path: root/matlab.html.markdown
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Diffstat (limited to 'matlab.html.markdown')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/matlab.html.markdown b/matlab.html.markdown
index 07f73cfb..ddf79f05 100644
--- a/matlab.html.markdown
+++ b/matlab.html.markdown
@@ -10,10 +10,6 @@ contributors:
MATLAB stands for MATrix LABoratory. It is a powerful numerical computing language commonly used in engineering and mathematics.
-If you have any feedback please feel free to reach me at
-[@the_ozzinator](, or
%% Code sections start with two percent signs. Section titles go on the same line.
% Comments start with a percent sign.
@@ -49,42 +45,42 @@ plot(A);
% commands can be passed to the operating system
-who % Displays all variables in memory
-whos % Displays all variables in memory, with their types
-clear % Erases all your variables from memory
-clear('A') % Erases a particular variable
+who % Displays all variables in memory
+whos % Displays all variables in memory, with their types
+clear % Erases all your variables from memory
+clear('A') % Erases a particular variable
openvar('A') % Open variable in variable editor
-clc % Erases the writing on your Command Window
-diary % Toggle writing Command Window text to file
+clc % Erases the writing on your Command Window
+diary % Toggle writing Command Window text to file
ctrl-c % Abort current computation
edit('myfunction.m') % Open function/script in editor
type('myfunction.m') % Print the source of function/script to Command Window
-profile on % turns on the code profiler
-profile off % turns off the code profiler
-profile viewer % Open profiler
+profile on % turns on the code profiler
+profile off % turns off the code profiler
+profile viewer % Open profiler
-help command % Displays documentation for command in Command Window
-doc command % Displays documentation for command in Help Window
-lookfor command % Searches for command in the first commented line of all functions
+help command % Displays documentation for command in Command Window
+doc command % Displays documentation for command in Help Window
+lookfor command % Searches for command in the first commented line of all functions
lookfor command -all % searches for command in all functions
% Output formatting
-format short % 4 decimals in a floating number
-format long % 15 decimals
-format bank % only two digits after decimal point - for financial calculations
+format short % 4 decimals in a floating number
+format long % 15 decimals
+format bank % only two digits after decimal point - for financial calculations
fprintf('text') % print "text" to the screen
-disp('text') % print "text" to the screen
+disp('text') % print "text" to the screen
% Variables & Expressions
-myVariable = 4 % Notice Workspace pane shows newly created variable
+myVariable = 4 % Notice Workspace pane shows newly created variable
myVariable = 4; % Semi colon suppresses output to the Command Window
-4 + 6 % ans = 10
-8 * myVariable % ans = 32
-2 ^ 3 % ans = 8
+4 + 6 % ans = 10
+8 * myVariable % ans = 32
+2 ^ 3 % ans = 8
a = 2; b = 3;
c = exp(a)*sin(pi/2) % c = 7.3891
@@ -92,7 +88,7 @@ c = exp(a)*sin(pi/2) % c = 7.3891
% Standard function syntax:
load('myFile.mat', 'y') % arguments within parentheses, separated by commas
% Command syntax:
-load myFile.mat y % no parentheses, and spaces instead of commas
+load myFile.mat y % no parentheses, and spaces instead of commas
% Note the lack of quote marks in command form: inputs are always passed as
% literal text - cannot pass variable values. Also, can't receive output:
[V,D] = eig(A); % this has no equivalent in command form
@@ -338,8 +334,8 @@ load('myFileName.mat') % Load saved variables into Workspace
% Function name should match file name (so save this example as double_input.m).
% 'help double_input.m' returns the comments under line beginning function
function output = double_input(x)
- %double_input(x) returns twice the value of x
- output = 2*x;
+ %double_input(x) returns twice the value of x
+ output = 2*x;
double_input(6) % ans = 12
@@ -375,23 +371,23 @@ fprintf % Print to Command Window with more control
% Conditional statements (the parentheses are optional, but good style)
if (a > 23)
- disp('Greater than 23')
+ disp('Greater than 23')
elseif (a == 23)
- disp('a is 23')
+ disp('a is 23')
- disp('neither condition met')
+ disp('neither condition met')
% Looping
% NB. looping over elements of a vector/matrix is slow!
% Where possible, use functions that act on whole vector/matrix at once
for k = 1:5
- disp(k)
+ disp(k)
k = 0;
while (k < 5)
- k = k + 1;
+ k = k + 1;
% Timing code execution: 'toc' prints the time since 'tic' was called
@@ -435,11 +431,11 @@ randi % Uniformly distributed pseudorandom integers
randn % Normally distributed pseudorandom numbers
%Complex math operations
-abs(x) % Magnitude of complex variable x
+abs(x) % Magnitude of complex variable x
phase(x) % Phase (or angle) of complex variable x
real(x) % Returns the real part of x (i.e returns a if x = a +jb)
imag(x) % Returns the imaginary part of x (i.e returns b if x = a+jb)
-conj(x) % Returns the complex conjugate
+conj(x) % Returns the complex conjugate
% Common constants
@@ -496,23 +492,23 @@ median % median value
mean % mean value
std % standard deviation
perms(x) % list all permutations of elements of x
-find(x) % Finds all non-zero elements of x and returns their indexes, can use comparison operators,
+find(x) % Finds all non-zero elements of x and returns their indexes, can use comparison operators,
% i.e. find( x == 3 ) returns indexes of elements that are equal to 3
% i.e. find( x >= 3 ) returns indexes of elements greater than or equal to 3
% Classes
-% MATLAB can support object-oriented programming.
-% Classes must be put in a file of the class name with a .m extension.
+% MATLAB can support object-oriented programming.
+% Classes must be put in a file of the class name with a .m extension.
% To begin, we create a simple class to store GPS waypoints.
% Begin WaypointClass.m
classdef WaypointClass % The class name.
properties % The properties of the class behave like Structures
- latitude
- longitude
+ latitude
+ longitude
- methods
- % This method that has the same name of the class is the constructor.
+ methods
+ % This method that has the same name of the class is the constructor.
function obj = WaypointClass(lat, lon)
obj.latitude = lat;
obj.longitude = lon;
@@ -543,12 +539,12 @@ a.longitude = 25.0
% Methods can be called in the same way as functions
ans = multiplyLatBy(a,3)
-% The method can also be called using dot notation. In this case, the object
+% The method can also be called using dot notation. In this case, the object
% does not need to be passed to the method.
ans = a.multiplyLatBy(1/3)
-% MATLAB functions can be overloaded to handle objects.
-% In the method above, we have overloaded how MATLAB handles
+% MATLAB functions can be overloaded to handle objects.
+% In the method above, we have overloaded how MATLAB handles
% the addition of two Waypoint objects.
b = WaypointClass(15.0, 32.0)
c = a + b
@@ -560,4 +556,3 @@ c = a + b
* [The official MATLAB Answers forum](
* [Loren on the Art of MATLAB](
* [Cleve's Corner](