diff options
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/swift.html.markdown b/swift.html.markdown
index ffe6cac2..005e511c 100644
--- a/swift.html.markdown
+++ b/swift.html.markdown
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ import UIKit
println("Hello, world")
+// variables (var) value can change after being set
+// constants (let) value can NOT be changed after being set
var myVariable = 42
let øπΩ = "value" // unicode variable names
let π = 3.1415926
@@ -38,7 +41,29 @@ let intValue = 0007 // 7
let largeIntValue = 77_000 // 77000
let label = "some text " + String(myVariable) // Casting
let piText = "Pi = \(π), Pi 2 = \(π * 2)" // String interpolation
+// Build Specific values
+// uses -D build configuration
+#if false
+ println("Not printed")
+ let buildValue = 3
+ let buildValue = 7
+println("Build value: \(buildValue)") // Build value: 7
+ Optionals are a Swift language feature that allows you to store a `Some` or
+ `None` value.
+ Because Swift requires every property to have a value, even nil must be
+ explicitly stored as an Optional value.
+ Optional<T> is an enum.
var someOptionalString: String? = "optional" // Can be nil
+// same as above, but ? is a postfix operator (syntax candy)
+var someOptionalString2: Optional<String> = "optional"
if someOptionalString != nil {
// I am not nil
@@ -50,11 +75,23 @@ if someOptionalString != nil {
someOptionalString = nil
-if let someStringConstant = someOptionalString {
- // has Some value
+// implicitly unwrapped optional
+var unwrappedString: String! = "Value is expected."
+// same as above, but ! is a postfix operator (more syntax candy)
+var unwrappedString2: ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<String> = "Value is expected."
+if let someOptionalStringConstant = someOptionalString {
+ // has `Some` value, non-nil
+ if !someOptionalStringConstant.hasPrefix("ok") {
+ // does not have the prefix
+ }
+// Swift has support for storing a value of any type.
// AnyObject == id
+// Unlike Objective-C `id`, AnyObject works with any value (Class, Int, struct, etc)
+var anyObjectVar: AnyObject = 7
+anyObjectVar = "Changed value to a string, not good practice, but possible."
Comment here
@@ -67,10 +104,17 @@ Comment here
// MARK: Collections
+ Array and Dictionary types are structs. So `let` and `var` also indicate
+ that they are mutable (var) or immutable (let) when declaring these types.
// Array
var shoppingList = ["catfish", "water", "lemons"]
shoppingList[1] = "bottle of water"
-let emptyArray = [String]()
+let emptyArray = [String]() // immutable
+var emptyMutableArray = [String]() // mutable
// Dictionary
var occupations = [
@@ -78,7 +122,8 @@ var occupations = [
"kaylee": "Mechanic"
occupations["Jayne"] = "Public Relations"
-let emptyDictionary = [String: Float]()
+let emptyDictionary = [String: Float]() // immutable
+var emptyMutableDictionary = [String: Float]() // mutable
@@ -162,6 +207,9 @@ func getGasPrices() -> (Double, Double, Double) {
let pricesTuple = getGasPrices()
let price = pricesTuple.2 // 3.79
+// Ignore Tuple (or other) values by using _ (underscore)
+let (_, price1, _) = pricesTuple // price1 == 3.69
+println(price1 == pricesTuple.1) // true
println("Gas price: \(price)")
// Variadic Args