path: root/shellenv
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'shellenv')
17 files changed, 2887 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/shellenv/.Xresources b/shellenv/.Xresources
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48bc38f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/.Xresources
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+*background: #272827
+*foreground: #657b83
+*cursorColor: #16A085
+*color0: #232423
+*color8: #282928
+*color1: #BA2922
+*color9: #CC372C
+*color2: #7E807E
+*color10: #8D8F8D
+*color3: #4C4F4D
+*color11: #4E524F
+*color4: #16A085
+*color12: #13BF9D
+*color5: #43746A
+*color13: #487D72
+*color6: #00CCCC
+*color14: #00D1D1
+*color7: #E0E0E0
+*color15: #E8E8E8
+URxvt.font: xft:Source Code Pro:size=10.5
+URxvt.depth: 32
+URxvt*scrollBar: false
+URxvt*mouseWheelScrollPage: false
+URxvt*cursorBlink: true
+URxvt*saveLines: 5000
+URxvt*internalBorder: 5
+URxvt*geometry: 70x19
+rofi.color-enabled: true
+rofi.color-window: #272827, #13bf9d, #13bf9d
+rofi.color-normal: #272827, #657b83, #272827, #272827, #13bf9d
+rofi.color-active: #272827, #657b83, #272827, #272827, #13bf9d
+rofi.color-urgent: #272827, #657b83, #272827, #272827, #13bf9d
+rofi.separator-style: solid
+rofi.sidebar-mode: false
+rofi.lines: 5
+rofi.font: Source Code Pro Semibold 10.5
+rofi.bw: 1
+rofi.columns: 2
+rofi.padding: 5
+rofi.fixed-num-lines: true
+rofi.hide-scrollbar: true
+! Normal copy-paste keybindings without perls
+URxvt.iso14755: false
+URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-V: eval:paste_clipboard
+URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-C: eval:selection_to_clipboard
+!Xterm escape codes, word by word movement
+URxvt.keysym.Control-Left: \033[1;5D
+URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-Left: \033[1;6D
+URxvt.keysym.Control-Right: \033[1;5C
+URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-Right: \033[1;6C
+URxvt.keysym.Control-Up: \033[1;5A
+URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-Up: \033[1;6A
+URxvt.keysym.Control-Down: \033[1;5B
+URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-Down: \033[1;6B
+# Mouse pointer super large
+!Xft.dpi: 90
diff --git a/shellenv/.aliases b/shellenv/.aliases
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ee9c48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/.aliases
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# docker alias
+#alias docker='podman'
+# screensaver off
+alias screensaveroff='xset s off -dpms'
+# update all subdirectories with git files
+alias gitpullall='find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -print -exec git -C {} pull \;'
+alias info='info --vi-keys'
+# system utilites
+alias restartwifi='nmcli nm wifi off; nmcli nm wifi on'
+alias mountp='udiskctl mount -b /dev/sd'
+alias umountp='udisksctl unmount -b /dev/sd'
+# setup environment stuff
+alias running='ps -A | grep '
+# pacman
+alias cpi='rsync -ah --progress'
+alias pythone='ptpython'
+alias racketx='racket -il xrepl'
+alias sourceb='source ~/.bashrc'
+alias sourcez='source ~/.zshrc'
+# ssh shortcuts
+# my quick shortcuts
+alias pbcopy='xclip -selection clipboard'
+alias pbpaste='xclip -selection clipboard -o'
+# power
+alias shutdownnow='sudo shutdown -P now'
+alias shutdownat='sudo shutdown -P' # must specify a time
+alias reboot='sudo shutdown -r now'
+alias halt='sudo halt -P'
+# apt
+alias apuu='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'
+# Easier navigation: .., ..., ...., ....., ~ and -
+alias ..="cd .."
+alias ...="cd ../.."
+alias ....="cd ../../.."
+alias .....="cd ../../../.."
+alias ~="cd ~" # `cd` is probably faster to type though
+alias -- -="cd -"
+# Shortcuts
+alias dl="cd ~/Downloads"
+alias dt="cd ~/Desktop"
+alias p="cd ~/projects"
+alias g="git"
+alias h="history"
+alias j="jobs"
+# List all files colorized in long format
+alias l="ls -lF --color"
+# List all files colorized in long format, including dot files
+alias la="ls -laF --color"
+# List only directories
+alias lsd="ls -lF --color | grep --color=never '^d'"
+# Always use color output for `ls`
+alias ls="command ls --color"
+# Always enable colored `grep` output
+alias grep='grep --color=auto '
+alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
+alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
+# Enable aliases to be sudo’ed
+alias sudo='sudo '
+# get today's date
+# alias today='date +"%A, %B %-d, %Y"'
+# Get week number
+alias week='date +%V'
+# Stopwatch
+alias timer='echo "Timer started. Stop with Ctrl-D." && date && time cat && date'
+# Trim new lines and copy to clipboard
+alias c="tr -d '\n' | xclip -selection clipboard"
+# Merge PDF files
+# Usage: `mergepdf -o output.pdf input{1,2,3}.pdf`
+# on mac os
+# alias mergepdf='/System/Library/Automator/Combine\ PDF\ Pages.action/Contents/Resources/join.py'
+alias mergepdf="pdfunite"
+# Lock the screen (when going AFK)
+alias afk="i3lock -c 000000"
+# vhosts
+alias hosts='sudo vim /etc/hosts'
+# copy working directory
+alias cwd='pwd | tr -d "\r\n" | xclip -selection clipboard'
+# copy file interactive
+alias cp='cp -i'
+# move file interactive
+alias mv='mv -i'
+# remove file interactive
+alias rm='rm -i'
+# untar
+alias untar='tar xvf'
+# brightness
+alias bright='xrandr --output LVDS-1 --brightness '
+# alias cppc='cppcheck --std=c++11 --enable=all --suppress=missingIncludeSystem .'
+# tmux utilities
+alias tpmux='git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm'
+# better find
+alias fd='fdfind'
+# k8s
+alias kubectl="minikube kubectl --"
diff --git a/shellenv/.curlrc b/shellenv/.curlrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..481d94b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/.curlrc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Disguise as IE 9 on Windows 7.
+user-agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)"
+# When following a redirect, automatically set the previous URL as referer.
+referer = ";auto"
+# Wait 60 seconds before timing out.
+connect-timeout = 60
diff --git a/shellenv/.dir_colors b/shellenv/.dir_colors
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b50e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/.dir_colors
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# Dark 256 color solarized theme for the color GNU ls utility.
+# Used and tested with dircolors (GNU coreutils) 8.5
+# @author {@link http://sebastian.tramp.name Sebastian Tramp}
+# @license http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License (WTFPL)
+# More Information at
+# https://github.com/seebi/dircolors-solarized
+# Term Section
+TERM Eterm
+TERM ansi
+TERM color-xterm
+TERM con132x25
+TERM con132x30
+TERM con132x43
+TERM con132x60
+TERM con80x25
+TERM con80x28
+TERM con80x30
+TERM con80x43
+TERM con80x50
+TERM con80x60
+TERM cons25
+TERM console
+TERM cygwin
+TERM dtterm
+TERM dvtm
+TERM dvtm-256color
+TERM eterm-color
+TERM fbterm
+TERM gnome
+TERM gnome-256color
+TERM jfbterm
+TERM konsole
+TERM konsole-256color
+TERM kterm
+TERM linux
+TERM linux-c
+TERM mach-color
+TERM mlterm
+TERM putty
+TERM putty-256color
+TERM rxvt
+TERM rxvt-256color
+TERM rxvt-cygwin
+TERM rxvt-cygwin-native
+TERM rxvt-unicode
+TERM rxvt-unicode256
+TERM rxvt-unicode-256color
+TERM screen
+TERM screen-16color
+TERM screen-16color-bce
+TERM screen-16color-s
+TERM screen-16color-bce-s
+TERM screen-256color
+TERM screen-256color-bce
+TERM screen-256color-s
+TERM screen-256color-bce-s
+TERM screen-256color-italic
+TERM screen-bce
+TERM screen-w
+TERM screen.linux
+TERM screen.xterm-256color
+TERM st
+TERM st-meta
+TERM st-256color
+TERM st-meta-256color
+TERM tmux
+TERM tmux-256color
+TERM vt100
+TERM xterm
+TERM xterm-16color
+TERM xterm-256color
+TERM xterm-256color-italic
+TERM xterm-88color
+TERM xterm-color
+TERM xterm-debian
+TERM xterm-termite
+## Documentation
+# standard colors
+# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
+# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
+# Attribute codes:
+# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
+# Text color codes:
+# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
+# Background color codes:
+# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
+# 256 color support
+# see here: http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-coreutils@gnu.org/msg11030.html)
+# Text 256 color coding:
+# Background 256 color coding:
+## Special files
+NORMAL 00;38;5;244 # no color code at all
+#FILE 00 # regular file: use no color at all
+RESET 0 # reset to "normal" color
+DIR 00;38;5;33 # directory 01;34
+LINK 00;38;5;37 # symbolic link. (If you set this to 'target' instead of a
+ # numerical value, the color is as for the file pointed to.)
+MULTIHARDLINK 00 # regular file with more than one link
+FIFO 48;5;230;38;5;136;01 # pipe
+SOCK 48;5;230;38;5;136;01 # socket
+DOOR 48;5;230;38;5;136;01 # door
+BLK 48;5;230;38;5;244;01 # block device driver
+CHR 48;5;230;38;5;244;01 # character device driver
+ORPHAN 48;5;235;38;5;160 # symlink to nonexistent file, or non-stat'able file
+SETUID 48;5;160;38;5;230 # file that is setuid (u+s)
+SETGID 48;5;136;38;5;230 # file that is setgid (g+s)
+CAPABILITY 30;41 # file with capability
+STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE 48;5;64;38;5;230 # dir that is sticky and other-writable (+t,o+w)
+OTHER_WRITABLE 48;5;235;38;5;33 # dir that is other-writable (o+w) and not sticky
+STICKY 48;5;33;38;5;230 # dir with the sticky bit set (+t) and not other-writable
+# This is for files with execute permission:
+EXEC 00;38;5;64
+## Archives or compressed (violet + bold for compression)
+.tar 00;38;5;61
+.tgz 00;38;5;61
+.arj 00;38;5;61
+.taz 00;38;5;61
+.lzh 00;38;5;61
+.lzma 00;38;5;61
+.tlz 00;38;5;61
+.txz 00;38;5;61
+.zip 00;38;5;61
+.z 00;38;5;61
+.Z 00;38;5;61
+.dz 00;38;5;61
+.gz 00;38;5;61
+.lz 00;38;5;61
+.xz 00;38;5;61
+.bz2 00;38;5;61
+.bz 00;38;5;61
+.tbz 00;38;5;61
+.tbz2 00;38;5;61
+.tz 00;38;5;61
+.deb 00;38;5;61
+.rpm 00;38;5;61
+.jar 00;38;5;61
+.rar 00;38;5;61
+.ace 00;38;5;61
+.zoo 00;38;5;61
+.cpio 00;38;5;61
+.7z 00;38;5;61
+.rz 00;38;5;61
+.apk 00;38;5;61
+.gem 00;38;5;61
+# Image formats (yellow)
+.jpg 00;38;5;136
+.JPG 00;38;5;136 #stupid but needed
+.jpeg 00;38;5;136
+.gif 00;38;5;136
+.bmp 00;38;5;136
+.pbm 00;38;5;136
+.pgm 00;38;5;136
+.ppm 00;38;5;136
+.tga 00;38;5;136
+.xbm 00;38;5;136
+.xpm 00;38;5;136
+.tif 00;38;5;136
+.tiff 00;38;5;136
+.png 00;38;5;136
+.PNG 00;38;5;136
+.svg 00;38;5;136
+.svgz 00;38;5;136
+.mng 00;38;5;136
+.pcx 00;38;5;136
+.dl 00;38;5;136
+.xcf 00;38;5;136
+.xwd 00;38;5;136
+.yuv 00;38;5;136
+.cgm 00;38;5;136
+.emf 00;38;5;136
+.eps 00;38;5;136
+.CR2 00;38;5;136
+.ico 00;38;5;136
+# Files of special interest (base1)
+.tex 00;38;5;245
+.rdf 00;38;5;245
+.owl 00;38;5;245
+.n3 00;38;5;245
+.ttl 00;38;5;245
+.nt 00;38;5;245
+.torrent 00;38;5;245
+.xml 00;38;5;245
+*Makefile 00;38;5;245
+*Rakefile 00;38;5;245
+*Dockerfile 00;38;5;245
+*build.xml 00;38;5;245
+*rc 00;38;5;245
+*1 00;38;5;245
+.nfo 00;38;5;245
+*README 00;38;5;245
+*README.txt 00;38;5;245
+*readme.txt 00;38;5;245
+.md 00;38;5;245
+*README.markdown 00;38;5;245
+.ini 00;38;5;245
+.yml 00;38;5;245
+.cfg 00;38;5;245
+.conf 00;38;5;245
+.h 00;38;5;245
+.hpp 00;38;5;245
+.c 00;38;5;245
+.cpp 00;38;5;245
+.cxx 00;38;5;245
+.cc 00;38;5;245
+.objc 00;38;5;245
+.sqlite 00;38;5;245
+.go 00;38;5;245
+.sql 00;38;5;245
+.csv 00;38;5;245
+# "unimportant" files as logs and backups (base01)
+.log 00;38;5;240
+.bak 00;38;5;240
+.aux 00;38;5;240
+.lof 00;38;5;240
+.lol 00;38;5;240
+.lot 00;38;5;240
+.out 00;38;5;240
+.toc 00;38;5;240
+.bbl 00;38;5;240
+.blg 00;38;5;240
+*~ 00;38;5;240
+*# 00;38;5;240
+.part 00;38;5;240
+.incomplete 00;38;5;240
+.swp 00;38;5;240
+.tmp 00;38;5;240
+.temp 00;38;5;240
+.o 00;38;5;240
+.pyc 00;38;5;240
+.class 00;38;5;240
+.cache 00;38;5;240
+# Audio formats (orange)
+.aac 00;38;5;166
+.au 00;38;5;166
+.flac 00;38;5;166
+.mid 00;38;5;166
+.midi 00;38;5;166
+.mka 00;38;5;166
+.mp3 00;38;5;166
+.mpc 00;38;5;166
+.ogg 00;38;5;166
+.opus 00;38;5;166
+.ra 00;38;5;166
+.wav 00;38;5;166
+.m4a 00;38;5;166
+# http://wiki.xiph.org/index.php/MIME_Types_and_File_Extensions
+.axa 00;38;5;166
+.oga 00;38;5;166
+.spx 00;38;5;166
+.xspf 00;38;5;166
+# Video formats (as audio + bold)
+.mov 00;38;5;166
+.MOV 00;38;5;166
+.mpg 00;38;5;166
+.mpeg 00;38;5;166
+.m2v 00;38;5;166
+.mkv 00;38;5;166
+.ogm 00;38;5;166
+.mp4 00;38;5;166
+.m4v 00;38;5;166
+.mp4v 00;38;5;166
+.vob 00;38;5;166
+.qt 00;38;5;166
+.nuv 00;38;5;166
+.wmv 00;38;5;166
+.asf 00;38;5;166
+.rm 00;38;5;166
+.rmvb 00;38;5;166
+.flc 00;38;5;166
+.avi 00;38;5;166
+.fli 00;38;5;166
+.flv 00;38;5;166
+.gl 00;38;5;166
+.m2ts 00;38;5;166
+.divx 00;38;5;166
+.webm 00;38;5;166
+# http://wiki.xiph.org/index.php/MIME_Types_and_File_Extensions
+.axv 00;38;5;166
+.anx 00;38;5;166
+.ogv 00;38;5;166
+.ogx 00;38;5;166
diff --git a/shellenv/.exports b/shellenv/.exports
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..323ee77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/.exports
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# ranger settings
+#default browser
+# if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ]; then
+# export BROWSER=firefox --private
+# else
+# export BROWSER=elinks
+# fi
+export BROWSER=firefox
+export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND="fdfind . $HOME"
+#export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='ag --hidden --ignore .git -g ""'
+export FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND="fdfind -t d . $HOME"
+# add custom home bin directory to global paths
+export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/go/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
+# add powerline for bash
+export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
+# add tmuxifier to path variable
+export PATH="$HOME/.tmuxifier/bin:$PATH"
+# Make good 'ol vim the default editor for local and remote sessions
+export VISUAL=/usr/bin/vim;
+export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim;
+# export TERM=xterm-256color # for solarized ls listings
+# if [[ $TERM == screen ]]; then
+# TERM=screen-256color
+# fi
+[[ $TMUX != "" ]] && export TERM="screen-256color";
+# if [[ $TERM == xterm ]]; then
+# TERM=xterm-256color
+# fi
+# Larger bash history (allow 32³ entries; default is 500)
+export HISTSIZE=50000000;
+export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups;
+# Make some commands not show up in history
+export HISTIGNORE=" *:ls:cd:cd -:pwd:exit:date:* --help:* -h:pony:pony add *:pony update *:pony save *:pony ls:pony ls *";
+# Prefer US English and use UTF-8
+export LANG="en_US.UTF-8";
+export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8";
+export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
+# Highlight section titles in manual pages
+export LESS_TERMCAP_md="${yellow}";
+# Don’t clear the screen after quitting a manual page
+export MANPAGER="less -X";
+# gdal support
+export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
+export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
+# go lang
+export GOPATH=$HOME/go
+# gnome keyring
+if [ -n "$DESKTOP_SESSION" ];then
+ #eval $(gnome-keyring-daemon --start)
+ export SSH_AUTH_SOCK
+# ruby
+export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"
+export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"
+# k3s
+export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
diff --git a/shellenv/.functions b/shellenv/.functions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ef65fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/.functions
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+today() {
+ echo -n "Today's date is: "
+ date +"%A, %B %-d, %Y"
+# Create a new directory and enter it
+function mkd() {
+ mkdir -p "$@" && cd "$_";
+pdfmerge() {
+ gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTTINGS=/prepress\
+ -sOutputFile=$@ ;
diff --git a/shellenv/.inputrc b/shellenv/.inputrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d691044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/.inputrc
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# set editing mode to vi
+# set editing-mode vi
+set editing-mode vi
+# show what mode i'm in
+# set show-mode-in-prompt on
+# set keymap vi-command
+# Make Tab autocomplete regardless of filename case
+set completion-ignore-case on
+# List all matches in case multiple possible completions are possible
+set show-all-if-ambiguous on
+# Immediately add a trailing slash when autocompleting symlinks to directories
+set mark-symlinked-directories on
+# Use the text that has already been typed as the prefix for searching through
+# commands (i.e. more intelligent Up/Down behavior)
+"\e[B": history-search-forward
+"\e[A": history-search-backward
+# Do not autocomplete hidden files unless the pattern explicitly begins with a dot
+set match-hidden-files on
+# Show all autocomplete results at once
+set page-completions off
+# If there are more than 200 possible completions for a word, ask to show them all
+set completion-query-items 200
+# Show extra file information when completing, like `ls -F` does
+set visible-stats on
+# Be more intelligent when autocompleting by also looking at the text after
+# the cursor. For example, when the current line is "cd ~/src/mozil", and
+# the cursor is on the "z", pressing Tab will not autocomplete it to "cd
+# ~/src/mozillail", but to "cd ~/src/mozilla". (This is supported by the
+# Readline used by Bash 4.)
+set skip-completed-text on
+# Allow UTF-8 input and output, instead of showing stuff like $'\0123\0456'
+set input-meta on
+set output-meta on
+set convert-meta off
+# set colored-stats on
+# set completion-map-case on
+# set echo-control-characters off
+# set show-all-if-unmodified on
diff --git a/shellenv/.screenrc b/shellenv/.screenrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4a33ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/.screenrc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Disable the startup message
+startup_message off
+# Set a large scrollback buffer
+defscrollback 32000
+# Always start `screen` with UTF-8 enabled (`screen -U`)
+defutf8 on
diff --git a/shellenv/.tern-config b/shellenv/.tern-config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9285a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/.tern-config
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ "ecmaVersion": 6,
+ "libs": [
+ "browser"
+ ],
+ "loadEagerly": [
+ ],
+ "dontLoad": [
+ "node_modules/**"
+ ],
+ "plugins": {
+ "es_modules": {},
+ "node": {},
+ "doc_comment": {
+ "fullDocs": true,
+ "strong": true
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/shellenv/.wgetrc b/shellenv/.wgetrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb531a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/.wgetrc
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Use the server-provided last modification date, if available
+timestamping = on
+# Do not go up in the directory structure when downloading recursively
+no_parent = on
+# Wait 60 seconds before timing out. This applies to all timeouts: DNS, connect and read. (The default read timeout is 15 minutes!)
+timeout = 60
+# Retry a few times when a download fails, but don’t overdo it. (The default is 20!)
+tries = 3
+# Retry even when the connection was refused
+retry_connrefused = on
+# Use the last component of a redirection URL for the local file name
+trust_server_names = on
+# Follow FTP links from HTML documents by default
+follow_ftp = on
+# Add a `.html` extension to `text/html` or `application/xhtml+xml` files that lack one, or a `.css` extension to `text/css` files that lack one
+adjust_extension = on
+# Use UTF-8 as the default system encoding
+# Disabled as it makes `wget` builds that don’t support this feature unusable.
+# Does anyone know how to conditionally configure a wget setting?
+# http://unix.stackexchange.com/q/34730/6040
+#local_encoding = UTF-8
+# Ignore `robots.txt` and `<meta name=robots content=nofollow>`
+robots = off
+# Print the HTTP and FTP server responses
+server_response = on
+# Disguise as IE 9 on Windows 7
+user_agent = Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)
diff --git a/shellenv/.xinitrc b/shellenv/.xinitrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e69e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/.xinitrc
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# merge in defaults and keymaps
+if [ -f $sysresources ]; then
+ xrdb -merge $sysresources
+if [ -f $sysmodmap ]; then
+ xmodmap $sysmodmap
+if [ -f "$userresources" ]; then
+ xrdb -merge "$userresources"
+if [ -f "$usermodmap" ]; then
+ xmodmap "$usermodmap"
+# start some nice programs
+if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ] ; then
+ for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/?*.sh ; do
+ [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
+ done
+ unset f
+# udiskie &
+# autocutsel -fork &
+# autocutsel -selection PRIMARY -fork &
+# exec i3
+# Here Xfce is kept as default
+case $session in
+ i3|i3wm ) exec i3;;
+ kde ) exec startkde;;
+ xfce|xfce4 ) exec startxfce4;;
+ xmonad )
+ PATH=$PATH:~/.xmonad/bin
+ xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr &
+ xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources &
+ setxkbmap -option "ctrl:nocaps" &
+ compton -CGb &
+ tray &
+ gnome-terminal &
+ gnome-terminal &
+ chromium &
+ gnome-screensaver &
+ pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog &
+ gnome-session &
+ exec xmonad
+ ;;
+ # No known session, try to run it as command
+ * ) exec $1;;
diff --git a/shellenv/.xserverrc b/shellenv/.xserverrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d6293e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/.xserverrc
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+exec /usr/bin/Xorg -keeptty -nolisten tcp "$@" vt1
diff --git a/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/README.md b/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..388daa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+<h1>Solarized Color Theme for GNU ls (as setup by GNU dircolors)</h1>
+This is a repository of themes for GNU ls (configured via GNU
+dircolors) that support Ethan Schoonover’s [Solarized color
+See the [Solarized homepage](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized)
+for screenshots, details and color theme implementations for terminal
+emulators and other applications, such as Vim, Emacs, and Mutt.
+Quick note for MacOS users: Your OS does not use GNU ls, so you can not use
+this themes. However, [@logic](https://github.com/logic) provided something
+your can use in [this issue](https://github.com/seebi/dircolors-solarized/issues/10).
+Another option (as [proposed](https://github.com/seebi/dircolors-solarized/issues/10#issuecomment-2641754)
+by [@metamorfos](https://github.com/metamorfos)) is to install GNU ls with
+homebrew (coreutils).
+<h2>(Selected) Table of Contents</h2>
+* [Repositories](#repositories)
+* [Themes](#themes)
+ * [Theme #1: "256dark"](#256dark)
+ * [Theme #2: "ansi-\*"](#ansi)
+* [Installation](#installation)
+* [Understanding Solarized Colors in Terminals](#understanding-solarized-colors-in-terminals)
+<h2 id="repositories">Repositories</h2>
+ * The main Solarized repository: [/altercation/solarized](https://github.com/altercation/solarized)
+ * These themes as a separate repository: [/seebi/dircolors-solarized](https://github.com/seebi/dircolors-solarized)
+<h2 id="themes">Themes</h2>
+First, note that "256 colors" does not necessarily mean better than "ANSI".
+Read on for more details.
+1. "256dark" - Degraded Solarized Dark theme for terminal emulators and
+ newer dircolors that both support 256 colors. This theme allows for the display
+ of the *approximate* Solarized palette, but it's very easy to set up and allows
+ for the use of many more colors beyond the 16 in Solarized.
+ (By [seebi](https://github.com/seebi))
+ Note: In the future, it may be possible to change the approximate
+ Solarized colors to the exact Solarized palette; and this theme would
+ automatically improve. Work on an appropriate .Xresources has not yet
+ started. (See [256-color remapping discussion](https://github.com/altercation/solarized/issues/8).)
+2. "ansi-universal" - Universal theme for 16-color or 256-color
+ terminal emulators and any version of dircolors. It is optimized for
+ Solarized Dark and Light and acceptable with default ANSI colors. This theme allows
+ for the display of the *exact* Solarized palette, but it requires the reconfiguration
+ of the terminal emulator's ANSI color settings and limits you to the 16
+ Solarized colors. (By [huyz](https://github.com/huyz))
+ "ansi-dark" - Tweaked version of "ansi-universal", slightly more
+ optimized for the Solarized Dark palette to the slight detriment of the
+ Solarized Light palette.
+ "ansi-light" - Tweaked version of "ansi-universal", slightly more
+ optimized for the Solarized Light palette to the slight detriment of the
+ Solarized Dark palette.
+<h3 id="256dark">Theme #1: "256dark" (by <a href="https://github.com/seebi">seebi</a>)</h3>
+<h4 id="256dark-features">Features / Properties</h4>
+ * Solarized :-)
+ * Comment style for backup and log and cache files
+ * Highlighted style for files of special interest (.tex, Makefiles, .ini ...)
+ * Bold hierarchies:
+ * archive = violet, compressed archive = violet + bold
+ * audio = orange, video = orange + bold
+ * Tested use-cases:
+ * latex directories
+ * source code directories
+ * Special files (block devices, pipes, ...) are inverted using the
+ solarized light palette for the background
+ * Symbolic links bold and distinguishable from directories
+<h4 id="256dark-screenshots">Screenshots</h4>
+Here is a [screenshot](https://github.com/seebi/dircolors-solarized/raw/master/img/dircolors.256dark.png) of a prepared session which shows the content of the test-directory.tar.bz2.
+It is captured from an [iterm2](http://iterm2.com/) using the [dz-version of the awesome Inconsolata font](http://nodnod.net/2009/feb/12/adding-straight-single-and-double-quotes-inconsola/) (but you can use any terminal emulator supporting 256colors).
+Some more screenshots are provided by [andrew from webupd8.org](http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/solarized-must-have-color-paletter-for.html).
+<h3 id="ansi">Theme #2: "ansi-\*" (by <a href="https://github.com/huyz">huyz</a>)</h3>
+This theme and its variants require that the terminal emulator be properly
+configured to display the Solarized palette instead of the 16 default ANSI
+<h4 id="ansi-features">Features / Properties</h4>
+This theme called "ansi-universal" and its variants "ansi-dark" and
+"ansi-light", were designed to work best with both Solarized Dark and Light
+palettes, but also to work under terminals' default ANSI colors. In other
+words, these themes were designed with a "fallback" scenario: if you happen to
+find yourself on a terminal where the Solarized palette has not been set up,
+you won't have elements become invisible, incrediby hard to read, or a boring
+Thus, the universal theme was designed with these 4 palettes in mind:
+- Solarized Dark: "ansi-universal" works best when the terminal emulator is
+ set to this scheme
+- Solarized Light: "ansi-universal" works best when the terminal emulator is
+ set to this scheme
+- Default terminal ANSI Colors with a dark background
+- Default terminal ANSI Colors with a light background
+The "ansi-dark" and "ansi-light" are slightly optimized versions of "ansi-universal"
+for Solarized Dark and Solarized Light, respectively, if you're willing
+to sacrifice a bit of universality.
+Colors were selected based on the characteristics of the items to be displayed:
+- Visibility generally follows importance, with an attempt to let unimportant
+ items fade into the background (which is not always possible when
+ simultaneously supporting dark and light backgrounds)
+- Loud colors are chosen to call attention to noteworthy items
+<h4 id="ansi-screenshots">Screenshots</h4>
+Solarized Dark (this example uses iTerm2 on OS X):
+![Solarized Dark](https://github.com/huyz/dircolors-solarized/raw/master/img/screen-dircolors-in-iTerm2-solarized_dark.png)]
+To see what this theme looks like when the terminal emulator is set with different color palettes:
+* [Solarized Light (with iTerm2 on OS X)](https://github.com/huyz/dircolors-solarized/raw/master/img/screen-dircolors-in-iTerm2-solarized_light.png)
+* [Default dark background of iTerm on OS X](https://github.com/huyz/dircolors-solarized/raw/master/img/screen-dircolors-in-iTerm-dark.png)
+* [Default light background of iTerm on OS X](https://github.com/huyz/dircolors-solarized/raw/master/img/screen-dircolors-in-iTerm-light.png)
+* [Default dark colors of PuTTY on Windows](https://github.com/huyz/dircolors-solarized/raw/master/img/screen-dircolors-in-PuTTY-dark_default.png)
+* [Default light colors of PuTTY on Windows](https://github.com/huyz/dircolors-solarized/raw/master/img/screen-dircolors-in-PuTTY-light_system.png) (Select "Use system colors")
+<h2 id="installation">Installation</h2>
+### Downloads
+If you have come across these themes via the [dircolors-only repository] on
+github, you may want to check the main [Solarized repository] to see if there
+are official themes.
+In the future, the [dircolors-only repository] may be kept in sync with the main
+[Solarized repository], but the [dircolors-only repository] may be left separate
+for installation convenience and to include the latest improvements.
+At this time, issues, bug reports, changelogs are to be reported at the
+[dircolors-only repository].
+If you want to access the latest improvements to a specific theme, then go to
+that theme's unique github directory:
+* "256dark": https://github.com/seebi/dircolors-solarized
+* "ansi-\*": https://github.com/huyz/dircolors-solarized
+[Solarized repository]: https://github.com/altercation/solarized
+[dircolors-only repository]: https://github.com/seebi/dircolors-solarized
+### General Instructions
+The Solarized color themes are distributed as database files for GNU
+dircolors, which is the application that sets up colors for GNU ls.
+To use any of the database files, run this:
+ eval `dircolors /path/to/dircolorsdb`
+To activate the theme for all future shell sessions, copy or link that file to
+`~/.dir_colors`, and include the above command in your `~/.profile` (for bash)
+or `~/.zshrc` (for zsh).
+For Ubuntu 14.04 it is sufficient to copy or link database file to `~/.dircolors`.
+Statement in `~/.bashrc` will take care about triggering eval command.
+### Additional Instructions for 256-color Solarized Themes, e.g. "256dark"
+For the 256-color Solarized dircolors themes, such as "256dark", you need a 256-color
+terminal (e.g. `gnome-terminal` or `urxvt`) and a correct `TERM` variable,
+ export TERM=xterm-256color # for common 256 color terminals (e.g. gnome-terminal)
+ export TERM=screen-256color # for a tmux -2 session (also for screen)
+ export TERM=rxvt-unicode-256color # for a colorful rxvt unicode session
+### Additional Instructions for ANSI Solarized Themes, e.g. "ansi-universal"
+For the ANSI Solarized dircolors themes (which work with both 16-color and
+256-color terminals) you must configure your terminal emulator (See the
+section "Understanding Solarized Colors in Terminals" for a detailed
+explanation behind these settings):
+1. Make sure that you have changed your terminal emulator's color settings to
+ the Solarized palette.
+2. Make sure that bold text is displayed using bright colors. For example,
+ - For iTerm2 on OS X, this means that Text Preferences must have the `Draw
+ bold text in bright colors` checkbox *selected*.
+ - For Apple's Terminal.app on OS X, this means that Text Settings must
+ have the `Use bright colors for bold text` checkbox *selected*.
+3. It's recommended to turn off the display of bold typeface for bold
+ text. For example,
+ - For iTerm2 on OS X, this means that Text Preferences should have the
+ `Draw bold text in bold font` checkbox *unselected*.
+ - For Apple's Terminal.app on OS X, this means that Text Settings
+ should have the `Use bold fonts` checkbox *unselected*.
+ - For XTerm, this may mean setting the `font` and `boldFont` to be the
+ same in your .Xresources or .Xdefaults, e.g.:
+ xterm*font: fixed
+ xterm*boldFont: fixed
+Example: for iTerm2, these are the correct settings:
+![iTerm bold settings](https://github.com/huyz/dircolors-solarized/raw/master/img/screen-iTerm2-bold-options.png)
+<h2 id="understanding">Understanding Solarized Colors in Terminals</h2>
+### How Solarized works with ANSI-redefinition themes
+8- or 256-color terminal programs such as dircolors use color codes that
+correspond to the expected 8 normal ANSI colors. dircolors additionally
+supports bold, which terminal emulators will usually display by using the
+*bright* versions of the 8 ANSI colors and/or by using a bold typeface with a
+heavier weight. (Note that different terminal emulators may have slightly
+different ideas of what color values to use when displaying the 16 [ANSI color
+escape codes](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors).)
+In order to be displayed by 8- or 256-color terminal programs, which cannot
+specify RGB values, Solarized must replace the default ANSI colors. Since the
+Solarized palette uses 16 colors, not only must this color scheme replace the
+8 normal colors but must also take over the 8 *bright* colors, for a total of
+16 colors. This means that a Solarized terminal application loses the ability
+to bold text but gains 8 more Solarized colors.
+About half of the Solarized palette is reminiscent of the original ANSI
+colors, e.g. Solarized red is close to ANSI red (or more precisely, the
+general consensus of what ANSI red should look like). But the rest of the
+Solarized colors do not correspond to any ANSI colors, e.g. there is no ANSI
+color that corresponds to Solarized orange or purple.
+This means that, for example, if the dircolors theme wants to display "green", a
+Solarized terminal will display something close to green, but if the theme
+wants to display "bold yellow" or "bright yellow", a Solarized terminal will
+not be able to display it. However, a Solarized theme will be able to display
+the new colors orange and purple and also several shades of gray. This is
+again thanks to the replacement of the ANSI *bright* colors; e.g. ANSI "bold
+red", which is usually displayed as "bright red", will now show as Solarized
+orange, while ANSI "bold blue", which is usually displayed as "bright blue",
+will now be a shade of gray.
+#### Terminal Emulator
+Because dircolors is entirely dependent on the terminal emulator for the
+display of its colors, you cannot directly tell a dircolors theme to display
+Solarized orange, e.g. by specifying an RGB value. Instead, the theme's colors
+must be chosen using the available color codes (either ANSI or one of the 256
+XTerm colors) with the expectation that the terminal emulator will display
+them as appropriate Solarized colors. For example, the dircolors color
+format `01;31` which normally would be "bold red" is expected to be displayed
+by the terminal emulator as Solarized orange.
+So in order for dircolors to display the *exact* Solarized palette, you have
+to set your Terminal emulator's color settings to the Solarized palette. The
+[Solarized repository] includes theme settings for some popular terminal
+emulators as well as Xresources; or you can download them from the official
+[Solarized] homepage. If you use the 16-color themes *without* having
+changed your emulator's palette, you will get a strange selection of colors
+that may be hard to read or gray.
+Yes, this means that, to use the *exact* Solarized theme for dircolors, you
+need to change color settings for not one but two different programs: your
+terminal emulator and dircolors. The two sets of settings will work in
+concert to display Solarized colors appropriately.
+#### Bold Settings
+Historically, there has been a one-to-one correspondence between the bolded
+versions of the 8 default ANSI colors and the bright versions of the 8 default
+colors. Back in the day, when a color program demanded the display of bold
+text, it was probably just easier for terminal emulators to display a brighter
+version of whatever color the text was (and expect the user to interpret that
+as bold) than to display a typeface with a bold weight.
+Nowadays, it is easy for terminal emulators to display bold typefaces, so it
+doesn't make sense for bolded text to change color, but the confusing
+association remains. In fact, new terminal emulators allow users to break the
+correspondence between bold and bright and can simply change the font.
+However, ANSI terminal applications such as older dircolors only
+have a conception of bold and don't know about the possibility of using up to
+16 colors. So to use all 16 Solarized colors, we change the semantics of
+"bold" in the theme to mean that we want to access the 8 new Solarized colors,
+including the grays. Recall the example above, where we described that the
+dirco color format `01;31`, which would have normally displayed bold red, is
+expected to show up as Solarized orange.
+This is why it is important to *not* break the association between bold and
+bright colors. Many terminal emulators offer an option to disable the use of
+bright colors for bold, and you must not do so. Often, new users of Solarized
+will be confused when they change their terminal emulator's color palette to
+Solarized but haven't yet installed Solarized-specific color themes for all
+their terminal applications (e.g. mutt, ls's dircolors, irssi, and their
+colorized shell prompts). They will see texts that are hard to read or
+disappear entirely. The solution isn't to disable bright colors; the solution
+is to install Solarized color themes for all terminal applications and then you
+will have all 16 colors.
+Also, because the semantics of "bold" are lost in favor of more colors, it
+also makes sense to disable the display of bold text as a bold typeface. It
+won't hurt to see bold typefaces wherever the new 8 Solarized colors are
+displayed but it doesn't make much sense anymore.
+### How Solarized works with 256-color themes
+Newer versions of dircolors, as well as modern terminal emulators, support 256
+colors. Since 256 > 16, does this mean that 256-color dircolors themes are
+better than ANSI dircolors themes for displaying the Solarized palette? Not
+necessarily. Solarized is a 16-color palette with unique RGB values.
+256-color terminal emulators have more colors than the ANSI palette but
+completely different RGB values. (See [8-bit color
+graphics](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/256_colors).) The "256dark"
+theme was designed to use these standard fixed colors.
+#### How Solarized could work with 256 colors without touching ANSI
+There is ongoing
+[discussion](https://github.com/altercation/solarized/issues/8) on how to
+reconfigure the approximate Solarized colors (the default 256 XTerm colors) to
+display the exact Solarized colors. The benefit of this approach is that the
+ANSI colors would not be messed with, and all the existing terminal
+applications (with non-Solarized-aware color themes) that expect ANSI colors
+would get ANSI colors; i.e. you would not see text accidentally disappear or
+turn gray on you as soon as you change your terminal emulator's ANSI color
+settings to Solarized.
+The disadvantage of such a solution means that 8-color terminal applications
+such as irssi or older dircolors would not be able to display Solarized
+colors, no matter what theme they used.
+Work on an official solution has not yet started but the
+[discussion](https://github.com/altercation/solarized/issues/8) has presented
+some working solutions, at least for XTerm and possibly other Linux terminal
+The Solarized Color Values
+L\*a\*b values are canonical (White D65, Reference D50), other values are
+matched in sRGB space.
+ --------- ------- ---- ------- ----------- ---------- ----------- -----------
+ base03 #002b36 8/4 brblack 234 #1c1c1c 15 -12 -12 0 43 54 193 100 21
+ base02 #073642 0/4 black 235 #262626 20 -12 -12 7 54 66 192 90 26
+ base01 #586e75 10/7 brgreen 240 #4e4e4e 45 -07 -07 88 110 117 194 25 46
+ base00 #657b83 11/7 bryellow 241 #585858 50 -07 -07 101 123 131 195 23 51
+ base0 #839496 12/6 brblue 244 #808080 60 -06 -03 131 148 150 186 13 59
+ base1 #93a1a1 14/4 brcyan 245 #8a8a8a 65 -05 -02 147 161 161 180 9 63
+ base2 #eee8d5 7/7 white 254 #d7d7af 92 -00 10 238 232 213 44 11 93
+ base3 #fdf6e3 15/7 brwhite 230 #ffffd7 97 00 10 253 246 227 44 10 99
+ yellow #b58900 3/3 yellow 136 #af8700 60 10 65 181 137 0 45 100 71
+ orange #cb4b16 9/3 brred 166 #d75f00 50 50 55 203 75 22 18 89 80
+ red #dc322f 1/1 red 160 #d70000 50 65 45 220 50 47 1 79 86
+ magenta #d33682 5/5 magenta 125 #af005f 50 65 -05 211 54 130 331 74 83
+ violet #6c71c4 13/5 brmagenta 61 #5f5faf 50 15 -45 108 113 196 237 45 77
+ blue #268bd2 4/4 blue 33 #0087ff 55 -10 -45 38 139 210 205 82 82
+ cyan #2aa198 6/6 cyan 37 #00afaf 60 -35 -05 42 161 152 175 74 63
+ green #859900 2/2 green 64 #5f8700 60 -20 65 133 153 0 68 100 60
+* For "256-color" themes, the XTERM/HEX column lists the approximate Solarized
+ colors that are used (note the RGB values in the XTERM/HEX column only
+ approximates the RGB values in the HEX column).
+* For "ANSI" themes, the TERMCOL column lists the ANSI colors that are replaced
+ with the Solarized colors listed under the HEX column.
diff --git a/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/dircolors.256dark b/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/dircolors.256dark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b50e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/dircolors.256dark
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# Dark 256 color solarized theme for the color GNU ls utility.
+# Used and tested with dircolors (GNU coreutils) 8.5
+# @author {@link http://sebastian.tramp.name Sebastian Tramp}
+# @license http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License (WTFPL)
+# More Information at
+# https://github.com/seebi/dircolors-solarized
+# Term Section
+TERM Eterm
+TERM ansi
+TERM color-xterm
+TERM con132x25
+TERM con132x30
+TERM con132x43
+TERM con132x60
+TERM con80x25
+TERM con80x28
+TERM con80x30
+TERM con80x43
+TERM con80x50
+TERM con80x60
+TERM cons25
+TERM console
+TERM cygwin
+TERM dtterm
+TERM dvtm
+TERM dvtm-256color
+TERM eterm-color
+TERM fbterm
+TERM gnome
+TERM gnome-256color
+TERM jfbterm
+TERM konsole
+TERM konsole-256color
+TERM kterm
+TERM linux
+TERM linux-c
+TERM mach-color
+TERM mlterm
+TERM putty
+TERM putty-256color
+TERM rxvt
+TERM rxvt-256color
+TERM rxvt-cygwin
+TERM rxvt-cygwin-native
+TERM rxvt-unicode
+TERM rxvt-unicode256
+TERM rxvt-unicode-256color
+TERM screen
+TERM screen-16color
+TERM screen-16color-bce
+TERM screen-16color-s
+TERM screen-16color-bce-s
+TERM screen-256color
+TERM screen-256color-bce
+TERM screen-256color-s
+TERM screen-256color-bce-s
+TERM screen-256color-italic
+TERM screen-bce
+TERM screen-w
+TERM screen.linux
+TERM screen.xterm-256color
+TERM st
+TERM st-meta
+TERM st-256color
+TERM st-meta-256color
+TERM tmux
+TERM tmux-256color
+TERM vt100
+TERM xterm
+TERM xterm-16color
+TERM xterm-256color
+TERM xterm-256color-italic
+TERM xterm-88color
+TERM xterm-color
+TERM xterm-debian
+TERM xterm-termite
+## Documentation
+# standard colors
+# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
+# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
+# Attribute codes:
+# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
+# Text color codes:
+# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
+# Background color codes:
+# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
+# 256 color support
+# see here: http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-coreutils@gnu.org/msg11030.html)
+# Text 256 color coding:
+# Background 256 color coding:
+## Special files
+NORMAL 00;38;5;244 # no color code at all
+#FILE 00 # regular file: use no color at all
+RESET 0 # reset to "normal" color
+DIR 00;38;5;33 # directory 01;34
+LINK 00;38;5;37 # symbolic link. (If you set this to 'target' instead of a
+ # numerical value, the color is as for the file pointed to.)
+MULTIHARDLINK 00 # regular file with more than one link
+FIFO 48;5;230;38;5;136;01 # pipe
+SOCK 48;5;230;38;5;136;01 # socket
+DOOR 48;5;230;38;5;136;01 # door
+BLK 48;5;230;38;5;244;01 # block device driver
+CHR 48;5;230;38;5;244;01 # character device driver
+ORPHAN 48;5;235;38;5;160 # symlink to nonexistent file, or non-stat'able file
+SETUID 48;5;160;38;5;230 # file that is setuid (u+s)
+SETGID 48;5;136;38;5;230 # file that is setgid (g+s)
+CAPABILITY 30;41 # file with capability
+STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE 48;5;64;38;5;230 # dir that is sticky and other-writable (+t,o+w)
+OTHER_WRITABLE 48;5;235;38;5;33 # dir that is other-writable (o+w) and not sticky
+STICKY 48;5;33;38;5;230 # dir with the sticky bit set (+t) and not other-writable
+# This is for files with execute permission:
+EXEC 00;38;5;64
+## Archives or compressed (violet + bold for compression)
+.tar 00;38;5;61
+.tgz 00;38;5;61
+.arj 00;38;5;61
+.taz 00;38;5;61
+.lzh 00;38;5;61
+.lzma 00;38;5;61
+.tlz 00;38;5;61
+.txz 00;38;5;61
+.zip 00;38;5;61
+.z 00;38;5;61
+.Z 00;38;5;61
+.dz 00;38;5;61
+.gz 00;38;5;61
+.lz 00;38;5;61
+.xz 00;38;5;61
+.bz2 00;38;5;61
+.bz 00;38;5;61
+.tbz 00;38;5;61
+.tbz2 00;38;5;61
+.tz 00;38;5;61
+.deb 00;38;5;61
+.rpm 00;38;5;61
+.jar 00;38;5;61
+.rar 00;38;5;61
+.ace 00;38;5;61
+.zoo 00;38;5;61
+.cpio 00;38;5;61
+.7z 00;38;5;61
+.rz 00;38;5;61
+.apk 00;38;5;61
+.gem 00;38;5;61
+# Image formats (yellow)
+.jpg 00;38;5;136
+.JPG 00;38;5;136 #stupid but needed
+.jpeg 00;38;5;136
+.gif 00;38;5;136
+.bmp 00;38;5;136
+.pbm 00;38;5;136
+.pgm 00;38;5;136
+.ppm 00;38;5;136
+.tga 00;38;5;136
+.xbm 00;38;5;136
+.xpm 00;38;5;136
+.tif 00;38;5;136
+.tiff 00;38;5;136
+.png 00;38;5;136
+.PNG 00;38;5;136
+.svg 00;38;5;136
+.svgz 00;38;5;136
+.mng 00;38;5;136
+.pcx 00;38;5;136
+.dl 00;38;5;136
+.xcf 00;38;5;136
+.xwd 00;38;5;136
+.yuv 00;38;5;136
+.cgm 00;38;5;136
+.emf 00;38;5;136
+.eps 00;38;5;136
+.CR2 00;38;5;136
+.ico 00;38;5;136
+# Files of special interest (base1)
+.tex 00;38;5;245
+.rdf 00;38;5;245
+.owl 00;38;5;245
+.n3 00;38;5;245
+.ttl 00;38;5;245
+.nt 00;38;5;245
+.torrent 00;38;5;245
+.xml 00;38;5;245
+*Makefile 00;38;5;245
+*Rakefile 00;38;5;245
+*Dockerfile 00;38;5;245
+*build.xml 00;38;5;245
+*rc 00;38;5;245
+*1 00;38;5;245
+.nfo 00;38;5;245
+*README 00;38;5;245
+*README.txt 00;38;5;245
+*readme.txt 00;38;5;245
+.md 00;38;5;245
+*README.markdown 00;38;5;245
+.ini 00;38;5;245
+.yml 00;38;5;245
+.cfg 00;38;5;245
+.conf 00;38;5;245
+.h 00;38;5;245
+.hpp 00;38;5;245
+.c 00;38;5;245
+.cpp 00;38;5;245
+.cxx 00;38;5;245
+.cc 00;38;5;245
+.objc 00;38;5;245
+.sqlite 00;38;5;245
+.go 00;38;5;245
+.sql 00;38;5;245
+.csv 00;38;5;245
+# "unimportant" files as logs and backups (base01)
+.log 00;38;5;240
+.bak 00;38;5;240
+.aux 00;38;5;240
+.lof 00;38;5;240
+.lol 00;38;5;240
+.lot 00;38;5;240
+.out 00;38;5;240
+.toc 00;38;5;240
+.bbl 00;38;5;240
+.blg 00;38;5;240
+*~ 00;38;5;240
+*# 00;38;5;240
+.part 00;38;5;240
+.incomplete 00;38;5;240
+.swp 00;38;5;240
+.tmp 00;38;5;240
+.temp 00;38;5;240
+.o 00;38;5;240
+.pyc 00;38;5;240
+.class 00;38;5;240
+.cache 00;38;5;240
+# Audio formats (orange)
+.aac 00;38;5;166
+.au 00;38;5;166
+.flac 00;38;5;166
+.mid 00;38;5;166
+.midi 00;38;5;166
+.mka 00;38;5;166
+.mp3 00;38;5;166
+.mpc 00;38;5;166
+.ogg 00;38;5;166
+.opus 00;38;5;166
+.ra 00;38;5;166
+.wav 00;38;5;166
+.m4a 00;38;5;166
+# http://wiki.xiph.org/index.php/MIME_Types_and_File_Extensions
+.axa 00;38;5;166
+.oga 00;38;5;166
+.spx 00;38;5;166
+.xspf 00;38;5;166
+# Video formats (as audio + bold)
+.mov 00;38;5;166
+.MOV 00;38;5;166
+.mpg 00;38;5;166
+.mpeg 00;38;5;166
+.m2v 00;38;5;166
+.mkv 00;38;5;166
+.ogm 00;38;5;166
+.mp4 00;38;5;166
+.m4v 00;38;5;166
+.mp4v 00;38;5;166
+.vob 00;38;5;166
+.qt 00;38;5;166
+.nuv 00;38;5;166
+.wmv 00;38;5;166
+.asf 00;38;5;166
+.rm 00;38;5;166
+.rmvb 00;38;5;166
+.flc 00;38;5;166
+.avi 00;38;5;166
+.fli 00;38;5;166
+.flv 00;38;5;166
+.gl 00;38;5;166
+.m2ts 00;38;5;166
+.divx 00;38;5;166
+.webm 00;38;5;166
+# http://wiki.xiph.org/index.php/MIME_Types_and_File_Extensions
+.axv 00;38;5;166
+.anx 00;38;5;166
+.ogv 00;38;5;166
+.ogx 00;38;5;166
diff --git a/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/dircolors.ansi-dark b/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/dircolors.ansi-dark
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72e82db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/dircolors.ansi-dark
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# Exact Solarized Dark color theme for the color GNU ls utility.
+# Designed for dircolors (GNU coreutils) 5.97
+# This simple theme was simultaneously designed for these terminal color schemes:
+# - Solarized dark (best)
+# - Solarized light
+# - default dark
+# - default light
+# with a slight optimization for Solarized Dark.
+# How the colors were selected:
+# - Terminal emulators often have an option typically enabled by default that makes
+# bold a different color. It is important to leave this option enabled so that
+# you can access the entire 16-color Solarized palette, and not just 8 colors.
+# - We favor universality over a greater number of colors. So we limit the number
+# of colors so that this theme will work out of the box in all terminals,
+# Solarized or not, dark or light.
+# - We choose to have the following category of files:
+# editable text including source, unimportant text, binary docs & multimedia source
+# files, viewable multimedia, archived/compressed, and unimportant non-text
+# - For uniqueness, we stay away from the Solarized foreground colors are -- either
+# base00 (brightyellow) or base0 (brightblue). However, they can be used if
+# you know what the bg/fg colors of your terminal are, in order to optimize the display.
+# - 3 different options are provided: universal, solarized dark, and solarized light.
+# The only difference between the universal scheme and one that's optimized for
+# dark/light is the color of "unimportant" files, which should blend more with the
+# background
+# - We note that blue is the hardest color to see on dark bg and yellow is the hardest
+# color to see on light bg (with blue being particularly bad). So we choose yellow
+# for multimedia files which are usually accessed in a GUI folder browser anyway.
+# And blue is kept for custom use of this scheme's user.
+# - See table below to see the assignments.
+# Installation instructions:
+# This file goes in the /etc directory, and must be world readable.
+# You can copy this file to .dir_colors in your $HOME directory to override
+# the system defaults.
+# COLOR needs one of these arguments: 'tty' colorizes output to ttys, but not
+# pipes. 'all' adds color characters to all output. 'none' shuts colorization
+# off.
+COLOR tty
+# Below, there should be one TERM entry for each termtype that is colorizable
+TERM ansi
+TERM color_xterm
+TERM color-xterm
+TERM con132x25
+TERM con132x30
+TERM con132x43
+TERM con132x60
+TERM con80x25
+TERM con80x28
+TERM con80x30
+TERM con80x43
+TERM con80x50
+TERM con80x60
+TERM cons25
+TERM console
+TERM cygwin
+TERM dtterm
+TERM dvtm
+TERM dvtm-256color
+TERM Eterm
+TERM eterm-color
+TERM fbterm
+TERM gnome
+TERM gnome-256color
+TERM jfbterm
+TERM konsole
+TERM konsole-256color
+TERM kterm
+TERM linux
+TERM linux-c
+TERM mach-color
+TERM mlterm
+TERM nxterm
+TERM putty
+TERM putty-256color
+TERM rxvt
+TERM rxvt-256color
+TERM rxvt-cygwin
+TERM rxvt-cygwin-native
+TERM rxvt-unicode
+TERM rxvt-unicode256
+TERM rxvt-unicode-256color
+TERM screen
+TERM screen-16color
+TERM screen-16color-bce
+TERM screen-16color-s
+TERM screen-16color-bce-s
+TERM screen-256color
+TERM screen-256color-bce
+TERM screen-256color-s
+TERM screen-256color-bce-s
+TERM screen-256color-italic
+TERM screen-bce
+TERM screen-w
+TERM screen.linux
+TERM screen.xterm-256color
+TERM screen.xterm-new
+TERM st
+TERM st-meta
+TERM st-256color
+TERM st-meta-256color
+TERM tmux
+TERM tmux-256color
+TERM vt100
+TERM xterm
+TERM xterm-new
+TERM xterm-16color
+TERM xterm-256color
+TERM xterm-256color-italic
+TERM xterm-88color
+TERM xterm-color
+TERM xterm-debian
+TERM xterm-termite
+# EIGHTBIT, followed by '1' for on, '0' for off. (8-bit output)
+# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
+# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
+# Attribute codes:
+# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
+# Text color codes:
+# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
+# Background color codes:
+# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
+# - See http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/wdnut/excerpt/color_names.html
+# - Color combinations
+# ANSI Color code Solarized Notes Universal SolDark SolLight
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
+# 00 none NORMAL, FILE <SAME> <SAME>
+# 30 black base02
+# 01;30 bright black base03 bg of SolDark
+# 31 red red docs & mm src <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;31 bright red orange EXEC <SAME> <SAME>
+# 32 green green editable text <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;32 bright green base01 unimportant text <SAME>
+# 33 yellow yellow unclear in light bg multimedia <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;33 bright yellow base00 fg of SolLight unimportant non-text
+# 34 blue blue unclear in dark bg user customized <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;34 bright blue base0 fg in SolDark unimportant text
+# 35 magenta magenta LINK <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;35 bright magenta violet archive/compressed <SAME> <SAME>
+# 36 cyan cyan DIR <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;36 bright cyan base1 unimportant non-text <SAME>
+# 37 white base2
+# 01;37 bright white base3 bg in SolLight
+# 05;37;41 unclear in Putty dark
+### By file type
+# global default
+# normal file
+FILE 00
+# directory
+DIR 34
+# 777 directory
+# symbolic link
+LINK 35
+# pipe, socket, block device, character device (blue bg)
+FIFO 30;44
+SOCK 35;44
+DOOR 35;44 # Solaris 2.5 and later
+BLK 33;44
+CHR 37;44
+### By file attributes
+# Orphaned symlinks (blinking white on red)
+# Blink may or may not work (works on iTerm dark or light, and Putty dark)
+ORPHAN 05;37;41
+# ... and the files that orphaned symlinks point to (blinking white on red)
+MISSING 05;37;41
+# files with execute permission
+EXEC 01;31 # Unix
+.cmd 01;31 # Win
+.exe 01;31 # Win
+.com 01;31 # Win
+.bat 01;31 # Win
+.reg 01;31 # Win
+.app 01;31 # OSX
+### By extension
+# List any file extensions like '.gz' or '.tar' that you would like ls
+# to colorize below. Put the extension, a space, and the color init string.
+# (and any comments you want to add after a '#')
+### Text formats
+# Text that we can edit with a regular editor
+.txt 32
+.org 32
+.md 32
+.mkd 32
+# Source text
+.h 32
+.hpp 32
+.c 32
+.C 32
+.cc 32
+.cpp 32
+.cxx 32
+.objc 32
+.cl 32
+.sh 32
+.bash 32
+.csh 32
+.zsh 32
+.el 32
+.vim 32
+.java 32
+.pl 32
+.pm 32
+.py 32
+.rb 32
+.hs 32
+.php 32
+.htm 32
+.html 32
+.shtml 32
+.erb 32
+.haml 32
+.xml 32
+.rdf 32
+.css 32
+.sass 32
+.scss 32
+.less 32
+.js 32
+.coffee 32
+.man 32
+.0 32
+.1 32
+.2 32
+.3 32
+.4 32
+.5 32
+.6 32
+.7 32
+.8 32
+.9 32
+.l 32
+.n 32
+.p 32
+.pod 32
+.tex 32
+.go 32
+.sql 32
+.csv 32
+### Multimedia formats
+# Image
+.bmp 33
+.cgm 33
+.dl 33
+.dvi 33
+.emf 33
+.eps 33
+.gif 33
+.jpeg 33
+.jpg 33
+.JPG 33
+.mng 33
+.pbm 33
+.pcx 33
+.pdf 33
+.pgm 33
+.png 33
+.PNG 33
+.ppm 33
+.pps 33
+.ppsx 33
+.ps 33
+.svg 33
+.svgz 33
+.tga 33
+.tif 33
+.tiff 33
+.xbm 33
+.xcf 33
+.xpm 33
+.xwd 33
+.xwd 33
+.yuv 33
+# Audio
+.aac 33
+.au 33
+.flac 33
+.m4a 33
+.mid 33
+.midi 33
+.mka 33
+.mp3 33
+.mpa 33
+.mpeg 33
+.mpg 33
+.ogg 33
+.opus 33
+.ra 33
+.wav 33
+# Video
+.anx 33
+.asf 33
+.avi 33
+.axv 33
+.flc 33
+.fli 33
+.flv 33
+.gl 33
+.m2v 33
+.m4v 33
+.mkv 33
+.mov 33
+.MOV 33
+.mp4 33
+.mp4v 33
+.mpeg 33
+.mpg 33
+.nuv 33
+.ogm 33
+.ogv 33
+.ogx 33
+.qt 33
+.rm 33
+.rmvb 33
+.swf 33
+.vob 33
+.webm 33
+.wmv 33
+### Misc
+# Binary document formats and multimedia source
+.doc 31
+.docx 31
+.rtf 31
+.odt 31
+.dot 31
+.dotx 31
+.ott 31
+.xls 31
+.xlsx 31
+.ods 31
+.ots 31
+.ppt 31
+.pptx 31
+.odp 31
+.otp 31
+.fla 31
+.psd 31
+# Archives, compressed
+.7z 1;35
+.apk 1;35
+.arj 1;35
+.bin 1;35
+.bz 1;35
+.bz2 1;35
+.cab 1;35 # Win
+.deb 1;35
+.dmg 1;35 # OSX
+.gem 1;35
+.gz 1;35
+.iso 1;35
+.jar 1;35
+.msi 1;35 # Win
+.rar 1;35
+.rpm 1;35
+.tar 1;35
+.tbz 1;35
+.tbz2 1;35
+.tgz 1;35
+.tx 1;35
+.war 1;35
+.xpi 1;35
+.xz 1;35
+.z 1;35
+.Z 1;35
+.zip 1;35
+# For testing
+.ANSI-30-black 30
+.ANSI-01;30-brblack 01;30
+.ANSI-31-red 31
+.ANSI-01;31-brred 01;31
+.ANSI-32-green 32
+.ANSI-01;32-brgreen 01;32
+.ANSI-33-yellow 33
+.ANSI-01;33-bryellow 01;33
+.ANSI-34-blue 34
+.ANSI-01;34-brblue 01;34
+.ANSI-35-magenta 35
+.ANSI-01;35-brmagenta 01;35
+.ANSI-36-cyan 36
+.ANSI-01;36-brcyan 01;36
+.ANSI-37-white 37
+.ANSI-01;37-brwhite 01;37
+# Your customizations
+# Unimportant text files
+# For universal scheme, use brightgreen 01;32
+# For optimal on light bg (but too prominent on dark bg), use white 01;34
+.log 01;32
+*~ 01;32
+*# 01;32
+#.log 01;34
+#*~ 01;34
+#*# 01;34
+# Unimportant non-text files
+# For universal scheme, use brightcyan 01;36
+# For optimal on dark bg (but too prominent on light bg), change to 01;33
+#.bak 01;36
+#.BAK 01;36
+#.old 01;36
+#.OLD 01;36
+#.org_archive 01;36
+#.off 01;36
+#.OFF 01;36
+#.dist 01;36
+#.DIST 01;36
+#.orig 01;36
+#.ORIG 01;36
+#.swp 01;36
+#.swo 01;36
+#*,v 01;36
+.bak 01;33
+.BAK 01;33
+.old 01;33
+.OLD 01;33
+.org_archive 01;33
+.off 01;33
+.OFF 01;33
+.dist 01;33
+.DIST 01;33
+.orig 01;33
+.ORIG 01;33
+.swp 01;33
+.swo 01;33
+*,v 01;33
+# The brightmagenta (Solarized: purple) color is free for you to use for your
+# custom file type
+.gpg 34
+.gpg 34
+.pgp 34
+.asc 34
+.3des 34
+.aes 34
+.enc 34
+.sqlite 34
diff --git a/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/dircolors.ansi-light b/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/dircolors.ansi-light
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..916cb4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/dircolors.ansi-light
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+# Exact Solarized Light color theme for the color GNU ls utility.
+# Designed for dircolors (GNU coreutils) 5.97
+# This simple theme was simultaneously designed for these terminal color schemes:
+# - Solarized dark
+# - Solarized light (best)
+# - default dark
+# - default light
+# with a slight optimization for Solarized Light.
+# How the colors were selected:
+# - Terminal emulators often have an option typically enabled by default that makes
+# bold a different color. It is important to leave this option enabled so that
+# you can access the entire 16-color Solarized palette, and not just 8 colors.
+# - We favor universality over a greater number of colors. So we limit the number
+# of colors so that this theme will work out of the box in all terminals,
+# Solarized or not, dark or light.
+# - We choose to have the following category of files:
+# editable text including source, unimportant text, binary docs & multimedia source
+# files, viewable multimedia, archived/compressed, and unimportant non-text
+# - For uniqueness, we stay away from the Solarized foreground colors are -- either
+# base00 (brightyellow) or base0 (brightblue). However, they can be used if
+# you know what the bg/fg colors of your terminal are, in order to optimize the display.
+# - 3 different options are provided: universal, solarized dark, and solarized light.
+# The only difference between the universal scheme and one that's optimized for
+# dark/light is the color of "unimportant" files, which should blend more with the
+# background
+# - We note that blue is the hardest color to see on dark bg and yellow is the hardest
+# color to see on light bg (with blue being particularly bad). So we choose yellow
+# for multimedia files which are usually accessed in a GUI folder browser anyway.
+# And blue is kept for custom use of this scheme's user.
+# - See table below to see the assignments.
+# Installation instructions:
+# This file goes in the /etc directory, and must be world readable.
+# You can copy this file to .dir_colors in your $HOME directory to override
+# the system defaults.
+# COLOR needs one of these arguments: 'tty' colorizes output to ttys, but not
+# pipes. 'all' adds color characters to all output. 'none' shuts colorization
+# off.
+COLOR tty
+# Below, there should be one TERM entry for each termtype that is colorizable
+TERM ansi
+TERM color_xterm
+TERM color-xterm
+TERM con132x25
+TERM con132x30
+TERM con132x43
+TERM con132x60
+TERM con80x25
+TERM con80x28
+TERM con80x30
+TERM con80x43
+TERM con80x50
+TERM con80x60
+TERM cons25
+TERM console
+TERM cygwin
+TERM dtterm
+TERM dvtm
+TERM dvtm-256color
+TERM Eterm
+TERM eterm-color
+TERM fbterm
+TERM gnome
+TERM gnome-256color
+TERM jfbterm
+TERM konsole
+TERM konsole-256color
+TERM kterm
+TERM linux
+TERM linux-c
+TERM mach-color
+TERM mlterm
+TERM nxterm
+TERM putty
+TERM putty-256color
+TERM rxvt
+TERM rxvt-256color
+TERM rxvt-cygwin
+TERM rxvt-cygwin-native
+TERM rxvt-unicode
+TERM rxvt-unicode256
+TERM rxvt-unicode-256color
+TERM screen
+TERM screen-16color
+TERM screen-16color-bce
+TERM screen-16color-s
+TERM screen-16color-bce-s
+TERM screen-256color
+TERM screen-256color-bce
+TERM screen-256color-s
+TERM screen-256color-bce-s
+TERM screen-256color-italic
+TERM screen-bce
+TERM screen-w
+TERM screen.linux
+TERM screen.xterm-256color
+TERM screen.xterm-new
+TERM st
+TERM st-meta
+TERM st-256color
+TERM st-meta-256color
+TERM tmux
+TERM tmux-256color
+TERM vt100
+TERM xterm
+TERM xterm-new
+TERM xterm-16color
+TERM xterm-256color
+TERM xterm-256color-italic
+TERM xterm-88color
+TERM xterm-color
+TERM xterm-debian
+TERM xterm-termite
+# EIGHTBIT, followed by '1' for on, '0' for off. (8-bit output)
+# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
+# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
+# Attribute codes:
+# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
+# Text color codes:
+# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
+# Background color codes:
+# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
+# - See http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/wdnut/excerpt/color_names.html
+# - Color combinations
+# ANSI Color code Solarized Notes Universal SolDark SolLight
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
+# 00 none NORMAL, FILE <SAME> <SAME>
+# 30 black base02
+# 01;30 bright black base03 bg of SolDark
+# 31 red red docs & mm src <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;31 bright red orange EXEC <SAME> <SAME>
+# 32 green green editable text <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;32 bright green base01 unimportant text <SAME>
+# 33 yellow yellow unclear in light bg multimedia <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;33 bright yellow base00 fg of SolLight unimportant non-text
+# 34 blue blue unclear in dark bg user customized <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;34 bright blue base0 fg in SolDark unimportant text
+# 35 magenta magenta LINK <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;35 bright magenta violet archive/compressed <SAME> <SAME>
+# 36 cyan cyan DIR <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;36 bright cyan base1 unimportant non-text <SAME>
+# 37 white base2
+# 01;37 bright white base3 bg in SolLight
+# 05;37;41 unclear in Putty dark
+### By file type
+# global default
+# normal file
+FILE 00
+# directory
+DIR 36
+# symbolic link
+LINK 35
+# pipe, socket, block device, character device (blue bg)
+FIFO 30;44
+SOCK 35;44
+DOOR 35;44 # Solaris 2.5 and later
+BLK 33;44
+CHR 37;44
+### By file attributes
+# Orphaned symlinks (blinking white on red)
+# Blink may or may not work (works on iTerm dark or light, and Putty dark)
+ORPHAN 05;37;41
+# ... and the files that orphaned symlinks point to (blinking white on red)
+MISSING 05;37;41
+# files with execute permission
+EXEC 01;31 # Unix
+.cmd 01;31 # Win
+.exe 01;31 # Win
+.com 01;31 # Win
+.bat 01;31 # Win
+.reg 01;31 # Win
+.app 01;31 # OSX
+### By extension
+# List any file extensions like '.gz' or '.tar' that you would like ls
+# to colorize below. Put the extension, a space, and the color init string.
+# (and any comments you want to add after a '#')
+### Text formats
+# Text that we can edit with a regular editor
+.txt 32
+.org 32
+.md 32
+.mkd 32
+# Source text
+.h 32
+.hpp 32
+.c 32
+.C 32
+.cc 32
+.cpp 32
+.cxx 32
+.objc 32
+.cl 32
+.sh 32
+.bash 32
+.csh 32
+.zsh 32
+.el 32
+.vim 32
+.java 32
+.pl 32
+.pm 32
+.py 32
+.rb 32
+.hs 32
+.php 32
+.htm 32
+.html 32
+.shtml 32
+.erb 32
+.haml 32
+.xml 32
+.rdf 32
+.css 32
+.sass 32
+.scss 32
+.less 32
+.js 32
+.coffee 32
+.man 32
+.0 32
+.1 32
+.2 32
+.3 32
+.4 32
+.5 32
+.6 32
+.7 32
+.8 32
+.9 32
+.l 32
+.n 32
+.p 32
+.pod 32
+.tex 32
+.go 32
+.sql 32
+.csv 32
+### Multimedia formats
+# Image
+.bmp 33
+.cgm 33
+.dl 33
+.dvi 33
+.emf 33
+.eps 33
+.gif 33
+.jpeg 33
+.jpg 33
+.JPG 33
+.mng 33
+.pbm 33
+.pcx 33
+.pdf 33
+.pgm 33
+.png 33
+.PNG 33
+.ppm 33
+.pps 33
+.ppsx 33
+.ps 33
+.svg 33
+.svgz 33
+.tga 33
+.tif 33
+.tiff 33
+.xbm 33
+.xcf 33
+.xpm 33
+.xwd 33
+.xwd 33
+.yuv 33
+# Audio
+.aac 33
+.au 33
+.flac 33
+.m4a 33
+.mid 33
+.midi 33
+.mka 33
+.mp3 33
+.mpa 33
+.mpeg 33
+.mpg 33
+.ogg 33
+.opus 33
+.ra 33
+.wav 33
+# Video
+.anx 33
+.asf 33
+.avi 33
+.axv 33
+.flc 33
+.fli 33
+.flv 33
+.gl 33
+.m2v 33
+.m4v 33
+.mkv 33
+.mov 33
+.MOV 33
+.mp4 33
+.mp4v 33
+.mpeg 33
+.mpg 33
+.nuv 33
+.ogm 33
+.ogv 33
+.ogx 33
+.qt 33
+.rm 33
+.rmvb 33
+.swf 33
+.vob 33
+.webm 33
+.wmv 33
+### Misc
+# Binary document formats and multimedia source
+.doc 31
+.docx 31
+.rtf 31
+.odt 31
+.dot 31
+.dotx 31
+.ott 31
+.xls 31
+.xlsx 31
+.ods 31
+.ots 31
+.ppt 31
+.pptx 31
+.odp 31
+.otp 31
+.fla 31
+.psd 31
+# Archives, compressed
+.7z 1;35
+.apk 1;35
+.arj 1;35
+.bin 1;35
+.bz 1;35
+.bz2 1;35
+.cab 1;35 # Win
+.deb 1;35
+.dmg 1;35 # OSX
+.gem 1;35
+.gz 1;35
+.iso 1;35
+.jar 1;35
+.msi 1;35 # Win
+.rar 1;35
+.rpm 1;35
+.tar 1;35
+.tbz 1;35
+.tbz2 1;35
+.tgz 1;35
+.tx 1;35
+.war 1;35
+.xpi 1;35
+.xz 1;35
+.z 1;35
+.Z 1;35
+.zip 1;35
+# For testing
+.ANSI-30-black 30
+.ANSI-01;30-brblack 01;30
+.ANSI-31-red 31
+.ANSI-01;31-brred 01;31
+.ANSI-32-green 32
+.ANSI-01;32-brgreen 01;32
+.ANSI-33-yellow 33
+.ANSI-01;33-bryellow 01;33
+.ANSI-34-blue 34
+.ANSI-01;34-brblue 01;34
+.ANSI-35-magenta 35
+.ANSI-01;35-brmagenta 01;35
+.ANSI-36-cyan 36
+.ANSI-01;36-brcyan 01;36
+.ANSI-37-white 37
+.ANSI-01;37-brwhite 01;37
+# Your customizations
+# Unimportant text files
+# For universal scheme, use brightgreen 01;32
+# For optimal on light bg (but too prominent on dark bg), use white 01;34
+#.log 01;32
+#*~ 01;32
+#*# 01;32
+.log 01;34
+*~ 01;34
+*# 01;34
+# Unimportant non-text files
+# For universal scheme, use brightcyan 01;36
+# For optimal on dark bg (but too prominent on light bg), change to 01;33
+.bak 01;36
+.BAK 01;36
+.old 01;36
+.OLD 01;36
+.org_archive 01;36
+.off 01;36
+.OFF 01;36
+.dist 01;36
+.DIST 01;36
+.orig 01;36
+.ORIG 01;36
+.swp 01;36
+.swo 01;36
+*,v 01;36
+#.bak 01;33
+#.BAK 01;33
+#.old 01;33
+#.OLD 01;33
+#.org_archive 01;33
+#.off 01;33
+#.OFF 01;33
+#.dist 01;33
+#.DIST 01;33
+#.orig 01;33
+#.ORIG 01;33
+#.swp 01;33
+#.swo 01;33
+#*,v 01;33
+# The brightmagenta (Solarized: purple) color is free for you to use for your
+# custom file type
+.gpg 34
+.gpg 34
+.pgp 34
+.asc 34
+.3des 34
+.aes 34
+.enc 34
+.sqlite 34
diff --git a/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/dircolors.ansi-universal b/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/dircolors.ansi-universal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30c1a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shellenv/dircolors-solarized/dircolors.ansi-universal
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+# Exact Solarized color theme for the color GNU ls utility.
+# Designed for dircolors (GNU coreutils) 5.97
+# This simple theme was simultaneously designed for these terminal color schemes:
+# - Solarized dark (best)
+# - Solarized light (best)
+# - default dark
+# - default light
+# How the colors were selected:
+# - Terminal emulators often have an option typically enabled by default that makes
+# bold a different color. It is important to leave this option enabled so that
+# you can access the entire 16-color Solarized palette, and not just 8 colors.
+# - We favor universality over a greater number of colors. So we limit the number
+# of colors so that this theme will work out of the box in all terminals,
+# Solarized or not, dark or light.
+# - We choose to have the following category of files:
+# editable text including source, unimportant text, binary docs & multimedia source
+# files, viewable multimedia, archived/compressed, and unimportant non-text
+# - For uniqueness, we stay away from the Solarized foreground colors are -- either
+# base00 (brightyellow) or base0 (brightblue). However, they can be used if
+# you know what the bg/fg colors of your terminal are, in order to optimize the display.
+# - 3 different options are provided: universal, solarized dark, and solarized light.
+# The only difference between the universal scheme and one that's optimized for
+# dark/light is the color of "unimportant" files, which should blend more with the
+# background
+# - We note that blue is the hardest color to see on dark bg and yellow is the hardest
+# color to see on light bg (with blue being particularly bad). So we choose yellow
+# for multimedia files which are usually accessed in a GUI folder browser anyway.
+# And blue is kept for custom use of this scheme's user.
+# - See table below to see the assignments.
+# Installation instructions:
+# This file goes in the /etc directory, and must be world readable.
+# You can copy this file to .dir_colors in your $HOME directory to override
+# the system defaults.
+# COLOR needs one of these arguments: 'tty' colorizes output to ttys, but not
+# pipes. 'all' adds color characters to all output. 'none' shuts colorization
+# off.
+COLOR tty
+# Below, there should be one TERM entry for each termtype that is colorizable
+TERM ansi
+TERM color_xterm
+TERM color-xterm
+TERM con132x25
+TERM con132x30
+TERM con132x43
+TERM con132x60
+TERM con80x25
+TERM con80x28
+TERM con80x30
+TERM con80x43
+TERM con80x50
+TERM con80x60
+TERM cons25
+TERM console
+TERM cygwin
+TERM dtterm
+TERM dvtm
+TERM dvtm-256color
+TERM Eterm
+TERM eterm-color
+TERM fbterm
+TERM gnome
+TERM gnome-256color
+TERM jfbterm
+TERM konsole
+TERM konsole-256color
+TERM kterm
+TERM linux
+TERM linux-c
+TERM mach-color
+TERM mlterm
+TERM nxterm
+TERM putty
+TERM putty-256color
+TERM rxvt
+TERM rxvt-256color
+TERM rxvt-cygwin
+TERM rxvt-cygwin-native
+TERM rxvt-unicode
+TERM rxvt-unicode256
+TERM rxvt-unicode-256color
+TERM screen
+TERM screen-16color
+TERM screen-16color-bce
+TERM screen-16color-s
+TERM screen-16color-bce-s
+TERM screen-256color
+TERM screen-256color-bce
+TERM screen-256color-s
+TERM screen-256color-bce-s
+TERM screen-256color-italic
+TERM screen-bce
+TERM screen-w
+TERM screen.xterm-256color
+TERM screen.linux
+TERM screen.xterm-new
+TERM st
+TERM st-meta
+TERM st-256color
+TERM st-meta-256color
+TERM tmux
+TERM tmux-256color
+TERM vt100
+TERM xterm
+TERM xterm-new
+TERM xterm-16color
+TERM xterm-256color
+TERM xterm-256color-italic
+TERM xterm-88color
+TERM xterm-color
+TERM xterm-debian
+TERM xterm-termite
+# EIGHTBIT, followed by '1' for on, '0' for off. (8-bit output)
+# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
+# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
+# Attribute codes:
+# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
+# Text color codes:
+# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
+# Background color codes:
+# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
+# - See http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/wdnut/excerpt/color_names.html
+# - Color combinations
+# ANSI Color code Solarized Notes Universal SolDark SolLight
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
+# 00 none NORMAL, FILE <SAME> <SAME>
+# 30 black base02
+# 01;30 bright black base03 bg of SolDark
+# 31 red red docs & mm src <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;31 bright red orange EXEC <SAME> <SAME>
+# 32 green green editable text <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;32 bright green base01 unimportant text <SAME>
+# 33 yellow yellow unclear in light bg multimedia <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;33 bright yellow base00 fg of SolLight unimportant non-text
+# 34 blue blue unclear in dark bg user customized <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;34 bright blue base0 fg in SolDark unimportant text
+# 35 magenta magenta LINK <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;35 bright magenta violet archive/compressed <SAME> <SAME>
+# 36 cyan cyan DIR <SAME> <SAME>
+# 01;36 bright cyan base1 unimportant non-text <SAME>
+# 37 white base2
+# 01;37 bright white base3 bg in SolLight
+# 05;37;41 unclear in Putty dark
+### By file type
+# global default
+# normal file
+FILE 00
+# directory
+DIR 36
+# symbolic link
+LINK 35
+# pipe, socket, block device, character device (blue bg)
+FIFO 30;44
+SOCK 35;44
+DOOR 35;44 # Solaris 2.5 and later
+BLK 33;44
+CHR 37;44
+### By file attributes
+# Orphaned symlinks (blinking white on red)
+# Blink may or may not work (works on iTerm dark or light, and Putty dark)
+ORPHAN 05;37;41
+# ... and the files that orphaned symlinks point to (blinking white on red)
+MISSING 05;37;41
+# files with execute permission
+EXEC 01;31 # Unix
+.cmd 01;31 # Win
+.exe 01;31 # Win
+.com 01;31 # Win
+.bat 01;31 # Win
+.reg 01;31 # Win
+.app 01;31 # OSX
+### By extension
+# List any file extensions like '.gz' or '.tar' that you would like ls
+# to colorize below. Put the extension, a space, and the color init string.
+# (and any comments you want to add after a '#')
+### Text formats
+# Text that we can edit with a regular editor
+.txt 32
+.org 32
+.md 32
+.mkd 32
+# Source text
+.h 32
+.hpp 32
+.c 32
+.C 32
+.cc 32
+.cpp 32
+.cxx 32
+.objc 32
+.cl 32
+.sh 32
+.bash 32
+.csh 32
+.zsh 32
+.el 32
+.vim 32
+.java 32
+.pl 32
+.pm 32
+.py 32
+.rb 32
+.hs 32
+.php 32
+.htm 32
+.html 32
+.shtml 32
+.erb 32
+.haml 32
+.xml 32
+.rdf 32
+.css 32
+.sass 32
+.scss 32
+.less 32
+.js 32
+.coffee 32
+.man 32
+.0 32
+.1 32
+.2 32
+.3 32
+.4 32
+.5 32
+.6 32
+.7 32
+.8 32
+.9 32
+.l 32
+.n 32
+.p 32
+.pod 32
+.tex 32
+.go 32
+.sql 32
+.csv 32
+### Multimedia formats
+# Image
+.bmp 33
+.cgm 33
+.dl 33
+.dvi 33
+.emf 33
+.eps 33
+.gif 33
+.jpeg 33
+.jpg 33
+.JPG 33
+.mng 33
+.pbm 33
+.pcx 33
+.pdf 33
+.pgm 33
+.png 33
+.PNG 33
+.ppm 33
+.pps 33
+.ppsx 33
+.ps 33
+.svg 33
+.svgz 33
+.tga 33
+.tif 33
+.tiff 33
+.xbm 33
+.xcf 33
+.xpm 33
+.xwd 33
+.xwd 33
+.yuv 33
+# Audio
+.aac 33
+.au 33
+.flac 33
+.m4a 33
+.mid 33
+.midi 33
+.mka 33
+.mp3 33
+.mpa 33
+.mpeg 33
+.mpg 33
+.ogg 33
+.opus 33
+.ra 33
+.wav 33
+# Video
+.anx 33
+.asf 33
+.avi 33
+.axv 33
+.flc 33
+.fli 33
+.flv 33
+.gl 33
+.m2v 33
+.m4v 33
+.mkv 33
+.mov 33
+.MOV 33
+.mp4 33
+.mp4v 33
+.mpeg 33
+.mpg 33
+.nuv 33
+.ogm 33
+.ogv 33
+.ogx 33
+.qt 33
+.rm 33
+.rmvb 33
+.swf 33
+.vob 33
+.webm 33
+.wmv 33
+### Misc
+# Binary document formats and multimedia source
+.doc 31
+.docx 31
+.rtf 31
+.odt 31
+.dot 31
+.dotx 31
+.ott 31
+.xls 31
+.xlsx 31
+.ods 31
+.ots 31
+.ppt 31
+.pptx 31
+.odp 31
+.otp 31
+.fla 31
+.psd 31
+# Archives, compressed
+.7z 1;35
+.apk 1;35
+.arj 1;35
+.bin 1;35
+.bz 1;35
+.bz2 1;35
+.cab 1;35 # Win
+.deb 1;35
+.dmg 1;35 # OSX
+.gem 1;35
+.gz 1;35
+.iso 1;35
+.jar 1;35
+.msi 1;35 # Win
+.rar 1;35
+.rpm 1;35
+.tar 1;35
+.tbz 1;35
+.tbz2 1;35
+.tgz 1;35
+.tx 1;35
+.war 1;35
+.xpi 1;35
+.xz 1;35
+.z 1;35
+.Z 1;35
+.zip 1;35
+# For testing
+.ANSI-30-black 30
+.ANSI-01;30-brblack 01;30
+.ANSI-31-red 31
+.ANSI-01;31-brred 01;31
+.ANSI-32-green 32
+.ANSI-01;32-brgreen 01;32
+.ANSI-33-yellow 33
+.ANSI-01;33-bryellow 01;33
+.ANSI-34-blue 34
+.ANSI-01;34-brblue 01;34
+.ANSI-35-magenta 35
+.ANSI-01;35-brmagenta 01;35
+.ANSI-36-cyan 36
+.ANSI-01;36-brcyan 01;36
+.ANSI-37-white 37
+.ANSI-01;37-brwhite 01;37
+# Your customizations
+# Unimportant text files
+# For universal scheme, use brightgreen 01;32
+# For optimal on light bg (but too prominent on dark bg), use white 01;34
+.log 01;32
+*~ 01;32
+*# 01;32
+#.log 01;34
+#*~ 01;34
+#*# 01;34
+# Unimportant non-text files
+# For universal scheme, use brightcyan 01;36
+# For optimal on dark bg (but too prominent on light bg), change to 01;33
+.bak 01;36
+.BAK 01;36
+.old 01;36
+.OLD 01;36
+.org_archive 01;36
+.off 01;36
+.OFF 01;36
+.dist 01;36
+.DIST 01;36
+.orig 01;36
+.ORIG 01;36
+.swp 01;36
+.swo 01;36
+*,v 01;36
+#.bak 01;33
+#.BAK 01;33
+#.old 01;33
+#.OLD 01;33
+#.org_archive 01;33
+#.off 01;33
+#.OFF 01;33
+#.dist 01;33
+#.DIST 01;33
+#.orig 01;33
+#.ORIG 01;33
+#.swp 01;33
+#.swo 01;33
+#*,v 01;33
+# The brightmagenta (Solarized: purple) color is free for you to use for your
+# custom file type
+.gpg 34
+.gpg 34
+.pgp 34
+.asc 34
+.3des 34
+.aes 34
+.enc 34
+.sqlite 34