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+language: Pod
+name: Perl 6 Pod
+ - ["Luis F. Uceta", ""]
+filename: learnpod.pod6
+Perl 6 Pod is an easy-to-use and purely descriptive mark-up language,
+with no presentational components. Besides its use for documenting
+Perl 6 programs and modules, Pod can be utilized to write language
+documentation, blogs, and other types of document composition as well.
+Pod documents can be easily converted to HTML and many other formats
+(e.g., Markdown, Latex, plain text, etc.) by using the corresponding
+variant of the `Pod::To` modules (e.g. `<Pod::To::HTML>` for HTML conversion).
+Note: This document can be also be found as a Pod document
+- [General Info](#general-info)
+- [Pod Basics](#pod-basics)
+ - [Basic Text Formatting](#basic-text-formatting)
+ - [Headings](#headings)
+ - [Ordinary Paragraphs](#ordinary-paragraphs)
+ - [Lists](#lists)
+ - [Code Blocks](#code-blocks)
+ - [Comments](#comments)
+ - [Links](#links)
+ - [Tables](#tables)
+- [Block Structures](#block-structures)
+ - [Abbreviated Blocks](#abbreviated-blocks)
+ - [Delimited Blocks](#delimited-blocks)
+ - [Paragraph Blocks](#paragraph-blocks)
+- [Configuration Data](#configuration-data)
+ - [Standard Configuration Options](#standard-configuration-options)
+ - [Block Pre-configuration](#block-pre-configuration)
+- [Semantic Blocks](#semantic-blocks)
+- [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
+ - [Notes](#notes)
+ - [Keyboard Input](#keyboard-input)
+ - [Terminal Output](#terminal-output)
+ - [Unicode](#unicode)
+- [Rendering Pod](#rendering-pod)
+- [Accessing Pod](#accessing-pod)
+## General Info
+Every Pod document has to begin with `=begin pod` and end with `=end pod`.
+Everything between these two delimiters will be processed and used to
+generate documentation.
+=begin pod
+A very simple Perl 6 Pod document. All the other directives go here!
+=end pod
+Pod documents usually coexist with Perl 6 code. If by themselves, Pod files
+often have the `.pod6` suffix. Moving forward, it's assumed that the
+constructs are between the `=begin pod ... =end pod` directives.
+## Pod Basics
+### Basic Text Formatting
+Text can be easily styled as bold, italic, underlined or verbatim (for code
+formatting) using the formatting code: `B<>`, `I<>`, `U<>` and `C<>`.
+B<This text is in Bold.>
+I<This text is in Italics.>
+U<This text is Underlined.>
+The function C<sub sum { $^x + $^y}> is treated as verbatim.
+There are more formatting codes (e.g., `L<>`, `T<>`, etc.) but they'll be
+discussed later throughout the document. You'll recognize them because they're
+just a single capital letter followed immediately by a set of single or double
+angle brackets. The Unicode variant («») can also be used.
+### Headings
+Headings are created by using the `=headN` directive where `N` is the
+heading level.
+=head1 This is level 1
+=head2 This is level 2
+=head3 This is level 3
+=head4 This is level 4
+=head5 This is level 5
+=head6 This is level 6
+### Ordinary Paragraphs
+Ordinary paragraphs consist of one or more adjacent lines of text, each of
+which starts with a non-whitespace character. Any paragraph is terminated
+by the first blank line or block directive.
+=head1 First level heading block
+=head2 Paragraph 1
+This is an ordinary paragraph. Its text will be squeezed and
+short lines filled. It is terminated by the first blank line.
+=head2 Paragraph 2
+This is another ordinary paragraph albeit shorter.
+Alternatively, the `=para` directive can be used to explicitly mark adjacent
+lines of text as a paragraph.
+=head1 First level heading block
+=head2 Paragraph 1
+This is an ordinary paragraph. Its text will be squeezed and
+short lines filled. It is terminated by the first blank line.
+=head2 Paragraph 2
+This is another ordinary paragraph albeit shorter.
+### Lists
+Unordered lists can be made using the `=item` directive.
+=item Item
+=item Item
+=item Another item
+Sublists are achieved with items at each level specified using the `=item1`,
+`=item2`, `=item3`, etc. directives.
+=item1 Item one
+=item1 Item two
+=item1 Item three
+ =item2 Sub-item
+ =item2 Sub-item
+=item1 Item four
+Definition lists that define terms or commands use the `=defn`. This is
+equivalent to the `<dl>` element in HTML.
+=defn Beast of Bodmin
+A large feline inhabiting Bodmin Moor.
+=defn Morgawr
+A sea serpent.
+=defn Owlman
+A giant owl-like creature.
+### Code Blocks
+A code block is created (which uses the `<code>` element) by starting each
+line with one or more whitespace characters.
+ #`( this is comment )
+ my $sum = -> $x, $y { $x + $y }
+ say $sum(12, 5);
+As shown in the [Basic Text Formatting](#basic-text-formatting) section,
+inline code can be created using the `C<>` code.
+In Perl 6, there are several functions/methods to output text. Some of them
+are C<print>, C<put> and C<say>.
+### Comments
+Although Pod blocks are ignored by the Perl 6 compiler, everything indentified
+as a Pod block will be read and interpreted by Pod renderers. In order to
+prevent Pod blocks from being rendered by any renderer, use the `=comment`
+=comment Add more here about the algorithm.
+=comment Pod comments are great for documenting the documentation.
+To create inline comments, use the `Z<>` code.
+Pod is awesome Z<Of course it is!>. And Perl 6 too!
+Given that the Perl interpreter never executes embedded Pod blocks,
+comment blocks can also be used as an alternative form of nestable block
+comments in Perl 6.
+### Links
+Creating links in Pod is quite easy and is done by enclosing them in
+a `L<>` code. The general format is `L<Label|Url>` with `Label`
+being optional.
+Perl 6 homepage is L<>.
+L<Click me!|>.
+Relative paths work too.
+L<Go to music|/music/>.
+Linking to a section in the same document works as well.
+L<Link to Headings|#Headings>
+### Tables
+The Pod 6 specifications are not completely handled properly yet and this
+includes the handling of table. For simplicity's sake, only one way of
+constructing tables is shown. To learn about good practices and see examples
+of both good and bad tables, please visit
+=begin table
+Option | Description
+data | path to data files.
+engine | engine to be used for processing templates.
+ext | extension to be used for dest files.
+=end table
+## Block Structures
+As mentioned earlier, Pod documents are specified using directives, which are
+used to delimit blocks of textual content and declare optional [configuration
+information](#configuration-data). Every directive starts with an equals
+sign (`=`) in the first column.
+The content of a document is specified within one or more blocks. Every Pod
+block may be declared in any of three equivalent forms: delimited style,
+paragraph style, or abbreviated style.
+Up to this point, we only used the abbreviated style for the block
+types (e.g., `=head1`, `=para`, `=comment`, `=item`, etc).
+### Abbreviated Blocks
+Abbreviated blocks are introduced by an `=` sign in the first column, which
+is followed immediately by the `typename` of the block and then the content.
+The rest of the line is treated as block data, rather than as configuration.
+The content terminates at the next Pod directive or the first blank line
+(which is not part of the block data). The general syntax is
+For example:
+=head1 Top level heading
+### Delimited Blocks
+Delimited blocks are bounded by `=begin` and `=end` markers, both of which are
+followed by a valid Perl 6 identifier, which is the `typename` of the block.
+The general syntax is
+=begin BLOCK_TYPE
+For example:
+=begin head1
+Top level heading
+=end head1
+This type of blocks is useful for creating headings, list items, code blocks,
+etc. with multiple paragraphs. For example,
+* a multiline item of a list
+=begin item
+This is a paragraph in list item.
+This is another paragraph in the same list item.
+=end item
+* a code block
+=begin code
+#`(A recursive implementation of
+a power function using multi subs.
+multi pow( Real $base, 0 ) { 1 }
+multi pow( Real $base, Int $exp where * >= 0) {
+ $base * pow($base, $exp - 1)
+multi pow( Real $base ) {
+ pow($base, 2)
+say pow(3, 0); #=> 1
+say pow(4.2, 2); #=> 17.64
+say pow(6); #=> 36
+=end code
+### Paragraph Blocks
+Paragraph blocks are introduced by a `=for` marker and terminated by
+the next Pod directive or the first blank line (which is not considered to
+be part of the block's contents). The `=for` marker is followed by the
+`typename` of the block. The general syntax is
+For example:
+=for head1
+Top level heading
+## Configuration Data
+Except for abbreviated blocks, both delimited blocks and paragraph
+blocks can be supplied with configuration information about their
+contents right after the `typename` of the block. Thus the following
+are more general syntaxes for these blocks:
+* Delimited blocks
+* Paragraph blocks
+The configuration information is provided in a format akin to the
+["colon pair"](
+syntax in Perl 6. The following table is a simplified version of the
+different ways in which configuration info can supplied. Please go to
+ for a more
+thorough treatment of the subject.
+| Value | Specify with... | Example |
+| :-------- | :------ | :------ |
+| List | :key($elem1, $elem2, ...) | :tags('Pod', 'Perl6') |
+| Hash | :key{$key1 => $value1, ...} | :feeds{url => ''} |
+| Boolean | :key/:key(True) | :skip-test(True) |
+| Boolean | :!key/:key(False) | :!skip-test |
+| String | :key('string') | :nonexec-reason('SyntaxError') |
+| Int | :key(2) | :post-number(6) |
+### Standard Configuration Options
+Pod provides a small number of standard configuration options that can
+be applied uniformly to built-in block types. Some of them are:
+* `:numbered`
+This option specifies that the block is to be numbered. The most common
+use of this option is to create numbered headings and ordered lists, but it
+can be applied to any block.
+For example:
+=for head1 :numbered
+The Problem
+=for head1 :numbered
+The Solution
+=for head2 :numbered
+=for head3 :numbered
+* `:allow`
+The value of the `:allow` option must be a list of the (single-letter) names
+of one or more formatting codes. Those codes will then remain active inside
+the code block. The option is most often used on `=code` blocks to allow
+mark-up within those otherwise verbatim blocks, though it can be used in any
+block that contains verbatim text.
+Given the following snippet:
+=begin code :allow('B', 'I')
+B<sub> greet( $name ) {
+ B<say> "Hello, $nameI<!>";
+=end code
+we get the following output:
+<pre><strong>sub</strong> greet( $name ) {
+ <strong>say</strong> &quot;Hello, $name<em>!</em>&quot;;
+This is highly dependent on the format output. For example, while this works
+when Pod is converted to HTML, it might not work with Markdown.
+### Block Pre-configuration
+The `=config` directive allows you to prespecify standard configuration
+information that is applied to every block of a particular type.
+The general syntax for configuration directives is:
+For example, to specify that every heading level 1 be numbered, bold
+and underlined, you preconfigure the `=head1` as follows:
+=config head1 :formatted('B', 'U') :numbered
+## Semantic Blocks
+All uppercase block typenames are reserved for specifying standard
+documentation, publishing, source components, or meta-information.
+Some of them are:
+Most of these blocks would typically be used in their full
+delimited forms. For example,
+=NAME B<Doc::Magic>
+This module helps you generate documentation automagically.
+Not source code needed! Most of it is outsourced from a black hole.
+=begin SYNOPSIS
+ use Doc::Magic;
+ my Doc::Magic $doc .= new();
+ my $result = $doc.create-documentation($fh);
+=AUTHOR Authorius Docus
+## Miscellaneous
+### Notes
+Notes are rendered as footnotes and created by enclosing a note in a
+`N<>` code.
+In addition, the language is also multi-paradigmatic N<According to Wikipedia,
+this means that it supports procedural, object-oriented, and functional
+### Keyboard Input
+To flag text as keyboard input enclose it in a `K<>` code.
+Enter your name K<John Doe>
+### Terminal Output
+To flag text as terminal output enclose it in `T<>` code.
+Hello, T<John Doe>
+### Unicode
+To include Unicode code points or HTML5 character references in
+a Pod document, enclose them in a `E<>` code.
+Perl 6 makes considerable use of the E<171> and E<187> characters.
+Perl 6 makes considerable use of the E<laquo> and E<raquo> characters.
+this is rendered as:
+Perl 6 makes considerable use of the « and » characters.
+Perl 6 makes considerable use of the « and » characters.
+## Rendering Pod
+To generate any output (i.e., Markdown, HTML, Text, etc.), you need to
+have the Perl 6 compiler installed. In addition, you must install
+a module (e.g., `Pod::To::Markdown`, `Pod::To::HTML`, `Pod::To::Text`, etc.)
+that generates your desired output from Pod.
+For instructions about installing Perl 6,
+[look here](
+Run the following command to generate a certain output
+perl6 --doc=TARGET input.pod6 > output.html
+with `TARGET` being `Markdown`, `HTML`, `Text`, etc. Thus to generate
+Markdown from Pod, run this:
+perl6 --doc=Markdown input.pod6 > output.html
+## Accessing Pod
+In order to access Pod documentation from within a Perl 6 program,
+it is required to use the special `=` twigil (e.g., `$=pod`, `$=SYNOPSIS`,etc).
+The `=` twigil provides the introspection over the Pod structure,
+providing a `Pod::Block` tree root from which it is possible to access
+the whole structure of the Pod document.
+If we place the following piece of Perl 6 code and the Pod documentation
+in the section [Semantic blocks](#semantic-blocks) in the same file:
+my %used-directives;
+for $=pod -> $pod-item {
+ for $pod-item.contents -> $pod-block {
+ next unless $pod-block ~~ Pod::Block::Named;
+ %used-directives{$} = True;
+ }
+say %used-directives.keys.join("\n");
+we get the following output:
+## Additional Information