diff options
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/es-es/markdown-es.html.markdown b/es-es/markdown-es.html.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7d408b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/es-es/markdown-es.html.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+<!-- Markdown is a superset of HTML, so any HTML file is valid Markdown, that
+means we can use HTML elements in Markdown, such as the comment element, and
+they won't be affected by a markdown parser. However, if you create an HTML
+element in your markdown file, you cannot use markdown syntax within that
+element's contents. -->
+<!-- Markdown está basado en HTML, así que cualquier archivo HTML es Markdown
+válido, eso significa que
+<!-- Markdown also varies in implementation from one parser to a next. This
+guide will attempt to clarify when features are universal or when they are
+specific to a certain parser. -->
+<!-- Headers -->
+<!-- You can create HTML elements <h1> through <h6> easily by prepending the
+text you want to be in that element by a number of hashes (#) -->
+# This is an <h1>
+## This is an <h2>
+### This is an <h3>
+#### This is an <h4>
+##### This is an <h5>
+###### This is an <h6>
+<!-- Markdown also provides us with two alternative ways of indicating h1 and h2 -->
+This is an h1
+This is an h2
+<!-- Simple text styles -->
+<!-- Text can be easily styled as italic, bold, or strikethrough using markdown -->
+*This text is in italics.*
+_And so is this text._
+**This text is in bold.**
+__And so is this text.__
+***This text is in both.***
+**_As is this!_**
+*__And this!__*
+<!-- In Github Flavored Markdown, which is used to render markdown files on
+Github, we also have: -->
+~~This text is rendered with strikethrough.~~
+<!-- Paragraphs are a one or multiple adjacent lines of text separated by one or
+multiple blank lines. -->
+This is a paragraph. I'm typing in a paragraph isn't this fun?
+Now I'm in paragraph 2.
+I'm still in paragraph 2 too!
+I'm in paragraph three!
+<!-- Should you ever want to insert an HTML <br /> tag, you can end a paragraph
+with two or more spaces and then begin a new paragraph. -->
+I end with two spaces (highlight me to see them).
+There's a <br /> above me!
+<!-- Block quotes are easy and done with the > character. -->
+> This is a block quote. You can either
+> manually wrap your lines and put a `>` before every line or you can let your lines get really long and wrap on their own.
+> It doesn't make a difference so long as they start with a `>`.
+> You can also use more than one level
+>> of indentation?
+> How neat is that?
+<!-- Lists -->
+<!-- Unordered lists can be made using asterisks, pluses, or hyphens -->
+* Item
+* Item
+* Another item
++ Item
++ Item
++ One more item
+- Item
+- Item
+- One last item
+<!-- Ordered lists are done with a number followed by a period -->
+1. Item one
+2. Item two
+3. Item three
+<!-- You don't even have to label the items correctly and markdown will still
+render the numbers in order, but this may not be a good idea -->
+1. Item one
+1. Item two
+1. Item three
+<!-- (This renders the same as the above example) -->
+<!-- You can also use sublists -->
+1. Item one
+2. Item two
+3. Item three
+ * Sub-item
+ * Sub-item
+4. Item four
+<!-- Code blocks -->
+<!-- You can indicate a code block (which uses the <code> element) by indenting
+a line with four spaces or a tab -->
+ This is code
+ So is this
+<!-- You can also re-tab (or add an additional four spaces) for indentation
+inside your code -->
+ my_array.each do |item|
+ puts item
+ end
+<!-- Inline code can be created using the backtick character ` -->
+John didn't even know what the `go_to()` function did!
+<!-- In Github Flavored Markdown, you can use a special syntax for code -->
+\`\`\`ruby <!-- except remove those backslashes when you do this, just ```ruby ! -->
+def foobar
+ puts "Hello world!"
+\`\`\` <!-- here too, no backslashes, just ``` -->
+<-- The above text doesn't require indenting, plus Github will use syntax
+highlighting of the language you specify after the ``` -->
+<!-- Horizontal rule (<hr />) -->
+<!-- Horizontal rules are easily added with three or more asterisks or hyphens,
+with or without spaces. -->
+- - -
+<!-- Links -->
+<!-- One of the best things about markdown is how easy it is to make links. Put
+the text to display in hard brackets [] followed by the url in parentheses () -->
+[Click me!](
+<!-- You can also add a link title using quotes inside the parentheses -->
+[Click me!]( "Link to")
+<!-- Relative paths work too. -->
+[Go to music](/music/).
+<!-- Markdown also supports reference style links -->
+[Click this link][link1] for more info about it!
+[Also check out this link][foobar] if you want to.
+<!-- The title can also be in single quotes or in parentheses, or omitted
+entirely. The references can be anywhere in your document and the reference IDs
+can be anything so long as they are unique. -->
+<!-- There is also "implicit naming" which lets you use the link text as the id -->
+[This][] is a link.
+<!-- But it's not that commonly used. -->
+<!-- Images -->
+<!-- Images are done the same way as links but with an exclamation point in front! -->
+![This is hover-text (alt text) for my image]( "An optional title")
+<!-- And reference style works as expected -->
+![This is the hover-text.][myimage]
+<!-- Miscellany -->
+<!-- Auto-links -->
+<> is equivalent to
+<!-- Auto-links for emails -->
+<!-- Escaping characters -->
+I want to type *this text surrounded by asterisks* but I don't want it to be
+in italics, so I do this: \*this text surrounded by asterisks\*.
+<!-- Tables -->
+<!-- Tables are only available in Github Flavored Markdown and are slightly
+cumbersome, but if you really want it: -->
+| Col1 | Col2 | Col3 |
+| :----------- | :------: | ------------: |
+| Left-aligned | Centered | Right-aligned |
+| blah | blah | blah |
+<!-- or, for the same results -->
+Col 1 | Col2 | Col3
+:-- | :-: | --:
+Ugh this is so ugly | make it | stop
+<!-- The end! -->