path: root/ballerina.html.markdown
diff options
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1 files changed, 432 insertions, 0 deletions
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+language: Ballerina
+ - ["Anjana Fernando", ""]
+filename: learn_ballerina.bal
+[Ballerina]( is a statically-typed programming language for making development for the cloud an enjoyable experience.
+// Single-line comment
+// Import modules into the current source file
+import ballerina/io;
+import ballerina/time;
+import ballerina/http;
+import ballerinax/java.jdbc;
+import ballerina/lang.'int as ints;
+import ballerinax/awslambda;
+// Module alias "af" used in code in place of the full module name
+import ballerinax/azure.functions as af;
+http:Client clientEP = new ("");
+jdbc:Client accountsDB = new ({url: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/AccountsDB",
+ username: "test", password: "test"});
+// A service is a first-class concept in Ballerina, and is one of the
+// entrypoints to a Ballerina program.
+// The Ballerina platform also provides support for easy deployment to
+// environments such as Kubernetes (
+service geoservice on new http:Listener(8080) {
+ @http:ResourceConfig {
+ path: "/geoip/{ip}"
+ }
+ resource function geoip(http:Caller caller, http:Request request,
+ string ip) returns @tainted error? {
+ http:Response resp = check clientEP->get("/json/" + <@untainted>ip);
+ check caller->respond(<@untainted> check resp.getTextPayload());
+ }
+// Serverless Function-as-a-Service support with AWS Lambda.
+// The Ballerina compiler automatically generates the final deployment
+// artifact to be deployed.
+public function echo(awslambda:Context ctx, json input) returns json {
+ return input;
+public function notifyS3(awslambda:Context ctx,
+ awslambda:S3Event event) returns json {
+ return event.Records[0].s3.'object.key;
+// Serverless Function-as-a-Service support with Azure Functions.
+// Similar to AWS Lambda, the compiler generates the deployment artifacts.
+public function fromQueueToQueue(af:Context ctx,
+ @af:QueueTrigger { queueName: "queue1" } string inMsg,
+ @af:QueueOutput { queueName: "queue2" } af:StringOutputBinding outMsg) {
+ outMsg.value = inMsg;
+// A custom record type
+public type Person record {
+ string id; // required field
+ string name;
+ int age?; // optional field
+ string country = "N/A"; // default value
+public function fromHttpTriggerCosmosDBInput(
+ @af:HTTPTrigger { route: "c1/{country}" } af:HTTPRequest httpReq,
+ @af:CosmosDBInput { connectionStringSetting: "CosmosDBConnection",
+ databaseName: "db1", collectionName: "c1",
+ sqlQuery: "select * from c1 where = {country}" }
+ Person[] dbReq)
+ returns @af:HTTPOutput string|error {
+ return dbReq.toString();
+public function main() returns @tainted error? {
+ int a = 10; // 64-bit signed integer
+ float b = 1.56; // 64-bit IEEE 754-2008 binary floating point number
+ string c = "hello"; // a unicode string
+ boolean d = true; // true, false
+ decimal e = 15.335; // decimal floating point number
+ var f = 20; // type inference with 'var' - 'f' is an int
+ int[] intArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
+ int x = intArray.shift(); // similar to a dequeue operation
+ x = intArray.pop(); // removes the last element
+ intArray.push(10); // add to the end
+ // Tuples - similar to a fixed length array with a distinct type for each slot
+ [string, int] p1 = ["Jack", 1990];
+ [string, int] p2 = ["Tom", 1986];
+ io:println("Name: ", p1[0], " Birth Year: ", p1[1]);
+ string name1;
+ int birthYear1;
+ [name1, birthYear1] = p1; // tuple destructuring
+ var [name2, birthYear2] = p2; // declare and assign values in the same statement
+ // If statements
+ int ix = 10;
+ if ix < 10 {
+ io:println("value is less than 10");
+ } else if ix == 10 {
+ io:println("value equals to 10");
+ } else {
+ io:println("value is greater than 10");
+ }
+ // Loops
+ int count = 10;
+ int i = 0;
+ while i < 10 {
+ io:println(i);
+ }
+ // Loop from 0 to count (inclusive)
+ foreach var j in 0...count {
+ io:println(j);
+ }
+ // Loop from 0 to count (non-inclusive)
+ foreach var j in 0..<count {
+ io:println(j);
+ }
+ // Loop a list
+ foreach var j in intArray {
+ io:println(j);
+ }
+ json j1 = { "name" : name1, "birthYear" : birthYear1, "zipcode" : 90210 };
+ io:println(, " - ", j1.zipcode);
+ // New fields are added to a JSON value through "mergeJson"
+ var j2 = j1.mergeJson({ "id" : "90400593053"});
+ // XML namespace declaration
+ xmlns "" as ns1;
+ xmlns "";
+ // XML variable from a literal value
+ xml x1 = xml `<ns1:entry><name>{{name1}}</name><birthYear>{{birthYear1}}</birthYear></ns1:entry>`;
+ io:println(x1);
+ // Access specific elements in the XML value
+ io:println(x1/<name>);
+ // List all child items in the XML value
+ io:println(x1/*);
+ // Function invocations
+ x = add(1, 2);
+ io:println(multiply(2, 4));
+ // Invocation providing value for the defaultable parameter
+ io:println(multiply(3, 4, true));
+ // Invocation with values to a rest parameter (multi-valued)
+ io:println(addAll(1, 2, 3));
+ io:println(addAll(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
+ // Function pointers
+ (function (int, int) returns int) op1 = getOperation("add");
+ (function (int, int) returns int) op2 = getOperation("mod");
+ io:println(op1(5, 10));
+ io:println(op2(13, 10));
+ // Closures
+ (function (int x) returns int) add5 = getAdder(5);
+ (function (int x) returns int) add10 = getAdder(10);
+ io:println(add5(10));
+ io:println(add10(10));
+ int[] numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
+ // Functional iteration
+ int[] evenNumbers = numbers.filter(function (int x) returns boolean { return x % 2 == 0; });
+ // Union types - "input" is of type either string or byte[]
+ string|byte[] uval = "XXX";
+ // A type test expression ("uval is string") can be used to check the
+ // runtime type of a variable.
+ if uval is string {
+ // In the current scope, "uval" is a string value
+ string data = "data:" + uval;
+ } else {
+ // Since the expression in the "if" statement ruled out that it's not a string,
+ // the only type left is "byte[]"; so in the current scope, "uval" will always
+ // be a "byte[]".
+ int inputLength = uval.length();
+ }
+ // Error handling
+ string input = io:readln("Enter number: ");
+ int|error result = ints:fromString(input);
+ if result is int {
+ io:println("Number: ", result);
+ } else {
+ io:println("Invalid number: ", input);
+ }
+ // A check expression can be used to directly return the error from
+ // the current function if its subexpression evaluated to an error
+ // value in the runtime.
+ int number = check ints:fromString(input);
+ // Concurrent execution using workers in a function
+ doWorkers();
+ // Asynchronous execution with futures
+ future<int> f10 = start fib(10);
+ var webresult = clientEP->get("/");
+ int fresult = wait f10;
+ if webresult is http:Response {
+ io:println(webresult.getTextPayload());
+ io:println(fresult);
+ }
+ // Mapping types
+ map<int> ageMap = {};
+ ageMap["Peter"] = 25;
+ ageMap["John"] = 30;
+ int? agePeter = ageMap["Peter"]; // int? is the union type int|() - int or nill
+ if agePeter is int {
+ io:println("Peter's age is ", agePeter);
+ } else {
+ io:println("Peter's age is not found");
+ }
+ Person person1 = { id: "p1", name : "Anne", age: 28, country: "Sri Lanka" };
+ Scores score1 = { physics : 80, mathematics: 95 };
+ score1["chemistry"] = 75;
+ io:println(score1["chemistry"]);
+ Student student1 = { id: "s1", name: "Jack", age: 25, country: "Japan" };
+ = "Stanford";
+ string? jacksCollege = student1?.college; // optional field access
+ if jacksCollege is string {
+ io:println("Jack's college is ", jacksCollege);
+ }
+ // Due to the structural type system, "student1" can be assigned to "person2",
+ // since the student1's structure is compatible with person2's,
+ // where we can say, a "Student" is a "Person" as well.
+ Person person2 = student1;
+ map<int> grades = {"Jack": 95, "Anne": 90, "John": 80, "Bill": 55};
+ Person px1 = {id: "px1", name: "Jack", age: 30, country: "Canada"};
+ Person px2 = {id: "px2", name: "John", age: 25};
+ Person px3 = {id: "px3", name: "Anne", age: 17, country: "UK"};
+ Person px4 = {id: "px4", name: "Bill", age: 15, country: "USA"};
+ Person[] persons = [];
+ persons.push(px1);
+ persons.push(px2);
+ persons.push(px3);
+ persons.push(px4);
+ // Query expressions used to execute complex queries for list data
+ Result[] results = from var person in persons
+ let int lgrade = (grades[] ?: 0)
+ where lgrade > 75
+ let string targetCollege = "Stanford"
+ select {
+ name:,
+ college: targetCollege,
+ grade: lgrade
+ };
+ // Compile-time taint checking for handling untrusted data
+ string s1 = "abc";
+ mySecureFunction(s1);
+ // Explicitely make "s2" a tainted value. External input to a Ballerina
+ // program such as command-line arguments and network input are by-default
+ // marked as tainted data.
+ string s2 = <@tainted> s1;
+ // "s2x" is now a tainted value, since its value is derived using a
+ // tainted value (s1).
+ string s2x = s2 + "abc";
+ // The following line uncommented will result in a compilation error,
+ // since we are passing a tainted value (s2x) to a function which
+ // exepects an untainted value.
+ // mySecureFunction(s2x);
+ // Instantiating objects
+ Employee emp1 = new("E0001", "Jack Smith", "Sales", 2009);
+ io:println("The company service duration of ",,
+ " is ", emp1.serviceDuration());
+ // Supported operations can be executed in a transaction by enclosing the actions
+ // in a "transaction" block.
+ transaction {
+ // Executes the below database operations in a single local transactions
+ var r1 = accountsDB->update("UPDATE Employee SET balance = balance + ? WHERE id = ?", 5500.0, "ID001");
+ var r2 = accountsDB->update("UPDATE Employee SET balance = balance + ? WHERE id = ?", 5500.0, "ID001");
+ }
+// An object is a behavioural type, which encapsulates both data and functionality.
+type Employee object {
+ // Private fields are only visible within the object and its methods
+ private string empId;
+ // Public fields can be accessed by anyone
+ public string name;
+ public string department;
+ // The default qualifier is a "protected" field,
+ // which are accessible only within the module.
+ int yearJoined;
+ // The object initialization function; automatically called when an object is instantiated.
+ public function __init(string empId, string name, string department, int yearJoined) {
+ self.empId = empId;
+ = name;
+ self.department = department;
+ self.yearJoined = yearJoined;
+ }
+ // An object method
+ public function serviceDuration() returns int {
+ time:Time ct = time:currentTime();
+ return time:getYear(ct) - self.yearJoined;
+ }
+// Student is a subtype of Person
+type Student record {
+ string id;
+ string name;
+ int age;
+ string college?;
+ string country;
+type Scores record {
+ int physics;
+ int mathematics;
+type Result record {
+ string name;
+ string college;
+ int grade;
+public function getOperation(string op) returns (function (int, int) returns int) {
+ if op == "add" {
+ return add;
+ } else if op == "mod" {
+ return function (int a, int b) returns int { // anonymous function
+ return a % b;
+ };
+ } else {
+ return (x, y) => 0; // single expression anonymous no-op function
+ }
+// Two required parameters
+public function add(int a, int b) returns int {
+ return a + b;
+// 'log' is a defaultable parameter
+public function multiply(int a, int b, boolean log = false) returns int {
+ if log {
+ io:println("Multiplying ", a, " with ", b);
+ }
+ return a * b;
+// 'numbers' is a rest parameter - it can have multiple values,
+// similar to an array.
+public function addAll(int... numbers) returns int {
+ int result = 0;
+ foreach int number in numbers {
+ result += number;
+ }
+ return result;
+public function getAdder(int n) returns (function (int x) returns int) {
+ return function (int x) returns int { // returns closure
+ return x + n;
+ };
+function fib(int n) returns int {
+ if n <= 2 {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
+ }
+// The code in worker blocks "w1" and "w2" are executed concurrency
+// when this function is invoked. The "wait" expressions waits for
+// the given workers to finish to retrieve their results.
+public function doWorkers() {
+ worker w1 returns int {
+ int j = 10;
+ j -> w2;
+ int b;
+ b = <- w2;
+ return b * b;
+ }
+ worker w2 returns int {
+ int a;
+ a = <- w1;
+ a * 2 -> w1;
+ return a + 2;
+ }
+ record {int w1; int w2;} x = wait {w1, w2};
+ io:println(x);
+// A function which takes in only an untainted string value.
+public function mySecureFunction(@untainted string input) {
+ io:println(input);
+### Further Reading
+* [Ballerina by Example](
+* [User Guide](
+* [API Documentation](
+* [Language Specification](