of a value, there is a label followed by a block of code, which
+// allows to do stuff before returning the value (see the "break" invocation).
+const result = for (items) |value| { // First: loop.
+ sum += value;
+} else blk: { // Second: "else" block.
+"executed AFTER the loop!", .{});
+ break :blk sum; // The "sum" value will replace the label "blk".
+### Switch.
+// As a switch in C, but slightly more advanced.
+// Syntax:
+// switch (value) {
+// pattern => expression,
+// pattern => expression,
+// else => expression
+// };
+// A switch only checking for simple values.
+var x = switch(value) {
+ Error.UnExpected => return err,
+ Error.Authentication => unreachable,
+ else => unreachable,
+// A slightly more advanced switch, accepting a range of values:
+const foo: i32 = 0;
+const bar = switch (foo) {
+ 0 => "zero",
+ 1...std.math.maxInt(i32) => "positive",
+ else => "negative",
+### Structures.
+// Structure containing a single value.
+const Full = struct {
+ number: u16,
+// Packed structure, with guaranteed in-memory layout.
+const Divided = packed struct {
+ half1: u8,
+ quarter3: u4,
+ quarter4: u4,
+// Point is a constant representing a structure containing two u32, "x" and "y".
+// "x" has a default value, which wasn't possible in C.
+const Point = struct {
+ x: u32 = 1, // default value
+ y: u32,
+// Variable "p" is a new Point, with x = 1 (default value) and y = 2.
+var p = Point{ .y = 2 };
+// Fields are accessed as usual with the dot notation: variable.field.
+print("p.x: {}\n", .{p.x}); // 1
+print("p.y: {}\n", .{p.y}); // 2
+// A structure can also contain public constants and functions.
+const Point = struct {
+ pub const some_constant = 30;
+ x: u32,
+ y: u32,
+ // This function "init" creates a Point and returns it.
+ pub fn init() Point {
+ return Point{ .x = 0, .y = 0 };
+ }
+// How to access a structure public constant.
+// The value isn't accessed from an "instance" of the structure, but from the
+// constant representing the structure definition (Point).
+print("constant: {}\n", .{Point.some_constant});
+// Having an "init" function is rather idiomatic in the standard library.
+// More on that later.
+var p = Point.init();
+print("p.x: {}\n", .{p.x}); // p.x = 0
+print("p.y: {}\n", .{p.y}); // p.y = 0
+// Structures often have functions to modify their state, similar to
+// object-oriented programming.
+const Point = struct {
+ const Self = @This(); // Refers to its own type (later called "Point").
+ x: u32,
+ y: u32,
+ // Take a look at the signature. First argument is of type *Self: "self" is
+ // a pointer on the instance of the structure.
+ // This allows the same "dot" notation as in OOP, like "instance.set(x,y)".
+ // See the following example.
+ pub fn set(self: *Self, x: u32, y: u32) void {
+ self.x = x;
+ self.y = y;
+ }
+ // Again, look at the signature. First argument is of type Self (not *Self),
+ // this isn't a pointer. In this case, "self" refers to the instance of the
+ // structure, but can't be modified.
+ pub fn getx(self: Self) u32 {
+ return self.x;
+ }
+ // PS: two previous functions may be somewhat useless.
+ // Attributes can be changed directly, no need for accessor functions.
+ // It was just an example.
+// Let's use the previous structure.
+var p = Point{ .x = 0, .y = 0 }; // "p" variable is a Point.
+p.set(10, 30); // x and y attributes of "p" are modified via the "set" function.
+print("p.x: {}\n", .{p.x}); // 10
+print("p.y: {}\n", .{p.y}); // 30
+// In C:
+// 1. We would have written something like: point_set(p, 10, 30).
+// 2. Since all functions are in the same namespace, it would have been
+// very cumbersome to create functions with different names for different
+// structures. Many long names, painful to read.
+// In Zig, structures provide namespaces for their own functions.
+// Different structures can have the same names for their functions,
+// which brings clarity.
+### Tuples.
+// A tuple is a list of elements, possibly of different types.
+const foo = .{ "hello", true, 42 };
+// foo.len == 3
+### Enumerations.
+const Type = enum { ok, not_ok };
+const CardinalDirections = enum { North, South, East, West };
+const direction: CardinalDirections = .North;
+const x = switch (direction) {
+ // shorthand for CardinalDirections.North
+ .North => true,
+ else => false
+// Switch statements need exhaustiveness.
+// WARNING: won't compile. East and West are missing.
+const x = switch (direction) {
+ .North => true,
+ .South => true,
+// Switch statements need exhaustiveness.
+// Won't compile: East and West are missing.
+const x = switch (direction) {
+ .North => true,
+ .South => true,
+ .East, // Its value is the same as the following pattern: false.
+ .West => false,
+// Enumerations are like structures: they can have functions.
+### Unions.
+const Bar = union {
+ boolean: bool,
+ int: i16,
+ float: f32,
+// Both syntaxes are equivalent.
+const foo = Bar{ .int = 42 };
+const foo: Bar = .{ .int = 42 };
+// Unions, like enumerations and structures, can have functions.
+### Tagged unions.
+// Unions can be declared with an enum tag type, allowing them to be used in
+// switch expressions.
+const MaybeEnum = enum {
+ success,
+ failure,
+const Maybe = union(MaybeEnum) {
+ success: u8,
+ failure: []const u8,
+// First value: success!
+const yay = Maybe{ .success = 42 };
+switch (yay) {
+ .success => |value|"success: {}", .{value}),
+ .failure => |err_msg|"failure: {}", .{err_msg}),
+// Second value: failure! :(
+const nay = Maybe{ .failure = "I was too lazy" };
+switch (nay) {
+ .success => |value|"success: {}", .{value}),
+ .failure => |err_msg|"failure: {}", .{err_msg}),
+### Defer and errdefer.
+// Make sure that an action (single instruction or block of code) is executed
+// before the end of the scope (function, block of code).
+// Even on error, that action will be executed.
+// Useful for memory allocations, and resource management in general.
+pub fn main() void {
+ // Should be executed at the end of the function.
+ defer print("third!\n", .{});
+ {
+ // Last element of its scope: will be executed right away.
+ defer print("first!\n", .{});
+ }
+ print("second!\n", .{});
+fn hello_world() void {
+ defer print("end of function\n", .{}); // after "hello world!"
+ print("hello world!\n", .{});
+// errdefer executes the instruction (or block of code) only on error.
+fn second_hello_world() !void {
+ errdefer print("2. something went wrong!\n", .{}); // if "foo" fails.
+ defer print("1. second hello world\n", .{}); // executed after "foo"
+ try foo();
+// Defer statements can be seen as stacked: first one is executed last.
+### Memory allocators.
+Memory isn't managed directly in the standard library, instead an "allocator" is asked every time an operation on memory is required.
+Thus, the standard library lets developers handle memory as they need, through structures called "allocators", handling all memory operations.
+**NOTE**: the choice of the allocator isn't in the scope of this document.
+A whole book could be written about it.
+However, here are some examples, to get an idea of what you can expect:
+- `page_allocator`.
+ Allocate a whole page of memory each time we ask for some memory.
+ Very simple, very dumb, very wasteful.
+- `GeneralPurposeAllocator`.
+ Get some memory first and manage some buckets of memory in order to
+ reduce the number of allocations.
+ A bit complex. Can be combined with other allocators.
+ Can detect leaks and provide useful information to find them.
+- `FixedBufferAllocator`.
+ Use a fixed buffer to get its memory, don't ask memory to the kernel.
+ Very simple, limited and wasteful (can't deallocate), but very fast.
+- `ArenaAllocator`.
+ Allow to free all allocated memory at once.
+ To use in combinations with another allocator.
+ Very simple way of avoiding leaks.
+A first example.
+// "!void" means the function doesn't return any value except for errors.
+// In this case we try to allocate memory, and this may fail.
+fn foo() !void {
+ // In this example we use a page allocator.
+ var allocator = std.heap.page_allocator;
+ // "list" is an ArrayList of 8-bit unsigned integers.
+ // An ArrayList is a contiguous, growable list of elements in memory.
+ var list = try ArrayList(u8).initAllocated(allocator);
+ defer list.deinit(); // Free the memory at the end of the scope. Can't leak.
+ // "defer" allows to express memory release right after its allocation,
+ // regardless of the complexity of the function (loops, conditions, etc.).
+ list.add(5); // Some memory is allocated here, with the provided allocator.
+ for (list.items) |item| {
+ std.debug.print("item: {}\n", .{item});
+ }
+### Memory allocation combined with error management and defer.
+fn some_memory_allocation_example() !void {
+ // Memory allocation may fail, so we "try" to allocate the memory and
+ // in case there is an error, the current function returns it.
+ var buf = try page_allocator.alloc(u8, 10);
+ // Defer memory release right after the allocation.
+ // Will happen even if an error occurs.
+ defer;
+ // Second allocation.
+ // In case of a failure, the first allocation is correctly released.
+ var buf2 = try page_allocator.alloc(u8, 10);
+ defer;
+ // In case of failure, both previous allocations are correctly deallocated.
+ try foo();
+ try bar();
+ // ...
+### Memory allocators: a taste of the standard library.
+// Allocators: 4 main functions to know
+// single_value = create (type)
+// destroy (single_value)
+// slice = alloc (type, size)
+// free (slice)
+// Page Allocator
+fn page_allocator_fn() !void {
+ var slice = try std.heap.page_allocator.alloc(u8, 3);
+ defer;
+ // playing_with_a_slice(slice);
+// GeneralPurposeAllocator
+fn general_purpose_allocator_fn() !void {
+ // GeneralPurposeAllocator has to be configured.
+ // In this case, we want to track down memory leaks.
+ const config = .{.safety = true};
+ var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){};
+ defer _ = gpa.deinit();
+ const allocator = gpa.allocator();
+ var slice = try allocator.alloc(u8, 3);
+ defer;
+ // playing_with_a_slice(slice);
+// FixedBufferAllocator
+fn fixed_buffer_allocator_fn() !void {
+ var buffer = [_]u8{0} ** 1000; // array of 1000 u8, all initialized at zero.
+ var fba = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(buffer[0..]);
+ // Side note: buffer[0..] is a way to create a slice from an array.
+ // Since the function takes a slice and not an array, this makes
+ // the type system happy.
+ var allocator = fba.allocator();
+ var slice = try allocator.alloc(u8, 3);
+ // No need for "free", memory cannot be freed with a fixed buffer allocator.
+ // defer;
+ // playing_with_a_slice(slice);
+// ArenaAllocator
+fn arena_allocator_fn() !void {
+ // Reminder: arena doesn't allocate memory, it uses an inner allocator.
+ // In this case, we combine the arena allocator with the page allocator.
+ var arena = std.heap.arena_allocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
+ defer arena.deinit(); // end of function = all allocations are freed.
+ var allocator = arena.allocator();
+ const slice = try allocator.alloc(u8, 3);
+ // No need for "free", memory will be freed anyway.
+ // playing_with_a_slice(slice);
+// Combining the general purpose and arena allocators. Both are very useful,
+// and their combinations should be in everyone's favorite cookbook.
+fn gpa_arena_allocator_fn() !void {
+ const config = .{.safety = true};
+ var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(config){};
+ defer _ = gpa.deinit();
+ const gpa_allocator = gpa.allocator();
+ var arena = arena_allocator.init(gpa_allocator);
+ defer arena.deinit();
+ const allocator = arena.allocator();
+ var slice = try allocator.alloc(u8, 3);
+ defer;
+ // playing_with_a_slice(slice);
+### Comptime.
+// Comptime is a way to avoid the pre-processor.
+// The idea is simple: run code at compilation.
+inline fn max(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) T {
+ return if (a > b) a else b;
+var res = max(u64, 1, 2);
+var res = max(f32, 10.50, 32.19);
+// Comptime: creating generic structures.
+fn List(comptime T: type) type {
+ return struct {
+ items: []T,
+ fn init() ... { ... }
+ fn deinit() ... { ... }
+ fn do() ... { ... }
+ };
+const MyList = List(u8);
+// use
+var list = MyList{
+ .items = ... // memory allocation
+list.items[0] = 10;
+### Conditional compilation.
+const available_os = enum { OpenBSD, Linux };
+const myos = available_os.OpenBSD;
+// The following switch is based on a constant value.
+// This means that the only possible outcome is known at compile-time.
+// Thus, there is no need to build the rest of the possibilities.
+// Similar to the "#ifdef" in C, but without requiring a pre-processor.
+const string = switch (myos) {
+ .OpenBSD => "OpenBSD is awesome!",
+ .Linux => "Linux rocks!",
+// Also works in this case.
+const myprint = switch(myos) {
+ .OpenBSD => std.debug.print,
+ .Linux =>,
+### Testing our functions.
+const std = @import("std");
+const expect = std.testing.expect;
+// Function to test.
+pub fn some_function() bool {
+ return true;
+// This "test" block can be run with "zig test".
+// It will test the function at compile-time.
+test "returns true" {
+ expect(false == some_function());
+### Compiler built-ins.
+The compiler has special functions called "built-ins", starting with an "@".
+There are more than a hundred built-ins, allowing very low-level stuff:
+- compile-time errors, logging, verifications
+- type coercion and conversion, even in an unsafe way
+- alignment management
+- memory tricks (such as getting the byte offset of a field in a struct)
+- calling functions at compile-time
+- including C headers to transparently call C functions
+- atomic operations
+- embed files into the executable (@embedFile)
+- frame manipulations (for async functions, for example)
+- etc.
+Example: enums aren't integers, they have to be converted with a built-in.
+const Value = enum { zero, stuff, blah };
+if (@enumToInt( == 0) { ... }
+if (@enumToInt(Value.stuff) == 1) { ... }
+if (@enumToInt(Value.blah) == 2) { ... }
+### A few "not yourself in the foot" measures in the Zig language.
+- Namespaces: name conflicts are easily avoided.
+ In practice, that means a unified API between different structures (data types).
+- Enumerations aren't integers. Comparing an enumeration to an integer requires a conversion.
+- Explicit casts, coercion exists but is limited.
+ Types are slightly more enforced than in C, just a taste:
+ Pointers aren't integers, explicit conversion is necessary.
+ You won't lose precision by accident, implicit coercions are only authorized in cases where no precision can be lost.
+ Unions cannot be reinterpreted (in a union with an integer and a float, one cannot take a value for another by accident).
+ Etc.
+- Removing most of the C undefined behaviors (UBs), and when the compiler encounters one, it stops.
+- Slice and Array structures are preferred to pointers.
+ Types enforced by the compiler are less prone to errors than pointer manipulations.
+- Numerical overflows produce an error, unless explicitly accepted using wrapping operators.
+- `try` and `catch` mechanism.
+ It's both handy, trivially implemented (simple error enumeration), and it takes almost no space nor computation time.
+- Unused variables are considered to be errors by the compiler.
+- Many pointer types exist in order to represent what is pointed to.
+ Example: is this a single value or an array, is the length known, etc.
+- Structures need a value for their attributes, and it is still possible to give an undefined value (stack garbage), but at least it is explicitly undefined.
+## Further Reading
+For a start, some concepts are presented on [][zigguide].
+The [official website][zigdoc] provides the reference documentation of the language. The standard library [has its own documentation][zigstd].