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-language: Cairo
-filename: learnCairo.sol
- - ["Darlington Nnam", ""]
-# Cairo
-Cairo is a Turing-complete language that allows you write provable programs
-(where one party can prove to another that a certain computation was executed
-correctly) on StarkNet.
-## StarkNet
-StarkNet is a decentralized ZK-rollup that operates as an Ethereum layer 2
-In this document, we are going to be going in-depth into understanding Cairo's
-syntax and how you could create and deploy a Cairo smart contract on StarkNet.
-**NB: As at the time of this writing, StarkNet is still at v0.10.3, with Cairo
-1.0 coming soon. The ecosystem is young and evolving very fast, so you might
-want to check the [official docs]( to confirm
-this document is still up-to-date. Pull requests are welcome!**
-## Setting Up A Development Environment
-Before we get started writing codes, we will need to setup a Cairo development
-environment, for writing, compiling and deploying our contracts to StarkNet.
-For the purpose of this tutorial we are going to be using the
-[Protostar Framework](
-Installation steps can be found in the docs
-Note that Protostar supports just Mac and Linux OS, Windows users might need to
-use WSL, or go for other alternatives such as the Official
-[StarkNet CLI]( or
-[Nile from Openzeppelin](
-Once you're done with the installations, run the command `protostar -v` to
-confirm your installation was successful. If successful, you should see your
-Protostar version displayed on the screen.
-## Initializing a new project
-Protostar similar to Truffle for solidity development can be installed once and
-used for multiple projects. To initialize a new Protostar project, run the
-following command:
-protostar init
-It would then request the project's name and the library's directory name,
-you'd need to fill in this, and a new project will be initialized successfully.
-## Compiling, Declaring, Deploying and Interacting with StarkNet Contracts
-Within the `src` folder you'll find a boilerplate contract that comes with
-initializing a new Protostar project, `main.cairo`. We are going to be
-compiling, declaring and deploying this contract.
-### Compiling Contracts
-To compile a Cairo contract using Protostar, ensure a path to the contract is
-specified in the `[contracts]` section of the `protostar.toml` file. Once
-you've done that, open your terminal and run the command:
-protostar build
-And you should get an output similar to what you see below, with a `main.json`
-and `main_abi.json` files created in the `build` folder.
-<img src="./images/cairo/build.png" alt="building your contract">
-### Declaring Contracts
-With the recent StarkNet update to 0.10.3, the DEPLOY transaction was
-deprecated and no longer works. To deploy a transaction, you must first declare
-a Contract to obtain the class hash, then deploy the declared contract using the
-[Universal Deployer Contract](
-Before declaring or deploying your contract using Protostar, you should set the
-private key associated with the specified account address in a file, or in the
-terminal. To set your private key in the terminal, run the command:
-Then to declare our contract using Protostar run the following command (for
-visual clarity, the backslash sign symbolizes the continuing line):
-protostar declare ./build/main.json \
- --network testnet \
- --account 0x0691622bBFD29e835bA4004e7425A4e9630840EbD11c5269DE51C16774585b16 \
- --max-fee auto
-where `network` specifies the network we are deploying to, `account` specifies
-account whose private key we are using, `max-fee` specifies the maximum fee to
-be paid for the transaction. You should get the class hash outputted as seen
-<img src="./images/cairo/declare.png" alt="declaring your contract">
-### Deploying Contracts
-After obtaining our class hash from declaring, we can now deploy using the
-command below:
-protostar \
- deploy 0x02a5de1b145e18dfeb31c7cd7ff403714ededf5f3fdf75f8b0ac96f2017541bc \
- --network testnet \
- --account 0x0691622bBFD29e835bA4004e7425A4e9630840EbD11c5269DE51C16774585b16 \
- --max-fee auto
-where `0x02a5de1b145e18dfeb31c7cd7ff403714ededf5f3fdf75f8b0ac96f2017541bc` is
-the class hash of our contract.
-<img src="./images/cairo/deploy.png" alt="deploying your contract">
-### Interacting with Contracts
-To interact with your deployed contract, we will be using `Argent X`
-(alternative: `Braavos`), and `Starkscan` (alternative: `Voyager`). To install
-and setup `Argent X`, see this
-Copy your contract address, displayed on screen from the previous step, and
-head over to [Starkscan]( to search for the
-contract. Once found, you can make write calls to the contract in the following
-+ click on the "connect wallet" button,
- <img src="./images/cairo/connect.png" alt="connect wallet">
-+ select `Argent X` and approve the connection
- <img src="./images/cairo/connect2.png" alt="connect to argentX">
-+ you can now make read and write calls easily.
-## Let's learn Cairo
-First let's look at a default contract that comes with Protostar which allows
-you to set balance on deployment, increase, and get the balance.
-// Language directive - instructs compiler its a StarkNet contract
-%lang starknet
-// Library imports from the Cairo-lang library
-from starkware.cairo.common.math import assert_nn
-from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import HashBuiltin
-// @dev Storage variable that stores the balance of a user.
-// @storage_var is a decorator that instructs the compiler the function
-// below it is a storage variable.
-func balance() -> (res: felt) {}
-// @dev Constructor writes the balance variable to 0 on deployment
-// Constructors sets storage variables on deployment. Can accept arguments too.
-func constructor{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
-range_check_ptr}() {
- balance.write(0);
- return();
-// @dev increase_balance updates the balance variable
-// @param amount the amount you want to add to balance
-// @external is a decorator that specifies the func below it is an external
-// function.
-func increase_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
-range_check_ptr}(amount: felt){
- with_attr error_message("Amount must be positive. Got: {amount}.") {
- assert_nn(amount);
- }
- let (res) =;
- balance.write(res + amount);
- return ();
-// @dev returns the balance variable
-// @view is a decorator that specifies the func below it is a view function.
-func get_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
-range_check_ptr}() -> (res: felt) {
- let (res) =;
- return (res,);
-Before proceeding to the main lessons, try to build, deploy and interact with
-this contract.
-NB: You should be at `main.cairo` if you are using Protostar.
-### 1. The Felt data type
-Unlike solidity, where you have access to various data types, Cairo comes with
-just a single data type `..felts`. Felts stands for Field elements, and are a
-252 bit integer in the range `0<=x<=P` where `P` is a prime number. You can
-create a `Uint256` in Cairo by utlizing a struct of two 128 bits felts.
-struct Uint256 {
- low: felt, // The low 128 bits of the value.
- high: felt, // The high 128 bits of the value.
-To avoid running into issues with divisions, it's safer to work with the
-`unsigned_div_rem` method from Cairo-lang's library.
-### 2. Lang Directive and Imports
-To get started with writing a StarkNet contract, you must specify the directive:
-%lang starknet
-This directive informs the compiler you are writing a contract and not a
-program. The difference between both is contracts have access to StarkNet's
-storage, programs don't and as such are stateless.
-There are important functions you might need to import from the official
-Cairo-lang library or Openzeppelin's, e.g.
-from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import HashBuiltin
-from cairo_contracts.src.openzeppelin.token.erc20.library import ERC20
-from starkware.cairo.common.uint256 import Uint256
-from starkware.cairo.common.bool import TRUE
-### 3. Data Structures
-+ Storage variables: Cairo's storage is a map with `2^251` slots, where each
- slot is a felt which is initialized to `0`. You create one using the
- `@storage_var` decorator.
- ```
- @storage_var
- func names() -> (name: felt) {}
- ```
-+ Storage mappings: Unlike Solidity where mappings have a separate keyword, in
- Cairo you create mappings using storage variables.
- ```
- @storage_var
- func names(address: felt) -> (name: felt) {}
- ```
-+ Structs: are a means to create custom data types in Cairo. A `struct` has a
- size, which is the sum of the sizes of its members. The size can be
- retrieved using `MyStruct.SIZE`. You create a struct in Cairo using the
- `struct` keyword.
- ```
- struct Person {
- name: felt,
- age: felt,
- address: felt,
- }
- ```
-+ Constants: Constants are fixed and as such can't be altered after being set.
- They evaluate to an integer (field element) at compile time. To create a
- constant in Cairo, you use the `const` keyword. It's proper practice to
- capitalize constant names.
- ```
- const USER = 0x01C6cfC1DB2ae90dACEA243F0a8C2F4e32560F7cDD398e4dA2Cc56B733774E9b
- ```
-+ Arrays: Arrays can be defined as a `pointer(felt*)` to the first element of
- the array. As an array is populated, its elements take up contigous memory
- cells. The `alloc` keyword can be used to dynamically allocate a new memory
- segment, which can be used to store an array:
- ```
- let (myArray: felt*) = alloc ();
- assert myArray[0] = 1;
- assert myArray[1] = 2;
- assert myArray[3] = 3;
- ```
- You can also use the `new` operator to create fixed-size arrays using
- tuples. The new operator is useful as it enables you allocate memory and
- initialize the object in one instruction
- ```
- func foo() {
- tempvar arr: felt* = new (1, 1, 2, 3, 5);
- assert arr[4] = 5;
- return ();
- }
- ```
-+ Tuples: A tuple is a finite, ordered, unchangeable list of elements. It is
- represented as a comma-separated list of elements enclosed by parentheses.
- Their elements may be of any combination of valid types.
- ```
- local tuple0: (felt, felt, felt) = (7, 9, 13);
- ```
-+ Events: Events allows a contract emit information during the course of its
- execution, that can be used outside of StarkNet. An event can be created,
- subsequently emitted:
- ```
- @event
- func name_stored(address, name) {}
- name_stored.emit(address, name);
- ```
-### 4. Constructors, External and View functions
-+ Constructors: Constructors are a way to intialize state variables on
- contract deployment. You create a constructor using the `@constructor`
- decorator.
- ```
- @constructor
- func constructor{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
- range_check_ptr}(_name: felt) {
- let (caller) = get_caller_address();
- names.write(caller, _name);
- return ();
- }
- ```
-+ External functions: External functions are functions that modifies the state
- of the network. You create an external function using the `@external`
- decorator:
- ```
- @external
- func store_name{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
- range_check_ptr}(_name: felt){
- let (caller) = get_caller_address();
- names.write(caller, _name);
- stored_name.emit(caller, _name);
- return ();
- }
- ```
-+ View functions: View functions do not modify the state of the blockchain.
- You can create a view function using the `@view` decorator.
- ```
- @view
- func get_name{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
- range_check_ptr}(_address: felt) -> (name: felt){
- let (name) =;
- return (name,);
- }
- ```
- NB: Unlike Solidity, Cairo supports just External and View function types.
- You can alternatively also create an internal function by not adding any
- decorator to the function.
-### 5. Decorators
-All functions in Cairo are specified by the `func` keyword, which can be
-confusing. Decorators are used by the compiler to distinguish between these
-Here are the most common decorators you'll encounter in Cairo:
-+ `@storage_var` — used for specifying state variables.
-+ `@constructor` — used for specifying constructors.
-+ `@external` — used for specifying functions that write to a state variable.
-+ `@event` — used for specifying events
-+ `@view` — used to specify functions reading from a state variable
-+ `@contract_interface` — used for specifying function interfaces.
-+ `@l1_handler` — used for specifying functions that processes message sent from
- an L1 contract in a messaging bridge.
-### 6. BUILTINS, HINTS & IMPLICIT Arguments
-+ `BUILTINS` are predefined optimized low-level execution units, which are
- added to Cairo’s CPU board. They help perform predefined computations like
- pedersen hashing, bitwise operations etc, which are expensive to perform in
- Vanilla Cairo. Each builtin in Cairo is assigned a separate memory location,
- accessible through regular Cairo memory calls using implicit parameters. You
- specify them using the `%builtins` directive
- Here is a list of available builtins in Cairo:
- + `output` — the output builtin is used for writing program outputs
- + `pedersen` — the pedersen builtin is used for pedersen hashing
- computations
- + `range_check` — This builtin is mostly used for integer comparisons,
- and facilitates check to confirm that a field element is within a range
- `[0, 2^128)`
- + `ecdsa` — the ecdsa builtin is used for verifying ECDSA signatures
- + `bitwise` — the bitwise builtin is used for carrying out bitwise
- operations on felts
-+ `HINTS` are pieces of Python codes, which contains instructions that only
- the prover sees and executes. From the point of view of the verifier these
- hints do not exist. To specify a hint in Cairo, you need to encapsulate it
- within `%{` and `%}`. It is good practice to avoid using hints as much as
- you can in your contracts, as hints are not added to the bytecode, and thus
- do not count in the total number of execution steps.
- ```
- %{
- # Python hint goes here
- %}
- ```
-+ `IMPLICIT ARGUMENTS` are not restricted to the function body, but can be
- inherited by other functions calls that require them. Implicit arguments are
- passed in between curly bracelets, like you can see below:
- ```
- func store_name{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
- range_check_ptr}(_name: felt){
- let (caller) = get_caller_address();
- names.write(caller, _name);
- stored_name.emit(caller, _name);
- return ();
- }
- ```
-### 7. Error Messages and Access Controls
-You can create custom errors in Cairo which is outputted to the user upon failed
-execution. This can be very useful for implementing checks and proper access
-control mechanisms. An example is preventing a user to call a function except
-user is `admin`.
-// imports
-from starkware.starknet.common.syscalls import get_caller_address
-// create an admin constant
-const ADMIN = 0x01C6cfC1DB2ae90dACEA243F0a8C2F4e32560F7cDD398e4dA2Cc56B733774E9b
-// implement access control
-with_attr error_message("You do not have access to make this action!"){
- let (caller) = get_caller_address();
- assert ADMIN = caller;
-// using an assert statement throws if condition is not true, thus
-// returning the specified error.
-### 8. Contract Interfaces
-Contract interfaces provide a means for one contract to invoke or call the
-external function of another contract. To create a contract interface, you use
-the `@contract_interface` keyword:
- namespace IENS {
- func store_name(_name: felt) {
- }
- func get_name(_address: felt) -> (name: felt) {
- }
- }
-Once a contract interface is specified, any contract can make calls to that
-contract passing in the contract address as the first parameter like this:
-IENS.store_name(contract_address, _name);
-Note that Interfaces exclude the function body/logic and the implicit
-### 9. Recursions
-Due to the unavailability of loops, Recursion is the go-to for similar
-operations. In simple terms, a recursive function is one which calls itself
-A good example to demonstrate this is writing a function for getting the nth
-fibonacci number:
-func fibonacci{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
-range_check_ptr}(n : felt) -> (result : felt){
- alloc_locals;
- if (n == 0){
- return (0);
- }
- if (n == 1){
- return (1);
- }
- let (local x) = fibonacci(n - 1);
- let (local y) = fibonacci(n - 2);
- return (result=(x + y));
-The nth fibonacci term is the sum of the `nth - 1` and the `nth - 2` numbers,
-that's why we get these two as `(x,y)` using recursion.
-NB: when implementing recursive functions, always remember to implement a base
-case (`n==0`, `n==1` in our case), to prevent stack overflows.
-### 10. Registers
-Registers holds values that may change over time. There are 3 major types of
-+ `ap` (allocation pointer) points to a yet unused memory. Temporary variables
- created using `let`, `tempvar` are held here, and thus susceptible to being
- revoked.
-+ `fp` (frame pointer) points to the frame of the current function. The address
- of all the function arguments and local variables are relative to this
- register and as such can never be revoked.
-+ `pc` (program counter) points to the current instruction.
-### 11. Revoked References
-Revoked references occur when there is a call instruction to another function,
-between the definition of a reference variable that depends on `ap` (temp
-variables) and its usage. This occurs as the compiler may not be able to compute
-the change of `ap` (as one may jump to the label from another place in the
-program, or call a function that might change ap in an unknown way).
-Here is an example to demonstrate what I mean:
-func get_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
-range_check_ptr}() -> (res: felt) {
- return (res=100);
-func double_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
-range_check_ptr}() -> (res: felt) {
- let multiplier = 2;
- let (balance) = get_balance();
- let new_balance = balance * multiplier;
- return (res=new_balance);
-If you run that code, you'll run into the revoked reference error as we are
-trying to access the `multiplier` variable after calling the `get_balance`
-In simple cases you can resolve revoked references by adding the keyword
-`alloc_locals` within function scopes. In more complex cases you might need to
-create a local variable to resolve it.
-// resolving the `double_balance` function:
-func double_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
-range_check_ptr}() -> (res: felt) {
- alloc_locals;
- let multiplier = 2;
- let (balance) = get_balance();
- let new_balance = balance * multiplier;
- return (res=new_balance);
-### 12. Understanding Cairo's Punctuations
-+ `;` (semicolon). Used at the end of each instruction
-+ `()` (parentheses). Used in a function declaration, if statements, and in a
- tuple declaration
-+ `{}` (curly braces). Used in a declaration of implicit arguments and to define
- code blocks.
-+ `[]` (square brackets). Standalone brackets represent the value at a
- particular address location (such as the allocation pointer, `[ap]`). Brackets
- following a pointer or a tuple act as a subscript operator, where `x[2]`
- represents the element with index `2` in `x`.
-+ `*` (single asterisk). Refers to the pointer of an expression.
-+ `%` (percent sign). Appears at the start of a directive, such as `%builtins`
- or `%lang`.
-+ `%{` and `%}` represent Python hints.
-+ `_` (underscore). A placeholder to handle values that are not used, such as an
- unused function return value.
-## Full Contract Example
-Below is a simple automated market maker contract example that implements most
-of what we just learnt! Re-write, deploy, have fun!
-%lang starknet
-from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import HashBuiltin
-from starkware.cairo.common.hash import hash2
-from starkware.cairo.common.alloc import alloc
-from starkware.cairo.common.math import (assert_le, assert_nn_le,
- unsigned_div_rem)
-from starkware.starknet.common.syscalls import (get_caller_address,
- storage_read, storage_write)
-// @dev the maximum amount of each token that belongs to the AMM
-const BALANCE_UPPER_BOUND = 2 ** 64;
-const TOKEN_TYPE_A = 1;
-const TOKEN_TYPE_B = 2;
-// @dev Ensure the user's balances are much smaller than the pool's balance
-const POOL_UPPER_BOUND = 2 ** 30;
-const ACCOUNT_BALANCE_BOUND = 1073741; // (2 ** 30 / 1000)
-// @dev A map from account and token type to corresponding balance
-func account_balance(account_id: felt, token_type: felt) -> (balance: felt) {}
-// @dev a map from token type to corresponding pool balance
-func pool_balance(token_type: felt) -> (balance: felt) {}
-// @dev returns account balance for a given token
-// @param account_id Account to be queried
-// @param token_type Token to be queried
-func get_account_token_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr:
-HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}(
- account_id: felt, token_type: felt
- ) -> (balance: felt) {
- return, token_type);
-// @dev return the pool's balance
-// @param token_type Token type to get pool balance
-func get_pool_token_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
- token_type: felt
- ) -> (balance: felt) {
- return;
-// @dev set pool balance for a given token
-// @param token_type Token whose balance is to be set
-// @param balance Amount to be set as balance
-func set_pool_token_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
- token_type: felt, balance: felt
- ) {
- with_attr error_message("exceeds maximum allowed tokens!"){
- assert_nn_le(balance, BALANCE_UPPER_BOUND - 1);
- }
- pool_balance.write(token_type, balance);
- return ();
-// @dev add demo token to the given account
-// @param token_a_amount amount of token a to be added
-// @param token_b_amount amount of token b to be added
-func add_demo_token{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
- token_a_amount: felt, token_b_amount: felt
- ) {
- alloc_locals;
- let (account_id) = get_caller_address();
- modify_account_balance(account_id=account_id, token_type=TOKEN_TYPE_A,
- amount=token_a_amount);
- modify_account_balance(account_id=account_id, token_type=TOKEN_TYPE_B,
- amount=token_b_amount);
- return ();
-// @dev intialize AMM
-// @param token_a amount of token a to be set in pool
-// @param token_b amount of token b to be set in pool
-func init_pool{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
- token_a: felt, token_b: felt
- ) {
- with_attr error_message("exceeds maximum allowed tokens!"){
- assert_nn_le(token_a, POOL_UPPER_BOUND - 1);
- assert_nn_le(token_b, POOL_UPPER_BOUND - 1);
- }
- set_pool_token_balance(token_type=TOKEN_TYPE_A, balance=token_a);
- set_pool_token_balance(token_type=TOKEN_TYPE_B, balance=token_b);
- return ();
-// @dev swaps token between the given account and the pool
-// @param token_from token to be swapped
-// @param amount_from amount of token to be swapped
-// @return amount_to the token swapped to
-func swap{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}(
- token_from: felt, amount_from: felt
- ) -> (amount_to: felt) {
- alloc_locals;
- let (account_id) = get_caller_address();
- // verify token_from is TOKEN_TYPE_A or TOKEN_TYPE_B
- with_attr error_message("token not allowed in pool!"){
- assert (token_from - TOKEN_TYPE_A) * (token_from - TOKEN_TYPE_B) = 0;
- }
- // check requested amount_from is valid
- with_attr error_message("exceeds maximum allowed tokens!"){
- assert_nn_le(amount_from, BALANCE_UPPER_BOUND - 1);
- }
- // check user has enough funds
- let (account_from_balance) =
- get_account_token_balance(account_id=account_id, token_type=token_from);
- with_attr error_message("insufficient balance!"){
- assert_le(amount_from, account_from_balance);
- }
- let (token_to) = get_opposite_token(token_type=token_from);
- let (amount_to) = do_swap(account_id=account_id, token_from=token_from,
- token_to=token_to, amount_from=amount_from);
- return (amount_to=amount_to);
-// @dev internal function that updates account balance for a given token
-// @param account_id Account whose balance is to be modified
-// @param token_type Token type to be modified
-// @param amount Amount Amount to be added
-func modify_account_balance{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
- account_id: felt, token_type: felt, amount: felt
- ) {
- let (current_balance) =, token_type);
- tempvar new_balance = current_balance + amount;
- with_attr error_message("exceeds maximum allowed tokens!"){
- assert_nn_le(new_balance, BALANCE_UPPER_BOUND - 1);
- }
- account_balance.write(account_id=account_id, token_type=token_type,
- value=new_balance);
- return ();
-// @dev internal function that swaps tokens between the given account and
-// the pool
-// @param account_id Account whose tokens are to be swapped
-// @param token_from Token type to be swapped from
-// @param token_to Token type to be swapped to
-// @param amount_from Amount to be swapped
-func do_swap{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
- account_id: felt, token_from: felt, token_to: felt, amount_from: felt
- ) -> (amount_to: felt) {
- alloc_locals;
- // get pool balance
- let (local amm_from_balance) = get_pool_token_balance(token_type =
- token_from);
- let (local amm_to_balance) = get_pool_token_balance(token_type=token_to);
- // calculate swap amount
- let (local amount_to, _) = unsigned_div_rem((amm_to_balance *
- amount_from), (amm_from_balance + amount_from));
- // update token_from balances
- modify_account_balance(account_id=account_id, token_type=token_from,
- amount=-amount_from);
- set_pool_token_balance(token_type=token_from, balance=(amm_from_balance
- + amount_from));
- // update token_to balances
- modify_account_balance(account_id=account_id, token_type=token_to,
- amount=amount_to);
- set_pool_token_balance(token_type=token_to, balance=(amm_to_balance -
- amount_to));
- return (amount_to=amount_to);
-// @dev internal function to get the opposite token type
-// @param token_type Token whose opposite pair needs to be gotten
-func get_opposite_token(token_type: felt) -> (t: felt) {
- if(token_type == TOKEN_TYPE_A) {
- return (t=TOKEN_TYPE_B);
- } else {
- return (t=TOKEN_TYPE_A);
- }
-## Additional Resources
-+ [Official documentation](
-+ [Starknet EDU](
-+ [Journey through Cairo](
-+ [Demystifying Cairo whitepaper](
-+ [Learn about StarkNet with Argent](
-## Development Frameworks
-+ [Protostar](
-+ [Nile](
-+ [StarkNet CLI](
-## Helpful Libraries
-+ [Cairo-lang](
-+ [Openzeppelin](
-## Educational Repos
-+ [StarkNet Cairo 101](
-+ [StarkNet ERC721](
-+ [StarkNet ERC20](
-+ [L1 -> L2 Messaging](
-+ [StarkNet Debug](
-+ [StarkNet Accounts](
-+ [Min-Starknet](
-## Security
-+ [Amarna static analysis for Cairo programs](
-+ [Cairo and StarkNet security by Ctrl03](
-+ [How to hack almost any Cairo smart contract](
-+ [Analyzing Cairo code using Armana](
-## Future TO-DOs
-Update tutorial to fit Cairo 1.0