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+language: forth
+ - ["Horse M.D.", ""]
+filename: learnforth.fs
+Forth was created by Charles H. Moore in the 70s. It is an imperative,
+stack-based language and programming environment, being used in projects
+such as Open Firmware. It's also used by NASA.
+Note: This article focuses predominantly on the Gforth implementation of
+Forth, but most of what is written here should work elsewhere.
+\ This is a comment
+( This is also a comment but it's only used when defining words )
+\ --------------------------------- Precursor ----------------------------------
+\ All programming in Forth is done by manipulating the parameter stack (more
+\ commonly just referred to as "the stack").
+5 2 3 56 76 23 65 \ ok
+\ Those numbers get added to the stack, from left to right.
+.s \ <7> 5 2 3 56 76 23 65 ok
+\ In Forth, everything is either a word or a number.
+\ ------------------------------ Basic Arithmetic ------------------------------
+\ Arithmetic (in fact most words requiring data) works by manipulating data on
+\ the stack.
+5 4 + \ ok
+\ `.` pops the top result from the stack:
+. \ 9 ok
+\ More examples of arithmetic:
+6 7 * . \ 42 ok
+1360 23 - . \ 1337 ok
+12 12 / . \ 1 ok
+13 2 mod . \ 1 ok
+99 negate . \ -99 ok
+-99 abs . \ 99 ok
+52 23 max . \ 52 ok
+52 23 min . \ 23 ok
+\ ----------------------------- Stack Manipulation -----------------------------
+\ Naturally, as we work with the stack, we'll want some useful methods:
+3 dup - \ duplicate the top item (1st now equals 2nd): 3 - 3
+2 5 swap / \ swap the top with the second element: 5 / 2
+6 4 5 rot .s \ rotate the top 3 elements: 4 5 6
+4 0 drop 2 / \ remove the top item (dont print to screen): 4 / 2
+1 2 3 nip .s \ remove the second item (similar to drop): 1 3
+\ ---------------------- More Advanced Stack Manipulation ----------------------
+1 2 3 4 tuck \ duplicate the top item into the second slot: 1 2 4 3 4 ok
+1 2 3 4 over \ duplicate the second item to the top: 1 2 3 4 3 ok
+1 2 3 4 2 roll \ *move* the item at that position to the top: 1 3 4 2 ok
+1 2 3 4 2 pick \ *duplicate* the item at that position to the top: 1 2 3 4 2 ok
+\ When referring to stack indexes, they are zero-based.
+\ ------------------------------ Creating Words --------------------------------
+\ The `:` word sets Forth into compile mode until it sees the `;` word.
+: square ( n -- n ) dup * ; \ ok
+5 square . \ 25 ok
+\ We can view what a word does too:
+see square \ : square dup * ; ok
+\ -------------------------------- Conditionals --------------------------------
+\ -1 == true, 0 == false. However, any non-zero value is usually treated as
+\ being true:
+42 42 = \ -1 ok
+12 53 = \ 0 ok
+\ `if` is a compile-only word. `if` <stuff to do> `then` <rest of program>.
+: ?>64 ( n -- n ) dup 64 > if ." Greater than 64!" then ; \ ok
+100 ?>64 \ Greater than 64! ok
+\ Else:
+: ?>64 ( n -- n ) dup 64 > if ." Greater than 64!" else ." Less than 64!" then ;
+100 ?>64 \ Greater than 64! ok
+20 ?>64 \ Less than 64! ok
+\ ------------------------------------ Loops -----------------------------------
+\ `do` is also a compile-only word.
+: myloop ( -- ) 5 0 do cr ." Hello!" loop ; \ ok
+\ Hello!
+\ Hello!
+\ Hello!
+\ Hello!
+\ Hello! ok
+\ `do` expects two numbers on the stack: the end number and the start number.
+\ We can get the value of the index as we loop with `i`:
+: one-to-12 ( -- ) 12 0 do i . loop ; \ ok
+one-to-12 \ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ok
+\ `?do` works similarly, except it will skip the loop if the end and start
+\ numbers are equal.
+: squares ( n -- ) 0 ?do i square . loop ; \ ok
+10 squares \ 0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 ok
+\ Change the "step" with `+loop`:
+: threes ( n n -- ) ?do i . 3 +loop ; \ ok
+15 0 threes \ 0 3 6 9 12 ok
+\ Indefinite loops with `begin` <stuff to do> <flag> `unil`:
+: death ( -- ) begin ." Are we there yet?" 0 until ; \ ok
+\ ---------------------------- Variables and Memory ----------------------------
+\ Use `variable` to declare `age` to be a variable.
+variable age \ ok
+\ Then we write 21 to age with the word `!`.
+21 age ! \ ok
+\ Finally we can print our variable using the "read" word `@`, which adds the
+\ value to the stack, or use `?` that reads and prints it in one go.
+age @ . \ 21 ok
+age ? \ 21 ok
+\ Constants are quite simiar, except we don't bother with memory addresses:
+100 constant WATER-BOILING-POINT \ ok
+\ ----------------------------------- Arrays -----------------------------------
+\ Creating arrays is similar to variables, except we need to allocate more
+\ memory to them.
+\ You can use `2 cells allot` to create an array that's 3 cells long:
+variable mynumbers 2 cells allot \ ok
+\ Initialize all the values to 0
+mynumbers 3 cells erase \ ok
+\ Alternatively we could use `fill`:
+mynumbers 3 cells 0 fill
+\ or we can just skip all the above and initialize with specific values:
+create mynumbers 64 , 9001 , 1337 , \ ok (the last `,` is important!)
+\ ...which is equivalent to:
+\ Manually writing values to each index:
+64 mynumbers 0 cells + ! \ ok
+9001 mynumbers 1 cells + ! \ ok
+1337 mynumbers 2 cells + ! \ ok
+\ Reading values at certain array indexes:
+0 cells mynumbers + ? \ 64 ok
+1 cells mynumbers + ? \ 9001 ok
+\ We can simplify it a little by making a helper word for manipulating arrays:
+: of-arr ( n n -- n ) cells + ; \ ok
+mynumbers 2 of-arr ? \ 1337 ok
+\ Which we can use for writing too:
+20 mynumbers 1 of-arr ! \ ok
+mynumbers 1 of-arr ? \ 20 ok
+\ ------------------------------ The Return Stack ------------------------------
+\ The return stack is used to the hold pointers to things when words are
+\ executing other words, e.g. loops.
+\ We've already seen one use of it: `i`, which duplicates the top of the return
+\ stack. `i` is equivalent to `r@`.
+: myloop ( -- ) 5 0 do r@ . loop ; \ ok
+\ As well as reading, we can add to the return stack and remove from it:
+5 6 4 >r swap r> .s \ 6 5 4 ok
+\ NOTE: Because Forth uses the return stack for word pointers, `>r` should
+\ always be followed by `r>`.
+\ ------------------------- Floating Point Operations --------------------------
+\ Most Forths tend to eschew the use of floating point operations.
+8.3e 0.8e f+ f. \ 9.1 ok
+\ Usually we simply prepend words with 'f' when dealing with floats:
+variable myfloatingvar \ ok
+4.4e myfloatingvar f! \ ok
+myfloatingvar f@ f. \ 4.4 ok
+\ --------------------------------- Final Notes --------------------------------
+\ Typing a non-existent word will empty the stack. However, there's also a word
+\ specifically for that:
+\ Clear the screen:
+\ Loading Forth files:
+\ s" forthfile.fs" included
+\ You can list every word that's in Forth's dictionary (but it's a huge list!):
+\ words
+\ Exiting Gforth:
+\ bye
+##Ready For More?
+* [Starting Forth](
+* [Simple Forth](
+* [Thinking Forth](