path: root/zh-cn
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authorKevin Fangzhou Chen <>2014-07-07 15:45:12 +0800
committerKevin Fangzhou Chen <>2014-07-07 15:45:12 +0800
commit12b74ada30ef587a85855040f41f2ac5bb09750d (patch)
tree18341fcec432e772b4e19ce3ba2eb9546d20131a /zh-cn
parent821464185ac044a0812584ac794049947d25b736 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'zh-cn')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/zh-cn/markdown-cn.html.markdown b/zh-cn/markdown-cn.html.markdown
index f27722ba..4f4b4c51 100644
--- a/zh-cn/markdown-cn.html.markdown
+++ b/zh-cn/markdown-cn.html.markdown
@@ -19,130 +19,121 @@ Markdown 由 John Gruber 于 2004年创立. 它旨在成为一门容易读写的
-<!-- Markdown also varies in implementation from one parser to a next. This
-guide will attempt to clarify when features are universal or when they are
-specific to a certain parser. -->
-<!-- Headers -->
-<!-- You can create HTML elements <h1> through <h6> easily by prepending the
-text you want to be in that element by a number of hashes (#) -->
-# This is an <h1>
-## This is an <h2>
-### This is an <h3>
-#### This is an <h4>
-##### This is an <h5>
-###### This is an <h6>
-<!-- Markdown also provides us with two alternative ways of indicating h1 and h2 -->
-This is an h1
+<!-- 在不同的解析器中,Markdown的实现方法有所不同。此教程会指出当某功能是否通用及是否只对某一解析器有效。 -->
+<!-- 标头 -->
+<!-- 通过在文本前加上不同数量的hash(#), 你可以创建相对应的 <h1> 到 <h6> HTML元素。 -->
+# 这是一个 <h1>
+## 这是一个 <h2>
+### 这是一个 <h3>
+#### 这是一个 <h4>
+##### 这是一个 <h5>
+###### 这是一个 <h6>
+<!-- 对于 <h1> 和 <h2> 元素,Markdown 额外提供了两种添加方式。 -->
+这是一个 h1
-This is an h2
+这是一个 h2
-<!-- Simple text styles -->
-<!-- Text can be easily styled as italic, bold, or strikethrough using markdown -->
+<!-- 简易文本样式 -->
+<!-- 文本的斜体,粗体,和删除线在Markdown中可以轻易的被实现。-->
-*This text is in italics.*
-_And so is this text._
-**This text is in bold.**
-__And so is this text.__
-***This text is in both.***
-**_As is this!_**
-*__And this!__*
-<!-- In Github Flavored Markdown, which is used to render markdown files on
-Github, we also have: -->
+<!-- 在Github采用的Markdown中 -->
-~~This text is rendered with strikethrough.~~
-<!-- Paragraphs are a one or multiple adjacent lines of text separated by one or
-multiple blank lines. -->
+<!-- 单个段落由一句或多句邻近的句子组成,这些句子由一个或多个空格分隔。 -->
-This is a paragraph. I'm typing in a paragraph isn't this fun?
+这是第一段落. 这句话在同一个段落里,好玩么?
-Now I'm in paragraph 2.
-I'm still in paragraph 2 too!
-I'm in paragraph three!
+<!-- 如果你插入一个HTML中的<br />标签,你可以在段末加入两个以上的空格,
-<!-- Should you ever want to insert an HTML <br /> tag, you can end a paragraph
-with two or more spaces and then begin a new paragraph. -->
-I end with two spaces (highlight me to see them).
+上文有一个 <br /> !
-There's a <br /> above me!
+<!-- 段落引用可由 > 字符轻松实现。 -->
-<!-- Block quotes are easy and done with the > character. -->
+> 这是一个段落引用. 你可以
+> 手动断开你的句子,然后在每句句子前面添加 “>” 字符。或者让你的句子变得很长,以至于他们自动得断开。
+> 只要你的文字以“>” 字符开头,两种方式无异。
-> This is a block quote. You can either
-> manually wrap your lines and put a `>` before every line or you can let your lines get really long and wrap on their own.
-> It doesn't make a difference so long as they start with a `>`.
+> 你也对文本进行
+>> 多层引用
+> 这多机智啊!
-> You can also use more than one level
->> of indentation?
-> How neat is that?
+<!-- 序列 -->
+<!-- 无序序列可由星号,加号或者减号来建立 -->
-<!-- Lists -->
-<!-- Unordered lists can be made using asterisks, pluses, or hyphens -->
+* 项目
+* 项目
+* 另一个项目
-* Item
-* Item
-* Another item
++ 项目
++ 项目
++ 另一个项目
-+ Item
-+ Item
-+ One more item
+- 项目
+- 项目
+- 最后一个项目
-- Item
-- Item
-- One last item
+<!-- 有序序列可由数字加点来实现 -->
-<!-- Ordered lists are done with a number followed by a period -->
+1. 项目一
+2. 项目二
+3. 项目三
-1. Item one
-2. Item two
-3. Item three
+<!-- 即使你的标签数字有误,Markdown依旧会呈现出正确的序号,不过这并不是一个好主意-->
-<!-- You don't even have to label the items correctly and markdown will still
-render the numbers in order, but this may not be a good idea -->
+1. 项目一
+1. 项目二
+1. 项目三
+<!-- (此段与前例一模一样) -->
-1. Item one
-1. Item two
-1. Item three
-<!-- (This renders the same as the above example) -->
+<!-- 你也可以使用子序列 -->
-<!-- You can also use sublists -->
+1. 项目一
+2. 项目二
+3. 项目三
+ * 子项目
+ * 子项目
+4. 项目四
-1. Item one
-2. Item two
-3. Item three
- * Sub-item
- * Sub-item
-4. Item four
-<!-- Code blocks -->
-<!-- You can indicate a code block (which uses the <code> element) by indenting
-a line with four spaces or a tab -->
+<!-- 代码段落 -->
+<!-- 代码段落(HTML中<code>标签)可以由缩进四格(spaces)或者一个标签页(tab)实现-->
This is code
So is this
-<!-- You can also re-tab (or add an additional four spaces) for indentation
-inside your code -->
+<!-- 在你的代码中,你仍然使用tab可以进行缩进操作 -->
my_array.each do |item|
puts item
-<!-- Inline code can be created using the backtick character ` -->
+<!-- 内联代码可由反引号 ` 实现 -->
John didn't even know what the `go_to()` function did!