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authoriskm <iskm@users.noreply.github.com>2017-04-23 12:57:02 -0400
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2017-04-23 12:57:02 -0400
commit044e36ff5d3f44cfeb11b7d66d9cd2bcae83ff1d (patch)
parent0ea83b808acc2326ce7991e98c79812523c4c683 (diff)
parent6890e2be729362ab8063acf40b19bdee64f49783 (diff)
Merge pull request #5 from oplS17projects/mango
5 files changed, 375 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/Hermes/GUI.rkt b/Hermes/GUI.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8f3ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Hermes/GUI.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+#lang racket
+(require racket/gui/base)
+;Author:Douglas Richardson
+;Notes:Our GUI mostly deals with lists of a list of 3 strings and a number
+;although the number is always delt with locally
+;When using user-message you need to give it a list of 3 things
+;The name of the user as a string, what they said as a string,
+;and the color as a string
+;Object stuff
+; TODO make different objects threadable send button vs text area vs canvas
+; TODO gui is just a relay remember
+; TODO create a dialog to ask user for his username. This should be wrapped in a
+; function get-username that we can call
+(provide make-gui)
+; store input into a message list
+; will create closure later
+(define messages-s (make-semaphore 1))
+(define messages '())
+(define sleep-t 0.1)
+; (define-values (gui-in gui-out) (make-pipe #f))
+(define (make-gui)
+ ;;Create the frame/window with title "Example5", width 500 and height 700
+ (define main-frame (new frame%
+ [label "Hermes"]
+ [width 500]
+ [height 700]
+ ))
+ ;;Editing canvas
+ (define (do-stuff-paint paint-canvas paint-dc)
+ (do-more-stuff-paint listy paint-canvas paint-dc))
+ (define (do-more-stuff-paint paint-listy paint-canvas paint-dc)
+ (if (null? paint-listy)
+ '()
+ (begin
+ (re-draw-message (get-username-from-list (car paint-listy))
+ (get-message-from-list (car paint-listy))
+ (get-color-from-list (car paint-listy))
+ (get-height-from-list (car paint-listy)))
+ (do-more-stuff-paint (cdr paint-listy) paint-canvas paint-dc))))
+ ; canvas for displaying messages with horizontal and vertical scrollbar.
+ ; on an event it calls do-stuff-paint to redraw things on the screen
+ ; properly
+ (define read-canvas (new canvas%
+ [parent main-frame]
+ [paint-callback do-stuff-paint]
+ [style '(hscroll vscroll)]
+ ))
+ ; "send" is rackets way of doing object-oriented programming. It calls an
+ ; objects functions in this case "read-canvas" object's init-auto-scrollbars
+ (send read-canvas init-auto-scrollbars #f #f 0 0);Start with no scrollbars
+ ; editing area callback. Gets called when enter is pressed.
+ (define (text-field-callback callback-type other-thing)
+ (if (equal? 'text-field-enter (send other-thing get-event-type))
+ (button-do-stuff 'irrelevant 'not-used)
+ '()))
+ ; creates the editing area as part of the parent "main-frame" define above.
+ ; initially labelled "Username:"
+ ; NOTE: we pad label with additional spaces so we don't have to recompute
+ ; the window dimensions to fit the new label (the actual username)
+ ; TODO make label setable
+ (define input (new text-field%
+ [parent main-frame]
+ [label "username "]
+ [callback text-field-callback]
+ ))
+ ; It's a callback function activated when the send button is pressed in the
+ ; GUI. It is also called manually when textfield receives an enter key
+ (define (button-do-stuff b e);b and e do nothing :/
+ (if (color-change-request? (send input get-value))
+ (set! my-color (get-color-from-input (send input get-value)))
+ (if (< 0 (string-length (send input get-value)))
+ (begin
+ ; (send-message (send input get-value) my-color);;
+ (semaphore-wait messages-s)
+ (set! messages (append messages (list (send input get-value))))
+ (semaphore-post messages-s)
+ ; (open-input-string )
+ )
+ '()))
+ (send input set-value "")
+ )
+ ; retrieves a message user inputed to the text field
+ (define (get-message)
+ (semaphore-wait messages-s)
+ (define one-message
+ (if (not (null? messages))
+ (begin
+ ;(define msg (car messages))
+ (car messages)
+ ;(set! messages (cdr messages))
+ )
+ '()))
+ (semaphore-post messages-s)
+ (if (not (string? one-message))
+ (begin
+ (sleep sleep-t) ; so we don't burn cpu cycles
+ (get-message))
+ (begin
+ (semaphore-wait messages-s)
+ (set! messages (cdr messages))
+ (semaphore-post messages-s)
+ one-message)))
+ ; creates the send button
+ (define send-button (new button%
+ [parent main-frame]
+ [label "Send"]
+ [callback button-do-stuff]))
+ ; get-dc retrieves the canvas' device context. From racket docs. A dc object
+ ; is a drawing context for drawing graphics and text. It represents output
+ ; devices in a generic way.
+ ; Specifically the line below retrieves our canvas device context object.
+ (define dc (send read-canvas get-dc))
+ (send dc set-scale 1 1) ; set scaling config of output display to 1 to 1
+ ; no scalling
+ (send dc set-text-foreground "black") ; color of text that gets drawn on the
+ ; canvas with "draw-text"
+ ; (send dc set-smoothing 'aligned)
+ ;;messaging stuff
+ ; could convert below to regexes
+ (define (user-message-parse string-i start)
+ (define (helper str index)
+ (if (eq? (string-ref str (+ start index)) #\~) ; regexes would allow us
+ ; to avoid this #\~
+ (substring str start (+ start index))
+ (helper str (+ index 1))))
+ (helper string-i 0))
+ ;; draws a user input to the screen
+ (define (user-message user-input)
+ (define username (user-message-parse user-input 0))
+ (define input (user-message-parse user-input (+ 1 (string-length username))))
+ (define color (substring user-input (+ 2 (string-length username) (string-length input))))
+ (send dc set-text-foreground color) ; set dc's text color to user
+ ; provided
+ ; (send dc draw-text (string-append username ":" input) 0 height)
+ (send dc draw-text input 0 height) ;; just print message to string
+ (set! listy (appendlist listy (list username input color height)))
+ (set! height (+ height 15))
+ ; redraw overly long text on gui
+ (set! min-v-size (+ min-v-size 15))
+ (if (> (* 20 (string-length input)) min-h-size)
+ (set! min-h-size (* 20 (string-length input)))
+ '())
+ (send read-canvas init-auto-scrollbars min-h-size min-v-size 0 1)
+ )
+ ;;Add a function that parces input from a string-i and extracts elements
+ ; actually gets called to send input to the screen. user-message is in effect
+ ; its helper. It uses "~" to delimit the different components of message
+ (define (send-message input color)
+ (user-message (string-append name "~" input "~" color)))
+ ;; draws messages to the screen canvas as text
+ (define (re-draw-message username input color in-height)
+ (send dc set-text-foreground color)
+ ; (send dc draw-text (string-append username ":" input) 0 in-height)
+ (send dc draw-text input 0 in-height)
+ )
+ ; used when redrawing the screen along with its helper.
+ (define (update given-list)
+ (set! listy '())
+ (set! height 0)
+ (update-helper given-list))
+ (define (update-helper given-list)
+ (if (null? given-list)
+ '()
+ (if (null? (car given-list))
+ '()
+ (begin (user-message
+ (get-username-from-list (car given-list))
+ (get-message-from-list (car given-list))
+ (get-color-from-list (car given-list)))
+ (update-helper (cdr given-list))))))
+ ;;Variables go below functions
+ ; for interfacing with outside elements
+ (define gui-input-in-s '())
+ (define gui-input-out-s '())
+ (define gui-input-in '())
+ (define gui-input-out '())
+ (define name "Me")
+ (define min-h-size 80)
+ (define min-v-size 30)
+ (define listy (list (list "Server" "Connected" "Red" 0))) ; initializes
+ ; listy with first message to be drawn on screen
+ ; wrap in closure
+ (define my-color "black") ; default color of the text messages if none
+ ; specified
+ ; associated methods to prompt for color, get color and set color
+ (define (set-color new-color)
+ (set! my-color new-color))
+ (define (get-my-color)
+ my-color)
+ ; TODO loop to make sure you get right user input
+ ; not really needed as user can set in window
+ (define (prompt-color)
+ (define returned (get-text-from-user "Color set-up" "Please enter color for text"
+ main-frame "black" (list 'disallow-invalid)
+ #:validate
+ (lambda (input)
+ (if (and (string? input) (<= (string-length input) 10)
+ (>= (string-length input) 3))
+ #t
+ #f))))
+ (set! my-color returned)
+ returned)
+ (define height 15) ; height between messages drawn on the screen
+ ;; prompt user for username
+ ;; could randomly assign a user
+ ;; after calling get-text set it as new label of text-field
+ (define (get-username)
+ (define returned (get-text-from-user "Username set-up" "Please enter a username"
+ main-frame "user" (list 'disallow-invalid)
+ #:validate
+ (lambda (input)
+ (if (and (string? input) (<= (string-length input) 10)
+ (>= (string-length input) 2))
+ #t
+ #f))))
+ (send input set-label returned)
+ returned)
+ ;;dispatch goes below that
+ ;; TODO get username function maybe
+ (define (dispatch command)
+ ; show gui should return the users the name as well as its first message
+ ; to be called
+ (cond ((eq? command 'show) (lambda () (send main-frame show #t)))
+ ((eq? command 'get-color) get-my-color)
+ ((eq? command 'set-color) set-color)
+ ((eq? command 'prompt-color) prompt-color)
+ ((eq? command 'get-username) get-username)
+ ((eq? command 'send) send-message) ;; call to show a message in a gui
+ ((eq? command 'set-name) (lambda (newname) (if (string? newname)
+ (set! name newname)
+ (print "Thats not good"))))
+ ; ((eq? command 'recieve-message) user-message)
+ ; ((eq? command 'get-list) listy)
+ ; ((eq? command 'set-list) update)
+ ;;Something up with that
+ ; else should assume a message and output to screen we do not want it
+ ; to fail
+ ((eq? command 'get-message) get-message)
+ (else (error "Invalid Request" command))
+ ))
+ ;;dispatch goes below that
+ dispatch)
+;This one displays information
+;Initilize scrolling
+;Then we need to find out if we need them or not.
+;Listy is going to be a list of lists of strings
+;each element in listy will contain three strings
+;the username the message they said and the color they used
+;The the height the message should display at
+; listoflist is listy here, and add-to-end is what gets appended to the end
+; really expensive operation but its important for Doug to showcase some opl
+; concepts
+(define (appendlist listoflist add-to-end)
+ (if (null? listoflist)
+ (cons add-to-end '())
+ (cons (car listoflist) (appendlist (cdr listoflist) add-to-end))))
+(define (get-username-from-list in-list)
+ (car in-list))
+(define (get-message-from-list in-list)
+ (car (cdr in-list)))
+(define (get-color-from-list in-list)
+ (car (cdr (cdr in-list))))
+(define (get-height-from-list in-list)
+ (car (cdr (cdr (cdr in-list)))))
+; did user request for color change /
+(define (color-change-request? given-string)
+ (if (> (string-length given-string) 7)
+ (if (equal? (substring given-string 0 6) "/color")
+ #t
+ #f)
+ #f))
+; we should use regexes for this.
+(define (get-color-from-input given-string)
+ (substring given-string 7))
+;(define thing1 (make-gui))
+;(define thing2 (make-gui))
diff --git a/Hermes/Hermes_Gui1.3.rkt b/Hermes/Hermes_Gui1.3.rkt
deleted file mode 100644
index ba239c3..0000000
--- a/Hermes/Hermes_Gui1.3.rkt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-#lang racket
-(require racket/gui/base)
-;Author:Douglas Richardson
-;Notes:Our GUI mostly deals with lists of a list of 3 strings and a number
-;although the number is always delt with locally
-;When using user-message you need to give it a list of 3 things
-;The name of the user as a string, what they said as a string,
-;and the color as a string
-;Object stuff
-(provide make-gui)
-(define (make-gui)
- (begin
- ;;Create the frame
- (define main-frame (new frame%
- [label "Example5"]
- [width 500]
- [height 700]
- ))
- ;;Editing canvas
- (define (do-stuff-paint paint-canvas paint-dc)
- (do-more-stuff-paint listy paint-canvas paint-dc))
- (define (do-more-stuff-paint paint-listy paint-canvas paint-dc)
- (if (null? paint-listy)
- '()
- (begin
- (re-draw-message (get-username-from-list (car paint-listy))
- (get-message-from-list (car paint-listy))
- (get-color-from-list (car paint-listy))
- (get-height-from-list (car paint-listy)))
- (do-more-stuff-paint (cdr paint-listy) paint-canvas paint-dc))))
- (define read-canvas (new canvas%
- [parent main-frame]
- [paint-callback do-stuff-paint]
- [style '(hscroll vscroll)]
- ))
- (send read-canvas init-auto-scrollbars #f #f 0 0);Start with no scrollbars
- ;;text-field stuff
- (define (text-feild-callback callback-type other-thing)
- (if (equal? 'text-field-enter (send other-thing get-event-type))
- (button-do-stuff 'irrelevant 'not-used)
- '()))
- (define input (new text-field%
- [parent main-frame]
- [label "Username:"]
- [callback text-feild-callback]
- ))
- ;;button stuff
- (define (button-do-stuff b e);b and e do nothing :/
- (begin
- (if (color-change-request? (send input get-value))
- (set! my-color (get-color-from-input (send input get-value)))
- (if (< 0 (string-length (send input get-value)))
- (send-message (send input get-value) my-color);;
- '()))
- (send input set-value "")
- ))
- (define send-button (new button%
- [parent main-frame]
- [label "Send"]
- [callback button-do-stuff]))
- ;;I forget what these do but don't move them
- (define dc (send read-canvas get-dc))
- (send dc set-scale 1 1)
- (send dc set-text-foreground "black")
- ;;messaging stuff
- (define (user-message-parse string start)
- (begin
- (define (helper str index)
- (if (eq? (string-ref str (+ start index)) #\~)
- (substring str start (+ start index))
- (helper str (+ index 1))))
- (helper string 0)))
- (define (user-message onetrueinput)
- (begin
- (define username (user-message-parse onetrueinput 0))
- (define input (user-message-parse onetrueinput (+ 1(string-length username))))
- (define color (substring onetrueinput (+ 2 (string-length username) (string-length input))))
- (send dc set-text-foreground color)
- (send dc draw-text (string-append username ":" input) 0 height)
- (set! listy (appendlist listy (list username input color height)))
- (set! height (+ height 15))
- (set! min-v-size (+ min-v-size 15))
- (if (> (* 20 (string-length input)) min-h-size)
- (set! min-h-size (* 20 (string-length input)))
- '())
- (send read-canvas init-auto-scrollbars min-h-size min-v-size 0 1)
- ))
- ;;Add a function that parces input from a string and extracts elements
- ;;This probably won't change...
- (define (send-message input color)
- (user-message (string-append name "~" input "~" color)))
- ;;Although re-draw is kind of misleading, it is just print the whole
- ;;list of strings to the screen
- (define (re-draw-message username input color in-height)
- (begin
- (send dc set-text-foreground color)
- (send dc draw-text (string-append username ":" input) 0 in-height)
- ))
- (define (update given-list)
- (begin (set! listy '())
- (set! height 0)
- (update-helper given-list)))
- (define (update-helper given-list)
- (if (null? given-list)
- '()
- (if (null? (car given-list))
- '()
- (begin (user-message
- (get-username-from-list (car given-list))
- (get-message-from-list (car given-list))
- (get-color-from-list (car given-list)))
- (update-helper (cdr given-list))))))
- ;;Variables go below functions
- (define name "Me")
- (define min-h-size 80)
- (define min-v-size 30)
- (define listy (list (list "Server" "Connected" "Red" 0)))
- (define my-color "black")
- (define height 15)
- ;;dispatch goes below that
- (define (dispatch command)
- (cond ((eq? command 'show) (send main-frame show #t))
- ((eq? command 'send) send-message)
- ((eq? command 'set-name) (lambda (newname) (if (string? newname)
- (set! name newname)
- (print "Thats not good"))))
- ((eq? command 'recieve-message) user-message)
- ((eq? command 'get-list) listy)
- ((eq? command 'set-list) update)
- ;;Something up with that
- (else (error "Invalid Request" command))
- ))
- ;;dispatch goes below that
- dispatch))
-;This one displays information
-;Initilize scrolling
-;Then we need to find out if we need them or not.
-;Listy is going to be a list of lists of strings
-;each element in listy will contain three strings
-;the username the message they said and the color they used
-;The the height the message should display at
-(define (appendlist listoflist add-to-end)
- (if (null? listoflist)
- (cons add-to-end '())
- (cons (car listoflist) (appendlist (cdr listoflist) add-to-end))))
-(define (get-username-from-list in-list)
- (car in-list))
-(define (get-message-from-list in-list)
- (car (cdr in-list)))
-(define (get-color-from-list in-list)
- (car (cdr (cdr in-list))))
-(define (get-height-from-list in-list)
- (car (cdr (cdr (cdr in-list)))))
-;this one is a crap version of justpressing the enter key
-(define (color-change-request? given-string)
- (if (> (string-length given-string) 7)
- (if (equal? (substring given-string 0 6) "/color")
- #t
- #f)
- #f))
-(define (get-color-from-input given-string)
- (substring given-string 7))
-;(define thing1 (make-gui))
-;(define thing2 (make-gui))
diff --git a/Hermes/TODO b/Hermes/TODO
index bbc2930..db51e46 100644
--- a/Hermes/TODO
+++ b/Hermes/TODO
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
5. parser in the client side should do something similar (/color, /quit)
16. plain tcp -> ssl based
-17. fix breaks for improper disconnects from clients
+***17. fix breaks for improper disconnects from clients
18. Add topics after project completion
** regexes to parse strings for different formats -related to 5
** align code better for readability
diff --git a/Hermes/client.rkt b/Hermes/client.rkt
index 9b4e658..91e9991 100644
--- a/Hermes/client.rkt
+++ b/Hermes/client.rkt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#lang racket
-(require "modules/general.rkt" "Hermes_Gui1.3.rkt")
+(require "modules/general.rkt" "GUI.rkt")
(require math/base) ;; for random number generation
;; TODO clean up string message output and alignment
;; TODO close ports after done
@@ -10,13 +10,19 @@
;; notes: output may need to be aligned and formatted nicely
-; we will prompt for these in the gui
+(define hermes-gui (make-gui)) ;; our gui
+((hermes-gui 'show))
+;(sleep 0.25)
(define host3 "localhost")
(define port-num 4321)
(define sleep-t 0.1)
+(define hermes-gui-s (make-semaphore 1))
; we won't need this. Just me being overzealous
-(define hermes-conf (open-output-file "./hermes_client.conf" #:exists'append))
+(define hermes-conf (open-output-file "./hermes_client.conf" #:exists 'append))
(define hermes-conf-s (make-semaphore 1))
(define convs-out (open-output-file "./convs_client.out" #:exists 'append))
@@ -37,8 +43,16 @@
; store username to a file for later retrieval along with relevent
; info used for authentication with server
- (displayln "What's your name?")
- (define username (read-line))
+ ; TODO
+ ; semaphore for gui object
+ ; could display a bubble and prompt for username in GUI object
+ ; create a gui object
+ ; (define hermes-gui (make-gui))
+ ; ((hermes-gui 'show))
+ ;(displayln "What's your name?")
+ ;(define username (read-line))
+ (define username ((hermes-gui 'get-username)))
;send the username to the server (username in out)
(displayln username out)
@@ -59,11 +73,14 @@
(sleep sleep-t)
(displayln-safe "Now waiting for sender thread." error-out-s error-out)
- (thread-wait t) ;; returns prompt back to drracket
+ ; (thread-wait t) ;; returns prompt back to drracket
+ )
+ (lambda ()
(displayln-safe "Closing client ports." error-out-s error-out)
- (close-input-port in)
- (close-output-port out))
- (custodian-shutdown-all main-client-cust))
+ ;(close-input-port in)
+ ;(close-output-port out)
+ (custodian-shutdown-all main-client-cust)))
;; sends a message to the server
@@ -78,18 +95,31 @@
(number->string (date-second date-today))
" | "))
;; read, quits when user types in "quit"
- (define input (read-line))
+ ;; TODO read from GUI instead
+ ;(define input (read-line))
+ ;(semaphore-wait hermes-gui-s)
+ (define input ((hermes-gui 'get-message)))
+ ;(semaphore-post hermes-gui-s)
+ ; TODO prompt for color as well
; TODO /quit instead of quit
- (cond ((string=? input "quit")
+ (cond ((string=? input "/quit")
(displayln (string-append date-print username " signing out. See ya!") out)
(flush-output out)
(close-output-port error-out)
(close-output-port convs-out)
+ ;(custodian-shutdown-all main-client-cust)
(displayln (string-append date-print username ": " input) out)
(flush-output out))
+; a wrap around to call ((hermes-gui 'send) zzz yyy) without complaints from
+; drracket
+(define send-to-gui
+ (lambda (message color)
+ ((hermes-gui 'send) message color)))
; receives input from server and displays it to stdout
(define (receive-messages in)
; retrieve a message from server
@@ -101,9 +131,18 @@
[(string? evt)
- (displayln-safe evt convs-out-s convs-out)] ; could time stamp here or to send message
+ (displayln-safe evt convs-out-s convs-out)
+ ; TODO set color to current client if the message is from him
+ ; otherwise set it to the remote
+ ;(semaphore-wait hermes-gui-s)
+ (send-to-gui evt ((hermes-gui 'get-color)))
+ ;(semaphore-post hermes-gui-s)
+ ] ; could time stamp here or to send message
(displayln-safe (string-append "Nothing received from server for 2 minutes.") convs-out-s convs-out)]))
(displayln-safe "Starting client." error-out-s error-out)
(define stop-client (client 4321))
+;(define stop-client (client 4321))
+; we will prompt for these in the gui
diff --git a/Hermes/server.rkt b/Hermes/server.rkt
index 5eb634d..de615a5 100644
--- a/Hermes/server.rkt
+++ b/Hermes/server.rkt
@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@
(define list-count (regexp-match #px"(.*)/list\\s+count\\s*" evt-t0)) ;; is client asking for number of logged in users
(define list-users (regexp-match #px"(.*)/list\\s+users\\s*" evt-t0)) ;; user names
; do something whether it was a message, a whisper, request for number of users and so on
+ ; TODO if user doesn't exist handle it********
(cond [whisper
(semaphore-wait connections-s)
; get output port for user