diff options
authorIbrahim Mkusa <ibrahimmkusa@gmail.com>2017-04-09 12:59:00 -0400
committerIbrahim Mkusa <ibrahimmkusa@gmail.com>2017-04-09 12:59:00 -0400
commit53bc7d0232eb8e8923d6721fcfd1d37925439c6e (patch)
parente0354fd1c24c2a918d433837b727016474c19c0b (diff)
cleaned up crpovertcp.rkt
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/crpovertcp.rkt b/crpovertcp.rkt
index de04790..57874a8 100644
--- a/crpovertcp.rkt
+++ b/crpovertcp.rkt
@@ -14,28 +14,6 @@
(define can-i-broadcast (make-semaphore 1))
-;; alternative one keep running list of input and output ports directly
-;; broadcasts a message to all connected clients
-(define broadcast-message
- (lambda (message connections)
- (map send_message connections)
- 'ok))
-; port pair -> '(input-port output-port)
-(define (get-input-port port-pair)
- (car port-pair))
-(define (get-output-port port-pair)
- (cadr port-pair))
-;; gets pair of input and output port of a client and sends a message
-(define send-message
- (lambda (client_ports)
- (displayln message (get-output-port (client-ports)))
- (flush-output (get-output-port (client-ports)))
- 'ok))
@@ -100,52 +78,6 @@
(flush-output out)
;; This is a single server communicating directly to the client
-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Server Client communication;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
-(define (serve in-port out-port)
- (let loop []
- (define evt (sync/timeout 2
- (read-line-evt in-port 'any)
- (thread-receive-evt)))
- (cond
- [(not evt)
- (displayln "Timed out, exiting")
- (tcp-abandon-port in-port)
- (tcp-abandon-port out-port)]
- [(string? evt)
- (fprintf out-port "~a~n" evt) ;; echoes back received string
- (flush-output out-port) ;; flushes the buffer
- (loop)] ;; iterates again
- [else
- (printf "Received a message in mailbox: ~a~n"
- (thread-receive))
- (loop)])))
-(define port-num 4322)
-(define (start-server)
- (define listener (tcp-listen port-num))
- (thread
- (lambda ()
- (let loop () ;; the server now loops continously listening in for connections
- (define-values [in-port out-port] (tcp-accept listener))
- ;; lets add this open ports to global list of connections
- (semaphore-wait fair)
- (append connections (list (list in-port out-port)))
- (semaphore-post fair)
- (serve in-port out-port) ; could be do the greeting in here
- (loop)))))
-(define client-thread
- (thread
- (lambda ()
- (define-values [in-port out-port] (tcp-connect "localhost" port-num))
- (display "first\nsecond\nthird\n" out-port)
- (flush-output out-port)
- ; copy-port will block until EOF is read from in-port
- (copy-port in-port (current-output-port)))))