path: root/tests
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authoriskm <iskm@users.noreply.github.com>2017-04-09 22:49:46 -0400
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2017-04-09 22:49:46 -0400
commit385c4f4664ae8157e62f118f15d4c670a4c1356b (patch)
treedcb37e29867a6294e8a321ea535e6e9ecd03c296 /tests
parent4890b61f08698a84e261f162dc2acd404bcc6b6b (diff)
parent44c715c55c239495da8f780276866c0041f04139 (diff)
Merge pull request #1 from oplS17projects/mango0.2
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
11 files changed, 571 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/gui/Gui_Exploration.rkt b/tests/gui/Gui_Exploration.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff4d2d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gui/Gui_Exploration.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#lang racket
+(require racket/gui/base)
+;;Step 1. Create a window to draw into
+(define frame(new frame% [label "Example"]))
+;;I don't know what frame% means, but new must be a procedure
+;;(send frame show #t) Running this command displays the frame
+;;send appears to be a command to be a procedure that takes a frame
+;; followed by a command and a boolean.
+;;the boolean is fed into the command in this case
+;;if you said #f it would close the window
+;;that is usefull
+;;Below is a slight expantion on example code
+;;letting the button be a toggle
+(define frame2 (new frame%[label "Example2"]))
+(define msg (new message% [parent frame2] [label " Nothing "]))
+(define thingy #t)
+(define button-to-click (new button%
+ [parent frame2]
+ [label "Click"]
+ [callback (lambda (button event)
+ (if thingy
+ (begin (set! thingy #f)
+ (send msg set-label "Something"))
+ (begin (set! thingy #t)
+ (send msg set-label " Nothing "))))]))
+;;Frames are okay ish for error messages but the real stuff is
+;;in canvas stuff
+(define my-canvas%
+ (class canvas%
+ (define/override (on-event event)
+ (send msg set-label "Canvas mouse"))
+ (define/override (on-char event)
+ (send msg set-label "Canvas keyboard"))
+ (super-new)));;Don't know what that one means
+(define canvas-thing (new my-canvas% [parent frame2]));;unfortunately
+;;we still need to re-size it manually
+;;Now I wonder if we could create a procedure to make any text
+(define frame3 (new frame%[label "Example3"]))
+(define blank (new message% [parent frame3] [label " "]))
+(define (make-text string) (begin (send blank set-label string)))
+;(send frame3 show #t)
+;(make-text "Hello World") works exactly fine.
+;;Now lets do something more complicated
+;;We want to create a procedure that creates a new line
+;;each time it is called so...
+(define frame4 (new frame%[label "Example4"]))
+;;now blank4 should be a procedure to create multiple lines in the frame
+(define (make-text-line string) (begin (new message%
+ [parent frame4]
+ [label string])))
+;;display with
+;;(send frame4 show #t)
+;;add text with
+;;(make-text-line "Hello World!")
+;;This works for not but there are a few problems
+;;first of all the window starts really small and doesn't restrict
+;;resizing. Second it is always in the middle of the frame
+;;Third, once text is on screen there is no way to get it off
+;;But we can do better
+(define frame5 (new frame%
+ [label "Example5"]
+ [width 300]
+ [height 300]))
+(define canvas5 (new canvas% [parent frame5]
+ [paint-callback
+ (lambda (canvas dc)
+ (send dc set-scale 3 3)
+ (send dc set-text-foreground "blue")
+ (send dc draw-text "Don't Panic!" 0 0))]))
+;;above is the example code to write some simple text, however
+;;we can apply this to what we learned above to make something abit
+(define frame6 (new frame%
+ [label "Example6"]
+ [width 600]
+ [height 700]))
+(define (make-color-text string color)
+ (begin (new canvas%
+ [parent frame6]
+ [paint-callback
+ (lambda (canvas dc)
+ (send dc set-text-foreground color)
+ (send dc draw-text string 0 0 #f))])))
+;;display with
+;;(send frame6 show #t)
+;;write text with
+;;(make-color-text "Hello World!" "purple")
+;;Okay that doesn't exactly work as planned...
+;;the problem with this is that each message is it's own canvas now
+;;not only that but it means we can only print each line in it's
+;;own color. So new plan is to make it so it adds on new strings
+;;to one canvas, adding \n as nessessary. Except nevermind since
+;;\n doesn't exist in this apparently
+;;Lets switch back to text and we can change it later
+(define frame7 (new frame%
+ [label "Example7"]
+ [width 600]
+ [height 200]))
+(define (make-blank-line i)
+ (new message%
+ [parent frame7]
+ [label " "]))
+;;80 space characters
+;;the i is only there to make the build-list command happy
+(define Message-list (build-list 10 make-blank-line))
+;;10 make-blank-lines
+;;that build-list command is super usefull for something like this
+(define (move-down-list list)
+ (if (eq? '() (cdr list))
+ '()
+ (begin
+ (move-down-list (cdr list))
+ (send (car (cdr list)) set-label (send (car list) get-label)))))
+(define (send-word string)
+ (begin
+ (move-down-list Message-list)
+ (send (car Message-list) set-label string)))
+;;display with
+;;(send frame7 show #t)
+;;add text with
+;;(send-word "Hello World")
+;;Now using the send-word command I can make each word appear on the
+;;screen in the place where it used to be. Starting at the top of the
+;;screen and working it's way down the more text is added.
+;;on the bottom line, after adding 10 lines of text, it will remove the bottom
+;;most line \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/gui/windows.rkt b/tests/gui/windows.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4524673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gui/windows.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#lang racket
+(require racket/gui/base)
+;; Create a new window via the frame class
+(define frame (new frame% [label "Example"]))
+;; Show frame(window) by calling it show method
+(send frame show #t) ;; you call object methods via send
diff --git a/tests/gui/windows2.rkt b/tests/gui/windows2.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f60c80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gui/windows2.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#lang racket
+(require racket/gui/base)
+(define frame (new frame%
+ [label "Example"]
+ [width 300]
+ [height 300]))
+(new canvas% [parent frame]
+ [paint-callback
+ (lambda (canvas dc)
+ (send dc set-scale 3 3)
+ (send dc set-text-foreground "blue")
+ (send dc draw-text "Don't Panic!" 0 0))])
+(send frame show #t)
diff --git a/tests/tcpevents/README.md b/tests/tcpevents/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c3ec21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tcpevents/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+TCP communication racket concepts of events. For more see the racket guide.
diff --git a/tests/tcpevents/crpovertcp.rkt b/tests/tcpevents/crpovertcp.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57874a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tcpevents/crpovertcp.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#lang racket
+(require math/base) ;; for random number generation
+;; globals
+;; must control access via semaphore as listener thread or broadcast thread
+;; might need to access it
+(define connections '()) ;; maintains a list of open ports
+;; ((in1, out1), (in2, out2), (in3, out3), (in4, out4) ...)
+;; lets keep thread descriptor values
+(define fair (make-semaphore 1)) ;; managing connections above
+(define can-i-broadcast (make-semaphore 1))
+;; This is a relay server making two clients communicate
+;; Both `server' and `accept-and-handle' change
+;; to use a custodian.
+;; To start server
+;; (define stop (serve 8080))
+;; (stop) to close the server
+(define (serve port-no)
+ (define main-cust (make-custodian))
+ (parameterize ([current-custodian main-cust])
+ (define listener (tcp-listen port-no 5 #t))
+ (define (loop)
+ (accept-and-handle listener)
+ (loop))
+ (thread loop))
+ (lambda ()
+ (displayln "\nGoodbye, shutting down all services\n")
+ (custodian-shutdown-all main-cust)))
+(define (accept-and-handle listener)
+ (define cust (make-custodian))
+ (parameterize ([current-custodian cust])
+ (define-values (in out) (tcp-accept listener))
+ (semaphore-wait fair)
+ ;; keep track of open ports
+ (append connections (list (list in out)))
+ (semaphore-wait fiar)
+ ; thread will communicate to all clients at once in a broadcast
+ ; manner
+ (thread (lambda ()
+ (handle in out) ;; this handles connection with that specific client
+ (close-input-port in)
+ (close-output-port out)))
+ )
+ ;; Watcher thread:
+ ;; kills current thread for waiting too long for connection from
+ ;; clients
+ (thread (lambda ()
+ (sleep 120)
+ (custodian-shutdown-all cust))))
+; (define (handle connections)
+; ())
+;; each thread needs 2 new threads
+(define (handle in out)
+ ; define function to deal with in
+ (define (something-to-say in)
+ (sync/timeout 4 (read-line-evt in 'linefeed)))
+ ; define function to deal with out
+ ; thread them each
+ ; (server-loop in out)
+ (sleep 5) ;; wait 5 seconds to guarantee client has already send message
+ (define echo (read-line in)) ;; bind message to echo
+ (displayln (string-append echo "\n"))
+ ; echo back the message, appending echo
+ ; could regex match the input to extract the name
+ (writeln "Admin: Hello there" out) ;; append "echo " to echo and send back
+ (flush-output out)
+;; This is a single server communicating directly to the client
+;; author: Ibrahim Mkusa
+;; about: print and read concurrently
+;; notes: output may need to be aligned and formatted nicely
+;; look into
+;; https://docs.racket-lang.org/gui/text-field_.html#%28meth._%28%28%28lib._mred%2Fmain..rkt%29._text-field~25%29._get-editor%29%29
+;; create custodian for managing all resources
+;; so we can shutdown everything at once
+;(define guard (make-custodian (current-custodian)))
+;(current-custodian guard)
+;; reads values continously from stdin and redisplays them
+(define (read-loop)
+ (display (read-line))
+ (display "\n")
+ (read-loop)
+ )
+(define input-prompt "input: ")
+(define output-prompt "output: ")
+;; prompt for username and bind to a variable username
+(display "What's your name?\n")
+(define username (read-line))
+(define usernamei (string-append username ": ")) ;; make username appear nicer in a prompt
+;; intelligent read, quits when user types in "quit"
+(define (read-loop-i)
+ ;(semaphore-wait fair)
+ (display usernamei)
+ (define input (read-line))
+ ;; do something over here with input maybe send it out
+ ;; Tests input if its a quit then kills all threads
+ ;; An if would be better here tbh
+ (cond ((string=? input "quit") (begin (kill-thread a)
+ (kill-thread t))))
+ (display (string-append output-prompt input "\n"))
+ ;(semaphore-post fair)
+ (read-loop-i)
+ )
+;; print hello world continously
+;; "(hello-world)" can be executed as part of background thread
+;; that prints in the event there is something in the input port
+(define (hello-world)
+ (sleep (random-integer 0 15)) ;; sleep between 0 and 15 seconds to simulate coms
+ ;; with server
+ ;(semaphore-wait fair)
+ ;; we will retrieve the line printed below from the server
+ ;; at this time we simulate the input from different users
+ (define what-to-print (random-integer 0 2))
+ (if (= what-to-print 0)
+ (display "Doug: What's up, up?\n")
+ (display "Fred: Looking good, good!\n"))
+ ;(semaphore-post fair)
+ (hello-world))
+(define t (thread (lambda ()
+ (read-loop-i))))
+(define a (thread (lambda ()
+ (hello-world))))
+(thread-wait t) ;; returns prompt back to drracket
+;; below doesn't execute
+; (sleep 10)
+; (kill-thread t)
+; (define a (thread (display "hello world!\n")))
+; (display "John: hello soso\n")
+; (display "Emmanuel: cumbaya!!!!\n")
diff --git a/tests/tcpevents/server.rkt b/tests/tcpevents/server.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4313bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tcpevents/server.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#lang racket
+(define (serve in-port out-port)
+ (let loop []
+ (define evt (sync/timeout 2
+ (read-line-evt in-port 'any)
+ (thread-receive-evt)))
+ (cond
+ [(not evt)
+ (displayln "Timed out, exiting")
+ (tcp-abandon-port in-port)
+ (tcp-abandon-port out-port)]
+ [(string? evt)
+ (fprintf out-port "~a~n" evt)
+ (flush-output out-port)
+ (loop)]
+ [else
+ (printf "Received a message in mailbox: ~a~n"
+ (thread-receive))
+ (loop)])))
+(define port-num 4321)
+(define (start-server)
+ (define listener (tcp-listen port-num))
+ (thread
+ (lambda ()
+ (define-values [in-port out-port] (tcp-accept listener))
+ (serve in-port out-port))))
+(define client-thread
+ (thread
+ (lambda ()
+ (define-values [in-port out-port] (tcp-connect "localhost" port-num))
+ (display "first\nsecond\nthird\n" out-port)
+ (flush-output out-port)
+ ; copy-port will block until EOF is read from in-port
+ (copy-port in-port (current-output-port)))))
diff --git a/tests/tcpvanilla/README.md b/tests/tcpvanilla/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8e2883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tcpvanilla/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+a simple experiment on communication via tcp ports
+a server runs continously servicing clients. Clients connect, send a message, and
+server replies with a message. Message should appear in each separate REPL area
+run server.rkt in a REPL
+,en server.rkt
+(define stop (serve 8080)) ;; starts serve listening at port 8080
+(stop) ;; to stop server and free the ports
+run client.rkt in a separate REPL
+,en client.rkt
+(define stop (client 8080)) ;; starts client talking to server at port 8080
diff --git a/tests/tcpvanilla/client.rkt b/tests/tcpvanilla/client.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..967d2b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tcpvanilla/client.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#lang racket
+;; Both `server' and `accept-and-handle' change
+;; to use a custodian.
+;; To start server
+;; (define stop (client 8080))
+;; use your web browser to connect localhost:8080 greeted with "hello world"
+;; (stop) to close the server
+(define (client port-no)
+ (define main-client-cust (make-custodian))
+ (parameterize ([current-custodian main-client-cust])
+ ;; connect to server at port 8080
+ (define-values (in out) (tcp-connect "localhost" port-no)) ;; define values
+ ;; binds to multiple values akin to unpacking tuples in python
+ ; (thread (lambda ()
+ (chat in out)
+ (close-input-port in)
+ (close-output-port out))
+ (custodian-shutdown-all main-client-cust))
+ ; (sleep 60) ;; run for 3 minutes then close
+ ; (define (loop)
+ ; (write (read-line (current-input-port)) out)
+ ; (flush-output out)
+ ; (write (read-line in) (current-output-port))
+ ; (define listener (tcp-listen port-no 5 #t))
+ ; (define (loop)
+ ; (accept-and-handle listener)
+ ; (loop))
+ ; (thread loop)))
+ ; (custodian-shutdown-all main-client-cust)
+ #| (lambda () |#
+ ; (displayln "Goodbye, shutting down client\n")
+ #| (custodian-shutdown-all main-client-cust)) |#
+(define (chat in out)
+ ; (driver-loop in out)
+ (writeln "Ibrahim: Hello, anyone in chat?" out)
+ (flush-output out) ;; ports are buffered in racket must flush or you
+ ;; will read #eof
+ (sleep 10) ;; wait 10 seconds
+ (define serv-message (read-line in))
+ (displayln serv-message) ;; read the servers replay message which is original
+ ;; with echo appended to it
+ )
+; (define input-prompt "Hermes: ")
+(define (driver-loop in out)
+ ; (prompt-for-input input-prompt)
+ (display ">>> ")
+ (define input (read))
+ (writeln (string-append "Ibrahim: " input) out)
+ (flush-output out)
+ ; (sleep 10)
+ (define output (read-line in))
+ (displayln output)
+ (driver-loop in out))
+#| (let ((input (read))) |#
+; )
+; (let ((input (read)))
+; (let ((output (mc-eval input the-global-environment)))
+; (announce-output output-prompt)
+; (user-print output)))
+; (driver-loop))
+; (define (announce-output string)
+; (display string))
+#| |#
diff --git a/tests/tcpvanilla/client2.rkt b/tests/tcpvanilla/client2.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47e3052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tcpvanilla/client2.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#lang racket
+;; Both `server' and `accept-and-handle' change
+;; to use a custodian.
+;; To start server
+;; (define stop (client 8080))
+;; use your web browser to connect localhost:8080 greeted with "hello world"
+;; (stop) to close the server
+(define (client port-no)
+ (define main-client-cust (make-custodian))
+ (parameterize ([current-custodian main-client-cust])
+ ;; connect to server at port 8080
+ (define-values (in out) (tcp-connect "localhost" port-no)) ;; define values
+ ;; binds to multiple values akin to unpacking tuples in python
+ (thread (lambda ()
+ (send-message in out)
+ (close-input-port in)
+ (close-output-port out))))
+ (sleep 20)
+ ; (define (loop)
+ ; (write (read-line (current-input-port)) out)
+ ; (flush-output out)
+ ; (write (read-line in) (current-output-port))
+ ; (define listener (tcp-listen port-no 5 #t))
+ ; (define (loop)
+ ; (accept-and-handle listener)
+ ; (loop))
+ ; (thread loop)))
+ (custodian-shutdown-all main-client-cust)
+ #| (lambda () |#
+ ; (displayln "Goodbye, shutting down client\n")
+ #| (custodian-shutdown-all main-client-cust)) |#)
+(define (send-message input-port output-port)
+ (writeln "Doug: Hello, how's it going?" output-port)
+ (flush-output output-port) ;; ports are buffered in racket must flush or you
+ ;; will read #eof
+ (sleep 10) ;; wait 10 seconds
+ (define serv-message (read-line input-port))
+ (displayln serv-message) ;; read the servers replay message which is original
+ ;; with echo appended to it
+ )
diff --git a/tests/tcpvanilla/server.rkt b/tests/tcpvanilla/server.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf72aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tcpvanilla/server.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#lang racket
+;; Both `server' and `accept-and-handle' change
+;; to use a custodian.
+;; To start server
+;; (define stop (serve 8080))
+;; use your web browser to connect localhost:8080 greeted with "hello world"
+;; (stop) to close the server
+(define (serve port-no)
+ (define main-cust (make-custodian))
+ (parameterize ([current-custodian main-cust])
+ (define listener (tcp-listen port-no 5 #t))
+ (define (loop)
+ (accept-and-handle listener)
+ (loop))
+ (thread loop))
+ (lambda ()
+ (displayln "\nGoodbye, shutting down all services\n")
+ (custodian-shutdown-all main-cust)))
+(define (accept-and-handle listener)
+ (define cust (make-custodian))
+ (parameterize ([current-custodian cust])
+ (define-values (in out) (tcp-accept listener))
+ (thread (lambda ()
+ (handle in out) ;; this handles connection with that specific client
+ (close-input-port in)
+ (close-output-port out))))
+ ;; Watcher thread:
+ (thread (lambda ()
+ (sleep 120)
+ (custodian-shutdown-all cust))))
+(define (handle in out)
+ ; (server-loop in out)
+ (sleep 5) ;; wait 5 seconds to guarantee client has already send message
+ (define echo (read-line in)) ;; bind message to echo
+ (displayln (string-append echo "\n"))
+ ; echo back the message, appending echo
+ ; could regex match the input to extract the name
+ (writeln "Admin: Hello there" out) ;; append "echo " to echo and send back
+ (flush-output out)
+(define input-prompt "Hermes: ")
+(define (server-loop in out)
+ (define echo (read-line in))
+ (displayln echo)
+ (display ">>> ")
+ (define input (read))
+ (writeln (string-append "Admin: " input) out)
+ (flush-output out)
+ ; (sleep 10)
+ (server-loop in out))
diff --git a/tests/tcpvanilla/tcptalk.rkt b/tests/tcpvanilla/tcptalk.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d069851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tcpvanilla/tcptalk.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#lang racket
+(define listener (tcp-listen 8083 5 #t)) ;; listener to service connection requests
+;; client attempts to connect. Receives an input and output port
+(define-values (client-in client-out) (tcp-connect "localhost" 8083))
+;; server accepts the connection request. Also gets a pair of ports
+(define-values (server-in server-out) (tcp-accept listener))
+;; client sends identifying message
+(display (string-append "Client:My name is " "Ibrahim" "\n")
+ client-out)
+(flush-output client-out) ;; must flush as ports are buffered in racket
+;; server receives and reads it
+;; cooler if on separate racket instances
+(read-line server-in) ;; --> "Client:My name is #hostname.
+;; server replies
+(display (string-append "Server:Hi " "Ibrahim" "\n") server-out)
+(flush-output server-out) ;; flush flush
+;; client displays server message
+(read-line client-in)
+(close-output-port server-out)
+(close-output-port client-out)
+(read-line client-in) ;; --> eof object #eof
+(read-line server-in) ;; --> eof object #eof
+(tcp-close listener)
+; (custodian-shutdown-all (current-custodian)) ;; release all resources including
+ ;; tcp, file, custom ports
+ ;; application exits